| IncomeGraphWindow (WindowDesc &desc, WindowNumber window_number) |
OverflowSafeInt64 | GetGraphData (const Company *c, int j) override |
void | UpdateWidgetSize (WidgetID widget, Dimension &size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension &fill, Dimension &resize) override |
| Update size and resize step of a widget in the window.
void | DrawWidget (const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override |
| Draw the contents of a nested widget.
void | OnClick (Point pt, WidgetID widget, int click_count) override |
| A click with the left mouse button has been made on the window.
void | OnGameTick () override |
| Called once per (game) tick.
void | OnInvalidateData (int data=0, bool gui_scope=true) override |
| Some data on this window has become invalid.
virtual void | UpdateStatistics (bool initialize) |
| Update the statistics.
| Window (WindowDesc &desc) |
| Empty constructor, initialization has been moved to InitNested() called from the constructor of the derived class.
void * | operator new[] (size_t size)=delete |
| Helper allocation function to disallow something.
template<class NWID > |
const NWID * | GetWidget (WidgetID widnum) const |
| Get the nested widget with number widnum from the nested widget tree.
template<class NWID > |
NWID * | GetWidget (WidgetID widnum) |
| Get the nested widget with number widnum from the nested widget tree.
const Scrollbar * | GetScrollbar (WidgetID widnum) const |
| Return the Scrollbar to a widget index.
Scrollbar * | GetScrollbar (WidgetID widnum) |
| Return the Scrollbar to a widget index.
const QueryString * | GetQueryString (WidgetID widnum) const |
| Return the querystring associated to a editbox.
QueryString * | GetQueryString (WidgetID widnum) |
| Return the querystring associated to a editbox.
void | UpdateQueryStringSize () |
| Update size of all QueryStrings of this window.
virtual const struct Textbuf * | GetFocusedTextbuf () const |
| Get the current input text buffer.
virtual Point | GetCaretPosition () const |
| Get the current caret position if an edit box has the focus.
virtual Rect | GetTextBoundingRect (const char *from, const char *to) const |
| Get the bounding rectangle for a text range if an edit box has the focus.
virtual ptrdiff_t | GetTextCharacterAtPosition (const Point &pt) const |
| Get the character that is rendered at a position by the focused edit box.
void | InitNested (WindowNumber number=0) |
| Perform complete initialization of the Window with nested widgets, to allow use.
void | CreateNestedTree () |
| Perform the first part of the initialization of a nested widget tree.
void | FinishInitNested (WindowNumber window_number=0) |
| Perform the second part of the initialization of a nested widget tree.
void | SetTimeout () |
| Set the timeout flag of the window and initiate the timer.
void | SetWhiteBorder () |
| Set the timeout flag of the window and initiate the timer.
void | DisableAllWidgetHighlight () |
| Disable the highlighted status of all widgets.
void | SetWidgetHighlight (WidgetID widget_index, TextColour highlighted_colour) |
| Sets the highlighted status of a widget.
bool | IsWidgetHighlighted (WidgetID widget_index) const |
| Gets the highlighted status of a widget.
void | SetWidgetDisabledState (WidgetID widget_index, bool disab_stat) |
| Sets the enabled/disabled status of a widget.
void | DisableWidget (WidgetID widget_index) |
| Sets a widget to disabled.
void | EnableWidget (WidgetID widget_index) |
| Sets a widget to Enabled.
bool | IsWidgetDisabled (WidgetID widget_index) const |
| Gets the enabled/disabled status of a widget.
bool | IsWidgetFocused (WidgetID widget_index) const |
| Check if given widget is focused within this window.
bool | IsWidgetGloballyFocused (WidgetID widget_index) const |
| Check if given widget has user input focus.
void | SetWidgetLoweredState (WidgetID widget_index, bool lowered_stat) |
| Sets the lowered/raised status of a widget.
void | ToggleWidgetLoweredState (WidgetID widget_index) |
| Invert the lowered/raised status of a widget.
void | LowerWidget (WidgetID widget_index) |
| Marks a widget as lowered.
void | RaiseWidget (WidgetID widget_index) |
| Marks a widget as raised.
void | RaiseWidgetWhenLowered (WidgetID widget_index) |
| Marks a widget as raised and dirty (redraw), when it is marked as lowered.
bool | IsWidgetLowered (WidgetID widget_index) const |
| Gets the lowered state of a widget.
void | UnfocusFocusedWidget () |
| Makes no widget on this window have focus.
bool | SetFocusedWidget (WidgetID widget_index) |
| Set focus within this window to the given widget.
EventState | HandleEditBoxKey (WidgetID wid, char32_t key, uint16_t keycode) |
| Process keypress for editbox widget.
virtual void | InsertTextString (WidgetID wid, const char *str, bool marked, const char *caret, const char *insert_location, const char *replacement_end) |
| Insert a text string at the cursor position into the edit box widget.
void | HandleButtonClick (WidgetID widget) |
| Do all things to make a button look clicked and mark it to be unclicked in a few ticks.
int | GetRowFromWidget (int clickpos, WidgetID widget, int padding, int line_height=-1) const |
| Compute the row of a widget that a user clicked in.
void | RaiseButtons (bool autoraise=false) |
| Raise the buttons of the window.
template<typename... Args> |
void | SetWidgetsDisabledState (bool disab_stat, Args... widgets) |
| Sets the enabled/disabled status of a list of widgets.
template<typename... Args> |
void | SetWidgetsLoweredState (bool lowered_stat, Args... widgets) |
| Sets the lowered/raised status of a list of widgets.
template<typename... Args> |
void | RaiseWidgetsWhenLowered (Args... widgets) |
| Raises the widgets and sets widgets dirty that are lowered.
void | SetWidgetDirty (WidgetID widget_index) const |
| Invalidate a widget, i.e.
void | DrawWidgets () const |
| Paint all widgets of a window.
void | DrawViewport () const |
| Draw the viewport of this window.
void | DrawSortButtonState (WidgetID widget, SortButtonState state) const |
| Draw a sort button's up or down arrow symbol.
Window * | FindChildWindow (WindowClass wc=WC_INVALID) const |
| Find the Window whose parent pointer points to this window.
void | CloseChildWindows (WindowClass wc=WC_INVALID) const |
| Close all children a window might have in a head-recursive manner.
virtual void | Close (int data=0) |
| Hide the window and all its child windows, and mark them for a later deletion.
void | SetDirty () const |
| Mark entire window as dirty (in need of re-paint)
void | ReInit (int rx=0, int ry=0, bool reposition=false) |
| Re-initialize a window, and optionally change its size.
bool | IsShaded () const |
| Is window shaded currently?
void | SetShaded (bool make_shaded) |
| Set the shaded state of the window to make_shaded.
void | ScheduleResize () |
| Mark this window as resized and in need of OnResize() event.
void | ProcessScheduledResize () |
| Process scheduled OnResize() event.
void | InvalidateData (int data=0, bool gui_scope=true) |
| Mark this window's data as invalid (in need of re-computing)
void | ProcessScheduledInvalidations () |
| Process all scheduled invalidations.
void | ProcessHighlightedInvalidations () |
| Process all invalidation of highlighted widgets.
virtual void | OnInit () |
| Notification that the nested widget tree gets initialized.
virtual void | ApplyDefaults () |
| Read default values from WindowDesc configuration an apply them to the window.
virtual Point | OnInitialPosition (int16_t sm_width, int16_t sm_height, int window_number) |
| Compute the initial position of the window.
virtual void | OnPaint () |
| The window must be repainted.
virtual std::string | GetWidgetString (WidgetID widget, StringID stringid) const |
| Get the raw string for a widget.
virtual void | OnFocus () |
| The window has gained focus.
virtual void | OnFocusLost (bool closing) |
| The window has lost focus.
virtual EventState | OnKeyPress (char32_t key, uint16_t keycode) |
| A key has been pressed.
virtual EventState | OnHotkey (int hotkey) |
| A hotkey has been pressed.
virtual EventState | OnCTRLStateChange () |
| The state of the control key has changed.
virtual bool | OnRightClick (Point pt, WidgetID widget) |
| A click with the right mouse button has been made on the window.
virtual void | OnHover (Point pt, WidgetID widget) |
| The mouse is hovering over a widget in the window, perform an action for it.
virtual bool | OnTooltip (Point pt, WidgetID widget, TooltipCloseCondition close_cond) |
| Event to display a custom tooltip.
virtual void | OnMouseDrag (Point pt, WidgetID widget) |
| An 'object' is being dragged at the provided position, highlight the target if possible.
