CAbortGenerateWorldSignal | |
CAccelerationSlowdownParams | Data structure for storing engine speed changes of an acceleration type |
CSlTownAcceptanceMatrix::AcceptanceMatrix | Compatibility struct with just enough of TileMatrix to facilitate loading |
CIndustry::AcceptedCargo | |
CAction5Type | Information about a single action 5 type |
CAI | Main AI class |
CAircraftCache | Variables that are cached to improve performance and such |
CAircraftVehicleInfo | Information about a aircraft vehicle |
CAirportFTA | Internal structure used in openttd - Finite sTate mAchine --> FTA |
CAirportFTAbuildup | State machine input struct (from external file, etc.) Finite sTate mAchine --> FTA |
CAirportFTAClass | Finite sTate mAchine (FTA) of an airport |
CAirportMovingData | A single location on an airport where aircraft can move to |
CAirportTileLayout | |
CAirportTileSpec | Defines the data structure of each individual tile of an airport |
CAirportTileTable | Tile-offset / AirportTileID pair |
CAISettings | Settings related to the AI |
CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::AllocCache | Helper struct to cache 'freed' PoolItems so we do not need to allocate them again |
CAllowedSubtags | Data structure to store the allowed id/type combinations for action 14 |
CWindow::AllWindows< Tfront > | Iterable ensemble of all valid Windows |
CAndOr | |
CAnimationBase< Tbase, Tspec, Tobj, Textra, GetCallback, Tframehelper > | Helper class for a unified approach to NewGRF animation |
►CAnimationBase< AirportTileAnimationBase, AirportTileSpec, Station, int, GetAirportTileCallback, TileAnimationFrameAnimationHelper< Station > > | |
CAirportTileAnimationBase | Helper class for animation control |
►CAnimationBase< HouseAnimationBase, HouseSpec, Town, CargoTypes, GetSimpleHouseCallback, TileAnimationFrameAnimationHelper< Town > > | |
CHouseAnimationBase | Helper class for animation control |
►CAnimationBase< IndustryAnimationBase, IndustryTileSpec, Industry, int, GetSimpleIndustryCallback, TileAnimationFrameAnimationHelper< Industry > > | |
CIndustryAnimationBase | Helper class for animation control |
►CAnimationBase< ObjectAnimationBase, ObjectSpec, Object, int, StubGetObjectCallback, TileAnimationFrameAnimationHelper< Object > > | |
CObjectAnimationBase | Helper class for animation control |
►CAnimationBase< RoadStopAnimationBase, RoadStopSpec, BaseStation, int, GetAnimRoadStopCallback, RoadStopAnimationFrameAnimationHelper > | |
CRoadStopAnimationBase | Helper class for animation control |
►CAnimationBase< StationAnimationBase, StationSpec, BaseStation, int, GetAnimStationCallback, TileAnimationFrameAnimationHelper< BaseStation > > | |
CStationAnimationBase | Helper class for animation control |
CAnimationInfo | Information about animation |
CAnimCursor | A single sprite of a list of animated cursors |
►Cstd::array | |
CReferenceThroughBaseContainer< std::array< class AIConfig *, MAX_COMPANIES > > | |
CReferenceThroughBaseContainer< std::array< uint8_t, MAX_COMPANIES > > | |
CReferenceThroughBaseContainer< std::array< int16_t, MAX_COMPANIES > > | |
CCargoArray | Class for storing amounts of cargo |
►CX25519Key | Container for a X25519 key that is automatically crypto-wiped when destructed |
CX25519PublicKey | Container for a X25519 public key |
CX25519SecretKey | Container for a X25519 secret key |
CX25519Nonce | Container for a X25519 nonce that is automatically crypto-wiped when destructed |
CArrayT< T > | Helper template class that provides C array length and item type |
CArrayT< T[N]> | Helper template class that provides C array length and item type |
►CAutoCompletion | |
CConsoleAutoCompletion | |
CNetworkChatAutoCompletion | |
CAutoRestoreBackup< T > | Class to backup a specific variable and restore it upon destruction of this object to prevent stack values going out of scope before resetting the global to its original value |
CAyStar | AyStar search algorithm struct |
CBackup< T > | Class to backup a specific variable and restore it later |
CBadge | |
CBadges | Global state for badge definitions |
CBadgeTextFilter | |
CTimerManager< TTimerType >::base_timer_sorter | Sorter for timers |
►CBaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask > | Base for bit set wrapper |
CEnumBitSet< AirportBlock, uint64_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< Flag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< AirportMovingDataFlag, uint16_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< AirportTileCallbackMask, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< BadgeFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< GrfSpecFeature, uint32_t, GrfSpecFeature::GSF_END > | |
CEnumBitSet< SettingEntryFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< StationFacility, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< SortListFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< EndSegmentReason, uint16_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< CanalCallbackMask, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< CargoClass, uint16_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< CargoCallbackMask, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< CmdFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< CommandFlag, uint16_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< EngineFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< EngineDisplayFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< LandscapeType, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< EngineMiscFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< VehicleCallbackMask, uint16_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< ExtraEngineFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< GRFConfigFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< GRFBug, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< BorderFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< GroupFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< BuildingFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< HouseCallbackMask, uint16_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< HouseExtraFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< IndustryControlFlag, uint8_t, IndustryControlFlag::End > | |
CEnumBitSet< PartOfSubsidy, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< IndustryLifeType, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< IndustryBehaviour, uint32_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< IndustryCallbackMask, uint16_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< IndustryTileCallbackMask, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< IndustryTileSpecialFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< AspectFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< NWidgetDisplayFlag, uint16_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< NWidContainerFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< NewsFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< ObjectFlag, uint16_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< ObjectCallbackMask, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< QueryStringFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< RailTypeFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< RoadStopDrawMode, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< RoadStopCallbackMask, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< RoadStopSpecFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< RoadTypeFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< ScriptConfigFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< SettingFlag, uint16_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< SpriteComponent, uint8_t, SpriteComponent::End > | |
CEnumBitSet< StationCallbackMask, uint16_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< StationSpecFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< ViewportStringFlag, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< TownAction, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< VehState, uint8_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< WindowFlag, uint16_t > | |
CEnumBitSet< Tenum, Tstorage, Tend_value > | Enum-as-bit-set wrapper |
►CBaseBitSet< CompanyMask, CompanyID, uint16_t > | |
CCompanyMask | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< AirportBlock, uint64_t, AirportBlock {std::numeric_limits< uint64_t >::digits} >, AirportBlock, uint64_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint64_t, AirportBlock, AirportBlock {std::numeric_limits< uint64_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< AirportMovingDataFlag, uint16_t, AirportMovingDataFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >, AirportMovingDataFlag, uint16_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint16_t, AirportMovingDataFlag, AirportMovingDataFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< AirportTileCallbackMask, uint8_t, AirportTileCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, AirportTileCallbackMask, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, AirportTileCallbackMask, AirportTileCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< AspectFlag, uint8_t, AspectFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, AspectFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, AspectFlag, AspectFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< BadgeFlag, uint8_t, BadgeFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, BadgeFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, BadgeFlag, BadgeFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< BorderFlag, uint8_t, BorderFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, BorderFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, BorderFlag, BorderFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< BuildingFlag, uint8_t, BuildingFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, BuildingFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, BuildingFlag, BuildingFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< CanalCallbackMask, uint8_t, CanalCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, CanalCallbackMask, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, CanalCallbackMask, CanalCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< CargoCallbackMask, uint8_t, CargoCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, CargoCallbackMask, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, CargoCallbackMask, CargoCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< CargoClass, uint16_t, CargoClass {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >, CargoClass, uint16_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint16_t, CargoClass, CargoClass {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< CmdFlag, uint8_t, CmdFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, CmdFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, CmdFlag, CmdFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< CommandFlag, uint16_t, CommandFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >, CommandFlag, uint16_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint16_t, CommandFlag, CommandFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< EndSegmentReason, uint16_t, EndSegmentReason {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >, EndSegmentReason, uint16_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint16_t, EndSegmentReason, EndSegmentReason {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< EngineDisplayFlag, uint8_t, EngineDisplayFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, EngineDisplayFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, EngineDisplayFlag, EngineDisplayFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< EngineFlag, uint8_t, EngineFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, EngineFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, EngineFlag, EngineFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< EngineMiscFlag, uint8_t, EngineMiscFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, EngineMiscFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, EngineMiscFlag, EngineMiscFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< ExtraEngineFlag, uint8_t, ExtraEngineFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, ExtraEngineFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, ExtraEngineFlag, ExtraEngineFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< Flag, uint8_t, Flag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, Flag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, Flag, Flag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< GRFBug, uint8_t, GRFBug {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, GRFBug, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, GRFBug, GRFBug {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< GRFConfigFlag, uint8_t, GRFConfigFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, GRFConfigFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, GRFConfigFlag, GRFConfigFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< GrfSpecFeature, uint32_t, Tend_value >, GrfSpecFeature, uint32_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint32_t, GrfSpecFeature, Tend_value >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< GroupFlag, uint8_t, GroupFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, GroupFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, GroupFlag, GroupFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< HouseCallbackMask, uint16_t, HouseCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >, HouseCallbackMask, uint16_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint16_t, HouseCallbackMask, HouseCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< HouseExtraFlag, uint8_t, HouseExtraFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, HouseExtraFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, HouseExtraFlag, HouseExtraFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< IndustryBehaviour, uint32_t, IndustryBehaviour {std::numeric_limits< uint32_t >::digits} >, IndustryBehaviour, uint32_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint32_t, IndustryBehaviour, IndustryBehaviour {std::numeric_limits< uint32_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< IndustryCallbackMask, uint16_t, IndustryCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >, IndustryCallbackMask, uint16_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint16_t, IndustryCallbackMask, IndustryCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< IndustryControlFlag, uint8_t, Tend_value >, IndustryControlFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, IndustryControlFlag, Tend_value >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< IndustryLifeType, uint8_t, IndustryLifeType {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, IndustryLifeType, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, IndustryLifeType, IndustryLifeType {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< IndustryTileCallbackMask, uint8_t, IndustryTileCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, IndustryTileCallbackMask, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, IndustryTileCallbackMask, IndustryTileCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< IndustryTileSpecialFlag, uint8_t, IndustryTileSpecialFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, IndustryTileSpecialFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, IndustryTileSpecialFlag, IndustryTileSpecialFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< LandscapeType, uint8_t, LandscapeType {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, LandscapeType, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, LandscapeType, LandscapeType {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< NewsFlag, uint8_t, NewsFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, NewsFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, NewsFlag, NewsFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< NWidContainerFlag, uint8_t, NWidContainerFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, NWidContainerFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, NWidContainerFlag, NWidContainerFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< NWidgetDisplayFlag, uint16_t, NWidgetDisplayFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >, NWidgetDisplayFlag, uint16_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint16_t, NWidgetDisplayFlag, NWidgetDisplayFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< ObjectCallbackMask, uint8_t, ObjectCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, ObjectCallbackMask, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, ObjectCallbackMask, ObjectCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< ObjectFlag, uint16_t, ObjectFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >, ObjectFlag, uint16_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint16_t, ObjectFlag, ObjectFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< PartOfSubsidy, uint8_t, PartOfSubsidy {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, PartOfSubsidy, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, PartOfSubsidy, PartOfSubsidy {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< QueryStringFlag, uint8_t, QueryStringFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, QueryStringFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, QueryStringFlag, QueryStringFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< RailTypeFlag, uint8_t, RailTypeFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, RailTypeFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, RailTypeFlag, RailTypeFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< RoadStopCallbackMask, uint8_t, RoadStopCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, RoadStopCallbackMask, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, RoadStopCallbackMask, RoadStopCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< RoadStopDrawMode, uint8_t, RoadStopDrawMode {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, RoadStopDrawMode, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, RoadStopDrawMode, RoadStopDrawMode {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< RoadStopSpecFlag, uint8_t, RoadStopSpecFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, RoadStopSpecFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, RoadStopSpecFlag, RoadStopSpecFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< RoadTypeFlag, uint8_t, RoadTypeFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, RoadTypeFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, RoadTypeFlag, RoadTypeFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< ScriptConfigFlag, uint8_t, ScriptConfigFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, ScriptConfigFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, ScriptConfigFlag, ScriptConfigFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< SettingEntryFlag, uint8_t, SettingEntryFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, SettingEntryFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, SettingEntryFlag, SettingEntryFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< SettingFlag, uint16_t, SettingFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >, SettingFlag, uint16_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint16_t, SettingFlag, SettingFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< SortListFlag, uint8_t, SortListFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, SortListFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, SortListFlag, SortListFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< SpriteComponent, uint8_t, Tend_value >, SpriteComponent, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, SpriteComponent, Tend_value >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< StationCallbackMask, uint16_t, StationCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >, StationCallbackMask, uint16_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint16_t, StationCallbackMask, StationCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< StationFacility, uint8_t, StationFacility {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, StationFacility, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, StationFacility, StationFacility {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< StationSpecFlag, uint8_t, StationSpecFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, StationSpecFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, StationSpecFlag, StationSpecFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< Tenum, Tstorage, Tenum{std::numeric_limits< Tstorage >::digits} >, Tenum, Tstorage, EnumBitSetMask< Tstorage, Tenum, Tenum{std::numeric_limits< Tstorage >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< TownAction, uint8_t, TownAction {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, TownAction, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, TownAction, TownAction {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< VehicleCallbackMask, uint16_t, VehicleCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >, VehicleCallbackMask, uint16_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint16_t, VehicleCallbackMask, VehicleCallbackMask {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< VehState, uint8_t, VehState {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, VehState, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, VehState, VehState {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< ViewportStringFlag, uint8_t, ViewportStringFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >, ViewportStringFlag, uint8_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint8_t, ViewportStringFlag, ViewportStringFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint8_t >::digits} >::value > | |
CBaseBitSet< EnumBitSet< WindowFlag, uint16_t, WindowFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >, WindowFlag, uint16_t, EnumBitSetMask< uint16_t, WindowFlag, WindowFlag {std::numeric_limits< uint16_t >::digits} >::value > | |
►CBaseConsist | Various front vehicle properties that are preserved when autoreplacing, using order-backup or switching front engines within a consist |
COrderBackup | Data for backing up an order of a vehicle so it can be restored after a vehicle is rebuilt in the same depot |
►CVehicle | Vehicle data structure |
►CSpecializedVehicle< Aircraft, VEH_AIRCRAFT > | |
CAircraft | Aircraft, helicopters, rotors and their shadows belong to this class |
►CSpecializedVehicle< DisasterVehicle, VEH_DISASTER > | |
CDisasterVehicle | Disasters, like submarines, skyrangers and their shadows, belong to this class |
►CSpecializedVehicle< EffectVehicle, VEH_EFFECT > | |
CEffectVehicle | A special vehicle is one of the following: |
CSpecializedVehicle< RoadVehicle, Type > | |
►CSpecializedVehicle< Ship, VEH_SHIP > | |
CShip | All ships have this type |
CSpecializedVehicle< Train, Type > | |
►CSpecializedVehicle< T, Type > | Class defining several overloaded accessors so we don't have to cast vehicle types that often |
►CGroundVehicle< RoadVehicle, VEH_ROAD > | |
CRoadVehicle | Buses, trucks and trams belong to this class |
►CGroundVehicle< Train, VEH_TRAIN > | |
CTrain | 'Train' is either a loco or a wagon |
CGroundVehicle< T, Type > | Base class for all vehicles that move through ground |
CLinkGraph::BaseEdge | An edge in the link graph |
CLinkGraph::BaseNode | Node of the link graph |
►CBasePersistentStorageArray | Base class for all persistent NewGRF storage arrays |
►CPersistentStorageArray< int32_t, 256 > | |
CPersistentStorage | Class for pooled persistent storage of data |
CPersistentStorageArray< TYPE, SIZE > | Class for persistent storage of data |
►CBaseProvider< T > | |
►CPriorityBaseProvider< ScreenshotProvider > | |
►CScreenshotProvider | Base interface for a SoundLoader implementation |
CScreenshotProvider_Bmp | |
CScreenshotProvider_Pcx | |
CScreenshotProvider_Png | |
►CPriorityBaseProvider< SoundLoader > | |
►CSoundLoader | Base interface for a SoundLoader implementation |
CSoundLoader_Opus | Opus sound loader |
CSoundLoader_Raw | Raw PCM sound loader, used as a fallback if other sound loaders fail |
CSoundLoader_Wav | Wav file (RIFF/WAVE) sound loader |
CPriorityBaseProvider< T > | |
CBaseProvider< ScreenshotProvider > | |
CBaseProvider< SoundLoader > | |
CBaseSet< T, Tnum_files, Tsearch_in_tars > | Information about a single base set |
►CBaseSet< GraphicsSet, MAX_GFT, true > | |
CGraphicsSet | All data of a graphics set |
►CBaseSet< MusicSet, NUM_SONGS_AVAILABLE, false > | |
CMusicSet | All data of a music set |
►CBaseSet< SoundsSet, 1, true > | |
CSoundsSet | All data of a sounds set |
►CBaseSettingEntry | Data structure describing a single setting in a tab |
CSettingEntry | Standard setting |
CSettingsPage | Data structure describing one page of settings in the settings window |
►CBaseTimer< TTimerType > | The base where every other type of timer is derived from |
CIntervalTimer< TimerWindow > | |
CIntervalTimer< TimerGameCalendar > | |
CIntervalTimer< TimerGameTick > | |
CTimeoutTimer< TimerWindow > | |
CIntervalTimer< TTimerType > | An interval timer will fire every interval, and will continue to fire until it is deleted |
CTimeoutTimer< TTimerType > | A timeout timer will fire once after the interval |
CBaseTimer< TimerGameCalendar > | |
CBaseTimer< TimerGameTick > | |
CBaseTimer< TimerWindow > | |
►CBaseVehicle | Base vehicle class |
CVehicle | Vehicle data structure |
CBitmapInfoHeader | BMP Info Header (stored in little endian) |
►CBlitterFactory | The base factory, keeping track of all blitters |
CFBlitter_32bppAnim | Factory for the 32bpp blitter with animation |
CFBlitter_32bppOptimized | Factory for the optimised 32 bpp blitter (without palette animation) |
CFBlitter_32bppSimple | Factory for the simple 32 bpp blitter |
CFBlitter_40bppAnim | Factory for the 40 bpp animated blitter (for OpenGL) |
CFBlitter_8bppOptimized | Factory for the 8bpp blitter optimised for speed |
CFBlitter_8bppSimple | Factory for the most trivial 8bpp blitter |
CFBlitter_Null | Factory for the blitter that does nothing |
CBlitter::BlitterParams | Parameters related to blitting |
CBlobHarmonic | |
CBmpData | |
CBmpInfo | |
CBridgeSpec | Struct containing information about a single bridge type |
CBubbleMovement | |
CBuildBridgeData | Carriage for the data we need if we want to build a bridge |
CBuildDepotVehicleListData | Data for building a depot vehicle list |
CBuildingCounts< T > | |
CBuildingCounts< uint16_t > | |
CBulldozerMovement | |
►CButtonCommon | Button shown for either a company or client in the client-list |
CButton< T > | Template version of Button, with callback support |
CByteBuffer | Owning byte buffer readable as a stream |
CByteReader | Class to read from a NewGRF file |
CFramerateWindow::CachedDecimal | |
CNewGRFProfiler::Call | Measurement of a single sprite group resolution |
CHTTPThreadSafeCallback::Callback | Entries on the queue for later handling |
CCallbackArgsHelper< T > | |
CCallbackArgsHelper< void(*const)(Commands, const CommandCost &, Targs...)> | |
CCanalProperties | Canal properties local to the NewGRF |
CCargoDataEntry | A cargo data entry representing one possible row in the station view window's top part |
CCargoesField | Data about a single field in the IndustryCargoesWindow panel |
CCargoesRow | A single row of CargoesField |
CCargoIconOverlay | |
CCargoList< Tinst, Tcont > | Simple collection class for a list of cargo packets |
►CCargoList< StationCargoList, StationCargoPacketMap > | |
CStationCargoList | CargoList that is used for stations |
►CCargoList< VehicleCargoList, CargoPacketList > | |
CVehicleCargoList | CargoList that is used for vehicles |
►CCargoMovement< Tsource, Tdest > | Abstract action for moving cargo from one list to another |
►CCargoReroute< StationCargoList > | |
CStationCargoReroute | Action of rerouting cargo in a station |
►CCargoReroute< VehicleCargoList > | |
CVehicleCargoReroute | Action of rerouting cargo staged for transfer in a vehicle |
CCargoMovement< StationCargoList, StationCargoList > | |
►CCargoMovement< StationCargoList, VehicleCargoList > | |
►CCargoLoad | Action of loading cargo from a station onto a vehicle |
CCargoReservation | Action of reserving cargo from a station to be loaded onto a vehicle |
►CCargoMovement< Tlist, Tlist > | |
CCargoReroute< Tlist > | Action of rerouting cargo between different cargo lists and/or next hops |
►CCargoMovement< VehicleCargoList, StationCargoList > | |
CCargoReturn | Action of returning previously reserved cargo from the vehicle to the station |
CCargoTransfer | Action of transferring cargo from a vehicle to a station |
►CCargoMovement< VehicleCargoList, VehicleCargoList > | |
CCargoShift | Action of shifting cargo from one vehicle to another |
CCargoRemoval< Tsource > | Abstract action of removing cargo from a vehicle or a station |
►CCargoRemoval< VehicleCargoList > | |
CCargoDelivery | Action of final delivery of cargo |
CCargoSorter | |
CCargoSpec | Specification of a cargo type |
CCargoSuffix | Transfer storage of cargo suffix information |
CCargoSummaryItem | Helper struct for the cargo details information |
CCargoTypeComparator | Comparator to sort CargoType by according to desired order |
CCase | Container for the different cases of a string |
CCaseInsensitiveComparator | Case insensitive comparator for strings, for example for use in std::map |
CCBinaryHeapT< T > | Binary Heap as C++ template |
CCBinaryHeapT< PathNode > | |
CCBinaryHeapT< Titem > | |
CCFDeleter< T > | Deleter that calls CFRelease rather than deleting the pointer |
►CCFollowTrackT< Ttr_type_, VehicleType, T90deg_turns_allowed_, Tmask_reserved_tracks > | Track follower helper template class (can serve pathfinders and vehicle controllers) |
CDummyFollower | |
CMpsMachine::Channel | Starting parameter and playback status for one channel/track |
►Cstd::char_traits | |
CCaseInsensitiveCharTraits | Case insensitive implementation of the standard character type traits |
COSXStringIterator::CharInfo | Break info for a character |
CUniscribeStringIterator::CharInfo | |
CChatMessage | Container for a message |
CCheat | Info about each of the cheats |
CCheatEntry | Information of a cheat |
CCheats | WARNING! Do not remove entries in Cheats struct or change the order of the existing ones! Would break downward compatibility |
CChildScreenSpriteToDraw | |
►CChunkHandler | Handlers and description of chunk |
CAIPLChunkHandler | |
CANITChunkHandler | |
CBKORChunkHandler | |
CCAPAChunkHandler | |
CCAPRChunkHandler | Cargo payment rates in pre 126 savegames |
CCAPYChunkHandler | |
CCHKPChunkHandler | |
CCHTSChunkHandler | |
CCITYChunkHandler | |
CCMDLChunkHandler | _cargo_deliveries monitoring map |
CCMPUChunkHandler | _cargo_pickups monitoring map |
CDATEChunkHandler | |
CDEPTChunkHandler | |
CECMYChunkHandler | Economy variables |
CEIDSChunkHandler | |
CENGNChunkHandler | |
CENGSChunkHandler | |
CERNWChunkHandler | |
CGLOGChunkHandler | |
CGOALChunkHandler | |
CGRPSChunkHandler | |
CGSDTChunkHandler | |
CGSTRChunkHandler | |
CIBLDChunkHandler | Industry builder |
CINDYChunkHandler | |
CITBLChunkHandler | Industry-type build data |
CLEAEChunkHandler | |
CLEATChunkHandler | |
CLGRJChunkHandler | All link graph jobs |
CLGRPChunkHandler | All link graphs |
CLGRSChunkHandler | Link graph schedule |
CM3HIChunkHandler | |
CM3LOChunkHandler | |
CMAP2ChunkHandler | |
CMAP5ChunkHandler | |
CMAP7ChunkHandler | |
CMAP8ChunkHandler | |
CMAPEChunkHandler | |
CMAPHChunkHandler | |
CMAPOChunkHandler | |
CMAPSChunkHandler | |
CMAPTChunkHandler | |
CNAMEChunkHandler | |
CNGRFChunkHandler | |
►CNewGRFMappingChunkHandler | |
CAPIDChunkHandler | |
CATIDChunkHandler | |
CHIDSChunkHandler | |
CIIDSChunkHandler | |
COBIDChunkHandler | |
CTIDSChunkHandler | |
COBJSChunkHandler | |
