► src | |
► ai | |
ai.hpp | Base functions for all AIs |
ai_config.cpp | Implementation of AIConfig |
ai_config.hpp | AIConfig stores the configuration settings of every AI |
ai_core.cpp | Implementation of AI |
ai_gui.cpp | Window for configuring the AIs |
ai_gui.hpp | Window for configuring the AIs
ai_info.cpp | Implementation of AIInfo and AILibrary |
ai_info.hpp | AIInfo keeps track of all information of an AI, like Author, Description, .. |
ai_instance.cpp | Implementation of AIInstance |
ai_instance.hpp | The AIInstance tracks an AI |
ai_scanner.cpp | Allows scanning AI scripts |
ai_scanner.hpp | Declarations of the class for AI scanner |
► blitter | |
32bpp_anim.cpp | Implementation of the optimized 32 bpp blitter with animation support |
32bpp_anim.hpp | A 32 bpp blitter with animation support |
32bpp_anim_sse2.cpp | |
32bpp_anim_sse2.hpp | |
32bpp_anim_sse4.cpp | Implementation of the SSE4 32 bpp blitter with animation support |
32bpp_anim_sse4.hpp | A SSE4 32 bpp blitter with animation support |
32bpp_base.cpp | Implementation of base for 32 bpp blitters |
32bpp_base.hpp | Base for all 32 bits blitters |
32bpp_optimized.cpp | Implementation of the optimized 32 bpp blitter |
32bpp_optimized.hpp | Optimized 32 bpp blitter |
32bpp_simple.cpp | Implementation of the simple 32 bpp blitter |
32bpp_simple.hpp | Simple 32 bpp blitter |
32bpp_sse2.cpp | Implementation of the SSE2 32 bpp blitter |
32bpp_sse2.hpp | SSE2 32 bpp blitter |
32bpp_sse4.cpp | Implementation of the SSE4 32 bpp blitter |
32bpp_sse4.hpp | SSE4 32 bpp blitter |
32bpp_sse_func.hpp | Functions related to SSE 32 bpp blitter |
32bpp_sse_type.h | Types related to SSE 32 bpp blitter |
32bpp_ssse3.cpp | Implementation of the SSSE3 32 bpp blitter |
32bpp_ssse3.hpp | SSSE3 32 bpp blitter |
40bpp_anim.cpp | |
40bpp_anim.hpp | |
8bpp_base.cpp | Implementation of the base for all 8 bpp blitters |
8bpp_base.hpp | Base for all 8 bpp blitters |
8bpp_optimized.cpp | Implementation of the optimized 8 bpp blitter |
8bpp_optimized.hpp | An optimized 8 bpp blitter |
8bpp_simple.cpp | Implementation of the simple 8 bpp blitter |
8bpp_simple.hpp | Simple (and slow) 8 bpp blitter |
base.hpp | Base for all blitters |
common.hpp | Common functionality for all blitter implementations |
factory.hpp | Factory to 'query' all available blitters |
null.cpp | A blitter that doesn't blit |
null.hpp | The blitter that doesn't blit |
► core | |
alloc_type.hpp | Helper types related to the allocation of memory |
backup_type.hpp | Class for backupping variables and making sure they are restored later |
base_bitset_type.hpp | Base for bitset types that accept strong types, i.e |
bitmath_func.hpp | Functions related to bit mathematics |
container_func.hpp | Some simple functions to help with accessing containers |
convertible_through_base.hpp | Concept for unifying the convert through 'base()' behaviour of several 'strong' types |
endian_func.hpp | Function to handling different endian machines |
enum_type.hpp | Type (helpers) for enums |
format.hpp | String formatting functions and helpers |
geometry_func.cpp | Geometry functions |
geometry_func.hpp | Geometry functions |
geometry_type.hpp | All geometry types in OpenTTD |
kdtree.hpp | K-d tree template specialised for 2-dimensional Manhattan geometry |
math_func.cpp | Math functions |
math_func.hpp | Integer math functions |
mem_func.hpp | Functions related to memory operations |
multimap.hpp | Multimap with deterministic ordering of items with equal keys |
overflowsafe_type.hpp | An overflow safe integer-like type |
pool_func.cpp | Implementation of PoolBase methods |
pool_func.hpp | Some methods of Pool are placed here in order to reduce compilation time and binary size |
pool_type.hpp | Definition of Pool, structure used to access PoolItems, and PoolItem, base structure for Vehicle, Town, and other indexed items |
random_func.cpp | Implementation of the pseudo random generator |
random_func.hpp | Pseudo random number generator |
smallstack_type.hpp | Minimal stack that uses a pool to avoid pointers and doesn't allocate any heap memory if there is only one valid item |
strong_typedef_type.hpp | Type (helpers) for making a strong typedef that is a distinct type |
► fontcache | |
freetypefontcache.cpp | FreeType font cache implementation |
spritefontcache.cpp | Sprite fontcache implementation |
spritefontcache.h | Sprite font cache implementation definition |
truetypefontcache.cpp | Common base implementation for font file based font caches |
truetypefontcache.h | Common base definition for font file based font caches |
► game | |
game.hpp | Base functions for all Games |
game_config.cpp | Implementation of GameConfig |
game_config.hpp | GameConfig stores the configuration settings of every Game |
game_core.cpp | Implementation of Game |
game_gui.cpp | Window for configuring the Game Script |
game_gui.hpp | Window for configuring the Games
game_info.cpp | Implementation of GameInfo |
game_info.hpp | GameInfo keeps track of all information of an Game, like Author, Description, .. |
game_instance.cpp | Implementation of GameInstance |
game_instance.hpp | The GameInstance tracks games |
game_scanner.cpp | Allows scanning Game scripts |
game_scanner.hpp | Declarations of the class for Game scanner |
game_text.cpp | Implementation of handling translated strings |
game_text.hpp | Base functions regarding game texts |
► linkgraph | |
demands.cpp | Definition of demand calculating link graph handler |
demands.h | Declaration of demand calculating link graph handler |
flowmapper.cpp | Definition of flowmapper |
flowmapper.h | Declaration of flow mapper; maps paths into flows at nodes |
init.h | Declaration of initializing link graph handler |
linkgraph.cpp | Definition of link graph classes used for cargo distribution |
linkgraph.h | Declaration of link graph classes used for cargo distribution |
linkgraph_base.h | Some typedefs for the main game |
linkgraph_gui.cpp | Implementation of linkgraph overlay GUI |
linkgraph_gui.h | Declaration of linkgraph overlay GUI |
linkgraph_type.h | Declaration of link graph types used for cargo distribution |
linkgraphjob.cpp | Definition of link graph job classes used for cargo distribution |
linkgraphjob.h | Declaration of link graph job classes used for cargo distribution |
linkgraphjob_base.h | Some typedefs for component handlers |
linkgraphschedule.cpp | Definition of link graph schedule used for cargo distribution |
linkgraphschedule.h | Declaration of link graph schedule used for cargo distribution |
mcf.cpp | Definition of Multi-Commodity-Flow solver |
mcf.h | Declaration of Multi-Commodity-Flow solver |
refresh.cpp | |
refresh.h | Definition of link refreshing utility |
► misc | |
binaryheap.hpp | Binary heap implementation |
dbg_helpers.cpp | Helpers for outputting debug information |
dbg_helpers.h | Functions to be used for debug printings |
endian_buffer.hpp | Endian-aware buffer |
getoptdata.cpp | Library for parsing command line options |
getoptdata.h | Library for parsing command-line options |
hashtable.hpp | Hash table support |
lrucache.hpp | Size limited cache map with a least recently used eviction strategy |
► music | |
allegro_m.cpp | Playing music via allegro |
allegro_m.h | Base support for playing music via allegro |
bemidi.cpp | Support for BeOS midi |
bemidi.h | Base of BeOS Midi support |
cocoa_m.cpp | MIDI music player for MacOS X using CoreAudio |
cocoa_m.h | Base of music playback via CoreAudio |
dmusic.cpp | Playing music via DirectMusic |
dmusic.h | Base of playing music via DirectMusic |
extmidi.cpp | Playing music via an external player |
extmidi.h | Base support for playing music via an external application |
fluidsynth.cpp | Playing music via the fluidsynth library |
fluidsynth.h | Base for FluidSynth music playback |
midi.h | |
midifile.cpp | |
midifile.hpp | |
music_driver.hpp | Base for all music playback |
null_m.cpp | The music playback that is silent |
null_m.h | Base for the silent music playback |
