OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Go to the documentation of this file.
3#include "../stdafx.h"
4#include "../core/math_func.hpp"
5#include "../timer/timer_game_tick.h"
6#include "mcf.h"
8#include "../safeguards.h"
10typedef std::map<NodeID, Path *> PathViaMap;
17class DistanceAnnotation : public Path {
25 DistanceAnnotation(NodeID n, bool source = false) : Path(n, source) {}
27 bool IsBetter(const DistanceAnnotation *base, uint cap, int free_cap, uint dist) const;
33 inline uint GetAnnotation() const { return this->distance; }
38 inline void UpdateAnnotation() { }
43 struct Comparator {
44 bool operator()(const DistanceAnnotation *x, const DistanceAnnotation *y) const;
45 };
54class CapacityAnnotation : public Path {
55 int cached_annotation = 0;
64 CapacityAnnotation(NodeID n, bool source = false) : Path(n, source) {}
66 bool IsBetter(const CapacityAnnotation *base, uint cap, int free_cap, uint dist) const;
72 inline int GetAnnotation() const { return this->cached_annotation; }
77 inline void UpdateAnnotation()
78 {
79 this->cached_annotation = this->GetCapacityRatio();
80 }
85 struct Comparator {
86 bool operator()(const CapacityAnnotation *x, const CapacityAnnotation *y) const;
87 };
98 std::vector<LinkGraphJob::EdgeAnnotation>::const_iterator i;
99 std::vector<LinkGraphJob::EdgeAnnotation>::const_iterator end;
113 void SetNode(NodeID, NodeID node)
114 {
115 this->i = this->job[node].edges.cbegin();
116 this->end = this->job[node].edges.cend();
117 }
123 NodeID Next()
124 {
125 return this->i != this->end ? (this->i++)->base.dest_node : INVALID_NODE;
126 }
140 FlowStat::SharesMap::const_iterator it;
143 FlowStat::SharesMap::const_iterator end;
151 {
152 for (NodeID i = 0; i < job.Size(); ++i) {
153 StationID st = job[i].base.station;
154 if (st >= this->station_to_node.size()) {
155 this->station_to_node.resize(st + 1);
156 }
157 this->station_to_node[st] = i;
158 }
159 }
166 void SetNode(NodeID source, NodeID node)
167 {
168 const FlowStatMap &flows = this->job[node].flows;
169 FlowStatMap::const_iterator it = flows.find(this->job[source].base.station);
170 if (it != flows.end()) {
171 this->it = it->second.GetShares()->begin();
172 this->end = it->second.GetShares()->end();
173 } else {
174 this->it = FlowStat::empty_sharesmap.begin();
175 this->end = FlowStat::empty_sharesmap.end();
176 }
177 }
183 NodeID Next()
184 {
185 if (this->it == this->end) return INVALID_NODE;
186 return this->station_to_node[(this->it++)->second];
187 }
200 int free_cap, uint dist) const
202 /* If any of the paths is disconnected, the other one is better. If both
203 * are disconnected, this path is better.*/
204 if (base->distance == UINT_MAX) {
205 return false;
206 } else if (this->distance == UINT_MAX) {
207 return true;
208 }
210 if (free_cap > 0 && base->free_capacity > 0) {
211 /* If both paths have capacity left, compare their distances.
212 * If the other path has capacity left and this one hasn't, the
213 * other one's better (thus, return true). */
214 return this->free_capacity > 0 ? (base->distance + dist < this->distance) : true;
215 } else {
216 /* If the other path doesn't have capacity left, but this one has,
217 * the other one is worse (thus, return false).
218 * If both paths are out of capacity, do the regular distance
219 * comparison. */
220 return this->free_capacity > 0 ? false : (base->distance + dist < this->distance);
221 }
234 int free_cap, uint dist) const
236 int min_cap = Path::GetCapacityRatio(std::min(base->free_capacity, free_cap), std::min(base->capacity, cap));
237 int this_cap = this->GetCapacityRatio();
238 if (min_cap == this_cap) {
239 /* If the capacities are the same and the other path isn't disconnected
240 * choose the shorter path. */
241 return base->distance == UINT_MAX ? false : (base->distance + dist < this->distance);
242 } else {
243 return min_cap > this_cap;
244 }
256template <class Tannotation, class Tedge_iterator>
257void MultiCommodityFlow::Dijkstra(NodeID source_node, PathVector &paths)
259 typedef std::set<Tannotation *, typename Tannotation::Comparator> AnnoSet;
260 Tedge_iterator iter(this->job);
261 uint16_t size = this->job.Size();
262 AnnoSet annos;
263 paths.resize(size, nullptr);
264 for (NodeID node = 0; node < size; ++node) {
265 Tannotation *anno = new Tannotation(node, node == source_node);
266 anno->UpdateAnnotation();
267 annos.insert(anno);
268 paths[node] = anno;
269 }
270 while (!annos.empty()) {
271 typename AnnoSet::iterator i = annos.begin();
272 Tannotation *source = *i;
273 annos.erase(i);
274 NodeID from = source->GetNode();
275 iter.SetNode(source_node, from);
276 for (NodeID to = iter.Next(); to != INVALID_NODE; to = iter.Next()) {
277 if (to == from) continue; // Not a real edge but a consumption sign.
278 const Edge &edge = this->job[from][to];
279 uint capacity = edge.base.capacity;
280 if (this->max_saturation != UINT_MAX) {
281 capacity *= this->max_saturation;
282 capacity /= 100;
283 if (capacity == 0) capacity = 1;
284 }
285 /* Prioritize the fastest route for passengers, mail and express cargo,
286 * and the shortest route for other classes of cargo.
287 * In-between stops are punished with a 1 tile or 1 day penalty. */
288 bool express = IsCargoInClass(this->job.Cargo(), CargoClass::Passengers) ||
291 uint distance = DistanceMaxPlusManhattan(this->job[from].base.xy, this->job[to].base.xy) + 1;
292 /* Compute a default travel time from the distance and an average speed of 1 tile/day. */
293 uint time = (edge.base.TravelTime() != 0) ? edge.base.TravelTime() + Ticks::DAY_TICKS : distance * Ticks::DAY_TICKS;
294 uint distance_anno = express ? time : distance;
296 Tannotation *dest = static_cast<Tannotation *>(paths[to]);
297 if (dest->IsBetter(source, capacity, capacity - edge.Flow(), distance_anno)) {
298 annos.erase(dest);
299 dest->Fork(source, capacity, capacity - edge.Flow(), distance_anno);
300 dest->UpdateAnnotation();
301 annos.insert(dest);
302 }
303 }
304 }
312void MultiCommodityFlow::CleanupPaths(NodeID source_id, PathVector &paths)
314 Path *source = paths[source_id];
315 paths[source_id] = nullptr;
316 for (PathVector::iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i) {
317 Path *path = *i;
318 if (path == nullptr) continue;
319 if (path->GetParent() == source) path->Detach();
320 while (path != source && path != nullptr && path->GetFlow() == 0) {
321 Path *parent = path->GetParent();
322 path->Detach();
323 if (path->GetNumChildren() == 0) {
324 paths[path->GetNode()] = nullptr;
325 delete path;
326 }
327 path = parent;
328 }
329 }
330 delete source;
331 paths.clear();
344uint MultiCommodityFlow::PushFlow(Node &node, NodeID to, Path *path, uint accuracy,
345 uint max_saturation)
347 assert(node.UnsatisfiedDemandTo(to) > 0);
348 uint flow = Clamp(node.DemandTo(to) / accuracy, 1, node.UnsatisfiedDemandTo(to));
349 flow = path->AddFlow(flow, this->job, max_saturation);
350 node.SatisfyDemandTo(to, flow);
351 return flow;
360uint MCF1stPass::FindCycleFlow(const PathVector &path, const Path *cycle_begin)
362 uint flow = UINT_MAX;
363 const Path *cycle_end = cycle_begin;
364 do {
365 flow = std::min(flow, cycle_begin->GetFlow());
366 cycle_begin = path[cycle_begin->GetNode()];
367 } while (cycle_begin != cycle_end);
368 return flow;
377void MCF1stPass::EliminateCycle(PathVector &path, Path *cycle_begin, uint flow)
379 Path *cycle_end = cycle_begin;
380 do {
381 NodeID prev = cycle_begin->GetNode();
382 cycle_begin->ReduceFlow(flow);
383 if (cycle_begin->GetFlow() == 0) {
384 PathList &node_paths = this->job[cycle_begin->GetParent()->GetNode()].paths;
385 for (PathList::iterator i = node_paths.begin(); i != node_paths.end(); ++i) {
386 if (*i == cycle_begin) {
387 node_paths.erase(i);
388 node_paths.push_back(cycle_begin);
389 break;
390 }
391 }
392 }
393 cycle_begin = path[prev];
394 Edge &edge = this->job[prev][cycle_begin->GetNode()];
395 edge.RemoveFlow(flow);
396 } while (cycle_begin != cycle_end);
408bool MCF1stPass::EliminateCycles(PathVector &path, NodeID origin_id, NodeID next_id)
410 Path *at_next_pos = path[next_id];
412 /* this node has already been searched */
413 if (at_next_pos == Path::invalid_path) return false;
415 if (at_next_pos == nullptr) {
416 /* Summarize paths; add up the paths with the same source and next hop
417 * in one path each. */
418 PathList &paths = this->job[next_id].paths;
419 PathViaMap next_hops;
420 for (PathList::iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end();) {
421 Path *new_child = *i;
422 uint new_flow = new_child->GetFlow();
423 if (new_flow == 0) break;
424 if (new_child->GetOrigin() == origin_id) {
425 PathViaMap::iterator via_it = next_hops.find(new_child->GetNode());
426 if (via_it == next_hops.end()) {
427 next_hops[new_child->GetNode()] = new_child;
428 ++i;
429 } else {
430 Path *child = via_it->second;
431 child->AddFlow(new_flow);
432 new_child->ReduceFlow(new_flow);
434 /* We might hit end() with with the ++ here and skip the
435 * newly push_back'ed path. That's good as the flow of that
436 * path is 0 anyway. */
437 paths.erase(i++);
438 paths.push_back(new_child);
439 }
440 } else {
441 ++i;
442 }
443 }
444 bool found = false;
445 /* Search the next hops for nodes we have already visited */
446 for (PathViaMap::iterator via_it = next_hops.begin();
447 via_it != next_hops.end(); ++via_it) {
448 Path *child = via_it->second;
449 if (child->GetFlow() > 0) {
450 /* Push one child into the path vector and search this child's
451 * children. */
452 path[next_id] = child;
453 found = this->EliminateCycles(path, origin_id, child->GetNode()) || found;
454 }
455 }
456 /* All paths departing from this node have been searched. Mark as
457 * resolved if no cycles found. If cycles were found further cycles
458 * could be found in this branch, thus it has to be searched again next
459 * time we spot it.
460 */
461 path[next_id] = found ? nullptr : Path::invalid_path;
462 return found;
463 }
465 /* This node has already been visited => we have a cycle.
466 * Backtrack to find the exact flow. */
467 uint flow = this->FindCycleFlow(path, at_next_pos);
468 if (flow > 0) {
469 this->EliminateCycle(path, at_next_pos, flow);
470 return true;
471 }
473 return false;
483 bool cycles_found = false;
484 uint16_t size = this->job.Size();
485 PathVector path(size, nullptr);
486 for (NodeID node = 0; node < size; ++node) {
487 /* Starting at each node in the graph find all cycles involving this
488 * node. */
489 std::fill(path.begin(), path.end(), (Path *)nullptr);
490 cycles_found |= this->EliminateCycles(path, node, node);
491 }
492 return cycles_found;
501 PathVector paths;
502 uint16_t size = job.Size();
503 uint accuracy = job.Settings().accuracy;
504 bool more_loops;
505 std::vector<bool> finished_sources(size);
507 do {
508 more_loops = false;
509 for (NodeID source = 0; source < size; ++source) {
510 if (finished_sources[source]) continue;
512 /* First saturate the shortest paths. */
513 this->Dijkstra<DistanceAnnotation, GraphEdgeIterator>(source, paths);
515 Node &src_node = job[source];
516 bool source_demand_left = false;
517 for (NodeID dest = 0; dest < size; ++dest) {
518 if (src_node.UnsatisfiedDemandTo(dest) > 0) {
519 Path *path = paths[dest];
520 assert(path != nullptr);
521 /* Generally only allow paths that don't exceed the
522 * available capacity. But if no demand has been assigned
523 * yet, make an exception and allow any valid path *once*. */
524 if (path->GetFreeCapacity() > 0 && this->PushFlow(src_node, dest, path,
525 accuracy, this->max_saturation) > 0) {
526 /* If a path has been found there is a chance we can
527 * find more. */
528 more_loops = more_loops || (src_node.UnsatisfiedDemandTo(dest) > 0);
529 } else if (src_node.UnsatisfiedDemandTo(dest) == src_node.DemandTo(dest) &&
530 path->GetFreeCapacity() > INT_MIN) {
531 this->PushFlow(src_node, dest, path, accuracy, UINT_MAX);
532 }
533 if (src_node.UnsatisfiedDemandTo(dest) > 0) source_demand_left = true;
534 }
535 }
536 finished_sources[source] = !source_demand_left;
537 this->CleanupPaths(source, paths);
538 }
539 } while ((more_loops || this->EliminateCycles()) && !job.IsJobAborted());
549 this->max_saturation = UINT_MAX; // disable artificial cap on saturation
550 PathVector paths;
551 uint16_t size = job.Size();
552 uint accuracy = job.Settings().accuracy;
553 bool demand_left = true;
554 std::vector<bool> finished_sources(size);
555 while (demand_left && !job.IsJobAborted()) {
556 demand_left = false;
557 for (NodeID source = 0; source < size; ++source) {
558 if (finished_sources[source]) continue;
560 this->Dijkstra<CapacityAnnotation, FlowEdgeIterator>(source, paths);
562 Node &src_node = job[source];
563 bool source_demand_left = false;
564 for (NodeID dest = 0; dest < size; ++dest) {
565 Path *path = paths[dest];
566 if (src_node.UnsatisfiedDemandTo(dest) > 0 && path->GetFreeCapacity() > INT_MIN) {
567 this->PushFlow(src_node, dest, path, accuracy, UINT_MAX);
568 if (src_node.UnsatisfiedDemandTo(dest) > 0) {
569 demand_left = true;
570 source_demand_left = true;
571 }
572 }
573 }
574 finished_sources[source] = !source_demand_left;
575 this->CleanupPaths(source, paths);
576 }
577 }
591template <typename T>
592bool Greater(T x_anno, T y_anno, NodeID x, NodeID y)
594 if (x_anno > y_anno) return true;
595 if (x_anno < y_anno) return false;
596 return x > y;
606 const CapacityAnnotation *y) const
608 return x != y && Greater<int>(x->GetAnnotation(), y->GetAnnotation(),
609 x->GetNode(), y->GetNode());
619 const DistanceAnnotation *y) const
621 return x != y && !Greater<uint>(x->GetAnnotation(), y->GetAnnotation(),
622 x->GetNode(), y->GetNode());
bool IsCargoInClass(CargoType c, CargoClasses cc)
Does cargo c have cargo class cc?
Definition cargotype.h:236
@ Mail
@ Passengers
@ Express
Express cargo (Goods, Food, Candy, but also possible for passengers)
Capacity-based annotation for use in the Dijkstra algorithm.
Definition mcf.cpp:54
void UpdateAnnotation()
Update the cached annotation value.
Definition mcf.cpp:77
int GetAnnotation() const
Return the actual value of the annotation, in this case the capacity.
Definition mcf.cpp:72
bool IsBetter(const CapacityAnnotation *base, uint cap, int free_cap, uint dist) const
Determines if an extension to the given Path with the given parameters is better than this path.
Definition mcf.cpp:233
CapacityAnnotation(NodeID n, bool source=false)
Definition mcf.cpp:64
Distance-based annotation for use in the Dijkstra algorithm.
Definition mcf.cpp:17
bool IsBetter(const DistanceAnnotation *base, uint cap, int free_cap, uint dist) const
Determines if an extension to the given Path with the given parameters is better than this path.
Definition mcf.cpp:199
DistanceAnnotation(NodeID n, bool source=false)
Definition mcf.cpp:25
uint GetAnnotation() const
Return the actual value of the annotation, in this case the distance.
Definition mcf.cpp:33
void UpdateAnnotation()
Update the cached annotation value.
Definition mcf.cpp:38
Iterator class for getting edges from a FlowStatMap.
Definition mcf.cpp:132
ReferenceThroughBaseContainer< std::vector< NodeID > > station_to_node
Lookup table for getting NodeIDs from StationIDs.
Definition mcf.cpp:137
FlowStat::SharesMap::const_iterator end
End of the shares map.
Definition mcf.cpp:143
FlowStat::SharesMap::const_iterator it
Current iterator in the shares map.
Definition mcf.cpp:140
void SetNode(NodeID source, NodeID node)
Setup the node to retrieve edges from.
Definition mcf.cpp:166
FlowEdgeIterator(LinkGraphJob &job)
Definition mcf.cpp:150
LinkGraphJob & job
Link graph job we're working with.
Definition mcf.cpp:134
NodeID Next()
Get the next node for which a flow exists.
Definition mcf.cpp:183
Flow descriptions by origin stations.
static const SharesMap empty_sharesmap
Static instance of FlowStat::SharesMap.
Iterator class for getting the edges in the order of their next_edge members.
Definition mcf.cpp:94
LinkGraphJob & job
Job being executed.
Definition mcf.cpp:96
std::vector< LinkGraphJob::EdgeAnnotation >::const_iterator end
Iterator pointing beyond last edge.
Definition mcf.cpp:99
std::vector< LinkGraphJob::EdgeAnnotation >::const_iterator i
Iterator pointing to current edge.
Definition mcf.cpp:98
GraphEdgeIterator(LinkGraphJob &job)
Construct a GraphEdgeIterator.
Definition mcf.cpp:107
NodeID Next()
Retrieve the ID of the node the next edge points to.
Definition mcf.cpp:123
void SetNode(NodeID, NodeID node)
Setup the node to start iterating at.
Definition mcf.cpp:113
Class for calculation jobs to be run on link graphs.
bool IsJobAborted() const
Check if job has been aborted.
const LinkGraphSettings & Settings() const
Get the link graph settings for this component.
CargoType Cargo() const
Get the cargo of the underlying link graph.
NodeID Size() const
Get the size of the underlying link graph.
MCF1stPass(LinkGraphJob &job)
Run the first pass of the MCF calculation.
Definition mcf.cpp:499
bool EliminateCycles()
Eliminate all cycles in the graph.
Definition mcf.cpp:481
uint FindCycleFlow(const PathVector &path, const Path *cycle_begin)
Find the flow along a cycle including cycle_begin in path.
Definition mcf.cpp:360
void EliminateCycle(PathVector &path, Path *cycle_begin, uint flow)
Eliminate a cycle of the given flow in the given set of paths.
Definition mcf.cpp:377
MCF2ndPass(LinkGraphJob &job)
Run the second pass of the MCF calculation which assigns all remaining demands to existing paths.
Definition mcf.cpp:547
Multi-commodity flow calculating base class.
Definition mcf.h:13
void Dijkstra(NodeID from, PathVector &paths)
A slightly modified Dijkstra algorithm.
Definition mcf.cpp:257
LinkGraphJob & job
Job we're working with.
Definition mcf.h:30
uint max_saturation
Maximum saturation for edges.
Definition mcf.h:31
uint PushFlow(Node &node, NodeID to, Path *path, uint accuracy, uint max_saturation)
Push flow along a path and update the unsatisfied_demand of the associated edge.
Definition mcf.cpp:344
void CleanupPaths(NodeID source, PathVector &paths)
Clean up paths that lead nowhere and the root path.
Definition mcf.cpp:312
A leg of a path in the link graph.
NodeID GetOrigin() const
Get the overall origin of the path.
void AddFlow(uint f)
Increase the flow on this leg only by the specified amount.
static Path * invalid_path
Static instance of an invalid path.
void Detach()
Detach this path from its parent.
int GetFreeCapacity() const
Get the free capacity of the path.
uint GetFlow() const
Get the flow on this leg.
uint distance
Sum(distance of all legs up to this one).
NodeID GetNode() const
Get the node this leg passes.
int GetCapacityRatio() const
Get capacity ratio of this path.
uint GetNumChildren() const
Get the number of "forked off" child legs of this one.
void ReduceFlow(uint f)
Reduce the flow on this leg only by the specified amount.
Path * GetParent()
Get the parent leg of this one.
uint capacity
This capacity is min(capacity) fom all edges.
int free_capacity
This capacity is min(edge.capacity - edge.flow) for the current run of Dijkstra.
A sort-of mixin that adds 'at(pos)' and 'operator[](pos)' implementations for 'ConvertibleThroughBase...
static constexpr TimerGameTick::Ticks DAY_TICKS
1 day is 74 ticks; TimerGameCalendar::date_fract used to be uint16_t and incremented by 885.
uint DistanceMaxPlusManhattan(TileIndex t0, TileIndex t1)
Gets the biggest distance component (x or y) between the two given tiles plus the Manhattan distance,...
Definition map.cpp:190
constexpr T Clamp(const T a, const T min, const T max)
Clamp a value between an interval.
Definition math_func.hpp:79
bool Greater(T x_anno, T y_anno, NodeID x, NodeID y)
Relation that creates a weak order without duplicates.
Definition mcf.cpp:592
Declaration of Multi-Commodity-Flow solver.
Comparator for std containers.
Definition mcf.cpp:85
bool operator()(const CapacityAnnotation *x, const CapacityAnnotation *y) const
Compare two capacity annotations.
Definition mcf.cpp:605
Comparator for std containers.
Definition mcf.cpp:43
bool operator()(const DistanceAnnotation *x, const DistanceAnnotation *y) const
Compare two distance annotations.
Definition mcf.cpp:618
uint8_t accuracy
accuracy when calculating things on the link graph. low accuracy => low running time
An edge in the link graph.
Definition linkgraph.h:42
uint32_t TravelTime() const
Get edge's average travel time.
Definition linkgraph.h:56
uint capacity
Capacity of the link.
Definition linkgraph.h:43
Node of the link graph.
Definition linkgraph.h:90