Foundation GetBridgeFoundation(Slope tileh, Axis axis)
Get the foundation for a bridge.
TileIndex GetSouthernBridgeEnd(TileIndex t)
Finds the southern end of a bridge starting at a middle tile.
static TileIndex GetBridgeEnd(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir)
Finds the end of a bridge in the specified direction starting at a middle tile.
TileIndex GetOtherBridgeEnd(TileIndex tile)
Starting at one bridge end finds the other bridge end.
TileIndex GetNorthernBridgeEnd(TileIndex t)
Finds the northern end of a bridge starting at a middle tile.
int GetBridgeHeight(TileIndex t)
Get the height ('z') of a bridge.
bool IsBridgeTile(Tile t)
checks if there is a bridge on this tile
Axis GetBridgeAxis(Tile t)
Get the axis of the bridge that goes over the tile.
DiagDirection ReverseDiagDir(DiagDirection d)
Returns the reverse direction of the given DiagDirection.
DiagDirection AxisToDiagDir(Axis a)
Converts an Axis to a DiagDirection.
Axis DiagDirToAxis(DiagDirection d)
Convert a DiagDirection to the axis.
Enumeration for diagonal directions.
uint ApplyFoundationToSlope(Foundation f, Slope &s)
Applies a foundation to a slope.
Functions related to OTTD's landscape.
TileIndexDiff TileOffsByDiagDir(DiagDirection dir)
Convert a DiagDirection to a TileIndexDiff.
int32_t TileIndexDiff
An offset value between two tiles.
A number of safeguards to prevent using unsafe methods.
Enumeration for Foundations.
Definition of base types and functions in a cross-platform compatible way.
std::tuple< Slope, int > GetTileSlopeZ(TileIndex tile)
Return the slope of a given tile inside the map.
Functions that have tunnels and bridges in common.
DiagDirection GetTunnelBridgeDirection(Tile t)
Get the direction pointing to the other end.