OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6 */
10#ifndef COMMAND_FUNC_H
11#define COMMAND_FUNC_H
13#include "command_type.h"
15#include "company_type.h"
16#include "company_func.h"
17#include "core/backup_type.hpp"
19#include "tile_map.h"
30void NetworkSendCommand(Commands cmd, StringID err_message, CommandCallback *callback, CompanyID company, const CommandDataBuffer &cmd_data);
32bool IsValidCommand(Commands cmd);
34const char *GetCommandName(Commands cmd);
37template <Commands Tcmd>
48static constexpr inline DoCommandFlags CommandFlagsToDCFlags(CommandFlags cmd_flags)
50 DoCommandFlags flags = {};
52 if (cmd_flags.Test(CommandFlag::Auto)) flags.Set(DoCommandFlag::Auto);
54 return flags;
59 RecursiveCommandCounter() noexcept { _counter++; }
60 ~RecursiveCommandCounter() noexcept { _counter--; }
63 bool IsTopLevel() const { return _counter == 1; }
65 static int _counter;
68#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
70 * We cast specialized function pointers to a generic one, but don't use the
71 * converted value to call the function, which is safe, except that GCC
72 * helpfully thinks it is not.
73 *
74 * "Any pointer to function can be converted to a pointer to a different function type.
75 * Calling the function through a pointer to a different function type is undefined,
76 * but converting such pointer back to pointer to the original function type yields
77 * the pointer to the original function." */
78# pragma GCC diagnostic push
79# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-function-type"
83template <Commands TCmd, typename T, bool THasTile> struct CommandHelper;
87 static void InternalDoBefore(bool top_level, bool test);
88 static void InternalDoAfter(CommandCost &res, DoCommandFlags flags, bool top_level, bool test);
89 static std::tuple<bool, bool, bool> InternalPostBefore(Commands cmd, CommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, StringID err_message, bool network_command);
90 static void InternalPostResult(const CommandCost &res, TileIndex tile, bool estimate_only, bool only_sending, StringID err_message, bool my_cmd);
91 static bool InternalExecutePrepTest(CommandFlags cmd_flags, TileIndex tile, Backup<CompanyID> &cur_company);
92 static std::tuple<bool, bool, bool> InternalExecuteValidateTestAndPrepExec(CommandCost &res, CommandFlags cmd_flags, bool estimate_only, bool network_command, Backup<CompanyID> &cur_company);
93 static CommandCost InternalExecuteProcessResult(Commands cmd, CommandFlags cmd_flags, const CommandCost &res_test, const CommandCost &res_exec, Money extra_cash, TileIndex tile, Backup<CompanyID> &cur_company);
94 static void LogCommandExecution(Commands cmd, StringID err_message, const CommandDataBuffer &args, bool failed);
104template <Commands Tcmd, typename Tret, typename... Targs>
105struct CommandHelper<Tcmd, Tret(*)(DoCommandFlags, Targs...), true> : protected CommandHelperBase {
108 static inline CommandCost &ExtractCommandCost(Tret &ret)
109 {
110 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Tret, CommandCost>) {
111 return ret;
112 } else {
113 return std::get<0>(ret);
114 }
115 }
118 static inline Tret MakeResult(const CommandCost &cost)
119 {
120 Tret ret{};
121 ExtractCommandCost(ret) = cost;
122 return ret;
123 }
139 static Tret Do(DoCommandFlags flags, Targs... args)
140 {
141 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<TileIndex, std::tuple_element_t<0, std::tuple<Targs...>>>) {
142 /* Do not even think about executing out-of-bounds tile-commands. */
143 TileIndex tile = std::get<0>(std::make_tuple(args...));
144 if (tile != 0 && (tile >= Map::Size() || (!IsValidTile(tile) && !flags.Test(DoCommandFlag::AllTiles)))) return MakeResult(CMD_ERROR);