COPTSChunkHandler | |
CORDLChunkHandler | |
CORDRChunkHandler | |
CPATSChunkHandler | |
CPLYRChunkHandler | |
CPRICChunkHandler | Prices in pre 126 savegames |
CPSACChunkHandler | Persistent storage data |
CRAILChunkHandler | |
CROADChunkHandler | |
CROTTChunkHandler | |
CSIGNChunkHandler | |
CSRNDChunkHandler | |
CSTNNChunkHandler | |
CSTNSChunkHandler | |
CSTPAChunkHandler | |
CSTPEChunkHandler | |
CSUBSChunkHandler | |
CVEHSChunkHandler | |
CVIEWChunkHandler | |
CWaterRegionChunkHandler | |
CClearedObjectArea | Keeps track of removed objects during execution/testruns of commands |
CClientSettings | All settings that are only important for the local client |
CClosestDepot | Structure to return information about the closest depot location, and whether it could be found |
CCmdPair | |
CCmdStruct | |
CCocoaVkMapping | |
CColourARGB | Packed colour union to access the alpha, red, green, and blue channels from a 32 bit number for big-endian systems |
CColourBGRA | Packed colour union to access the alpha, red, green, and blue channels from a 32 bit number for little-endian systems |
CColourGradients | Lookup table of colour shades for all 16 colour gradients |
CColourRGBA | Packed colour union to access the alpha, red, green, and blue channels from a 32 bit number for Emscripten build |
CCommandCost | Common return value for all commands |
CCommandDispatch | |
CCommandFunctionTraitHelper< T > | |
CCommandFunctionTraitHelper< CommandCost(*)(DoCommandFlags, Targs...)> | |
CCommandFunctionTraitHelper< Tret< CommandCost, Tretargs... >(*)(DoCommandFlags, Targs...)> | |
CCommandHelper< TCmd, T, THasTile > | |
►CCommandHelperBase | |
►CCommandHelper< Tcmd, Tret(*)(DoCommandFlags, Targs...), true > | Templated wrapper that exposes the command parameter arguments for the various Command::Do/Post calls |
CCommandHelper< Tcmd, Tret(*)(DoCommandFlags, Targs...), false > | Overload for CommandHelper that exposes additional Post variants for commands that don't take a TileIndex themselves |
CCommandInfo | Define a command with the flags which belongs to it |
CCommandPacket | Everything we need to know about a command to be able to execute it |
CCommandTraits< Tcmd > | Defines the traits of a command |
CSpriteLoader::CommonPixel | Definition of a common pixel in OpenTTD's realm |
CCompanyEconomyEntry | Statistics about the economy |
CCompanyInfrastructure | |
CCompanyManagerFaceBitsInfo | Information about the valid values of CompanyManagerFace bitgroups as well as the sprites to draw |
CCompanyOldAI | |
►CCompanyProperties | Statically loadable part of Company pool item |
CCompany | |
CCompanySettings | Settings that can be set per company |
CCapacityAnnotation::Comparator | Comparator for std containers |
CDistanceAnnotation::Comparator | Comparator for std containers |
CStrongType::Compare | Mix-in which makes the new Typedef comparable with itself and its base type |
CStrongType::Compatible< TCompatibleType > | Mix-in which makes the new Typedef compatible with another type (which is not the base type) |
►CComponentHandler | A handler doing "something" on a link graph component |
CDemandHandler | Stateless, thread safe demand handler |
CFlowMapper | Map the path trees generated by the MCF solver into flows |
CInitHandler | Stateless, thread safe initialization handler |
CMCFHandler< Tpass > | Link graph handler for MCF |
CConstructionSettings | Settings related to construction in-game |
►CContainer | |
CReferenceThroughBaseContainer< Container > | A sort-of mixin that adds 'at(pos)' and 'operator[](pos)' implementations for 'ConvertibleThroughBase' types |
►CContentCallback | Callbacks for notifying others about incoming data |
►CBaseNetworkContentDownloadStatusWindow | Base window for showing the download status of content |
CBootstrapContentDownloadStatusWindow | Window for showing the download status of content |
CNetworkContentDownloadStatusWindow | Window for showing the download status of content |
CBootstrapAskForDownloadWindow | The window for the query |
CClientNetworkContentSocketHandler | Socket handler for the content server connection |
CConsoleContentCallback | Asynchronous callback |
CNetworkContentListWindow | Window that lists the content that's at the content server |
CContentInfo | Container for all important information about a piece of content |
CContentListFilterData | Filter data for NetworkContentListWindow |
CCoreTextParagraphLayoutFactory | Helper class to construct a new CoreTextParagraphLayout |
►CCrashLog | Helper class for creating crash logs |
CCrashLogOSX | OSX implementation for the crash logger |
CCrashLogUnix | Unix implementation for the crash logger |
CCrashLogWindows | Windows implementation for the crash logger |
►CCSegmentCostCacheBase | Base class for segment cost cache providers |
CCSegmentCostCacheT< Tsegment > | CSegmentCostCacheT - template class providing hash-map and storage (heap) of Tsegment structures |
CCTRunDelegateCallbacks | |
CCurrencySpec | Specification of a currency |
CCursorSprite | |
CCursorVars | Collection of variables for cursor-display and -animation |
CCYapfBaseT< Types > | CYapfBaseT - A-star type path finder base class |
►CCYapfCostBase | Base implementation for cost accounting |
CCYapfCostRailT< Types > | |
CCYapfCostRegionT< Types > | Cost Provider of YAPF for water regions |
CCYapfCostRoadT< Types > | |
CCYapfCostShipT< Types > | Cost Provider module of YAPF for ships |
CCYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT< Types > | |
►CCYapfDestinationRailBase | |
CCYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT< Types > | |
CCYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT< Types > | |
CCYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT< Types > | |
CCYapfDestinationRegionT< Types > | YAPF destination provider for water regions |
CCYapfDestinationTileRoadT< Types > | |
CCYapfDestinationTileWaterT< Types > | |
CCYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT< Types > | |
CCYapfFollowRegionT< Types > | YAPF node following for water region pathfinding |
CCYapfFollowRoadT< Types > | |
CCYapfFollowShipT< Types > | Node Follower module of YAPF for ships |
►CCYapfNodeKeyExitDir | Yapf Node Key that evaluates hash from (and compares) tile & exit dir |
CCYapfNodeKeyTrackDir | |
CCYapfNodeT< Tkey_, Tnode > | Yapf Node base |
►CCYapfNodeT< AyStarNode, PathNode > | |
CPathNode | |
►CCYapfNodeT< Tkey_, CYapfRailNodeT< Tkey_ > > | |
CCYapfRailNodeT< Tkey_ > | Yapf Node for rail YAPF |
►CCYapfNodeT< Tkey_, CYapfRegionNodeT< Tkey_ > > | |
CCYapfRegionNodeT< Tkey_ > | Yapf Node for water regions |
►CCYapfNodeT< Tkey_, CYapfRoadNodeT< Tkey_ > > | |
CCYapfRoadNodeT< Tkey_ > | Yapf Node for road YAPF |
►CCYapfNodeT< Tkey_, CYapfShipNodeT< Tkey_ > > | |
CCYapfShipNodeT< Tkey_ > | Yapf Node for ships |
CCYapfOriginRegionT< Types > | YAPF origin for water regions |
CCYapfOriginTileT< Types > | YAPF origin provider base class - used when origin is one tile / multiple trackdirs |
CCYapfOriginTileTwoWayT< Types > | YAPF origin provider base class - used when there are two tile/trackdir origins |
CCYapfRail_TypesT< Tpf_, Ttrack_follower, Tnode_list, TdestinationT, TfollowT > | |
CCYapfRailSegment | Cached segment cost for rail YAPF |
CCYapfRailSegmentKey | Key for cached segment cost for rail YAPF |
CCYapfRegion_TypesT< Tpf_, Tnode_list > | Config struct of YAPF for route planning |
CCYapfRegionPatchNodeKey | Yapf Node Key that represents a single patch of interconnected water within a water region |
►CCYapfReserveTrack< Types > | |
CCYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT< Types > | |
CCYapfFollowRailT< Types > | |
CCYapfRoad_TypesT< Tpf_, Tnode_list, Tdestination > | |
CCYapfSegmentCostCacheGlobalT< Types > | CYapfSegmentCostCacheGlobalT - the yapf cost cache provider that adds the segment cost caching functionality to yapf |
CCYapfSegmentCostCacheNoneT< Types > | CYapfSegmentCostCacheNoneT - the formal only yapf cost cache provider that implements PfNodeCacheFetch() |
CCYapfShip_TypesT< Tpf_, Ttrack_follower, Tnode_list > | Config struct of YAPF for ships |
CCzechNameAdj | |
CCzechNameSubst | |
CMidiFile::DataBlock | |
CBaseGraphWindow::DataSet | |
CTimerGame< T >::DateTag< ST > | The type to store our dates in |
CDebugLevel | |
CDefaultUnicodeMapping | |
CDefSQClass< CL, ST > | The template to define classes in Squirrel |
CLinkGraphJob::DemandAnnotation | Demand between two nodes |
CDemandCalculator | Calculate the demands |
CDestinationID | |
CDeterministicSpriteGroupAdjust | |
CDeterministicSpriteGroupRange | |
CDiagonalTileArea | Represents a diagonal tile area |
CDifficultySettings | Settings related to the difficulty of the game |
CDimension | Dimensions (a width and height) of a rectangle in 2D |
CDisaster | |
CDLSFile | A DLS file |
CDLSFile::DLSInstrument | Instrument definition read from a DLS file |
CDLSFile::DLSRegion | An instrument region maps a note range to wave data |
CDLSFile::DLSWave | Wave data definition from a DLS file |
CDrawBuildingsTileStruct | This structure is the same for both Industries and Houses |
CDrawIndustryAnimationStruct | This is used to gather some data about animation drawing in the industry code Image_1-2-3 are in fact only offset in the sprites used by the industry |
CDrawIndustryCoordinates | Simple structure gathering x,y coordinates for industries animations |
CDrawPixelInfo | Data about how and where to blit pixels |
CDrawRoadTileStruct | |
CDrawTileSeqStruct | A tile child sprite and palette to draw for stations etc, with 3D bounding box |
►CDrawTileSprites | Ground palette sprite of a tile, together with its sprite layout |
CDrawTileSpriteSpan | Ground palette sprite of a tile, together with its sprite layout |
CNewGRFSpriteLayout | NewGRF supplied spritelayout |
►CDriver | A driver for communicating with the user |
►CMusicDriver | Driver for all music playback |
CMusicDriver_Allegro | Allegro's music player |
CMusicDriver_BeMidi | The midi player for BeOS |
CMusicDriver_Cocoa | |
CMusicDriver_DMusic | Music player making use of DirectX |
CMusicDriver_ExtMidi | |
CMusicDriver_FluidSynth | Music driver making use of FluidSynth |
CMusicDriver_Null | The music player that does nothing |
CMusicDriver_Win32 | The Windows music player |
►CSoundDriver | Base for all sound drivers |
CSoundDriver_Allegro | Implementation of the allegro sound driver |
CSoundDriver_Cocoa | |
CSoundDriver_Null | Implementation of the null sound driver |
CSoundDriver_SDL | Implementation of the SDL sound driver |
CSoundDriver_Win32 | Implementation of the sound driver for Windows |
CSoundDriver_XAudio2 | Implementation of the XAudio2 sound driver |
►CVideoDriver | The base of all video drivers |
CVideoDriver_Allegro | The allegro video driver |
►CVideoDriver_Cocoa | |
CVideoDriver_CocoaOpenGL | |
CVideoDriver_CocoaQuartz | |
CVideoDriver_Dedicated | The dedicated server video driver |
CVideoDriver_Null | The null video driver |
►CVideoDriver_SDL_Base | The SDL video driver |
CVideoDriver_SDL_Default | The SDL video driver using default SDL backend |
CVideoDriver_SDL_OpenGL | The OpenGL video driver for windows |
►CVideoDriver_Win32Base | Base class for Windows video drivers |
CVideoDriver_Win32GDI | The GDI video driver for windows |
►CDriverFactoryBase | Base for all driver factories |
CFMusicDriver_Allegro | Factory for allegro's music player |
CFMusicDriver_BeMidi | Factory for the BeOS midi player |
CFMusicDriver_Cocoa | |
CFMusicDriver_DMusic | Factory for the DirectX music player |
CFMusicDriver_ExtMidi | |
CFMusicDriver_FluidSynth | Factory for the fluidsynth driver |
CFMusicDriver_Null | Factory for the null music player |
CFMusicDriver_Win32 | Factory for Windows' music player |
CFSoundDriver_Allegro | Factory for the allegro sound driver |
CFSoundDriver_Cocoa | |
CFSoundDriver_Null | Factory for the null sound driver |
CFSoundDriver_SDL | Factory for the SDL sound driver |
CFSoundDriver_Win32 | Factory for the sound driver for Windows |
CFSoundDriver_XAudio2 | Factory for the XAudio2 sound driver |
CFVideoDriver_Allegro | Factory for the allegro video driver |
CFVideoDriver_CocoaOpenGL | |
CFVideoDriver_CocoaQuartz | |
CFVideoDriver_Dedicated | Factory for the dedicated server video driver |
CFVideoDriver_Null | Factory the null video driver |
CFVideoDriver_SDL_Default | Factory for the SDL video driver |
CFVideoDriver_SDL_OpenGL | The factory for SDL' OpenGL video driver |
CFVideoDriver_Win32GDI | The factory for Windows' video driver |
►CDropDownIcon< DropDownIcon< DropDownString< DropDownListItem >, true > > | |
CDropDownListCompanyItem | Company name list item, with company-colour icon, name, and lock components |
►CDropDownListItem | Base list item class from which others are derived |
►CDropDownString< DropDownListItem > | |
►CDropDownIcon< DropDownString< DropDownListItem > > | |
CDropDownListColourItem< TSprite > | Colour selection list item, with icon and string components |
CDumpTarget | Class that represents the dump-into-string target |
CEconomy | Data of the economy |
CEconomySettings | Settings related to the economy |
CLinkGraphJob::EdgeAnnotation | Annotation for a link graph edge |
CEFCParam | |
CEffectProcs | |
CGUIBadgeClasses::Element | |
CEncodedString | Container for an encoded string, created by GetEncodedString |
CEndianBufferReader | Endian-aware buffer adapter that always reads values in little endian order |
CEndianBufferWriter< Tcont, Titer > | Endian-aware buffer adapter that always writes values in little endian order |
CEngineIDMapping | |
CEngineIDMappingKeyProjection | Projection to get a unique key of an EngineIDMapping, used for sorting in EngineOverrideManager |
CEngineInfo | Information about a vehicle |
CEngineOverrideManager | Stores the mapping of EngineID to the internal id of newgrfs |
CEngine::EngineTypeFilter | |
CEntityIDMapping | Maps an entity id stored on the map to a GRF file |
CRoadStop::Entry | Container for each entry point of a drive through road stop |
CEnumBitSetMask< Tstorage, Tenum, Tend_value > | Helper template structure to get the mask for an EnumBitSet from the end enum value |
►CErrorMessageData | The data of the error message |
CErrmsgWindow | Window class for displaying an error message window |
CExpensesList | Expense list container |
CExternalTownData | Town data imported from JSON files and used to place towns |
CExtraPaletteValues | Description of tables for the palette animation |
CFallbackParagraphLayoutFactory | Helper class to construct a new FallbackParagraphLayout |
CFenceOffset | Offsets for drawing fences |
CFileHandle::FileDeleter | Helper to close a FILE * with a std::unique_ptr |
CFileHandle | |
►CFileScanner | Helper for scanning for files with a given name |
►CBaseMedia< GraphicsSet > | |
CBaseGraphics | All data/functions related with replacing the base graphics |
►CBaseMedia< MusicSet > | |
CBaseMusic | All data/functions related with replacing the base music |
►CBaseMedia< SoundsSet > | |
CBaseSounds | All data/functions related with replacing the base sounds |
CBaseMedia< Tbase_set > | Base for all base media (graphics, sounds) |
CFiosFileScanner | Scanner to scan for a particular type of FIOS file |
CGRFFileScanner | Helper for scanning for files with GRF as extension |
CLanguageScanner | Scanner to find language files in a GameScript directory |
CScenarioScanner | Scanner to find the unique IDs of scenarios |
CScriptFileChecksumCreator | Helper for creating a MD5sum of all files within of a script |
►CScriptScanner | Scanner to help finding scripts |
CAIScannerInfo | |
CAIScannerLibrary | |
CGameScannerInfo | |
CGameScannerLibrary | |
CSocialIntegrationFileScanner | Helper for scanning for files with SocialIntegration as extension |
CTarScanner | Helper for scanning for files with tar as extension |
CFileToSaveLoad | Deals with the type of the savegame, independent of extension |
CFiltering | Data structure describing what to show in the list (filter criteria) |
CCompanyStationsWindow::FilterState | |
CScriptDebugWindow::FilterState | |
CFinalizeRefitAction | Action for finalizing a refit |
CFindDepotData | Helper container to find a depot |
CFindTrainOnTrackInfo | Helper struct for finding the best matching vehicle on a specific track |
CFiosItem | Deals with finding savegames |
CFiosNumberedSaveName | A savegame name automatically numbered |
CFlowEdgeIterator | Iterator class for getting edges from a FlowStatMap |
CFlowSaveLoad | |
CFlowStat | Flow statistics telling how much flow should be sent along a link |
CFont | Container with information about a font |
►CFontCache | Font cache for basic fonts |
CMockFontCache | Font cache for mocking basic use of fonts |
CSpriteFontCache | Font cache for fonts that are based on a freetype font |
►CTrueTypeFontCache | Font cache for fonts that are based on a TrueType font |
CCoreTextFontCache | |
CFreeTypeFontCache | Font cache for fonts that are based on a freetype font |
CWin32FontCache | Font cache for fonts that are based on a Win32 font |
CFontCacheSettings | Settings for the four different fonts |
CFontCacheSubSetting | Settings for a single font |
CFontState | Text drawing parameters, which can change while drawing a line, but are kept between multiple parts of the same text, e.g |
►Cfmt::formatter | |
Cfmt::formatter< E, Char > | |
Cfmt::formatter< T, Char > | |
CFreeUnitIDGenerator | |
CLibraryLoader::Function | A function loaded from a library |
CGame | Main Game class |
CGameCreationSettings | Settings related to the creation of games |
CGamelog | |
CGamelogInternalData | |
CGameSessionStats | |
CGameSettings | All settings together for the game |
CGameStrings | Container for all the game strings |
CGenericCallback | |
CGenericWaypointTypeFilter< ROAD, TILE_TYPE > | |
CGenWorldInfo | Properties of current genworld process |
CGenWorldStatus | |
CDepotWindow::GetDepotVehiclePtData | |
CGetNewVehiclePosResult | Position information of a vehicle after it moved |
CGetOptData | Data storage for parsing command line options |
CTrueTypeFontCache::GlyphEntry | Container for information about a glyph |
CGoodsEntry | Stores station stats for a single cargo |
CGoodsEntry::GoodsEntryData | |
CGraphEdgeIterator | Iterator class for getting the edges in the order of their next_edge members |
CGRFConfig | Information about GRF, used in the game and (part of it) in savegames |
CGRFError | Information about why GRF had problems during initialisation |
CGRFFile | Dynamic data of a loaded NewGRF |
►CGRFFilePropsBase | Base data related to the handling of grf files |
►CFixedGRFFileProps< 1 > | |
CGRFFileProps | Data related to the handling of grf files |
CFixedGRFFileProps< 2 > | |
CFixedGRFFileProps< Tcount > | Fixed-length list of sprite groups for an entity |
CVariableGRFFileProps | Variable-length list of sprite groups for an entity |
►CGRFIdentifier | Basic data to distinguish a GRF |
CLoggedChangeGRFAdd | |
CLoggedChangeGRFChanged | |
CGRFLabel | |
CGRFLoadedFeatures | |
CGRFLocation | |
CGRFParameterInfo | Information about one grf parameter |
CGRFPresence | Information about the presence of a Grf at a certain point during gamelog history Note about missing Grfs: Changes to missing Grfs are not logged including manual removal of the Grf |
CGrfProcessingState | Temporary data during loading of GRFs |
CGrfSpriteOffset | |
CGRFTempEngineData | Temporary engine data used when loading only |
CGRFText | A GRF text with associated language ID |
CGRFTextEntry | Holder of the above structure |
CGRFTownName | |
CGroundVehicleCache | Cached, frequently calculated values |
CGroupStatistics | Statistics and caches on the vehicles in a group |
CGUIBadgeClasses | |
CGUIEngineListItem | |
CGUIGroupListItem | |
CGUISettings | Settings related to the GUI and other stuff that is not saved in the savegame |
CGUIVehicleGroup | |
CHangarTileTable | A list of all hangar tiles in an airport |
CHashTable< Titem, Thash_bits_ > | Class HashTable<Titem, HASH_BITS> - simple hash table of pointers allocated elsewhere |
CHashTable< PathNode, Thash_bits_closed > | |
CHashTable< PathNode, Thash_bits_open > | |
CHashTable< Titem, Thash_bits_closed > | |
CHashTable< Titem, Thash_bits_open > | |
CHashTable< Tsegment, HASH_BITS > | |
CHashTableSlot< TItem > | |
CHashTableSlot< PathNode > | |
CHashTableSlot< Titem > | |
CHashTableSlot< Tsegment > | |
►CHeaderWriter | Base class for writing the header, i.e |
CHeaderFileWriter | |
CStringNameWriter | Class for writing the string IDs |
CHeightMap | Height map - allocated array of heights (Map::SizeX() + 1) * (Map::SizeY() + 1) |
CSQConvert::HelperT< Tfunc > | Helper class to recognize the function type (retval type, args) and use the proper specialization for SQ callback |
CSQConvert::HelperT< Tretval(*)(Targs...)> | The real C++ caller for functions |
CSQConvert::HelperT< Tretval(Tcls::*)(Targs...)> | The real C++ caller for methods |
CHighScore | |
CTextfileWindow::HistoryEntry | |
CLinkRefresher::Hop | A hop the refresh algorithm might evaluate |
CHotkey | All data for a single hotkey |
CHotkeyList | List of hotkeys for a window |
CHouseClassMapping | Makes class IDs unique to each GRF file |
CHouseSpec | |
►CHTTPCallback | Callback for when the HTTP handler has something to tell us |
CClientNetworkContentSocketHandler | Socket handler for the content server connection |
CNetworkSurveyHandler | Socket handler for the survey connection |
CHTTPThreadSafeCallback | Converts a HTTPCallback to a Thread-Safe variant |
CTextfileWindow::Hyperlink | |
CIConsole | |
CIConsoleAlias | –Aliases– Aliases are like shortcuts for complex functions, variable assignments, etc |
CIConsoleCmd | |
CIConsoleLine | Container for a single line of console output |
CICUParagraphLayoutFactory | Helper class to construct a new ICUParagraphLayout |
CICURun | Helper class to store the information of all the runs of a paragraph in |
CIndustryBuildData | Data for managing the number and type of industries in the game |
CIndustryCompare | |
CIndustryListEntry | |
CIndustrySpec | Defines the data structure for constructing industry |
CIndustryTileLayoutTile | Definition of one tile in an industry tile layout |
CIndustryTileSpec | Defines the data structure of each individual tile of an industry |
CIndustryTypeBuildData | Data for managing the number of industries of a single industry type |
CBaseGraphics::Ini | Values loaded from config file |
CIniGroup | A group within an ini file |
CIniItem | A single "line" in an ini file |
►CIniLoadFile | Ini file that only supports loading |
►CIniFile | Ini file that supports both loading and saving |
CConfigIniFile | IniFile to store a configuration |
CSettingsIniFile | Derived class for loading INI files without going through Fio stuff |
CStrongType::Integer | Mix-in which makes the new Typedef behave more like an integer |
CInternalSocialIntegrationPlugin | Container to track information per plugin |
CIntroGameViewportCommand | A viewport command for the main menu background (intro game) |
Cis_enum_incrementable< enum_type > | Trait to enable prefix/postfix incrementing operators |
CIsEmptyAction | Action to check if a vehicle has no stored cargo |
CCargoSpec::IterateWrapper | |
CMap::IterateWrapper | |
CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::IterateWrapper< T > | |
CVehicle::IterateWrapper | Iterable ensemble of orders |
CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::IterateWrapperFiltered< T, F > | |
CCargoSpec::Iterator | Iterator to iterate all valid CargoSpec |
CMap::Iterator | Iterator to iterate all Tiles |
CSetBitIterator< Tbitpos, Tbitset >::Iterator | |
►CIXAudio2VoiceCallback | |
CStreamingVoiceContext | Implementation of the IXAudio2VoiceCallback interface |
CKdtree< T, TxyFunc, CoordT, DistT > | K-dimensional tree, specialised for 2-dimensional space |
CKdtree_StationXYFunc | |
CKdtree_TownXYFunc | |
CKdtree_ViewportSignXYFunc | |
CKeycodeNames | String representation of a keycode |
CSlAllowListData::KeyWrapper | |
CDumpTarget::KnownStructKey | Used as a key into map of known object instances |
CLabelObject< T > | Container for a label for rail or road type conversion |
CLangString | Information about a single string |
CLanguageMap | Mapping of language data between a NewGRF and OpenTTD |
CLanguagePackDeleter | |
►CLanguagePackHeader | Header of a language file |
CLanguageMetadata | Make sure the size is right |
CLanguagePack | |
CLanguageStrings | Container for the raw (unencoded) language strings of a language |
►CLanguageWriter | Base class for all language writers |
CLanguageFileWriter | Class for writing a language to disk |
CTranslationWriter | Class for writing an encoded language |
CStoryBookWindow::LayoutCacheElement | |
CLegendAndColour | Structure for holding relevant data for legends in small map |
CLibraryLoader | |
►CParagraphLayouter::Line | A single line worth of VisualRuns |
CCoreTextParagraphLayout::CoreTextLine | A single line worth of VisualRuns |
CFallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackLine | A single line worth of VisualRuns |
CICUParagraphLayout::ICULine | A single line worth of VisualRuns |
CUniscribeParagraphLayout::UniscribeLine | A single line worth of VisualRuns |
CTextfileWindow::Line | |
CLayouter::LineCacheCompare | Comparator for std::map |
CLayouter::LineCacheItem | Item in the linecache |
CLayouter::LineCacheKey | Key into the linecache |
CLayouter::LineCacheQuery | |
CLink | |
CLinkGraphOverlay | Handles drawing of links into some window |
CLinkGraphSchedule | |
CLinkGraphSettings | |
CLinkProperties | Monthly statistics for a link between two stations |
CLinkRefresher | Utility to refresh links a consist will visit |
CListing | Data structure describing how to show the list (what sort direction and criteria) |
CListOrderChange | |
CLivery | Information about a particular livery |
CLoadCheckData | Container for loading in mode SL_LOAD_CHECK |
CLoadedLanguagePack | |
►CLoadFilter | Interface for filtering a savegame till it is loaded |
CFileReader | Yes, simply reading from a file |
CLZMALoadFilter | Filter without any compression |
CLZOLoadFilter | Filter using LZO compression |
CNoCompLoadFilter | Filter without any compression |
CPacketReader | Read some packets, and when do use that data as initial load filter |
CZlibLoadFilter | Filter using Zlib compression |
CLoadgameState | |
CLocaleSettings | Settings related to currency/unit systems |
CLoggedAction | Contains information about one logged action that caused at least one logged change |
►CLoggedChange | |
CLoggedChangeEmergencySave | |
CLoggedChangeGRFAdd | |
CLoggedChangeGRFBug | |
CLoggedChangeGRFChanged | |
CLoggedChangeGRFMoved | |
CLoggedChangeGRFParameterChanged | |
CLoggedChangeGRFRemoved | |
CLoggedChangeMode | |
CLoggedChangeOldVersion | |
CLoggedChangeRevision | |
CLoggedChangeSettingChanged | |
CLRUCache< Tkey, Tdata > | Size limited cache with a least recently used eviction strategy |
CLRUCache< SpriteID, OpenGLSprite > | |
CMap | Size related data of the map |
►Cstd::map | |
CFlowStatMap | Flow descriptions by origin stations |
CMultiMap< Tkey, Tvalue, Tcompare > | Hand-rolled multimap as map of lists |
CLanguageMap::Mapping | Mapping between NewGRF and OpenTTD IDs |
CMD5File | Structure holding filename and MD5 information about a single file |
CMemBlock | |
CMemoryDumper | Container for dumping the savegame (quickly) to memory |
CMidiFile | |
►CMissingGlyphSearcher | A searcher for missing glyphs |
CLanguagePackGlyphSearcher | Helper for searching through the language pack |
►CTextfileWindow | Window for displaying a textfile |
CBaseSetTextfileWindow | Window for displaying the textfile of a BaseSet |
CContentTextfileWindow | Window for displaying the textfile of an item in the content list |
CGameManualTextfileWindow | Window class displaying the game manual textfile viewer |
CNewGRFTextfileWindow | Window for displaying the textfile of a NewGRF |
CScriptTextfileWindow | Window for displaying the textfile of a AI |
CSurveyResultTextfileWindow | Window for displaying the textfile of a survey result |
CMixerChannel | |
CStrongType::Compare::mixin< TType, TBaseType > | |
CStrongType::Compatible< TCompatibleType >::mixin< TType, TBaseType > | |
CStrongType::Integer::mixin< TType, TBaseType > | |
CMockEnvironment | Singleton class to set up the mock environment once |
CMovementTerminalMapping | Combination of aircraft state for going to a certain terminal and the airport flag for that terminal block |
CMpsMachine | Decoder for "MPS MIDI" format data |
►CMultiCommodityFlow | Multi-commodity flow calculating base class |
CMCF1stPass | First pass of the MCF calculation |
CMCF2ndPass | Second pass of the MCF calculation |
CMultiMapIterator< Tmap_iter, Tlist_iter, Tkey, Tvalue, Tcompare > | STL-style iterator for MultiMap |
CMusicSettings | Settings related to music |
►CMusicSongInfo | Metadata about a music track |
CMusicSystem::PlaylistEntry | |
CMusicSystem | |
CMutableSpriteCache | Cache for vehicle sprites and values relating to whether they should be updated before drawing, or calculating the viewport |
CNamedGRFIdentifier | Container to hold the GRF identifier (GRF ID + MD5 checksum) and the name associated with that NewGRF |
CNamePart | |
CNamePartList | |
CNestedGoalWidgets< bg_colour, btn_colour, caption > | Widgets of the goal question window |
CNetworkAddress | Wrapper for (un)resolved network addresses; there's no reason to transform a numeric IP to a string and then back again to pass it to functions |
►CNetworkAuthenticationAuthorizedKeyHandler | Callback interface for server implementations to provide the authorized key validation |
CNetworkAuthenticationDefaultAuthorizedKeyHandler | Default implementation for the authorized key handler |
►CNetworkAuthenticationHandler | Base class for cryptographic authentication handlers |
►CNetworkAuthenticationClientHandler | Base class for client side cryptographic authentication handlers |
CCombinedAuthenticationClientHandler | Handler for combining a number of authentication handlers, where the failure of one of the handlers will retry with another handler |
CX25519AuthorizedKeyClientHandler | Handler for clients using a X25519 key exchange to perform authentication via a set of authorized (public) keys of clients |
CX25519KeyExchangeOnlyClientHandler | Client side handler for using X25519 without actual authentication |
CX25519PAKEClientHandler | Client side handler for using X25519 with a password-authenticated key exchange |
►CNetworkAuthenticationServerHandler | Base class for server side cryptographic authentication handlers |
CCombinedAuthenticationServerHandler | Handler for combining a number of authentication handlers, where the failure of one of the handlers will retry with another handler |
CX25519AuthorizedKeyServerHandler | Handler for servers using a X25519 key exchange to perform authentication via a set of authorized (public) keys of clients |
CX25519KeyExchangeOnlyServerHandler | Server side handler for using X25519 without actual authentication |
CX25519PAKEServerHandler | Server side handler for using X25519 with a password-authenticated key exchange |
►CNetworkAuthenticationPasswordProvider | Callback interface for server implementations to provide the current password |
CNetworkAuthenticationDefaultPasswordProvider | Default implementation of the password provider |
►CNetworkAuthenticationPasswordRequest | Callback interface for requests for passwords in the context of network authentication |
►CNetworkAuthenticationPasswordRequestHandler | Callback interface for client implementations to provide the handling of the password requests |
CClientGamePasswordRequestHandler | |
CTestPasswordRequestHandler | |
►CNetworkCompanyStats | Simple calculated statistics of a company |
CNetworkCompanyInfo | Company information stored at the client side |
►CNetworkEncryptionHandler | Base class for handling the encryption (or decryption) of a network connection |
CX25519EncryptionHandler | Encryption handler implementation for monocypther encryption after a X25519 key exchange |
