OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler Class Reference

Class for handling the server side of the game connection. More...

#include <network_admin.h>

Inheritance diagram for ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler:
Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_networkadminsocket_pool > NetworkAdminSocketHandler TCPListenHandler< ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler, ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_FULL, ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_BANNED > NetworkTCPSocketHandler NetworkSocketHandler

Data Structures

struct  ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandlerFilter

Public Member Functions

 ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler (SOCKET s)
 Sanity check.
 ~ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler ()
 Clear everything related to this admin.
NetworkRecvStatus SendError (NetworkErrorCode error)
 Send an error to the admin.
NetworkRecvStatus SendWelcome ()
 Send a welcome message to the admin.
NetworkRecvStatus SendNewGame ()
 Tell the admin we started a new game.
NetworkRecvStatus SendShutdown ()
 Tell the admin we're shutting down.
NetworkRecvStatus SendDate ()
 Tell the admin the date.
NetworkRecvStatus SendClientJoin (ClientID client_id)
 Tell the admin that a client joined.
NetworkRecvStatus SendClientInfo (const NetworkClientSocket *cs, const NetworkClientInfo *ci)
 Send an initial set of data from some client's information.
NetworkRecvStatus SendClientUpdate (const NetworkClientInfo *ci)
 Send an update for some client's information.
NetworkRecvStatus SendClientQuit (ClientID client_id)
 Tell the admin that a client quit.
NetworkRecvStatus SendClientError (ClientID client_id, NetworkErrorCode error)
 Tell the admin that a client made an error.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCompanyNew (CompanyID company_id)
 Tell the admin that a new company was founded.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCompanyInfo (const Company *c)
 Send the admin some information about a company.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCompanyUpdate (const Company *c)
 Send an update about a company.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCompanyRemove (CompanyID company_id, AdminCompanyRemoveReason bcrr)
 Tell the admin that a company got removed.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCompanyEconomy ()
 Send economic information of all companies.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCompanyStats ()
 Send statistics about the companies.
NetworkRecvStatus SendChat (NetworkAction action, DestType desttype, ClientID client_id, const std::string &msg, int64_t data)
 Send a chat message.
NetworkRecvStatus SendRcon (uint16_t colour, const std::string_view command)
 Send the reply of an rcon command.
NetworkRecvStatus SendConsole (const std::string_view origin, const std::string_view command)
 Send console output of other clients.
NetworkRecvStatus SendGameScript (const std::string_view json)
 Send GameScript JSON output.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCmdNames ()
 Send the names of the commands.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCmdLogging (ClientID client_id, const CommandPacket &cp)
 Send a command for logging purposes.
NetworkRecvStatus SendRconEnd (const std::string_view command)
 Send a notification indicating the rcon command has completed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_networkadminsocket_pool >
void * operator new (size_t size)
 Allocates space for new Titem.
void * operator new (size_t size, Tindex index)
 Allocates space for new Titem with given index.
void * operator new (size_t, void *ptr)
 Allocates space for new Titem at given memory address.
void operator delete (void *p, size_t size)
 Marks Titem as free.
- Public Member Functions inherited from NetworkAdminSocketHandler
NetworkRecvStatus CloseConnection (bool error=true) override
 This will put this socket handler in a close state.
 NetworkAdminSocketHandler (SOCKET s)
 Create the admin handler for the given socket.
NetworkRecvStatus ReceivePackets ()
 Do the actual receiving of packets.
AdminStatus GetAdminStatus () const
 Get the status of the admin.
- Public Member Functions inherited from NetworkTCPSocketHandler
bool IsConnected () const
 Whether this socket is currently bound to a socket.
void CloseSocket ()
 Close the actual socket of the connection.
virtual void SendPacket (std::unique_ptr< Packet > &&packet)
 This function puts the packet in the send-queue and it is send as soon as possible.
SendPacketsState SendPackets (bool closing_down=false)
 Sends all the buffered packets out for this client.
virtual std::unique_ptr< PacketReceivePacket ()
 Receives a packet for the given client.
bool CanSendReceive ()
 Check whether this socket can send or receive something.
bool HasSendQueue ()
 Whether there is something pending in the send queue.
 NetworkTCPSocketHandler (SOCKET s=INVALID_SOCKET)
 Construct a socket handler for a TCP connection.
- Public Member Functions inherited from NetworkSocketHandler
 NetworkSocketHandler ()=default
 Create a new unbound socket.
virtual ~NetworkSocketHandler ()=default
 Close the socket when destructing the socket handler.
void MarkClosed ()
 Mark the connection as closed.
bool HasClientQuit () const
 Whether the current client connected to the socket has quit.
void Reopen ()
 Reopen the socket so we can send/receive stuff again.