145 }
147 RecursiveCommandCounter counter{};
149 /* Only execute the test call if it's toplevel, or we're not execing. */
150 if (counter.IsTopLevel() || !flags.Test(DoCommandFlag::Execute)) {
151 InternalDoBefore(counter.IsTopLevel(), true);
153 InternalDoAfter(ExtractCommandCost(res), flags, counter.IsTopLevel(), true); // Can modify res.
155 if (ExtractCommandCost(res).Failed() || !flags.Test(DoCommandFlag::Execute)) return res;
156 }
158 /* Execute the command here. All cost-relevant functions set the expenses type
159 * themselves to the cost object at some point. */
160 InternalDoBefore(counter.IsTopLevel(), false);
161 Tret res = CommandTraits<Tcmd>::proc(flags, args...);
162 InternalDoAfter(ExtractCommandCost(res), flags, counter.IsTopLevel(), false);
164 return res;
165 }
172 static inline bool Post(StringID err_message, Targs... args) { return Post<CommandCallback>(err_message, nullptr, std::forward<Targs>(args)...); }
178 template <typename Tcallback>
179 static inline bool Post(Tcallback *callback, Targs... args) { return Post((StringID)0, callback, std::forward<Targs>(args)...); }
184 static inline bool Post(Targs... args) { return Post<CommandCallback>((StringID)0, nullptr, std::forward<Targs>(args)...); }
196 template <typename Tcallback>
197 static bool Post(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, Targs... args)
198 {
199 return InternalPost(err_message, callback, true, false, std::forward_as_tuple(args...));
200 }
210 template <typename Tcallback>
211 static bool PostFromNet(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, bool my_cmd, std::tuple<Targs...> args)
212 {
213 return InternalPost(err_message, callback, my_cmd, true, std::move(args));
214 }
223 static void SendNet(StringID err_message, CompanyID company, Targs... args)
224 {
225 auto args_tuple = std::forward_as_tuple(args...);
227 ::NetworkSendCommand(Tcmd, err_message, nullptr, company, EndianBufferWriter<CommandDataBuffer>::FromValue(args_tuple));
228 }
240 template <typename Tcallback>
241 static Tret Unsafe(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, bool my_cmd, bool estimate_only, TileIndex location, std::tuple<Targs...> args)
242 {
243 return Execute(err_message, reinterpret_cast<CommandCallback *>(reinterpret_cast<void(*)()>(callback)), my_cmd, estimate_only, false, location, std::move(args));
244 }
248 template <class T>
249 static inline void SetClientIdHelper([[maybe_unused]] T &data)
250 {
251 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ClientID, T>) {
252 if (data == INVALID_CLIENT_ID) data = CLIENT_ID_SERVER;
253 }
254 }
257 template <class Ttuple, size_t... Tindices>
258 static inline void SetClientIds(Ttuple &values, std::index_sequence<Tindices...>)
259 {
260 ((SetClientIdHelper(std::get<Tindices>(values))), ...);
261 }
264 template <template <typename...> typename Tt, typename T1, typename... Ts>
265 static inline Tt<Ts...> RemoveFirstTupleElement(const Tt<T1, Ts...> &tuple)
266 {
267 return std::apply([](auto &&, const auto&... args) { return std::tie(args...); }, tuple);
268 }
270 template <typename Tcallback>
271 static bool InternalPost(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, bool my_cmd, bool network_command, std::tuple<Targs...> args)
272 {
273 /* Where to show the message? */
274 TileIndex tile{};
275 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<TileIndex, std::tuple_element_t<0, decltype(args)>>) {
276 tile = std::get<0>(args);
277 }
279 return InternalPost(err_message, callback, my_cmd, network_command, tile, std::move(args));
280 }
282 template <typename Tcallback>
283 static bool InternalPost(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, bool my_cmd, bool network_command, TileIndex tile, std::tuple<Targs...> args)
284 {
285 /* Do not even think about executing out-of-bounds tile-commands. */
286 if (tile != 0 && (tile >= Map::Size() || (!IsValidTile(tile) && !GetCommandFlags<Tcmd>().Test(CommandFlag::AllTiles)))) return false;
288 auto [err, estimate_only, only_sending] = InternalPostBefore(Tcmd, GetCommandFlags<Tcmd>(), tile, err_message, network_command);
289 if (err) return false;
291 /* Only set client IDs when the command does not come from the network. */
292 if (!network_command && GetCommandFlags<Tcmd>().Test(CommandFlag::ClientID)) SetClientIds(args, std::index_sequence_for<Targs...>{});
294 Tret res = Execute(err_message, reinterpret_cast<CommandCallback *>(reinterpret_cast<void(*)()>(callback)), my_cmd, estimate_only, network_command, tile, args);
295 InternalPostResult(ExtractCommandCost(res), tile, estimate_only, only_sending, err_message, my_cmd);
297 if (!estimate_only && !only_sending && callback != nullptr) {
298 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Tcallback, CommandCallback>) {
299 /* Callback that doesn't need any command arguments. */
300 callback(Tcmd, ExtractCommandCost(res), tile);
301 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Tcallback, CommandCallbackData>) {
302 /* Generic callback that takes packed arguments as a buffer. */
303 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Tret, CommandCost>) {
304 callback(Tcmd, ExtractCommandCost(res), EndianBufferWriter<CommandDataBuffer>::FromValue(args), {});
305 } else {
306 callback(Tcmd, ExtractCommandCost(res), EndianBufferWriter<CommandDataBuffer>::FromValue(args), EndianBufferWriter<CommandDataBuffer>::FromValue(RemoveFirstTupleElement(res)));
307 }
308 } else if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<Tret, CommandCost> && std::is_same_v<Tcallback *, typename CommandTraits<Tcmd>::RetCallbackProc>) {
309 std::apply(callback, std::tuple_cat(std::make_tuple(Tcmd), res));
310 } else {
311 /* Callback with arguments. We assume that the tile is only interesting if it actually is in the command arguments. */
312 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Tret, CommandCost>) {
313 std::apply(callback, std::tuple_cat(std::make_tuple(Tcmd, res), args));
314 } else {
315 std::apply(callback, std::tuple_cat(std::make_tuple(Tcmd), res, args));
316 }
317 }
318 }
320 return ExtractCommandCost(res).Succeeded();
321 }
324 template <class T>
325 static inline bool ClientIdIsSet([[maybe_unused]] T &data)
326 {
327 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ClientID, T>) {
328 return data != INVALID_CLIENT_ID;
329 } else {
330 return true;
331 }
332 }
335 template <class Ttuple, size_t... Tindices>
336 static inline bool AllClientIdsSet(Ttuple &values, std::index_sequence<Tindices...>)
337 {
338 return (ClientIdIsSet(std::get<Tindices>(values)) && ...);
339 }
341 template <class Ttuple>
342 static inline Money ExtractAdditionalMoney([[maybe_unused]] Ttuple &values)
343 {
344 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::tuple_element_t<1, Tret>, Money>) {
345 return std::get<1>(values);
346 } else {
347 return {};
348 }
349 }
351 static Tret Execute(StringID err_message, CommandCallback *callback, bool, bool estimate_only, bool network_command, TileIndex tile, std::tuple<Targs...> args)
352 {
353 /* Prevent recursion; it gives a mess over the network */
354 RecursiveCommandCounter counter{};
355 assert(counter.IsTopLevel());
357 /* Command flags are used internally */
358 constexpr CommandFlags cmd_flags = GetCommandFlags<Tcmd>();
360 if constexpr (cmd_flags.Test(CommandFlag::ClientID)) {
361 /* Make sure arguments are properly set to a ClientID also when processing external commands. */
362 assert(AllClientIdsSet(args, std::index_sequence_for<Targs...>{}));
363 }
366 if (!InternalExecutePrepTest(cmd_flags, tile, cur_company)) {
367 cur_company.Trash();
368 return MakeResult(CMD_ERROR);
369 }
371 /* Test the command. */
372 DoCommandFlags flags = CommandFlagsToDCFlags(cmd_flags);
373 Tret res = std::apply(CommandTraits<Tcmd>::proc, std::tuple_cat(std::make_tuple(flags), args));
375 auto [exit_test, desync_log, send_net] = InternalExecuteValidateTestAndPrepExec(ExtractCommandCost(res), cmd_flags, estimate_only, network_command, cur_company);
376 if (exit_test) {
377 if (desync_log) LogCommandExecution(Tcmd, err_message, EndianBufferWriter<CommandDataBuffer>::FromValue(args), true);
378 cur_company.Restore();
379 return res;
380 }
382 /* If we are in network, and the command is not from the network
383 * send it to the command-queue and abort execution. */
384 if (send_net) {
386 cur_company.Restore();
388 /* Don't return anything special here; no error, no costs.
389 * This way it's not handled by DoCommand and only the
390 * actual execution of the command causes messages. Also
391 * reset the storages as we've not executed the command. */
392 return {};
393 }
395 if (desync_log) LogCommandExecution(Tcmd, err_message, EndianBufferWriter<CommandDataBuffer>::FromValue(args), false);
397 /* Actually try and execute the command. */
398 Tret res2 = std::apply(CommandTraits<Tcmd>::proc, std::tuple_cat(std::make_tuple(flags | DoCommandFlag::Execute), args));
400 /* Convention: If the second result element is of type Money,
401 * this is the additional cash required for the command. */
402 Money additional_money{};
403 if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<Tret, CommandCost>) { // No short-circuiting for 'if constexpr'.
