Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the documentation:
- e -
- EconomyAgeVehicle() : vehicle_func.h, vehicle.cpp
- EconomyIsInRecession() : economy_func.h
- EditBoxInGlobalFocus() : window.cpp, window_func.h
- EnableEngineForCompany() : engine.cpp
- EncodeCargoIndustryMonitor() : cargomonitor.h
- EncodeCargoTownMonitor() : cargomonitor.h
- EndContainer() : widget_type.h
- EndSpriteCombine() : viewport.cpp, viewport_func.h
- EngineCostSorter() : build_vehicle_gui.cpp
- EngineHasReplacementForCompany() : autoreplace_func.h
- EngineHasReplacementWhenOldForCompany() : autoreplace_func.h
- EngineIntroDateSorter() : build_vehicle_gui.cpp
- EngineNameSorter() : build_vehicle_gui.cpp
- EngineNumberSorter() : build_vehicle_gui.cpp
- EnginePowerSorter() : build_vehicle_gui.cpp
- EnginePowerVsRunningCostSorter() : build_vehicle_gui.cpp
- EnginePreSort() : newgrf_engine.cpp
- EngineReliabilitySorter() : build_vehicle_gui.cpp
- EngineReplacement() : autoreplace.cpp, autoreplace_func.h
- EngineReplacementForCompany() : autoreplace_func.h
- EngineRunningCostSorter() : build_vehicle_gui.cpp
- EnginesHaveCargoInCommon() : autoreplace_cmd.cpp
- EngineSpeedSorter() : build_vehicle_gui.cpp
- EngineTractiveEffortSorter() : build_vehicle_gui.cpp
- EngList_Sort() : engine_gui.cpp, engine_gui.h
- EngList_SortPartial() : engine_gui.cpp, engine_gui.h
- EnsureEarlyHouse() : newgrf.cpp
- EnsureNoMovingShipProc() : ship_cmd.cpp
- EnsureNoShipProc() : rail_cmd.cpp
- EnsureNoTrainOnTrack() : rail_cmd.cpp
- EnsureNoTrainOnTrackBits() : vehicle.cpp, vehicle_func.h
- EnsureNoVehicleOnGround() : vehicle.cpp, vehicle_func.h
- EnsureNoVehicleProcZ() : vehicle.cpp
- EnsureVisibleCaption() : window.cpp
- EnumCheckRoadVehCrashTrain() : roadveh_cmd.cpp
- ErrorUnknownCallbackResult() : newgrf_commons.cpp, newgrf_commons.h
- EscapeQuotesAndSlashesAndSplitOnNewLines() : script_info_dummy.cpp
- ExploreSegment() : signal.cpp
- ExtendTrainReservation() : train_cmd.cpp
- ExtractString() : fileio.cpp
- ExtractTar() : fileio.cpp, fileio_func.h