21static const Money COMPANY_MAX_LOAN_DEFAULT = INT64_MIN;
33 std::array<uint32_t, RAILTYPE_END>
34 std::array<uint32_t, ROADTYPE_END>
45 return std::accumulate(std::begin(this->
rail), std::end(this->
rail), 0U);
59 using BitmapStorage = size_t;
60 static constexpr size_t BITMAP_SIZE = std::numeric_limits<BitmapStorage>::digits;
62 std::vector<BitmapStorage> used_bitmap{};
101 Money bankrupt_value = 0;
116 std::array<CompanyEconomyEntry, MAX_HISTORY_QUARTERS>
119 std::array<Livery, LS_END> livery{};
132 std::unique_ptr<class AIInstance> ai_instance{};
133 class AIInfo *ai_info =
134 std::unique_ptr<class AIConfig> ai_config{};
136 std::array<GroupStatistics, VEH_COMPANY_END>
141 std::array<FreeUnitIDGenerator, VEH_COMPANY_END> freeunits{};
154 return c !=
nullptr && c->
166 return c !=
nullptr && !c->
Types related to autoreplacing.
All static information from an AI like name, version, etc.
UnitID UseID(UnitID index)
Use a unit number.
void ReleaseID(UnitID index)
Release a unit number.
UnitID NextID() const
Find first unused unit number.
Simple helper to (more easily) manage authorized keys.
Money CalculateHostileTakeoverValue(const Company *c)
Calculate what you have to pay to take over a company.
Money CalculateCompanyValue(const Company *c, bool including_loan=true)
Calculate the value of the company.
uint _cur_company_tick_index
used to generate a name for one company that doesn't have a name yet per tick
uint32_t CompanyManagerFace
Company manager face bits, info see in company_manager_face.h.
Base class for groups and group functions.
Functions/types related to livery colours.
Allow incrementing of Track variables.
Enums and other types related to roads.
The different roadtypes we support, but then a bitmask of them.
Types related to global configuration settings.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
static const StringID INVALID_STRING_ID
Constant representing an invalid string (16bit in case it is used in savegames)
Class for storing amounts of cargo.
Statistics about the economy.
Money income
The amount of income.
Money expenses
The amount of expenses.
Money company_value
The value of the company.
CargoArray delivered_cargo
The amount of delivered cargo.
int32_t performance_history
Company score (scale 0-1000)
std::array< uint32_t, ROADTYPE_END > road
Count of company owned track bits for each road type.
uint32_t GetRailTotal() const
Get total sum of all owned track bits.
uint32_t GetRoadTotal() const
Get total sum of all owned road bits.
uint32_t station
Count of company owned station tiles.
uint32_t signal
Count of company owned signals.
std::array< uint32_t, RAILTYPE_END > rail
Count of company owned track bits for each rail type.
uint32_t GetTramTotal() const
Get total sum of all owned tram bits.
uint32_t airport
Count of company owned airports.
uint32_t water
Count of company owned track bits for canals.
Statically loadable part of Company pool item.
TileIndex location_of_HQ
Northern tile of HQ; INVALID_TILE when there is none.
uint8_t months_of_bankruptcy
Number of months that the company is unable to pay its debts.
uint32_t clear_limit
Amount of tiles we can (still) clear (times 65536).
CompanyMask bankrupt_asked
which companies were asked about buying it?
std::string president_name
Name of the president if the user changed it.
int16_t bankrupt_timeout
If bigger than 0, amount of time to wait for an answer on an offer to buy this company.
CompanySettings settings
settings specific for each company
NetworkAuthorizedKeys allow_list
Public keys of clients that are allowed to join this company.
uint8_t months_empty
NOSAVE: Number of months this company has not had a client in multiplayer.
uint32_t build_object_limit
Amount of tiles we can (still) build objects on (times 65536). Also applies to buying land.
uint32_t name_2
Parameter of name_1.
uint8_t money_fraction
Fraction of money of the company, too small to represent in money.
bool is_ai
If true, the company is (also) controlled by the computer (a NoAI program).
uint32_t president_name_2
Parameter of president_name_1.
StringID name_1
Name of the company if the user did not change it.
Money current_loan
Amount of money borrowed from the bank.
TimerGameCalendar::Year inaugurated_year_calendar
Calendar year of starting the company. Used to display proper Inauguration year while in wallclock mo...
uint32_t terraform_limit
Amount of tileheights we can (still) terraform (times 65536).
TimerGameEconomy::Year inaugurated_year
Economy year of starting the company.
CompanyEconomyEntry cur_economy
Economic data of the company of this quarter.
Colours colour
Company colour.
uint32_t tree_limit
Amount of trees we can (still) plant (times 65536).
std::array< CompanyEconomyEntry, MAX_HISTORY_QUARTERS > old_economy
Economic data of the company of the last MAX_HISTORY_QUARTERS quarters.
CompanyManagerFace face
Face description of the president.
EngineRenewList engine_renew_list
Engine renewals of this company.
Money max_loan
Max allowed amount of the loan or COMPANY_MAX_LOAN_DEFAULT.
std::array< Expenses, 3 > yearly_expenses
Expenses of the company for the last three years.
TileIndex last_build_coordinate
Coordinate of the last build thing by this company.
StringID president_name_1
Name of the president if the user did not change it.
uint8_t block_preview
Number of quarters that the company is not allowed to get new exclusive engine previews (see Companie...
std::string name
Name of the company if the user changed it.
Money money
Money owned by the company.
uint8_t num_valid_stat_ent
Number of valid statistical entries in old_economy.
Settings that can be set per company.
Money GetMaxLoan() const
Calculate the max allowed loan for this company.
CompanyInfrastructure infrastructure
NOSAVE: Counts of company owned infrastructure.
std::array< GroupStatistics, VEH_COMPANY_END > group_default
NOSAVE: Statistics for the DEFAULT_GROUP group.
static bool IsHumanID(auto index)
Is this company a company not controlled by a NoAI program?
static bool IsValidAiID(auto index)
Is this company a valid company, controlled by the computer (a NoAI program)?
static bool IsValidHumanID(auto index)
Is this company a valid company, not controlled by a NoAI program?
std::array< GroupStatistics, VEH_COMPANY_END > group_all
NOSAVE: Statistics for the ALL_GROUP group.
RoadTypes avail_roadtypes
Road types available to this company.
RailTypes avail_railtypes
Rail types available to this company.
static void PostDestructor(size_t index)
Invalidating some stuff after removing item from the pool.
Struct to store engine replacements.
Base class for all PoolItems.
static Titem * Get(auto index)
Returns Titem with given index.
Tindex index
Index of this pool item.
static Titem * GetIfValid(auto index)
Returns Titem with given index.
Base class for all pools.
constexpr TileIndex INVALID_TILE
The very nice invalid tile marker.
Definition of the game-economy-timer.
uint16_t UnitID
Type for the company global vehicle unit number.