virtual void | OnDragDrop (Point pt, WidgetID widget) |
| A dragged 'object' has been released.
virtual void | OnScroll (Point delta) |
| Handle the request for (viewport) scrolling.
virtual void | OnMouseOver (Point pt, WidgetID widget) |
| The mouse is currently moving over the window or has just moved outside of the window.
virtual void | OnMouseWheel (int wheel) |
| The mouse wheel has been turned.
virtual void | OnMouseLoop () |
| Called for every mouse loop run, which is at least once per (game) tick.
virtual void | OnRealtimeTick (uint delta_ms) |
| Called periodically.
virtual void | OnTimeout () |
| Called when this window's timeout has been reached.
virtual void | OnResize () |
| Called after the window got resized.
virtual void | OnDropdownSelect (WidgetID widget, int index) |
| A dropdown option associated to this window has been selected.
virtual void | OnDropdownClose (Point pt, WidgetID widget, int index, bool instant_close) |
| A dropdown window associated to this window has been closed.
virtual void | OnEditboxChanged (WidgetID widget) |
| The text in an editbox has been edited.
virtual void | OnQueryTextFinished (std::optional< std::string > str) |
| The query window opened from this window has closed.
virtual void | OnPlaceObject (Point pt, TileIndex tile) |
| The user clicked some place on the map when a tile highlight mode has been set.
virtual bool | OnVehicleSelect (const struct Vehicle *v) |
| The user clicked on a vehicle while HT_VEHICLE has been set.
virtual bool | OnVehicleSelect (VehicleList::const_iterator begin, VehicleList::const_iterator end) |
| The user clicked on a vehicle while HT_VEHICLE has been set.
virtual void | OnPlaceObjectAbort () |
| The user cancelled a tile highlight mode that has been set.
virtual void | OnPlaceDrag (ViewportPlaceMethod select_method, ViewportDragDropSelectionProcess select_proc, Point pt) |
| The user is dragging over the map when the tile highlight mode has been set.
virtual void | OnPlaceMouseUp (ViewportPlaceMethod select_method, ViewportDragDropSelectionProcess select_proc, Point pt, TileIndex start_tile, TileIndex end_tile) |
| The user has dragged over the map when the tile highlight mode has been set.
virtual void | OnPlacePresize (Point pt, TileIndex tile) |
| The user moves over the map when a tile highlight mode has been set when the special mouse mode has been set to 'PRESIZE' mode.
virtual bool | IsNewGRFInspectable () const |
| Is the data related to this window NewGRF inspectable?
virtual void | ShowNewGRFInspectWindow () const |
| Show the NewGRF inspection window.
template<> |
const NWidgetBase * | GetWidget (WidgetID widnum) const |
| Specialized case of Window::GetWidget for the nested widget base class.
using | IteratorToFront = WindowIterator< false > |
| Iterate in Z order towards front.
using | IteratorToBack = WindowIterator< true > |
| Iterate in Z order towards back.
using | Iterate = AllWindows< false > |
| Iterate all windows in whatever order is easiest.
using | IterateFromBack = AllWindows< false > |
| Iterate all windows in Z order from back to front.
using | IterateFromFront = AllWindows< true > |
| Iterate all windows in Z order from front to back.
static int | SortButtonWidth () |
| Get width of up/down arrow of sort button state.
static void | DeleteClosedWindows () |
| Delete all closed windows.
WindowDesc & | window_desc |
| Window description.
WindowFlags | flags {} |
| Window flags.
WindowClass | window_class {} |
| Window class.
WindowNumber | window_number = 0 |
| Window number within the window class.
int | scale = 0 |
| Scale of this window – used to determine how to resize.
uint8_t | timeout_timer = 0 |
| Timer value of the WindowFlag::Timeout for flags.
uint8_t | white_border_timer = 0 |
| Timer value of the WindowFlag::WhiteBorder for flags.
int | left = 0 |
| x position of left edge of the window
int | top = 0 |
| y position of top edge of the window
int | width = 0 |
| width of the window (number of pixels to the right in x direction)
int | height = 0 |
| Height of the window (number of pixels down in y direction)
ResizeInfo | resize {} |
| Resize information.
Owner | owner = INVALID_OWNER |
| The owner of the content shown in this window. Company colour is acquired from this variable.
ViewportData * | viewport = nullptr |
| Pointer to viewport data, if present.
const NWidgetCore * | nested_focus = nullptr |
| Currently focused nested widget, or nullptr if no nested widget has focus.
std::map< WidgetID, QueryString * > | querystrings {} |
| QueryString associated to WWT_EDITBOX widgets.
std::unique_ptr< NWidgetBase > | nested_root {} |
| Root of the nested tree.
WidgetLookup | widget_lookup {} |
| Indexed access to the nested widget tree. Do not access directly, use Window::GetWidget() instead.
NWidgetStacked * | shade_select = nullptr |
| Selection widget (NWID_SELECTION) to use for shading the window. If nullptr , window cannot shade.
Dimension | unshaded_size {} |
| Last known unshaded size (only valid while shaded).
WidgetID | mouse_capture_widget = -1 |
| ID of current mouse capture widget (e.g. dragged scrollbar). -1 if no widget has mouse capture.
Window * | parent = nullptr |
| Parent window.
WindowList::iterator | z_position {} |
std::span< const OverflowSafeInt64 > | GetDataSetRange (const DataSet &dataset) const |
| Get appropriate part of dataset values for the current number of horizontal points.
ValuesInterval | GetValuesInterval (int num_hori_lines) const |
| Get the interval that contains the graph's data.
uint | GetYLabelWidth (ValuesInterval current_interval, int num_hori_lines) const |
| Get width for Y labels.
void | DrawGraph (Rect r) const |
| Actually draw the graph.
| BaseGraphWindow (WindowDesc &desc, StringID format_str_y_axis) |
void | InitializeWindow (WindowNumber number) |
void | InitializeData (WindowNumber window_number) |
| Initializes the data (except the position and initial size) of a new Window.
void | InitializePositionSize (int x, int y, int min_width, int min_height) |
| Set the position and smallest size of the window.
virtual void | FindWindowPlacementAndResize (int def_width, int def_height) |
| Resize window towards the default size.
virtual | ~Window () |
| Remove window and all its child windows from the window stack.
uint64_t | excluded_data = 0 |
| bitmask of the datasets that shouldn't be displayed.
uint64_t | excluded_range = 0 |
| bitmask of ranges that should not be displayed.
uint8_t | num_on_x_axis = 0 |
uint8_t | num_vert_lines = GRAPH_NUM_MONTHS |
TimerGameEconomy::Month | month {} |
TimerGameEconomy::Year | year {} |
uint8_t | month_increment = 3 |
| month increment between vertical lines. must be divisor of 12.
bool | draw_dates = true |
| Should we draw months and years on the time axis?
uint16_t | x_values_start = 0 |
uint16_t | x_values_increment = 0 |
StringID | format_str_y_axis {} |
std::vector< DataSet > | data {} |
std::span< const StringID > | ranges = {} |
std::vector< int > | scheduled_invalidation_data {} |
| Data of scheduled OnInvalidateData() calls.
bool | scheduled_resize = false |
| Set if window has been resized.
static const int | GRAPH_MAX_DATASETS = 64 |
static const int | GRAPH_BASE_COLOUR = GREY_SCALE(2) |
static const int | GRAPH_GRID_COLOUR = GREY_SCALE(3) |
static const int | GRAPH_AXIS_LINE_COLOUR = GREY_SCALE(1) |
static const int | GRAPH_ZERO_LINE_COLOUR = GREY_SCALE(8) |
static const int | GRAPH_YEAR_LINE_COLOUR = GREY_SCALE(5) |
static const int | GRAPH_NUM_MONTHS = 24 |
| Number of months displayed in the graph.
static const int | PAYMENT_GRAPH_X_STEP_DAYS = 10 |
| X-axis step label for cargo payment rates "Days in transit".
static const int | PAYMENT_GRAPH_X_STEP_SECONDS = 20 |
| X-axis step label for cargo payment rates "Seconds in transit".
static const int | ECONOMY_QUARTER_MINUTES = 3 |
| Minutes per economic quarter.
static const int | ECONOMY_MONTH_MINUTES = 1 |
| Minutes per economic month.
static const TextColour | GRAPH_AXIS_LABEL_COLOUR = TC_BLACK |
| colour of the graph axis label.
static const int | MIN_GRAPH_NUM_LINES_Y = 9 |
| Minimal number of horizontal lines to draw.
static const int | MIN_GRID_PIXEL_SIZE = 20 |
| Minimum distance between graph lines.