OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6 */
10#include "stdafx.h"
11#include <ranges>
12#include "company_func.h"
13#include "command_func.h"
14#include "industry.h"
15#include "town.h"
16#include "news_func.h"
17#include "network/network.h"
19#include "ai/ai.hpp"
20#include "aircraft.h"
21#include "train.h"
22#include "newgrf_engine.h"
23#include "engine_base.h"
24#include "ground_vehicle.hpp"
25#include "newgrf_cargo.h"
26#include "newgrf_sound.h"
28#include "newgrf_station.h"
29#include "newgrf_airporttiles.h"
30#include "newgrf_roadstop.h"
31#include "object.h"
32#include "strings_func.h"
33#include "vehicle_func.h"
34#include "sound_func.h"
35#include "autoreplace_func.h"
36#include "company_gui.h"
37#include "signs_base.h"
38#include "subsidy_base.h"
39#include "subsidy_func.h"
40#include "station_base.h"
41#include "waypoint_base.h"
42#include "economy_base.h"
43#include "core/pool_func.hpp"
44#include "core/backup_type.hpp"
46#include "cargo_type.h"
47#include "water.h"
48#include "game/game.hpp"
49#include "cargomonitor.h"
50#include "goal_base.h"
51#include "story_base.h"
52#include "linkgraph/refresh.h"
53#include "company_cmd.h"
54#include "economy_cmd.h"
55#include "vehicle_cmd.h"
56#include "timer/timer.h"
60#include "table/strings.h"
61#include "table/pricebase.h"
63#include "safeguards.h"
66/* Initialize the cargo payment-pool */
67CargoPaymentPool _cargo_payment_pool("CargoPayment");
81static inline int32_t BigMulS(const int32_t a, const int32_t b, const uint8_t shift)
83 return (int32_t)((int64_t)a * (int64_t)b >> shift);
86typedef std::vector<Industry *> SmallIndustryList;
92 { 120, 100}, // SCORE_VEHICLES
93 { 80, 100}, // SCORE_STATIONS
94 { 10000, 100}, // SCORE_MIN_PROFIT
95 { 50000, 50}, // SCORE_MIN_INCOME
96 { 100000, 100}, // SCORE_MAX_INCOME
97 { 40000, 400}, // SCORE_DELIVERED
98 { 8, 50}, // SCORE_CARGO
99 {10000000, 50}, // SCORE_MONEY
100 { 250000, 50}, // SCORE_LOAN
101 { 0, 0} // SCORE_TOTAL
105Economy _economy;
106Prices _price;
107static PriceMultipliers _price_base_multiplier;
117 Owner owner = c->index;
119 uint num = 0;
121 for (const Station *st : Station::Iterate()) {
122 if (st->owner == owner) num += CountBits(st->facilities.base());
123 }
125 Money value = num * _price[PR_STATION_VALUE] * 25;
127 for (const Vehicle *v : Vehicle::Iterate()) {
128 if (v->owner != owner) continue;
130 if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN ||
131 v->type == VEH_ROAD ||
132 (v->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT && Aircraft::From(v)->IsNormalAircraft()) ||
133 v->type == VEH_SHIP) {
134 value += v->value * 3 >> 1;
135 }
136 }
138 return value;
150Money CalculateCompanyValue(const Company *c, bool including_loan)
154 /* Add real money value */
155 if (including_loan) value -= c->current_loan;
156 value += c->money;
158 return std::max<Money>(value, 1);
181 value += c->current_loan;
182 /* Negative balance is basically a loan. */
183 if (c->money < 0) {
184 value += -c->money;
185 }
187 for (int quarter = 0; quarter < 4; quarter++) {
188 value += std::max<Money>(c->old_economy[quarter].income + c->old_economy[quarter].expenses, 0) * 2;
189 }
191 return std::max<Money>(value, 1);
204 Owner owner = c->index;
205 int score = 0;
207 _score_part[owner] = {};
209 /* Count vehicles */
210 {
211 Money min_profit = 0;
212 bool min_profit_first = true;
213 uint num = 0;
215 for (const Vehicle *v : Vehicle::Iterate()) {
216 if (v->owner != owner) continue;
217 if (IsCompanyBuildableVehicleType(v->type) && v->IsPrimaryVehicle()) {
218 if (v->profit_last_year > 0) num++; // For the vehicle score only count profitable vehicles
219 if (v->economy_age > VEHICLE_PROFIT_MIN_AGE) {
220 /* Find the vehicle with the lowest amount of profit */
221 if (min_profit_first || min_profit > v->profit_last_year) {
222 min_profit = v->profit_last_year;
223 min_profit_first = false;
224 }
225 }
226 }
227 }
229 min_profit >>= 8; // remove the fract part
231 _score_part[owner][SCORE_VEHICLES] = num;
232 /* Don't allow negative min_profit to show */
233 if (min_profit > 0) {
234 _score_part[owner][SCORE_MIN_PROFIT] = min_profit;
235 }
236 }
238 /* Count stations */
239 {
240 uint num = 0;
241 for (const Station *st : Station::Iterate()) {
242 /* Only count stations that are actually serviced */
243 if (st->owner == owner && (st->time_since_load <= 20 || st->time_since_unload <= 20)) num += CountBits(st->facilities.base());
244 }
245 _score_part[owner][SCORE_STATIONS] = num;
246 }
248 /* Generate statistics depending on recent income statistics */
249 {
250 int numec = std::min<uint>(c->num_valid_stat_ent, 12u);
251 if (numec != 0) {
252 auto [min_income, max_income] = std::ranges::minmax(c->old_economy | std::views::take(numec) | std::views::transform([](const auto &ce) { return ce.income + ce.expenses; }));
254 if (min_income > 0) _score_part[owner][SCORE_MIN_INCOME] = min_income;
255 _score_part[owner][SCORE_MAX_INCOME] = max_income;
256 }
257 }
259 /* Generate score depending on amount of transported cargo */
260 {
261 int numec = std::min<uint>(c->num_valid_stat_ent, 4u);
262 if (numec != 0) {
263 OverflowSafeInt64 total_delivered = 0;
264 for (auto &ce : c->old_economy | std::views::take(numec)) total_delivered += ce.delivered_cargo.GetSum<OverflowSafeInt64>();
266 _score_part[owner][SCORE_DELIVERED] = total_delivered;
267 }
268 }
270 /* Generate score for variety of cargo */
271 {
272 _score_part[owner][SCORE_CARGO] = c->old_economy[0].delivered_cargo.GetCount();
273 }
275 /* Generate score for company's money */
276 {
277 if (c->money > 0) {
278 _score_part[owner][SCORE_MONEY] = c->money;
279 }
280 }
282 /* Generate score for loan */
283 {
284 _score_part[owner][SCORE_LOAN] = _score_info[SCORE_LOAN].needed - c->current_loan;
285 }
287 /* Now we calculate the score for each item.. */
288 {
289 int total_score = 0;
290 int s;
291 score = 0;
292 for (ScoreID i = SCORE_BEGIN; i < SCORE_END; i++) {
293 /* Skip the total */
294 if (i == SCORE_TOTAL) continue;
295 /* Check the score */
296 s = Clamp<int64_t>(_score_part[owner][i], 0, _score_info[i].needed) * _score_info[i].score / _score_info[i].needed;
297 score += s;
298 total_score += _score_info[i].score;
299 }
301 _score_part[owner][SCORE_TOTAL] = score;
303 /* We always want the score scaled to SCORE_MAX (1000) */
304 if (total_score != SCORE_MAX) score = score * SCORE_MAX / total_score;
305 }
307 if (update) {
308 c->old_economy[0].performance_history = score;
310 c->old_economy[0].company_value = CalculateCompanyValue(c);
311 }
314 return score;
322void ChangeOwnershipOfCompanyItems(Owner old_owner, Owner new_owner)
324 /* We need to set _current_company to old_owner before we try to move
325 * the client. This is needed as it needs to know whether "you" really
326 * are the current local company. */
327 Backup<CompanyID> cur_company(_current_company, old_owner);
328 /* In all cases, make spectators of clients connected to that company */
330 if (old_owner == _local_company) {
331 /* Single player cheated to AI company.
332 * There are no spectators in singleplayer mode, so we must pick some other company. */
333 assert(!_networking);
335 for (const Company *c : Company::Iterate()) {
336 if (c->index != old_owner) {
337 SetLocalCompany(c->index);
338 break;
339 }
340 }
341 cur_company2.Restore();
342 assert(old_owner != _local_company);
343 }
345 assert(old_owner != new_owner);
347 /* Temporarily increase the company's money, to be sure that
348 * removing their property doesn't fail because of lack of money.
349 * Not too drastically though, because it could overflow */
350 if (new_owner == INVALID_OWNER) {
351 Company::Get(old_owner)->money = UINT64_MAX >> 2; // jackpot ;p
352 }
354 for (Subsidy *s : Subsidy::Iterate()) {
355 if (s->awarded == old_owner) {
356 if (new_owner == INVALID_OWNER) {
357 delete s;
358 } else {
359 s->awarded = new_owner;
360 }
361 }
362 }
365 /* Take care of rating and transport rights in towns */
366 for (Town *t : Town::Iterate()) {
367 /* If a company takes over, give the ratings to that company. */
368 if (new_owner != INVALID_OWNER) {
369 if (t->have_ratings.Test(old_owner)) {
370 if (t->have_ratings.Test(new_owner)) {
371 /* use max of the two ratings. */
372 t->ratings[new_owner] = std::max(t->ratings[new_owner], t->ratings[old_owner]);
373 } else {
374 t->have_ratings.Set(new_owner);
375 t->ratings[new_owner] = t->ratings[old_owner];
376 }
377 }
378 }
380 /* Reset the ratings for the old owner */
381 t->ratings[old_owner] = RATING_INITIAL;
382 t->have_ratings.Reset(old_owner);
384 /* Transfer exclusive rights */
385 if (t->exclusive_counter > 0 && t->exclusivity == old_owner) {
386 if (new_owner != INVALID_OWNER) {
387 t->exclusivity = new_owner;
388 } else {
389 t->exclusive_counter = 0;
390 t->exclusivity = CompanyID::Invalid();
391 }
392 }
393 }
395 {
396 for (Vehicle *v : Vehicle::Iterate()) {
397 if (v->owner == old_owner && IsCompanyBuildableVehicleType(v->type)) {
398 if (new_owner == INVALID_OWNER) {
399 if (v->Previous() == nullptr) delete v;
400 } else {
401 if (v->IsEngineCountable()) GroupStatistics::CountEngine(v, -1);
402 if (v->IsPrimaryVehicle()) GroupStatistics::CountVehicle(v, -1);
403 }
404 }
405 }
406 }
408 /* In all cases clear replace engine rules.
409 * Even if it was copied, it could interfere with new owner's rules */
412 if (new_owner == INVALID_OWNER) {
413 RemoveAllGroupsForCompany(old_owner);
414 } else {
415 Company *c = Company::Get(old_owner);
416 for (Group *g : Group::Iterate()) {
417 if (g->owner == old_owner) {
418 g->owner = new_owner;
419 g->number = c->freegroups.UseID(c->freegroups.NextID());
420 }
421 }
422 }
424 {
425 Company *new_company = new_owner == INVALID_OWNER ? nullptr : Company::Get(new_owner);
427 /* Override company settings to new company defaults in case we need to convert them.
428 * This is required as the CmdChangeServiceInt doesn't copy the supplied value when it is non-custom
429 */
430 if (new_owner != INVALID_OWNER) {
431 Company *old_company = Company::Get(old_owner);
434 old_company->settings.vehicle.servint_trains = new_company->settings.vehicle.servint_trains;
436 old_company->settings.vehicle.servint_ships = new_company->settings.vehicle.servint_ships;
438 }
440 for (Vehicle *v : Vehicle::Iterate()) {
441 if (v->owner == old_owner && IsCompanyBuildableVehicleType(v->type)) {
442 assert(new_owner != INVALID_OWNER);
444 /* Correct default values of interval settings while maintaining custom set ones.
445 * This prevents invalid values on mismatching company defaults being accepted.
446 */
447 if (!v->ServiceIntervalIsCustom()) {
448 /* Technically, passing the interval is not needed as the command will query the default value itself.
449 * However, do not rely on that behaviour.