win32_m.cpp | Music playback for Windows |
win32_m.h | Base for Windows music playback |
► network | |
► core | |
address.cpp | Implementation of the address |
address.h | Wrapper for network addresses |
config.cpp | Configuration of the connection strings for network stuff using environment variables |
config.h | Configuration options of the network stuff |
core.cpp | Functions used to initialize/shut down the core network |
core.h | Base for all network types (UDP and TCP) |
host.cpp | Functions related to getting host specific data (IPs) |
host.h | Resolving of hostnames/IPs |
http.h | Basic functions to send and receive HTTP packets |
http_curl.cpp | CURL-based implementation for HTTP requests |
http_none.cpp | |
http_shared.h | Shared functions for implementations of HTTP requests |
http_winhttp.cpp | WinHTTP-based implementation for HTTP requests |
network_game_info.cpp | |
network_game_info.h | |
os_abstraction.cpp | OS specific implementations of functions of the OS abstraction layer for network stuff |
os_abstraction.h | Network stuff has many things that needs to be included and/or implemented by default |
packet.cpp | Basic functions to create, fill and read packets |
packet.h | Basic functions to create, fill and read packets |
tcp.cpp | Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets |
tcp.h | Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets |
tcp_admin.cpp | Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets to and from the admin network |
tcp_admin.h | Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets to and from the admin network |
tcp_connect.cpp | Basic functions to create connections without blocking |
tcp_content.cpp | Basic functions to receive and send Content packets |
tcp_content.h | Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets to/from the content server |
tcp_content_type.h | Basic types related to the content on the content server |
tcp_coordinator.cpp | Basic functions to receive and send Game Coordinator packets |
tcp_coordinator.h | Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets to/from the Game Coordinator server |
tcp_game.cpp | Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets for game purposes |
tcp_game.h | Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets for game purposes |
tcp_listen.h | Basic functions to listen for TCP connections |
tcp_stun.cpp | Basic functions to receive and send STUN packets |
tcp_stun.h | Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets to/from the STUN server |
tcp_turn.cpp | Basic functions to receive and send TURN packets |
tcp_turn.h | Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets to/from the TURN server |
udp.cpp | Basic functions to receive and send UDP packets |
udp.h | Basic functions to receive and send UDP packets |
network.cpp | Base functions for networking support |
network.h | Basic functions/variables used all over the place |
network_admin.cpp | Server part of the admin network protocol |
network_admin.h | Server part of the admin network protocol |
network_base.h | Base core network types and some helper functions to access them |
network_chat_gui.cpp | GUI for handling chat messages |
network_client.cpp | Client part of the network protocol |
network_client.h | Client part of the network protocol |
network_command.cpp | Command handling over network connections |
network_content.cpp | Content sending/receiving part of the network protocol |
network_content.h | Part of the network protocol handling content distribution |
network_content_gui.cpp | Implementation of the Network Content related GUIs |
network_content_gui.h | User interface for downloading files |
network_coordinator.cpp | Game Coordinator sending/receiving part of the network protocol |
network_coordinator.h | Part of the network protocol handling Game Coordinator requests |
network_crypto.cpp | Implementation of the network specific cryptography helpers |
network_crypto.h | Crypto specific bits of the network handling |
network_crypto_internal.h | Internal bits to the crypto of the network handling |
network_func.h | Network functions used by other parts of OpenTTD |
network_gamelist.cpp | This file handles the GameList Also, it handles the request to a server for data about the server |
network_gamelist.h | Handling of the list of games |
network_gui.cpp | Implementation of the Network related GUIs |
network_gui.h | GUIs related to networking |
network_internal.h | Variables and function used internally |
network_query.cpp | Query part of the network protocol |
network_query.h | Query part of the network protocol |
network_server.cpp | Server part of the network protocol |
network_server.h | Server part of the network protocol |
network_stun.cpp | STUN sending/receiving part of the network protocol |
network_stun.h | Part of the network protocol handling STUN requests |
network_survey.cpp | Opt-in survey part of the network protocol |
network_survey.h | Part of the network protocol handling opt-in survey |
network_turn.cpp | TURN sending/receiving part of the network protocol |
network_turn.h | Part of the network protocol handling TURN requests |
network_type.h | Types used for networking |
network_udp.cpp | This file handles the UDP related communication |
network_udp.h | Sending and receiving UDP messages |
► os | |
► macosx | |
crashlog_osx.cpp | OS X crash log handler |
font_osx.cpp | Functions related to font handling on MacOS |
font_osx.h | Functions related to font handling on MacOS |
macos.h | Functions related to MacOS support |
osx_main.cpp | |
osx_stdafx.h | OSX is different on some places |
string_osx.cpp | Functions related to localized text support on OSX |
string_osx.h | Functions related to localized text support on OSX |
survey_osx.cpp | OSX implementation of OS-specific survey information |
► unix | |
crashlog_unix.cpp | Unix crash log handler |
font_unix.cpp | Functions related to font handling on Unix/Fontconfig |
library_loader_unix.cpp | Implementation of the LibraryLoader for Linux / MacOS |
survey_unix.cpp | Unix implementation of OS-specific survey information |
unix.cpp | Implementation of Unix specific file handling |
unix_main.cpp | Main entry for Mac OSX |
► windows | |
crashlog_win.cpp | Implementation of a crashlogger for Windows |
font_win32.cpp | Functions related to font handling on Win32 |
font_win32.h | Functions related to font handling on Win32 |
library_loader_win.cpp | Implementation of the LibraryLoader for Windows |
string_uniscribe.cpp | Functions related to laying out text on Win32 |
string_uniscribe.h | Functions related to laying out text on Win32 |
survey_win.cpp | Windows implementation of OS-specific survey information |
win32.cpp | Implementation of MS Windows system calls |
win32.h | Declarations of functions for MS windows systems |
win32_main.cpp | Implementation main for Windows |
► pathfinder | |
► yapf | |
nodelist.hpp | List of nodes used for the A-star pathfinder |
yapf.h | Entry point for OpenTTD to YAPF |
yapf.hpp | Base includes/functions for YAPF |
yapf_base.hpp | Base classes for YAPF |
yapf_cache.h | Entry point for OpenTTD to YAPF's cache |
yapf_common.hpp | Commonly used classes for YAPF |
yapf_costbase.hpp | Handling of cost determination |
yapf_costcache.hpp | Caching of segment costs |
yapf_costrail.hpp | Cost determination for rails |
yapf_destrail.hpp | Determining the destination for rail vehicles |
yapf_node.hpp | Node in the pathfinder's graph |
yapf_node_rail.hpp | Node tailored for rail pathfinding |
yapf_node_road.hpp | Node tailored for road pathfinding |
yapf_node_ship.hpp | Node tailored for ship pathfinding |
yapf_rail.cpp | The rail pathfinding |
yapf_road.cpp | The road pathfinding |
yapf_ship.cpp | Implementation of YAPF for ships |
yapf_ship_regions.cpp | Implementation of YAPF for water regions, which are used for finding intermediate ship destinations |
yapf_ship_regions.h | Implementation of YAPF for water regions, which are used for finding intermediate ship destinations |
