12#include "../../stdafx.h"
14#include "../network_internal.h"
16#include "../../debug.h"
18#include "../../safeguards.h"
106 std::unique_ptr<Packet> p;
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_EXTERNAL_CHAT(Packet &p)
Send chat from the external source: string Name of the source this message came from.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_RCON(Packet &p)
Execute a command on the servers console: string Command to be executed.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_AUTH_REQUEST(Packet &p)
Server requests authentication challenge from the admin.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CLIENT_ERROR(Packet &p)
Notification about a client error (and thus the clients disconnection).
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_WELCOME(Packet &p)
Welcome a connected admin to the game: string Name of the Server.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_COMPANY_ECONOMY(Packet &p)
Economy update of a specific company: uint8_t ID of the company.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_COMPANY_STATS(Packet &p)
Company statistics on stations and vehicles: uint8_t ID of the company.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_COMPANY_NEW(Packet &p)
Notification of a new company: uint8_t ID of the new company.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_DATE(Packet &p)
Send the current date of the game: uint32_t Current game date.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_COMPANY_UPDATE(Packet &p)
Company information of a specific company: uint8_t ID of the company.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_RCON(Packet &p)
Result of an rcon command: uint16_t Colour as it would be used on the server or a client.
NetworkRecvStatus HandlePacket(Packet &p)
Handle the given packet, i.e.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_GAMESCRIPT(Packet &p)
Send a JSON string to the current active GameScript.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CMD_LOGGING(Packet &p)
Send incoming command packets to the admin network.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_SHUTDOWN(Packet &p)
Notification about the server shutting down.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_ERROR(Packet &p)
An error was caused by this admin connection (connection gets closed).
NetworkRecvStatus CloseConnection(bool error=true) override
This will put this socket handler in a close state.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_COMPANY_REMOVE(Packet &p)
Notification about a removed company (e.g.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CLIENT_UPDATE(Packet &p)
Client update details on a specific client (e.g.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_FULL(Packet &p)
The server is full (connection gets closed).
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_QUIT(Packet &p)
Notification to the server that this admin is quitting.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CLIENT_JOIN(Packet &p)
Notification of a new client: uint32_t ID of the new client.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_AUTH_RESPONSE(Packet &p)
Admin responds to ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_AUTH_REQUEST with the appropriate data given the agreed upon Ne...
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CLIENT_QUIT(Packet &p)
Notification about a client leaving the game.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_POLL(Packet &p)
Poll the server for certain updates, an invalid poll (e.g.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_JOIN(Packet &p)
Join the admin network using an unsecured password exchange: string Unsecured password the server is ...
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_PING(Packet &p)
Ping the server, requiring the server to reply with a pong packet.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_CHAT(Packet &p)
Send chat as the server: uint8_t Action such as NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT_CLIENT (see NetworkAction).
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CONSOLE(Packet &p)
Send what would be printed on the server's console also into the admin network.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_COMPANY_INFO(Packet &p)
Company information on a specific company: uint8_t ID of the company.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_PONG(Packet &p)
Send a ping-reply (pong) to the admin that sent us the ping packet.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION(Packet &p)
Indication to the client that authentication is complete and encryption has to be used from here on f...
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_JOIN_SECURE(Packet &p)
Join the admin network using a secure authentication method: string Name of the application being use...
NetworkRecvStatus ReceiveInvalidPacket(PacketAdminType type)
Helper for logging receiving invalid packets.
NetworkRecvStatus ReceivePackets()
Do the actual receiving of packets.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CMD_NAMES(Packet &p)
Send DoCommand names to the bot upon request only.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_NEWGAME(Packet &p)
Notification about a newgame.
std::string admin_version
Version string of the admin.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_UPDATE_FREQUENCY(Packet &p)
Register updates to be sent at certain frequencies (as announced in the PROTOCOL packet): uint16_t Up...
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_PROTOCOL(Packet &p)
Inform a just joined admin about the protocol specifics: uint8_t Protocol version.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_RCON_END(Packet &p)
Notify the admin connection that the rcon command has finished.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CHAT(Packet &p)
Send chat from the game into the admin network: uint8_t Action such as NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT_CLIENT (se...
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CLIENT_INFO(Packet &p)
Client information of a specific client: uint32_t ID of the client.
std::string admin_name
Name of the admin.
virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_BANNED(Packet &p)
The source IP address is banned (connection gets closed).
bool HasClientQuit() const
Whether the current client connected to the socket has quit.
virtual std::unique_ptr< Packet > ReceivePacket()
Receives a packet for the given client.
The company went belly-up.
Sentinel for end.
The company is removed due to autoclean.
The company is manually removed.
Status of a network client; reasons why a client has quit.
The connection is lost gracefully. Other clients are already informed of this leaving client.
Everything is okay.
We apparently send a malformed packet.
#define Debug(category, level, format_string,...)
Output a line of debugging information.
Internal entity of a packet.
uint8_t Recv_uint8()
Read a 8 bits integer from the packet.
Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets to and from the admin network.
Enum with types of TCP packets specific to the admin network.
The admin sends a ping to the server, expecting a ping-reply (PONG) packet.
The server gives the admin the data that got printed to its console.
The server tells that authentication has completed and requests to enable encryption with the keys of...
The admin tells the server the update frequency of a particular piece of information.
The server gives the admin an information update on a client.
The server gives the admin some statistics about a company.
The server gives the admin some economy related company information.
The admin announces and authenticates itself to the server using an unsecured passwords.
The server gives the admin information about a client.
The server tells the admin that a client caused an error.
The admin sends a JSON string for the GameScript.
The server gives the admin the used authentication method and required parameters.
The server received a chat message and relays it.
The server tells the admin its shutting down.
The server indicates that the remote console command has completed.
The server welcomes the admin to a game.
The server tells the admin that a company was removed.
The server tells the admin an error has occurred.
The admin tells the server that it is quitting.
The admin explicitly polls for a piece of information.
The server tells the admin its going to start a new game.
The server tells the admin it is banned.
The server gives the admin an information update on a company.
The server replies to a ping request from the admin.
The server tells the admin that a client has joined.
The admin sends a chat message to be distributed.
The server gives the admin copies of incoming command packets.
The server tells the admin its protocol version.
The admin announces and starts a secure authentication handshake.
The server tells the admin that a client quit.
The server gives the admin information about a company.
The server sends out the names of the DoCommands to the admins.
The server tells the admin it cannot accept the admin.
The admin sends a remote console command.
The admin responds to the authentication request.
The server tells the admin what the current game date is.
The server tells the admin that a new company has started.
The admin sends a chat message from external source.
The server's reply to a remove console command.
The company went belly-up.
The company is manually removed.
The company is removed due to autoclean.
Sentinel for end.