Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the documentation:
- p -
- PACK() : screenshot_bmp.cpp
- PACK_N() : dmusic.cpp
- PackEngineNameDParam() : engine_type.h
- PackVelocity() : strings_func.h
- ParamSet() : newgrf.cpp
- ParseCode() : hotkeys.cpp
- ParseCompanyFromConnectionString() : network.cpp, network_internal.h
- ParseConnectionString() : network.cpp, network_internal.h
- ParseFullConnectionString() : network.cpp, network_func.h
- ParseHotkeys() : hotkeys.cpp
- ParseIntList() : settings.cpp
- ParseKeycode() : hotkeys.cpp
- ParseResolution() : openttd.cpp
- PerformIndustryTileSlopeCheck() : newgrf_industrytiles.cpp, newgrf_industrytiles.h
- PerformStationTileSlopeCheck() : newgrf_station.cpp, newgrf_station.h
- perlin_coast_noise_2D() : tgp.cpp
- PickerLoadConfig() : picker_func.h, picker_gui.cpp
- PickerSaveConfig() : picker_func.h, picker_gui.cpp
- PlaceAirport() : airport_gui.cpp
- PlaceExtraDepotRail() : rail_gui.cpp
- PlaceIndustry() : industry_cmd.cpp
- PlaceInitialIndustry() : industry_cmd.cpp
- PlaceProc_DemolishArea() : terraform_gui.cpp, tilehighlight_func.h
- PlaceProc_Sign() : signs_cmd.cpp, signs_func.h
- PlaceRail_Bridge() : rail_gui.cpp
- PlaceRail_Station() : rail_gui.cpp
- PlaceRail_Waypoint() : rail_gui.cpp
- PlaceRoad_Bridge() : road_gui.cpp
- PlaceRoad_BusStation() : road_gui.cpp
- PlaceRoad_TruckStation() : road_gui.cpp
- PlaceRoad_Waypoint() : road_gui.cpp
- PlaceRoadStop() : road_gui.cpp
- PlaceTree() : tree_cmd.cpp
- PlaceTreeAtSameHeight() : tree_cmd.cpp
- PlaceTreeGroupAroundTile() : tree_cmd.cpp, tree_gui.cpp
- PlaceTreeGroups() : tree_cmd.cpp
- PlaceTreesRandomly() : tree_gui.cpp, tree_cmd.cpp
- PlantRandomTree() : tree_cmd.cpp
- PlantTreesOnTile() : tree_cmd.cpp
- PlayTileSound() : newgrf_sound.cpp
- PlayVehicleSound() : newgrf_sound.cpp, newgrf_sound.h
- PluginCall() : social_integration.cpp
- PopulateStationsNearby() : industry_cmd.cpp
- PopupMainCompanyToolbMenu() : toolbar_gui.cpp
- PopupMainToolbarMenu() : toolbar_gui.cpp
- PositionHelper() : newgrf_engine.cpp
- PositionMainToolbar() : window.cpp, window_func.h
- PositionNetworkChatWindow() : window.cpp, window_func.h
- PositionNewsMessage() : window.cpp, window_func.h
- PositionStatusbar() : window.cpp, window_func.h
- PositionWindow() : window.cpp
- PowerOfTen() : math_func.hpp
- PrepareArgsForNextRun() : strings_func.h
- PrepareGenerateWorldProgress() : genworld_gui.cpp, genworld.h
- PrepareOldDiffCustom() : settings_sl.cpp, settings.cpp
- PrepareToEnterBridge() : tunnelbridge_cmd.cpp
- PrepareUnload() : economy.cpp, economy_func.h
- PreventHiding() : window.cpp
- PreviousOrderIsUnbunching() : vehicle.cpp
- PrintFunc() : script_instance.cpp
- PrintLineByLine() : console_cmds.cpp
- PrivateSettingTables() : settings.cpp
- ProcessAsyncSaveFinish() : saveload.cpp, saveload.h
- ProcessConditionalOrder() : order_cmd.cpp, order_func.h
- ProcessIniFile() : settingsgen.cpp
- ProcessOrders() : order_cmd.cpp, order_func.h
- ProcessPendingPerformanceMeasurements() : framerate_gui.cpp, framerate_type.h
- ProduceIndustryGoodsHelper() : industry_cmd.cpp
- PropagateChildLivery() : group_cmd.cpp