CNetworkError | Abstraction of a network error where all implementation details of the error codes are encapsulated in this class and the abstraction layer |
CNetworkGameList | Structure with information shown in the game list (GUI) |
CNetworkHTTPRequest | Single HTTP request |
CNetworkHTTPSocketHandler | Base socket handler for HTTP traffic |
CNetworkJoinInfo | Information required to join a server |
►CNetworkServerGameInfo | The game information that is sent from the server to the client |
CNetworkGameInfo | The game information that is sent from the server to the clients with extra information only required at the client side |
CNetworkSettings | All settings related to the network |
►CNetworkSocketHandler | SocketHandler for all network sockets in OpenTTD |
CMockNetworkSocketHandler | |
►CNetworkTCPSocketHandler | Base socket handler for all TCP sockets |
►CNetworkAdminSocketHandler | Main socket handler for admin related connections |
CServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler | Class for handling the server side of the game connection |
►CNetworkContentSocketHandler | Base socket handler for all Content TCP sockets |
CClientNetworkContentSocketHandler | Socket handler for the content server connection |
►CNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler | Base socket handler for all Game Coordinator TCP sockets |
CClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler | Game Coordinator communication |
►CNetworkGameSocketHandler | Base socket handler for all TCP sockets |
CClientNetworkGameSocketHandler | Class for handling the client side of the game connection |
CQueryNetworkGameSocketHandler | Class for handling the client side of querying a game server |
CServerNetworkGameSocketHandler | Class for handling the server side of the game connection |
►CNetworkStunSocketHandler | Base socket handler for all STUN TCP sockets |
CClientNetworkStunSocketHandler | Class for handling the client side of the STUN connection |
►CNetworkTurnSocketHandler | Base socket handler for all TURN TCP sockets |
CClientNetworkTurnSocketHandler | Class for handling the client side of the TURN connection |
►CNetworkUDPSocketHandler | Base socket handler for all UDP sockets |
CClientNetworkUDPSocketHandler | *** Communication with servers (we are client) ***/ |
CServerNetworkUDPSocketHandler | *** Communication with clients (we are server) ***/ |
CNewGRFCache | Cached often queried (NewGRF) values |
CNewGRFClass< Tspec, Tindex, Tmax > | Struct containing information relating to NewGRF classes for stations and airports |
CNewGrfDebugSpritePicker | Spritepicker of SpriteAligner |
CNewGRFProfiler | Callback profiler for NewGRF development |
►CNewGRFScanCallback | Callback for NewGRF scanning |
CAfterNewGRFScan | Callback structure of statements to be executed after the NewGRF scan |
CNewGRFWindow | Window for showing NewGRF files |
CNewGRFSpecBase< Tindex > | |
►CNewGRFSpecBase< AirportClassID > | |
CAirportSpec | Defines the data structure for an airport |
►CNewGRFSpecBase< ObjectClassID > | |
CObjectSpec | Allow incrementing of ObjectClassID variables |
►CNewGRFSpecBase< RoadStopClassID > | |
CRoadStopSpec | Road stop specification |
►CNewGRFSpecBase< StationClassID > | |
CStationSpec | Station specification |
►CNewsAllocatedData | Container for any custom data that must be deleted after the news item has reached end-of-life |
CCompanyNewsInformation | Data that needs to be stored for company news messages |
CNewsItem | Information about a single item of news |
CNewsSettings | Settings related to news |
CNewsTypeData | Per-NewsType data |
CNICallback | Representation of the available callbacks with information on when they actually apply |
CNIFeature | Container for all information for a given feature |
►CNIHelper | Helper class to wrap some functionality/queries in |
CNIHAirport | |
CNIHAirportTile | |
CNIHHouse | |
CNIHIndustry | |
CNIHIndustryTile | |
CNIHObject | |
CNIHRailType | |
CNIHRoadStop | |
CNIHRoadType< TRoadTramType > | |
CNIHStation | |
CNIHTown | |
CNIHVehicle | |
CNIProperty | Representation of the data from a NewGRF property |
CNIVariable | Representation on the NewGRF variables |
CKdtree< T, TxyFunc, CoordT, DistT >::node | Type of a node in the tree |
CLinkGraphJob::NodeAnnotation | Annotation for a link graph node |
CNodeList< Titem, Thash_bits_open, Thash_bits_closed > | Hash table based node list multi-container class |
CNodeList< PathNode, 8, 10 > | |
CNSCursor(OTTD_QuickdrawCursor) | Category of NSCursor to allow cursor showing/hiding |
►CNSObject | |
COTTD_CocoaWindowDelegate | Delegate for our NSWindow to send ask for quit on close |
►C<NSTextInputClient> | |
COTTD_CocoaView | Subclass of NSView to support mouse awareness and text input |
►CNSView | |
COTTD_CocoaView | Subclass of NSView to support mouse awareness and text input |
►CNSWindow | |
COTTD_CocoaWindow | Subclass of NSWindow to cater our special needs |
►C<NSWindowDelegate> | |
COTTD_CocoaWindowDelegate | Delegate for our NSWindow to send ask for quit on close |
►CNWidgetBase | Baseclass for nested widgets |
►CNWidgetContainer | Baseclass for container widgets |
CNWidgetLayer | |
►CNWidgetPIPContainer | Container with pre/inter/post child space |
►CNWidgetHorizontal | Horizontal container |
CNWidgetHorizontalLTR | Horizontal container that doesn't change the direction of the widgets for RTL languages |
CNWidgetMatrix | Matrix container with implicitly equal sized (virtual) sub-widgets |
►CNWidgetVertical | Vertical container |
CNWidgetSocialPlugins | |
CNWidgetServerListHeader | Full blown container to make it behave exactly as we want :) |
CNWidgetSmallmapDisplay | Custom container class for displaying smallmap with a vertically resizing legend panel |
CNWidgetStacked | Stacked widgets, widgets all occupying the same space in the window |
►CNWidgetToolbarContainer | Full blown container to make it behave exactly as we want :) |
CNWidgetMainToolbarContainer | Container for the 'normal' main toolbar |
CNWidgetScenarioToolbarContainer | Container for the scenario editor's toolbar |
CNWidgetNewGRFDisplay | Custom nested widget container for the NewGRF gui |
►CNWidgetResizeBase | Base class for a resizable nested widget |
►CNWidgetCore | Base class for a 'real' widget |
CNWidgetBackground | Nested widget with a child |
CNWidgetLeaf | Leaf widget |
CNWidgetScrollbar | Nested widget to display and control a scrollbar in a window |
CNWidgetViewport | Nested widget to display a viewport in a window |
CNWidgetSpacer | Spacer widget |
CNWidgetPart | Partial widget specification to allow NWidgets to be written nested |
CNWidgetPartAlignment | Widget part for setting text/image alignment within a widget |
CNWidgetPartAspect | |
CNWidgetPartDataTip | Widget part for storing data and tooltip information |
CNWidgetPartPIP | Widget part for storing pre/inter/post spaces |
CNWidgetPartTextLines | Widget part for storing minimal text line data |
CNWidgetPartTextStyle | Widget part for storing text colour |
CNWidgetPart::NWidgetPartUnion | |
CNWidgetPartWidget | Widget part for storing basic widget information |
CObjectPickerSelection | |
CSoundLoader_Opus::OggOpusFileDeleter | Helper class to RAII release an OggOpusFile |
COldChunks | |
COldWaypoint | Helper structure to convert from the old waypoint system |
COpenGLSprite | Class that encapsulates a RGBA texture together with a paletted remap texture |
COptionData | Data of an option |
CVehicle::OrderIterator | Iterator to iterate orders Supports deletion of current order |
COrderSettings | Settings related to orders |
►COrthogonalTileArea | Represents the covered area of e.g |
CAirport | All airport-related information |
CBitmapTileArea | Represents a tile area containing containing individually set tiles |
CETileArea | |
CStationFinder | Structure contains cached list of stations nearby |
COTTDByteReaderSignal | |
COutputBuffer | Output buffer for a block of data |
COutputStore | Temporarily store output |
COverflowSafeInt< T > | Overflow safe template for integers, i.e |
COverflowSafeInt< int64_t > | |
►COverrideManagerBase | |
CAirportOverrideManager | |
CAirportTileOverrideManager | |
CHouseOverrideManager | |
CIndustryOverrideManager | |
CIndustryTileOverrideManager | |
CObjectOverrideManager | |
COvertakeData | |
CPacket | Internal entity of a packet |
CPalette | Information about the currently used palette |
►CPalSpriteID | Combination of a palette sprite and a 'real' sprite |
CTreeListEnt | |
►CParagraphLayouter | Interface to glue fallback and normal layouter into one |
CCoreTextParagraphLayout | Wrapper for doing layouts with CoreText |
CFallbackParagraphLayout | Class handling the splitting of a paragraph of text into lines and visual runs |
CICUParagraphLayout | Wrapper for doing layouts with ICU |
CUniscribeParagraphLayout | Wrapper for doing layouts with Uniscribe |
CSQConvert::Param< T > | To get a param from squirrel, we use this helper class |
CSQConvert::Param< Array< Titem > && > | |
CSQConvert::Param< bool > | |
CSQConvert::Param< const char * > | |
CSQConvert::Param< const std::string & > | |
CSQConvert::Param< int16_t > | |
CSQConvert::Param< int32_t > | |
CSQConvert::Param< int64_t > | |
CSQConvert::Param< int8_t > | |
CSQConvert::Param< T > | |
CSQConvert::Param< TileIndex > | |
CSQConvert::Param< uint16_t > | |
CSQConvert::Param< uint32_t > | |
CSQConvert::Param< uint8_t > | |
CParentSpriteToDraw | Parent sprite that should be drawn |
CParsedCommandStruct | |
►CPath | A leg of a path in the link graph |
CCapacityAnnotation | Capacity-based annotation for use in the Dijkstra algorithm |
CDistanceAnnotation | Distance-based annotation for use in the Dijkstra algorithm |
CPathfinderSettings | Settings related to all pathfinders |
CPBSTileInfo | This struct contains information about the end of a reserved path |
CPcxHeader | Definition of a PCX file header |
CPerformanceAccumulator | RAII class for measuring multi-step elements of performance |
Canonymous_namespace{framerate_gui.cpp}::PerformanceData | |
CPerformanceMeasurer | RAII class for measuring simple elements of performance |
►CTtypes::PfBase | |
►CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnyDepotRail1, CFollowTrackRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT, CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT > > | |
CCYapfAnyDepotRail1 | |
►CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnyDepotRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT, CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT > > | |
CCYapfAnyDepotRail2 | |
►CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnySafeTileRail1, CFollowTrackFreeRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT, CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT > > | |
CCYapfAnySafeTileRail1 | |
►CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnySafeTileRail2, CFollowTrackFreeRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT, CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT > > | |
CCYapfAnySafeTileRail2 | |
►CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfRail1, CFollowTrackRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT > > | |
CCYapfRail1 | |
►CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT > > | |
CCYapfRail2 | |
►CCYapfT< CYapfRegion_TypesT< CYapfRegionWater, CRegionNodeListWater > > | |
CCYapfRegionWater | |
►CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoad1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT > > | |
CCYapfRoad1 | |
►CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoad2, CRoadNodeListExitDir, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT > > | |
CCYapfRoad2 | |
►CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoadAnyDepot1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT > > | |
CCYapfRoadAnyDepot1 | |
►CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoadAnyDepot2, CRoadNodeListExitDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT > > | |
CCYapfRoadAnyDepot2 | |
►CCYapfT< CYapfShip_TypesT< CYapfShip, CFollowTrackWater, CShipNodeListExitDir > > | |
CCYapfShip | |
CCYapfT< Ttypes > | YAPF template that uses Ttypes template argument to determine all YAPF components (base classes) from which the actual YAPF is composed |
►CTtypes::PfCache | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnyDepotRail1, CFollowTrackRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT, CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnyDepotRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT, CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnySafeTileRail1, CFollowTrackFreeRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT, CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnySafeTileRail2, CFollowTrackFreeRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT, CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfRail1, CFollowTrackRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRegion_TypesT< CYapfRegionWater, CRegionNodeListWater > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoad1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoad2, CRoadNodeListExitDir, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoadAnyDepot1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoadAnyDepot2, CRoadNodeListExitDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfShip_TypesT< CYapfShip, CFollowTrackWater, CShipNodeListExitDir > > | |
CCYapfT< Ttypes > | YAPF template that uses Ttypes template argument to determine all YAPF components (base classes) from which the actual YAPF is composed |
►CTtypes::PfCost | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnyDepotRail1, CFollowTrackRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT, CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnyDepotRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT, CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnySafeTileRail1, CFollowTrackFreeRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT, CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnySafeTileRail2, CFollowTrackFreeRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT, CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfRail1, CFollowTrackRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRegion_TypesT< CYapfRegionWater, CRegionNodeListWater > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoad1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoad2, CRoadNodeListExitDir, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoadAnyDepot1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoadAnyDepot2, CRoadNodeListExitDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfShip_TypesT< CYapfShip, CFollowTrackWater, CShipNodeListExitDir > > | |
CCYapfT< Ttypes > | YAPF template that uses Ttypes template argument to determine all YAPF components (base classes) from which the actual YAPF is composed |
►CTtypes::PfDestination | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnyDepotRail1, CFollowTrackRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT, CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnyDepotRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT, CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnySafeTileRail1, CFollowTrackFreeRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT, CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnySafeTileRail2, CFollowTrackFreeRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT, CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfRail1, CFollowTrackRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRegion_TypesT< CYapfRegionWater, CRegionNodeListWater > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoad1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoad2, CRoadNodeListExitDir, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoadAnyDepot1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoadAnyDepot2, CRoadNodeListExitDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfShip_TypesT< CYapfShip, CFollowTrackWater, CShipNodeListExitDir > > | |
CCYapfT< Ttypes > | YAPF template that uses Ttypes template argument to determine all YAPF components (base classes) from which the actual YAPF is composed |
►CTtypes::PfFollow | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnyDepotRail1, CFollowTrackRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT, CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnyDepotRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT, CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnySafeTileRail1, CFollowTrackFreeRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT, CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnySafeTileRail2, CFollowTrackFreeRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT, CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfRail1, CFollowTrackRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRegion_TypesT< CYapfRegionWater, CRegionNodeListWater > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoad1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoad2, CRoadNodeListExitDir, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoadAnyDepot1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoadAnyDepot2, CRoadNodeListExitDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfShip_TypesT< CYapfShip, CFollowTrackWater, CShipNodeListExitDir > > | |
CCYapfT< Ttypes > | YAPF template that uses Ttypes template argument to determine all YAPF components (base classes) from which the actual YAPF is composed |
►CTtypes::PfOrigin | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnyDepotRail1, CFollowTrackRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT, CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnyDepotRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT, CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnySafeTileRail1, CFollowTrackFreeRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT, CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfAnySafeTileRail2, CFollowTrackFreeRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT, CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfRail1, CFollowTrackRail, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRail_TypesT< CYapfRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRegion_TypesT< CYapfRegionWater, CRegionNodeListWater > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoad1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoad2, CRoadNodeListExitDir, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoadAnyDepot1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfRoad_TypesT< CYapfRoadAnyDepot2, CRoadNodeListExitDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT > > | |
CCYapfT< CYapfShip_TypesT< CYapfShip, CFollowTrackWater, CShipNodeListExitDir > > | |
CCYapfT< Ttypes > | YAPF template that uses Ttypes template argument to determine all YAPF components (base classes) from which the actual YAPF is composed |
►CPickerCallbacks | Class for PickerClassWindow to collect information and retain state |
►CPickerCallbacksNewGRFClass< ObjectClass > | |
CObjectPickerCallbacks | |
►CPickerCallbacksNewGRFClass< RoadStopClass > | |
CRoadStopPickerCallbacks< roadstoptype > | |
CRoadWaypointPickerCallbacks | |
►CPickerCallbacksNewGRFClass< StationClass > | |
CStationPickerCallbacks | |
CWaypointPickerCallbacks | |
CHousePickerCallbacks | |
CPickerCallbacksNewGRFClass< T > | Helper for PickerCallbacks when the class system is based on NewGRFClass |
CPickerItem | |
CBlitter_32bppSimple::Pixel | |
CPlaybackSegment | |
CPluralForm | Description of a plural form |
CPoint | Coordinates of a point in 2D |
CPointDimension | Specification of a rectangle with an absolute top-left coordinate and a (relative) width/height |
►CPoolBase | Base class for base of all pools |
CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache > | Base class for all pools |
►CPoolIDBase | Non-templated base for PoolID for use with type trait queries |
CPoolID< uint16_t, struct StationIDTag, 64000, 0xFFFF > | |
CPoolID< uint8_t, struct CompanyIDTag, 0xF, 0xFF > | |
CPoolID< uint32_t, struct VehicleIDTag, 0xFF000, 0xFFFFF > | |
CPoolID< uint16_t, struct EngineIDTag, 64000, 0xFFFF > | |
CPoolID< uint16_t, struct GroupIDTag, 64000, 0xFFFF > | |
CPoolID< uint16_t, struct TownIDTag, 64000, 0xFFFF > | |
CPoolID< uint16_t, struct LinkGraphIDTag, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF > | |
CPoolID< uint8_t, struct LeagueTableIDTag, 255, 0xFF > | |
CPoolID< uint32_t, struct OrderIDTag, 0xFF0000, 0xFFFFFF > | |
CPoolID< uint16_t, struct SignIDTag, 64000, 0xFFFF > | |
CPoolID< uint16_t, struct StoryPageIDTag, 64000, 0xFFFF > | |
CPoolID< uint16_t, struct StoryPageElementIDTag, 64000, 0xFFFF > | |
CPoolID< TBaseType, TTag, TEnd, TInvalid > | Templated helper to make a PoolID a single POD value |
CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool > | Base class for all PoolItems |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_cargo_payment_pool > | |
CCargoPayment | Helper class to perform the cargo payment |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_cargopacket_pool > | |
CCargoPacket | Container for cargo from the same location and time |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool > | |
CCompany | |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_depot_pool > | |
CDepot | |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_engine_pool > | |
CEngine | |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_enginerenew_pool > | |
CEngineRenew | Struct to store engine replacements |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_goal_pool > | |
CGoal | Struct about goals, current and completed |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_group_pool > | |
CGroup | Group data |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_industry_pool > | |
CIndustry | Defines the internal data of a functional industry |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_league_table_element_pool > | |
CLeagueTableElement | Struct about league table elements |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_league_table_pool > | |
CLeagueTable | Struct about custom league tables |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_link_graph_job_pool > | |
CLinkGraphJob | Class for calculation jobs to be run on link graphs |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_link_graph_pool > | |
CLinkGraph | A connected component of a link graph |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_networkadminsocket_pool > | |
CServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler | Class for handling the server side of the game connection |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_networkclientinfo_pool > | |
CNetworkClientInfo | Container for all information known about a client |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_networkclientsocket_pool > | |
CServerNetworkGameSocketHandler | Class for handling the server side of the game connection |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_object_pool > | |
CObject | An object, such as transmitter, on the map |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_order_backup_pool > | |
COrderBackup | Data for backing up an order of a vehicle so it can be restored after a vehicle is rebuilt in the same depot |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_order_pool > | |
COrder | |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_orderlist_pool > | |
COrderList | Shared order list linking together the linked list of orders and the list of vehicles sharing this order list |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_persistent_storage_pool > | |
CPersistentStorage | Class for pooled persistent storage of data |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_roadstop_pool > | |
CRoadStop | A Stop for a Road Vehicle |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_sign_pool > | |
CSign | |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_spritegroup_pool > | |
►CSpriteGroup | |
CCallbackResultSpriteGroup | |
CDeterministicSpriteGroup | |
CIndustryProductionSpriteGroup | |
CRandomizedSpriteGroup | |
CRealSpriteGroup | |
CResultSpriteGroup | |
CTileLayoutSpriteGroup | Action 2 sprite layout for houses, industry tiles, objects and airport tiles |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_station_pool > | |
►CBaseStation | Base class for all station-ish types |
►CSpecializedStation< Station, false > | |
CStation | Station data structure |
►CSpecializedStation< Waypoint, true > | |
CWaypoint | Representation of a waypoint |
CSpecializedStation< T, Tis_waypoint > | Class defining several overloaded accessors so we don't have to cast base stations that often |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_story_page_element_pool > | |
CStoryPageElement | Struct about story page elements |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_story_page_pool > | |
CStoryPage | Struct about stories, current and completed |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_subsidy_pool > | |
CSubsidy | Struct about subsidies, offered and awarded |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_town_pool > | |
CTown | Town data structure |
►CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_vehicle_pool > | |
CVehicle | Vehicle data structure |
CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolIterator< T > | Iterator to iterate all valid T of a pool |
CPool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolIteratorFiltered< T, F > | Iterator to iterate all valid T of a pool |
CParagraphLayouter::Position | Position of a glyph within a VisualRun |
CPrepareRefitAction | Refit preparation action |
CPriceBaseSpec | Describes properties of price bases |
CIndustry::ProducedCargo | |
CIndustry::ProducedHistory | |
CProviderManager< TProviderType > | The ProviderManager manages a single Provider-type |
CBaseProvider< T >::ProviderSorter | Sorter for BaseProvider |
CPriorityBaseProvider< T >::ProviderSorter | Sorter for PriorityBaseProvider |
CQueryString | Data stored about a string that can be modified in the GUI |
CQueuedDebugItem | Element in the queue of debug messages that have to be passed to either NetworkAdminConsole or IConsolePrint |
CRailTypeInfo | This struct contains all the info that is needed to draw and construct tracks |
CRailVehicleInfo | Information about a rail vehicle |
►CRandomAccessFile | A file from which bytes, words and double words are read in (potentially) a random order |
CSpriteFile | RandomAccessFile with some extra information specific for sprite files |
CRandomizer | Structure to encapsulate the pseudo random number generators |
CReadBuffer | A buffer for reading (and buffering) savegame data |
►CRect | Specification of a rectangle with absolute coordinates of all edges |
CStationRect | StationRect - used to track station spread out rectangle - cheaper than scanning whole map |
►CRectPadding | Padding dimensions to apply to each side of a Rect |
CNWidgetPartPaddings | Widget part for storing padding |
CRecursiveCommandCounter | Helper class to keep track of command nesting level |
CLinkRefresher::RefitDesc | Simulated cargo type and capacity for prediction of future links |
CRefitDesc | Simulated cargo type and capacity for prediction of future links |
CRefitOption | Option to refit a vehicle chain |
CRefitResult | Helper structure for RefitVehicle() |
CReplaceChainItem | Struct for recording vehicle chain replacement information |
CReserveCargoAction | |
CResizeInfo | Data structure for resizing a window |
►CResolverObject | Interface for SpriteGroup-s to access the gamestate |
CAirportResolverObject | Resolver object for airports |
CAirportTileResolverObject | Resolver for tiles of an airport |
CBadgeResolverObject | Resolver of badges |
CCanalResolverObject | Resolver object for canals |
CCargoResolverObject | Resolver of cargo |
CGenericResolverObject | Resolver object for generic objects/properties |
CHouseResolverObject | Resolver object to be used for houses (feature 07 spritegroups) |
CIndustriesResolverObject | Resolver for industries |
CIndustryTileResolverObject | Resolver for industry tiles |
CObjectResolverObject | A resolver object to be used with feature 0F spritegroups |
CRailTypeResolverObject | Resolver object for rail types |
CRoadStopResolverObject | Road stop resolver |
CRoadTypeResolverObject | Resolver object for road types |
CStationResolverObject | Station resolver |
CTownResolverObject | Resolver of town properties |
CVehicleResolverObject | Resolver for a vehicle (chain) |
CSQConvert::Return< T > | To return a value to squirrel, we use this helper class |
CSQConvert::Return< bool > | |
CSQConvert::Return< char * > | |
CSQConvert::Return< const char * > | |
CSQConvert::Return< HSQOBJECT > | |
CSQConvert::Return< int16_t > | |
CSQConvert::Return< int32_t > | |
CSQConvert::Return< int64_t > | |
CSQConvert::Return< int8_t > | |
CSQConvert::Return< std::optional< std::string > > | |
CSQConvert::Return< T > | |
CSQConvert::Return< TileIndex > | |
CSQConvert::Return< uint16_t > | |
CSQConvert::Return< uint32_t > | |
CSQConvert::Return< uint8_t > | |
CReturnCargoAction | Action for returning reserved cargo |
CReusableBuffer< T > | A reusable buffer that can be used for places that temporary allocate a bit of memory and do that very often, or for places where static memory is allocated that might need to be reallocated sometimes |
CReusableBuffer< SpriteLoader::CommonPixel > | |
CReusableBuffer< uint8_t > | |
CRgbQuad | Format of palette data in BMP header |
CRiver_UserData | Parameters for river generation to pass as AyStar user data |
CRoadDriveEntry | |
CRoadStopAnimationFrameAnimationHelper | |
CRoadStopEntryRebuilderHelper | Helper for finding RVs in a road stop |
CRoadStopPickerSelection | |
CRoadStopTileData | |
CRoadTypeInfo | |
CRoadVehFindData | |
CRoadVehicleInfo | Information about a road vehicle |
CRoadVehPathElement | Element of the RoadVehPathCache |
CRoadWaypointPickerSelection | |
CStationViewWindow::RowDisplay | A row being displayed in the cargo view (as opposed to being "hidden" behind a plus sign) |
CSavedRandomSeeds | Stores the state of all random number generators |
►CSaveFilter | Interface for filtering a savegame till it is written |
►CFileWriter | Yes, simply writing to a file |
CHeaderFileWriter | |
CLanguageFileWriter | Class for writing a language to disk |
CLZMASaveFilter | Filter using LZMA compression |
CLZOSaveFilter | Filter using LZO compression |
CNoCompSaveFilter | Filter without any compression |
CPacketWriter | Writing a savegame directly to a number of packets |
CZlibSaveFilter | Filter using Zlib compression |
CSaveLoad | SaveLoad type struct |
CSaveLoadCompat | SaveLoad information for backwards compatibility |
CSaveLoadFormat | The format for a reader/writer type of a savegame |
►CSaveLoadHandler | Handler for saving/loading an object to/from disk |
CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlAllowListData, CompanyProperties > | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlCompanyEconomy, CompanyProperties > | |
►CSlCompanyEconomy | |
CSlCompanyOldEconomy | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlCompanyLiveries, CompanyProperties > | |
CSlCompanyLiveries | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlCompanyOldAI, CompanyProperties > | |
CSlCompanyOldAI | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlCompanyOldAIBuildRec, CompanyOldAI > | |
CSlCompanyOldAIBuildRec | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlCompanySettings, CompanyProperties > | |
CSlCompanySettings | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlGameLanguageString, LanguageStrings > | |
CSlGameLanguageString | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlGamelogAction, LoggedAction > | |
CSlGamelogAction | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlGamelogEmergency, LoggedChange > | |
CSlGamelogEmergency | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlGamelogGrfadd, LoggedChange > | |
CSlGamelogGrfadd | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlGamelogGrfbug, LoggedChange > | |
CSlGamelogGrfbug | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlGamelogGrfcompat, LoggedChange > | |
CSlGamelogGrfcompat | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlGamelogGrfmove, LoggedChange > | |
CSlGamelogGrfmove | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlGamelogGrfparam, LoggedChange > | |
CSlGamelogGrfparam | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlGamelogGrfrem, LoggedChange > | |
CSlGamelogGrfrem | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlGamelogMode, LoggedChange > | |
CSlGamelogMode | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlGamelogOldver, LoggedChange > | |
CSlGamelogOldver | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlGamelogRevision, LoggedChange > | |
CSlGamelogRevision | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlGamelogSetting, LoggedChange > | |
CSlGamelogSetting | |
CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlIndustryAccepted, Industry > | |
CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlIndustryProduced, Industry > | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlIndustryProducedHistory, Industry::ProducedCargo > | |
CSlIndustryProducedHistory | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlLinkgraphEdge, Node > | |
CSlLinkgraphEdge | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlLinkgraphJobProxy, LinkGraphJob > | |
CSlLinkgraphJobProxy | Proxy to reuse LinkGraph to save/load a LinkGraphJob |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlLinkgraphNode, LinkGraph > | |
CSlLinkgraphNode | |
CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlRoadStopTileData, BaseStation > | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlStationBase, BaseStation > | |
CSlStationBase | SaveLoad handler for the BaseStation, which all other stations / waypoints make use of |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlStationCargo, GoodsEntry > | |
CSlStationCargo | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlStationFlow, GoodsEntry > | |
CSlStationFlow | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlStationGoods, BaseStation > | |
CSlStationGoods | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlStationNormal, BaseStation > | |
CSlStationNormal | SaveLoad handler for a normal station (read: not a waypoint) |
CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlStationSpecList< T >, BaseStation > | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlStationWaypoint, BaseStation > | |
CSlStationWaypoint | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlTownAcceptanceMatrix, Town > | |
CSlTownAcceptanceMatrix | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlTownReceived, Town > | |
CSlTownReceived | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlTownSupplied, Town > | |
CSlTownSupplied | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlVehicleAircraft, Vehicle > | |
CSlVehicleAircraft | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlVehicleCommon, Vehicle > | |
CSlVehicleCommon | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlVehicleDisaster, Vehicle > | |
CSlVehicleDisaster | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlVehicleEffect, Vehicle > | |
CSlVehicleEffect | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlVehicleRoadVeh, Vehicle > | |
CSlVehicleRoadVeh | |
CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlVehicleRoadVehPath, RoadVehicle > | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlVehicleShip, Vehicle > | |
CSlVehicleShip | |
CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlVehicleShipPath, Ship > | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< SlVehicleTrain, Vehicle > | |
CSlVehicleTrain | |
►CDefaultSaveLoadHandler< TImpl, TObject > | Default handler for saving/loading an object to/from disk |
►CVectorSaveLoadHandler< SlAllowListData, CompanyProperties, std::string > | |
CSlAllowListData | |
►CVectorSaveLoadHandler< SlIndustryAccepted, Industry, Industry::AcceptedCargo, INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS > | |
CSlIndustryAccepted | |
►CVectorSaveLoadHandler< SlIndustryProduced, Industry, Industry::ProducedCargo, INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS > | |
CSlIndustryProduced | |
►CVectorSaveLoadHandler< SlRoadStopTileData, BaseStation, RoadStopTileData > | |
CSlRoadStopTileData | |
►CVectorSaveLoadHandler< SlStationSpecList< T >, BaseStation, SpecMapping< T > > | |
CSlStationSpecList< T > | |
►CVectorSaveLoadHandler< SlVehicleRoadVehPath, RoadVehicle, RoadVehPathElement > | |
CSlVehicleRoadVehPath | |
►CVectorSaveLoadHandler< SlVehicleShipPath, Ship, ShipPathElement > | |
CSlVehicleShipPath | |
CVectorSaveLoadHandler< TImpl, TObject, TElementType, MAX_LENGTH > | Default handler for saving/loading a vector to/from disk |
CSlSkipHandler | Handler that is assigned when there is a struct read in the savegame which is not known to the code |
CSaveLoadParams | The saveload struct, containing reader-writer functions, buffer, version, etc |
►CScaler | Scale various things according to symmetric/asymmetric distribution |
CAsymmetricScaler | A scaler for asymmetric distribution |
CSymmetricScaler | Scaler for symmetric distribution |
CScenarioIdentifier | Basic data to distinguish a scenario |
►CScopeResolver | Interface to query and set values specific to a single VarSpriteGroupScope (action 2 scope) |
CAirportScopeResolver | Resolver for the airport scope |
CAirportTileScopeResolver | Scope resolver for handling the tiles of an airport |
CBadgeScopeResolver | Resolver for a badge scope |
CCanalScopeResolver | Scope resolver of a canal tile |
CGenericScopeResolver | Scope resolver for generic objects and properties |
CHouseScopeResolver | Scope resolver for houses |
CIndustriesScopeResolver | Resolver for industry scopes |
CIndustryTileScopeResolver | Resolver for the industry tiles scope |
CObjectScopeResolver | Object scope resolver |
CRailTypeScopeResolver | Resolver for the railtype scope |
CRoadStopScopeResolver | Scope resolver for road stops |
CRoadTypeScopeResolver | Resolver for the railtype scope |
CStationScopeResolver | Scope resolver for stations |
CTownScopeResolver | Scope resolver for a town |
CVehicleScopeResolver | Resolver for a vehicle scope |
CScoreInfo | Data structure for storing how the score is computed for a single score id |
CScript_FatalError | A throw-class that is given when the script made a fatal error |
CScript_Suspend | A throw-class that is given when the script wants to suspend |
CScriptAllocator | |
CScriptAllocatorScope | |
►CScriptConfig | Script settings |
CAIConfig | |
CGameConfig | |
CScriptConfigItem | Info about a single Script setting |
►CScriptInstance | Runtime information about a script like a pointer to the squirrel vm and the current state |
CAIInstance | Runtime information about an AI like a pointer to the squirrel vm and the current state |
CGameInstance | Runtime information about a game script like a pointer to the squirrel vm and the current state |
CScriptSettings | Settings related to scripts |
CScriptStorage | The storage for each script |
►CScrollbar | Scrollbar data structure |
CNWidgetScrollbar | Nested widget to display and control a scrollbar in a window |
CSDLVkMapping | |
CSearchNearbyHouseData | Structure with user-data for SearchNearbyHouseXXX - functions |
CServerAddress | Address to a game server |
CServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandlerFilter | |
CSetBitIterator< Tbitpos, Tbitset > | Iterable ensemble of each set bit in a value |
►CSettingDesc | Properties of config file settings |
►CIntSettingDesc | Base integer type, including boolean, settings |
CBoolSettingDesc | Boolean setting |
►COneOfManySettingDesc | One of many setting |
CManyOfManySettingDesc | Many of many setting |
CListSettingDesc | List/array settings |
CNullSettingDesc | Placeholder for settings that have been removed, but might still linger in the savegame |
CStringSettingDesc | String settings |
CSettingFilter | Filter for settings list |
►CSettingsContainer | Containers for BaseSettingEntry |
CSettingsPage | Data structure describing one page of settings in the settings window |
CShipPathElement | Element of the ShipPathCache |
CShipSubcoordData | Structure for ship sub-coordinate data for moving into a new tile via a Diagdir onto a Track |
CShipVehicleInfo | Information about a ship vehicle |
►CSignList | |
CSignListWindow | |
CSignWindow | |
CSimple2DVertex | A simple 2D vertex with just position and texture |
►CSimpleCountedObject | |
►CScriptInfo | All static information from an Script like name, version, etc |
CAIInfo | All static information from an AI like name, version, etc |
CAILibrary | All static information from an AI library like name, version, etc |
CGameInfo | All static information from an Game like name, version, etc |
CGameLibrary | All static information from an Game library like name, version, etc |
CSimplePool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size > | A simplified pool which stores values instead of pointers and doesn't redefine operator new/delete |
CSlStorageHelper< Tstorage, Tvar, Tallocator > | Template class to help with list-like types |
CSmallMapColourScheme | Colour scheme of the smallmap |
CSmallSet< Tdir, items > | Set containing 'items' items of 'tile and Tdir' No tree structure is used because it would cause slowdowns in most usual cases |
►CSmallStackItem< Titem, Tindex > | Base class for SmallStack |
CSmallStack< Titem, Tindex, Tinvalid, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size > | Minimal stack that uses a pool to avoid pointers |
CSmallStack< Titem, Tindex, Tinvalid, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size >::PooledSmallStack | SmallStack item that can be kept in a pool |
CSMFHeader | Header of a Stanard MIDI File |
CSnowLine | Structure describing the height of the snow line each day of the year |
CSocialIntegration | |
CSocialIntegrationPlugin | |
CSortableSpriteStruct | |
CSorting | |
CSoundEntry | |
CSoundSettings | Settings related to sound effects |
CSource | A location from where cargo can come from (or go to) |
CSpecMapping< T > | |
CSpotData | Used as the user_data for FindFurthestFromWater |
CSprite | Data structure describing a sprite |
CSpriteLoader::Sprite | Structure for passing information from the sprite loader to the blitter |
►CSpriteAllocator | Interface for something that can allocate memory for a sprite |
CCacheSpriteAllocator | SpriteAllocator that allocates memory from the sprite cache |
COpenGLSpriteAllocator | |
CUniquePtrSpriteAllocator | SpriteAllocator that allocates memory via a unique_ptr array |
CSpriteCache | |
CBlitter_32bppOptimized::SpriteData | Data stored about a (single) sprite |
CBlitter_8bppOptimized::SpriteData | Data stored about a (single) sprite |
►CSpriteEncoder | Interface for something that can encode a sprite |
►CBlitter | How all blitters should look like |
►CBlitter_32bppBase | Base for all 32bpp blitters |
►CBlitter_32bppSimple | The most trivial 32 bpp blitter (without palette animation) |
►CBlitter_32bppOptimized | The optimised 32 bpp blitter (without palette animation) |
CBlitter_32bppAnim | The optimised 32 bpp blitter with palette animation |
CBlitter_40bppAnim | The optimized 40 bpp blitter (for OpenGL video driver) |
►CBlitter_8bppBase | Base for all 8bpp blitters |
CBlitter_8bppOptimized | 8bpp blitter optimised for speed |
CBlitter_8bppSimple | Most trivial 8bpp blitter |
CBlitter_Null | Blitter that does nothing |
COpenGLBackend | Platform-independent back-end class for OpenGL video drivers |
►CSpriteLoader | Interface for the loader of our sprites |
CSpriteLoaderGrf | Sprite loader for graphics coming from a (New)GRF |
CSpriteLoaderMakeIndexed | Sprite loader for converting graphics coming from another source |
CGrfProcessingState::SpriteSet | Definition of a single Action1 spriteset |
CSQFile | |
CSquirrel | |
CSquirrelStd | By default we want to give a set of standard commands to a SQ script |
CSmallSet< Tdir, items >::SSdata | Element of set |
CTicToc::State | Persistent state for TicToc profiling |
CStationCompare | |
CStationNameInformation | Information to handle station action 0 property 24 correctly |
CStationPickerSelection | |
CStationSettings | Settings related to stations |
CStationTypeFilter | |
CStatueBuildSearchData | Structure for storing data while searching the best place to build a statue |
CStoryPageButtonData | Helper to construct packed "id" values for button-type StoryPageElement |
CStringBuilder | Equivalent to the std::back_insert_iterator in function, with some convenience helpers for string concatenation |
CStringData | Information about the currently known strings |
►CStringFilter | String filter and state |
CPickerFilterData | |
CStringIDMapping | Information for mapping static StringIDs |
►CStringIterator | Class for iterating over different kind of parts of a string |
CIcuStringIterator | String iterator using ICU as a backend |
COSXStringIterator | String iterator using CoreText as a backend |
CUniscribeStringIterator | String iterator using Uniscribe as a backend |
CStringParam | |
CStringParameter | The data required to format and validate a single parameter of a string |
CStringParameters | |
►CStringReader | Helper for reading strings |
CFileStringReader | A reader that simply reads using fopen |
CStringListReader | A reader that simply reads using fopen |
CStringSpriteToDraw | |
CSubSprite | Used to only draw a part of the sprite |
CTarFileListEntry | |
►CTBase | |
CDropDownBadges< TBase, TEnd, TFs > | Drop down element that draws a list of badges |
CDropDownCheck< TBase, TEnd, TFs > | Drop down checkmark component |
CDropDownDivider< TBase, TFs > | Drop down divider component |
CDropDownIcon< TBase, TEnd > | Drop down icon component |
CDropDownIndent< TBase, TEnd > | Drop down indent component |
CDropDownString< TBase, TFs, TEnd > | Drop down string component |
►CTCPConnecter | "Helper" class for creating TCP connections in a non-blocking manner |
CNetworkContentConnecter | Connect to the content server |
CNetworkCoordinatorConnecter | Connect to the Game Coordinator server |
CNetworkDirectConnecter | Connect to a game server by IP:port |
CNetworkReuseStunConnecter | Connecter used after STUN exchange to connect from both sides to each other |
CNetworkStunConnecter | Connect to the STUN server |
CNetworkTurnConnecter | Connect to the TURN server |
►CTCPServerConnecter | |
CTCPClientConnecter | Non blocking connection create to actually connect to servers |
CTCPQueryConnecter | Non blocking connection to query servers for their game info |
CTCPListenHandler< Tsocket, Tfull_packet, Tban_packet > | Template for TCP listeners |
►CTCPListenHandler< ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler, ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_FULL, ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_BANNED > | |
CServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler | Class for handling the server side of the game connection |
►CTCPListenHandler< ServerNetworkGameSocketHandler, PACKET_SERVER_FULL, PACKET_SERVER_BANNED > | |
CServerNetworkGameSocketHandler | Class for handling the server side of the game connection |
►CTProperties::template mixin | |
CStrongType::Typedef< uint32_t, struct TileIndexTag, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::Integer, StrongType::Compatible< int32_t >, StrongType::Compatible< int64_t > > | |
CStrongType::Typedef< uint16_t, struct BadgeIDTag, StrongType::Compare > | |
CStrongType::Typedef< uint16_t, struct BadgeClassIDTag, StrongType::Compare > | |
CStrongType::Typedef< uint32_t, struct CargoLabelTag, StrongType::Compare > | |
CStrongType::Typedef< uint32_t, struct GRFStringIDTag, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::Integer > | |
CStrongType::Typedef< int32_t, struct YearTag< T >, StrongType::Compare, StrongType::Integer > | |
