OpenTTD Source  20240915-master-g3784a3d3d6
map_func.h File Reference
#include "core/math_func.hpp"
#include "tile_type.h"
#include "map_type.h"
#include "direction_func.h"

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Data Structures

class  Tile
 Wrapper class to abstract away the way the tiles are stored. More...
struct  Tile::TileBase
 Data that is stored per tile. More...
struct  Tile::TileExtended
 Data that is stored per tile. More...
struct  Map
 Size related data of the map. More...
struct  Map::Iterator
 Iterator to iterate all Tiles. More...
struct  Map::IterateWrapper


#define RandomTile()   RandomTileSeed(Random())
 Get a valid random tile. More...


typedef int32_t TileIndexDiff
 An offset value between two tiles. More...
typedef bool TestTileOnSearchProc(TileIndex tile, void *user_data)
 A callback function type for searching tiles. More...


static debug_inline TileIndex TileXY (uint x, uint y)
 Returns the TileIndex of a coordinate. More...
TileIndexDiff TileDiffXY (int x, int y)
 Calculates an offset for the given coordinate(-offset). More...
static debug_inline TileIndex TileVirtXY (uint x, uint y)
 Get a tile from the virtual XY-coordinate. More...
static debug_inline uint TileX (TileIndex tile)
 Get the X component of a tile. More...
static debug_inline uint TileY (TileIndex tile)
 Get the Y component of a tile. More...
TileIndexDiff ToTileIndexDiff (TileIndexDiffC tidc)
 Return the offset between two tiles from a TileIndexDiffC struct. More...
constexpr TileIndex TileAdd (TileIndex tile, TileIndexDiff offset)
 Adds a given offset to a tile. More...
TileIndex TileAddXY (TileIndex tile, int x, int y)
 Adds a given offset to a tile. More...
TileIndex TileAddWrap (TileIndex tile, int addx, int addy)
 This function checks if we add addx/addy to tile, if we do wrap around the edges. More...
TileIndexDiffC TileIndexDiffCByDiagDir (DiagDirection dir)
 Returns the TileIndexDiffC offset from a DiagDirection. More...
TileIndexDiffC TileIndexDiffCByDir (Direction dir)
 Returns the TileIndexDiffC offset from a Direction. More...
TileIndex AddTileIndexDiffCWrap (TileIndex tile, TileIndexDiffC diff)
 Add a TileIndexDiffC to a TileIndex and returns the new one. More...
TileIndexDiffC TileIndexToTileIndexDiffC (TileIndex tile_a, TileIndex tile_b)
 Returns the diff between two tiles. More...
uint DistanceManhattan (TileIndex, TileIndex)
 also known as L1-Norm. Is the shortest distance one could go over diagonal tracks (or roads) More...
uint DistanceSquare (TileIndex, TileIndex)
 euclidian- or L2-Norm squared More...
uint DistanceMax (TileIndex, TileIndex)
 also known as L-Infinity-Norm More...
uint DistanceMaxPlusManhattan (TileIndex, TileIndex)
 Max + Manhattan. More...
uint DistanceFromEdge (TileIndex)
 shortest distance from any edge of the map More...
uint DistanceFromEdgeDir (TileIndex, DiagDirection)
 distance from the map edge in given direction More...
TileIndexDiff TileOffsByDiagDir (DiagDirection dir)
 Convert a DiagDirection to a TileIndexDiff. More...
TileIndexDiff TileOffsByDir (Direction dir)
 Convert a Direction to a TileIndexDiff. More...
TileIndex TileAddByDir (TileIndex tile, Direction dir)
 Adds a Direction to a tile. More...
TileIndex TileAddByDiagDir (TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir)
 Adds a DiagDir to a tile. More...
DiagDirection DiagdirBetweenTiles (TileIndex tile_from, TileIndex tile_to)
 Determines the DiagDirection to get from one tile to another. More...
bool CircularTileSearch (TileIndex *tile, uint size, TestTileOnSearchProc proc, void *user_data)
 Function performing a search around a center tile and going outward, thus in circle. More...
bool CircularTileSearch (TileIndex *tile, uint radius, uint w, uint h, TestTileOnSearchProc proc, void *user_data)
 Generalized circular search allowing for rectangles and a hole. More...
TileIndex RandomTileSeed (uint32_t r)
 Get a random tile out of a given seed. More...
uint GetClosestWaterDistance (TileIndex tile, bool water)
 Finds the distance for the closest tile with water/land given a tile. More...