yapf_type.hpp | Types used by YAPF |
aystar.cpp | Implementation of A* |
aystar.h | This file has the header for AyStar |
follow_track.hpp | Template function for track followers |
pathfinder_func.h | General functions related to pathfinders |
pathfinder_type.h | General types related to pathfinders |
water_regions.cpp | Handles dividing the water in the map into square regions to assist pathfinding |
water_regions.h | Handles dividing the water in the map into regions to assist pathfinding |
► saveload | |
► compat | |
ai_sl_compat.h | Loading for ai chunks before table headers were added |
animated_tile_sl_compat.h | Loading for animated_tile chunks before table headers were added |
autoreplace_sl_compat.h | Loading for autoreplace chunks before table headers were added |
cargomonitor_sl_compat.h | Loading for cargomonitor chunks before table headers were added |
cargopacket_sl_compat.h | Loading for cargopacket chunks before table headers were added |
cheat_sl_compat.h | Loading for cheat chunks before table headers were added |
company_sl_compat.h | Loading of company chunks before table headers were added |
depot_sl_compat.h | Loading for depot chunks before table headers were added |
economy_sl_compat.h | Loading for economy chunks before table headers were added |
engine_sl_compat.h | Loading for engine chunks before table headers were added |
game_sl_compat.h | Loading for game chunks before table headers were added |
gamelog_sl_compat.h | Loading for gamelog chunks before table headers were added |
goal_sl_compat.h | Loading of goal chunks before table headers were added |
group_sl_compat.h | Loading of group chunks before table headers were added |
industry_sl_compat.h | Loading of industry chunks before table headers were added |
labelmaps_sl_compat.h | Loading of labelmaps chunks before table headers were added |
linkgraph_sl_compat.h | Loading of linkgraph chunks before table headers were added |
map_sl_compat.h | Loading for map chunks before table headers were added |
misc_sl_compat.h | Loading for misc chunks before table headers were added |
newgrf_sl_compat.h | Loading of newgrf chunks before table headers were added |
object_sl_compat.h | Loading of object chunks before table headers were added |
order_sl_compat.h | Loading of order chunks before table headers were added |
settings_sl_compat.h | Loading of settings chunks before table headers were added |
signs_sl_compat.h | Loading of signs chunks before table headers were added |
station_sl_compat.h | Loading of station chunks before table headers were added |
storage_sl_compat.h | Loading of storage chunks before table headers were added |
story_sl_compat.h | Loading for story chunks before table headers were added |
subsidy_sl_compat.h | Loading of subsidy chunks before table headers were added |
town_sl_compat.h | Loading of town chunks before table headers were added |
vehicle_sl_compat.h | Loading of vehicle chunks before table headers were added |
afterload.cpp | Code updating data after game load |
ai_sl.cpp | Handles the saveload part of the AIs |
airport_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading airport ids |
animated_tile_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of animated tiles |
autoreplace_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of autoreplace rules |
cargomonitor_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of Cargo monitoring |
cargopacket_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of cargo packets |
cheat_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of cheats |
company_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of company data |
depot_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of depots |
economy_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of economy data |
engine_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of engines |
game_sl.cpp | Handles the saveload part of the GameScripts |
gamelog_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of gamelog data |
goal_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of goals |
group_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of economy data |
industry_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of industries |
labelmaps_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of rail type label mappings |
league_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of league tables |
linkgraph_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of link graphs |
map_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of map |
misc_sl.cpp | Saving and loading of things that didn't fit anywhere else |
newgrf_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of newgrf config |
newgrf_sl.h | Code handling saving and loading of NewGRF mappings |
object_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of objects |
oldloader.cpp | Functions for handling of TTO/TTD/TTDP savegames |
oldloader.h | Declarations of structures and functions used in loader of old savegames |
oldloader_sl.cpp | Chunks and fix-ups for TTO/TTD/TTDP savegames |
order_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of orders |
randomizer_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of script randomizers |
saveload.cpp | All actions handling saving and loading goes on in this file |
saveload.h | Functions/types related to saving and loading games |
saveload_error.hpp | |
saveload_filter.h | Declaration of filters used for saving and loading savegames |
saveload_internal.h | Declaration of functions used in more save/load files |
settings_sl.cpp | Handles the saveload part of the settings |
signs_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of economy data |
station_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of stations |
storage_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of persistent storages |
story_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of story pages |
strings_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of strings |
subsidy_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of subsidies |
town_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of towns and houses |
vehicle_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of vehicles |
water_regions_sl.cpp | Handles saving and loading of water region data |
waypoint_sl.cpp | Code handling saving and loading of waypoints |
► script | |
script_cmd.h | Command definitions related to scripts |
script_config.cpp | Implementation of ScriptConfig |
script_config.hpp | ScriptConfig stores the configuration settings of every Script |
script_fatalerror.hpp | The definition of Script_FatalError |
script_gui.cpp | Window for configuring the Scripts |
script_gui.h | |
script_info.cpp | Implementation of ScriptInfo |
script_info.hpp | ScriptInfo keeps track of all information of a script, like Author, Description, .. |
script_info_dummy.cpp | Implementation of a dummy Script |
script_instance.cpp | Implementation of ScriptInstance |
script_instance.hpp | The ScriptInstance tracks a script |
script_scanner.cpp | Allows scanning for scripts |
script_scanner.hpp | Declarations of the class for the script scanner |
script_storage.hpp | Defines ScriptStorage and includes all files required for it |
script_suspend.hpp | The Script_Suspend tracks the suspension of a script |
squirrel.cpp | Implementation of the Squirrel class |
squirrel.hpp | Defines the Squirrel class |
squirrel_class.hpp | Defines templates for converting C++ classes to Squirrel classes |
squirrel_helper.hpp | Declarations and parts of the implementation of the class for convert code |
squirrel_helper_type.hpp | Helper structs for converting Squirrel data structures to C++ |
squirrel_std.cpp | Implements the Squirrel Standard Function class |
squirrel_std.hpp | Defines the Squirrel Standard Function class |
► settingsgen | |
settingsgen.cpp | Tool to create computer-readable settings |
► sound | |
