25extern uint32_t _story_page_element_next_sort_value;
26extern uint32_t _story_page_next_sort_value;
45 SPBF_FLOAT_LEFT = 1 << 0,
46 SPBF_FLOAT_RIGHT = 1 << 1,
119 return cursor < SPBC_END;
124 uint32_t referenced_id = 0;
135 bool ValidateFlags()
Container for an encoded string, created by GetEncodedString.
Types related to companies.
#define DECLARE_ENUM_AS_BIT_SET(enum_type)
Operators to allow to work with enum as with type safe bit set in C++.
Types related to the graphics and/or input devices.
Definition of Pool, structure used to access PoolItems, and PoolItem, base structure for Vehicle,...
Flags available for buttons.
An element that references a tile along with a one-line text.
An element that references a goal.
A push button that triggers an immediate event.
A button that allows the player to select a tile, and triggers an event with the tile.
A text element.
A button that allows the player to select a vehicle, and triggers an event with the vehicle.
Mouse cursors usable by story page buttons.
bool IsValidStoryPageButtonCursor(StoryPageButtonCursor cursor)
Checks if a StoryPageButtonCursor value is valid.
basic types related to story pages
Types related to strings.
Base class for all PoolItems.
Base class for all pools.
Helper to construct packed "id" values for button-type StoryPageElement.
Colours GetColour() const
Get the button background colour.
VehicleType GetVehicleType() const
Get the type of vehicles that are accepted by the button.
void SetColour(Colours button_colour)
Set the button background colour.
bool ValidateVehicleType() const
Verity that the data stored a valid VehicleType value.
bool ValidateColour() const
Verify that the data stored a valid Colour value.
void SetVehicleType(VehicleType vehtype)
Set the type of vehicles that are accepted by the button.
StoryPageButtonCursor GetCursor() const
Get the mouse cursor used while waiting for input for the button.
bool ValidateCursor() const
Verify that the data stores a valid StoryPageButtonCursor value.
void SetCursor(StoryPageButtonCursor cursor)
Set the mouse cursor used while waiting for input for the button.
Struct about story page elements.
uint32_t referenced_id
Id of referenced object (location, goal etc.)
EncodedString text
Static content text of page element.
uint32_t sort_value
A number that increases for every created story page element. Used for sorting. The id of a story pag...
StoryPageElementType type
Type of page element.
(Empty) destructor has to be defined else operator delete might be called with nullptr parameter
We need an (empty) constructor so struct isn't zeroed (as C++ standard states)
StoryPageID page
Id of the page which the page element belongs to.
Struct about stories, current and completed.
EncodedString title
Title of story page.
uint32_t sort_value
A number that increases for every created story page. Used for sorting. The id of a story page is the...
We need an (empty) constructor so struct isn't zeroed (as C++ standard states)
CompanyID company
StoryPage is for a specific company; CompanyID::Invalid() if it is global.
TimerGameCalendar::Date date
Date when the page was created.
Templated helper to make a type-safe 'typedef' representing a single POD value.
Definition of the game-calendar-timer.
Types related to vehicles.
Available vehicle types.