Static Public Member Functions

static void Send ()
 Send the packets for the server sockets.
static void AcceptConnection (SOCKET s, const NetworkAddress &address)
 Handle the acception of a connection.
static bool AllowConnection ()
 Whether a connection is allowed or not at this moment.
static void WelcomeAll ()
 Send a Welcome packet to all connected admins.
static const char * GetName ()
 Get the name used by the listener.
static Pool::IterateWrapperFiltered< ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler, ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandlerFilterIterateActive (size_t from=0)
 Returns an iterable ensemble of all active admin sockets.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_networkadminsocket_pool >
static bool CanAllocateItem (size_t n=1)
 Helper functions so we can use PoolItem::Function() instead of _poolitem_pool.Function()
static bool CleaningPool ()
 Returns current state of pool cleaning - yes or no.
static bool IsValidID (auto index)
 Tests whether given index can be used to get valid (non-nullptr) Titem.
static Titem * Get (auto index)
 Returns Titem with given index.
static Titem * GetIfValid (auto index)
 Returns Titem with given index.
static size_t GetPoolSize ()
 Returns first unused index.
static size_t GetNumItems ()
 Returns number of valid items in the pool.
static void PostDestructor (size_t index)
 Dummy function called after destructor of each member.
static Pool::IterateWrapper< Titem > Iterate (size_t from=0)
 Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid Titem.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TCPListenHandler< ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler, ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_FULL, ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_BANNED >
static bool ValidateClient (SOCKET s, NetworkAddress &address)
static void AcceptClient (SOCKET ls)
 Accepts clients from the sockets.
static bool Receive ()
 Handle the receiving of packets.
static bool Listen (uint16_t port)
 Listen on a particular port.
static void CloseListeners ()
 Close the sockets we're listening on.

Data Fields

std::array< AdminUpdateFrequency, ADMIN_UPDATE_ENDupdate_frequency {}
 Admin requested update intervals.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point connect_time {}
 Time of connection.
NetworkAddress address {}
 Address of the admin.
- Data Fields inherited from Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_networkadminsocket_pool >
Tindex index
 Index of this pool item.
- Data Fields inherited from NetworkTCPSocketHandler
 The socket currently connected to.
bool writable = false
 Can we write to this socket?