Detailed Description

Functions related to maps.

Definition in file map_func.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ RandomTile

#define RandomTile ( )    RandomTileSeed(Random())

Get a valid random tile.

a define so 'random' gets inserted in the place where it is actually called, thus making the random traces more explicit.
a valid tile

Definition at line 659 of file map_func.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ TestTileOnSearchProc

typedef bool TestTileOnSearchProc(TileIndex tile, void *user_data)

A callback function type for searching tiles.

tileThe tile to test
user_dataadditional data for the callback function to use
A boolean value, depend on the definition of the function.

Definition at line 638 of file map_func.h.

◆ TileIndexDiff

typedef int32_t TileIndexDiff

An offset value between two tiles.

This value is used for the difference between two tiles. It can be added to a TileIndex to get the resulting TileIndex of the start tile applied with this saved difference.

See also
TileDiffXY(int, int)

Definition at line 376 of file map_func.h.

Function Documentation

◆ AddTileIndexDiffCWrap()

TileIndex AddTileIndexDiffCWrap ( TileIndex  tile,
TileIndexDiffC  diff 

Add a TileIndexDiffC to a TileIndex and returns the new one.

Returns tile + the diff given in diff. If the result tile would end up outside of the map, INVALID_TILE is returned instead.

tileThe base tile to add the offset on
diffThe offset to add on the tile
The resulting TileIndex

Definition at line 524 of file map_func.h.

Referenced by CalculateCoverageLine().

◆ CircularTileSearch() [1/2]

bool CircularTileSearch ( TileIndex tile,
uint  radius,
uint  w,
uint  h,
TestTileOnSearchProc  proc,
void *  user_data 

Generalized circular search allowing for rectangles and a hole.

Function performing a search around a center rectangle and going outward. The center rectangle is left out from the search. To do a rectangular search without a hole, set either h or w to zero. Every tile will be tested by means of the callback function proc, which will determine if yes or no the given tile meets criteria of search.

tileto start the search from. Upon completion, it will return the tile matching the search. This tile should be directly north of the hole (if any).
radiusHow many tiles to search outwards. Note: This is a radius and thus different from the size parameter of the other CircularTileSearch function, which is a diameter.
wthe width of the inner rectangle
hthe height of the inner rectangle
proccallback testing function pointer.
user_datato be passed to the callback function. Depends on the implementation
result of the search
proc != nullptr
radius > 0

Definition at line 279 of file map.cpp.

◆ CircularTileSearch() [2/2]

bool CircularTileSearch ( TileIndex tile,
uint  size,
TestTileOnSearchProc  proc,
void *  user_data 

Function performing a search around a center tile and going outward, thus in circle.

Although it really is a square search... Every tile will be tested by means of the callback function proc, which will determine if yes or no the given tile meets criteria of search.

tileto start the search from. Upon completion, it will return the tile matching the search
sizenumber of tiles per side of the desired search area
proccallback testing function pointer.
user_datato be passed to the callback function. Depends on the implementation
result of the search
proc != nullptr
size > 0

Definition at line 241 of file map.cpp.

References CircularTileSearch(), DIR_N, and TileAddByDir().

Referenced by ChopLumberMillTrees(), CircularTileSearch(), CreateRivers(), FindNearestGoodCoastalTownSpot(), GetDistanceFromNearbyHouse(), GrowTownWithBridge(), TownActionBuildStatue(), and TryBuildTransmitter().

◆ DiagdirBetweenTiles()

DiagDirection DiagdirBetweenTiles ( TileIndex  tile_from,
TileIndex  tile_to 

Determines the DiagDirection to get from one tile to another.

The tiles do not necessarily have to be adjacent.

tile_fromOrigin tile
tile_toDestination tile
DiagDirection from tile_from towards tile_to, or INVALID_DIAGDIR if the tiles are not on an axis

Definition at line 618 of file map_func.h.


Referenced by TrainController().

◆ DistanceFromEdge()

uint DistanceFromEdge ( TileIndex  tile)

shortest distance from any edge of the map

shortest distance from any edge of the map

tilethe tile to get the distance from
the distance from the edge in tiles

Definition at line 200 of file map.cpp.

References Map::SizeX(), Map::SizeY(), TileX(), and TileY().

Referenced by GrowTownWithExtraHouse(), IsRoadAllowedHere(), and TownCanBePlacedHere().

◆ DistanceFromEdgeDir()

uint DistanceFromEdgeDir ( TileIndex  tile,
DiagDirection  dir 

distance from the map edge in given direction

distance from the map edge in given direction

tilethe tile to get the distance from
dirthe direction of interest
the distance from the edge in tiles

Definition at line 217 of file map.cpp.

References _settings_game, GameSettings::construction, DIAGDIR_NE, DIAGDIR_NW, DIAGDIR_SE, DIAGDIR_SW, ConstructionSettings::freeform_edges, Map::MaxX(), Map::MaxY(), TileX(), and TileY().

Referenced by CheckScaledDistanceFromEdge(), and GetOtherAqueductEnd().

◆ DistanceManhattan()

uint DistanceManhattan ( TileIndex  t0,
TileIndex  t1 

also known as L1-Norm. Is the shortest distance one could go over diagonal tracks (or roads)

also known as L1-Norm. Is the shortest distance one could go over diagonal tracks (or roads)

The Manhattan distance is the sum of the delta of both the X and Y component. Also known as L1-Norm

t0the start tile
t1the end tile
the distance

Definition at line 140 of file map.cpp.

References Delta(), TileX(), and TileY().

Referenced by AirportGetNearestTown(), CheckSubsidyDistance(), DeleteStaleLinks(), FindDeletedWaypointCloseTo(), FindSubsidyPassengerRoute(), FlowRiver(), FlowsDown(), GetClosestObject(), CargoPacket::GetDistance(), GetDistanceFromNearbyHouse(), IndustriesScopeResolver::GetVariable(), ObjectScopeResolver::GetVariable(), VpSetPresizeRange(), and YapfTrainCheckReverse().

◆ DistanceMax()

uint DistanceMax ( TileIndex  t0,
TileIndex  t1 

also known as L-Infinity-Norm

also known as L-Infinity-Norm

Also known as L-Infinity-Norm.

t0the start tile
t1the end tile
the distance

Definition at line 172 of file map.cpp.

References Delta(), TileX(), and TileY().

Referenced by Station::AddIndustryToDeliver(), CheckIfFarEnoughFromConflictingIndustry(), and CheckIfIndustryIsAllowed().

◆ DistanceMaxPlusManhattan()

uint DistanceMaxPlusManhattan ( TileIndex  t0,
TileIndex  t1 

Max + Manhattan.

Max + Manhattan.

two times the biggest distance component and once the smallest component.

t0the start tile
t1the end tile
the distance

Definition at line 188 of file map.cpp.

References Delta(), TileX(), and TileY().

Referenced by DemandCalculator::CalcDemand().

◆ DistanceSquare()

uint DistanceSquare ( TileIndex  t0,
TileIndex  t1 

euclidian- or L2-Norm squared

euclidian- or L2-Norm squared

The 'Square' distance is the square of the shortest (straight line) distance between the two tiles. Also known as euclidian- or L2-Norm squared.

t0the start tile
t1the end tile
the distance

Definition at line 157 of file map.cpp.

References TileX(), and TileY().

Referenced by CmdBuildBridge(), CmdBuildTunnel(), GetTownRadiusGroup(), IndustriesScopeResolver::GetVariable(), and ObjectScopeResolver::GetVariable().

◆ GetClosestWaterDistance()

uint GetClosestWaterDistance ( TileIndex  tile,
bool  water 

Finds the distance for the closest tile with water/land given a tile.

tilethe tile to find the distance too
waterwhether to find water or land
distance to nearest water (max 0x7F) / land (max 0x1FF; 0x200 if there is no land)

Definition at line 323 of file map.cpp.

References HasTileWaterGround().

Referenced by FindFurthestFromWater(), and IndustriesScopeResolver::GetVariable().

◆ RandomTileSeed()

TileIndex RandomTileSeed ( uint32_t  r)

Get a random tile out of a given seed.

rthe random 'seed'
a valid tile

Definition at line 648 of file map_func.h.

References Map::WrapToMap().

◆ TileAdd()

constexpr TileIndex TileAdd ( TileIndex  tile,
TileIndexDiff  offset 

Adds a given offset to a tile.

tileThe tile to add an offset to.
offsetThe offset to add.
The resulting tile.

Definition at line 466 of file map_func.h.

Referenced by CalcHeightdiff(), FindRailStationEnd(), GetOtherAqueductEnd(), GrowTown(), IsNeighborRoadTile(), CYapfReserveTrack< Types >::ReserveRailStationPlatform(), SetRailStationPlatformReservation(), TileAddByDiagDir(), TileAddByDir(), and CYapfReserveTrack< Types >::UnreserveSingleTrack().

◆ TileAddByDiagDir()

◆ TileAddByDir()

TileIndex TileAddByDir ( TileIndex  tile,
Direction  dir 

Adds a Direction to a tile.

tileThe current tile
dirThe direction in which we want to step
the moved tile

Definition at line 594 of file map_func.h.

References TileAdd(), and TileOffsByDir().

Referenced by CalcHeightdiff(), and CircularTileSearch().

◆ TileAddWrap()

TileIndex TileAddWrap ( TileIndex  tile,
int  addx,
int  addy 

This function checks if we add addx/addy to tile, if we do wrap around the edges.

For example, tile = (10,2) and addx = +3 and addy = -4. This function will now return INVALID_TILE, because the y is wrapped. This is needed in for example, farmland. When the tile is not wrapped, the result will be tile + TileDiffXY(addx, addy)

tilethe 'starting' point of the adding
addxthe amount of tiles in the X direction to add
addythe amount of tiles in the Y direction to add
translated tile, or INVALID_TILE when it would've wrapped.

Definition at line 97 of file map.cpp.

Referenced by CheckIfIndustryTilesAreFree(), CmdRemoveRoadStop(), and CountMapSquareAround().

◆ TileAddXY()

TileIndex TileAddXY ( TileIndex  tile,
int  x,
int  y 

Adds a given offset to a tile.

tileThe tile to add an offset to.
xThe x offset to add to the tile.
yThe y offset to add to the tile.
The resulting tile.

Definition at line 479 of file map_func.h.

Referenced by OrthogonalTileArea::GetCenterTile(), GetOtherAqueductEnd(), and CanalScopeResolver::GetVariable().

◆ TileDiffXY()

TileIndexDiff TileDiffXY ( int  x,
int  y 

Calculates an offset for the given coordinate(-offset).

This function calculate an offset value which can be added to a TileIndex. The coordinates can be negative.

xThe offset in x direction
yThe offset in y direction
The resulting offset value of the given coordinate
See also

Definition at line 401 of file map_func.h.

Referenced by CheckIfCanLevelIndustryPlatform(), CmdBuildShipDepot(), CmdTerraformLand(), GetOtherShipDepotTile(), Station::GetPlatformLength(), GetReferenceTile(), Airport::GetRotatedTileFromOffset(), GUIPlaceProcDragXY(), Station::MarkTilesDirty(), OrthogonalTileIterator::operator++(), SetupFarmFieldFence(), and TerraformAddDirtyTileAround().

◆ TileIndexDiffCByDiagDir()

TileIndexDiffC TileIndexDiffCByDiagDir ( DiagDirection  dir)

Returns the TileIndexDiffC offset from a DiagDirection.

dirThe given direction
The offset as TileIndexDiffC value

Definition at line 492 of file map_func.h.

References _tileoffs_by_diagdir, DIAGDIR_END, and IsValidDiagDirection().

Referenced by CalculateCoverageLine().

◆ TileIndexDiffCByDir()

TileIndexDiffC TileIndexDiffCByDir ( Direction  dir)

Returns the TileIndexDiffC offset from a Direction.

dirThe given direction
The offset as TileIndexDiffC value

Definition at line 506 of file map_func.h.

References _tileoffs_by_dir, DIR_END, and IsValidDirection().

◆ TileIndexToTileIndexDiffC()

TileIndexDiffC TileIndexToTileIndexDiffC ( TileIndex  tile_a,
TileIndex  tile_b 

Returns the diff between two tiles.

tile_afrom tile
tile_bto tile
the difference between tila_a and tile_b

Definition at line 540 of file map_func.h.

References TileX(), TileY(), TileIndexDiffC::x, and TileIndexDiffC::y.

Referenced by GetTownRoadGridElement(), TownLayoutAllows2x2HouseHere(), and TownLayoutAllowsHouseHere().

◆ TileOffsByDiagDir()

TileIndexDiff TileOffsByDiagDir ( DiagDirection  dir)

Convert a DiagDirection to a TileIndexDiff.

dirThe DiagDirection
The resulting TileIndexDiff
See also

Definition at line 565 of file map_func.h.

References _tileoffs_by_diagdir, DIAGDIR_END, IsValidDiagDirection(), and ToTileIndexDiff().

Referenced by CanConnectToRoad(), CanFollowRoad(), CanRoadContinueIntoNextTile(), CheckForDockingTile(), CheckFree2x2Area(), RoadStop::Entry::CheckIntegrity(), CheckTownBuild2House(), CheckTownBuild2x2House(), ClearDockingTilesCheckingNeighbours(), RoadStop::ClearDriveThrough(), CmdBuildLongRoad(), ConnectRoadToStructure(), DisasterTick_Submarine(), DoBuildLock(), DoClearBridge(), ExtendTrainReservation(), FindDockLandPart(), FixOwnerOfRailTrack(), FollowReservation(), FollowTrainReservation(), GetBridgeEnd(), GetOtherAqueductEnd(), GetOtherTunnelEnd(), Station::GetPlatformLength(), GetTrainForReservation(), GrowTownWithBridge(), GrowTownWithTunnel(), CYapfCostRailT< Types >::IsAnyStationTileReserved(), IsNeighborRoadTile(), IsShipDestinationTile(), IsTunnelInWayDir(), RoadStop::MakeDriveThrough(), MakeLock(), MarkBridgeDirty(), NeighbourIsNormal(), CYapfCostRoadT< Types >::OneTileCost(), RoadStop::Entry::Rebuild(), RemoveDock(), RemoveLock(), CYapfReserveTrack< Types >::ReserveRailStationPlatform(), SetRailStationPlatformReservation(), SetupFarmFieldFence(), TestTownOwnsBridge(), TileAddByDiagDir(), TrainApproachingCrossing(), TrainApproachingCrossingTile(), CYapfReserveTrack< Types >::UnreserveSingleTrack(), UpdateAdjacentLevelCrossingTilesOnLevelCrossingRemoval(), and UpdateSignalsInBuffer().

◆ TileOffsByDir()

TileIndexDiff TileOffsByDir ( Direction  dir)

Convert a Direction to a TileIndexDiff.

dirThe direction to convert from
The resulting TileIndexDiff

Definition at line 579 of file map_func.h.

References _tileoffs_by_dir, DIR_END, IsValidDirection(), and ToTileIndexDiff().

Referenced by MarkCanalsAndRiversAroundDirty(), TileAddByDir(), and TileLoop_Water().

◆ TileVirtXY()

static debug_inline TileIndex TileVirtXY ( uint  x,
uint  y 

Get a tile from the virtual XY-coordinate.

xThe virtual x coordinate of the tile.
yThe virtual y coordinate of the tile.
The TileIndex calculated by the coordinate.

Definition at line 416 of file map_func.h.

Referenced by AircraftLandAirplane(), CheckGroundVehiclesAtCorrectZ(), CheckTrainCollision(), CrashAirplane(), DrawStationCoverageAreaText(), FindStationsAroundSelection(), GetTileHeightBelowAircraft(), BuildRoadToolbarWindow::OnHotkey(), BuildRailToolbarWindow::OnHotkey(), UpdateStatusAfterSwap(), and YapfTrainCheckReverse().

◆ TileX()

static debug_inline uint TileX ( TileIndex  tile)

Get the X component of a tile.

tilethe tile to get the X component of
the X component

Definition at line 427 of file map_func.h.

Referenced by OrthogonalTileArea::Add(), AyStar::AddStartNode(), AircraftGetEntryPoint(), AirportGetNearestTown(), AlignTileToGrid(), CalcClosestStationTile(), CalcHeightdiff(), CheckIfCanLevelIndustryPlatform(), OrthogonalTileArea::ClampToMap(), CmdBuildLongRoad(), CmdChangeBankBalance(), CmdClearArea(), CmdRemoveLongRoad(), OrthogonalTileArea::Contains(), DiagonalTileArea::Contains(), DiagdirBetweenTiles(), DiagonalTileArea::DiagonalTileArea(), DistanceFromEdge(), DistanceFromEdgeDir(), DistanceManhattan(), DistanceMax(), DistanceMaxPlusManhattan(), DistanceSquare(), SmallMapWindow::DrawTowns(), CargoPacket::GetDistance(), WaterRegion::GetLocalIndex(), GetOtherAqueductEnd(), GetPCPElevation(), RailTypeScopeResolver::GetRandomBits(), RoadTypeScopeResolver::GetRandomBits(), GetTileMaxZ(), GetTileSlopeZ(), GetTileZ(), GetTLG(), GetTunnelBridgeLength(), HouseScopeResolver::GetVariable(), ObjectScopeResolver::GetVariable(), GUIPlaceProcDragXY(), Town::InitializeLayout(), CommandHelperBase::InternalPostBefore(), OrthogonalTileArea::Intersects(), IsTileAlignedToGrid(), IsTileFlat(), IsTunnelInWay(), AirportSpec::IsWithinMapBounds(), MarkTileDirtyByTile(), OrthogonalTileArea::OrthogonalTileArea(), CYapfDestinationTileWaterT< Types >::PfCalcEstimate(), CYapfDestinationTileT< Types >::PfCalcEstimate(), CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT< Types >::PfCalcEstimate(), CYapfDestinationTileRoadT< Types >::PfCalcEstimate(), ScrollMainWindowToTile(), ScrollWindowToTile(), SetWaterClassDependingOnSurroundings(), SwapDirection(), TerraformAddDirtyTileAround(), TileIndexToTileIndexDiffC(), TileStr(), CargoPacket::UpdateLoadingTile(), CargoPacket::UpdateUnloadingTile(), Waypoint::UpdateVirtCoord(), Town::UpdateVirtCoord(), and Station::UpdateVirtCoord().

◆ TileXY()

static debug_inline TileIndex TileXY ( uint  x,
uint  y 

Returns the TileIndex of a coordinate.

xThe x coordinate of the tile
yThe y coordinate of the tile
The TileIndex calculated by the coordinate

Definition at line 385 of file map_func.h.

Referenced by OrthogonalTileArea::Add(), AlignTileToGrid(), FlatEmptyWorld(), GetTileMaxZ(), GetTileSlopeZ(), GetTileZ(), GetWaterRegionCenterTile(), BitmapTileArea::Initialize(), IsTileFlat(), OrthogonalTileArea::OrthogonalTileArea(), Station::RecomputeCatchment(), and StationRect::ScanForStationTiles().

◆ TileY()

static debug_inline uint TileY ( TileIndex  tile)

Get the Y component of a tile.

tilethe tile to get the Y component of
the Y component

Definition at line 437 of file map_func.h.

Referenced by OrthogonalTileArea::Add(), AyStar::AddStartNode(), AircraftGetEntryPoint(), AirportGetNearestTown(), AlignTileToGrid(), CalcClosestStationTile(), CheckIfCanLevelIndustryPlatform(), OrthogonalTileArea::ClampToMap(), CmdBuildLongRoad(), CmdChangeBankBalance(), CmdClearArea(), CmdRemoveLongRoad(), OrthogonalTileArea::Contains(), DiagonalTileArea::Contains(), DiagdirBetweenTiles(), DiagonalTileArea::DiagonalTileArea(), DistanceFromEdge(), DistanceFromEdgeDir(), DistanceManhattan(), DistanceMax(), DistanceMaxPlusManhattan(), DistanceSquare(), SmallMapWindow::DrawTowns(), CargoPacket::GetDistance(), GetOtherAqueductEnd(), RailTypeScopeResolver::GetRandomBits(), RoadTypeScopeResolver::GetRandomBits(), GetTileMaxZ(), GetTileSlopeZ(), GetTileZ(), GetTLG(), GetTunnelBridgeLength(), HouseScopeResolver::GetVariable(), ObjectScopeResolver::GetVariable(), GUIPlaceProcDragXY(), Town::InitializeLayout(), CommandHelperBase::InternalPostBefore(), OrthogonalTileArea::Intersects(), IsTileAlignedToGrid(), IsTileFlat(), IsTunnelInWay(), AirportSpec::IsWithinMapBounds(), MarkTileDirtyByTile(), OrthogonalTileArea::OrthogonalTileArea(), CYapfDestinationTileWaterT< Types >::PfCalcEstimate(), CYapfDestinationTileT< Types >::PfCalcEstimate(), CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT< Types >::PfCalcEstimate(), CYapfDestinationTileRoadT< Types >::PfCalcEstimate(), ScrollMainWindowToTile(), ScrollWindowToTile(), SetWaterClassDependingOnSurroundings(), SwapDirection(), TerraformAddDirtyTileAround(), TileIndexToTileIndexDiffC(), TileStr(), CargoPacket::UpdateLoadingTile(), CargoPacket::UpdateUnloadingTile(), Waypoint::UpdateVirtCoord(), Town::UpdateVirtCoord(), and Station::UpdateVirtCoord().

◆ ToTileIndexDiff()

TileIndexDiff ToTileIndexDiff ( TileIndexDiffC  tidc)

Return the offset between two tiles from a TileIndexDiffC struct.

This function works like TileDiffXY(int, int) and returns the difference between two tiles.

tidcThe coordinate of the offset as TileIndexDiffC
The difference between two tiles.
See also
TileDiffXY(int, int)

Definition at line 452 of file map_func.h.

References Map::LogX(), TileIndexDiffC::x, and TileIndexDiffC::y.

Referenced by CalcHeightdiff(), Airport::GetRotatedTileFromOffset(), GrowTown(), AirportTileTableIterator::operator++(), RoadTypesAllowHouseHere(), TileOffsByDiagDir(), and TileOffsByDir().