allegro_s.cpp | Playing sound via Allegro |
allegro_s.h | Base for playing sound via Allegro |
cocoa_s.cpp | Sound driver for cocoa |
cocoa_s.h | Base for Cocoa sound handling |
null_s.cpp | The sound driver that doesn't produce sound |
null_s.h | Base for the sound of silence |
sdl2_s.cpp | Playing sound via SDL2 |
sdl_s.h | Base for playing sound via SDL |
sound_driver.hpp | Base for all sound drivers |
win32_s.cpp | Handling of sound for Windows |
win32_s.h | Base for Windows sound handling |
xaudio2_s.cpp | XAudio2 sound driver |
xaudio2_s.h | Base for XAudio2 sound handling |
► spriteloader | |
grf.cpp | Reading graphics data from (New)GRF files |
grf.hpp | Base for reading sprites from (New)GRFs |
makeindexed.cpp | Implementation for converting sprites from another source from 32bpp RGBA to indexed 8bpp |
makeindexed.h | Base for converting sprites from another source from 32bpp RGBA to indexed 8bpp |
sprite_file.cpp | Implementation of logic specific to the SpriteFile class |
sprite_file_type.hpp | Random Access File specialised for accessing sprites |
spriteloader.hpp | Base for loading sprites |
► strgen | |
strgen.cpp | Tool to create computer readable (stand-alone) translation files |
strgen.h | Structures related to strgen |
strgen_base.cpp | Tool to create computer readable (stand-alone) translation files |
► table | |
airport_defaults.h | Tables with default values for airports and airport tiles |
airport_movement.h | Heart of the airports and their finite state machines |
airporttile_ids.h | Enum of the default airport tiles |
airporttiles.h | Tables with airporttile defaults |
animcursors.h | This file defines all the the animated cursors |
autorail.h | Highlight/sprite information for autorail |
bridge_land.h | This file contains all the sprites for bridges It consists of a number of arrays |
build_industry.h | Tables with default industry layouts and behaviours |
cargo_const.h | Table of all default cargo types |
clear_land.h | Tables with sprites for clear land and fences |
control_codes.h | Control codes that are embedded in the translation strings |
elrail_data.h | Stores all the data for overhead wire and pylon drawing |
engines.h | This file contains all the data for vehicles |
genland.h | Table used to generate deserts and/or rainforests |
heightmap_colours.h | The colour tables for heightmaps |
industry_land.h | Information about the behaviour of the default industry tiles |
landscape_sprite.h | Offsets of sprites to replace for non-temperate landscapes |
newgrf_debug_data.h | Data 'tables' for NewGRF debugging |
object_land.h | Sprites to use and how to display them for object tiles |
opengl_shader.h | OpenGL shader programs |
palette_convert.h | Translation tables from one GRF to another GRF |
palettes.h | The colour translation of the GRF palettes |
pricebase.h | Price Bases |
railtypes.h | All the railtype-specific information is stored here |
road_land.h | Sprite constructs for road depots |
roadtypes.h | All the roadtype-specific information is stored here |
roadveh_movement.h | Data about how a road vehicle must drive on a tile |
sprites.h | This file contains all sprite-related enums and defines |
station_land.h | Sprites to use and how to display them for station tiles |
strgen_tables.h | Tables of commands for strgen |
string_colours.h | The colour translation of GRF's strings |
town_land.h | Sprites to use and how to display them for town tiles |
townname.h | Namepart tables for the town name generator |
track_land.h | Sprites to use and how to display them for train depot tiles |
train_sprites.h | Sprites to use for trains |
tree_land.h | Sprites to use and how to display them for tree tiles |
unicode.h | Character mapping for using Unicode characters in OTTD |
water_land.h | Sprites to use and how to display them for water tiles (depots/locks) |
► tests | |
bitmath_func.cpp | Test functionality from core/bitmath_func |
enum_over_optimisation.cpp | Test whether we do not trigger an over optimisation of enums |
landscape_partial_pixel_z.cpp | Tests for consistency/validity of the results of GetPartialPixelZ |
math_func.cpp | Test functionality from core/math_func |
mock_environment.h | Singleton instance to create a mock FontCache/SpriteCache environment |
mock_fontcache.h | Mock font cache implementation definition |
mock_spritecache.cpp | Mock sprite cache implementation |
mock_spritecache.h | Mock sprite cache definition |
string_func.cpp | Test functionality from string_func |
test_main.cpp | Entry point for all the unit tests |
test_network_crypto.cpp | Tests for network related crypto functions |
test_script_admin.cpp | |
test_window_desc.cpp | Test WindowDescs for valid widget parts |
► timer | |
timer.h | Definition of Interval and OneShot timers |
timer_game_calendar.cpp | This file implements the timer logic for the game-calendar-timer |
timer_game_calendar.h | Definition of the game-calendar-timer |
timer_game_common.cpp | This file implements the common timer logic for the game-calendar timers |
timer_game_common.h | Definition of the common class inherited by both calendar and economy timers |
timer_game_economy.cpp | This file implements the timer logic for the game-economy-timer |
timer_game_economy.h | Definition of the game-economy-timer |
timer_game_realtime.cpp | This file implements the timer logic for the real time game-timer |
timer_game_realtime.h | Definition of the real time game-timer |
timer_game_tick.cpp | This file implements the timer logic for the tick-based game-timer |
timer_game_tick.h | Definition of the tick-based game-timer |
timer_manager.h | Definition of the TimerManager |
timer_window.cpp | This file implements the timer logic for the Window system |
timer_window.h | Definition of the Window system |
► video | |
► cocoa | |
cocoa_keys.h | Mappings of Cocoa keys |
cocoa_ogl.h | The Cocoa OpenGL video driver |
cocoa_v.h | The Cocoa video driver |
cocoa_wnd.h | OS interface for the cocoa video driver |
allegro_v.cpp | Implementation of the Allegro video driver |
allegro_v.h | Base of the Allegro video driver |
dedicated_v.cpp | Dedicated server video 'driver' |
dedicated_v.h | Base for the dedicated video driver |
null_v.cpp | The video driver that doesn't blit |
null_v.h | Base of the video driver that doesn't blit |
opengl.cpp | |
opengl.h | OpenGL video driver support |
sdl2_default_v.cpp | Implementation of the default backend for SDL2 video driver |
sdl2_default_v.h | Default backend of the SDL2 video driver |
sdl2_opengl_v.cpp | Implementation of the OpenGL backend for SDL2 video driver |
sdl2_opengl_v.h | OpenGL backend of the SDL2 video driver |
sdl2_v.cpp | Implementation of the SDL2 video driver |
sdl2_v.h | Base of the SDL2 video driver |
video_driver.cpp | Common code between video driver implementations |
video_driver.hpp | Base of all video drivers |
win32_v.cpp | Implementation of the Windows (GDI) video driver |
win32_v.h | Base of the Windows video driver |
► widgets | |
ai_widget.h | Types related to the ai widgets |
airport_widget.h | Types related to the airport widgets |
autoreplace_widget.h | Types related to the autoreplace widgets |
bootstrap_widget.h | Types related to the bootstrap widgets |
bridge_widget.h | Types related to the bridge widgets |
build_vehicle_widget.h | Types related to the build_vehicle widgets |
cheat_widget.h | Types related to the cheat widgets |
company_widget.h | Types related to the company widgets |
console_widget.h | Types related to the console widgets |
date_widget.h | Types related to the date widgets |
depot_widget.h | Types related to the depot widgets |
dock_widget.h | Types related to the dock widgets |
dropdown_widget.h | Types related to the dropdown widgets |
engine_widget.h | Types related to the engine widgets |
error_widget.h | Types related to the error widgets |
fios_widget.h | Types related to the fios widgets |
framerate_widget.h | Types related to the framerate windows widgets |