450 */
451 int interval = CompanyServiceInterval(new_company, v->type);
453 }
455 v->owner = new_owner;
457 /* Owner changes, clear cache */
458 v->colourmap = PAL_NONE;
459 v->InvalidateNewGRFCache();
461 if (v->IsEngineCountable()) {
463 }
464 if (v->IsPrimaryVehicle()) {
466 auto &unitidgen = new_company->freeunits[v->type];
467 v->unitnumber = unitidgen.UseID(unitidgen.NextID());
468 }
470 /* Invalidate the vehicle's cargo payment "owner cache". */
471 if (v->cargo_payment != nullptr) v->cargo_payment->owner = nullptr;
472 }
473 }
475 if (new_owner != INVALID_OWNER) GroupStatistics::UpdateAutoreplace(new_owner);
476 }
478 /* Change ownership of tiles */
479 {
480 for (const auto tile : Map::Iterate()) {
481 ChangeTileOwner(tile, old_owner, new_owner);
482 }
484 if (new_owner != INVALID_OWNER) {
485 /* Update all signals because there can be new segment that was owned by two companies
486 * and signals were not propagated
487 * Similar with crossings - it is needed to bar crossings that weren't before
488 * because of different owner of crossing and approaching train */
489 for (const auto tile : Map::Iterate()) {
490 if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) && IsTileOwner(tile, new_owner) && HasSignals(tile)) {
491 TrackBits tracks = GetTrackBits(tile);
492 do { // there may be two tracks with signals for TRACK_BIT_HORZ and TRACK_BIT_VERT
493 Track track = RemoveFirstTrack(&tracks);
494 if (HasSignalOnTrack(tile, track)) AddTrackToSignalBuffer(tile, track, new_owner);
495 } while (tracks != TRACK_BIT_NONE);
496 } else if (IsLevelCrossingTile(tile) && IsTileOwner(tile, new_owner)) {
498 }
499 }
500 }
502 /* update signals in buffer */
504 }
506 /* Add airport infrastructure count of the old company to the new one. */
507 if (new_owner != INVALID_OWNER) Company::Get(new_owner)->infrastructure.airport += Company::Get(old_owner)->infrastructure.airport;
509 /* convert owner of stations (including deleted ones, but excluding buoys) */
510 for (Station *st : Station::Iterate()) {
511 if (st->owner == old_owner) {
512 /* if a company goes bankrupt, set owner to OWNER_NONE so the sign doesn't disappear immediately
513 * also, drawing station window would cause reading invalid company's colour */
514 st->owner = new_owner == INVALID_OWNER ? OWNER_NONE : new_owner;
515 }
516 }
518 /* do the same for waypoints (we need to do this here so deleted waypoints are converted too) */
519 for (Waypoint *wp : Waypoint::Iterate()) {
520 if (wp->owner == old_owner) {
521 wp->owner = new_owner == INVALID_OWNER ? OWNER_NONE : new_owner;
522 }
523 }
525 for (Sign *si : Sign::Iterate()) {
526 if (si->owner == old_owner) si->owner = new_owner == INVALID_OWNER ? OWNER_NONE : new_owner;
527 }
529 /* Remove Game Script created Goals, CargoMonitors and Story pages. */
530 for (Goal *g : Goal::Iterate()) {
531 if (g->company == old_owner) delete g;
532 }
537 for (StoryPage *sp : StoryPage::Iterate()) {
538 if (sp->company == old_owner) delete sp;
539 }
541 /* Change colour of existing windows */
542 if (new_owner != INVALID_OWNER) ChangeWindowOwner(old_owner, new_owner);
544 cur_company.Restore();
555 /* If "Infinite money" setting is on, companies should not go bankrupt. */
558 /* If the company has money again, it does not go bankrupt */
559 if (c->money - c->current_loan >= -c->GetMaxLoan()) {
560 int previous_months_of_bankruptcy = CeilDiv(c->months_of_bankruptcy, 3);
563 if (previous_months_of_bankruptcy != 0) CompanyAdminUpdate(c);
564 return;
565 }
569 switch (c->months_of_bankruptcy) {
570 /* All the boring cases (months) with a bad balance where no action is taken */
571 case 0:
572 case 1:
573 case 2:
574 case 3:
576 case 5:
577 case 6:
579 case 8:
580 case 9:
581 break;
583 /* Warn about bankruptcy after 3 months */
584 case 4: {
585 auto cni = std::make_unique<CompanyNewsInformation>(STR_NEWS_COMPANY_IN_TROUBLE_TITLE, c);
586 EncodedString headline = GetEncodedString(STR_NEWS_COMPANY_IN_TROUBLE_DESCRIPTION, cni->company_name);
587 AddCompanyNewsItem(std::move(headline), std::move(cni));
588 AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventCompanyInTrouble(c->index));
589 Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventCompanyInTrouble(c->index));
590 break;
591 }
593 /* Offer company for sale after 6 months */
594 case 7: {
595 /* Don't consider the loan */
596 Money val = CalculateCompanyValue(c, false);
598 c->bankrupt_value = val;
599 c->bankrupt_asked = CompanyMask{}.Set(c->index); // Don't ask the owner
600 c->bankrupt_timeout = 0;
602 /* The company assets should always have some value */
603 assert(c->bankrupt_value > 0);
604 break;
605 }
607 /* Bankrupt company after 6 months (if the company has no value) or latest
608 * after 9 months (if it still had value after 6 months) */
609 default:
610 case 10: {
611 if (!_networking && _local_company == c->index) {
612 /* If we are in singleplayer mode, leave the company playing. Eg. there
613 * is no THE-END, otherwise mark the client as spectator to make sure
614 * they are no longer in control of this company. However... when you
615 * join another company (cheat) the "unowned" company can bankrupt. */
616 c->bankrupt_asked.Set();
617 break;
618 }
620 /* Actually remove the company, but not when we're a network client.
621 * In case of network clients we will be getting a command from the
622 * server. It is done in this way as we are called from the
623 * StateGameLoop which can't change the current company, and thus
624 * updating the local company triggers an assert later on. In the
625 * case of a network game the command will be processed at a time
626 * that changing the current company is okay. In case of single
627 * player we are sure (the above check) that we are not the local
628 * company and thus we won't be moved. */
631 return;
632 }
633 break;
634 }
635 }
646 /* Check for bankruptcy each month */
647 for (Company *c : Company::Iterate()) {
649 }
653 /* Pay Infrastructure Maintenance, if enabled */
655 /* Improved monthly infrastructure costs. */
656 for (const Company *c : Company::Iterate()) {
657 cur_company.Change(c->index);
660 uint32_t rail_total = c->infrastructure.GetRailTotal();
661 for (RailType rt = RAILTYPE_BEGIN; rt < RAILTYPE_END; rt++) {
662 if (c->infrastructure.rail[rt] != 0) cost.AddCost(RailMaintenanceCost(rt, c->infrastructure.rail[rt], rail_total));
663 }
664 cost.AddCost(SignalMaintenanceCost(c->infrastructure.signal));
665 uint32_t road_total = c->infrastructure.GetRoadTotal();
666 uint32_t tram_total = c->infrastructure.GetTramTotal();
667 for (RoadType rt = ROADTYPE_BEGIN; rt < ROADTYPE_END; rt++) {
668 if (c->infrastructure.road[rt] != 0) cost.AddCost(RoadMaintenanceCost(rt, c->infrastructure.road[rt], RoadTypeIsRoad(rt) ? road_total : tram_total));
669 }
670 cost.AddCost(CanalMaintenanceCost(c->infrastructure.water));
671 cost.AddCost(StationMaintenanceCost(c->infrastructure.station));
672 cost.AddCost(AirportMaintenanceCost(c->index));
675 }
676 }
677 cur_company.Restore();
679 /* Only run the economic statistics and update company stats every 3rd economy month (1st of quarter). */
680 if (!HasBit(1 << 0 | 1 << 3 | 1 << 6 | 1 << 9, TimerGameEconomy::month)) return;
682 for (Company *c : Company::Iterate()) {
683 /* Drop the oldest history off the end */
684 std::copy_backward(c->, c-> + MAX_HISTORY_QUARTERS - 1, c-> + MAX_HISTORY_QUARTERS);
685 c->old_economy[0] = c->cur_economy;
686 c->cur_economy = {};
688 if (c->num_valid_stat_ent != MAX_HISTORY_QUARTERS) c->num_valid_stat_ent++;
691 if (c->block_preview != 0) c->block_preview--;
692 }
707bool AddInflation(bool check_year)
709 /* The cargo payment inflation differs from the normal inflation, so the
710 * relative amount of money you make with a transport decreases slowly over
711 * the 170 years. After a few hundred years we reach a level in which the
712 * games will become unplayable as the maximum income will be less than
713 * the minimum running cost.
714 *
715 * Furthermore there are a lot of inflation related overflows all over the
716 * place. Solving them is hardly possible because inflation will always
717 * reach the overflow threshold some day. So we'll just perform the
718 * inflation mechanism during the first 170 years (the amount of years that
719 * one had in the original TTD) and stop doing the inflation after that
720 * because it only causes problems that can't be solved nicely and the
721 * inflation doesn't add anything after that either; it even makes playing
722 * it impossible due to the diverging cost and income rates.
723 */
724 if (check_year && (TimerGameCalendar::year < CalendarTime::ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR || TimerGameCalendar::year >= CalendarTime::ORIGINAL_MAX_YEAR)) return true;
726 if (_economy.inflation_prices == MAX_INFLATION || _economy.inflation_payment == MAX_INFLATION) return true;
728 /* Approximation for (100 + infl_amount)% ** (1 / 12) - 100%
729 * scaled by 65536
730 * 12 -> months per year
731 * This is only a good approximation for small values
732 */
733 _economy.inflation_prices += (_economy.inflation_prices * _economy.infl_amount * 54) >> 16;
734 _economy.inflation_payment += (_economy.inflation_payment * _economy.infl_amount_pr * 54) >> 16;
739 return false;
747 /* Setup maximum loan as a rounded down multiple of LOAN_INTERVAL. */
748 _economy.max_loan = ((uint64_t)_settings_game.difficulty.max_loan * _economy.inflation_prices >> 16) / LOAN_INTERVAL * LOAN_INTERVAL;
750 /* Setup price bases */
751 for (Price i = PR_BEGIN; i < PR_END; i++) {
752 Money price = _price_base_specs[i].start_price;
754 /* Apply difficulty settings */
755 uint mod = 1;
756 switch (_price_base_specs[i].category) {
757 case PCAT_RUNNING:
759 break;
763 break;
765 default: break;
766 }
767 switch (mod) {
768 case 0: price *= 6; break;
769 case 1: price *= 8; break; // normalised to 1 below
770 case 2: price *= 9; break;
771 default: NOT_REACHED();
772 }
774 /* Apply inflation */
775 price = (int64_t)price * _economy.inflation_prices;
777 /* Apply newgrf modifiers, remove fractional part of inflation, and normalise on medium difficulty. */
778 int shift = _price_base_multiplier[i] - 16 - 3;
779 if (shift >= 0) {
780 price <<= shift;
781 } else {
782 price >>= -shift;
783 }
785 /* Make sure the price does not get reduced to zero.
786 * Zero breaks quite a few commands that use a zero
787 * cost to see whether something got changed or not
788 * and based on that cause an error. When the price
789 * is zero that fails even when things are done. */
790 if (price == 0) {
791 price = Clamp(_price_base_specs[i].start_price, -1, 1);
792 /* No base price should be zero, but be sure. */
793 assert(price != 0);
794 }
795 /* Store value */
796 _price[i] = price;
797 }
799 /* Setup cargo payment */
800 for (CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::Iterate()) {
801 cs->current_payment = (cs->initial_payment * (int64_t)_economy.inflation_payment) >> 16;
802 }
815 for (const Company *c : Company::Iterate()) {
816 cur_company.Change(c->index);
818 /* Over a year the paid interest should be "loan * interest percentage",
819 * but... as that number is likely not dividable by 12 (pay each month),
820 * one needs to account for that in the monthly fee calculations.
821 *
822 * To easily calculate what one should pay "this" month, you calculate
823 * what (total) should have been paid up to this month and you subtract
824 * whatever has been paid in the previous months. This will mean one month
825 * it'll be a bit more and the other it'll be a bit less than the average
826 * monthly fee, but on average it will be exact.
827 *
828 * In order to prevent cheating or abuse (just not paying interest by not
829 * taking a loan) we make companies pay interest on negative cash as well,
830 * except if infinite money is enabled.
831 */
832 Money yearly_fee = c->current_loan * _economy.interest_rate / 100;
833 Money available_money = GetAvailableMoney(c->index);
834 if (available_money < 0) {
835 yearly_fee += -available_money * _economy.interest_rate / 100;
836 }
837 Money up_to_previous_month = yearly_fee * TimerGameEconomy::month / 12;
838 Money up_to_this_month = yearly_fee * (TimerGameEconomy::month + 1) / 12;
840 SubtractMoneyFromCompany(CommandCost(EXPENSES_LOAN_INTEREST, up_to_this_month - up_to_previous_month));
842 SubtractMoneyFromCompany(CommandCost(EXPENSES_OTHER, _price[PR_STATION_VALUE] >> 2));
843 }
844 cur_company.Restore();
847static void HandleEconomyFluctuations()
850 /* When economy is Fluctuating, decrease counter */
851 _economy.fluct--;
852 } else if (EconomyIsInRecession()) {
853 /* When it's Steady and we are in recession, end it now */
854 _economy.fluct = -12;
855 } else {
856 /* No need to do anything else in other cases */
857 return;
858 }
860 if (_economy.fluct == 0) {
861 _economy.fluct = -(int)GB(Random(), 0, 2);
862 AddNewsItem(GetEncodedString(STR_NEWS_BEGIN_OF_RECESSION), NewsType::Economy, NewsStyle::Normal, {});
863 } else if (_economy.fluct == -12) {
864 _economy.fluct = GB(Random(), 0, 8) + 312;
865 AddNewsItem(GetEncodedString(STR_NEWS_END_OF_RECESSION), NewsType::Economy, NewsStyle::Normal, {});
866 }
875 _price_base_multiplier.fill(0);
885void SetPriceBaseMultiplier(Price price, int factor)
887 assert(price < PR_END);
888 _price_base_multiplier[price] = Clamp(factor, MIN_PRICE_MODIFIER, MAX_PRICE_MODIFIER);
895void StartupIndustryDailyChanges(bool init_counter)
897 uint map_size = Map::LogX() + Map::LogY();
898 /* After getting map size, it needs to be scaled appropriately and divided by 31,
899 * which stands for the days in a month.
900 * Using just 31 will make it so that a monthly reset (based on the real number of days of that month)
901 * would not be needed.
902 * Since it is based on "fractional parts", the leftover days will not make much of a difference
903 * on the overall total number of changes performed */
904 _economy.industry_daily_increment = (1 << map_size) / 31;
906 if (init_counter) {
907 /* A new game or a savegame from an older version will require the counter to be initialized */
909 }
912void StartupEconomy()
916 _economy.infl_amount_pr = std::max(0, _settings_game.difficulty.initial_interest - 1);
917 _economy.fluct = GB(Random(), 0, 8) + 168;
920 /* Apply inflation that happened before our game start year. */
922 for (int i = 0; i < months; i++) {
923 AddInflation(false);
924 }
925 }
927 /* Set up prices */
930 StartupIndustryDailyChanges(true); // As we are starting a new game, initialize the counter too
952Money GetPrice(Price index, uint cost_factor, const GRFFile *grf_file, int shift)
954 if (index >= PR_END) return 0;
956 Money cost = _price[index] * cost_factor;
957 if (grf_file != nullptr) shift += grf_file->price_base_multipliers[index];
959 if (shift >= 0) {
960 cost <<= shift;
961 } else {
962 cost >>= -shift;
963 }
965 return cost;
968Money GetTransportedGoodsIncome(uint num_pieces, uint dist, uint16_t transit_periods, CargoType cargo_type)
970 const CargoSpec *cs = CargoSpec::Get(cargo_type);
971 if (!cs->IsValid()) {
972 /* User changed newgrfs and some vehicle still carries some cargo which is no longer available. */
973 return 0;
974 }
976 /* Use callback to calculate cargo profit, if available */
978 uint32_t var18 = ClampTo<uint16_t>(dist) | (ClampTo<uint8_t>(num_pieces) << 16) | (ClampTo<uint8_t>(transit_periods) << 24);
979 uint16_t callback = GetCargoCallback(CBID_CARGO_PROFIT_CALC, 0, var18, cs);
980 if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
981 int result = GB(callback, 0, 14);
983 /* Simulate a 15 bit signed value */
984 if (HasBit(callback, 14)) result -= 0x4000;
986 /* "The result should be a signed multiplier that gets multiplied
987 * by the amount of cargo moved and the price factor, then gets
988 * divided by 8192." */
989 return result * num_pieces * cs->current_payment / 8192;
990 }
991 }
993 static const int MIN_TIME_FACTOR = 31;
994 static const int MAX_TIME_FACTOR = 255;
995 static const int TIME_FACTOR_FRAC_BITS = 4;
996 static const int TIME_FACTOR_FRAC = 1 << TIME_FACTOR_FRAC_BITS;
998 const int periods1 = cs->transit_periods[0];
999 const int periods2 = cs->transit_periods[1];
1000 const int periods_over_periods1 = std::max(transit_periods - periods1, 0);
1001 const int periods_over_periods2 = std::max(periods_over_periods1 - periods2, 0);
1002 int periods_over_max = MIN_TIME_FACTOR - MAX_TIME_FACTOR;
1003 if (periods2 > -periods_over_max) {
1004 periods_over_max += transit_periods - periods1;
1005 } else {
1006 periods_over_max += 2 * (transit_periods - periods1) - periods2;
1007 }
1009 /*
1010 * The time factor is calculated based on the time it took
1011 * (transit_periods) compared two cargo-depending values. The
1012 * range is divided into four parts:
1013 *
1014 * - constant for fast transits
1015 * - linear decreasing with time with a slope of -1 for medium transports
1016 * - linear decreasing with time with a slope of -2 for slow transports
1017 * - after hitting MIN_TIME_FACTOR, the time factor will be asymptotically decreased to a limit of 1 with a scaled 1/(x+1) function.
1018 *
1019 */
1020 if (periods_over_max > 0) {
1021 const int time_factor = std::max(2 * MIN_TIME_FACTOR * TIME_FACTOR_FRAC * TIME_FACTOR_FRAC / (periods_over_max + 2 * TIME_FACTOR_FRAC), 1); // MIN_TIME_FACTOR / (x/(2 * TIME_FACTOR_FRAC) + 1) + 1, expressed as fixed point with TIME_FACTOR_FRAC_BITS.
1022 return BigMulS(dist * time_factor * num_pieces, cs->current_payment, 21 + TIME_FACTOR_FRAC_BITS);
1023 } else {
1024 const int time_factor = std::max(MAX_TIME_FACTOR - periods_over_periods1 - periods_over_periods2, MIN_TIME_FACTOR);
1025 return BigMulS(dist * time_factor * num_pieces, cs->current_payment, 21);
1026 }
1030static SmallIndustryList _cargo_delivery_destinations;
1042static uint DeliverGoodsToIndustry(const Station *st, CargoType cargo_type, uint num_pieces, IndustryID source, CompanyID company)
1044 /* Find the nearest industrytile to the station sign inside the catchment area, whose industry accepts the cargo.
1045 * This fails in three cases:
1046 * 1) The station accepts the cargo because there are enough houses around it accepting the cargo.
1047 * 2) The industries in the catchment area temporarily reject the cargo, and the daily station loop has not yet updated station acceptance.
1048 * 3) The results of callbacks CBID_INDUSTRY_REFUSE_CARGO and CBID_INDTILE_CARGO_ACCEPTANCE are inconsistent. (documented behaviour)
1049 */
1051 uint accepted = 0;
1053 for (const auto &i : st->industries_near) {
1054 if (num_pieces == 0) break;
1056 Industry *ind = i.industry;
1057 if (ind->index == source) continue;
1059 auto it = ind->GetCargoAccepted(cargo_type);
1060 /* Check if matching cargo has been found */
1061 if (it == std::end(ind->accepted)) continue;
1063 /* Check if industry temporarily refuses acceptance */
1064 if (IndustryTemporarilyRefusesCargo(ind, cargo_type)) continue;
1066 if (ind->exclusive_supplier != INVALID_OWNER && ind->exclusive_supplier != st->owner) continue;
1068 /* Insert the industry into _cargo_delivery_destinations, if not yet contained */
1071 uint amount = std::min(num_pieces, 0xFFFFu - it->waiting);
1072 it->waiting += amount;
1073 it->last_accepted = TimerGameEconomy::date;
1074 num_pieces -= amount;
1075 accepted += amount;
1077 /* Update the cargo monitor. */
1078 AddCargoDelivery(cargo_type, company, amount, {source, SourceType::Industry}, st, ind->index);
1079 }
1081 return accepted;
1096static Money DeliverGoods(int num_pieces, CargoType cargo_type, StationID dest, uint distance, uint16_t periods_in_transit, Company *company, Source src)
1098 assert(num_pieces > 0);
1100 Station *st = Station::Get(dest);
1102 /* Give the goods to the industry. */
1103 uint accepted_ind = DeliverGoodsToIndustry(st, cargo_type, num_pieces, src.type == SourceType::Industry ? src.ToIndustryID() : IndustryID::Invalid(), company->index);
1105 /* If this cargo type is always accepted, accept all */
1106 uint accepted_total = HasBit(st->always_accepted, cargo_type) ? num_pieces : accepted_ind;
1108 /* Update station statistics */
1109 if (accepted_total > 0) {
1110 SetBit(st->goods[cargo_type].status, GoodsEntry::GES_EVER_ACCEPTED);
1111 SetBit(st->goods[cargo_type].status, GoodsEntry::GES_CURRENT_MONTH);
1112 SetBit(st->goods[cargo_type].status, GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTED_BIGTICK);
1113 }
1115 /* Update company statistics */
1116 company->cur_economy.delivered_cargo[cargo_type] += accepted_total;
1118 /* Increase town's counter for town effects */
1119 const CargoSpec *cs = CargoSpec::Get(cargo_type);
1120 st->town->received[cs->town_acceptance_effect].new_act += accepted_total;
1122 /* Determine profit */
1123 Money profit = GetTransportedGoodsIncome(accepted_total, distance, periods_in_transit, cargo_type);
1125 /* Update the cargo monitor. */
1126 AddCargoDelivery(cargo_type, company->index, accepted_total - accepted_ind, src, st);
1128 /* Modify profit if a subsidy is in effect */
1129 if (CheckSubsidised(cargo_type, company->index, src, st)) {
1131 case 0: profit += profit >> 1; break;
1132 case 1: profit *= 2; break;
1133 case 2: profit *= 3; break;
1134 default: profit *= 4; break;
1135 }
1136 }
1138 return profit;
1148 const IndustrySpec *indspec = GetIndustrySpec(i->type);
1149 IndustryCallbackMasks cbm = indspec->callback_mask;
1151 i->was_cargo_delivered = true;
1156 } else {
1158 }
1159 } else {
1160 for (auto ita = std::begin(i->accepted); ita != std::end(i->accepted); ++ita) {
1161 if (ita->waiting == 0 || !IsValidCargoType(ita->cargo)) continue;
1163 for (auto itp = std::begin(i->produced); itp != std::end(i->produced); ++itp) {
1164 if (!IsValidCargoType(itp->cargo)) continue;
1165 itp->waiting = ClampTo<uint16_t>(itp->waiting + (ita->waiting * indspec->input_cargo_multiplier[ita - std::begin(i->accepted)][itp - std::begin(i->produced)] / 256));
1166 }
1168 ita->waiting = 0;
1169 }
1170 }
1173 StartStopIndustryTileAnimation(i, IAT_INDUSTRY_RECEIVED_CARGO);
1181 current_station(front->last_station_visited),
1182 front(front)
1188 if (this->CleaningPool()) return;
1190 this->front->cargo_payment = nullptr;
1192 if (this->visual_profit == 0 && this->visual_transfer == 0) return;
1194 Backup<CompanyID> cur_company(_current_company, this->front->owner);
1196 SubtractMoneyFromCompany(CommandCost(this->front->GetExpenseType(true), -this->route_profit));
1197 this->front->profit_this_year += (this->visual_profit + this->visual_transfer) << 8;
1199 if (this->route_profit != 0 && IsLocalCompany() && !PlayVehicleSound(this->front, VSE_LOAD_UNLOAD)) {
1200 SndPlayVehicleFx(SND_14_CASHTILL, this->front);
1201 }
1203 if (this->visual_transfer != 0) {
1204 ShowFeederIncomeAnimation(this->front->x_pos, this->front->y_pos,
1205 this->front->z_pos, this->visual_transfer, -this->visual_profit);
1206 } else {
1207 ShowCostOrIncomeAnimation(this->front->x_pos, this->front->y_pos,
1208 this->front->z_pos, -this->visual_profit);
1209 }
1211 cur_company.Restore();
1221void CargoPayment::PayFinalDelivery(CargoType cargo, const CargoPacket *cp, uint count, TileIndex current_tile)
1223 if (this->owner == nullptr) {
1224 this->owner = Company::Get(this->front->owner);
1225 }
1227 /* Handle end of route payment */
1228 Money profit = DeliverGoods(count, cargo, this->current_station, cp->GetDistance(current_tile), cp->GetPeriodsInTransit(), this->owner, cp->GetSource());
1229 this->route_profit += profit;
1231 /* The vehicle's profit is whatever route profit there is minus feeder shares. */
1232 this->visual_profit += profit - cp->GetFeederShare(count);
1243Money CargoPayment::PayTransfer(CargoType cargo, const CargoPacket *cp, uint count, TileIndex current_tile)
1245 /* Pay transfer vehicle the difference between the payment for the journey from
1246 * the source to the current point, and the sum of the previous transfer payments */
1247 Money profit = -cp->GetFeederShare(count) + GetTransportedGoodsIncome(
1248 count,
1249 cp->GetDistance(current_tile),
1250 cp->GetPeriodsInTransit(),
1251 cargo);
1253 profit = profit * _settings_game.economy.feeder_payment_share / 100;
1255 this->visual_transfer += profit; // accumulate transfer profits for whole vehicle
1256 return profit; // account for the (virtual) profit already made for the cargo packet
1265 Station *curr_station = Station::Get(front_v->last_station_visited);
1266 curr_station->loading_vehicles.push_back(front_v);
1268 /* At this moment loading cannot be finished */
1271 /* Start unloading at the first possible moment */
1272 front_v->load_unload_ticks = 1;
1274 assert(front_v->cargo_payment == nullptr);
1275 /* One CargoPayment per vehicle and the vehicle limit equals the
1276 * limit in number of CargoPayments. Can't go wrong. */
1279 front_v->cargo_payment = new CargoPayment(front_v);
1281 StationIDStack next_station = front_v->GetNextStoppingStation();
1282 if (front_v->orders == nullptr || (front_v->current_order.GetUnloadType() & OUFB_NO_UNLOAD) == 0) {
1284 for (Vehicle *v = front_v; v != nullptr; v = v->Next()) {
1285 const GoodsEntry *ge = &st->goods[v->cargo_type];
1286 if (v->cargo_cap > 0 && v->cargo.TotalCount() > 0) {
1287 v->cargo.Stage(
1289 front_v->last_station_visited, next_station,
1290 front_v->current_order.GetUnloadType(), ge,
1291 v->cargo_type, front_v->cargo_payment,
1292 v->GetCargoTile());
1293 if (v->cargo.UnloadCount() > 0) SetBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_CARGO_UNLOADING);
1294 }
1295 }
1296 }
1305static uint GetLoadAmount(Vehicle *v)
1307 const Engine *e = v->GetEngine();
1308 uint load_amount = e->info.load_amount;
1310 /* The default loadamount for mail is 1/4 of the load amount for passengers */
1311 bool air_mail = v->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT && !Aircraft::From(v)->IsNormalAircraft();
1312 if (air_mail) load_amount = CeilDiv(load_amount, 4);
1315 uint16_t cb_load_amount = CALLBACK_FAILED;
1316 if (e->GetGRF() != nullptr && e->GetGRF()->grf_version >= 8) {
1317 /* Use callback 36 */
1318 cb_load_amount = GetVehicleProperty(v, PROP_VEHICLE_LOAD_AMOUNT, CALLBACK_FAILED);
1320 /* Use callback 12 */
1321 cb_load_amount = GetVehicleCallback(CBID_VEHICLE_LOAD_AMOUNT, 0, 0, v->engine_type, v);
1322 }
1323 if (cb_load_amount != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
1324 if (e->GetGRF()->grf_version < 8) cb_load_amount = GB(cb_load_amount, 0, 8);
1325 if (cb_load_amount >= 0x100) {
1327 } else if (cb_load_amount != 0) {
1328 load_amount = cb_load_amount;
1329 }
1330 }
1331 }
1333 /* Scale load amount the same as capacity */
1334 if (e->info.misc_flags.Test(EngineMiscFlag::NoDefaultCargoMultiplier) && !air_mail) load_amount = CeilDiv(load_amount * CargoSpec::Get(v->cargo_type)->multiplier, 0x100);
1336 /* Zero load amount breaks a lot of things. */
1337 return std::max(1u, load_amount);
1349template <class Taction>
1350bool IterateVehicleParts(Vehicle *v, Taction action)
1352 for (Vehicle *w = v; w != nullptr;
1353 w = w->HasArticulatedPart() ? w->GetNextArticulatedPart() : nullptr) {
1354 if (!action(w)) return false;
1355 if (w->type == VEH_TRAIN) {
1356 Train *train = Train::From(w);
1357 if (train->IsMultiheaded() && !action(train->other_multiheaded_part)) return false;
1358 }
1359 }
1360 if (v->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT && Aircraft::From(v)->IsNormalAircraft()) return action(v->Next());
1361 return true;
1374 bool operator()(const Vehicle *v)
1375 {
1376 return v->cargo.StoredCount() == 0;
1377 }
1386 CargoTypes &refit_mask;
1402 bool operator()(const Vehicle *v)
1403 {
1404 this->consist_capleft[v->cargo_type] -= v->cargo_cap - v->cargo.ReservedCount();
1405 this->refit_mask |= EngInfo(v->engine_type)->refit_mask;
1406 return true;
1407 }
1423 ReturnCargoAction(Station *st, StationID next_one) : st(st), next_hop(next_one) {}
1431 {
1432 v->cargo.Return(UINT_MAX, &this->st->goods[v->cargo_type].GetOrCreateData().cargo, this->next_hop, v->GetCargoTile());
1433 return true;
1434 }
1464 {
1465 if (this->do_reserve) {
1466 this->st->goods[v->cargo_type].GetOrCreateData().cargo.Reserve(v->cargo_cap - v->cargo.RemainingCount(),
1467 &v->cargo, this->next_station, v->GetCargoTile());
1468 }
1469 this->consist_capleft[v->cargo_type] += v->cargo_cap - v->cargo.RemainingCount();
1470 return true;
1471 }
1482static void HandleStationRefit(Vehicle *v, CargoArray &consist_capleft, Station *st, StationIDStack next_station, CargoType new_cargo_type)
1484 Vehicle *v_start = v->GetFirstEnginePart();
1485 if (!IterateVehicleParts(v_start, IsEmptyAction())) return;
1487 Backup<CompanyID> cur_company(_current_company, v->owner);
1489 CargoTypes refit_mask = v->GetEngine()->info.refit_mask;
1491 /* Remove old capacity from consist capacity and collect refit mask. */
1492 IterateVehicleParts(v_start, PrepareRefitAction(consist_capleft, refit_mask));
1494 bool is_auto_refit = new_cargo_type == CARGO_AUTO_REFIT;
1495 if (is_auto_refit) {
1496 /* Get a refittable cargo type with waiting cargo for next_station or StationID::Invalid(). */
1497 new_cargo_type = v_start->cargo_type;
1498 for (CargoType cargo_type : SetCargoBitIterator(refit_mask)) {
1499 if (st->goods[cargo_type].HasData() && st->goods[cargo_type].GetData().cargo.HasCargoFor(next_station)) {
1500 /* Try to find out if auto-refitting would succeed. In case the refit is allowed,
1501 * the returned refit capacity will be greater than zero. */
1502 auto [cc, refit_capacity, mail_capacity, cargo_capacities] = Command<CMD_REFIT_VEHICLE>::Do(DoCommandFlag::QueryCost, v_start->index, cargo_type, 0xFF, true, false, 1); // Auto-refit and only this vehicle including artic parts.
1503 /* Try to balance different loadable cargoes between parts of the consist, so that
1504 * all of them can be loaded. Avoid a situation where all vehicles suddenly switch
1505 * to the first loadable cargo for which there is only one packet. If the capacities
1506 * are equal refit to the cargo of which most is available. This is important for
1507 * consists of only a single vehicle as those will generally have a consist_capleft
1508 * of 0 for all cargoes. */
1509 if (refit_capacity > 0 && (consist_capleft[cargo_type] < consist_capleft[new_cargo_type] ||
1510 (consist_capleft[cargo_type] == consist_capleft[new_cargo_type] &&
1511 st->goods[cargo_type].GetData().cargo.AvailableCount() > st->goods[new_cargo_type].GetData().cargo.AvailableCount()))) {
1512 new_cargo_type = cargo_type;
1513 }
1514 }
1515 }
1516 }
1518 /* Refit if given a valid cargo. */
1519 if (new_cargo_type < NUM_CARGO && new_cargo_type != v_start->cargo_type) {
1520 /* StationID::Invalid() because in the DT_MANUAL case that's correct and in the DT_(A)SYMMETRIC
1521 * cases the next hop of the vehicle doesn't really tell us anything if the cargo had been
1522 * "via any station" before reserving. We rather produce some more "any station" cargo than
1523 * misrouting it. */
1524 IterateVehicleParts(v_start, ReturnCargoAction(st, StationID::Invalid()));
1525 CommandCost cost = std::get<0>(Command<CMD_REFIT_VEHICLE>::Do(DoCommandFlag::Execute, v_start->index, new_cargo_type, 0xFF, true, false, 1)); // Auto-refit and only this vehicle including artic parts.
1526 if (cost.Succeeded()) v->First()->profit_this_year -= cost.GetCost() << 8;
1527 }
1529 /* Add new capacity to consist capacity and reserve cargo */
1530 IterateVehicleParts(v_start, FinalizeRefitAction(consist_capleft, st, next_station,
1531 is_auto_refit || (v->First()->current_order.GetLoadType() & OLFB_FULL_LOAD) != 0));
1533 cur_company.Restore();
1542static bool MayLoadUnderExclusiveRights(const Station *st, const Vehicle *v)
1544 return st->owner != OWNER_NONE || st->town->exclusive_counter == 0 || st->town->exclusivity == v->owner;
1548 Station *st;
1549 StationIDStack *next_station;
1551 ReserveCargoAction(Station *st, StationIDStack *next_station) :
1552 st(st), next_station(next_station) {}
1554 bool operator()(Vehicle *v)
1555 {
1557 st->goods[v->cargo_type].GetOrCreateData().cargo.Reserve(v->cargo_cap - v->cargo.RemainingCount(),
1558 &v->cargo, *next_station, v->GetCargoTile());
1559 }
1561 return true;
1562 }
1574static void ReserveConsist(Station *st, Vehicle *u, CargoArray *consist_capleft, StationIDStack *next_station)
1576 /* If there is a cargo payment not all vehicles of the consist have tried to do the refit.
1577 * In that case, only reserve if it's a fixed refit and the equivalent of "articulated chain"
1578 * a vehicle belongs to already has the right cargo. */
1579 bool must_reserve = !u->current_order.IsRefit() || u->cargo_payment == nullptr;
1580 for (Vehicle *v = u; v != nullptr; v = v->Next()) {
1581 assert(v->cargo_cap >= v->cargo.RemainingCount());
1583 /* Exclude various ways in which the vehicle might not be the head of an equivalent of
1584 * "articulated chain". Also don't do the reservation if the vehicle is going to refit
1585 * to a different cargo and hasn't tried to do so, yet. */
1586 if (!v->IsArticulatedPart() &&
1587 (v->type != VEH_TRAIN || !Train::From(v)->IsRearDualheaded()) &&
1588 (v->type != VEH_AIRCRAFT || Aircraft::From(v)->IsNormalAircraft()) &&
1589 (must_reserve || u->current_order.GetRefitCargo() == v->cargo_type)) {
1590 IterateVehicleParts(v, ReserveCargoAction(st, next_station));
1591 }
1592 if (consist_capleft == nullptr || v->cargo_cap == 0) continue;
1593 (*consist_capleft)[v->cargo_type] += v->cargo_cap - v->cargo.RemainingCount();
1594 }
1604static void UpdateLoadUnloadTicks(Vehicle *front, const Station *st, int ticks)
1607 /* Each platform tile is worth 2 rail vehicles. */
1608 int overhang = front->GetGroundVehicleCache()->cached_total_length - st->GetPlatformLength(front->tile) * TILE_SIZE;
1609 if (overhang > 0) {
1610 ticks <<= 1;
1611 ticks += (overhang * ticks) / 8;
1612 }
1613 }
1614 /* Always wait at least 1, otherwise we'll wait 'infinitively' long. */
1615 front->load_unload_ticks = std::max(1, ticks);
1622static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *front)
1624 assert(front->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING));
1626 StationID last_visited = front->last_station_visited;
1627 Station *st = Station::Get(last_visited);
1629 StationIDStack next_station = front->GetNextStoppingStation();
1630 bool use_autorefit = front->current_order.IsRefit() && front->current_order.GetRefitCargo() == CARGO_AUTO_REFIT;
1631 CargoArray consist_capleft{};
1632 if (_settings_game.order.improved_load && use_autorefit ?
1633 front->cargo_payment == nullptr : (front->current_order.GetLoadType() & OLFB_FULL_LOAD) != 0) {
1634 ReserveConsist(st, front,
1635 (use_autorefit && front->load_unload_ticks != 0) ? &consist_capleft : nullptr,
1636 &next_station);
1637 }
1639 /* We have not waited enough time till the next round of loading/unloading */
1640 if (front->load_unload_ticks != 0) return;
1642 if (front->type == VEH_TRAIN && (!IsTileType(front->tile, MP_STATION) || GetStationIndex(front->tile) != st->index)) {
1643 /* The train reversed in the station. Take the "easy" way
1644 * out and let the train just leave as it always did. */
1646 front->load_unload_ticks = 1;
1647 return;
1648 }
1650 int new_load_unload_ticks = 0;
1651 bool dirty_vehicle = false;
1652 bool dirty_station = false;
1654 bool completely_emptied = true;
1655 bool anything_unloaded = false;
1656 bool anything_loaded = false;
1657 CargoTypes full_load_amount = 0;
1658 CargoTypes cargo_not_full = 0;
1659 CargoTypes cargo_full = 0;
1660 CargoTypes reservation_left = 0;
1662 front->cur_speed = 0;
1664 CargoPayment *payment = front->cargo_payment;
1666 uint artic_part = 0; // Articulated part we are currently trying to load. (not counting parts without capacity)
1667 for (Vehicle *v = front; v != nullptr; v = v->Next()) {
1668 if (v == front || !v->Previous()->HasArticulatedPart()) artic_part = 0;
1669 if (v->cargo_cap == 0) continue;
1670 artic_part++;
1672 GoodsEntry *ge = &st->goods[v->cargo_type];
1674 if (HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_CARGO_UNLOADING) && (front->current_order.GetUnloadType() & OUFB_NO_UNLOAD) == 0) {
1675 uint cargo_count = v->cargo.UnloadCount();
1676 uint amount_unloaded = _settings_game.order.gradual_loading ? std::min(cargo_count, GetLoadAmount(v)) : cargo_count;
1677 bool remaining = false; // Are there cargo entities in this vehicle that can still be unloaded here?
1679 if (!HasBit(ge->status, GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTANCE) && v->cargo.ActionCount(VehicleCargoList::MTA_DELIVER) > 0) {
1680 /* The station does not accept our goods anymore. */
1682 /* Transfer instead of delivering. */
1684 v->cargo.ActionCount(VehicleCargoList::MTA_DELIVER));
1685 } else {
1686 uint new_remaining = v->cargo.RemainingCount() + v->cargo.ActionCount(VehicleCargoList::MTA_DELIVER);
1687 if (v->cargo_cap < new_remaining) {
1688 /* Return some of the reserved cargo to not overload the vehicle. */
1689 v->cargo.Return(new_remaining - v->cargo_cap, &ge->GetOrCreateData().cargo, StationID::Invalid(), v->GetCargoTile());
1690 }
1692 /* Keep instead of delivering. This may lead to no cargo being unloaded, so ...*/
1694 v->cargo.ActionCount(VehicleCargoList::MTA_DELIVER));
1696 /* ... say we unloaded something, otherwise we'll think we didn't unload
1697 * something and we didn't load something, so we must be finished
1698 * at this station. Setting the unloaded means that we will get a
1699 * retry for loading in the next cycle. */
1700 anything_unloaded = true;
1701 }
1702 }
1704 if (v->cargo.ActionCount(VehicleCargoList::MTA_TRANSFER) > 0) {
1705 /* Mark the station dirty if we transfer, but not if we only deliver. */
1706 dirty_station = true;
1708 if (!ge->HasRating()) {
1709 /* Upon transferring cargo, make sure the station has a rating. Fake a pickup for the
1710 * first unload to prevent the cargo from quickly decaying after the initial drop. */
1711 ge->time_since_pickup = 0;
1713 }
1714 }
1716 assert(payment != nullptr);
1717 amount_unloaded = v->cargo.Unload(amount_unloaded, &ge->GetOrCreateData().cargo, v->cargo_type, payment, v->GetCargoTile());
1718 remaining = v->cargo.UnloadCount() > 0;
1719 if (amount_unloaded > 0) {
1720 dirty_vehicle = true;
1721 anything_unloaded = true;
1722 new_load_unload_ticks += amount_unloaded;
1724 /* Deliver goods to the station */
1725 st->time_since_unload = 0;
1726 }
1728 if (_settings_game.order.gradual_loading && remaining) {
1729 completely_emptied = false;
1730 } else {
1731 /* We have finished unloading (cargo count == 0) */
1732 ClrBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_CARGO_UNLOADING);
1733 }
1735 continue;
1736 }
1738 /* Do not pick up goods when we have no-load set or loading is stopped. */
1739 if (front->current_order.GetLoadType() & OLFB_NO_LOAD || HasBit(front->vehicle_flags, VF_STOP_LOADING)) continue;
1741 /* This order has a refit, if this is the first vehicle part carrying cargo and the whole vehicle is empty, try refitting. */
1742 if (front->current_order.IsRefit() && artic_part == 1) {
1743 HandleStationRefit(v, consist_capleft, st, next_station, front->current_order.GetRefitCargo());
1744 ge = &st->goods[v->cargo_type];
1745 }
1747 /* As we're loading here the following link can carry the full capacity of the vehicle. */
1748 v->refit_cap = v->cargo_cap;
1750 /* update stats */
1751 int t;
1752 switch (front->type) {
1753 case VEH_TRAIN:
1754 case VEH_SHIP:
1755 t = front->vcache.cached_max_speed;
1756 break;
1758 case VEH_ROAD:
1759 t = front->vcache.cached_max_speed / 2;
1760 break;
1762 case VEH_AIRCRAFT:
1763 t = Aircraft::From(front)->GetSpeedOldUnits(); // Convert to old units.
1764 break;
1766 default: NOT_REACHED();
1767 }
1769 /* if last speed is 0, we treat that as if no vehicle has ever visited the station. */
1770 ge->last_speed = ClampTo<uint8_t>(t);
1771 ge->last_age = ClampTo<uint8_t>(TimerGameCalendar::year - front->build_year);
1773 assert(v->cargo_cap >= v->cargo.StoredCount());
1774 /* Capacity available for loading more cargo. */
1775 uint cap_left = v->cargo_cap - v->cargo.StoredCount();
1777 if (cap_left > 0) {
1778 /* If vehicle can load cargo, reset time_since_pickup. */
1779 ge->time_since_pickup = 0;
1781 /* If there's goods waiting at the station, and the vehicle
1782 * has capacity for it, load it on the vehicle. */
1783 if ((v->cargo.ActionCount(VehicleCargoList::MTA_LOAD) > 0 || (ge->HasData() && ge->GetData().cargo.AvailableCount() > 0)) && MayLoadUnderExclusiveRights(st, v)) {
1784 if (v->cargo.StoredCount() == 0) TriggerVehicle(v, VEHICLE_TRIGGER_NEW_CARGO);
1785 if (_settings_game.order.gradual_loading) cap_left = std::min(cap_left, GetLoadAmount(v));
1787 uint loaded = ge->GetOrCreateData().cargo.Load(cap_left, &v->cargo, next_station, v->GetCargoTile());
1788 if (v->cargo.ActionCount(VehicleCargoList::MTA_LOAD) > 0) {
1789 /* Remember if there are reservations left so that we don't stop
1790 * loading before they're loaded. */
1791 SetBit(reservation_left, v->cargo_type);
1792 }
1794 /* Store whether the maximum possible load amount was loaded or not.*/
1795 if (loaded == cap_left) {
1796 SetBit(full_load_amount, v->cargo_type);
1797 } else {
1798 ClrBit(full_load_amount, v->cargo_type);
1799 }
1801 /* TODO: Regarding this, when we do gradual loading, we
1802 * should first unload all vehicles and then start
1803 * loading them. Since this will cause
1804 * VEHICLE_TRIGGER_EMPTY to be called at the time when
1805 * the whole vehicle chain is really totally empty, the
1806 * completely_emptied assignment can then be safely
1807 * removed; that's how TTDPatch behaves too. --pasky */
1808 if (loaded > 0) {
1809 completely_emptied = false;
1810 anything_loaded = true;
1812 st->time_since_load = 0;
1813 st->last_vehicle_type = v->type;
1815 if (ge->GetData().cargo.TotalCount() == 0) {
1816 TriggerStationRandomisation(st, st->xy, SRT_CARGO_TAKEN, v->cargo_type);
1817 TriggerStationAnimation(st, st->xy, SAT_CARGO_TAKEN, v->cargo_type);
1818 AirportAnimationTrigger(st, AAT_STATION_CARGO_TAKEN, v->cargo_type);
1819 TriggerRoadStopRandomisation(st, st->xy, RSRT_CARGO_TAKEN, v->cargo_type);
1820 TriggerRoadStopAnimation(st, st->xy, SAT_CARGO_TAKEN, v->cargo_type);
1821 }
1823 new_load_unload_ticks += loaded;
1825 dirty_vehicle = dirty_station = true;
1826 }
1827 }
1828 }
1830 if (v->cargo.StoredCount() >= v->cargo_cap) {
1831 SetBit(cargo_full, v->cargo_type);
1832 } else {
1833 SetBit(cargo_not_full, v->cargo_type);
1834 }
1835 }
1837 if (anything_loaded || anything_unloaded) {
1838 if (front->type == VEH_TRAIN) {
1840 TriggerStationAnimation(st, front->tile, SAT_TRAIN_LOADS);
1841 } else if (front->type == VEH_ROAD) {
1842 TriggerRoadStopRandomisation(st, front->tile, RSRT_VEH_LOADS);
1843 TriggerRoadStopAnimation(st, front->tile, SAT_TRAIN_LOADS);
1844 }
1845 }
1847 /* Only set completely_emptied, if we just unloaded all remaining cargo */
1848 completely_emptied &= anything_unloaded;
1850 if (!anything_unloaded) delete payment;
1853 if (anything_loaded || anything_unloaded) {
1855 /* The time it takes to load one 'slice' of cargo or passengers depends
1856 * on the vehicle type - the values here are those found in TTDPatch */
1857 const uint gradual_loading_wait_time[] = { 40, 20, 10, 20 };
1859 new_load_unload_ticks = gradual_loading_wait_time[front->type];
1860 }
1861 /* We loaded less cargo than possible for all cargo types and it's not full
1862 * load and we're not supposed to wait any longer: stop loading. */
1863 if (!anything_unloaded && full_load_amount == 0 && reservation_left == 0 && !(front->current_order.GetLoadType() & OLFB_FULL_LOAD) &&
1864 front->current_order_time >= std::max(front->current_order.GetTimetabledWait() - front->lateness_counter, 0)) {
1866 }
1868 UpdateLoadUnloadTicks(front, st, new_load_unload_ticks);
1869 } else {
1870 UpdateLoadUnloadTicks(front, st, 20); // We need the ticks for link refreshing.
1871 bool finished_loading = true;
1872 if (front->current_order.GetLoadType() & OLFB_FULL_LOAD) {
1874 /* if the aircraft carries passengers and is NOT full, then
1875 * continue loading, no matter how much mail is in */
1876 if ((front->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT && IsCargoInClass(front->cargo_type, CargoClass::Passengers) && front->cargo_cap > front->cargo.StoredCount()) ||
1877 (cargo_not_full != 0 && (cargo_full & ~cargo_not_full) == 0)) { // There are still non-full cargoes
1878 finished_loading = false;
1879 }
1880 } else if (cargo_not_full != 0) {
1881 finished_loading = false;
1882 }
1884 /* Refresh next hop stats if we're full loading to make the links
1885 * known to the distribution algorithm and allow cargo to be sent
1886 * along them. Otherwise the vehicle could wait for cargo
1887 * indefinitely if it hasn't visited the other links yet, or if the
1888 * links die while it's loading. */
1889 if (!finished_loading) LinkRefresher::Run(front, true, true);
1890 }
1892 SB(front->vehicle_flags, VF_LOADING_FINISHED, 1, finished_loading);
1893 }
1895 /* Calculate the loading indicator fill percent and display
1896 * In the Game Menu do not display indicators
1897 * If _settings_client.gui.loading_indicators == 2, show indicators (bool can be promoted to int as 0 or 1 - results in 2 > 0,1 )
1898 * if _settings_client.gui.loading_indicators == 1, _local_company must be the owner or must be a spectator to show ind., so 1 > 0
1899 * if _settings_client.gui.loading_indicators == 0, do not display indicators ... 0 is never greater than anything
1900 */
1901 if (_game_mode != GM_MENU && (_settings_client.gui.loading_indicators > (uint)(front->owner != _local_company && _local_company != COMPANY_SPECTATOR))) {
1902 StringID percent_up_down = STR_NULL;
1903 int percent = CalcPercentVehicleFilled(front, &percent_up_down);
1904 if (front->fill_percent_te_id == INVALID_TE_ID) {
1905 front->fill_percent_te_id = ShowFillingPercent(front->x_pos, front->y_pos, front->z_pos + 20, percent, percent_up_down);
1906 } else {
1907 UpdateFillingPercent(front->fill_percent_te_id, percent, percent_up_down);
1908 }
1909 }
1911 if (completely_emptied) {
1912 /* Make sure the vehicle is marked dirty, since we need to update the NewGRF
1913 * properties such as weight, power and TE whenever the trigger runs. */
1914 dirty_vehicle = true;
1915 TriggerVehicle(front, VEHICLE_TRIGGER_EMPTY);
1916 }
1918 if (dirty_vehicle) {
1921 front->MarkDirty();
1922 }
1923 if (dirty_station) {
1924 st->MarkTilesDirty(true);
1927 }
1937 /* No vehicle is here... */
1938 if (st->loading_vehicles.empty()) return;
1940 Vehicle *last_loading = nullptr;
1942 /* Check if anything will be loaded at all. Otherwise we don't need to reserve either. */
1943 for (Vehicle *v : st->loading_vehicles) {
1944 if (v->vehstatus.Any({VehState::Stopped, VehState::Crashed})) continue;
1946 assert(v->load_unload_ticks != 0);
1947 if (--v->load_unload_ticks == 0) last_loading = v;
1948 }
1950 /* We only need to reserve and load/unload up to the last loading vehicle.
1951 * Anything else will be forgotten anyway after returning from this function.
1952 *
1953 * Especially this means we do _not_ need to reserve cargo for a single
1954 * consist in a station which is not allowed to load yet because its
1955 * load_unload_ticks is still not 0.
1956 */
1957 if (last_loading == nullptr) return;
1959 for (Vehicle *v : st->loading_vehicles) {
1960 if (!v->vehstatus.Any({VehState::Stopped, VehState::Crashed})) LoadUnloadVehicle(v);
1961 if (v == last_loading) break;
1962 }
1964 /* Call the production machinery of industries */
1967 }
1974static IntervalTimer<TimerGameCalendar> _calendar_inflation_monthly({TimerGameCalendar::MONTH, TimerGameCalendar::Priority::COMPANY}, [](auto)
1977 AddInflation();
1979 }
1985static IntervalTimer<TimerGameEconomy> _economy_companies_monthly({ TimerGameEconomy::MONTH, TimerGameEconomy::Priority::COMPANY }, [](auto)
1989 HandleEconomyFluctuations();
1992static void DoAcquireCompany(Company *c, bool hostile_takeover)
1994 CompanyID ci = c->index;
1996 auto cni = std::make_unique<CompanyNewsInformation>(STR_NEWS_COMPANY_MERGER_TITLE, c, Company::Get(_current_company));
1997 EncodedString headline = hostile_takeover
1998 ? GetEncodedString(STR_NEWS_MERGER_TAKEOVER_TITLE, cni->company_name, cni->other_company_name)
1999 : GetEncodedString(STR_NEWS_COMPANY_MERGER_DESCRIPTION, cni->company_name, cni->other_company_name, c->bankrupt_value);
2000 AddCompanyNewsItem(std::move(headline), std::move(cni));
2001 AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventCompanyMerger(ci, _current_company));
2002 Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventCompanyMerger(ci, _current_company));
2006 if (c->is_ai) AI::Stop(c->index);
2014 delete c;
2027CommandCost CmdBuyCompany(DoCommandFlags flags, CompanyID target_company, bool hostile_takeover)
2029 Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(target_company);
2030 if (c == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;
2032 /* If you do a hostile takeover but the company went bankrupt, buy it via bankruptcy rules. */
2033 if (hostile_takeover && c->bankrupt_asked.Test(_current_company)) hostile_takeover = false;
2035 /* Disable takeovers when not asked */
2036 if (!hostile_takeover && !c->bankrupt_asked.Test(_current_company)) return CMD_ERROR;
2038 /* Only allow hostile takeover of AI companies and when in single player */
2039 if (hostile_takeover && !c->is_ai) return CMD_ERROR;
2040 if (hostile_takeover && _networking) return CMD_ERROR;
2042 /* Disable taking over the local company in singleplayer mode */
2043 if (!_networking && _local_company == c->index) return CMD_ERROR;
2045 /* Do not allow companies to take over themselves */
2046 if (target_company == _current_company) return CMD_ERROR;
2048 /* Do not allow takeover if the resulting company would have too many vehicles. */
2049 if (!CheckTakeoverVehicleLimit(_current_company, target_company)) return CommandCost(STR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_VEHICLES_IN_GAME);
2051 /* Get the cost here as the company is deleted in DoAcquireCompany.
2052 * For bankruptcy this amount is calculated when the offer was made;
2053 * for hostile takeover you pay the current price. */
2054 CommandCost cost(EXPENSES_OTHER, hostile_takeover ? CalculateHostileTakeoverValue(c) : c->bankrupt_value);
2056 if (flags.Test(DoCommandFlag::Execute)) {
2057 DoAcquireCompany(c, hostile_takeover);
2058 }
2059 return cost;
Base functions for all AIs.
Base for aircraft.
Functions related to autoreplacing.
void RemoveAllEngineReplacementForCompany(Company *c)
Remove all engine replacement settings for the given company.
Class for backupping variables and making sure they are restored later.
debug_inline constexpr bool HasBit(const T x, const uint8_t y)
Checks if a bit in a value is set.
constexpr T SB(T &x, const uint8_t s, const uint8_t n, const U d)
Set n bits in x starting at bit s to d.
constexpr T SetBit(T &x, const uint8_t y)
Set a bit in a variable.
constexpr uint CountBits(T value)
Counts the number of set bits in a variable.
debug_inline static constexpr uint GB(const T x, const uint8_t s, const uint8_t n)
Fetch n bits from x, started at bit s.
constexpr T ClrBit(T &x, const uint8_t y)
Clears a bit in a variable.
Types related to cargoes...
uint8_t CargoType
Cargo slots to indicate a cargo type within a game.
Definition cargo_type.h:23
static const CargoType CARGO_AUTO_REFIT
Automatically choose cargo type when doing auto refitting.
Definition cargo_type.h:78
bool IsValidCargoType(CargoType t)
Test whether cargo type is not INVALID_CARGO.
Definition cargo_type.h:106
void ClearCargoDeliveryMonitoring(CompanyID company)
Clear all delivery cargo monitors.
void ClearCargoPickupMonitoring(CompanyID company)
Clear all pick-up cargo monitors.
void AddCargoDelivery(CargoType cargo_type, CompanyID company, uint32_t amount, Source src, const Station *st, IndustryID dest)
Cargo was delivered to its final destination, update the pickup and delivery maps.
Cargo transport monitoring declarations.
bool IsCargoInClass(CargoType c, CargoClasses cc)
Does cargo c have cargo class cc?
Definition cargotype.h:236
@ Passengers
static void BroadcastNewEvent(ScriptEvent *event, CompanyID skip_company=CompanyID::Invalid())
Broadcast a new event to all active AIs.
Definition ai_core.cpp:263
static void Stop(CompanyID company)
Stop a company to be controlled by an AI.
Definition ai_core.cpp:107
constexpr bool Test(Tvalue_type value) const
Test if the value-th bit is set.
constexpr Timpl & Set()
Set all bits.
Keep the cargo in the vehicle.
Deliver the cargo to some town or industry.
Load the cargo from the station.
Transfer the cargo to the station.
Common return value for all commands.
bool Succeeded() const
Did this command succeed?
void AddCost(const Money &cost)
Adds the given cost to the cost of the command.
Money GetCost() const
The costs as made up to this moment.
Container for an encoded string, created by GetEncodedString.
UnitID UseID(UnitID index)
Use a unit number.
Definition vehicle.cpp:1854
UnitID NextID() const
Find first unused unit number.
Definition vehicle.cpp:1839
static void NewEvent(class ScriptEvent *event)
Queue a new event for a Game Script.
An interval timer will fire every interval, and will continue to fire until it is deleted.
Definition timer.h:76
static void Run(Vehicle *v, bool allow_merge=true, bool is_full_loading=false)
Refresh all links the given vehicle will visit.
Definition refresh.cpp:26
A sort-of mixin that adds 'at(pos)' and 'operator[](pos)' implementations for 'ConvertibleThroughBase...
Minimal stack that uses a pool to avoid pointers.
uint TotalCount() const
Returns total count of cargo at the station, including cargo which is already reserved for loading.
uint AvailableCount() const
Returns sum of cargo still available for loading at the sation.
uint Load(uint max_move, VehicleCargoList *dest, StationIDStack next, TileIndex current_tile)
Loads cargo onto a vehicle.
static Year year
Current year, starting at 0.
static constexpr TimerGame< struct Calendar >::Year ORIGINAL_MAX_YEAR
The maximum year of the original TTD.
static constexpr TimerGame< struct Calendar >::Year ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR
The minimum starting year/base year of the original TTD.
static Date date
Current date in days (day counter).
static Month month
Current month (0..11).
uint Return(uint max_move, StationCargoList *dest, StationID next_station, TileIndex current_tile)
Returns reserved cargo to the station and removes it from the cache.
uint ReservedCount() const
Returns sum of reserved cargo.
uint RemainingCount() const
Returns the sum of cargo to be kept in the vehicle at the current station.
uint StoredCount() const
Returns sum of cargo on board the vehicle (ie not only reserved).
Functions related to commands.
static const CommandCost CMD_ERROR
Define a default return value for a failed command.
@ Execute
execute the given command
@ QueryCost
query cost only, don't build.
@ Bankrupt
company bankrupts, skip money check, skip vehicle on tile check in some cases
int CompanyServiceInterval(const Company *c, VehicleType type)
Get the service interval for the given company and vehicle type.
void CompanyAdminUpdate(const Company *company)
Called whenever company related information changes in order to notify admins.
void SubtractMoneyFromCompany(const CommandCost &cost)
Subtract money from the _current_company, if the company is valid.
Money GetAvailableMoney(CompanyID company)
Get the amount of money that a company has available, or INT64_MAX if there is no such valid company.
CompanyID _local_company
Company controlled by the human player at this client. Can also be COMPANY_SPECTATOR.
bool CheckTakeoverVehicleLimit(CompanyID cbig, CompanyID csmall)
Can company cbig buy company csmall without exceeding vehicle limits?
void SetLocalCompany(CompanyID new_company)
Sets the local company and updates the settings that are set on a per-company basis to reflect the co...
CompanyID _current_company
Company currently doing an action.
Command definitions related to companies.
Functions related to companies.
bool IsLocalCompany()
Is the current company the local company?
GUI Functions related to companies.
void CloseCompanyWindows(CompanyID company)
Close all windows of a company.
Definition window.cpp:1171
Delete a company.
static constexpr CompanyID COMPANY_SPECTATOR
The client is spectating.
static const uint MAX_HISTORY_QUARTERS
The maximum number of quarters kept as performance's history.
static constexpr Owner OWNER_NONE
The tile has no ownership.
static constexpr Owner INVALID_OWNER
An invalid owner.
The company went belly-up.
Some simple functions to help with accessing containers.
bool include(Container &container, typename Container::const_reference &item)
Helper function to append an item to a container if it is not already contained.
static bool MayLoadUnderExclusiveRights(const Station *st, const Vehicle *v)
Test whether a vehicle can load cargo at a station even if exclusive transport rights are present.
Definition economy.cpp:1542
static void UpdateLoadUnloadTicks(Vehicle *front, const Station *st, int ticks)
Update the vehicle's load_unload_ticks, the time it will wait until it tries to load or unload again.
Definition economy.cpp:1604
int UpdateCompanyRatingAndValue(Company *c, bool update)
if update is set to true, the economy is updated with this score (also the house is updated,...
Definition economy.cpp:202
static IntervalTimer< TimerGameCalendar > _calendar_inflation_monthly({TimerGameCalendar::MONTH, TimerGameCalendar::Priority::COMPANY}, [](auto) { if(_settings_game.economy.inflation) { AddInflation();RecomputePrices();} })
Every calendar month update of inflation.
const ScoreInfo _score_info[]
Score info, values used for computing the detailed performance rating.
Definition economy.cpp:91
void ChangeOwnershipOfCompanyItems(Owner old_owner, Owner new_owner)
Change the ownership of all the items of a company.
Definition economy.cpp:322
static void CompaniesPayInterest()
Let all companies pay the monthly interest on their loan.
Definition economy.cpp:812
void LoadUnloadStation(Station *st)
Load/unload the vehicles in this station according to the order they entered.
Definition economy.cpp:1935
void RecomputePrices()
Computes all prices, payments and maximum loan.
Definition economy.cpp:745
static uint DeliverGoodsToIndustry(const Station *st, CargoType cargo_type, uint num_pieces, IndustryID source, CompanyID company)
Transfer goods from station to industry.
Definition economy.cpp:1042
static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *front)
Loads/unload the vehicle if possible.
Definition economy.cpp:1622
Money CalculateHostileTakeoverValue(const Company *c)
Calculate what you have to pay to take over a company.
Definition economy.cpp:177
static Money CalculateCompanyAssetValue(const Company *c)
Calculate the value of the assets of a company.
Definition economy.cpp:115
static SmallIndustryList _cargo_delivery_destinations
The industries we've currently brought cargo to.
Definition economy.cpp:1030
void PrepareUnload(Vehicle *front_v)
Prepare the vehicle to be unloaded.
Definition economy.cpp:1263
static IntervalTimer< TimerGameEconomy > _economy_companies_monthly({ TimerGameEconomy::MONTH, TimerGameEconomy::Priority::COMPANY }, [](auto) { CompaniesGenStatistics();CompaniesPayInterest();HandleEconomyFluctuations();})
Every economy month update of company economic data, plus economy fluctuations.
static uint GetLoadAmount(Vehicle *v)
Gets the amount of cargo the given vehicle can load in the current tick.
Definition economy.cpp:1305
static void ReserveConsist(Station *st, Vehicle *u, CargoArray *consist_capleft, StationIDStack *next_station)
Reserves cargo if the full load order and improved_load is set or if the current order allows autoref...
Definition economy.cpp:1574
void SetPriceBaseMultiplier(Price price, int factor)
Change a price base by the given factor.
Definition economy.cpp:885
Money GetPrice(Price index, uint cost_factor, const GRFFile *grf_file, int shift)
Determine a certain price.
Definition economy.cpp:952
static void TriggerIndustryProduction(Industry *i)
Inform the industry about just delivered cargo DeliverGoodsToIndustry() silently incremented incoming...
Definition economy.cpp:1146
bool IterateVehicleParts(Vehicle *v, Taction action)
Iterate the articulated parts of a vehicle, also considering the special cases of "normal" aircraft a...
Definition economy.cpp:1350
static Money DeliverGoods(int num_pieces, CargoType cargo_type, StationID dest, uint distance, uint16_t periods_in_transit, Company *company, Source src)
Delivers goods to industries/towns and calculates the payment.
Definition economy.cpp:1096
static int32_t BigMulS(const int32_t a, const int32_t b, const uint8_t shift)
Multiply two integer values and shift the results to right.
Definition economy.cpp:81
void InitializeEconomy()
Resets economy to initial values.
Definition economy.cpp:937
static void HandleStationRefit(Vehicle *v, CargoArray &consist_capleft, Station *st, StationIDStack next_station, CargoType new_cargo_type)
Refit a vehicle in a station.
Definition economy.cpp:1482
static void CompanyCheckBankrupt(Company *c)
Check for bankruptcy of a company.
Definition economy.cpp:553
void ResetPriceBaseMultipliers()
Reset changes to the price base multipliers.
Definition economy.cpp:873
static void CompaniesGenStatistics()
Update the finances of all companies.
Definition economy.cpp:644
bool AddInflation(bool check_year)
Add monthly inflation.
Definition economy.cpp:707
CommandCost CmdBuyCompany(DoCommandFlags flags, CompanyID target_company, bool hostile_takeover)
Buy up another company.
Definition economy.cpp:2027
Money CalculateCompanyValue(const Company *c, bool including_loan)
Calculate the value of the company.
Definition economy.cpp:150
void StartupIndustryDailyChanges(bool init_counter)
Initialize the variables that will maintain the daily industry change system.
Definition economy.cpp:895
Base classes related to the economy.
Command definitions related to the economy.
bool EconomyIsInRecession()
Is the economy in recession?
Score categories in the detailed performance rating.
How many scores are there..
This must always be the last entry.
static const int MIN_PRICE_MODIFIER
Maximum NewGRF price modifiers.
Property costs.
Other expenses.
Interest payments over the loan.
Money Prices[PR_END]
Prices of everything.
Price is affected by "vehicle running cost" difficulty setting.
Price is affected by "construction cost" difficulty setting.
static const int LOAN_INTERVAL
The "steps" in loan size, in British Pounds!
static const uint64_t MAX_INFLATION
Maximum inflation (including fractional part) without causing overflows in int64_t price computations...
Enumeration of all base prices for use with Prices.
static constexpr int SCORE_MAX
The max score that can be in the performance history.
Base class for engines.
@ NoDefaultCargoMultiplier
Use the new capacity algorithm. The default cargotype of the vehicle does not affect capacity multipl...
Base functions for all Games.
Goal base class.
Base class and functions for all vehicles that move through ground.
void MarkTilesDirty(bool cargo_change) const
Marks the tiles of the station as dirty.
Definition station.cpp:246
void MarkWholeScreenDirty()
This function mark the whole screen as dirty.
Definition gfx.cpp:1500
virtual void MarkDirty()
Marks the vehicles to be redrawn and updates cached variables.
Base of all industries.
const IndustrySpec * GetIndustrySpec(IndustryType thistype)
Accessor for array _industry_specs.
void ChangeTileOwner(TileIndex tile, Owner old_owner, Owner new_owner)
Change the owner of a tile.
@ Random
Randomise borders.
constexpr uint CeilDiv(uint a, uint b)
Computes ceil(a / b) for non-negative a and b.
constexpr T Clamp(const T a, const T min, const T max)
Clamp a value between an interval.
Definition math_func.hpp:79
void ShowCostOrIncomeAnimation(int x, int y, int z, Money cost)
Display animated income or costs on the map.
Definition misc_gui.cpp:510
void ShowFeederIncomeAnimation(int x, int y, int z, Money transfer, Money income)
Display animated feeder income.
Definition misc_gui.cpp:533
void UpdateFillingPercent(TextEffectID te_id, uint8_t percent, StringID string)
Update vehicle loading indicators.
Definition misc_gui.cpp:572
TextEffectID ShowFillingPercent(int x, int y, int z, uint8_t percent, StringID string)
Display vehicle loading indicators.
Definition misc_gui.cpp:558
bool _networking
are we in networking mode?
Definition network.cpp:65
bool _network_server
network-server is active
Definition network.cpp:66
Basic functions/variables used all over the place.
void NetworkClientsToSpectators(CompanyID cid)
Move the clients of a company to the spectators.
Network functions used by other parts of OpenTTD.
Client is not part of anything.
NewGRF handling of airport tiles.
Triggered when a cargo type is completely removed from the station (for all tiles at the same time).
Trigger when cargo is received .
Trigger platform when train loads/unloads.
Trigger station when cargo is completely taken.
@ LoadAmount
Load amount.
@ ProfitCalc
custom profit calculation
@ Production256Ticks
call production callback every 256 ticks
@ ProductionCargoArrival
call production callback when cargo arrives at the industry
Called to calculate the income of delivered cargo.
Determine the amount of cargo to load per unit of time when using gradual loading.
static const uint CALLBACK_FAILED
Different values for Callback result evaluations.
Cargo support for NewGRFs.
void ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(uint32_t grfid, uint16_t cbid, uint16_t cb_res)
Record that a NewGRF returned an unknown/invalid callback result.
uint16_t GetVehicleCallback(CallbackID callback, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2, EngineID engine, const Vehicle *v)
Evaluate a newgrf callback for vehicles.
Functions for NewGRF engines.
void IndustryProductionCallback(Industry *ind, int reason)
Get the industry production callback and apply it to the industry.
bool IndustryTemporarilyRefusesCargo(Industry *ind, CargoType cargo_type)
Check whether an industry temporarily refuses to accept a certain cargo.
void TriggerIndustry(Industry *ind, IndustryTileTrigger trigger)
Trigger a random trigger for all industry tiles.
NewGRF handling of industry tiles.
Cargo has been delivered.
Loading speed.
NewGRF definitions and structures for road stops.
Trigger roadstop when cargo is completely taken.
Trigger roadstop when road vehicle loads.
bool PlayVehicleSound(const Vehicle *v, VehicleSoundEvent event, bool force)
Checks whether a NewGRF wants to play a different vehicle sound effect.
Functions related to NewGRF provided sounds.
Whenever cargo payment is made for a vehicle.
void TriggerStationRandomisation(Station *st, TileIndex trigger_tile, StationRandomTrigger trigger, CargoType cargo_type)
Trigger station randomisation.
Header file for NewGRF stations.
Trigger platform when train loads/unloads.
Trigger station when cargo is completely taken.
Functions related to news.
void AddNewsItem(EncodedString &&headline, NewsType type, NewsStyle style, NewsFlags flags, NewsReference ref1={}, NewsReference ref2={}, std::unique_ptr< NewsAllocatedData > &&data=nullptr, AdviceType advice_type=AdviceType::Invalid)
Add a new newsitem to be shown.
Definition news_gui.cpp:902
@ Economy
Economic changes (recession, industry up/dowm)
@ Normal
Normal news item. (Newspaper with text only)
Functions related to objects.
void UpdateCompanyHQ(TileIndex tile, uint score)
Update the CompanyHQ to the state associated with the given score.
Transfer all cargo onto the platform.
Definition order_type.h:71
Totally no unloading will be done.
Definition order_type.h:72
Force unloading all cargo onto the platform, possibly not getting paid.
Definition order_type.h:70
Full load all cargoes of the consist.
Definition order_type.h:80
Do not load anything.
Definition order_type.h:82
Full load a single cargo of the consist.
Definition order_type.h:81
Some methods of Pool are placed here in order to reduce compilation time and binary size.
Force instantiation of pool methods so we don't get linker errors.
Price Bases.
Money RailMaintenanceCost(RailType railtype, uint32_t num, uint32_t total_num)
Calculates the maintenance cost of a number of track bits.
Definition rail.h:423
Money SignalMaintenanceCost(uint32_t num)
Calculates the maintenance cost of a number of signals.
Definition rail.h:434
TrackBits GetTrackBits(Tile tile)
Gets the track bits of the given tile.
Definition rail_map.h:136
bool HasSignalOnTrack(Tile tile, Track track)
Checks for the presence of signals (either way) on the given track on the given rail tile.
Definition rail_map.h:413
bool HasSignals(Tile t)
Checks if a rail tile has signals.
Definition rail_map.h:72
Enumeration for all possible railtypes.
Definition rail_type.h:27
Used for iterations.
Definition rail_type.h:28
Used for iterations.
Definition rail_type.h:33
Definition of link refreshing utility.
Money RoadMaintenanceCost(RoadType roadtype, uint32_t num, uint32_t total_num)
Calculates the maintenance cost of a number of road bits.
Definition road_func.h:125
void UpdateLevelCrossing(TileIndex tile, bool sound=true, bool force_bar=false)
Update a level crossing to barred or open (crossing may include multiple adjacent tiles).
bool IsLevelCrossingTile(Tile t)
Return whether a tile is a level crossing tile.
Definition road_map.h:95
The different roadtypes we support.
Definition road_type.h:25
Used for iterations.
Definition road_type.h:29
Used for iterations.
Definition road_type.h:26
A number of safeguards to prevent using unsafe methods.
GameSettings _settings_game
Game settings of a running game or the scenario editor.
Definition settings.cpp:58
ClientSettings _settings_client
The current settings for this game.
Definition settings.cpp:57
void AddTrackToSignalBuffer(TileIndex tile, Track track, Owner owner)
Add track to signal update buffer.
Definition signal.cpp:589
void UpdateSignalsInBuffer()
Update signals in buffer Called from 'outside'.
Definition signal.cpp:573
Base class for signs.
Functions related to sound.
18 == 0x12 Income from cargo delivery
Definition sound_type.h:65
@ Industry
Source/destination is an industry.
Money AirportMaintenanceCost(Owner owner)
Calculates the maintenance cost of all airports of a company.
Definition station.cpp:712
Base classes/functions for stations.
Money StationMaintenanceCost(uint32_t num)
Calculates the maintenance cost of a number of station tiles.
StationID GetStationIndex(Tile t)
Get StationID from a tile.
Definition station_map.h:28
Definition of base types and functions in a cross-platform compatible way.
StoryPage base class.
EncodedString GetEncodedString(StringID str)
Encode a string with no parameters into an encoded string.
Definition strings.cpp:90
Functions related to OTTD's strings.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
bool IsNormalAircraft() const
Check if the aircraft type is a normal flying device; eg not a rotor or a shadow.
Definition aircraft.h:121
Class to backup a specific variable and restore it later.
void Change(const U &new_value)
Change the value of the variable.
void Restore()
Restore the variable.
TimerGameTick::Ticks current_order_time
How many ticks have passed since this order started.
TimerGameTick::Ticks lateness_counter
How many ticks late (or early if negative) this vehicle is.
uint16_t vehicle_flags
Used for gradual loading and other miscellaneous things (.
TileIndex xy
Base tile of the station.
Owner owner
The owner of this station.
Town * town
The town this station is associated with.
VehicleType type
Type of vehicle.
Class for storing amounts of cargo.
Definition cargo_type.h:113
Container for cargo from the same location and time.
Definition cargopacket.h:41
Money GetFeederShare() const
Gets the amount of money already paid to earlier vehicles in the feeder chain.
uint GetDistance(TileIndex current_tile) const
Get the current distance the cargo has traveled.
uint16_t GetPeriodsInTransit() const
Gets the number of cargo aging periods this cargo has been in transit.
Source GetSource() const
Gets the source of the packet for subsidy purposes.
Helper class to perform the cargo payment.
void PayFinalDelivery(CargoType cargo, const CargoPacket *cp, uint count, TileIndex current_tile)
Handle payment for final delivery of the given cargo packet.
Definition economy.cpp:1221
Constructor for pool saveload.
Company * owner
NOSAVE: The owner of the vehicle.
StationID current_station
NOSAVE: The current station.
Money PayTransfer(CargoType cargo, const CargoPacket *cp, uint count, TileIndex current_tile)
Handle payment for transfer of the given cargo packet.
Definition economy.cpp:1243
Vehicle * front
The front vehicle to do the payment of.
Money visual_transfer
The transfer credits to be shown.
Money visual_profit
The visual profit to show.
Money route_profit
The amount of money to add/remove from the bank account.
Specification of a cargo type.
Definition cargotype.h:74
uint16_t multiplier
Capacity multiplier for vehicles. (8 fractional bits)
Definition cargotype.h:80
static CargoSpec * Get(size_t index)
Retrieve cargo details for the given cargo type.
Definition cargotype.h:137
static IterateWrapper Iterate(size_t from=0)
Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid CargoSpec.
Definition cargotype.h:192
TownAcceptanceEffect town_acceptance_effect
The effect that delivering this cargo type has on towns. Also affects destination of subsidies.
Definition cargotype.h:86
CargoCallbackMasks callback_mask
Bitmask of cargo callbacks that have to be called.
Definition cargotype.h:89
bool IsValid() const
Tests for validity of this cargospec.
Definition cargotype.h:118
GUISettings gui
settings related to the GUI
CargoArray delivered_cargo
The amount of delivered cargo.
TileIndex location_of_HQ
Northern tile of HQ; INVALID_TILE when there is none.
uint8_t months_of_bankruptcy
Number of months that the company is unable to pay its debts.
CompanyMask bankrupt_asked
which companies were asked about buying it?
int16_t bankrupt_timeout
If bigger than 0, amount of time to wait for an answer on an offer to buy this company.
CompanySettings settings
settings specific for each company
bool is_ai
If true, the company is (also) controlled by the computer (a NoAI program).
Money current_loan
Amount of money borrowed from the bank.
CompanyEconomyEntry cur_economy
Economic data of the company of this quarter.
std::array< CompanyEconomyEntry, MAX_HISTORY_QUARTERS > old_economy
Economic data of the company of the last MAX_HISTORY_QUARTERS quarters.
Money money
Money owned by the company.
uint8_t num_valid_stat_ent
Number of valid statistical entries in old_economy.
VehicleDefaultSettings vehicle
default settings for vehicles
Money GetMaxLoan() const
Calculate the max allowed loan for this company.
uint8_t initial_interest
amount of interest (to pay over the loan)
bool infinite_money
whether spending money despite negative balance is allowed
uint32_t max_loan
the maximum initial loan
uint8_t construction_cost
how expensive is building
uint8_t subsidy_multiplier
payment multiplier for subsidized deliveries
uint8_t vehicle_costs
amount of money spent on vehicle running cost
bool economy
how volatile is the economy
bool inflation
disable inflation
bool infrastructure_maintenance
enable monthly maintenance fee for owner infrastructure
uint8_t feeder_payment_share
percentage of leg payment to virtually pay in feeder systems
Data of the economy.
uint64_t inflation_payment
Cumulated inflation of cargo payment since game start; 16 bit fractional part.
uint8_t infl_amount
inflation amount
uint64_t inflation_prices
Cumulated inflation of prices since game start; 16 bit fractional part.
int16_t fluct
Economy fluctuation status.
uint8_t infl_amount_pr
inflation rate for payment rates
uint32_t industry_daily_change_counter
Bits 31-16 are number of industry to be performed, 15-0 are fractional collected daily.
uint32_t industry_daily_increment
The value which will increment industry_daily_change_counter. Computed value. NOSAVE.
Money max_loan
NOSAVE: Maximum possible loan.
uint8_t interest_rate
EngineMiscFlags misc_flags
Miscellaneous flags.
VehicleCallbackMasks callback_mask
Bitmask of vehicle callbacks that have to be called.
uint32_t GetGRFID() const
Retrieve the GRF ID of the NewGRF the engine is tied to.
Definition engine.cpp:157
const GRFFile * GetGRF() const
Retrieve the NewGRF the engine is tied to.
Action for finalizing a refit.
Definition economy.cpp:1441
CargoArray & consist_capleft
Capacities left in the consist.
Definition economy.cpp:1442
bool do_reserve
If the vehicle should reserve.
Definition economy.cpp:1445
StationIDStack & next_station
Next hops to reserve cargo for.
Definition economy.cpp:1444
bool operator()(Vehicle *v)
Reserve cargo from the station and update the remaining consist capacities with the vehicle's remaini...
Definition economy.cpp:1463
Station * st
Station to reserve cargo from.
Definition economy.cpp:1443
FinalizeRefitAction(CargoArray &consist_capleft, Station *st, StationIDStack &next_station, bool do_reserve)
Create a finalizing action.
Definition economy.cpp:1454
Dynamic data of a loaded NewGRF.
Definition newgrf.h:111
PriceMultipliers price_base_multipliers
Price base multipliers as set by the grf.
Definition newgrf.h:155
uint8_t loading_indicators
show loading indicators
EconomySettings economy
settings to change the economy
DifficultySettings difficulty
settings related to the difficulty
OrderSettings order
settings related to orders
Struct about goals, current and completed.
Definition goal_base.h:22
StationCargoList cargo
The cargo packets of cargo waiting in this station.
Stores station stats for a single cargo.
bool HasRating() const
Does this cargo have a rating at this station?
uint8_t last_speed
Maximum speed (up to 255) of the last vehicle that tried to load this cargo.
uint8_t last_age
Age in years (up to 255) of the last vehicle that tried to load this cargo.
uint8_t time_since_pickup
Number of rating-intervals (up to 255) since the last vehicle tried to load this cargo.
debug_inline const GoodsEntryData & GetData() const
Get optional cargo packet/flow data.
uint8_t status
Status of this cargo, see GoodsEntryStatus.
Set when the station accepts the cargo currently for final deliveries.
This indicates whether a cargo has a rating at the station.
Set when cargo was delivered for final delivery this month.
Set when a vehicle ever delivered cargo to the station for final delivery.
Set when cargo was delivered for final delivery during the current STATION_ACCEPTANCE_TICKS interval.
GoodsEntryData & GetOrCreateData()
Get optional cargo packet/flow data.
debug_inline bool HasData() const
Test if this goods entry has optional cargo packet/flow data.
uint16_t cached_total_length
Length of the whole vehicle (valid only for the first engine).
bool IsMultiheaded() const
Check if the vehicle is a multiheaded engine.
static void CountVehicle(const Vehicle *v, int delta)
Update num_vehicle when adding or removing a vehicle.
static void CountEngine(const Vehicle *v, int delta)
Update num_engines when adding/removing an engine.
static void UpdateAutoreplace(CompanyID company)
Update autoreplace_defined and autoreplace_finished of all statistics of a company.
Group data.
Definition group.h:72
Defines the data structure for constructing industry.
IndustryCallbackMasks callback_mask
Bitmask of industry callbacks that have to be called.
uint16_t input_cargo_multiplier[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS][INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS]
Input cargo multipliers (multiply amount of incoming cargo for the produced cargoes)
Defines the internal data of a functional industry.
Definition industry.h:63
IndustryType type
type of industry.
Definition industry.h:99
Owner exclusive_supplier
Which company has exclusive rights to deliver cargo (INVALID_OWNER = anyone)
Definition industry.h:114
ProducedCargoes produced
produced cargo slots
Definition industry.h:94
AcceptedCargoes accepted
accepted cargo slots
Definition industry.h:95
uint8_t was_cargo_delivered
flag that indicate this has been the closest industry chosen for cargo delivery by a station....
Definition industry.h:103
AcceptedCargoes::iterator GetCargoAccepted(CargoType cargo)
Get accepted cargo slot for a specific cargo type.
Definition industry.h:186
Action to check if a vehicle has no stored cargo.
Definition economy.cpp:1368
bool operator()(const Vehicle *v)
Checks if the vehicle has stored cargo.
Definition economy.cpp:1374
static IterateWrapper Iterate()
Returns an iterable ensemble of all Tiles.
Definition map_func.h:362
static debug_inline uint LogX()
Logarithm of the map size along the X side.
Definition map_func.h:250
static uint LogY()
Logarithm of the map size along the y side.
Definition map_func.h:260
bool station_length_loading_penalty
make trains longer than the station load more slowly
bool improved_load
improved loading algorithm
bool gradual_loading
load vehicles gradually
bool IsType(OrderType type) const
Check whether this order is of the given type.
Definition order_base.h:70
CargoType GetRefitCargo() const
Get the cargo to to refit to.
Definition order_base.h:131
OrderLoadFlags GetLoadType() const
How must the consist be loaded?
Definition order_base.h:136
uint16_t GetTimetabledWait() const
Get the time in ticks a vehicle should wait at the destination or 0 if it's not timetabled.
Definition order_base.h:188
OrderUnloadFlags GetUnloadType() const
How must the consist be unloaded?
Definition order_base.h:138
bool IsRefit() const
Is this order a refit order.
Definition order_base.h:117
static Pool::IterateWrapper< Titem > Iterate(size_t from=0)
Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid Titem.
static Titem * Get(auto index)
Returns Titem with given index.
Tindex index
Index of this pool item.
static bool CanAllocateItem(size_t n=1)
Helper functions so we can use PoolItem::Function() instead of _poolitem_pool.Function()
static bool CleaningPool()
Returns current state of pool cleaning - yes or no.
static Titem * GetIfValid(auto index)
Returns Titem with given index.
Base class for all pools.
static constexpr size_t MAX_SIZE
Make template parameter accessible from outside.
Refit preparation action.
Definition economy.cpp:1384
CargoTypes & refit_mask
Bitmask of possible refit cargoes.
Definition economy.cpp:1386
PrepareRefitAction(CargoArray &consist_capleft, CargoTypes &refit_mask)
Create a refit preparation action.
Definition economy.cpp:1393
CargoArray & consist_capleft
Capacities left in the consist.
Definition economy.cpp:1385
bool operator()(const Vehicle *v)
Prepares for refitting of a vehicle, subtracting its free capacity from consist_capleft and adding th...
Definition economy.cpp:1402
Money start_price
Default value at game start, before adding multipliers.
Action for returning reserved cargo.
Definition economy.cpp:1414
Station * st
Station to give the returned cargo to.
Definition economy.cpp:1415
bool operator()(Vehicle *v)
Return all reserved cargo from a vehicle.
Definition economy.cpp:1430
ReturnCargoAction(Station *st, StationID next_one)
Construct a cargo return action.
Definition economy.cpp:1423
StationID next_hop
Next hop the cargo should be assigned to.
Definition economy.cpp:1416
Data structure for storing how the score is computed for a single score id.
int needed
How much you need to get the perfect score.
int score
How much score it will give.
Iterable ensemble of each set bit in a value.
A location from where cargo can come from (or go to).
Definition source_type.h:32
SourceType type
Type of source_id.
Definition source_type.h:37
static Pool::IterateWrapper< Station > Iterate(size_t from=0)
Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid stations of type T.
static Station * Get(auto index)
Gets station with given index.
static Aircraft * From(Vehicle *v)
Converts a Vehicle to SpecializedVehicle with type checking.
Station data structure.
uint GetPlatformLength(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir) const override
Determines the REMAINING length of a platform, starting at (and including) the given tile.
Definition station.cpp:288
IndustryList industries_near
Cached list of industries near the station that can accept cargo,.
CargoTypes always_accepted
Bitmask of always accepted cargo types (by houses, HQs, industry tiles when industry doesn't accept c...
std::array< GoodsEntry, NUM_CARGO > goods
Goods at this station.
Struct about stories, current and completed.
Definition story_base.h:167
Struct about subsidies, offered and awarded.
Town data structure.
Definition town.h:52
CompanyID exclusivity
which company has exclusivity
Definition town.h:73
uint8_t exclusive_counter
months till the exclusivity expires
Definition town.h:74
std::array< TransportedCargoStat< uint16_t >, NUM_TAE > received
Cargo statistics about received cargotypes.
Definition town.h:78
'Train' is either a loco or a wagon.
Definition train.h:90
uint16_t cached_max_speed
Maximum speed of the consist (minimum of the max speed of all vehicles in the consist).
uint16_t servint_aircraft
service interval for aircraft
uint16_t servint_roadveh
service interval for road vehicles
uint16_t servint_ships
service interval for ships
bool servint_ispercent
service intervals are in percents
uint16_t servint_trains
service interval for trains
Vehicle data structure.
CargoPayment * cargo_payment
The cargo payment we're currently in.
EngineID engine_type
The type of engine used for this vehicle.
int32_t z_pos
z coordinate.
StationIDStack GetNextStoppingStation() const
Get the next station the vehicle will stop at.
const Engine * GetEngine() const
Retrieves the engine of the vehicle.
Definition vehicle.cpp:744
virtual ExpensesType GetExpenseType(bool income) const
Sets the expense type associated to this vehicle type.
VehicleCargoList cargo
The cargo this vehicle is carrying.
uint16_t cargo_cap
total capacity
Vehicle * GetFirstEnginePart()
Get the first part of an articulated engine.
Money profit_this_year
Profit this year << 8, low 8 bits are fract.
bool HasArticulatedPart() const
Check if an engine has an articulated part.
CargoType cargo_type
type of cargo this vehicle is carrying
Vehicle * First() const
Get the first vehicle of this vehicle chain.
Order current_order
The current order (+ status, like: loading)
Vehicle * Next() const
Get the next vehicle of this vehicle.
int32_t y_pos
y coordinate.
int32_t x_pos
x coordinate.
OrderList * orders
Pointer to the order list for this vehicle.
VehicleCache vcache
Cache of often used vehicle values.
GroundVehicleCache * GetGroundVehicleCache()
Access the ground vehicle cache of the vehicle.
Definition vehicle.cpp:3144
uint16_t load_unload_ticks
Ticks to wait before starting next cycle.
uint16_t cur_speed
current speed
TextEffectID fill_percent_te_id
a text-effect id to a loading indicator object
Vehicle * Previous() const
Get the previous vehicle of this vehicle.
TileIndex tile
Current tile index.
StationID last_station_visited
The last station we stopped at.
TimerGameCalendar::Year build_year
Year the vehicle has been built.
Owner owner
Which company owns the vehicle?
Representation of a waypoint.
void RebuildSubsidisedSourceAndDestinationCache()
Perform a full rebuild of the subsidies cache.
Definition subsidy.cpp:103
bool CheckSubsidised(CargoType cargo_type, CompanyID company, Source src, const Station *st)
Tests whether given delivery is subsidised and possibly awards the subsidy to delivering company.
Definition subsidy.cpp:507
Subsidy base class.
Functions related to subsidies.
bool IsTileOwner(Tile tile, Owner owner)
Checks if a tile belongs to the given owner.
Definition tile_map.h:214
static debug_inline bool IsTileType(Tile tile, TileType type)
Checks if a tile is a given tiletype.
Definition tile_map.h:150
static const uint TILE_SIZE
Tile size in world coordinates.
Definition tile_type.h:15
A tile of a station.
Definition tile_type.h:53
A railway.
Definition tile_type.h:49
Definition of Interval and OneShot timers.
Definition of the game-calendar-timer.
Definition of the game-economy-timer.
Base of the town class.
static constexpr int RATING_INITIAL
initial rating
Definition town_type.h:45
Track RemoveFirstTrack(TrackBits *tracks)
Removes first Track from TrackBits and returns it.
Definition track_func.h:131
Allow incrementing of Track variables.
Definition track_type.h:35
No track.
Definition track_type.h:36
These are used to specify a single track.
Definition track_type.h:19
Base for the train class.
uint8_t CalcPercentVehicleFilled(const Vehicle *front, StringID *colour)
Calculates how full a vehicle is.
Definition vehicle.cpp:1486
Don't load anymore during the next load cycle.
Vehicle is unloading cargo.
Vehicle has finished loading.
Command definitions for vehicles.
Functions related to vehicles.
static const TimerGameEconomy::Date VEHICLE_PROFIT_MIN_AGE
Only vehicles older than this have a meaningful profit.
bool IsCompanyBuildableVehicleType(VehicleType type)
Is the given vehicle type buildable by a company?
WindowClass GetWindowClassForVehicleType(VehicleType vt)
Get WindowClass for vehicle list of given vehicle type.
Definition vehicle_gui.h:97
Road vehicle type.
Aircraft vehicle type.
Ship vehicle type.
Train vehicle type.
Functions related to water (management)
Money CanalMaintenanceCost(uint32_t num)
Calculates the maintenance cost of a number of canal tiles.
Definition water.h:51
Base of waypoints.
void ChangeWindowOwner(Owner old_owner, Owner new_owner)
Change the owner of all the windows one company can take over from another company in the case of a c...
Definition window.cpp:1191
void SetWindowClassesDirty(WindowClass cls)
Mark all windows of a particular class as dirty (in need of repainting)
Definition window.cpp:3132
void InvalidateWindowData(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number, int data, bool gui_scope)
Mark window data of the window of a given class and specific window number as invalid (in need of re-...
Definition window.cpp:3224
void SetWindowDirty(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number)
Mark window as dirty (in need of repainting)
Definition window.cpp:3106
void InvalidateWindowClassesData(WindowClass cls, int data, bool gui_scope)
Mark window data of all windows of a given class as invalid (in need of re-computing) Note that by de...
Definition window.cpp:3241
Performance history graph; Window numbers:
Company league window; Window numbers:
Company infrastructure overview; Window numbers:
Performance detail window; Window numbers:
Payment rates graph; Window numbers:
Station list; Window numbers:
Road vehicle list; Window numbers:
Replace vehicle window; Window numbers:
Ships list; Window numbers:
Station view; Window numbers:
Operating profit graph; Window numbers:
Trains list; Window numbers:
Industry view; Window numbers:
Income graph; Window numbers:
Delivered cargo graph; Window numbers:
Company value graph; Window numbers:
Vehicle details; Window numbers:
Build vehicle; Window numbers:
Aircraft list; Window numbers: