Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- k -
- Kdtree() : Kdtree< T, TxyFunc, CoordT, DistT >
- kdtree_valid : TrackedViewportSign
- keep_all_autosave : GUISettings
- KeepAll() : VehicleCargoList
- Key : CSegmentCostCacheT< Tsegment >, CYapfBaseT< Types >, CYapfCostRailT< Types >, CYapfCostRegionT< Types >, CYapfCostRoadT< Types >, CYapfCostShipT< Types >, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT< Types >, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT< Types >, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT< Types >, CYapfDestinationRegionT< Types >, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT< Types >, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT< Types >, CYapfDestinationTileWaterT< Types >, CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT< Types >, CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT< Types >, CYapfFollowRailT< Types >, CYapfFollowRegionT< Types >, CYapfFollowRoadT< Types >, CYapfFollowShipT< Types >, CYapfOriginRegionT< Types >, CYapfOriginTileT< Types >, CYapfOriginTileTwoWayT< Types >, CYapfSegmentCostCacheGlobalT< Types >
- key : DefaultUnicodeMapping
- key_exchange_nonce : X25519AuthenticationHandler
- keycode : KeycodeNames
- keys : X25519DerivedKeys
- Kill() : TCPConnecter
- KillAll() : AI, TCPConnecter
- killed : TCPConnecter