OpenTTD Source  20241120-master-g6d3adc6169
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3  * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4  * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5  * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6  */
10 #include "stdafx.h"
11 #include "debug.h"
12 #include "station_base.h"
13 #include "waypoint_base.h"
14 #include "roadstop_base.h"
15 #include "newgrf_cargo.h"
16 #include "newgrf_station.h"
17 #include "newgrf_spritegroup.h"
18 #include "newgrf_sound.h"
19 #include "newgrf_railtype.h"
20 #include "town.h"
21 #include "newgrf_town.h"
22 #include "company_func.h"
23 #include "tunnelbridge_map.h"
24 #include "newgrf_animation_base.h"
25 #include "newgrf_class_func.h"
28 #include "safeguards.h"
31 template <>
32 /* static */ void StationClass::InsertDefaults()
33 {
34  /* Set up initial data */
35  StationClass::Get(StationClass::Allocate(STATION_CLASS_LABEL_DEFAULT))->name = STR_STATION_CLASS_DFLT;
36  StationClass::Get(StationClass::Allocate(STATION_CLASS_LABEL_DEFAULT))->Insert(nullptr);
37  StationClass::Get(StationClass::Allocate(STATION_CLASS_LABEL_WAYPOINT))->name = STR_STATION_CLASS_WAYP;
38  StationClass::Get(StationClass::Allocate(STATION_CLASS_LABEL_WAYPOINT))->Insert(nullptr);
39 }
41 template <>
42 bool StationClass::IsUIAvailable(uint) const
43 {
44  return true;
45 }
47 /* Instantiate StationClass. */
50 static const uint NUM_STATIONSSPECS_PER_STATION = 255;
52 enum TriggerArea {
53  TA_TILE,
56 };
58 struct ETileArea : TileArea {
59  ETileArea(const BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, TriggerArea ta)
60  {
61  switch (ta) {
62  default: NOT_REACHED();
64  case TA_TILE:
65  this->tile = tile;
66  this->w = 1;
67  this->h = 1;
68  break;
70  case TA_PLATFORM: {
71  TileIndex start, end;
72  Axis axis = GetRailStationAxis(tile);
73  TileIndexDiff delta = TileOffsByAxis(axis);
75  for (end = tile; IsRailStationTile(end + delta) && IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(end + delta, tile); end += delta) { /* Nothing */ }
76  for (start = tile; IsRailStationTile(start - delta) && IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(start - delta, tile); start -= delta) { /* Nothing */ }
78  this->tile = start;
79  this->w = TileX(end) - TileX(start) + 1;
80  this->h = TileY(end) - TileY(start) + 1;
81  break;
82  }
84  case TA_WHOLE:
85  st->GetTileArea(this, Station::IsExpected(st) ? STATION_RAIL : STATION_WAYPOINT);
86  break;
87  }
88  }
89 };
104 uint32_t GetPlatformInfo(Axis axis, uint8_t tile, int platforms, int length, int x, int y, bool centred)
105 {
106  uint32_t retval = 0;
108  if (axis == AXIS_X) {
109  Swap(platforms, length);
110  Swap(x, y);
111  }
113  if (centred) {
114  x -= platforms / 2;
115  y -= length / 2;
116  x = Clamp(x, -8, 7);
117  y = Clamp(y, -8, 7);
118  SB(retval, 0, 4, y & 0xF);
119  SB(retval, 4, 4, x & 0xF);
120  } else {
121  SB(retval, 0, 4, std::min(15, y));
122  SB(retval, 4, 4, std::min(15, length - y - 1));
123  SB(retval, 8, 4, std::min(15, x));
124  SB(retval, 12, 4, std::min(15, platforms - x - 1));
125  }
126  SB(retval, 16, 4, std::min(15, length));
127  SB(retval, 20, 4, std::min(15, platforms));
128  SB(retval, 24, 8, tile);
130  return retval;
131 }
142 static TileIndex FindRailStationEnd(TileIndex tile, TileIndexDiff delta, bool check_type, bool check_axis)
143 {
144  uint8_t orig_type = 0;
145  Axis orig_axis = AXIS_X;
146  StationID sid = GetStationIndex(tile);
148  if (check_type) orig_type = GetCustomStationSpecIndex(tile);
149  if (check_axis) orig_axis = GetRailStationAxis(tile);
151  for (;;) {
152  TileIndex new_tile = TileAdd(tile, delta);
154  if (!IsTileType(new_tile, MP_STATION) || GetStationIndex(new_tile) != sid) break;
155  if (!HasStationRail(new_tile)) break;
156  if (check_type && GetCustomStationSpecIndex(new_tile) != orig_type) break;
157  if (check_axis && GetRailStationAxis(new_tile) != orig_axis) break;
159  tile = new_tile;
160  }
161  return tile;
162 }
165 static uint32_t GetPlatformInfoHelper(TileIndex tile, bool check_type, bool check_axis, bool centred)
166 {
167  int tx = TileX(tile);
168  int ty = TileY(tile);
169  int sx = TileX(FindRailStationEnd(tile, TileDiffXY(-1, 0), check_type, check_axis));
170  int sy = TileY(FindRailStationEnd(tile, TileDiffXY( 0, -1), check_type, check_axis));
171  int ex = TileX(FindRailStationEnd(tile, TileDiffXY( 1, 0), check_type, check_axis)) + 1;
172  int ey = TileY(FindRailStationEnd(tile, TileDiffXY( 0, 1), check_type, check_axis)) + 1;
174  tx -= sx; ex -= sx;
175  ty -= sy; ey -= sy;
177  return GetPlatformInfo(GetRailStationAxis(tile), GetStationGfx(tile), ex, ey, tx, ty, centred);
178 }
181 static uint32_t GetRailContinuationInfo(TileIndex tile)
182 {
183  /* Tile offsets and exit dirs for X axis */
184  static const Direction x_dir[8] = { DIR_SW, DIR_NE, DIR_SE, DIR_NW, DIR_S, DIR_E, DIR_W, DIR_N };
187  /* Tile offsets and exit dirs for Y axis */
188  static const Direction y_dir[8] = { DIR_SE, DIR_NW, DIR_SW, DIR_NE, DIR_S, DIR_W, DIR_E, DIR_N };
191  Axis axis = GetRailStationAxis(tile);
193  /* Choose appropriate lookup table to use */
194  const Direction *dir = axis == AXIS_X ? x_dir : y_dir;
195  const DiagDirection *diagdir = axis == AXIS_X ? x_exits : y_exits;
197  uint32_t res = 0;
198  uint i;
200  for (i = 0; i < lengthof(x_dir); i++, dir++, diagdir++) {
201  TileIndex neighbour_tile = tile + TileOffsByDir(*dir);
202  TrackBits trackbits = TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(neighbour_tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0));
203  if (trackbits != TRACK_BIT_NONE) {
204  /* If there is any track on the tile, set the bit in the second byte */
205  SetBit(res, i + 8);
207  /* With tunnels and bridges the tile has tracks, but they are not necessarily connected
208  * with the next tile because the ramp is not going in the right direction. */
209  if (IsTileType(neighbour_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && GetTunnelBridgeDirection(neighbour_tile) != *diagdir) {
210  continue;
211  }
213  /* If any track reaches our exit direction, set the bit in the lower byte */
214  if (trackbits & DiagdirReachesTracks(*diagdir)) SetBit(res, i);
215  }
216  }
218  return res;
219 }
222 /* Station Resolver Functions */
223 /* virtual */ uint32_t StationScopeResolver::GetRandomBits() const
224 {
225  return (this->st == nullptr ? 0 : this->st->random_bits) | (this->tile == INVALID_TILE ? 0 : GetStationTileRandomBits(this->tile) << 16);
226 }
229 /* virtual */ uint32_t StationScopeResolver::GetTriggers() const
230 {
231  return this->st == nullptr ? 0 : this->st->waiting_triggers;
232 }
240 static struct {
241  uint32_t v40;
242  uint32_t v41;
243  uint32_t v45;
244  uint32_t v46;
245  uint32_t v47;
246  uint32_t v49;
247  uint8_t valid;
256 {
257  if (!this->town_scope.has_value()) {
258  Town *t = nullptr;
259  if (this-> != nullptr) {
260  t = this->>town;
261  } else if (this->station_scope.tile != INVALID_TILE) {
262  t = ClosestTownFromTile(this->station_scope.tile, UINT_MAX);
263  }
264  if (t == nullptr) return nullptr;
265  this->town_scope.emplace(*this, t, this-> == nullptr);
266  }
267  return &*this->town_scope;
268 }
270 /* virtual */ uint32_t StationScopeResolver::GetVariable(uint8_t variable, [[maybe_unused]] uint32_t parameter, bool &available) const
271 {
272  if (this->st == nullptr) {
273  /* Station does not exist, so we're in a purchase list or the land slope check callback. */
274  switch (variable) {
275  case 0x40:
276  case 0x41:
277  case 0x46:
278  case 0x47:
279  case 0x49: return 0x2110000; // Platforms, tracks & position
280  case 0x42: return 0; // Rail type (XXX Get current type from GUI?)
281  case 0x43: return GetCompanyInfo(_current_company); // Station owner
282  case 0x44: return 2; // PBS status
283  case 0x67: // Land info of nearby tile
284  if (this->axis != INVALID_AXIS && this->tile != INVALID_TILE) {
285  TileIndex tile = this->tile;
286  if (parameter != 0) tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, tile, true, this->axis); // only perform if it is required
288  Slope tileh = GetTileSlope(tile);
289  bool swap = (this->axis == AXIS_Y && HasBit(tileh, CORNER_W) != HasBit(tileh, CORNER_E));
291  return GetNearbyTileInformation(tile, this->ro.grffile->grf_version >= 8) ^ (swap ? SLOPE_EW : 0);
292  }
293  break;
295  case 0xFA: return ClampTo<uint16_t>(TimerGameCalendar::date - CalendarTime::DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR); // Build date, clamped to a 16 bit value
296  }
298  available = false;
299  return UINT_MAX;
300  }
302  switch (variable) {
303  /* Calculated station variables */
304  case 0x40:
305  if (!HasBit(_svc.valid, 0)) { _svc.v40 = GetPlatformInfoHelper(this->tile, false, false, false); SetBit(_svc.valid, 0); }
306  return _svc.v40;
308  case 0x41:
309  if (!HasBit(_svc.valid, 1)) { _svc.v41 = GetPlatformInfoHelper(this->tile, true, false, false); SetBit(_svc.valid, 1); }
310  return _svc.v41;
312  case 0x42: return GetTerrainType(this->tile) | (GetReverseRailTypeTranslation(GetRailType(this->tile), this->statspec->grf_prop.grffile) << 8);
313  case 0x43: return GetCompanyInfo(this->st->owner); // Station owner
314  case 0x44: return HasStationReservation(this->tile) ? 7 : 4; // PBS status
315  case 0x45:
316  if (!HasBit(_svc.valid, 2)) { _svc.v45 = GetRailContinuationInfo(this->tile); SetBit(_svc.valid, 2); }
317  return _svc.v45;
319  case 0x46:
320  if (!HasBit(_svc.valid, 3)) { _svc.v46 = GetPlatformInfoHelper(this->tile, false, false, true); SetBit(_svc.valid, 3); }
321  return _svc.v46;
323  case 0x47:
324  if (!HasBit(_svc.valid, 4)) { _svc.v47 = GetPlatformInfoHelper(this->tile, true, false, true); SetBit(_svc.valid, 4); }
325  return _svc.v47;
327  case 0x49:
328  if (!HasBit(_svc.valid, 5)) { _svc.v49 = GetPlatformInfoHelper(this->tile, false, true, false); SetBit(_svc.valid, 5); }
329  return _svc.v49;
331  case 0x4A: // Animation frame of tile
332  return GetAnimationFrame(this->tile);
334  /* Variables which use the parameter */
335  /* Variables 0x60 to 0x65 and 0x69 are handled separately below */
336  case 0x66: { // Animation frame of nearby tile
337  TileIndex tile = this->tile;
338  if (parameter != 0) tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, tile);
339  return this->st->TileBelongsToRailStation(tile) ? GetAnimationFrame(tile) : UINT_MAX;
340  }
342  case 0x67: { // Land info of nearby tile
343  Axis axis = GetRailStationAxis(this->tile);
344  TileIndex tile = this->tile;
345  if (parameter != 0) tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, tile); // only perform if it is required
347  Slope tileh = GetTileSlope(tile);
348  bool swap = (axis == AXIS_Y && HasBit(tileh, CORNER_W) != HasBit(tileh, CORNER_E));
350  return GetNearbyTileInformation(tile, this->ro.grffile->grf_version >= 8) ^ (swap ? SLOPE_EW : 0);
351  }
353  case 0x68: { // Station info of nearby tiles
354  TileIndex nearby_tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, this->tile);
356  if (!HasStationTileRail(nearby_tile)) return 0xFFFFFFFF;
358  uint32_t grfid = this->st->speclist[GetCustomStationSpecIndex(this->tile)].grfid;
359  bool perpendicular = GetRailStationAxis(this->tile) != GetRailStationAxis(nearby_tile);
360  bool same_station = this->st->TileBelongsToRailStation(nearby_tile);
361  uint32_t res = GB(GetStationGfx(nearby_tile), 1, 2) << 12 | !!perpendicular << 11 | !!same_station << 10;
363  if (IsCustomStationSpecIndex(nearby_tile)) {
364  const auto &sm = BaseStation::GetByTile(nearby_tile)->speclist[GetCustomStationSpecIndex(nearby_tile)];
365  res |= 1 << (sm.grfid != grfid ? 9 : 8) | ClampTo<uint8_t>(sm.localidx);
366  }
367  return res;
368  }
370  case 0x6A: { // GRFID of nearby station tiles
371  TileIndex nearby_tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, this->tile);
373  if (!HasStationTileRail(nearby_tile)) return 0xFFFFFFFF;
374  if (!IsCustomStationSpecIndex(nearby_tile)) return 0;
376  const auto &sm = BaseStation::GetByTile(nearby_tile)->speclist[GetCustomStationSpecIndex(nearby_tile)];
377  return sm.grfid;
378  }
380  case 0x6B: { // 16 bit Station ID of nearby tiles
381  TileIndex nearby_tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, this->tile);
383  if (!HasStationTileRail(nearby_tile)) return 0xFFFFFFFF;
384  if (!IsCustomStationSpecIndex(nearby_tile)) return 0xFFFE;
386  uint32_t grfid = this->st->speclist[GetCustomStationSpecIndex(this->tile)].grfid;
388  const auto &sm = BaseStation::GetByTile(nearby_tile)->speclist[GetCustomStationSpecIndex(nearby_tile)];
389  if (sm.grfid == grfid) {
390  return sm.localidx;
391  }
393  return 0xFFFE;
394  }
396  /* General station variables */
397  case 0x82: return 50;
398  case 0x84: return this->st->string_id;
399  case 0x86: return 0;
400  case 0xF0: return this->st->facilities;
401  case 0xFA: return ClampTo<uint16_t>(this->st->build_date - CalendarTime::DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR);
402  }
404  return this->st->GetNewGRFVariable(this->ro, variable, parameter, available);
405 }
407 uint32_t Station::GetNewGRFVariable(const ResolverObject &object, uint8_t variable, uint8_t parameter, bool &available) const
408 {
409  switch (variable) {
410  case 0x48: { // Accepted cargo types
411  uint32_t value = GetAcceptanceMask(this);
412  return value;
413  }
415  case 0x8A: return this->had_vehicle_of_type;
416  case 0xF1: return (this->airport.tile != INVALID_TILE) ? this->airport.GetSpec()->ttd_airport_type : ATP_TTDP_LARGE;
417  case 0xF2: return (this->truck_stops != nullptr) ? this->truck_stops->status : 0;
418  case 0xF3: return (this->bus_stops != nullptr) ? this->bus_stops->status : 0;
419  case 0xF6: return this->airport.flags;
420  case 0xF7: return GB(this->airport.flags, 8, 8);
421  }
423  /* Handle cargo variables with parameter, 0x60 to 0x65 and 0x69 */
424  if ((variable >= 0x60 && variable <= 0x65) || variable == 0x69) {
425  CargoID c = GetCargoTranslation(parameter, object.grffile);
427  if (!IsValidCargoID(c)) {
428  switch (variable) {
429  case 0x62: return 0xFFFFFFFF;
430  case 0x64: return 0xFF00;
431  default: return 0;
432  }
433  }
434  const GoodsEntry *ge = &this->goods[c];
436  switch (variable) {
437  case 0x60: return std::min(ge->cargo.TotalCount(), 4095u);
438  case 0x61: return ge->HasVehicleEverTriedLoading() ? ge->time_since_pickup : 0;
439  case 0x62: return ge->HasRating() ? ge->rating : 0xFFFFFFFF;
440  case 0x63: return ge->cargo.PeriodsInTransit();
441  case 0x64: return ge->HasVehicleEverTriedLoading() ? ge->last_speed | (ge->last_age << 8) : 0xFF00;
442  case 0x65: return GB(ge->status, GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTANCE, 1) << 3;
443  case 0x69: {
444  static_assert((int)GoodsEntry::GES_EVER_ACCEPTED + 1 == (int)GoodsEntry::GES_LAST_MONTH);
445  static_assert((int)GoodsEntry::GES_EVER_ACCEPTED + 2 == (int)GoodsEntry::GES_CURRENT_MONTH);
446  static_assert((int)GoodsEntry::GES_EVER_ACCEPTED + 3 == (int)GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTED_BIGTICK);
447  return GB(ge->status, GoodsEntry::GES_EVER_ACCEPTED, 4);
448  }
449  }
450  }
452  /* Handle cargo variables (deprecated) */
453  if (variable >= 0x8C && variable <= 0xEC) {
454  const GoodsEntry *g = &this->goods[GB(variable - 0x8C, 3, 4)];
455  switch (GB(variable - 0x8C, 0, 3)) {
456  case 0: return g->cargo.TotalCount();
457  case 1: return GB(std::min(g->cargo.TotalCount(), 4095u), 0, 4) | (GB(g->status, GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTANCE, 1) << 7);
458  case 2: return g->time_since_pickup;
459  case 3: return g->rating;
460  case 4: return g->cargo.GetFirstStation();
461  case 5: return g->cargo.PeriodsInTransit();
462  case 6: return g->last_speed;
463  case 7: return g->last_age;
464  }
465  }
467  Debug(grf, 1, "Unhandled station variable 0x{:X}", variable);
469  available = false;
470  return UINT_MAX;
471 }
473 uint32_t Waypoint::GetNewGRFVariable(const ResolverObject &, uint8_t variable, [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t parameter, bool &available) const
474 {
475  switch (variable) {
476  case 0x48: return 0; // Accepted cargo types
477  case 0x8A: return HVOT_WAYPOINT;
478  case 0xF1: return 0; // airport type
479  case 0xF2: return 0; // truck stop status
480  case 0xF3: return 0; // bus stop status
481  case 0xF6: return 0; // airport flags
482  case 0xF7: return 0; // airport flags cont.
483  }
485  /* Handle cargo variables with parameter, 0x60 to 0x65 */
486  if (variable >= 0x60 && variable <= 0x65) {
487  return 0;
488  }
490  /* Handle cargo variables (deprecated) */
491  if (variable >= 0x8C && variable <= 0xEC) {
492  switch (GB(variable - 0x8C, 0, 3)) {
493  case 3: return INITIAL_STATION_RATING;
494  case 4: return INVALID_STATION;
495  default: return 0;
496  }
497  }
499  Debug(grf, 1, "Unhandled station variable 0x{:X}", variable);
501  available = false;
502  return UINT_MAX;
503 }
505 /* virtual */ const SpriteGroup *StationResolverObject::ResolveReal(const RealSpriteGroup *group) const
506 {
507  if (this-> == nullptr || !Station::IsExpected(this-> {
508  return group->loading[0];
509  }
511  uint cargo = 0;
512  const Station *st = Station::From(this->;
514  switch (this->station_scope.cargo_type) {
515  case INVALID_CARGO:
518  cargo = 0;
519  break;
522  for (const GoodsEntry &ge : st->goods) {
523  cargo += ge.cargo.TotalCount();
524  }
525  break;
527  default:
528  cargo = st->goods[this->station_scope.cargo_type].cargo.TotalCount();
529  break;
530  }
533  cargo = std::min(0xfffu, cargo);
535  if (cargo > this->station_scope.statspec->cargo_threshold) {
536  if (!group->loading.empty()) {
537  uint set = ((cargo - this->station_scope.statspec->cargo_threshold) * (uint)group->loading.size()) / (4096 - this->station_scope.statspec->cargo_threshold);
538  return group->loading[set];
539  }
540  } else {
541  if (!group->loaded.empty()) {
542  uint set = (cargo * (uint)group->loaded.size()) / (this->station_scope.statspec->cargo_threshold + 1);
543  return group->loaded[set];
544  }
545  }
547  return group->loading[0];
548 }
551 {
552  return GSF_STATIONS;
553 }
556 {
557  return this->station_scope.statspec->grf_prop.local_id;
558 }
570  CallbackID callback, uint32_t callback_param1, uint32_t callback_param2)
571  : ResolverObject(statspec->grf_prop.grffile, callback, callback_param1, callback_param2),
572  station_scope(*this, statspec, base_station, tile)
573 {
574  /* Invalidate all cached vars */
575  _svc.valid = 0;
579  if (this-> == nullptr) {
580  /* No station, so we are in a purchase list */
582  } else if (Station::IsExpected(this-> {
583  const Station *st = Station::From(this->;
584  /* Pick the first cargo that we have waiting */
585  for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::Iterate()) {
586  if (this->station_scope.statspec->grf_prop.spritegroup[cs->Index()] != nullptr &&
587  st->goods[cs->Index()].cargo.TotalCount() > 0) {
588  ctype = cs->Index();
589  break;
590  }
591  }
592  }
594  if (this->station_scope.statspec->grf_prop.spritegroup[ctype] == nullptr) {
596  }
598  /* Remember the cargo type we've picked */
599  this->station_scope.cargo_type = ctype;
601 }
611 SpriteID GetCustomStationRelocation(const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, uint32_t var10)
612 {
613  StationResolverObject object(statspec, st, tile, CBID_NO_CALLBACK, var10);
614  const SpriteGroup *group = object.Resolve();
615  if (group == nullptr || group->type != SGT_RESULT) return 0;
616  return group->GetResult() - 0x42D;
617 }
628 SpriteID GetCustomStationFoundationRelocation(const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, uint layout, uint edge_info)
629 {
630  /* callback_param1 == 2 means we are resolving the foundation sprites. */
631  StationResolverObject object(statspec, st, tile, CBID_NO_CALLBACK, 2, layout | (edge_info << 16));
633  const SpriteGroup *group = object.Resolve();
634  if (group == nullptr || group->type != SGT_RESULT) return 0;
636  /* Note: SpriteGroup::Resolve zeroes all registers, so register 0x100 is initialised to 0. (compatibility) */
637  return group->GetResult() + GetRegister(0x100);
638 }
641 uint16_t GetStationCallback(CallbackID callback, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2, const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile)
642 {
643  StationResolverObject object(statspec, st, tile, callback, param1, param2);
644  return object.ResolveCallback();
645 }
657 CommandCost PerformStationTileSlopeCheck(TileIndex north_tile, TileIndex cur_tile, const StationSpec *statspec, Axis axis, uint8_t plat_len, uint8_t numtracks)
658 {
659  TileIndex diff = cur_tile - north_tile;
660  Slope slope = GetTileSlope(cur_tile);
662  StationResolverObject object(statspec, nullptr, cur_tile, CBID_STATION_LAND_SLOPE_CHECK,
663  (slope << 4) | (slope ^ (axis == AXIS_Y && HasBit(slope, CORNER_W) != HasBit(slope, CORNER_E) ? SLOPE_EW : 0)),
664  (numtracks << 24) | (plat_len << 16) | (axis == AXIS_Y ? TileX(diff) << 8 | TileY(diff) : TileY(diff) << 8 | TileX(diff)));
665  object.station_scope.axis = axis;
667  uint16_t cb_res = object.ResolveCallback();
669  /* Failed callback means success. */
670  if (cb_res == CALLBACK_FAILED) return CommandCost();
672  /* The meaning of bit 10 is inverted for a grf version < 8. */
673  if (statspec->grf_prop.grffile->grf_version < 8) ToggleBit(cb_res, 10);
674  return GetErrorMessageFromLocationCallbackResult(cb_res, statspec->grf_prop.grffile, STR_ERROR_LAND_SLOPED_IN_WRONG_DIRECTION);
675 }
685 int AllocateSpecToStation(const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, bool exec)
686 {
687  uint i;
689  if (statspec == nullptr || st == nullptr) return 0;
691  for (i = 1; i < st->speclist.size() && i < NUM_STATIONSSPECS_PER_STATION; i++) {
692  if (st->speclist[i].spec == nullptr && st->speclist[i].grfid == 0) break;
693  }
696  /* As final effort when the spec list is already full...
697  * try to find the same spec and return that one. This might
698  * result in slightly "wrong" (as per specs) looking stations,
699  * but it's fairly unlikely that one reaches the limit anyways.
700  */
701  for (i = 1; i < st->speclist.size() && i < NUM_STATIONSSPECS_PER_STATION; i++) {
702  if (st->speclist[i].spec == statspec) return i;
703  }
705  return -1;
706  }
708  if (exec) {
709  if (i >= st->speclist.size()) st->speclist.resize(i + 1);
710  st->speclist[i].spec = statspec;
711  st->speclist[i].grfid = statspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid;
712  st->speclist[i].localidx = statspec->grf_prop.local_id;
715  }
717  return i;
718 }
727 void DeallocateSpecFromStation(BaseStation *st, uint8_t specindex)
728 {
729  /* specindex of 0 (default) is never freeable */
730  if (specindex == 0) return;
732  ETileArea area = ETileArea(st, INVALID_TILE, TA_WHOLE);
733  /* Check all tiles over the station to check if the specindex is still in use */
734  for (TileIndex tile : area) {
735  if (st->TileBelongsToRailStation(tile) && GetCustomStationSpecIndex(tile) == specindex) {
736  return;
737  }
738  }
740  /* This specindex is no longer in use, so deallocate it */
741  st->speclist[specindex].spec = nullptr;
742  st->speclist[specindex].grfid = 0;
743  st->speclist[specindex].localidx = 0;
745  /* If this was the highest spec index, reallocate */
746  if (specindex == st->speclist.size() - 1) {
747  size_t num_specs;
748  for (num_specs = st->speclist.size() - 1; num_specs > 0; num_specs--) {
749  if (st->speclist[num_specs].grfid != 0) break;
750  }
752  if (num_specs > 0) {
753  st->speclist.resize(num_specs + 1);
754  } else {
755  st->speclist.clear();
756  st->cached_anim_triggers = 0;
757  st->cached_cargo_triggers = 0;
758  return;
759  }
760  }
763 }
775 bool DrawStationTile(int x, int y, RailType railtype, Axis axis, StationClassID sclass, uint station)
776 {
777  const DrawTileSprites *sprites = nullptr;
778  const RailTypeInfo *rti = GetRailTypeInfo(railtype);
779  PaletteID palette = COMPANY_SPRITE_COLOUR(_local_company);
780  uint tile = 2;
782  const StationSpec *statspec = StationClass::Get(sclass)->GetSpec(station);
783  if (statspec == nullptr) return false;
786  uint16_t callback = GetStationCallback(CBID_STATION_DRAW_TILE_LAYOUT, 0, 0, statspec, nullptr, INVALID_TILE);
787  if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) tile = callback & ~1;
788  }
790  uint32_t total_offset = rti->GetRailtypeSpriteOffset();
791  uint32_t relocation = 0;
792  uint32_t ground_relocation = 0;
793  const NewGRFSpriteLayout *layout = nullptr;
794  DrawTileSprites tmp_rail_layout;
796  if (statspec->renderdata.empty()) {
797  sprites = GetStationTileLayout(STATION_RAIL, tile + axis);
798  } else {
799  layout = &statspec->renderdata[(tile < statspec->renderdata.size()) ? tile + axis : (uint)axis];
800  if (!layout->NeedsPreprocessing()) {
801  sprites = layout;
802  layout = nullptr;
803  }
804  }
806  if (layout != nullptr) {
807  /* Sprite layout which needs preprocessing */
808  bool separate_ground = HasBit(statspec->flags, SSF_SEPARATE_GROUND);
809  uint32_t var10_values = layout->PrepareLayout(total_offset, rti->fallback_railtype, 0, 0, separate_ground);
810  for (uint8_t var10 : SetBitIterator(var10_values)) {
811  uint32_t var10_relocation = GetCustomStationRelocation(statspec, nullptr, INVALID_TILE, var10);
812  layout->ProcessRegisters(var10, var10_relocation, separate_ground);
813  }
815  tmp_rail_layout.seq = layout->GetLayout(&tmp_rail_layout.ground);
816  sprites = &tmp_rail_layout;
817  total_offset = 0;
818  } else {
819  /* Simple sprite layout */
820  ground_relocation = relocation = GetCustomStationRelocation(statspec, nullptr, INVALID_TILE, 0);
822  ground_relocation = GetCustomStationRelocation(statspec, nullptr, INVALID_TILE, 1);
823  }
824  ground_relocation += rti->fallback_railtype;
825  }
827  SpriteID image = sprites->ground.sprite;
828  PaletteID pal = sprites->ground.pal;
829  RailTrackOffset overlay_offset;
830  if (rti->UsesOverlay() && SplitGroundSpriteForOverlay(nullptr, &image, &overlay_offset)) {
832  DrawSprite(image, PAL_NONE, x, y);
833  DrawSprite(ground + overlay_offset, PAL_NONE, x, y);
834  } else {
835  image += HasBit(image, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE) ? ground_relocation : total_offset;
836  if (HasBit(pal, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE)) pal += ground_relocation;
837  DrawSprite(image, GroundSpritePaletteTransform(image, pal, palette), x, y);
838  }
840  DrawRailTileSeqInGUI(x, y, sprites, total_offset, relocation, palette);
842  return true;
843 }
846 const StationSpec *GetStationSpec(TileIndex t)
847 {
848  if (!IsCustomStationSpecIndex(t)) return nullptr;
850  const BaseStation *st = BaseStation::GetByTile(t);
851  uint specindex = GetCustomStationSpecIndex(t);
852  return specindex < st->speclist.size() ? st->speclist[specindex].spec : nullptr;
853 }
856 uint16_t GetAnimStationCallback(CallbackID callback, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2, const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, int)
857 {
858  return GetStationCallback(callback, param1, param2, statspec, st, tile);
859 }
863  static const CallbackID cb_animation_speed = CBID_STATION_ANIMATION_SPEED;
864  static const CallbackID cb_animation_next_frame = CBID_STATION_ANIM_NEXT_FRAME;
866  static const StationCallbackMask cbm_animation_speed = CBM_STATION_ANIMATION_SPEED;
867  static const StationCallbackMask cbm_animation_next_frame = CBM_STATION_ANIMATION_NEXT_FRAME;
868 };
870 void AnimateStationTile(TileIndex tile)
871 {
872  const StationSpec *ss = GetStationSpec(tile);
873  if (ss == nullptr) return;
876 }
878 void TriggerStationAnimation(BaseStation *st, TileIndex trigger_tile, StationAnimationTrigger trigger, CargoID cargo_type)
879 {
880  /* List of coverage areas for each animation trigger */
881  static const TriggerArea tas[] = {
883  };
885  /* Get Station if it wasn't supplied */
886  if (st == nullptr) st = BaseStation::GetByTile(trigger_tile);
888  /* Check the cached animation trigger bitmask to see if we need
889  * to bother with any further processing. */
890  if (!HasBit(st->cached_anim_triggers, trigger)) return;
892  uint16_t random_bits = Random();
893  ETileArea area = ETileArea(st, trigger_tile, tas[trigger]);
895  /* Check all tiles over the station to check if the specindex is still in use */
896  for (TileIndex tile : area) {
897  if (st->TileBelongsToRailStation(tile)) {
898  const StationSpec *ss = GetStationSpec(tile);
899  if (ss != nullptr && HasBit(ss->animation.triggers, trigger)) {
900  CargoID cargo;
901  if (!IsValidCargoID(cargo_type)) {
902  cargo = INVALID_CARGO;
903  } else {
904  cargo = ss->grf_prop.grffile->cargo_map[cargo_type];
905  }
906  StationAnimationBase::ChangeAnimationFrame(CBID_STATION_ANIM_START_STOP, ss, st, tile, (random_bits << 16) | GB(Random(), 0, 16), (uint8_t)trigger | (cargo << 8));
907  }
908  }
909  }
910 }
919 void TriggerStationRandomisation(Station *st, TileIndex trigger_tile, StationRandomTrigger trigger, CargoID cargo_type)
920 {
921  /* List of coverage areas for each animation trigger */
922  static const TriggerArea tas[] = {
924  };
926  /* Get Station if it wasn't supplied */
927  if (st == nullptr) st = Station::GetByTile(trigger_tile);
929  /* Check the cached cargo trigger bitmask to see if we need
930  * to bother with any further processing. */
931  if (st->cached_cargo_triggers == 0) return;
932  if (IsValidCargoID(cargo_type) && !HasBit(st->cached_cargo_triggers, cargo_type)) return;
934  uint32_t whole_reseed = 0;
935  ETileArea area = ETileArea(st, trigger_tile, tas[trigger]);
937  /* Bitmask of completely empty cargo types to be matched. */
938  CargoTypes empty_mask = (trigger == SRT_CARGO_TAKEN) ? GetEmptyMask(st) : 0;
940  /* Store triggers now for var 5F */
941  SetBit(st->waiting_triggers, trigger);
942  uint32_t used_triggers = 0;
944  /* Check all tiles over the station to check if the specindex is still in use */
945  for (TileIndex tile : area) {
946  if (st->TileBelongsToRailStation(tile)) {
947  const StationSpec *ss = GetStationSpec(tile);
948  if (ss == nullptr) continue;
950  /* Cargo taken "will only be triggered if all of those
951  * cargo types have no more cargo waiting." */
952  if (trigger == SRT_CARGO_TAKEN) {
953  if ((ss->cargo_triggers & ~empty_mask) != 0) continue;
954  }
956  if (!IsValidCargoID(cargo_type) || HasBit(ss->cargo_triggers, cargo_type)) {
957  StationResolverObject object(ss, st, tile, CBID_RANDOM_TRIGGER, 0);
958  object.waiting_triggers = st->waiting_triggers;
960  const SpriteGroup *group = object.Resolve();
961  if (group == nullptr) continue;
963  used_triggers |= object.used_triggers;
965  uint32_t reseed = object.GetReseedSum();
966  if (reseed != 0) {
967  whole_reseed |= reseed;
968  reseed >>= 16;
970  /* Set individual tile random bits */
971  uint8_t random_bits = GetStationTileRandomBits(tile);
972  random_bits &= ~reseed;
973  random_bits |= Random() & reseed;
974  SetStationTileRandomBits(tile, random_bits);
976  MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile);
977  }
978  }
979  }
980  }
982  /* Update whole station random bits */
983  st->waiting_triggers &= ~used_triggers;
984  if ((whole_reseed & 0xFFFF) != 0) {
985  st->random_bits &= ~whole_reseed;
986  st->random_bits |= Random() & whole_reseed;
987  }
988 }
995 {
996  st->cached_anim_triggers = 0;
997  st->cached_cargo_triggers = 0;
999  /* Combine animation trigger bitmask for all station specs
1000  * of this station. */
1001  for (const auto &sm : GetStationSpecList<StationSpec>(st)) {
1002  if (sm.spec == nullptr) continue;
1003  st->cached_anim_triggers |= sm.spec->animation.triggers;
1004  st->cached_cargo_triggers |= sm.spec->cargo_triggers;
1005  }
1006 }
constexpr debug_inline bool HasBit(const T x, const uint8_t y)
Checks if a bit in a value is set.
constexpr T SB(T &x, const uint8_t s, const uint8_t n, const U d)
Set n bits in x starting at bit s to d.
constexpr T SetBit(T &x, const uint8_t y)
Set a bit in a variable.
constexpr static debug_inline uint GB(const T x, const uint8_t s, const uint8_t n)
Fetch n bits from x, started at bit s.
constexpr T ToggleBit(T &x, const uint8_t y)
Toggles a bit in a variable.
uint8_t CargoID
Cargo slots to indicate a cargo type within a game.
Definition: cargo_type.h:22
bool IsValidCargoID(CargoID t)
Test whether cargo type is not INVALID_CARGO.
Definition: cargo_type.h:107
uint PeriodsInTransit() const
Returns average number of cargo aging periods in transit for a cargo entity.
Definition: cargopacket.h:338
Common return value for all commands.
Definition: command_type.h:23
Struct containing information relating to NewGRF classes for stations and airports.
Definition: newgrf_class.h:26
StringID name
Name of this class.
Definition: newgrf_class.h:49
bool IsUIAvailable(uint index) const
Check whether the spec will be available to the user at some point in time.
void Insert(Tspec *spec)
Insert a spec into the class, and update its index.
static NewGRFClass * Get(Tindex class_index)
Get a particular class.
static Tindex Allocate(uint32_t global_id)
Allocate a class with a given global class ID.
static void InsertDefaults()
Initialise the defaults.
const Tspec * GetSpec(uint index) const
Get a spec from the class at a given index.
This struct contains all the info that is needed to draw and construct tracks.
Definition: rail.h:127
uint8_t fallback_railtype
Original railtype number to use when drawing non-newgrf railtypes, or when drawing stations.
Definition: rail.h:201
uint GetRailtypeSpriteOffset() const
Offset between the current railtype and normal rail.
Definition: rail.h:295
uint TotalCount() const
Returns total count of cargo at the station, including cargo which is already reserved for loading.
Definition: cargopacket.h:607
StationID GetFirstStation() const
Returns first station of the first cargo packet in this list.
Definition: cargopacket.h:578
static Date date
Current date in days (day counter).
static constexpr TimerGame< struct Calendar >::Date DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR
The date of the first day of the original base year.
CompanyID _local_company
Company controlled by the human player at this client. Can also be COMPANY_SPECTATOR.
Definition: company_cmd.cpp:52
CompanyID _current_company
Company currently doing an action.
Definition: company_cmd.cpp:53
Functions related to companies.
Functions related to debugging.
#define Debug(category, level, format_string,...)
Ouptut a line of debugging information.
Definition: debug.h:37
Defines the 8 directions on the map.
Allow incrementing of DiagDirDiff variables.
Flag for an invalid Axis.
The X axis.
The y axis.
Enumeration for diagonal directions.
Northeast, upper right on your monitor.
void DrawSprite(SpriteID img, PaletteID pal, int x, int y, const SubSprite *sub, ZoomLevel zoom)
Draw a sprite, not in a viewport.
Definition: gfx.cpp:988
uint32_t SpriteID
The number of a sprite, without mapping bits and colourtables.
Definition: gfx_type.h:18
uint32_t PaletteID
The number of the palette.
Definition: gfx_type.h:19
void MarkTileDirtyByTile(TileIndex tile, int bridge_level_offset, int tile_height_override)
Mark a tile given by its index dirty for repaint.
Definition: viewport.cpp:2057
TrackStatus GetTileTrackStatus(TileIndex tile, TransportType mode, uint sub_mode, DiagDirection side)
Returns information about trackdirs and signal states.
Definition: landscape.cpp:554
TileIndexDiff TileDiffXY(int x, int y)
Calculates an offset for the given coordinate(-offset).
Definition: map_func.h:389
TileIndexDiff TileOffsByAxis(Axis axis)
Convert an Axis to a TileIndexDiff.
Definition: map_func.h:552
constexpr TileIndex TileAdd(TileIndex tile, TileIndexDiff offset)
Adds a given offset to a tile.
Definition: map_func.h:454
TileIndexDiff TileOffsByDir(Direction dir)
Convert a Direction to a TileIndexDiff.
Definition: map_func.h:581
static debug_inline uint TileY(TileIndex tile)
Get the Y component of a tile.
Definition: map_func.h:425
static debug_inline uint TileX(TileIndex tile)
Get the X component of a tile.
Definition: map_func.h:415
int32_t TileIndexDiff
An offset value between two tiles.
Definition: map_type.h:23
constexpr T Clamp(const T a, const T min, const T max)
Clamp a value between an interval.
Definition: math_func.hpp:79
constexpr void Swap(T &a, T &b)
Type safe swap operation.
Definition: math_func.hpp:283
static constexpr CargoID SG_DEFAULT
Default type used when no more-specific cargo matches.
Definition: newgrf_cargo.h:23
static constexpr CargoID SG_PURCHASE
Used in purchase lists before an item exists.
Definition: newgrf_cargo.h:24
static constexpr CargoID SG_DEFAULT_NA
Used only by stations and roads when no more-specific cargo matches.
Definition: newgrf_cargo.h:25
Definition: newgrf.h:67
Same as AT_LARGE.
Function implementations related to NewGRF animation.
Animation triggers for station.
Callback masks for stations.
Use callback to select a tile layout to use when drawing.
Customize the animation speed of the station.
Use a custom next frame callback.
List of implemented NewGRF callbacks.
Choose a tile layout to draw, instead of the standard range.
Set when using the callback resolve system, but not to resolve a callback.
Called to indicate how long the current animation frame should last.
Set when calling a randomizing trigger (almost undocumented).
Called for periodically starting or stopping the animation.
Callback done for each tile of a station to check the slope.
Called to determine station tile next animation frame.
static const uint CALLBACK_FAILED
Different values for Callback result evaluations.
CargoID GetCargoTranslation(uint8_t cargo, const GRFFile *grffile, bool usebit)
Translate a GRF-local cargo slot/bitnum into a CargoID.
Cargo support for NewGRFs.
Implementation of the NewGRF class' functions.
CommandCost GetErrorMessageFromLocationCallbackResult(uint16_t cb_res, const GRFFile *grffile, StringID default_error)
Get the error message from a shape/location/slope check callback result.
uint32_t GetCompanyInfo(CompanyID owner, const Livery *l)
Returns company information like in vehicle var 43 or station var 43.
uint32_t GetNearbyTileInformation(TileIndex tile, bool grf_version8)
Common part of station var 0x67, house var 0x62, indtile var 0x60, industry var 0x62.
uint32_t GetTerrainType(TileIndex tile, TileContext context)
Function used by houses (and soon industries) to get information on type of "terrain" the tile it is ...
TileIndex GetNearbyTile(uint8_t parameter, TileIndex tile, bool signed_offsets, Axis axis)
Get the tile at the given offset.
uint8_t GetReverseRailTypeTranslation(RailType railtype, const GRFFile *grffile)
Perform a reverse railtype lookup to get the GRF internal ID.
SpriteID GetCustomRailSprite(const RailTypeInfo *rti, TileIndex tile, RailTypeSpriteGroup rtsg, TileContext context, uint *num_results)
Get the sprite to draw for the given tile.
NewGRF handling of rail types.
Functions related to NewGRF provided sounds.
Action 2 handling.
uint32_t GetRegister(uint i)
Gets the value of a so-called newgrf "register".
int AllocateSpecToStation(const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, bool exec)
Allocate a StationSpec to a Station.
uint32_t GetPlatformInfo(Axis axis, uint8_t tile, int platforms, int length, int x, int y, bool centred)
Evaluate a tile's position within a station, and return the result in a bit-stuffed format.
static struct @18 _svc
Station variable cache This caches 'expensive' station variable lookups which iterate over several ti...
static TileIndex FindRailStationEnd(TileIndex tile, TileIndexDiff delta, bool check_type, bool check_axis)
Find the end of a railway station, from the tile, in the direction of delta.
SpriteID GetCustomStationRelocation(const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, uint32_t var10)
Resolve sprites for drawing a station tile.
void TriggerStationRandomisation(Station *st, TileIndex trigger_tile, StationRandomTrigger trigger, CargoID cargo_type)
Trigger station randomisation.
SpriteID GetCustomStationFoundationRelocation(const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, uint layout, uint edge_info)
Resolve the sprites for custom station foundations.
uint8_t valid
Bits indicating what variable is valid (for each bit, 0 is invalid, 1 is valid).
void StationUpdateCachedTriggers(BaseStation *st)
Update the cached animation trigger bitmask for a station.
bool DrawStationTile(int x, int y, RailType railtype, Axis axis, StationClassID sclass, uint station)
Draw representation of a station tile for GUI purposes.
void DeallocateSpecFromStation(BaseStation *st, uint8_t specindex)
Deallocate a StationSpec from a Station.
Maximum number of parts per station.
CommandCost PerformStationTileSlopeCheck(TileIndex north_tile, TileIndex cur_tile, const StationSpec *statspec, Axis axis, uint8_t plat_len, uint8_t numtracks)
Check the slope of a tile of a new station.
uint16_t GetAnimStationCallback(CallbackID callback, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2, const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, int)
Wrapper for animation control, see GetStationCallback.
Header file for NewGRF stations.
Use different sprite set for ground sprites.
Callback 141 needs random bits.
Divide cargo amount by station size.
Randomisation triggers for stations.
Trigger station when cargo is completely taken.
Functions to handle the town part of NewGRF towns.
Main group of ground images.
Definition: rail.h:52
const RailTypeInfo * GetRailTypeInfo(RailType railtype)
Returns a pointer to the Railtype information for a given railtype.
Definition: rail.h:307
Offsets for sprites within an overlay/underlay set.
Definition: rail.h:70
RailType GetRailType(Tile t)
Gets the rail type of the given tile.
Definition: rail_map.h:115
Enumeration for all possible railtypes.
Definition: rail_type.h:27
Base class for roadstops.
A number of safeguards to prevent using unsafe methods.
Enumeration for the slope-type.
Definition: slope_type.h:48
east and west corner are raised
Definition: slope_type.h:59
void DrawRailTileSeqInGUI(int x, int y, const DrawTileSprites *dts, int32_t total_offset, uint32_t newgrf_offset, PaletteID default_palette)
Draw tile sprite sequence in GUI with railroad specifics.
Definition: sprite.h:99
PaletteID GroundSpritePaletteTransform(SpriteID image, PaletteID pal, PaletteID default_pal)
Applies PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR to a palette entry of a ground sprite.
Definition: sprite.h:168
static constexpr uint8_t SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE
these masks change the colours of the palette for a sprite.
Definition: sprites.h:1545
Base classes/functions for stations.
CargoTypes GetEmptyMask(const Station *st)
Get a mask of the cargo types that are empty at the station.
CargoTypes GetAcceptanceMask(const Station *st)
Get a mask of the cargo types that the station accepts.
bool SplitGroundSpriteForOverlay(const TileInfo *ti, SpriteID *ground, RailTrackOffset *overlay_offset)
Check whether a sprite is a track sprite, which can be replaced by a non-track ground sprite and a ra...
const DrawTileSprites * GetStationTileLayout(StationType st, uint8_t gfx)
Get station tile layout for a station type and its station gfx.
StationGfx GetStationGfx(Tile t)
Get the station graphics of this tile.
Definition: station_map.h:68
bool IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(Tile test_tile, Tile station_tile)
Check if a tile is a valid continuation to a railstation tile.
Definition: station_map.h:544
uint8_t GetStationTileRandomBits(Tile t)
Get the random bits of a station tile.
Definition: station_map.h:702
bool IsRailStationTile(Tile t)
Is this tile a station tile and a rail station?
Definition: station_map.h:102
StationID GetStationIndex(Tile t)
Get StationID from a tile.
Definition: station_map.h:28
bool HasStationTileRail(Tile t)
Has this station tile a rail? In other words, is this station tile a rail station or rail waypoint?
Definition: station_map.h:146
uint GetCustomStationSpecIndex(Tile t)
Get the custom station spec for this tile.
Definition: station_map.h:642
void SetStationTileRandomBits(Tile t, uint8_t random_bits)
Set the random bits for a station tile.
Definition: station_map.h:690
Axis GetRailStationAxis(Tile t)
Get the rail direction of a rail station.
Definition: station_map.h:503
bool IsCustomStationSpecIndex(Tile t)
Is there a custom rail station spec on this tile?
Definition: station_map.h:618
bool HasStationRail(Tile t)
Has this station tile a rail? In other words, is this station tile a rail station or rail waypoint?
Definition: station_map.h:135
bool HasStationReservation(Tile t)
Get the reservation state of the rail station.
Definition: station_map.h:559
Station is a waypoint (NewGRF only!)
Definition: station_type.h:72
Definition of base types and functions in a cross-platform compatible way.
#define lengthof(array)
Return the length of an fixed size array.
Definition: stdafx.h:280
TTDPAirportType ttd_airport_type
ttdpatch airport type (Small/Large/Helipad/Oilrig)
uint64_t flags
stores which blocks on the airport are taken. was 16 bit earlier on, then 32
Definition: station_base.h:293
const AirportSpec * GetSpec() const
Get the AirportSpec that from the airport type of this airport.
Definition: station_base.h:305
Helper class for a unified approach to NewGRF animation.
static void AnimateTile(const StationSpec *spec, BaseStation *obj, TileIndex tile, bool random_animation, int extra_data=0)
Animate a single tile.
static void ChangeAnimationFrame(CallbackID cb, const StationSpec *spec, BaseStation *obj, TileIndex tile, uint32_t random_bits, uint32_t trigger, int extra_data=0)
Check a callback to determine what the next animation step is and execute that step.
uint16_t triggers
The triggers that trigger animation.
Base class for all station-ish types.
virtual uint32_t GetNewGRFVariable(const struct ResolverObject &object, uint8_t variable, uint8_t parameter, bool &available) const =0
Helper function to get a NewGRF variable that isn't implemented by the base class.
StationFacility facilities
The facilities that this station has.
StringID string_id
Default name (town area) of station.
std::vector< SpecMapping< StationSpec > > speclist
List of rail station specs of this station.
uint8_t cached_anim_triggers
NOSAVE: Combined animation trigger bitmask, used to determine if trigger processing should happen.
TileArea train_station
Tile area the train 'station' part covers.
Owner owner
The owner of this station.
virtual void GetTileArea(TileArea *ta, StationType type) const =0
Get the tile area for a given station type.
Town * town
The town this station is associated with.
virtual bool TileBelongsToRailStation(TileIndex tile) const =0
Check whether a specific tile belongs to this station.
uint16_t random_bits
Random bits assigned to this station.
static BaseStation * GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
Get the base station belonging to a specific tile.
uint8_t waiting_triggers
Waiting triggers (NewGRF) for this station.
TimerGameCalendar::Date build_date
Date of construction.
CargoTypes cached_cargo_triggers
NOSAVE: Combined cargo trigger bitmask.
Specification of a cargo type.
Definition: cargotype.h:71
static IterateWrapper Iterate(size_t from=0)
Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid CargoSpec.
Definition: cargotype.h:190
Ground palette sprite of a tile, together with its sprite layout.
Definition: sprite.h:58
const DrawTileSeqStruct * seq
Array of child sprites. Terminated with a terminator entry.
Definition: sprite.h:60
PalSpriteID ground
Palette and sprite for the ground.
Definition: sprite.h:59
uint16_t local_id
id defined by the grf file for this entity
const struct GRFFile * grffile
grf file that introduced this entity
std::array< const struct SpriteGroup *, Tcnt > spritegroup
pointers to the different sprites of the entity
std::array< uint8_t, NUM_CARGO > cargo_map
Inverse cargo translation table (CargoID -> local ID)
Definition: newgrf.h:131
Stores station stats for a single cargo.
Definition: station_base.h:166
bool HasRating() const
Does this cargo have a rating at this station?
Definition: station_base.h:258
Set when the station accepts the cargo currently for final deliveries.
Definition: station_base.h:173
Set when cargo was delivered for final delivery last month.
Definition: station_base.h:195
Set when cargo was delivered for final delivery this month.
Definition: station_base.h:201
Set when a vehicle ever delivered cargo to the station for final delivery.
Definition: station_base.h:189
Set when cargo was delivered for final delivery during the current STATION_ACCEPTANCE_TICKS interval.
Definition: station_base.h:207
uint8_t last_speed
Maximum speed (up to 255) of the last vehicle that tried to load this cargo.
Definition: station_base.h:237
uint8_t last_age
Age in years (up to 255) of the last vehicle that tried to load this cargo.
Definition: station_base.h:243
uint8_t time_since_pickup
Number of rating-intervals (up to 255) since the last vehicle tried to load this cargo.
Definition: station_base.h:224
StationCargoList cargo
The cargo packets of cargo waiting in this station.
Definition: station_base.h:210
bool HasVehicleEverTriedLoading() const
Reports whether a vehicle has ever tried to load the cargo at this station.
Definition: station_base.h:252
uint8_t rating
Station rating for this cargo.
Definition: station_base.h:226
uint8_t status
Status of this cargo, see GoodsEntryStatus.
Definition: station_base.h:217
NewGRF supplied spritelayout.
uint32_t PrepareLayout(uint32_t orig_offset, uint32_t newgrf_ground_offset, uint32_t newgrf_offset, uint constr_stage, bool separate_ground) const
Prepares a sprite layout before resolving action-1-2-3 chains.
void ProcessRegisters(uint8_t resolved_var10, uint32_t resolved_sprite, bool separate_ground) const
Evaluates the register modifiers and integrates them into the preprocessed sprite layout.
bool NeedsPreprocessing() const
Tests whether this spritelayout needs preprocessing by PrepareLayout() and ProcessRegisters(),...
const DrawTileSeqStruct * GetLayout(PalSpriteID *ground) const
Returns the result spritelayout after preprocessing.
Represents the covered area of e.g.
Definition: tilearea_type.h:18
uint16_t w
The width of the area.
Definition: tilearea_type.h:20
TileIndex tile
The base tile of the area.
Definition: tilearea_type.h:19
uint16_t h
The height of the area.
Definition: tilearea_type.h:21
SpriteID sprite
The 'real' sprite.
Definition: gfx_type.h:24
PaletteID pal
The palette (use PAL_NONE) if not needed)
Definition: gfx_type.h:25
std::vector< const SpriteGroup * > loaded
List of loaded groups (can be SpriteIDs or Callback results)
std::vector< const SpriteGroup * > loading
List of loading groups (can be SpriteIDs or Callback results)
Interface for SpriteGroup-s to access the gamestate.
const GRFFile * grffile
GRFFile the resolved SpriteGroup belongs to.
const SpriteGroup * root_spritegroup
Root SpriteGroup to use for resolving.
uint8_t status
Current status of the Stop,.
Definition: roadstop_base.h:68
ResolverObject & ro
Surrounding resolver object.
Iterable ensemble of each set bit in a value.
static bool IsExpected(const BaseStation *st)
Helper for checking whether the given station is of this type.
static Station * GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
Get the station belonging to a specific tile.
static Station * From(BaseStation *st)
Converts a BaseStation to SpecializedStation with type checking.
virtual const SpriteGroup * Resolve([[maybe_unused]] ResolverObject &object) const
Base sprite group resolver.
Helper class for animation control.
Station resolver.
StationScopeResolver station_scope
The station scope resolver.
uint32_t GetDebugID() const override
Get an identifier for the item being resolved.
TownScopeResolver * GetTown()
Get the town scope associated with a station, if it exists.
std::optional< TownScopeResolver > town_scope
The town scope resolver (created on the first call).
StationResolverObject(const StationSpec *statspec, BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile, CallbackID callback=CBID_NO_CALLBACK, uint32_t callback_param1=0, uint32_t callback_param2=0)
Resolver for stations.
const SpriteGroup * ResolveReal(const RealSpriteGroup *group) const override
Get the real sprites of the grf.
GrfSpecFeature GetFeature() const override
Get the feature number being resolved for.
uint32_t GetVariable(uint8_t variable, [[maybe_unused]] uint32_t parameter, bool &available) const override
Get a variable value.
struct BaseStation * st
Instance of the station.
uint32_t GetTriggers() const override
Get the triggers.
uint32_t GetRandomBits() const override
Get a few random bits.
const struct StationSpec * statspec
Station (type) specification.
Axis axis
Station axis, used only for the slope check callback.
TileIndex tile
Tile of the station.
CargoID cargo_type
Type of cargo of the station.
Station specification.
uint8_t callback_mask
Bitmask of station callbacks that have to be called.
uint8_t flags
Bitmask of flags, bit 0: use different sprite set; bit 1: divide cargo about by station size.
uint16_t cargo_threshold
Cargo threshold for choosing between little and lots of cargo.
GRFFilePropsBase< NUM_CARGO+3 > grf_prop
Properties related the the grf file.
CargoTypes cargo_triggers
Bitmask of cargo types which cause trigger re-randomizing.
std::vector< NewGRFSpriteLayout > renderdata
Number of tile layouts.
Station data structure.
Definition: station_base.h:439
RoadStop * bus_stops
All the road stops.
Definition: station_base.h:448
GoodsEntry goods[NUM_CARGO]
Goods at this station.
Definition: station_base.h:468
bool TileBelongsToRailStation(TileIndex tile) const override
Check whether a specific tile belongs to this station.
Definition: station_base.h:504
Airport airport
Tile area the airport covers.
Definition: station_base.h:453
RoadStop * truck_stops
All the truck stops.
Definition: station_base.h:450
Scope resolver for a town.
Definition: newgrf_town.h:22
Town data structure.
Definition: town.h:54
uint32_t GetNewGRFVariable(const struct ResolverObject &object, uint8_t variable, uint8_t parameter, bool &available) const override
Helper function to get a NewGRF variable that isn't implemented by the base class.
uint8_t GetAnimationFrame(Tile t)
Get the current animation frame.
Definition: tile_map.h:250
static debug_inline bool IsTileType(Tile tile, TileType type)
Checks if a tile is a given tiletype.
Definition: tile_map.h:150
Slope GetTileSlope(TileIndex tile)
Return the slope of a given tile inside the map.
Definition: tile_map.h:279
constexpr TileIndex INVALID_TILE
The very nice invalid tile marker.
Definition: tile_type.h:95
A tile of a station.
Definition: tile_type.h:53
Tunnel entry/exit and bridge heads.
Definition: tile_type.h:57
Definition of the game-calendar-timer.
Base of the town class.
Town * ClosestTownFromTile(TileIndex tile, uint threshold)
Return the town closest (in distance or ownership) to a given tile, within a given threshold.
Definition: town_cmd.cpp:3870
TrackBits DiagdirReachesTracks(DiagDirection diagdir)
Returns all tracks that can be reached when entering a tile from a given (diagonal) direction.
Definition: track_func.h:573
TrackBits TrackStatusToTrackBits(TrackStatus ts)
Returns the present-track-information of a TrackStatus.
Definition: track_func.h:363
Allow incrementing of Track variables.
Definition: track_type.h:35
No track.
Definition: track_type.h:36
Transport by train.
Functions that have tunnels and bridges in common.
DiagDirection GetTunnelBridgeDirection(Tile t)
Get the direction pointing to the other end.
Base of waypoints.