76 assert(num_sprites > 0);
77 if (num_sprites > 4) num_sprites = 4;
78 switch (construction_stage) {
80 case 1:
return num_sprites > 2 ? 1 : 0;
81 case 2:
return num_sprites > 2 ? num_sprites - 2 : 0;
82 case 3:
return num_sprites - 1;
83 default: NOT_REACHED();
113 std::vector<DrawTileSeqStruct> seq{};
114 std::vector<TileLayoutRegisters> registers{};
133 return !this->registers.empty();
136 uint32_t
PrepareLayout(uint32_t orig_offset, uint32_t newgrf_ground_offset, uint32_t newgrf_offset, uint constr_stage,
bool separate_ground)
137 void ProcessRegisters(uint8_t resolved_var10, uint32_t resolved_sprite,
bool separate_ground)
150 std::span<const DrawTileSeqStruct> GetSequence()
const override {
return {this->seq.begin(), this->seq.end()}; }
177 std::vector<uint16_t> entity_overrides;
178 std::vector<uint32_t> grfid_overrides;
184 virtual bool CheckValidNewID([[maybe_unused]] uint16_t testid) {
return true; }
195 void Add(uint16_t local_id, uint32_t grfid, uint entity_type);
196 virtual uint16_t
AddEntityID(uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid, uint16_t substitute_id);
198 uint32_t
GetGRFID(uint16_t entity_id)
200 virtual uint16_t
GetID(uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid)
202 inline uint16_t GetMaxMapping()
const {
return this->
max_entities; }
203 inline uint16_t GetMaxOffset()
const {
return this->
max_offset; }
223 uint16_t
AddEntityID(uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid, uint16_t substitute_id)
224 uint16_t
GetID(uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid)
const override;
233 bool CheckValidNewID(uint16_t testid)
override {
return testid != 0xFF; }
253 bool CheckValidNewID(uint16_t testid)
override {
return testid != 0xFF; }
264 bool CheckValidNewID(uint16_t testid)
override {
return testid != 0xFF; }
301 inline bool HasGrfFile()
const {
return this->grffile !=
nullptr; }
308template <
size_t Tcount>
331 using CargoSpriteGroup = std::pair<size_t, const struct SpriteGroup *>;
Helper types related to the allocation of memory.
Common return value for all commands.
void SetEntitySpec(const HouseSpec *hs)
Install the specs into the HouseSpecs array It will find itself the proper slot on which it will go.
uint16_t AddEntityID(uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid, uint16_t substitute_id) override
Method to find an entity ID and to mark it as reserved for the Industry to be included.
void SetEntitySpec(IndustrySpec *inds)
Method to install the new industry data in its proper slot The slot assignment is internal of this me...
uint16_t GetID(uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid) const override
Return the ID (if ever available) of a previously inserted entity.
void SetEntitySpec(ObjectSpec *spec)
Method to install the new object data in its proper slot The slot assignment is internal of this meth...
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint16_t entity_id) const
Gives the GRFID of the file the entity belongs to.
void ResetMapping()
Resets the mapping, which is used while initializing game.
uint16_t max_entities
what is the amount of entities, old and new summed
virtual uint16_t GetID(uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid) const
Return the ID (if ever available) of a previously inserted entity.
uint16_t invalid_id
ID used to detected invalid entities.
void Add(uint16_t local_id, uint32_t grfid, uint entity_type)
Since the entity IDs defined by the GRF file does not necessarily correlate to those used by the game...
std::vector< EntityIDMapping > mappings
mapping of ids from grf files. Public out of convenience
void ResetOverride()
Resets the override, which is used while initializing game.
uint16_t GetSubstituteID(uint16_t entity_id) const
Gives the substitute of the entity, as specified by the grf file.
uint16_t max_offset
what is the length of the original entity's array of specs
virtual uint16_t AddEntityID(uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid, uint16_t substitute_id)
Reserves a place in the mapping array for an entity to be installed.
Types related to commands.
Types related to companies.
Different types to 'show' directions.
Allow incrementing of DiagDirDiff variables.
Flag for an invalid Axis.
#define DECLARE_ENUM_AS_BIT_SET(enum_type)
Operators to allow to work with enum as with type safe bit set in C++.
bool Convert8bitBooleanCallback(const GRFFile *grffile, uint16_t cbid, uint16_t cb_res)
Converts a callback result into a boolean.
uint32_t GetCompanyInfo(CompanyID owner, const Livery *l)
Returns company information like in vehicle var 43 or station var 43.
bool ConvertBooleanCallback(const GRFFile *grffile, uint16_t cbid, uint16_t cb_res)
Converts a callback result into a boolean.
Context for tile accesses.
Querying information about the upper part of a tile with halftile foundation.
Querying information about stuff on the bridge (via some bridgehead).
Nothing special.
Flags to enable register usage in sprite layouts.
Add signed offset to bounding box Z positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta....
Palette is from Action 1 (moved to SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE in palette during loading).
Add signed offset to sprite from register TileLayoutRegisters::sprite.
Add signed offset to child sprite X positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta....
Flags which are still required after loading the GRF.
Only draw sprite if value of register TileLayoutRegisters::dodraw is non-zero.
Flags which require resolving the action-1-2-3 chain for the palette, even if it is no action-1 palet...
Flags which do not work for the (first) ground sprite.
Add signed offset to bounding box X and Y positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta....
Flags which require resolving the action-1-2-3 chain for the sprite, even if it is no action-1 sprite...