game_widget.h | Types related to the GS widgets |
genworld_widget.h | Types related to the genworld widgets |
goal_widget.h | Types related to the goal widgets |
graph_widget.h | Types related to the graph widgets |
group_widget.h | Types related to the group widgets |
help_widget.h | Types related to the help window widgets |
highscore_widget.h | Types related to the highscore widgets |
industry_widget.h | Types related to the industry widgets |
intro_widget.h | Types related to the intro widgets |
league_widget.h | Types related to the graph widgets |
link_graph_legend_widget.h | Types related to the linkgraph_legend widgets |
main_widget.h | Types related to the main widgets |
misc_widget.h | Types related to the misc widgets |
music_widget.h | Types related to the music widgets |
network_chat_widget.h | Types related to the network chat widgets |
network_content_widget.h | Types related to the network content widgets |
network_widget.h | Types related to the network widgets |
newgrf_debug_widget.h | Types related to the newgrf debug widgets |
newgrf_widget.h | Types related to the newgrf widgets |
news_widget.h | Types related to the news widgets |
object_widget.h | Types related to the object widgets |
order_widget.h | Types related to the order widgets |
osk_widget.h | Types related to the osk widgets |
picker_widget.h | Types related to the picker widgets |
rail_widget.h | Types related to the rail widgets |
road_widget.h | Types related to the road widgets |
screenshot_widget.h | Types related to the screenshot widgets |
script_widget.h | Types related to the script widgets |
settings_widget.h | Types related to the settings widgets |
sign_widget.h | Types related to the sign widgets |
smallmap_widget.h | Types related to the smallmap widgets |
station_widget.h | Types related to the station widgets |
statusbar_widget.h | Types related to the statusbar widgets |
story_widget.h | Types related to the story widgets |
subsidy_widget.h | Types related to the subsidy widgets |
terraform_widget.h | Types related to the terraform widgets |
timetable_widget.h | Types related to the timetable widgets |
toolbar_widget.h | Types related to the toolbar widgets |
town_widget.h | Types related to the town widgets |
transparency_widget.h | Types related to the transparency widgets |
tree_widget.h | Types related to the tree widgets |
vehicle_widget.h | Types related to the vehicle widgets |
viewport_widget.h | Types related to the viewport widgets |
waypoint_widget.h | Types related to the waypoint widgets |
aircraft.h | Base for aircraft |
aircraft_cmd.cpp | This file deals with aircraft and airport movements functionalities |
aircraft_cmd.h | Command definitions related to aircraft |
aircraft_gui.cpp | The GUI of aircraft |
airport.cpp | Functions related to airports |
airport.h | Various declarations for airports |
airport_cmd.h | Command definitions related to airports |
airport_gui.cpp | The GUI for airports |
animated_tile.cpp | Everything related to animated tiles |
animated_tile_func.h | Tile animation! |
animated_tile_map.h | Maps accessors for animated tiles |
articulated_vehicles.cpp | Implementation of articulated vehicles |
articulated_vehicles.h | Functions related to articulated vehicles |
autocompletion.cpp | Generic auto-completion engine |
autocompletion.h | Generic auto-completion engine |
autoreplace.cpp | Management of replacement lists |
autoreplace_base.h | Base class for autoreplaces/autorenews |
autoreplace_cmd.cpp | Deals with autoreplace execution but not the setup |
autoreplace_cmd.h | Command definitions related to autoreplace |
autoreplace_func.h | Functions related to autoreplacing |
autoreplace_gui.cpp | GUI for autoreplace handling |
autoreplace_gui.h | Functions related to the autoreplace GUIs |
autoreplace_type.h | Types related to autoreplacing |
autoslope.h | Functions related to autoslope |
base_consist.cpp | Properties for front vehicles/consists |
base_consist.h | Properties for front vehicles/consists |
base_media_base.h | Generic functions for replacing base data (graphics, sounds) |
base_media_func.h | Generic function implementations for base data (graphics, sounds) |
base_station_base.h | Base classes/functions for base stations |
bitmap_type.h | |
bmp.cpp | Read and write support for bmps |
bmp.h | Read and write support for bmps |
bootstrap_gui.cpp | Barely used user interface for bootstrapping OpenTTD, i.e |
bridge.h | Header file for bridges |
bridge_gui.cpp | Graphical user interface for bridge construction |
bridge_map.cpp | Map accessor functions for bridges |
bridge_map.h | Map accessor functions for bridges |
build_vehicle_gui.cpp | GUI for building vehicles |
cachecheck.cpp | Check caches |
cargo_type.h | Types related to cargoes.. |
cargoaction.cpp | Implementation of cargo actions |
cargoaction.h | Actions to be applied to cargo packets |
cargomonitor.cpp | Implementation of the cargo transport monitoring |
cargomonitor.h | Cargo transport monitoring declarations |
cargopacket.cpp | Implementation of the cargo packets |
cargopacket.h | Base class for cargo packets |
cargotype.cpp | Implementation of cargoes |
cargotype.h | Types/functions related to cargoes |
cheat.cpp | Handling (loading/saving/initializing) of cheats |
cheat_func.h | Functions related to cheating |
cheat_gui.cpp | GUI related to cheating |
cheat_type.h | Types related to cheating |
clear_cmd.cpp | Commands related to clear tiles |
clear_func.h | Functions related to clear (MP_CLEAR) land |
clear_map.h | Map accessors for 'clear' tiles |
command.cpp | Handling of commands |
command_func.h | Functions related to commands |
command_type.h | Types related to commands |
company_base.h | Definition of stuff that is very close to a company, like the company struct itself |
company_cmd.cpp | Handling of companies |
company_cmd.h | Command definitions related to companies |
company_func.h | Functions related to companies |
company_gui.cpp | Company related GUIs |
company_gui.h | GUI Functions related to companies |
company_manager_face.h | Functionality related to the company manager's face |
company_type.h | Types related to companies |
console.cpp | Handling of the in-game console |
console_cmds.cpp | Implementation of the console hooks |
console_func.h | Console functions used outside of the console code |
console_gui.cpp | Handling the GUI of the in-game console |
console_gui.h | GUI related functions in the console |
console_internal.h | Internally used functions for the console |
console_type.h | Globally used console related types |
cpu.cpp | OS/CPU/compiler dependent CPU specific calls |
cpu.h | Functions related to CPU specific instructions |
crashlog.cpp | Implementation of generic function to be called to log a crash |
crashlog.h | Functions to be called to log a crash |
currency.cpp | Support for different currencies |
currency.h | Functions to handle different currencies |
date_gui.cpp | Graphical selection of a date |
date_gui.h | Functions related to the graphical selection of a date |
debug.cpp | Handling of printing debug messages |
debug.h | Functions related to debugging |
dedicated.cpp | Forking support for dedicated servers |
depot.cpp | Handling of depots |
depot_base.h | Base for all depots (except hangars) |
depot_cmd.cpp | Command Handling for depots |
depot_cmd.h | Command definitions related to depots |
depot_func.h | Functions related to depots |
depot_gui.cpp | The GUI for depots |
depot_map.h | Map related accessors for depots |
depot_type.h | Header files for depots (not hangars) |
direction_func.h | Different functions related to conversions between directions |
direction_type.h | Different types to 'show' directions |
disaster_vehicle.cpp | All disaster/easter egg vehicles are handled here |
disaster_vehicle.h | All disaster vehicles |
dock_cmd.h | Command definitions related to docks |
dock_gui.cpp | GUI to create amazing water objects |
driver.cpp | Base for all driver handling |
driver.h | Base for all drivers (video, sound, music, etc) |
dropdown.cpp | Implementation of the dropdown widget |
dropdown_common_type.h | Common drop down list components |
dropdown_func.h | Functions related to the drop down widget |
dropdown_type.h | Types related to the drop down widget |
economy.cpp | Handling of the economy |
economy_base.h | Base classes related to the economy |
economy_cmd.h | Command definitions related to the economy |
economy_func.h | Functions related to the economy |
economy_type.h | Types related to the economy |
effectvehicle.cpp | Implementation of everything generic to vehicles |
effectvehicle_base.h | Base class for all effect vehicles |
effectvehicle_func.h | Functions related to effect vehicles |
elrail.cpp | This file deals with displaying wires and pylons for electric railways |
elrail_func.h | Header file for electrified rail specific functions |
engine.cpp | Base for all engine handling |
engine_base.h | Base class for engines |
engine_cmd.h | Command definitions related to engines |
engine_func.h | Functions related to engines |
engine_gui.cpp | GUI to show engine related information |
engine_gui.h | Engine GUI functions, used by build_vehicle_gui and autoreplace_gui |
engine_type.h | Types related to engines |
error.cpp | Reporting of errors |
error.h | Functions related to errors |
error_func.h | Error reporting related functions |
error_gui.cpp | GUI related to errors |
fileio.cpp | Standard In/Out file operations |
fileio_func.h | Functions for Standard In/Out file operations |
fileio_type.h | Types for Standard In/Out file operations |
fios.cpp | This file contains functions for building file lists for the save/load dialogs |
fios.h | Declarations for savegames operations |
fios_gui.cpp | GUIs for loading/saving games, scenarios, heightmaps, .. |
fontcache.cpp | Cache for characters from fonts |
fontcache.h | Functions to read fonts from files and cache them |
fontdetection.h | Functions related to detecting/finding the right font |
framerate_gui.cpp | GUI for displaying framerate/game speed information |
framerate_type.h | Types for recording game performance data |
gamelog.cpp | Definition of functions used for logging of fundamental changes to the game |
gamelog.h | Functions to be called to log fundamental changes to the game |
gamelog_internal.h | Declaration shared among gamelog.cpp and saveload/gamelog_sl.cpp |
genworld.cpp | Functions to generate a map |
genworld.h | Functions related to world/map generation |
genworld_gui.cpp | GUI to configure and show progress during map generation |
gfx.cpp | Handling of drawing text and other gfx related stuff |
gfx_func.h | Functions related to the gfx engine |
gfx_layout.cpp | Handling of laying out text |
gfx_layout.h | Functions related to laying out the texts |
gfx_layout_fallback.cpp | Handling of laying out text as fallback |
gfx_layout_fallback.h | Functions related to laying out the texts as fallback |
gfx_layout_icu.cpp | Handling of laying out with ICU / Harfbuzz |
gfx_layout_icu.h | Functions related to laying out the texts with ICU |
gfx_type.h | Types related to the graphics and/or input devices |
gfxinit.cpp | Initializing of the (GRF) graphics |
gfxinit.h | Functions related to the graphics initialization |
goal.cpp | Handling of goals |
goal_base.h | Goal base class |
goal_cmd.h | Command definitions related to goals |
goal_gui.cpp | GUI for goals |
goal_type.h | Basic types related to goals |
graph_gui.cpp | GUI that shows performance graphs |
graph_gui.h | Graph GUI functions |
ground_vehicle.cpp | Implementation of GroundVehicle |
ground_vehicle.hpp | Base class and functions for all vehicles that move through ground |
group.h | Base class for groups and group functions |
group_cmd.cpp | Handling of the engine groups |
group_cmd.h | Command definitions related to engine groups |
group_gui.cpp | GUI for the group window |
group_gui.h | Functions/definitions that have something to do with groups |
group_type.h | Types of a group |
gui.h | GUI functions that shouldn't be here |
heightmap.cpp | Creating of maps from heightmaps |
heightmap.h | Functions related to creating heightmaps from files |
help_gui.cpp | GUI to access manuals and related |
help_gui.h | GUI to access manuals and related |
highscore.cpp | Definition of functions used for highscore handling |
highscore.h | Declaration of functions and types defined in highscore.h and highscore_gui.h |
highscore_gui.cpp | Definition of the HighScore and EndGame windows |
hotkeys.cpp | Implementation of hotkey related functions |
hotkeys.h | Hotkey related functions |
house.h | Definition of HouseSpec and accessors |
house_type.h | Declaration of basic house types and enums |
industry.h | Base of all industries |
industry_cmd.cpp | Handling of industry tiles |
industry_cmd.h | Command definitions related to industries |
industry_gui.cpp | GUIs related to industries |
industry_map.h | Accessors for industries |
industry_type.h | Types related to the industry |
industrytype.h | Industry type specs |
ini.cpp | Definition of the IniItem class, related to reading/writing '*.ini' files |
ini_load.cpp | Definition of the IniLoadFile class, related to reading and storing '*.ini' files |
ini_type.h | Types related to reading/writing '*.ini' files |
intro_gui.cpp | The main menu GUI |
landscape.cpp | Functions related to the landscape (slopes etc.) |
landscape.h | Functions related to OTTD's landscape |
landscape_cmd.h | Command definitions related to landscape (slopes etc.) |
landscape_type.h | Types related to the landscape |
language.h | Information about languages and their files |
league_base.h | LeagueTable base class |
league_cmd.cpp | Handling of league tables |
league_cmd.h | Command definitions related to league tables |
league_gui.cpp | GUI for league tables |
league_gui.h | League table GUI functions |
league_type.h | Basic types related to league tables |
library_loader.h | Functions/types related to loading libraries dynamically |
livery.h | Functions/types related to livery colours |
main_gui.cpp | Handling of the main viewport |
map.cpp | Base functions related to the map and distances on them |
map_func.h | Functions related to maps |
map_type.h | Types related to maps |
misc.cpp | Misc functions that shouldn't be here |
misc_cmd.cpp | Some misc functions that are better fitted in other files, but never got moved there.. |
misc_cmd.h | Miscellaneous command definitions |
misc_gui.cpp | GUIs for a number of misc windows |
mixer.cpp | Mixing of sound samples |
mixer.h | Functions to mix sound samples |
music.cpp | The songs that OpenTTD knows |
music_gui.cpp | GUI for the music playback |
newgrf.cpp | Base of all NewGRF support |
newgrf.h | Base for the NewGRF implementation |
newgrf_act5.h | Information about NewGRF Action 5 |
newgrf_airport.cpp | NewGRF handling of airports |
newgrf_airport.h | NewGRF handling of airports |
newgrf_airporttiles.cpp | NewGRF handling of airport tiles |
newgrf_airporttiles.h | NewGRF handling of airport tiles |
newgrf_animation_base.h | Function implementations related to NewGRF animation |
newgrf_animation_type.h | Definitions related to NewGRF animation |
newgrf_badge.cpp | Functionality for NewGRF badges |
newgrf_badge.h | Functions related to NewGRF badges |
newgrf_badge_type.h | Types related to NewGRF badges |
newgrf_callbacks.h | Callbacks that NewGRFs could implement |
newgrf_canal.cpp | Implementation of NewGRF canals |
newgrf_canal.h | Handling of NewGRF canals |
newgrf_cargo.cpp | Implementation of NewGRF cargoes |
newgrf_cargo.h | Cargo support for NewGRFs |
newgrf_class.h | Header file for classes to be used by e.g |
newgrf_class_func.h | Implementation of the NewGRF class' functions |
newgrf_commons.cpp | Implementation of the class OverrideManagerBase and its descendance, present and future |
newgrf_commons.h | This file simplyfies and embeds a common mechanism of loading/saving and mapping of grf entities |
newgrf_config.cpp | Finding NewGRFs and configuring them |
