OpenTTD Source  20240915-master-g3784a3d3d6
newgrf_station.cpp File Reference
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "station_base.h"
#include "waypoint_base.h"
#include "roadstop_base.h"
#include "newgrf_cargo.h"
#include "newgrf_station.h"
#include "newgrf_spritegroup.h"
#include "newgrf_sound.h"
#include "newgrf_railtype.h"
#include "town.h"
#include "newgrf_town.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "tunnelbridge_map.h"
#include "newgrf_animation_base.h"
#include "newgrf_class_func.h"
#include "timer/timer_game_calendar.h"
#include "safeguards.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  ETileArea
struct  StationAnimationBase
 Helper class for animation control. More...


enum  TriggerArea { TA_TILE, TA_PLATFORM, TA_WHOLE }


uint32_t GetPlatformInfo (Axis axis, uint8_t tile, int platforms, int length, int x, int y, bool centred)
 Evaluate a tile's position within a station, and return the result in a bit-stuffed format. More...
static TileIndex FindRailStationEnd (TileIndex tile, TileIndexDiff delta, bool check_type, bool check_axis)
 Find the end of a railway station, from the tile, in the direction of delta. More...
static uint32_t GetPlatformInfoHelper (TileIndex tile, bool check_type, bool check_axis, bool centred)
static uint32_t GetRailContinuationInfo (TileIndex tile)
SpriteID GetCustomStationRelocation (const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, uint32_t var10)
 Resolve sprites for drawing a station tile. More...
SpriteID GetCustomStationFoundationRelocation (const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, uint layout, uint edge_info)
 Resolve the sprites for custom station foundations. More...
uint16_t GetStationCallback (CallbackID callback, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2, const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile)
CommandCost PerformStationTileSlopeCheck (TileIndex north_tile, TileIndex cur_tile, const StationSpec *statspec, Axis axis, uint8_t plat_len, uint8_t numtracks)
 Check the slope of a tile of a new station. More...
int AllocateSpecToStation (const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, bool exec)
 Allocate a StationSpec to a Station. More...
void DeallocateSpecFromStation (BaseStation *st, uint8_t specindex)
 Deallocate a StationSpec from a Station. More...
bool DrawStationTile (int x, int y, RailType railtype, Axis axis, StationClassID sclass, uint station)
 Draw representation of a station tile for GUI purposes. More...
const StationSpecGetStationSpec (TileIndex t)
uint16_t GetAnimStationCallback (CallbackID callback, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2, const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, int)
 Wrapper for animation control, see GetStationCallback.
void AnimateStationTile (TileIndex tile)
void TriggerStationAnimation (BaseStation *st, TileIndex trigger_tile, StationAnimationTrigger trigger, CargoID cargo_type)
void TriggerStationRandomisation (Station *st, TileIndex trigger_tile, StationRandomTrigger trigger, CargoID cargo_type)
 Trigger station randomisation. More...
void StationUpdateCachedTriggers (BaseStation *st)
 Update the cached animation trigger bitmask for a station. More...


static const uint NUM_STATIONSSPECS_PER_STATION = 255
 Maximum number of parts per station.
struct {
   uint32_t   v40
   uint32_t   v41
   uint32_t   v45
   uint32_t   v46
   uint32_t   v47
   uint32_t   v49
   uint8_t   valid
 Bits indicating what variable is valid (for each bit, 0 is invalid, 1 is valid).
 Station variable cache This caches 'expensive' station variable lookups which iterate over several tiles that may be called multiple times per Resolve().

Detailed Description

Functions for dealing with station classes and custom stations.

Definition in file newgrf_station.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ AllocateSpecToStation()

int AllocateSpecToStation ( const StationSpec statspec,
BaseStation st,
bool  exec 

Allocate a StationSpec to a Station.

This is called once per build operation.

statspecStationSpec to allocate.
stStation to allocate it to.
execWhether to actually allocate the spec.
Index within the Station's spec list, or -1 if the allocation failed.

Definition at line 685 of file newgrf_station.cpp.

References StationSpec::grf_prop, GRFFilePropsBase< Tcnt >::grffile, GRFFilePropsBase< Tcnt >::local_id, NUM_STATIONSSPECS_PER_STATION, BaseStation::speclist, and StationUpdateCachedTriggers().

Referenced by MoveWaypointsToBaseStations().

◆ DeallocateSpecFromStation()

void DeallocateSpecFromStation ( BaseStation st,
uint8_t  specindex 

Deallocate a StationSpec from a Station.

Called when removing a single station tile.

stStation to work with.
specindexIndex of the custom station within the Station's spec list.
Indicates whether the StationSpec was deallocated.

Definition at line 727 of file newgrf_station.cpp.

References INVALID_TILE.

◆ DrawStationTile()

bool DrawStationTile ( int  x,
int  y,
RailType  railtype,
Axis  axis,
StationClassID  sclass,
uint  station 

Draw representation of a station tile for GUI purposes.

xPosition x of image.
yPosition y of image.
railtypeRail type.
sclass,stationType of station.
stationstation ID
True if the tile was drawn (allows for fallback to default graphic)

Definition at line 775 of file newgrf_station.cpp.

◆ FindRailStationEnd()

static TileIndex FindRailStationEnd ( TileIndex  tile,
TileIndexDiff  delta,
bool  check_type,
bool  check_axis 

Find the end of a railway station, from the tile, in the direction of delta.

tileStart tile.
deltaMovement direction.
check_typeStop when the custom station type changes.
check_axisStop when the station direction changes.
Found end of the railway station.

Definition at line 142 of file newgrf_station.cpp.

References AXIS_X, GetCustomStationSpecIndex(), GetRailStationAxis(), GetStationIndex(), HasStationRail(), IsTileType(), MP_STATION, and TileAdd().

◆ GetCustomStationFoundationRelocation()

SpriteID GetCustomStationFoundationRelocation ( const StationSpec statspec,
BaseStation st,
TileIndex  tile,
uint  layout,
uint  edge_info 

Resolve the sprites for custom station foundations.

statspecStation spec
tileStation tile being drawn
layoutSpritelayout as returned by previous callback
edge_infoInformation about northern tile edges; whether they need foundations or merge into adjacent tile's foundations.
First sprite of a set of foundation sprites for various slopes, or 0 if default foundations shall be drawn.

Definition at line 628 of file newgrf_station.cpp.

References CBID_NO_CALLBACK, and SpriteGroup::Resolve().

◆ GetCustomStationRelocation()

SpriteID GetCustomStationRelocation ( const StationSpec statspec,
BaseStation st,
TileIndex  tile,
uint32_t  var10 

Resolve sprites for drawing a station tile.

statspecStation spec
stStation (nullptr in GUI)
tileStation tile being drawn (INVALID_TILE in GUI)
var10Value to put in variable 10; normally 0; 1 when resolving the groundsprite and SSF_SEPARATE_GROUND is set.
First sprite of the Action 1 spriteset to use, minus an offset of 0x42D to accommodate for weird NewGRF specs.

Definition at line 611 of file newgrf_station.cpp.

References CBID_NO_CALLBACK, and SpriteGroup::Resolve().

◆ GetPlatformInfo()

uint32_t GetPlatformInfo ( Axis  axis,
uint8_t  tile,
int  platforms,
int  length,
int  x,
int  y,
bool  centred 

Evaluate a tile's position within a station, and return the result in a bit-stuffed format.

if not centered: .TNLcCpP, if centered: .TNL..CP

  • T = Tile layout number (GetStationGfx)
  • N = Number of platforms
  • L = Length of platforms
  • C = Current platform number from start, c = from end
  • P = Position along platform from start, p = from end

if centered, C/P start from the centre and c/p are not available.

Platform information in bit-stuffed format.

Definition at line 104 of file newgrf_station.cpp.

◆ PerformStationTileSlopeCheck()

CommandCost PerformStationTileSlopeCheck ( TileIndex  north_tile,
TileIndex  cur_tile,
const StationSpec statspec,
Axis  axis,
uint8_t  plat_len,
uint8_t  numtracks 

Check the slope of a tile of a new station.

north_tileNorther tile of the station rect.
cur_tileTile to check.
statspecStation spec.
axisAxis of the new station.
plat_lenPlatform length.
numtracksNumber of platforms.
Succeeded or failed command.

Definition at line 657 of file newgrf_station.cpp.

References AXIS_Y, CBID_STATION_LAND_SLOPE_CHECK, GetTileSlope(), and HasBit().

◆ StationUpdateCachedTriggers()

void StationUpdateCachedTriggers ( BaseStation st)

Update the cached animation trigger bitmask for a station.

stStation to update.

Definition at line 994 of file newgrf_station.cpp.

References BaseStation::cached_anim_triggers, and BaseStation::cached_cargo_triggers.

Referenced by AllocateSpecToStation().

◆ TriggerStationRandomisation()

void TriggerStationRandomisation ( Station st,
TileIndex  trigger_tile,
StationRandomTrigger  trigger,
CargoID  cargo_type 

Trigger station randomisation.

ststation being triggered
trigger_tilespecific tile of platform to trigger
triggertrigger type
cargo_typecargo type causing trigger

Definition at line 919 of file newgrf_station.cpp.

Referenced by CYapfReserveTrack< Types >::ReserveRailStationPlatform(), TrainEnterStation(), and TryReserveRailTrack().