Protected Member Functions

NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_JOIN (Packet &p) override
 Join the admin network using an unsecured password exchange: string Unsecured password the server is expecting for this network.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_QUIT (Packet &p) override
 Notification to the server that this admin is quitting.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_UPDATE_FREQUENCY (Packet &p) override
 Register updates to be sent at certain frequencies (as announced in the PROTOCOL packet): uint16_t Update type (see AdminUpdateType).
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_POLL (Packet &p) override
 Poll the server for certain updates, an invalid poll (e.g.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_CHAT (Packet &p) override
 Send chat as the server: uint8_t Action such as NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT_CLIENT (see NetworkAction).
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_EXTERNAL_CHAT (Packet &p) override
 Send chat from the external source: string Name of the source this message came from.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_RCON (Packet &p) override
 Execute a command on the servers console: string Command to be executed.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_GAMESCRIPT (Packet &p) override
 Send a JSON string to the current active GameScript.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_PING (Packet &p) override
 Ping the server, requiring the server to reply with a pong packet.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_JOIN_SECURE (Packet &p) override
 Join the admin network using a secure authentication method: string Name of the application being used to connect.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_AUTH_RESPONSE (Packet &p) override
 Admin responds to ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_AUTH_REQUEST with the appropriate data given the agreed upon NetworkAuthenticationMethod.
NetworkRecvStatus SendProtocol ()
 Send the protocol version to the admin.
NetworkRecvStatus SendPong (uint32_t d1)
 Send ping-reply (pong) to admin.
NetworkRecvStatus SendAuthRequest ()
NetworkRecvStatus SendEnableEncryption ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from NetworkAdminSocketHandler
NetworkRecvStatus ReceiveInvalidPacket (PacketAdminType type)
 Helper for logging receiving invalid packets.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_FULL (Packet &p)
 The server is full (connection gets closed).
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_BANNED (Packet &p)
 The source IP address is banned (connection gets closed).
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_ERROR (Packet &p)
 An error was caused by this admin connection (connection gets closed).
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_PROTOCOL (Packet &p)
 Inform a just joined admin about the protocol specifics: uint8_t Protocol version.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_WELCOME (Packet &p)
 Welcome a connected admin to the game: string Name of the Server.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_NEWGAME (Packet &p)
 Notification about a newgame.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_SHUTDOWN (Packet &p)
 Notification about the server shutting down.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_DATE (Packet &p)
 Send the current date of the game: uint32_t Current game date.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CLIENT_JOIN (Packet &p)
 Notification of a new client: uint32_t ID of the new client.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CLIENT_INFO (Packet &p)
 Client information of a specific client: uint32_t ID of the client.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CLIENT_UPDATE (Packet &p)
 Client update details on a specific client (e.g.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CLIENT_QUIT (Packet &p)
 Notification about a client leaving the game.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CLIENT_ERROR (Packet &p)
 Notification about a client error (and thus the clients disconnection).
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_COMPANY_NEW (Packet &p)
 Notification of a new company: uint8_t ID of the new company.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_COMPANY_INFO (Packet &p)
 Company information on a specific company: uint8_t ID of the company.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_COMPANY_UPDATE (Packet &p)
 Company information of a specific company: uint8_t ID of the company.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_COMPANY_REMOVE (Packet &p)
 Notification about a removed company (e.g.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_COMPANY_ECONOMY (Packet &p)
 Economy update of a specific company: uint8_t ID of the company.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_COMPANY_STATS (Packet &p)
 Company statistics on stations and vehicles: uint8_t ID of the company.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CHAT (Packet &p)
 Send chat from the game into the admin network: uint8_t Action such as NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT_CLIENT (see NetworkAction).
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_RCON (Packet &p)
 Result of an rcon command: uint16_t Colour as it would be used on the server or a client.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CONSOLE (Packet &p)
 Send what would be printed on the server's console also into the admin network.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CMD_NAMES (Packet &p)
 Send DoCommand names to the bot upon request only.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CMD_LOGGING (Packet &p)
 Send incoming command packets to the admin network.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_AUTH_REQUEST (Packet &p)
 Server requests authentication challenge from the admin.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION (Packet &p)
 Indication to the client that authentication is complete and encryption has to be used from here on forward.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_PONG (Packet &p)
 Send a ping-reply (pong) to the admin that sent us the ping packet.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_RCON_END (Packet &p)
 Notify the admin connection that the rcon command has finished.
NetworkRecvStatus HandlePacket (Packet &p)
 Handle the given packet, i.e.

Private Attributes

std::unique_ptr< NetworkAuthenticationServerHandlerauthentication_handler = nullptr
 The handler for the authentication.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_networkadminsocket_pool >
typedef struct Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache > Pool
 Type of the pool this item is going to be part of.
- Protected Attributes inherited from NetworkAdminSocketHandler
std::string admin_name {}
 Name of the admin.
std::string admin_version {}
 Version string of the admin.
AdminStatus status = ADMIN_STATUS_INACTIVE
 Status of this admin.
- Protected Attributes inherited from NetworkSocketHandler
std::unique_ptr< class NetworkEncryptionHandlerreceive_encryption_handler = nullptr
 The handler for decrypting received packets.
std::unique_ptr< class NetworkEncryptionHandlersend_encryption_handler = nullptr
 The handler for encrypting sent packets.

Detailed Description

Class for handling the server side of the game connection.

Definition at line 25 of file network_admin.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler()

ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler ( SOCKET  s)

Sanity check.

Create a new socket for the server side of the admin network.

sThe socket to connect with.

Definition at line 65 of file network_admin.cpp.

References ADMIN_STATUS_INACTIVE, connect_time, and NetworkAdminSocketHandler::status.