404 additional_money = ExtractAdditionalMoney(res2);
405 }
407 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Tret, CommandCost>) {
408 return InternalExecuteProcessResult(Tcmd, cmd_flags, res, res2, additional_money, tile, cur_company);
409 } else {
410 std::get<0>(res2) = InternalExecuteProcessResult(Tcmd, cmd_flags, ExtractCommandCost(res), ExtractCommandCost(res2), additional_money, tile, cur_company);
411 return res2;
412 }
413 }
423template <Commands Tcmd, typename Tret, typename... Targs>
424struct CommandHelper<Tcmd, Tret(*)(DoCommandFlags, Targs...), false> : CommandHelper<Tcmd, Tret(*)(DoCommandFlags, Targs...), true>
426 /* Do not allow Post without explicit location. */
427 static inline bool Post(StringID err_message, Targs... args) = delete;
428 template <typename Tcallback>
429 static inline bool Post(Tcallback *callback, Targs... args) = delete;
430 static inline bool Post(Targs... args) = delete;
431 template <typename Tcallback>
432 static bool Post(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, Targs... args) = delete;
440 static inline bool Post(StringID err_message, TileIndex location, Targs... args) { return Post<CommandCallback>(err_message, nullptr, location, std::forward<Targs>(args)...); }
447 template <typename Tcallback>
448 static inline bool Post(Tcallback *callback, TileIndex location, Targs... args) { return Post((StringID)0, callback, location, std::forward<Targs>(args)...); }
454 static inline bool Post(TileIndex location, Targs... args) { return Post<CommandCallback>((StringID)0, nullptr, location, std::forward<Targs>(args)...); }
464 template <typename Tcallback>
465 static inline bool Post(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, TileIndex location, Targs... args)
466 {
467 return CommandHelper<Tcmd, Tret(*)(DoCommandFlags, Targs...), true>::InternalPost(err_message, callback, true, false, location, std::forward_as_tuple(args...));
468 }
472# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
475template <Commands Tcmd>
478#endif /* COMMAND_FUNC_H */
Class for backupping variables and making sure they are restored later.
constexpr bool Test(Tvalue_type value) const
Test if the value-th bit is set.
constexpr Timpl & Set()
Set all bits.
constexpr Timpl & Reset(Tvalue_type value)
Reset the value-th bit.
Common return value for all commands.
static std::tuple< bool, bool, bool > InternalPostBefore(Commands cmd, CommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, StringID err_message, bool network_command)
Decide what to do with the command depending on current game state.
Definition command.cpp:207
static void InternalDoBefore(bool top_level, bool test)
Prepare for calling a command proc.
Definition command.cpp:169
static void LogCommandExecution(Commands cmd, StringID err_message, const CommandDataBuffer &args, bool failed)
Helper to make a desync log for a command.
Definition command.cpp:261
static CommandCost InternalExecuteProcessResult(Commands cmd, CommandFlags cmd_flags, const CommandCost &res_test, const CommandCost &res_exec, Money extra_cash, TileIndex tile, Backup< CompanyID > &cur_company)
Process the result of a command test run and execution run.
Definition command.cpp:342
static void InternalPostResult(const CommandCost &res, TileIndex tile, bool estimate_only, bool only_sending, StringID err_message, bool my_cmd)
Process result of executing a command, possibly displaying any error to the player.
Definition command.cpp:238
static void InternalDoAfter(CommandCost &res, DoCommandFlags flags, bool top_level, bool test)
Process result after calling a command proc.
Definition command.cpp:182
static std::tuple< bool, bool, bool > InternalExecuteValidateTestAndPrepExec(CommandCost &res, CommandFlags cmd_flags, bool estimate_only, bool network_command, Backup< CompanyID > &cur_company)
Validate result of test run and prepare for real execution.
Definition command.cpp:302
static bool InternalExecutePrepTest(CommandFlags cmd_flags, TileIndex tile, Backup< CompanyID > &cur_company)
Prepare for the test run of a command proc call.
Definition command.cpp:272
Endian-aware buffer adapter that always writes values in little endian order.
CommandFlags GetCommandFlags(Commands cmd)
This function mask the parameter with CMD_ID_MASK and returns the flags which belongs to the given co...
Definition command.cpp:118
bool IsCommandAllowedWhilePaused(Commands cmd)
Returns whether the command is allowed while the game is paused.
Definition command.cpp:144
static constexpr DoCommandFlags CommandFlagsToDCFlags(CommandFlags cmd_flags)
Extracts the DC flags needed for DoCommand from the flags returned by GetCommandFlags.
const char * GetCommandName(Commands cmd)
This function mask the parameter with CMD_ID_MASK and returns the name which belongs to the given com...
Definition command.cpp:132
static const CommandCost CMD_ERROR
Define a default return value for a failed command.
bool IsValidCommand(Commands cmd)
This function range-checks a cmd.
Definition command.cpp:106
void NetworkSendCommand(Commands cmd, StringID err_message, CommandCallback *callback, CompanyID company, const CommandDataBuffer &cmd_data)
Prepare a DoCommand to be send over the network.
Types related to commands.
void CommandCallback(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile)
Define a callback function for the client, after the command is finished.
@ Execute
execute the given command
@ NoWater
don't allow building on water
@ Auto
don't allow building on structures
@ AllTiles
allow this command also on MP_VOID tiles
@ Auto
set the DoCommandFlag::Auto flag on this command
@ NoWater
set the DoCommandFlag::NoWater flag on this command
@ AllTiles
allow this command also on MP_VOID tiles
@ ClientID
set p2 with the ClientID of the sending client.
@ Location
the command has implicit location argument.
std::vector< uint8_t > CommandDataBuffer
Storage buffer for serialized command data.
List of commands.
CompanyID _current_company
Company currently doing an action.
Functions related to companies.
Types related to companies.
Endian-aware buffer.
static void SetClientIds(Ttuple &values, ClientID client_id, std::index_sequence< Tindices... >)
Set all invalid ClientID's to the proper value.
static void SetClientIdHelper(T &data, ClientID client_id)
Helper to process a single ClientID argument.
Types used for networking.
Client is not part of anything.
Servers always have this ID.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
static const StringID INVALID_STRING_ID
Constant representing an invalid string (16bit in case it is used in savegames)
Class to backup a specific variable and restore it later.
static bool Post(TileIndex location, Targs... args)
Shortcut for Post when not using a callback or an error message.
static bool Post(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, TileIndex location, Targs... args)
Post variant that takes a TileIndex (for error window location and text effects) for commands that do...
static bool Post(StringID err_message, TileIndex location, Targs... args)
Shortcut for Post when not using a callback.
static bool Post(Tcallback *callback, TileIndex location, Targs... args)
Shortcut for Post when not using an error message.
static bool Post(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, Targs... args)
Top-level network safe command execution for the current company.
static Tret Do(DoCommandFlags flags, Targs... args)
This function executes a given command with the parameters from the #CommandProc parameter list.
static bool ClientIdIsSet(T &data)
Helper to process a single ClientID argument.
static bool Post(StringID err_message, Targs... args)
Shortcut for the long Post when not using a callback.
static void SetClientIdHelper(T &data)
Helper to process a single ClientID argument.
static bool PostFromNet(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, bool my_cmd, std::tuple< Targs... > args)
Execute a command coming from the network.
static Tret Unsafe(StringID err_message, Tcallback *callback, bool my_cmd, bool estimate_only, TileIndex location, std::tuple< Targs... > args)
Top-level network safe command execution without safety checks.
static void SendNet(StringID err_message, CompanyID company, Targs... args)
Prepare a command to be send over the network.
static bool Post(Tcallback *callback, Targs... args)
Shortcut for the long Post when not using an error message.
static Tt< Ts... > RemoveFirstTupleElement(const Tt< T1, Ts... > &tuple)
Remove the first element of a tuple.
static Tret MakeResult(const CommandCost &cost)
Make a command proc result from a CommandCost.
static bool Post(Targs... args)
Shortcut for the long Post when not using a callback or an error message.
static bool AllClientIdsSet(Ttuple &values, std::index_sequence< Tindices... >)
Check if all ClientID arguments are set to valid values.
static CommandCost & ExtractCommandCost(Tret &ret)
Extract the CommandCost from a command proc result.
static void SetClientIds(Ttuple &values, std::index_sequence< Tindices... >)
Set all invalid ClientID's to the proper value.
Defines the traits of a command.
static debug_inline uint Size()
Get the size of the map.
Definition map_func.h:287
Helper class to keep track of command nesting level.
bool IsTopLevel() const
Are we in the top-level command execution?
Map writing/reading functions for tiles.
bool IsValidTile(Tile tile)
Checks if a tile is valid.
Definition tile_map.h:161
StrongType::Typedef< uint32_t, struct TileIndexTag, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::Integer, StrongType::Compatible< int32_t >, StrongType::Compatible< int64_t > > TileIndex
The index/ID of a Tile.
Definition tile_type.h:87