CStrongType::Typedef< TBaseType, TTag, TProperties > | Templated helper to make a type-safe 'typedef' representing a single POD value |
CMidiFile::TempoChange | |
CTemporaryStorageArray< TYPE, SIZE > | Class for temporary storage of data |
CTempStorage | Temporary storage of cargo monitoring data for loading or saving it |
CTerraformerState | State of the terraforming |
CTestedEngineDetails | Extra information about refitted cargo and capacity |
CTestScriptController | A controller to start enough so we can use Squirrel for testing |
CTextbuf | Helper/buffer for input fields |
CTextRefStack | |
CTicks | Storage class for Ticks constants |
CTicToc | TicToc profiling |
CCYapfCostRailT< Types >::TILE | |
CTile | Wrapper class to abstract away the way the tiles are stored |
CTileAndStation | Struct containing TileIndex and StationID |
CTileAnimationFrameAnimationHelper< Tobj > | |
CTile::TileBase | Data that is stored per tile |
CTileDesc | Tile description for the 'land area information' tool |
CTile::TileExtended | Data that is stored per tile |
CTileHighlightData | Metadata about the current highlighting |
CTileIndexDiffC | A pair-construct of a TileIndexDiff |
CTileInfo | Tile information, used while rendering the tile |
►CTileIterator | Base class for tile iterators |
CAirportTileTableIterator | Iterator to iterate over all tiles belonging to an airport spec |
CDiagonalTileIterator | Iterator to iterate over a diagonal area of the map |
►COrthogonalTileIterator | Iterator to iterate over a tile area (rectangle) of the map |
CAirportTileIterator | Iterator to iterate over all tiles belonging to an airport |
CBitmapTileIterator | Iterator to iterate over all tiles belonging to a bitmaptilearea |
CTileLayoutRegisters | Additional modifiers for items in sprite layouts |
CTileSpriteToDraw | |
CTileTypeProcs | Set of callback functions for performing tile operations of a given tile type |
CTimerGame< T > | Template class for all TimerGame based timers |
►CTimerGame< struct Calendar > | |
CTimerGameCalendar | Timer that is increased every 27ms, and counts towards ticks / days / months / years |
►CTimerGame< struct Economy > | |
CTimerGameEconomy | Timer that is increased every 27ms, and counts towards economy time units, expressed in days / months / years |
CTimerGameConst< T > | Template class for time constants shared by both Calendar and Economy time |
►CTimerGameConst< struct Calendar > | |
CCalendarTime | Storage class for Calendar time constants |
►CTimerGameConst< struct Economy > | |
CEconomyTime | Storage class for Economy time constants |
CTimerGameRealtime | Timer that represents real time for game-related purposes |
CTimerGameTick | Timer that represents the game-ticks |
CTimerManager< TTimerType > | The TimerManager manages a single Timer-type |
CTimerWindow | Timer that represents the real time, usable for the Window system |
CTimetableArrivalDeparture | Container for the arrival/departure dates of a vehicle |
►CTitem | |
CSimplePool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size >::SimplePoolPoolItem | |
CTownCache | Data structure with cached data of towns |
CTownNameParams | Struct holding parameters used to generate town name |
CTownNameStyle | |
CTimerGame< T >::TPeriod | |
CTimerGameRealtime::TPeriod | |
CTimerGameTick::TPeriod | |
CTrainCache | Variables that are cached to improve performance and such |
CTrainCollideChecker | Temporary data storage for testing collisions |
CTransportedCargoStat< Tstorage > | Store the maximum and actually transported cargo amount for the current and the last month |
CTreePos | |
CTimerGame< T >::TStorage | |
CTimerGameRealtime::TStorage | |
CTimerGameTick::TStorage | |
CTimerWindow::TStorage | |
CUDPSocket | Some information about a socket, which exists before the actual socket has been created to provide locking and the likes |
CUniscribeParagraphLayoutFactory | Helper class to construct a new UniscribeParagraphLayout |
CUniscribeRun | Contains all information about a run of characters |
CUnitConversion | Helper for unit conversion |
CUnits | Information about a specific unit system |
CUnitsLong | Information about a specific unit system with a long variant |
CUnmappedChoiceList | Helper structure for mapping choice lists |
CUsedBadgeClasses | Utility class to create a list of badge classes used by a feature |
CValuesInterval | Contains the interval of a graph's data |
CCargoPacket::Vector | |
►Cstd::vector | |
CGUIList< GUIVehicleGroup, std::nullptr_t, CargoType > | |
CGUIList< BuildBridgeData > | |
CGUIList< GUIEngineListItem, std::nullptr_t, CargoType > | |
CGUIList< const Station *, const CargoTypes & > | |
CGUIList< const Industry *, const CargoType &, const std::pair< CargoType, CargoType > & > | |
CGUIList< const ContentInfo *, std::nullptr_t, ContentListFilterData & > | |
CGUIList< NetworkGameList *, std::nullptr_t, StringFilter & > | |
CGUIList< const GRFConfig *, std::nullptr_t, StringFilter & > | |
CGUIList< const Company * > | |
CGUIList< int, std::nullptr_t, PickerFilterData & > | |
CGUIList< PickerItem, std::nullptr_t, PickerFilterData & > | |
CGUIList< GUIGroupListItem > | |
CGUIList< const Sign *, std::nullptr_t, StringFilter & > | |
CGUIList< const StoryPage * > | |
CGUIList< const StoryPageElement * > | |
CGUIList< const Town *, const bool & > | |
CReferenceThroughBaseContainer< std::vector< NodeID > > | |
CReferenceThroughBaseContainer< StringList > | |
CReferenceThroughBaseContainer< StringParamsList > | |
CBuffer | The buffer for writing a single string |
CCoreTextParagraphLayout::CoreTextLine | A single line worth of VisualRuns |
CFallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackLine | A single line worth of VisualRuns |
►CFileList | List of file information |
CConsoleFileList | File list storage for the console, for caching the last 'ls' command |
CGUIList< T, P, F > | List template of 'things' T to sort in a GUI |
CICUParagraphLayout::ICULine | A single line worth of VisualRuns |
CLayouter | The layouter performs all the layout work |
CNetworkAuthorizedKeys | Simple helper to (more easily) manage authorized keys |
CScenarioScanner | Scanner to find the unique IDs of scenarios |
CUniscribeParagraphLayout::UniscribeLine | A single line worth of VisualRuns |
CVehicleCache | Cached often queried values common to all vehicles |
CVehicleCellSize | Dimensions of a cell in the purchase/depot windows |
CVehicleDefaultSettings | Default settings for vehicles |
CVehicleListIdentifier | The information about a vehicle list |
CVehicleOrderSaver | This class will save the current order of a vehicle and restore it on destruction |
CVehicleSettings | Settings related to vehicles |
CVehicleSpriteSeq | Sprite sequence for a vehicle part |
CVideoDriver::VideoBufferLocker | Helper struct to ensure the video buffer is locked and ready for drawing |
►CViewport | Data structure for viewport, display of a part of the world |
CViewportData | Data structure for a window viewport |
CViewportDrawer | Data structure storing rendering information |
►CViewportSign | Location information about a sign as seen on the viewport |
CTextEffect | Container for all information about a text effect |
CTrackedViewportSign | Specialised ViewportSign that tracks whether it is valid for entering into a Kdtree |
CViewportSignKdtreeItem | |
CViewportSSCSS | Helper class for getting the best sprite sorter |
►CParagraphLayouter::VisualRun | Visual run contains data about the bit of text with the same font |
CCoreTextParagraphLayout::CoreTextVisualRun | Visual run contains data about the bit of text with the same font |
CFallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun | Visual run contains data about the bit of text with the same font |
CICUParagraphLayout::ICUVisualRun | Visual run contains data about the bit of text with the same font |
CUniscribeParagraphLayout::UniscribeVisualRun | Visual run contains data about the bit of text with the same font |
CWagonOverride | |
CWaterFeature | Information about a water feature |
CWaterRegion | Represents a square section of the map of a fixed size |
CWaterRegionData | The data stored for each water region |
CWaterRegionDesc | Describes a single square water region |
CWaterRegionPatchDesc | Describes a single interconnected patch of water within a particular water region |
CWaypointPickerSelection | |
CWidgetData | Container with the data associated to a single widget |
CWidgetDimensions | |
CWin32VkMapping | |
►CWindow | Data structure for an opened window |
CAIConfigWindow | Window to configure which AIs will start |
CAboutWindow | |
►CBaseGraphWindow | |
CCompanyValueGraphWindow | |
CDeliveredCargoGraphWindow | |
CIncomeGraphWindow | |
CIndustryProductionGraphWindow | |
COperatingProfitGraphWindow | |
CPaymentRatesGraphWindow | |
CPerformanceHistoryGraphWindow | |
CBaseNetworkContentDownloadStatusWindow | Base window for showing the download status of content |
►CBaseVehicleListWindow | |
CVehicleGroupWindow | |
CVehicleListWindow | Window for the (old) vehicle listing |
CBootstrapAskForDownloadWindow | The window for the query |
CBootstrapBackground | The background for the game |
CBootstrapErrorWindow | The window for a failed bootstrap |
CBuildAirToolbarWindow | Airport build toolbar window handler |
CBuildBridgeWindow | Window class for handling the bridge-build GUI |
CBuildDocksToolbarWindow | Toolbar window for constructing water infrastructure |
CBuildIndustryWindow | Build (fund or prospect) a new industry, |
CBuildRailToolbarWindow | Rail toolbar management class |
CBuildRoadToolbarWindow | Road toolbar window handler |
CBuildTreesWindow | The build trees window |
CBuildVehicleWindow | GUI for building vehicles |
CBuyCompanyWindow | |
CCheatWindow | GUI for the cheats |
CCompanyFinancesWindow | Window class displaying the company finances |
CCompanyInfrastructureWindow | Window with detailed information about the company's infrastructure |
CCompanyStationsWindow | The list of stations per company |
CCompanyWindow | Window with general information about a company |
CCreateScenarioWindow | |
CCustomCurrencyWindow | |
CDepotWindow | |
CDropdownWindow | Drop-down menu window |
►CEndGameHighScoreBaseWindow | |
CEndGameWindow | End game window shown at the end of the game |
CHighScoreWindow | |
CEnginePreviewWindow | |
CErrmsgWindow | Window class for displaying an error message window |
CExtraViewportWindow | |
CFoundTownWindow | Found a town window class |
CFramerateWindow | |
CFrametimeGraphWindow | |
CGSConfigWindow | Window to configure which GSs will start |
CGameOptionsWindow | |
CGameSettingsWindow | Window to edit settings of the game |
CGenerateLandscapeWindow | |
CGenerateProgressWindow | |
CGoalListWindow | Window for displaying goals |
CGoalQuestionWindow | Ask a question about a goal |
CGraphLegendWindow | |
CHelpWindow | Window class displaying the help window |
CIConsoleWindow | |
CIndustryCargoesWindow | Window displaying the cargo connections around an industry (or cargo) |
CIndustryDirectoryWindow | The list of industries |
CIndustryViewWindow | |
CLandInfoWindow | |
CLinkGraphLegendWindow | Menu window to select cargoes and companies to show in a link graph overlay |
CMainToolbarWindow | Main toolbar |
CMainWindow | |
CMessageHistoryWindow | |
CMusicTrackSelectionWindow | |
CMusicWindow | |
CNetworkAskRelayWindow | Window used for asking the user if he is okay using a relay server |
CNetworkAskSurveyWindow | Window used for asking if the user wants to participate in the automated survey |
CNetworkChatWindow | Window to enter the chat message in |
CNetworkClientListWindow | Main handle for clientlist |
CNetworkContentListWindow | Window that lists the content that's at the content server |
CNetworkGameWindow | |
CNetworkJoinStatusWindow | |
CNetworkStartServerWindow | |
CNewGRFInspectWindow | Window used for inspecting NewGRFs |
CNewGRFParametersWindow | Window for setting the parameters of a NewGRF |
CNewGRFWindow | Window for showing NewGRF files |
CNewsWindow | Window class displaying a news item |
COrdersWindow | Order window code for all vehicles |
COskWindow | |
CPerformanceLeagueWindow | |
CPerformanceRatingDetailWindow | |
►CPickerWindowBase | Base class for windows opened from a toolbar |
CBuildAirportWindow | |
CBuildDocksDepotWindow | |
CBuildDocksStationWindow | |
CBuildRailDepotWindow | |
CBuildRoadDepotWindow | |
CBuildSignalWindow | |
►CPickerWindow | |
CBuildHouseWindow | |
CBuildObjectWindow | The window used for building objects |
CBuildRailStationWindow | |
CBuildRailWaypointWindow | |
CBuildRoadStationWindow | |
CBuildRoadWaypointWindow | |
CQueryStringWindow | Class for the string query window |
CQueryWindow | Window used for asking the user a YES/NO question |
CRefitWindow | Refit cargo window |
CReplaceVehicleWindow | Window for the autoreplacing of vehicles |
CSaveLoadWindow | |
CSavePresetWindow | Class for the save preset window |
CScanProgressWindow | Window for showing the progress of NewGRF scanning |
CScenarioEditorLandscapeGenerationWindow | Landscape generation window handler in the scenario editor |
CScenarioEditorToolbarWindow | |
CScreenshotWindow | |
CScriptDebugWindow | Window with everything an AI prints via ScriptLog |
CScriptLeagueWindow | |
CScriptListWindow | Window that let you choose an available Script |
CScriptSettingsWindow | Window for settings the parameters of an AI |
CSelectCompanyLiveryWindow | Company livery colour scheme window |
CSelectCompanyManagerFaceWindow | Management class for customizing the face of the company manager |
CSelectGameWindow | |
CSelectStationWindow< T > | Window for selecting stations/waypoints to (distant) join to |
CSetDateWindow | Window to select a date graphically by using dropdowns |
CSignListWindow | |
CSignWindow | |
CSmallMapWindow | Class managing the smallmap window |
CSpriteAlignerWindow | Window used for aligning sprites |
CStationViewWindow | The StationView window |
CStatusBarWindow | |
CStoryBookWindow | |
CSubsidyListWindow | |
CTerraformToolbarWindow | Terra form toolbar managing class |
CTextfileWindow | Window for displaying a textfile |
CTimetableWindow | |
CTooltipsWindow | Window for displaying a tooltip |
CTownAuthorityWindow | Town authority window |
CTownDirectoryWindow | Town directory window class |
CTownViewWindow | |
CTransparenciesWindow | |
CVehicleDetailsWindow | Class for managing the vehicle details window |
CVehicleViewWindow | Window manager class for viewing a vehicle |
CWaypointWindow | GUI for accessing waypoints and buoys |
CWindowDesc | High level window description |
CWindowDescTestsFixture | |
CWindow::WindowIterator< TtoBack > | Iterator to iterate all valid Windows |
CWindowNumber | Number to differentiate different windows of the same class |
CStringFilter::WordState | State of a single filter word |
►CX25519AuthenticationHandler | Base for handlers using a X25519 key exchange to perform authentication |
CX25519AuthorizedKeyClientHandler | Handler for clients using a X25519 key exchange to perform authentication via a set of authorized (public) keys of clients |
CX25519AuthorizedKeyServerHandler | Handler for servers using a X25519 key exchange to perform authentication via a set of authorized (public) keys of clients |
CX25519KeyExchangeOnlyClientHandler | Client side handler for using X25519 without actual authentication |
CX25519KeyExchangeOnlyServerHandler | Server side handler for using X25519 without actual authentication |
CX25519PAKEClientHandler | Client side handler for using X25519 with a password-authenticated key exchange |
CX25519PAKEServerHandler | Server side handler for using X25519 with a password-authenticated key exchange |
CX25519DerivedKeys | Container for the keys that derived from the X25519 key exchange mechanism |
CYAPFSettings | Settings related to the yet another pathfinder |
CTimerGame< T >::YearMonthDay | Data structure to convert between Date and triplet (year, month, and day) |
CTimerGame< T >::YearTag< ST > | Type for the year, note: 0 based, i.e |