15#include "../3rdparty/monocypher/monocypher.h"
16#include "../core/random_func.hpp"
18#include "../string_func.h"
20#include "../safeguards.h"
68 crypto_x25519(shared_secret.data(), our_secret_key.data(), peer_public_key.data());
69 if (std::all_of(shared_secret.begin(), shared_secret.end(), [](
auto v) { return v == 0; })) {
74 crypto_blake2b_ctx ctx;
75 crypto_blake2b_init(&ctx, this->
76 crypto_blake2b_update(&ctx, shared_secret.data(), shared_secret.size());
79 crypto_blake2b_update(&ctx, our_public_key.data(), our_public_key.size());
80 crypto_blake2b_update(&ctx, peer_public_key.data(), peer_public_key.size());
83 crypto_blake2b_update(&ctx, peer_public_key.data(), peer_public_key.size());
84 crypto_blake2b_update(&ctx, our_public_key.data(), our_public_key.size());
89 crypto_blake2b_update(&ctx,
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *
>(extra_payload.data()), extra_payload.size());
90 crypto_blake2b_final(&ctx, this->
110 crypto_aead_init_x(&this->context, key.data(), nonce.data());
116 crypto_wipe(&this->context,
124 bool Decrypt(std::span<std::uint8_t> mac, std::span<std::uint8_t> message)
126 return crypto_aead_read(&this->context, message.data(), mac.data(),
nullptr, 0, message.data(), message.size()) == 0;
129 void Encrypt(std::span<std::uint8_t> mac, std::span<std::uint8_t> message)
131 crypto_aead_write(&this->context, message.data(), mac.data(),
nullptr, 0, message.data(), message.size());
159 crypto_x25519_public_key(public_key.data(), this->data());
185 our_secret_key(secret_key), our_public_key(secret_key.CreatePublicKey()),
190 void X25519AuthenticationHandler::SendRequest(
Packet &p)
204 Debug(net, 1,
"[crypto] Received auth response of illegal size; authentication aborted.");
222 this->our_secret_key, this->our_public_key, derived_key_extra_payload)) {
223 Debug(net, 0,
"[crypto] Peer sent an illegal public key; authentication aborted.");
231 crypto_aead_lock(message.data(), mac.data(), this->derived_keys.ClientToServer().data(), this->key_exchange_nonce.data(),
232 this->our_public_key.data(), this->our_public_key.size(), message.data(), message.size());
268std::unique_ptr<NetworkEncryptionHandler> X25519AuthenticationHandler::CreateClientToServerEncryptionHandler()
273std::unique_ptr<NetworkEncryptionHandler> X25519AuthenticationHandler::CreateServerToClientEncryptionHandler()
288 Debug(net, 1,
"[crypto] Received auth response of illegal size; authentication aborted.");
300 this->our_secret_key, this->our_public_key, derived_key_extra_payload)) {
301 Debug(net, 0,
"[crypto] Peer sent an illegal public key; authentication aborted.");
305 if (crypto_aead_unlock(message.data(), mac.data(), this->derived_keys.ClientToServer().data(), this->key_exchange_nonce.data(),
306 this->peer_public_key.data(), this->peer_public_key.size(), message.data(), message.size()) != 0) {
323 this->handler->AskUserForPassword(this->handler);
338 if (secret_key.empty()) {
339 Debug(net, 3,
"[crypto] Creating a new random key");
341 Debug(net, 0,
"[crypto] Found invalid secret key, creating a new random key");
365 auto is_of_method = [method](
Handler &handler) {
return handler->GetAuthenticationMethod() == method; };
366 auto it = std::ranges::find_if(
handlers, is_of_method);
371 Debug(net, 9,
"Received {} authentication request", this->
377 Debug(net, 9,
"Sending {} authentication response", this->
400 if (!handler->CanBeUsed())
402 this->
407 Debug(net, 9,
"Sending {} authentication request", this->
410 this->
415 Debug(net, 9,
"Receiving {} authentication response", this->
462 std::unique_ptr<NetworkAuthenticationClientHandler>
NetworkAuthenticationClientHandler::Create(std::shared_ptr<NetworkAuthenticationPasswordRequestHandler> password_handler, std::string &secret_key, std::string &public_key)
465 auto handler = std::make_unique<CombinedAuthenticationClientHandler>();
466 handler->Add(std::make_unique<X25519KeyExchangeOnlyClientHandler>(secret));
467 handler->Add(std::make_unique<X25519PAKEClientHandler>(secret, std::move(password_handler)));
468 handler->Add(std::make_unique<X25519AuthorizedKeyClientHandler>(secret));
481 auto handler = std::make_unique<CombinedAuthenticationServerHandler>();
483 handler->Add(std::make_unique<X25519PAKEServerHandler>(secret, password_provider));
487 handler->Add(std::make_unique<X25519AuthorizedKeyServerHandler>(secret, authorized_key_handler));
492 handler->Add(std::make_unique<X25519KeyExchangeOnlyServerHandler>(secret));
constexpr bool Test(Tvalue_type value) const
Test if the value-th bit is set.
std::vector< Handler > handlers
The handlers that we can authenticate with.
virtual NetworkAuthenticationMethod GetAuthenticationMethod() const override
Get the method this handler is providing functionality for.
NetworkAuthenticationClientHandler * current_handler
The currently active handler.
virtual bool SendResponse(struct Packet &p) override
Create the response to send to the server.
std::unique_ptr< NetworkAuthenticationClientHandler > Handler
The type of the inner handlers.
virtual RequestResult ReceiveRequest(struct Packet &p) override
Read a request from the server.
virtual std::string_view GetName() const override
Get the name of the handler for debug messages.
virtual std::string_view GetName() const override
Get the name of the handler for debug messages.
void Add(Handler &&handler)
Add the given sub-handler to this handler, if the handler can be used (e.g.
std::vector< Handler > handlers
The handlers that we can (still) authenticate with.
std::unique_ptr< NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler > Handler
The type of the inner handlers.
virtual ResponseResult ReceiveResponse(struct Packet &p) override
Read the response from the client.
virtual bool CanBeUsed() const override
Checks whether this handler can be used with the current configuration.
virtual NetworkAuthenticationMethod GetAuthenticationMethod() const override
Get the method this handler is providing functionality for.
virtual void SendRequest(struct Packet &p) override
Create the request to send to the client.
Callback interface for server implementations to provide the authorized key validation.
virtual bool IsAllowed(std::string_view peer_public_key) const =0
Check whether the given public key of the peer is allowed in.
The processing result of receiving a request.
@ AwaitUserInput
We have requested some user input, but must wait on that.
@ Invalid
We have received an invalid request.
static void EnsureValidSecretKeyAndUpdatePublicKey(std::string &secret_key, std::string &public_key)
Ensures that the given secret key is valid, and when not overwrite it with a valid secret key.
virtual RequestResult ReceiveRequest(struct Packet &p)=0
Read a request from the server.
virtual bool SendResponse(struct Packet &p)=0
Create the response to send to the server.
static std::unique_ptr< NetworkAuthenticationClientHandler > Create(std::shared_ptr< NetworkAuthenticationPasswordRequestHandler > password_handler, std::string &secret_key, std::string &public_key)
Create a NetworkAuthenticationClientHandler.
virtual std::string_view GetName() const =0
Get the name of the handler for debug messages.
virtual NetworkAuthenticationMethod GetAuthenticationMethod() const =0
Get the method this handler is providing functionality for.
Callback interface for server implementations to provide the current password.
virtual void SendResponse()=0
Callback to trigger sending the response for the password request.
virtual void Reply(const std::string &password) override
Reply to the request with the given password.
std::string password
The entered password.
static std::unique_ptr< NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler > Create(const NetworkAuthenticationPasswordProvider *password_provider, const NetworkAuthenticationAuthorizedKeyHandler *authorized_key_handler, NetworkAuthenticationMethodMask client_supported_method_mask={NetworkAuthenticationMethod::X25519_KeyExchangeOnly, NetworkAuthenticationMethod::X25519_PAKE, NetworkAuthenticationMethod::X25519_AuthorizedKey})
Create a NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler.
The processing result of receiving a response.
@ RetryNextMethod
The client failed to authenticate, but there is another method to try.
@ NotAuthenticated
All authentications for this handler have been exhausted.
@ Authenticated
The client was authenticated successfully.
Base class for handling the encryption (or decryption) of a network connection.
bool ReceiveEnableEncryption(struct Packet &p)
Receive the initial nonce for the encrypted connection.
X25519AuthenticationHandler(const X25519SecretKey &secret_key)
Create the handler, and generate the public keys accordingly.
X25519PublicKey peer_public_key
The public key used by our peer.
X25519Nonce encryption_nonce
The nonce to prevent replay attacks the encrypted connection.
NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler::ResponseResult ReceiveResponse(struct Packet &p, std::string_view derived_key_extra_payload)
Read the key exchange data from a Packet that came from the client, and check whether the client pass...
X25519Nonce key_exchange_nonce
The nonce to prevent replay attacks of the key exchange.
bool SendResponse(struct Packet &p, std::string_view derived_key_extra_payload)
Perform the key exchange, and when that is correct fill the Packet with the appropriate data.
X25519DerivedKeys derived_keys
Keys derived from the authentication process.
std::string GetPeerPublicKey() const
Get the public key the peer provided for the key exchange.
bool ReceiveRequest(struct Packet &p)
Read the key exchange data from a Packet that came from the server,.
void SendEnableEncryption(struct Packet &p) const
Send the initial nonce for the encrypted connection.
X25519PublicKey our_public_key
The public key used by us.
static X25519SecretKey GetValidSecretKeyAndUpdatePublicKey(std::string &secret_key, std::string &public_key)
Get the secret key from the given string.
virtual std::string GetPeerPublicKey() const override
Get the public key the peer provided during the authentication.
virtual ResponseResult ReceiveResponse(struct Packet &p) override
Read the response from the client.
const NetworkAuthenticationAuthorizedKeyHandler * authorized_key_handler
The handler of the authorized keys.
std::array< uint8_t, X25519_KEY_SIZE+X25519_KEY_SIZE > keys
Single contiguous buffer to store the derived keys in, as they are generated as a single hash.
bool Exchange(const X25519PublicKey &peer_public_key, X25519KeyExchangeSide side, const X25519SecretKey &our_secret_key, const X25519PublicKey &our_public_key, std::string_view extra_payload)
Perform the actual key exchange.
std::span< const uint8_t > ClientToServer() const
Get the key to encrypt or decrypt a message sent from the client to the server.
std::span< const uint8_t > ServerToClient() const
Get the key to encrypt or decrypt a message sent from the server to the client.
Ensure the derived keys do not get leaked when we're done with it.
Encryption handler implementation for monocypther encryption after a X25519 key exchange.
Ensure the encryption context is wiped!
size_t MACSize() const override
Get the size of the MAC (Message Authentication Code) used by the underlying encryption protocol.
void Encrypt(std::span< std::uint8_t > mac, std::span< std::uint8_t > message) override
Encrypt the given message in-place, and write the associated MAC.
crypto_aead_ctx context
The actual encryption context.
bool Decrypt(std::span< std::uint8_t > mac, std::span< std::uint8_t > message) override
Decrypt the given message in-place, validating against the given MAC.
X25519EncryptionHandler(const std::span< const uint8_t > key, const X25519Nonce &nonce)
Create the encryption handler.
virtual RequestResult ReceiveRequest(struct Packet &p) override
Read a request from the server.
#define Debug(category, level, format_string,...)
Output a line of debugging information.
constexpr std::underlying_type_t< enum_type > to_underlying(enum_type e)
Implementation of std::to_underlying (from C++23)
static void crypto_wipe(std::span< uint8_t > span)
Call crypto_wipe for all the data in the given span.
The authentication method that can be used.
@ X25519_KeyExchangeOnly
No actual authentication is taking place, just perform a x25519 key exchange. This method is not supp...
@ X25519_PAKE
Authentication using x25519 password-authenticated key agreement.
@ End
Must ALWAYS be on the end of this list!! (period)
@ X25519_AuthorizedKey
Authentication using x22519 key exchange and authorized keys.
Internal bits to the crypto of the network handling.
constexpr size_t X25519_MAC_SIZE
The number of bytes the message authentication codes are in X25519.
constexpr size_t X25519_NONCE_SIZE
The number of bytes the nonces are in X25519.
std::array< uint8_t, X25519_KEY_EXCHANGE_MESSAGE_SIZE > X25519KeyExchangeMessage
Container for a X25519 key exchange message.
constexpr size_t X25519_KEY_EXCHANGE_MESSAGE_SIZE
The number of bytes the (random) payload of the authentication message has.
constexpr size_t X25519_KEY_SIZE
The number of bytes the public and secret keys are in X25519.
std::array< uint8_t, X25519_MAC_SIZE > X25519Mac
Container for a X25519 message authentication code.
The side of the key exchange.
We are the server.
We are the client.
Basic functions to create, fill and read packets.
void RandomBytesWithFallback(std::span< uint8_t > buf)
Fill the given buffer with random bytes.
bool ConvertHexToBytes(std::string_view hex, std::span< uint8_t > bytes)
Convert a hex-string to a byte-array, while validating it was actually hex.
std::string FormatArrayAsHex(std::span< const uint8_t > data)
Format a byte array into a continuous hex string.
Internal entity of a packet.
size_t Recv_bytes(std::span< uint8_t > span)
Extract at most the length of the span bytes from the packet into the span.
std::span< const uint8_t > Send_bytes(const std::span< const uint8_t > span)
Send as many of the bytes as possible in the packet.
uint8_t Recv_uint8()
Read a 8 bits integer from the packet.
void Send_uint8(uint8_t data)
Package a 8 bits integer in the packet.
size_t RemainingBytesToTransfer() const
Get the amount of bytes that are still available for the Transfer functions.
Container for a X25519 key that is automatically crypto-wiped when destructed.
Ensure the key does not get leaked when we're done with it.
Container for a X25519 nonce that is automatically crypto-wiped when destructed.
static X25519Nonce CreateRandom()
Create a new nonce that's filled with random bytes.
Ensure the nonce does not get leaked when we're done with it.
Container for a X25519 public key.
Container for a X25519 secret key.
X25519PublicKey CreatePublicKey() const
Create the public key associated with this secret key.
static X25519SecretKey CreateRandom()
Create a new secret key that's filled with random bytes.