newgrf_config.h | Functions to find and configure NewGRFs |
newgrf_debug.h | Functions/types related to NewGRF debugging |
newgrf_debug_gui.cpp | GUIs for debugging NewGRFs |
newgrf_engine.cpp | NewGRF handling of engines |
newgrf_engine.h | Functions for NewGRF engines |
newgrf_generic.cpp | Handling of generic feature callbacks |
newgrf_generic.h | Functions related to generic callbacks |
newgrf_gui.cpp | GUI to change NewGRF settings |
newgrf_house.cpp | Implementation of NewGRF houses |
newgrf_house.h | Functions related to NewGRF houses |
newgrf_industries.cpp | Handling of NewGRF industries |
newgrf_industries.h | Functions for NewGRF industries |
newgrf_industrytiles.cpp | NewGRF handling of industry tiles |
newgrf_industrytiles.h | NewGRF handling of industry tiles |
newgrf_object.cpp | Handling of object NewGRFs |
newgrf_object.h | Functions related to NewGRF objects |
newgrf_profiling.cpp | Profiling of NewGRF action 2 handling |
newgrf_profiling.h | Profiling of NewGRF action 2 handling |
newgrf_properties.h | Properties of NewGRF Action 0 |
newgrf_railtype.cpp | NewGRF handling of rail types |
newgrf_railtype.h | NewGRF handling of rail types |
newgrf_roadstop.cpp | |
newgrf_roadstop.h | NewGRF definitions and structures for road stops |
newgrf_roadtype.cpp | NewGRF handling of road types |
newgrf_roadtype.h | NewGRF handling of road types |
newgrf_sound.cpp | Handling NewGRF provided sounds |
newgrf_sound.h | Functions related to NewGRF provided sounds |
newgrf_spritegroup.cpp | Handling of primarily NewGRF action 2 |
newgrf_spritegroup.h | Action 2 handling |
newgrf_station.cpp | Functions for dealing with station classes and custom stations |
newgrf_station.h | Header file for NewGRF stations |
newgrf_storage.cpp | Functionality related to the temporary and persistent storage arrays for NewGRFs |
newgrf_storage.h | Functionality related to the temporary and persistent storage arrays for NewGRFs |
newgrf_text.cpp | Implementation of Action 04 "universal holder" structure and functions |
newgrf_text.h | Header of Action 04 "universal holder" structure and functions |
newgrf_text_type.h | Header of Action 04 "universal holder" structure |
newgrf_town.cpp | Implementation of the town part of NewGRF houses |
newgrf_town.h | Functions to handle the town part of NewGRF towns |
newgrf_townname.cpp | Implementation of Action 0F "universal holder" structure and functions |
newgrf_townname.h | Header of Action 0F "universal holder" structure and functions |
news_cmd.h | Command definitions related to news messages |
news_func.h | Functions related to news |
news_gui.cpp | GUI functions related to news messages |
news_gui.h | GUI functions related to the news |
news_type.h | Types related to news |
object.h | Functions related to objects |
object_base.h | Base for all objects |
object_cmd.cpp | Handling of object tiles |
object_cmd.h | Command definitions related to objects |
object_gui.cpp | The GUI for objects |
object_map.h | Map accessors for object tiles |
object_type.h | Types related to object tiles |
openttd.cpp | Functions related to starting OpenTTD |
openttd.h | Some generic types |
order_backup.cpp | Handling of order backups |
order_backup.h | Functions related to order backups |
order_base.h | Base class for orders |
order_cmd.cpp | Handling of orders |
order_cmd.h | Command definitions related to orders |
order_func.h | Functions related to orders |
order_gui.cpp | GUI related to orders |
order_type.h | Types related to orders |
osk_gui.cpp | The On Screen Keyboard GUI |
palette.cpp | Handling of palettes |
palette_func.h | Functions related to palettes |
pbs.cpp | PBS support routines |
pbs.h | PBS support routines |
picker_func.h | Functions/types etc |
picker_gui.cpp | File for dealing with picker windows |
picker_gui.h | Functions/types etc |
progress.cpp | Functions for modal progress windows |
progress.h | Functions related to modal progress |
provider_manager.h | Definition of the ProviderManager |
querystring_gui.h | Base for the GUIs that have an edit box in them |
rail.cpp | Implementation of rail specific functions |
rail.h | Rail specific functions |
rail_cmd.cpp | Handling of rail tiles |
rail_cmd.h | Command definitions for rail |
rail_gui.cpp | File for dealing with rail construction user interface |
rail_gui.h | Functions/types etc |
rail_map.h | Hides the direct accesses to the map array with map accessors |
rail_type.h | The different types of rail |
random_access_file.cpp | Actual implementation of the RandomAccessFile class |
random_access_file_type.h | Class related to random access to files |
rev.h | Declaration of OTTD revision dependent variables |
road.cpp | Generic road related functions |
road.h | Road specific functions |
road_cmd.cpp | Commands related to road tiles |
road_cmd.h | Road related functions |
road_func.h | Functions related to roads |
road_gui.cpp | GUI for building roads |
road_gui.h | Functions/types related to the road GUIs |
road_internal.h | Functions used internally by the roads |
road_map.cpp | Complex road accessors |
road_map.h | Map accessors for roads |
road_type.h | Enums and other types related to roads |
roadstop.cpp | Implementation of the roadstop base class |
roadstop_base.h | Base class for roadstops |
roadveh.h | Road vehicle states |
roadveh_cmd.cpp | Handling of road vehicles |
roadveh_cmd.h | Command definitions related to road vehicles |
roadveh_gui.cpp | GUI for road vehicles |
safeguards.h | A number of safeguards to prevent using unsafe methods |
screenshot.cpp | The creation of screenshots! |
screenshot.h | Functions to make screenshots |
screenshot_bmp.cpp | BMP screenshot provider |
screenshot_gui.cpp | GUI functions related to screenshots |
screenshot_gui.h | GUI functions related to screenshots |
screenshot_pcx.cpp | PCX screenshots provider |
screenshot_png.cpp | PNG screenshot provider |
screenshot_type.h | Types related to screenshot providers |
settingentry_gui.cpp | Definitions of classes for handling display of individual configuration settings |
settingentry_gui.h | Declarations of classes for handling display of individual configuration settings |
settings.cpp | All actions handling saving and loading of the settings/configuration goes on in this file |
settings_cmd.h | Command definitions related to settings |
settings_func.h | Functions related to setting/changing the settings |
settings_gui.cpp | GUI for settings |
settings_gui.h | Functions for setting GUIs |
settings_internal.h | Functions and types used internally for the settings configurations |
settings_table.cpp | The tables of all the settings as well as the implementation of most of their callbacks |
settings_table.h | Definition of the configuration tables of the settings |
settings_type.h | Types related to global configuration settings |
ship.h | Base for ships |
ship_cmd.cpp | Handling of ships |
ship_cmd.h | Command definitions related to ships |
ship_gui.cpp | GUI for ships |
signal.cpp | Functions related to rail signals updating |
signal_func.h | Functions related to signals |
signal_type.h | Types and classes related to signals |
signature.cpp | Implementation of signature validation routines |
signature.h | Routines to validate signature files |
signs.cpp | Handling of signs |
signs_base.h | Base class for signs |
signs_cmd.cpp | Handling of sign related commands |
signs_cmd.h | Command definitions related to signs |
signs_func.h | Functions related to signs |
signs_gui.cpp | The GUI for signs |
signs_type.h | Types related to signs |
slider.cpp | Implementation of the horizontal slider widget |
slider_func.h | |
slope_func.h | Functions related to slopes |
slope_type.h | Definitions of a slope |
smallmap_gui.cpp | GUI that shows a small map of the world with metadata like owner or height |
smallmap_gui.h | Smallmap GUI functions |
social_integration.cpp | Base implementation of social integration support |
social_integration.h | Interface definitions for game to report/respond to social integration |
sortlist_type.h | Base types for having sorted lists in GUIs |
sound.cpp | Handling of playing sounds |
sound_func.h | Functions related to sound |
sound_type.h | Types related to sounds |
soundloader.cpp | Handling of loading sounds |
soundloader_func.h | Functions related to sound loaders |
soundloader_opus.cpp | |
soundloader_raw.cpp | Loading of raw sounds |
soundloader_type.h | Types related to sound loaders |
soundloader_wav.cpp | Loading of wav sounds |
source_type.h | Type for the source of cargo |
sprite.cpp | Handling of sprites |
sprite.h | Base for drawing complex sprites |
spritecache.cpp | Caching of sprites |
spritecache.h | Functions to cache sprites in memory |
spritecache_internal.h | Internal functions to cache sprites in memory |
station.cpp | Implementation of the station base class |
station_base.h | Base classes/functions for stations |
station_cmd.cpp | Handling of station tiles |
station_cmd.h | Command definitions related to stations |
station_func.h | Functions related to stations |
station_gui.cpp | The GUI for stations |
station_gui.h | Contains enums and function declarations connected with stations GUI |
station_kdtree.h | Declarations for accessing the k-d tree of stations |
station_map.h | Maps accessors for stations |
station_type.h | Types related to stations |
statusbar_gui.cpp | The GUI for the bottom status bar |
statusbar_gui.h | Functions, definitions and such used only by the GUI |
stdafx.h | Definition of base types and functions in a cross-platform compatible way |
story.cpp | Handling of stories |
story_base.h | StoryPage base class |
story_cmd.h | Command definitions related to stories |
story_gui.cpp | GUI for stories |
story_type.h | Basic types related to story pages |
string.cpp | Handling of C-type strings (char*) |
string_base.h | |
string_func.h | Functions related to low-level strings |
string_type.h | Types for strings |
stringfilter.cpp | Searching and filtering using a stringterm |
stringfilter_type.h | Searching and filtering using a stringterm |
strings.cpp | Handling of translated strings |
strings_func.h | Functions related to OTTD's strings |
strings_internal.h | |
strings_type.h | Types related to strings |
subsidy.cpp | Handling of subsidies |
subsidy_base.h | Subsidy base class |
subsidy_cmd.h | Command definitions related to subsidies |
subsidy_func.h | Functions related to subsidies |
subsidy_gui.cpp | GUI for subsidies |
subsidy_type.h | Basic types related to subsidies |
survey.cpp | Functions to survey the current game / system, for crashlog and network-survey |
survey.h | Functions to survey the current game / system, for crashlog and network-survey |
tar_type.h | Structs, typedefs and macros used for TAR file handling |
terraform_cmd.cpp | Commands related to terraforming |
terraform_cmd.h | Command definitions related to terraforming |
terraform_gui.cpp | GUI related to terraforming the map |
terraform_gui.h | GUI stuff related to terraforming |
textbuf.cpp | Textbuffer handling |
textbuf_gui.h | Stuff related to the text buffer GUI |
textbuf_type.h | Stuff related to text buffers |
texteff.cpp | Handling of text effects |
texteff.hpp | Functions related to text effects |
textfile_gui.cpp | Implementation of textfile window |
textfile_gui.h | GUI functions related to textfiles |
textfile_type.h | Types related to textfiles |
tgp.cpp | OTTD Perlin Noise Landscape Generator, aka TerraGenesis Perlin |
tgp.h | Functions for the Perlin noise enhanced map generator |
thread.h | Base of all threads |
tile_cmd.h | Generic 'commands' that can be performed on all tiles |
tile_map.cpp | Global tile accessors |
tile_map.h | Map writing/reading functions for tiles |
tile_type.h | Types related to tiles |
tilearea.cpp | Handling of tile areas |
tilearea_type.h | Type for storing the 'area' of something uses on the map |
tilehighlight_func.h | Functions related to tile highlights |
tilehighlight_type.h | Types related to highlighting tiles |
timetable.h | Functions related to time tabling |
timetable_cmd.cpp | Commands related to time tabling |
timetable_cmd.h | Command definitions related to timetables |
timetable_gui.cpp | GUI for time tabling |
toolbar_gui.cpp | Code related to the (main) toolbar |
toolbar_gui.h | Stuff related to the (main) toolbar |
town.h | Base of the town class |
town_cmd.cpp | Handling of town tiles |
town_cmd.h | Command definitions related to towns |
town_gui.cpp | GUI for towns |
town_kdtree.h | Declarations for accessing the k-d tree of towns |
town_map.h | Accessors for towns |
town_type.h | Types related to towns |
townname.cpp | Town name generators |
townname_func.h | Town name generator stuff |
townname_type.h | Definition of structures used for generating town names |
track_func.h | Different conversion functions from one kind of track to another |
track_type.h | All types related to tracks |
train.h | Base for the train class |
train_cmd.cpp | Handling of trains |
train_cmd.h | Command definitions related to trains |
train_gui.cpp | GUI for trains |
transparency.h | Functions related to transparency |
transparency_gui.cpp | The transparency GUI |
transparency_gui.h | GUI functions related to transparency |
transport_type.h | Base types related to transport |
tree_cmd.cpp | Handling of tree tiles |
tree_cmd.h | Command definitions related to tree tiles |
tree_gui.cpp | GUIs for building trees |
tree_map.h | Map accessors for tree tiles |
tunnel_map.cpp | Map accessors for tunnels |
tunnel_map.h | Map accessors for tunnels |
tunnelbridge.h | Header file for things common for tunnels and bridges |
tunnelbridge_cmd.cpp | This file deals with tunnels and bridges (non-gui stuff) |
tunnelbridge_cmd.h | Command definitions related to tunnels and bridges |
tunnelbridge_map.h | Functions that have tunnels and bridges in common |
vehicle.cpp | Base implementations of all vehicles |
vehicle_base.h | Base class for all vehicles |
vehicle_cmd.cpp | Commands for vehicles |
vehicle_cmd.h | Command definitions for vehicles |
vehicle_func.h | Functions related to vehicles |
vehicle_gui.cpp | The base GUI for all vehicles |
vehicle_gui.h | Functions related to the vehicle's GUIs |
vehicle_gui_base.h | Functions/classes shared between the different vehicle list GUIs |
vehicle_type.h | Types related to vehicles |
vehiclelist.cpp | Lists of vehicles |
vehiclelist.h | Functions and type for generating vehicle lists |
vehiclelist_cmd.h | Functions and type for serializing vehicle lists |
vehiclelist_func.h | Functions and type for generating vehicle lists |
viewport.cpp | Handling of all viewports |
viewport_cmd.h | Command definitions related to viewports |
viewport_func.h | Functions related to (drawing on) viewports |
viewport_gui.cpp | Extra viewport window |
viewport_kdtree.h | |
viewport_sprite_sorter.h | Types related to sprite sorting |
viewport_sprite_sorter_sse4.cpp | Sprite sorter that uses SSE4.1 |
viewport_type.h | Types related to viewports |
void_cmd.cpp | Handling of void tiles |
void_map.h | Map accessors for void tiles |
water.h | Functions related to water (management) |
water_cmd.cpp | Handling of water tiles |
water_cmd.h | Command definitions related to water tiles |
water_map.h | Map accessors for water tiles |
waypoint.cpp | Handling of waypoints |
waypoint_base.h | Base of waypoints |
waypoint_cmd.cpp | Command Handling for waypoints |
waypoint_cmd.h | Command definitions related to waypoints |
waypoint_func.h | Functions related to waypoints |
waypoint_gui.cpp | Handling of waypoints gui |
widget.cpp | Handling of the default/simple widgets |
widget_type.h | Definitions about widgets |
window.cpp | Windowing system, widgets and events |
window_func.h | Window functions not directly related to making/drawing windows |
window_gui.h | Functions, definitions and such used only by the GUI |
window_type.h | Types related to windows |
zoom_func.h | Functions related to zooming |
zoom_type.h | Types related to zooming in and out |