OpenTTD Source 20250205-master-gfd85ab1e2c
TreeListEnt Struct Reference
Inheritance diagram for TreeListEnt:

Data Fields

uint8_t x
uint8_t y
- Data Fields inherited from PalSpriteID
SpriteID sprite
 The 'real' sprite.
PaletteID pal
 The palette (use PAL_NONE) if not needed)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 518 of file tree_cmd.cpp.

Field Documentation

◆ x

uint8_t TreeListEnt::x

Definition at line 519 of file tree_cmd.cpp.

◆ y

uint8_t TreeListEnt::y

Definition at line 519 of file tree_cmd.cpp.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: