61 if (_airport_mngr.
GetGRFID(type) == 0)
return as;
85 if (!this->
return false;
86 if (TimerGameCalendar::year < this->
return false;
99 if (table >= this->
return false;
116 auto insert = std::copy(std::begin(_origin_airport_specs), std::end(_origin_airport_specs), std::begin(
134void AirportOverrideManager::SetEntitySpec(
AirportSpec *as)
139 GrfMsg(1,
"Airport.SetEntitySpec: Too many airports allocated. Ignoring.");
152 overridden_as->
enabled =
154 this->grfid_overrides[i] = 0;
161 case 0x40:
return this->
166 if (this->
st ==
nullptr) {
179 return this->
ro, variable, parameter, available);
204 if (this->
st ==
208 if (value == 0)
227 if (this->airport_scope.
st !=
nullptr) {
228 t = this->airport_scope.
232 if (t ==
return nullptr;
233 this->
this, t, this->airport_scope.
st ==
249 CallbackID callback, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2)
250 :
ResolverObject(spec->grf_prop.grffile, callback, param1, param2), airport_scope(*this, tile, st, spec, layout)
261 return group->GetResult();
267 return object.ResolveCallback();
280 uint16_t cb_res =
281 if (cb_res ==
CALLBACK_FAILED || cb_res == 0x400)
282 if (cb_res > 0x400) {
284 return STR_UNDEFINED;
Invalid airport.
Maximal number of airports in total.
Number of the first newgrf airport.
constexpr Tstorage base() const noexcept
Retrieve the raw value behind this bit set.
Struct containing information relating to NewGRF classes for stations and airports.
static void Assign(Tspec *spec)
Assign a spec to one of the classes.
StringID name
Name of this class.
bool IsUIAvailable(uint index) const
Check whether the spec will be available to the user at some point in time.
static NewGRFClass * Get(Tindex class_index)
Get a particular class.
static Tindex Allocate(uint32_t global_id)
Allocate a class with a given global class ID.
static void InsertDefaults()
Initialise the defaults.
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint16_t entity_id) const
Gives the GRFID of the file the entity belongs to.
uint16_t invalid_id
ID used to detected invalid entities.
void ResetOverride()
Resets the override, which is used while initializing game.
uint16_t GetSubstituteID(uint16_t entity_id) const
Gives the substitute of the entity, as specified by the grf file.
uint16_t max_offset
what is the length of the original entity's array of specs
virtual uint16_t AddEntityID(uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid, uint16_t substitute_id)
Reserves a place in the mapping array for an entity to be installed.
static Year year
Current year, starting at 0.
static constexpr TimerGame< struct Calendar >::Date DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR
The date of the first day of the original base year.
Functions related to debugging.
uint32_t SpriteID
The number of a sprite, without mapping bits and colourtables.
static debug_inline uint TileY(TileIndex tile)
Get the Y component of a tile.
static debug_inline uint TileX(TileIndex tile)
Get the X component of a tile.
constexpr void Swap(T &a, T &b)
Type safe swap operation.
void BindAirportSpecs()
Tie all airportspecs to their class.
StringID GetAirportTextCallback(const AirportSpec *as, uint8_t layout, uint16_t callback)
Get a custom text for the airport.
uint32_t GetBadgeVariableResult(const GRFFile &grffile, std::span< const BadgeID > badges, uint32_t parameter)
Test for a matching badge in a list of badges, returning the number of matching bits.
Functions related to NewGRF badges.
List of implemented NewGRF callbacks.
static const uint CALLBACK_FAILED
Different values for Callback result evaluations.
Implementation of the NewGRF class' functions.
void ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(uint32_t grfid, uint16_t cbid, uint16_t cb_res)
Record that a NewGRF returned an unknown/invalid callback result.
StringID GetGRFStringID(uint32_t grfid, GRFStringID stringid)
Returns the index for this stringid associated with its grfID.
Header of Action 04 "universal holder" structure and functions.
static constexpr GRFStringID GRFSTR_MISC_GRF_TEXT
Miscellaneous GRF text range.
A number of safeguards to prevent using unsafe methods.
GameSettings _settings_game
Game settings of a running game or the scenario editor.