Resolve palette with a specific value in variable 10.
Resolve sprite with a specific value in variable 10.
Known flags. Any unknown set flag will disable the GRF.
Flags which refer to using multiple action-1-2-3 chains.
Add signed offset to palette from register TileLayoutRegisters::palette.
Add signed offset to child sprite Y positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta....
static const uint TLR_MAX_VAR10
Maximum value for var 10.
CommandCost GetErrorMessageFromLocationCallbackResult(uint16_t cb_res, const GRFFile *grffile, StringID default_error)
Get the error message from a shape/location/slope check callback result.
void ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(uint32_t grfid, uint16_t cbid, uint16_t cb_res)
Record that a NewGRF returned an unknown/invalid callback result.
uint32_t GetTerrainType(TileIndex tile, TileContext context=TCX_NORMAL)
Function used by houses (and soon industries) to get information on type of "terrain" the tile it is ...
uint32_t GetNearbyTileInformation(TileIndex tile, bool grf_version8)
Common part of station var 0x67, house var 0x62, indtile var 0x60, industry var 0x62.
uint GetConstructionStageOffset(uint construction_stage, uint num_sprites)
Determines which sprite to use from a spriteset for a specific construction stage.
TileIndex GetNearbyTile(uint8_t parameter, TileIndex tile, bool signed_offsets=true, Axis axis=INVALID_AXIS)
Get the tile at the given offset.
Base for drawing complex sprites.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
Defines the data structure for an airport.
Defines the data structure of each individual tile of an airport.
Ground palette sprite of a tile, together with its sprite layout.
PalSpriteID ground
Palette and sprite for the ground.
Maps an entity id stored on the map to a GRF file.
uint16_t substitute_id
The (original) entity ID to use if this GRF is not available.
uint32_t grfid
The GRF ID of the file the entity belongs to.
uint16_t entity_id
The entity ID within the GRF file.
Fixed-length list of sprite groups for an entity.
void SetSpriteGroup(size_t index, const struct SpriteGroup *spritegroup)
Set the SpriteGroup at the specified index.
const struct SpriteGroup * GetSpriteGroup(size_t index=0) const
Get the SpriteGroup at the specified index.
std::array< const struct SpriteGroup *, Tcount > spritegroups
pointers to the different sprite groups of the entity
Base data related to the handling of grf files.
const struct GRFFile * grffile
grf file that introduced this entity
uint16_t local_id
id defined by the grf file for this entity
uint32_t grfid
grfid that introduced this entity.
bool HasGrfFile() const
Test if this entity was introduced by NewGRF.
Data related to the handling of grf files.
constexpr GRFFileProps(uint16_t subst_id=0)
Set all default data constructor for the props.
uint16_t override
id of the entity been replaced by
Dynamic data of a loaded NewGRF.
Defines the data structure for constructing industry.
Defines the data structure of each individual tile of an industry.
Container for a label for rail or road type conversion.
uint8_t subtype
Subtype of type (road or tram).
T label
Label of rail or road type.
Information about a particular livery.
NewGRF supplied spritelayout.
void Allocate(uint num_sprites)
Allocate a spritelayout for num_sprites building sprites.
uint32_t PrepareLayout(uint32_t orig_offset, uint32_t newgrf_ground_offset, uint32_t newgrf_offset, uint constr_stage, bool separate_ground) const
Prepares a sprite layout before resolving action-1-2-3 chains.
uint consistent_max_offset
Number of sprites in all referenced spritesets.
void ProcessRegisters(uint8_t resolved_var10, uint32_t resolved_sprite, bool separate_ground) const
Evaluates the register modifiers and integrates them into the preprocessed sprite layout.
bool NeedsPreprocessing() const
Tests whether this spritelayout needs preprocessing by PrepareLayout() and ProcessRegisters(),...
std::span< DrawTileSeqStruct > GetLayout(PalSpriteID *ground) const
Returns the result spritelayout after preprocessing.
void AllocateRegisters()
Allocate memory for register modifiers.
static std::vector< DrawTileSeqStruct > result_seq
Temporary storage when preprocessing spritelayouts.
Allow incrementing of ObjectClassID variables.
Combination of a palette sprite and a 'real' sprite.
Additional modifiers for items in sprite layouts.
uint8_t parent[3]
Registers for signed offsets for the bounding box position of parent sprites.
TileLayoutFlags flags
Flags defining which members are valid and to be used.
uint8_t dodraw
Register deciding whether the sprite shall be drawn at all. Non-zero means drawing.
uint16_t max_sprite_offset
Maximum offset to add to the sprite. (limited by size of the spriteset)
uint8_t palette
Register specifying a signed offset for the palette.
uint8_t sprite_var10
Value for variable 10 when resolving the sprite.
uint16_t max_palette_offset
Maximum offset to add to the palette. (limited by size of the spriteset)
uint8_t palette_var10
Value for variable 10 when resolving the palette.
uint8_t child[2]
Registers for signed offsets for the position of child sprites.
uint8_t sprite
Register specifying a signed offset for the sprite.
Variable-length list of sprite groups for an entity.
void SetSpriteGroup(size_t index, const struct SpriteGroup *spritegroup)
Set the SpriteGroup at the specified index.
std::vector< CargoSpriteGroup > spritegroups
pointers to the different sprite groups of the entity
const struct SpriteGroup * GetSpriteGroup(size_t index) const
Get the SpriteGroup at the specified index.