◆ ~ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler()

Member Function Documentation

◆ AcceptConnection()

void ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::AcceptConnection ( SOCKET  s,
const NetworkAddress address 

Handle the acception of a connection.

sThe socket of the new connection.
addressThe address of the peer.

Definition at line 114 of file network_admin.cpp.

References address.

◆ AllowConnection()

bool ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::AllowConnection ( )

Whether a connection is allowed or not at this moment.

Whether the connection is allowed.

Definition at line 89 of file network_admin.cpp.

References _settings_client, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_networkadminsocket_pool >::CanAllocateItem(), and ClientSettings::network.

◆ GetName()

static const char * ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::GetName ( )

Get the name used by the listener.

the name to show in debug logs and the like.

Definition at line 88 of file network_admin.h.

◆ IterateActive()

static Pool::IterateWrapperFiltered< ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler, ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandlerFilter > ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::IterateActive ( size_t  from = 0)

Returns an iterable ensemble of all active admin sockets.

fromindex of the first socket to consider
an iterable ensemble of all active admin sockets

Definition at line 102 of file network_admin.h.

Referenced by DebugReconsiderSendRemoteMessages(), NetworkAdminChat(), NetworkAdminClientError(), NetworkAdminClientInfo(), NetworkAdminClientQuit(), NetworkAdminClientUpdate(), NetworkAdminCmdLogging(), NetworkAdminCompanyNew(), NetworkAdminCompanyRemove(), NetworkAdminCompanyUpdate(), NetworkAdminConsole(), NetworkAdminGameScript(), NetworkAdminUpdate(), NetworkDisconnect(), and WelcomeAll().


NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::Receive_ADMIN_AUTH_RESPONSE ( Packet p)

Admin responds to ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_AUTH_REQUEST with the appropriate data given the agreed upon NetworkAuthenticationMethod.

With NETWORK_AUTH_METHOD_X25519_PAKE and NETWORK_AUTH_METHOD_X25519_AUTHORIZED_KEY: 32 * uint8_t Public key of the client. 16 * uint8_t Message authentication code (mac). 8 * uint8_t Encrypted message of the authentication (just random bytes).

pThe packet that was just received.
The state the network should have.

Reimplemented from NetworkAdminSocketHandler.

Definition at line 844 of file network_admin.cpp.

References NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_name, ADMIN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATE, NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_version, NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler::Authenticated, authentication_handler, Debug, NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler::NotAuthenticated, NetworkSocketHandler::receive_encryption_handler, NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler::RetryNextMethod, NetworkSocketHandler::send_encryption_handler, SendError(), SendProtocol(), and NetworkAdminSocketHandler::status.

◆ Receive_ADMIN_CHAT()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::Receive_ADMIN_CHAT ( Packet p)

Send chat as the server: uint8_t Action such as NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT_CLIENT (see NetworkAction).

uint8_t Destination type such as DESTTYPE_BROADCAST (see DestType). uint32_t ID of the destination such as company or client id. string Message.

pThe packet that was just received.
The state the network should have.

Reimplemented from NetworkAdminSocketHandler.

Definition at line 745 of file network_admin.cpp.

References _network_own_client_id, NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_name, ADMIN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATE, NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_version, Debug, NETWORK_CHAT_LENGTH, NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, NetworkServerSendChat(), Packet::Recv_string(), Packet::Recv_uint32(), Packet::Recv_uint8(), SendError(), and NetworkAdminSocketHandler::status.


NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::Receive_ADMIN_EXTERNAL_CHAT ( Packet p)

Send chat from the external source: string Name of the source this message came from.

uint16_t TextColour to use for the message. string Name of the user who sent the message. string Message.

pThe packet that was just received.
The state the network should have.

Reimplemented from NetworkAdminSocketHandler.

Definition at line 771 of file network_admin.cpp.

References NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_name, ADMIN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATE, NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_version, Debug, IsValidConsoleColour(), NETWORK_CHAT_LENGTH, NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, NetworkServerSendExternalChat(), Packet::Recv_string(), Packet::Recv_uint16(), SendError(), and NetworkAdminSocketHandler::status.


NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::Receive_ADMIN_GAMESCRIPT ( Packet p)

Send a JSON string to the current active GameScript.

json JSON string for the GameScript.

pThe packet that was just received.
The state the network should have.

