Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- x -
- x : AirportMovingData, DrawIndustryAnimationStruct, DrawIndustryCoordinates, OrthogonalTileIterator, ParentSpriteToDraw, TileIndexDiffC, TileInfo, TileSpriteToDraw, WaterRegionDesc, WaterRegionPatchDesc
- X25519AuthenticationHandler() : X25519AuthenticationHandler
- X25519AuthorizedKeyClientHandler() : X25519AuthorizedKeyClientHandler
- X25519AuthorizedKeyServerHandler() : X25519AuthorizedKeyServerHandler
- X25519EncryptionHandler() : X25519EncryptionHandler
- X25519KeyExchangeOnlyClientHandler() : X25519KeyExchangeOnlyClientHandler
- X25519KeyExchangeOnlyServerHandler() : X25519KeyExchangeOnlyServerHandler
- X25519PAKEClientHandler() : X25519PAKEClientHandler
- X25519PAKEServerHandler() : X25519PAKEServerHandler
- x_bb_offs : Vehicle
- x_extent : Vehicle
- x_offs : FenceOffset, OpenGLSprite, Sprite, SpriteLoader::Sprite, Vehicle
- x_pos : Vehicle
- x_proportion : ExternalTownData
- x_size : FenceOffset
- x_subcoord : ShipSubcoordData
- xmax : ParentSpriteToDraw
- xmin : ParentSpriteToDraw
- xy : BaseStation, LinkGraph::BaseNode, NWidgetPart::NWidgetPartUnion, RoadStop, Town
- XyOffs : SpriteAlignerWindow