Base classes/functions for stations.
Definition of base types and functions in a cross-platform compatible way.
#define lengthof(array)
Return the length of an fixed size array.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
Resolver object for airports.
GrfSpecFeature GetFeature() const override
Get the feature number being resolved for.
AirportResolverObject(TileIndex tile, Station *st, const AirportSpec *spec, uint8_t layout, CallbackID callback=CBID_NO_CALLBACK, uint32_t callback_param1=0, uint32_t callback_param2=0)
Constructor of the airport resolver.
TownScopeResolver * GetTown()
Get the town scope associated with a station, if it exists.
uint32_t GetDebugID() const override
Get an identifier for the item being resolved.
std::optional< TownScopeResolver > town_scope
The town scope resolver (created on the first call).
uint32_t GetRandomBits() const override
Get a few random bits.
const AirportSpec * spec
AirportSpec for which the callback is run.
uint8_t layout
Layout of the airport to build.
void StorePSA(uint pos, int32_t value) override
Store a value into the object's persistent storage.
TileIndex tile
Tile for the callback, only valid for airporttile callbacks.
uint32_t GetVariable(uint8_t variable, uint32_t parameter, bool &available) const override
Get a variable value.
struct Station * st
Station of the airport for which the callback is run, or nullptr for build gui.
Defines the data structure for an airport.
SpriteID preview_sprite
preview sprite for this airport
TimerGameCalendar::Year min_year
first year the airport is available
static void ResetAirports()
This function initializes the airportspec array.
std::vector< AirportTileLayout > layouts
List of layouts composing the airport.
static AirportSpec specs[NUM_AIRPORTS]
Specs of the airports.
struct GRFFileProps grf_prop
Properties related to the grf file.
bool IsWithinMapBounds(uint8_t table, TileIndex index) const
Check if the airport would be within the map bounds at the given tile.
static AirportSpec * GetWithoutOverride(uint8_t type)
Retrieve airport spec for the given airport.
TimerGameCalendar::Year max_year
last year the airport is available
bool enabled
Entity still available (by default true). Newgrf can disable it, though.
uint8_t size_y
size of airport in y direction
uint8_t size_x
size of airport in x direction
static const AirportSpec * Get(uint8_t type)
Retrieve airport spec for the given airport.
bool IsAvailable() const
Check whether this airport is available to build.
uint8_t type
Type of this airport,.
PersistentStorage * psa
Persistent storage for NewGRF airports.
uint8_t layout
Airport layout number.
StationFacilities facilities
The facilities that this station has.
Town * town
The town this station is associated with.
uint16_t random_bits
Random bits assigned to this station.
TimerGameCalendar::Date build_date
Date of construction.
const struct SpriteGroup * GetSpriteGroup(size_t index=0) const
Get the SpriteGroup at the specified index.
uint16_t local_id
id defined by the grf file for this entity
uint32_t grfid
grfid that introduced this entity.
uint16_t override
id of the entity been replaced by
StationSettings station
settings related to station management
static uint SizeY()
Get the size of the map along the Y.
static debug_inline uint SizeX()
Get the size of the map along the X.
TileIndex tile
The base tile of the area.
TYPE GetValue(uint pos) const
Gets the value from a given position.
void StoreValue(uint pos, int32_t value)
Stores some value at a given position.
Class for pooled persistent storage of data.
static bool CanAllocateItem(size_t n=1)
Helper functions so we can use PoolItem::Function() instead of _poolitem_pool.Function()
Interface for SpriteGroup-s to access the gamestate.
const GRFFile * grffile
GRFFile the resolved SpriteGroup belongs to.
const SpriteGroup * root_spritegroup
Root SpriteGroup to use for resolving.
ResolverObject & ro
Surrounding resolver object.
virtual const SpriteGroup * Resolve(ResolverObject &object) const
Base sprite group resolver.
bool never_expire_airports
never expire airports
Airport airport
Tile area the airport covers.
Scope resolver for a town.
constexpr TileIndex INVALID_TILE
The very nice invalid tile marker.
Definition of the game-calendar-timer.
Town * ClosestTownFromTile(TileIndex tile, uint threshold)
Return the town closest (in distance or ownership) to a given tile, within a given threshold.