Reimplemented from NetworkAdminSocketHandler.

Definition at line 499 of file network_admin.cpp.

References NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_name, ADMIN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATE, NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_version, Debug, NETWORK_GAMESCRIPT_JSON_LENGTH, NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, Game::NewEvent(), Packet::Recv_string(), SendError(), and NetworkAdminSocketHandler::status.

◆ Receive_ADMIN_JOIN()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::Receive_ADMIN_JOIN ( Packet p)

Join the admin network using an unsecured password exchange: string Unsecured password the server is expecting for this network.

string Name of the application being used to connect. string Version string of the application being used to connect.

pThe packet that was just received.
The state the network should have.

Reimplemented from NetworkAdminSocketHandler.

Definition at line 623 of file network_admin.cpp.

References _settings_client, NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_name, NetworkSettings::admin_password, ADMIN_STATUS_INACTIVE, NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_version, NetworkSettings::allow_insecure_admin_login, Debug, ClientSettings::network, NETWORK_CLIENT_NAME_LENGTH, NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH, NETWORK_REVISION_LENGTH, Packet::Recv_string(), SendError(), SendProtocol(), and NetworkAdminSocketHandler::status.


NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::Receive_ADMIN_JOIN_SECURE ( Packet p)

Join the admin network using a secure authentication method: string Name of the application being used to connect.

string Version string of the application being used to connect. uint16_t Bitmask of supported authentication methods. See NetworkAuthenticationMethod for the supported methods.

The server will determine which of the authentication methods supplied by the client will be used. When there is no supported authentication method, an ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_ERROR packet will be sent with NETWORK_ERROR_NO_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_AVAILABLE as error.

pThe packet that was just received.
The state the network should have.

Reimplemented from NetworkAdminSocketHandler.

Definition at line 794 of file network_admin.cpp.

References _admin_authorized_key_handler(), _admin_password_provider(), NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_name, ADMIN_STATUS_INACTIVE, NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_version, authentication_handler, NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler::Create(), Debug, NETWORK_CLIENT_NAME_LENGTH, NETWORK_REVISION_LENGTH, Packet::Recv_string(), Packet::Recv_uint16(), SendError(), NetworkAdminSocketHandler::status, and X25519_KeyExchangeOnly.

◆ Receive_ADMIN_PING()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::Receive_ADMIN_PING ( Packet p)

Ping the server, requiring the server to reply with a pong packet.

uint32_t Integer value to pass to the server, which is quoted in the reply.

pThe packet that was just received.
The state the network should have.

Reimplemented from NetworkAdminSocketHandler.

Definition at line 511 of file network_admin.cpp.

References NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_name, ADMIN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATE, NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_version, Debug, Packet::Recv_uint32(), SendError(), SendPong(), and NetworkAdminSocketHandler::status.

◆ Receive_ADMIN_POLL()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::Receive_ADMIN_POLL ( Packet p)

Poll the server for certain updates, an invalid poll (e.g.

not existent id) gets silently dropped: uint8_t AdminUpdateType the server should answer for, only if AdminUpdateFrequency ADMIN_FREQUENCY_POLL is advertised in the PROTOCOL packet. Note integer type - see "Certain Packet Information" in docs/ uint32_t ID relevant to the packet type, e.g.

  • the client ID for ADMIN_UPDATE_CLIENT_INFO. Use UINT32_MAX to show all clients.
  • the company ID for ADMIN_UPDATE_COMPANY_INFO. Use UINT32_MAX to show all companies.
    pThe packet that was just received.
    The state the network should have.

Reimplemented from NetworkAdminSocketHandler.

Definition at line 679 of file network_admin.cpp.

References NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_name, ADMIN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATE, ADMIN_UPDATE_CLIENT_INFO, ADMIN_UPDATE_CMD_NAMES, ADMIN_UPDATE_COMPANY_ECONOMY, ADMIN_UPDATE_COMPANY_INFO, ADMIN_UPDATE_COMPANY_STATS, ADMIN_UPDATE_DATE, NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_version, CLIENT_ID_SERVER, Debug, NetworkClientInfo::GetByClientID(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::GetIfValid(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Iterate(), NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, Packet::Recv_uint32(), Packet::Recv_uint8(), SendClientInfo(), SendCmdNames(), SendCompanyEconomy(), SendCompanyInfo(), SendCompanyStats(), SendDate(), SendError(), and NetworkAdminSocketHandler::status.

