23void ModifyStationRatingAround(
TileIndex tile,
Owner owner,
int amount, uint radius);
27void ClearAllStationCachedNames();
43void UpdateStationDockingTiles(
Station *st);
62 return (_price[PR_INFRASTRUCTURE_STATION] * num * (1 +
IntSqrt(num))) >> 7;
uint8_t CargoType
Cargo slots to indicate a cargo type within a game.
uint32_t IntSqrt(uint32_t num)
Compute the integer square root.
Functions related to the economy.
uint32_t SpriteID
The number of a sprite, without mapping bits and colourtables.
Types related to the industry.
Declaration of link graph types used for cargo distribution.
Special modes for updating links.
Offsets for sprites within an overlay/underlay set.
The different types of rail.
Enumeration for all possible railtypes.
Enums and other types related to roads.
The different roadtypes we support.
Base for drawing complex sprites.
CargoArray GetAcceptanceAroundTiles(TileIndex tile, int w, int h, int rad, CargoTypes *always_accepted=nullptr)
Get the acceptance of cargoes around the tile in 1/8.
CargoTypes GetEmptyMask(const Station *st)
Get a mask of the cargo types that are empty at the station.
void ClearDockingTilesCheckingNeighbours(TileIndex tile)
Clear docking tile status from tiles around a removed dock, if the tile has no neighbours which would...
void IncreaseStats(Station *st, const Vehicle *v, StationID next_station_id, uint32_t time)
Increase capacity for all link stats associated with vehicles in the given consist.
bool HasStationInUse(StationID station, bool include_company, CompanyID company)
Tests whether the company's vehicles have this station in orders.
Money AirportMaintenanceCost(Owner owner)
Calculates the maintenance cost of all airports of a company.
const DrawTileSprites * GetStationTileLayout(StationType st, uint8_t gfx)
Get station tile layout for a station type and its station gfx.
void RerouteCargo(Station *st, CargoType c, StationID avoid, StationID avoid2)
Reroute cargo of type c at station st or in any vehicles unloading there.
Money StationMaintenanceCost(uint32_t num)
Calculates the maintenance cost of a number of station tiles.
void ShowStationViewWindow(StationID station)
Opens StationViewWindow for given station.
void UpdateAllStationVirtCoords()
Update the virtual coords needed to draw the station sign for all stations.
CargoTypes GetAcceptanceMask(const Station *st)
Get a mask of the cargo types that the station accepts.
void UpdateAirportsNoise()
Recalculate the noise generated by the airports of each town.
void UpdateStationAcceptance(Station *st, bool show_msg)
Update the acceptance for a station.
void SetRailStationTileFlags(TileIndex tile, const StationSpec *statspec)
Set rail station tile flags for the given tile.
CargoArray GetProductionAroundTiles(TileIndex tile, int w, int h, int rad)
Get the cargo types being produced around the tile (in a rectangle).
bool SplitGroundSpriteForOverlay(const TileInfo *ti, SpriteID *ground, RailTrackOffset *overlay_offset)
Check whether a sprite is a track sprite, which can be replaced by a non-track ground sprite and a ra...
Station types.
Class for storing amounts of cargo.
Ground palette sprite of a tile, together with its sprite layout.
Tile information, used while rendering the tile.
Types related to vehicles.