uint8_t CargoType
Cargo slots to indicate a cargo type within a game.
Base class for cargo packets.
Types related to companies.
CargoPaymentPool _cargo_payment_pool
The actual pool to store cargo payments in.
Container for cargo from the same location and time.
Helper class to perform the cargo payment.
void PayFinalDelivery(CargoType cargo, const CargoPacket *cp, uint count, TileIndex current_tile)
Handle payment for final delivery of the given cargo packet.
Constructor for pool saveload.
Company * owner
NOSAVE: The owner of the vehicle.
StationID current_station
NOSAVE: The current station.
Money PayTransfer(CargoType cargo, const CargoPacket *cp, uint count, TileIndex current_tile)
Handle payment for transfer of the given cargo packet.
Vehicle * front
The front vehicle to do the payment of.
Money visual_transfer
The transfer credits to be shown.
Money visual_profit
The visual profit to show.
Money route_profit
The amount of money to add/remove from the bank account.
Base class for all PoolItems.
Base class for all pools.