◆ Receive_ADMIN_QUIT()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::Receive_ADMIN_QUIT ( Packet p)

Notification to the server that this admin is quitting.

pThe packet that was just received.
The state the network should have.

Reimplemented from NetworkAdminSocketHandler.

Definition at line 653 of file network_admin.cpp.

References NetworkAdminSocketHandler::CloseConnection().

◆ Receive_ADMIN_RCON()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::Receive_ADMIN_RCON ( Packet p)


NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::Receive_ADMIN_UPDATE_FREQUENCY ( Packet p)

Register updates to be sent at certain frequencies (as announced in the PROTOCOL packet): uint16_t Update type (see AdminUpdateType).

Note integer type - see "Certain Packet Information" in docs/ uint16_t Update frequency (see AdminUpdateFrequency), setting ADMIN_FREQUENCY_POLL is always ignored.

pThe packet that was just received.
The state the network should have.

Reimplemented from NetworkAdminSocketHandler.

Definition at line 659 of file network_admin.cpp.

References _admin_update_type_frequencies, NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_name, ADMIN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATE, ADMIN_UPDATE_CONSOLE, ADMIN_UPDATE_END, NetworkAdminSocketHandler::admin_version, Debug, DebugReconsiderSendRemoteMessages(), NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, Packet::Recv_uint16(), SendError(), NetworkAdminSocketHandler::status, and update_frequency.

◆ Send()

void ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::Send ( )

◆ SendAuthRequest()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendAuthRequest ( )

Definition at line 819 of file network_admin.cpp.

◆ SendChat()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendChat ( NetworkAction  action,
DestType  desttype,
ClientID  client_id,
const std::string &  msg,
int64_t  data 

Send a chat message.

actionThe action associated with the message.
desttypeThe destination type.
client_idThe origin of the chat message.
msgThe actual message.
dataArbitrary extra data.

Definition at line 441 of file network_admin.cpp.

References ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_CHAT, NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, and NetworkTCPSocketHandler::SendPacket().

◆ SendClientError()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendClientError ( ClientID  client_id,
NetworkErrorCode  error 

Tell the admin that a client made an error.

client_idThe client that made the error.
errorThe error that was made.

Definition at line 290 of file network_admin.cpp.


◆ SendClientInfo()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendClientInfo ( const NetworkClientSocket *  cs,
const NetworkClientInfo ci 

Send an initial set of data from some client's information.

csThe socket of the client.
ciThe information about the client.

Definition at line 234 of file network_admin.cpp.

References ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_CLIENT_INFO, NetworkClientInfo::client_id, NetworkClientInfo::client_name, NetworkClientInfo::client_playas, NetworkClientInfo::join_date, NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, and NetworkTCPSocketHandler::SendPacket().

Referenced by Receive_ADMIN_POLL().

◆ SendClientJoin()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendClientJoin ( ClientID  client_id)

Tell the admin that a client joined.

client_idThe client that joined.

Definition at line 219 of file network_admin.cpp.


◆ SendClientQuit()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendClientQuit ( ClientID  client_id)

Tell the admin that a client quit.

client_idThe client that quit.

Definition at line 275 of file network_admin.cpp.


◆ SendClientUpdate()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendClientUpdate ( const NetworkClientInfo ci)

Send an update for some client's information.

ciThe information about a client.

Definition at line 258 of file network_admin.cpp.

References ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_CLIENT_UPDATE, NetworkClientInfo::client_id, NetworkClientInfo::client_name, NetworkClientInfo::client_playas, NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, and NetworkTCPSocketHandler::SendPacket().

◆ SendCmdLogging()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendCmdLogging ( ClientID  client_id,
const CommandPacket cp 

Send a command for logging purposes.

client_idThe client executing the command.
cpThe command that would be executed.

Definition at line 604 of file network_admin.cpp.

References ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_CMD_LOGGING, CommandPacket::cmd, CommandPacket::company, CommandPacket::data, CommandPacket::frame, NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, and NetworkTCPSocketHandler::SendPacket().

◆ SendCmdNames()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendCmdNames ( )

Send the names of the commands.

Definition at line 570 of file network_admin.cpp.

References ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_CMD_NAMES, CMD_END, GetCommandName(), NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, and NetworkTCPSocketHandler::SendPacket().

Referenced by Receive_ADMIN_POLL().

◆ SendCompanyEconomy()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendCompanyEconomy ( )

◆ SendCompanyInfo()

◆ SendCompanyNew()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendCompanyNew ( CompanyID  company_id)

Tell the admin that a new company was founded.

company_idThe company that was founded.

Definition at line 305 of file network_admin.cpp.


◆ SendCompanyRemove()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendCompanyRemove ( CompanyID  company_id,
AdminCompanyRemoveReason  acrr 

Tell the admin that a company got removed.

company_idThe company that got removed.
acrrThe reason for removal, e.g. bankruptcy or merger.

Definition at line 363 of file network_admin.cpp.


◆ SendCompanyStats()

◆ SendCompanyUpdate()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendCompanyUpdate ( const Company c)

◆ SendConsole()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendConsole ( const std::string_view  origin,
const std::string_view  string 

Send console output of other clients.

originThe origin of the string.
stringThe string that's put on the console.

Definition at line 527 of file network_admin.cpp.


◆ SendDate()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendDate ( )

◆ SendEnableEncryption()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendEnableEncryption ( )

Definition at line 833 of file network_admin.cpp.

◆ SendError()

◆ SendGameScript()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendGameScript ( const std::string_view  json)

Send GameScript JSON output.

jsonThe JSON string.

Definition at line 548 of file network_admin.cpp.


◆ SendNewGame()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendNewGame ( )

Tell the admin we started a new game.

Definition at line 189 of file network_admin.cpp.

References ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_NEWGAME, NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, and NetworkTCPSocketHandler::SendPacket().

◆ SendPong()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendPong ( uint32_t  d1)

Send ping-reply (pong) to admin.

Definition at line 559 of file network_admin.cpp.

References ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_PONG, NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, and NetworkTCPSocketHandler::SendPacket().

Referenced by Receive_ADMIN_PING().

◆ SendProtocol()

◆ SendRcon()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendRcon ( uint16_t  colour,
const std::string_view  result 

Send the reply of an rcon command.

colourThe colour of the text.
resultThe result of the command.

Definition at line 474 of file network_admin.cpp.

References ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_RCON, NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, and NetworkTCPSocketHandler::SendPacket().

◆ SendRconEnd()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendRconEnd ( const std::string_view  command)

Send a notification indicating the rcon command has completed.

commandThe original command sent.

Definition at line 459 of file network_admin.cpp.

References ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_RCON_END, NETWORK_RECV_STATUS_OKAY, and NetworkTCPSocketHandler::SendPacket().

Referenced by Receive_ADMIN_RCON().

◆ SendShutdown()

NetworkRecvStatus ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendShutdown ( )

Tell the admin we're shutting down.

Definition at line 197 of file network_admin.cpp.


◆ SendWelcome()

◆ WelcomeAll()

void ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::WelcomeAll ( )

Send a Welcome packet to all connected admins.

Definition at line 1049 of file network_admin.cpp.

References IterateActive().

Referenced by NetworkOnGameStart().

Field Documentation

◆ address

NetworkAddress ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::address {}

Address of the admin.

Definition at line 48 of file network_admin.h.

Referenced by AcceptConnection().

◆ authentication_handler

std::unique_ptr<NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler> ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::authentication_handler = nullptr

The handler for the authentication.

Definition at line 27 of file network_admin.h.

Referenced by Receive_ADMIN_AUTH_RESPONSE(), Receive_ADMIN_JOIN_SECURE(), and SendError().

◆ connect_time

std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::connect_time {}

Time of connection.

Definition at line 47 of file network_admin.h.

Referenced by ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler().

◆ update_frequency

std::array<AdminUpdateFrequency, ADMIN_UPDATE_END> ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::update_frequency {}

Admin requested update intervals.

Definition at line 46 of file network_admin.h.

Referenced by Receive_ADMIN_UPDATE_FREQUENCY(), and ~ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: