51#include "table/strings.h"
60void ShowIndustryViewWindow(
IndustryID industry);
63static uint8_t _industry_sound_ctr;
82 auto industry_insert = std::copy(std::begin(_origin_industry_specs), std::end(_origin_industry_specs), std::begin(_industry_specs));
83 std::fill(industry_insert, std::end(_industry_specs),
86 for (
auto it = std::begin(_industry_specs); it != industry_insert; ++it) {
90 auto industry_tile_insert = std::copy(std::begin(_origin_industry_tile_specs), std::end(_origin_industry_tile_specs), std::begin(_industry_tile_specs));
91 std::fill(industry_tile_insert, std::end(_industry_tile_specs),
111 assert(ind !=
126 return &_industry_specs[thistype];
140 return &_industry_tile_specs[gfx];
163 DeleteOilRig(tile_cur);
167 if (has_neutral_station) {
205 st->RemoveIndustryToDeliver(
228 size_t index = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
245static void IndustryDrawSugarMine(
const TileInfo *ti)
259 _drawtile_proc1[d->
image_3 - 1].x, _drawtile_proc1[d->
image_3 - 1].y);
263static void IndustryDrawToffeeQuarry(
const TileInfo *ti)
278static void IndustryDrawBubbleGenerator(
const TileInfo *ti)
286static void IndustryDrawToyFactory(
const TileInfo *ti)
302static void IndustryDrawCoalPlantSparks(
const TileInfo *ti)
307 if (image != 0 && image < 7) {
317typedef void IndustryDrawTileProc(
const TileInfo *ti);
318static IndustryDrawTileProc *
const _industry_draw_tile_procs[5] = {
319 IndustryDrawSugarMine,
320 IndustryDrawToffeeQuarry,
321 IndustryDrawBubbleGenerator,
322 IndustryDrawToyFactory,
323 IndustryDrawCoalPlantSparks,
326static void DrawTile_Industry(
TileInfo *ti)
363 DrawWaterClassGround(ti);
372 image = dits->building.
375 ti->
x + dits->subtile_x,
376 ti->
y + dits->subtile_y,
387 int proc = dits->draw_proc - 1;
388 if (proc >= 0) _industry_draw_tile_procs[proc](ti);
392static int GetSlopePixelZ_Industry(
TileIndex tile, uint, uint,
415static void AddAcceptedCargo_Industry(
TileIndex tile,
CargoArray &acceptance, CargoTypes &always_accepted)
427 for (
const auto &a : ind->accepted) {
428 auto pos = std::ranges::find(accepts_cargo, a.cargo);
429 if (pos == std::end(accepts_cargo)) {
431 pos = std::ranges::find(accepts_cargo, INVALID_CARGO);
432 if (pos == std::end(accepts_cargo))
435 cargo_acceptance[std::distance(std::begin(accepts_cargo), pos)] += 8;
443 accepts_cargo.fill(INVALID_CARGO);
452 cargo_acceptance.fill(0);
457 for (uint8_t i = 0; i < std::size(itspec->
accepts_cargo); i++) {
462 acceptance[a] += cargo_acceptance[i];
465 if (
HasBit(always_accepted, a))
471 SetBit(always_accepted, a);
484 td.
532 bool moved_cargo =
535 uint cw = ClampTo<uint8_t>(p.waiting);
542 p.history[THIS_MONTH].production += cw;
545 p.history[THIS_MONTH].transported += am;
547 moved_cargo |= (am != 0);
554static void AnimateSugarSieve(
TileIndex tile)
574static void AnimateToffeeQuarry(
TileIndex tile)
591static void AnimateBubbleCatcher(
TileIndex tile)
604static void AnimatePowerPlantSparks(
TileIndex tile)
616static void AnimateToyFactory(
TileIndex tile)
640static void AnimatePlasticFountain(
TileIndex tile, IndustryGfx gfx)
647static void AnimateOilWell(
TileIndex tile, IndustryGfx gfx)
651 if (m == 4 && (m = 0, ++gfx) == GFX_OILWELL_ANIMATED_3 + 1 && (gfx = GFX_OILWELL_ANIMATED_1, b)) {
662static void AnimateMineTower(
TileIndex tile)
666 if ((state -= 0x400) < 0)
669 if (state < 0x20 || state >= 0x180) {
675 if (state & 7)
677 if (state & 3)
680 if (m > 0xC2) m = 0xC0;
683 }
else if (state >= 0x200 && state < 0x3A0) {
684 int i = (state < 0x220 || state >= 0x380) ? 7 : 3;
685 if (state & i)
688 if (m < 0x80) m = 0x82;
694static void AnimateTile_Industry(
TileIndex tile)
699 AnimateNewIndustryTile(tile);
740 AnimateMineTower(tile);
745static void CreateChimneySmoke(
TileIndex tile)
754static void MakeIndustryTileBigger(
TileIndex tile)
780 CreateChimneySmoke(tile);
814static void TileLoopIndustry_BubbleGenerator(
TileIndex tile)
816 static const int8_t _bubble_spawn_location[3][4] = {
829 _bubble_spawn_location[2][dir],
836static void TileLoop_Industry(
TileIndex tile)
849 MakeIndustryTileBigger(tile);
853 if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR)
867 if (StartStopIndustryTileAnimation(tile,
931 case GFX_TOY_FACTORY: {
942 TileLoopIndustry_BubbleGenerator(tile);
955static bool ClickTile_Industry(
TileIndex tile)
992 return std::any_of(std::begin(ind->
produced), std::end(ind->
produced), [](
const auto &p) { return IsValidCargoType(p.cargo) && CargoSpec::Get(p.cargo)->label == CT_WOOD; });
995static const uint8_t _plantfarmfield_type[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6};
1009 default:
return false;
1029 TileIndex neighbour = tile + neighbour_diff;
1034 if (or_ == 1 &&
Chance16(1, 7)) or_ = 2;
1051 uint32_t r = (
Random() & 0x303) + 0x404;
1053 uint size_x =
GB(r, 0, 8);
1054 uint size_y =
GB(r, 8, 8);
1059 if (ta.
w == 0 || ta.
h == 0)
1067 if (count * 2 < ta.
w * ta.
1071 uint counter =
GB(r, 5, 3);
1072 uint field_type =
GB(r, 8, 8) * 9 >> 8;
1078 MakeField(cur_tile, field_type, industry);
1086 type = _plantfarmfield_type[
Random() & 0xF];
1095void PlantRandomFarmField(
const Industry *i)
1117 _industry_sound_ctr = 1;
1118 _industry_sound_tile = tile;
1136 auto itp = std::begin(i->
1162 uint16_t amount = p.rate;
1165 p.waiting = ClampTo<uint16_t>(p.waiting + amount);
1169static void ProduceIndustryGoods(
Industry *i)
1174 if ((i->
counter & 0x3F) == 0) {
1177 if (std::any_of(std::begin(i->
produced), std::end(i->
produced), [](
const auto &p) { return p.history[LAST_MONTH].production > 0; })) {
1219 if (plant) PlantRandomFarmField(i);
1242void OnTick_Industry()
1244 if (_industry_sound_ctr != 0) {
1245 _industry_sound_ctr++;
1247 if (_industry_sound_ctr == 75) {
1249 }
else if (_industry_sound_ctr == 160) {
1250 _industry_sound_ctr = 0;
1255 if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR)
1258 ProduceIndustryGoods(i);
1295 uint maxdist_x = maxdist;
1296 uint maxdist_y = maxdist;
1316 if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR)
return CommandCost();
1320 return CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_ONLY_BE_POSITIONED);
1323extern bool _ignore_restrictions;
1332 if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR && _ignore_restrictions)
return CommandCost();
1337 return CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_ONLY_BE_POSITIONED);
1453bool IsSlopeRefused(
Slope current,
Slope refused)
1496 if (ret.
return ret;
1504 if (ind_behav.
Any({IndustryBehaviour::OnlyInTown, IndustryBehaviour::Town1200More}) ||
1507 return CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_IN_TOWNS);
1515 if (ret.
return ret;
1519 if (ret.
return ret;
1541 bool refused_slope =
1542 bool custom_shape =
1553 custom_shape =
1555 if (ret.
return ret;
1563 if (custom_shape_check !=
nullptr) *custom_shape_check = custom_shape;
1594static bool CheckCanTerraformSurroundingTiles(
TileIndex tile, uint height,
int internal)
1606 if (internal != 0 &&
Delta(curh, height) > 1)
return false;
1611 if (internal == 0 && curh != height) {
1612 if (
TileX(tile_walk) == 0 ||
TileY(tile_walk) == 0 || !CheckCanTerraformSurroundingTiles(tile_walk +
TileDiffXY(-1, -1), height, internal + 1)) {
1633 if (it.ti.x > max_x) max_x = it.ti.x;
1634 if (it.ti.y > max_y) max_y = it.ti.y;
1660 if (!CheckCanTerraformSurroundingTiles(tile_walk, h, 0)) {
1682 curh += (curh > h) ? -1 : 1;
1702 for (IndustryType conflicting_type : indspec->
conflicting) {
1703 if (conflicting_type == IT_INVALID)
1749 if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_INDUSTRY) || GetIndustryIndex(tile) != ind->index) return false;
1750 ind->stations_near.insert(st);
1751 st->AddIndustryToDeliver(ind, tile);
1775 industries.emplace(std::ranges::lower_bound(industries, i->
index), i->
1777 for (
size_t index = 0; index < std::size(indspec->produced_cargo); ++index) {
1781 p.
cargo = indspec->produced_cargo[index];
1782 p.
rate = indspec->production_rate[index];
1785 for (
size_t index = 0; index < std::size(indspec->
accepts_cargo); ++index) {
1795 p.rate = ClampTo<uint8_t>((
RandomRange(256) + 128) * p.rate >> 8);
1805 i->
random = initial_random_bits;
1866 for (uint j = 0; j < maxcargoes; j++) {
1880 a.
1889 if (std::any_of(std::begin(i->
accepted), std::begin(i->
accepted) + j, [&cargo](
const auto &a) { return a.cargo == cargo; })) {
1904 for (uint j = 0; j < maxcargoes; j++) {
1916 p.
1920 if (std::ranges::find(indspec->produced_cargo, cargo) == std::end(indspec->produced_cargo)) {
1925 if (std::any_of(std::begin(i->
produced), std::begin(i->
produced) + j, [&cargo](
const auto &p) { return p.cargo == cargo; })) {
1962 for (uint j = 0; j != 50; j++) PlantRandomFarmField(i);
1988 assert(layout_index < indspec->layouts.size());
1995 if (ret.
return ret;
1999 if (ret.
return ret;
2000 assert(t !=
2003 if (ret.
return ret;
2006 std::vector<ClearedObjectArea> object_areas(_cleared_object_areas);
2008 _cleared_object_areas = object_areas;
2009 if (ret.
return ret;
2017 if (ret.
return ret;
2020 bool custom_shape_check =
2021 ret =
CheckIfIndustryTileSlopes(tile, layout, layout_index, type, random_initial_bits, founder, creation_type, &custom_shape_check);
2022 if (ret.
return ret;
2034 DoCreateNewIndustry(*ip, tile, type, layout, layout_index, t, founder, random_initial_bits);
2071 uint16_t random_initial_bits =
GB(seed, 0, 16);
2072 uint32_t random_var8f = randomizer.
2073 size_t num_layouts = indspec->
2084 if (prospect_success) {
2088 for (
int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
2094 size_t layout =
2096 for (
size_t j = 0; j < num_layouts; j++) {
2097 layout = (layout + 1) % num_layouts;
2106 if (prospect_success) {
2114 size_t layout = first_layout;
2115 if (layout >= num_layouts)
return CMD_ERROR;
2118 for (
size_t i = 0; i < num_layouts; i++) {
2119 layout = (layout + 1) % num_layouts;
2125 if (ret.
return ret;
2178 if (show_news && prod_level != ind->
prod_level) {
2184 default: NOT_REACHED();
2189 if (!custom_news.empty()) {
2190 headline = custom_news;
2196 if (str > STR_LAST_STRINGID) {
2203 AddIndustryNewsItem(std::move(headline), nt, ind->
2257 if (!text.empty()) ind->
text = text;
2275 uint32_t seed =
2276 uint32_t seed2 =
2279 [[maybe_unused]]
CommandCost ret =
CreateNewIndustryHelper(tile, type,
DoCommandFlag::Execute, indspec, layout_index, seed,
GB(seed2, 0, 16),
OWNER_NONE, creation_type, &i);
2280 assert(i !=
nullptr || ret.
2297 *force_at_least_one =
2343 static const uint16_t numof_industry_table[] = {
2371 uint tries = try_hard ? 10000u : 2000u;
2372 for (; tries > 0; tries--) {
2374 if (ind !=
return ind;
2402 total +=
2431 static const int NEWINDS_PER_MONTH = 0x38000 / (10 * 12);
2452 uint32_t total_prob = 0;
2453 uint num_forced = 0;
2457 total_prob += industry_probs[it];
2458 if (force_at_least_one[it]) num_forced++;
2462 if (total_prob == 0 || total_amount < num_forced) {
2464 total_amount = num_forced;
2471 if (force_at_least_one[it]) {
2472 assert(total_amount > 0);
2479 for (uint i = 0; i < total_amount; i++) {
2481 IndustryType it = 0;
2482 while (r >= industry_probs[it]) {
2483 r -= industry_probs[it];
2487 assert(industry_probs[it] > 0);
2504 std::rotate(std::rbegin(p.history), std::rbegin(p.history) + 1, std::rend(p.history));
2505 p.history[THIS_MONTH].production = 0;
2506 p.history[THIS_MONTH].transported = 0;
2522 p.rate = ClampTo<uint8_t>(
CeilDiv(indspec->production_rate[&p - this->produced.data()] * this->prod_level,
2526void Industry::FillCachedName()
2532void ClearAllIndustryCachedNames()
2557 bool changed =
2558 uint num_planned = 0;
2564 changed |= num_planned != total_amount;
2565 if (!changed)
2568 uint force_build = 0;
2569 uint32_t total_prob = 0;
2577 if (total_prob == 0)
2580 total_amount = (total_amount <= force_build) ? 0 : total_amount - force_build;
2583 while (total_amount > 0) {
2585 IndustryType it = 0;
2586 while (r >= this->
builddata[it].probability) {
2591 assert(this->
builddata[it].probability > 0);
2606 uint32_t total_prob = 0;
2610 missing += difference;
2611 if (this->
builddata[it].wait_count > 0)
2612 if (difference > 0) {
2620 total_prob += difference;
2638 if (this->
builddata[it].wait_count > 0)
2640 if (difference <= 0)
2641 if (count == 1)
2642 if (r < (uint)difference)
2650 if (ind ==
nullptr) {
2725 bool c_accepts =
2726 bool c_produces =
2728 for (
const Vehicle *u = v; u !=
nullptr; u = u->
Next()) {
2736 if (!c_accepts && !c_produces)
2743 if (o->IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) && !(o->GetUnloadType() &
2746 assert(st !=
2749 if ((o->GetUnloadType() &
OUFB_UNLOAD) && !c_accepts)
2776 default: NOT_REACHED();
2778 AddIndustryNewsItem(
2787static const uint PERCENT_TRANSPORTED_60 = 153;
2788static const uint PERCENT_TRANSPORTED_80 = 204;
2798 bool closeit =
2800 bool standard =
2801 bool suppress_message =
2802 bool recalculate_multipliers =
2807 int8_t increment = 0;
2810 if (callback_enabled) {
2813 suppress_message =
HasBit(res, 7);
2816 res =
GB(res, 0, 4);
2818 default: NOT_REACHED();
2820 case 0x1: div = 1;
2821 case 0x2: mul = 1;
2822 case 0x3: closeit =
2823 case 0x4: standard =
2824 case 0x5:
case 0x6:
case 0x7:
2825 case 0x8: div = res - 0x3;
2826 case 0x9:
case 0xA:
case 0xB:
2827 case 0xC: mul = res - 0x7;
2830 increment = res == 0x0D ? -1 : 1;
2834 recalculate_multipliers =
2839 if (monthly == original_economy)
2844 if (standard || (!callback_enabled && indspec->
Any({IndustryLifeType::Organic, IndustryLifeType::Extractive}))) {
2848 if (original_economy) {
2849 if (only_decrease ||
Chance16(1, 3)) {
2862 int old_prod, new_prod, percent;
2864 int mult = (p.history[LAST_MONTH].PctTransported() > PERCENT_TRANSPORTED_60) ? 1 : -1;
2866 new_prod = old_prod = p.rate;
2870 if (only_decrease) {
2874 }
else if (
Chance16I(1, ((p.history[LAST_MONTH].PctTransported() > PERCENT_TRANSPORTED_80) ? 6 : 3), r)) {
2881 new_prod += mult * (std::max(((
RandomRange(50) + 10) * old_prod) >> 8, 1U));
2885 new_prod =
Clamp(new_prod, 1, 255);
2887 new_prod =
Clamp(new_prod, 0, 16);
2895 if (new_prod == old_prod && old_prod > 1) {
2900 percent = (old_prod == 0) ? 100 : (new_prod * 100 / old_prod - 100);
2904 if (new_prod > 1) closeit =
2906 if (
abs(percent) >= 10) {
2931 recalculate_multipliers =
2936 while (div-- != 0 && !closeit) {
2942 recalculate_multipliers =
2948 if (increment != 0) {
2953 recalculate_multipliers =
2968 if (!suppress_message && str != STR_NULL) {
2980 default: NOT_REACHED();
2985 if (str > STR_LAST_STRINGID) {
2987 }
else if (closeit) {
2996 AddIndustryNewsItem(std::move(headline), nt, i->
3020 if (change_loop == 0) {
3032 for (uint16_t j = 0; j < change_loop; j++) {
3044 cur_company.Restore();
3066 cur_company.Restore();
3073void InitializeIndustries()
3088 bool force_at_least_one;
3090 if (chance == 0 || !force_at_least_one)
3097 if (count >= 3)
cost_multiplier) >> 8;
3189 GetSlopePixelZ_Industry,
3191 AddAcceptedCargo_Industry,
3192 GetTileDesc_Industry,
3193 GetTileTrackStatus_Industry,
3195 AnimateTile_Industry,
3197 ChangeTileOwner_Industry,
3200 GetFoundation_Industry,
3201 TerraformTile_Industry,
3207 return std::tie(lhs.distance, lhs.industry->
index) < std::tie(rhs.distance, rhs.industry->
3216 auto ita = std::find_if(std::rbegin(ind->
accepted), std::rend(ind->
accepted), [](
const auto &a) { return IsValidCargoType(a.cargo); });
3220 auto itp = std::find_if(std::rbegin(ind->
produced), std::rend(ind->
produced), [](
const auto &p) { return IsValidCargoType(p.cargo); });
Base functions for all AIs.
void AddAnimatedTile(TileIndex tile, bool mark_dirty)
Add the given tile to the animated tile table (if it does not exist yet).
void DeleteAnimatedTile(TileIndex tile, bool immediate)
Stops animation on the given tile.
Functions related to autoslope.
bool AutoslopeEnabled()
Tests if autoslope is enabled for _current_company.
Class for backupping variables and making sure they are restored later.
debug_inline constexpr bool HasBit(const T x, const uint8_t y)
Checks if a bit in a value is set.
constexpr T SetBit(T &x, const uint8_t y)
Set a bit in a variable.
debug_inline static constexpr uint GB(const T x, const uint8_t s, const uint8_t n)
Fetch n bits from x, started at bit s.
bool IsBridgeAbove(Tile t)
checks if a bridge is set above the ground of this tile
Tables with default industry layouts and behaviours.
uint8_t CargoType
Cargo slots to indicate a cargo type within a game.
bool IsValidCargoType(CargoType t)
Test whether cargo type is not INVALID_CARGO.
static constexpr CargoLabel CT_PASSENGERS
Available types of cargo Labels may be re-used between different climates.
Cheats _cheats
All the cheats.
Types related to cheating.
static void BroadcastNewEvent(ScriptEvent *event, CompanyID skip_company=CompanyID::Invalid())
Broadcast a new event to all active AIs.
constexpr bool Test(Tvalue_type value) const
Test if the value-th bit is set.
constexpr bool IsValid() const
Test that the raw value of this bit set is valid.
constexpr Timpl & Set()
Set all bits.
constexpr bool Any(const Timpl &other) const
Test if any of the given values are set.
constexpr Timpl & Reset(Tvalue_type value)
Reset the value-th bit.
Common return value for all commands.
bool Succeeded() const
Did this command succeed?
bool Failed() const
Did this command fail?
Container for an encoded string, created by GetEncodedString.
static void NewEvent(class ScriptEvent *event)
Queue a new event for a Game Script.
An interval timer will fire every interval, and will continue to fire until it is deleted.
void ResetOverride()
Resets the override, which is used while initializing game.
static constexpr TimerGameTick::Ticks INDUSTRY_CUT_TREE_TICKS
Cycle duration for lumber mill's extra action.
static constexpr TimerGameTick::Ticks INDUSTRY_PRODUCE_TICKS
Cycle duration for industry production.
Wrapper class to abstract away the way the tiles are stored.
static Date date
Current date in days (day counter).
static Year year
Current year, starting at 0.
static Year year
Current year, starting at 0.
static TickCounter counter
Monotonic counter, in ticks, since start of game.
Map accessors for 'clear' tiles.
bool IsClearGround(Tile t, ClearGround ct)
Set the type of clear tile.
void SetFence(Tile t, DiagDirection side, uint h)
Sets the type of fence (and whether there is one) for the given border.
IndustryID GetIndustryIndexOfField(Tile t)
Get the industry (farm) that made the field.
void SetIndustryIndexOfField(Tile t, IndustryID i)
Set the industry (farm) that made the field.
void MakeField(Tile t, uint field_type, IndustryID industry)
Make a (farm) field tile.
void SetClearCounter(Tile t, uint c)
Sets the counter used to advance to the next clear density/field type.
uint GetFence(Tile t, DiagDirection side)
Is there a fence at the given border?
bool IsSnowTile(Tile t)
Test if a tile is covered with snow.
CommandCost CommandCostWithParam(StringID str, uint64_t value)
Return an error status, with string and parameter.
Functions related to commands.
static const CommandCost CMD_ERROR
Define a default return value for a failed command.
@ Execute
execute the given command
@ NoModifyTownRating
do not change town rating
@ NoTestTownRating
town rating does not disallow you from building
@ NoWater
don't allow building on water
@ Auto
don't allow building on structures
Definition of stuff that is very close to a company, like the company struct itself.
CompanyID _local_company
Company controlled by the human player at this client. Can also be COMPANY_SPECTATOR.
CompanyID _current_company
Company currently doing an action.
bool IsLocalCompany()
Is the current company the local company?
static constexpr Owner OWNER_DEITY
The object is owned by a superuser / goal script.
static constexpr Owner OWNER_TOWN
A town owns the tile, or a town is expanding.
static constexpr Owner OWNER_NONE
The tile has no ownership.
static constexpr Owner INVALID_OWNER
An invalid owner.
static constexpr Owner OWNER_WATER
The tile/execution is done by "water".
DiagDirection ReverseDiagDir(DiagDirection d)
Returns the reverse direction of the given DiagDirection.
Axis OtherAxis(Axis a)
Select the other axis as provided.
Axis DiagDirToAxis(DiagDirection d)
Convert a DiagDirection to the axis.
Enumeration for diagonal directions.
Northeast, upper right on your monitor.
static uint ScaleByInverseCargoScale(uint num, bool town)
Scale a number by the inverse of the cargo scale setting, e.g.
bool EconomyIsInRecession()
Is the economy in recession?
uint ScaleByCargoScale(uint num, bool town)
Scale a number by the cargo scale setting.
Construction costs.
Other expenses.
EffectVehicle * CreateEffectVehicle(int x, int y, int z, EffectVehicleType type)
Create an effect vehicle at a particular location.
EffectVehicle * CreateEffectVehicleAbove(int x, int y, int z, EffectVehicleType type)
Create an effect vehicle above a particular location.
Base class for all effect vehicles.
Functions related to effect vehicles.
Bubble of bubble generator (industry).
Smoke of power plant (industry).
Smoke at copper mine.
constexpr std::underlying_type_t< enum_type > to_underlying(enum_type e)
Implementation of std::to_underlying (from C++23)
Functions related to errors.
Other information.
Used for DoCommand-like (and some non-fatal AI GUI) errors/information.
void ShowErrorMessage(EncodedString &&summary_msg, int x, int y, const CommandCost &cc)
Display an error message in a window.
Base functions for all Games.
bool _generating_world
Whether we are generating the map or not.
Functions related to world/map generation.
void IncreaseGeneratingWorldProgress(GenWorldProgress cls)
Increases the current stage of the world generation with one.
TerraGenesis Perlin landscape generator.
Generate industries.
void SetGeneratingWorldProgress(GenWorldProgress cls, uint total)
Set the total of a stage of the world generation.
uint32_t SpriteID
The number of a sprite, without mapping bits and colourtables.
uint8_t GetSnowLine()
Get the current snow line, either variable or static.
uint8_t HighestSnowLine()
Get the highest possible snow line height, either variable or static.
void MarkTileDirtyByTile(TileIndex tile, int bridge_level_offset, int tile_height_override)
Mark a tile given by its index dirty for repaint.
static constexpr uint8_t PRODLEVEL_MAXIMUM
the industry is running at full speed
void ReleaseDisastersTargetingIndustry(IndustryID)
Marks all disasters targeting this industry in such a way they won't call Industry::Get(v->dest_tile)...
static constexpr uint8_t PRODLEVEL_DEFAULT
default level set when the industry is created
If a processing industry doesn't produce for this many consecutive economy years, it may close.
static constexpr uint8_t PRODLEVEL_MINIMUM
below this level, the industry is set to be closing
static constexpr uint8_t PRODLEVEL_CLOSURE
signal set to actually close the industry
@ ExternalProdLevel
Indicates that the production level of the industry is externally controlled.
@ NoClosure
Industry can not close regardless of production level or time since last delivery.
@ NoProductionDecrease
When industry production change is evaluated, rolls to decrease are ignored.
@ NoProductionIncrease
When industry production change is evaluated, rolls to increase are ignored.
static uint16_t GetIndustryGamePlayProbability(IndustryType it, uint8_t *min_number)
Compute the probability for constructing a new industry during game play.
static CommandCost CheckNewIndustry_Water(TileIndex tile)
Check the conditions of CHECK_WATER (Industry should be in the desert).
static uint32_t GetScaledIndustryGenerationProbability(IndustryType it, bool *force_at_least_one)
Compute the appearance probability for an industry during map creation.
static CheckNewIndustryProc *const _check_new_industry_procs[CHECK_END]
Check functions for different types of industry.
static CommandCost CheckIfIndustryIsAllowed(TileIndex tile, IndustryType type, const Town *t)
Is the industry allowed to be built at this place for the town?
const IndustrySpec * GetIndustrySpec(IndustryType thistype)
Accessor for array _industry_specs.
static bool TransportIndustryGoods(TileIndex tile)
Move produced cargo from industry to nearby stations.
CommandCost CmdIndustrySetExclusivity(DoCommandFlags flags, IndustryID ind_id, Owner company_id, bool consumer)
Change exclusive consumer or supplier for the industry.
static CommandCost CheckIfIndustryTileSlopes(TileIndex tile, const IndustryTileLayout &layout, size_t layout_index, IndustryType type, uint16_t initial_random_bits, Owner founder, IndustryAvailabilityCallType creation_type, bool *custom_shape_check=nullptr)
Check slope requirements for industry tiles.
static uint GetCurrentTotalNumberOfIndustries()
Get total number of industries existing in the game.
static CommandCost CheckNewIndustry_OilRefinery(TileIndex tile)
Check the conditions of CHECK_REFINERY (Industry should be positioned near edge of the map).
static CommandCost CheckIfIndustryTilesAreFree(TileIndex tile, const IndustryTileLayout &layout, IndustryType type)
Are the tiles of the industry free?
CommandCost CmdIndustrySetProduction(DoCommandFlags flags, IndustryID ind_id, uint8_t prod_level, bool show_news, const EncodedString &custom_news)
Set industry production.
static bool CheckIfCanLevelIndustryPlatform(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlags flags, const IndustryTileLayout &layout)
This function tries to flatten out the land below an industry, without damaging the surroundings too ...
static void PlaceInitialIndustry(IndustryType type, bool try_hard)
Try to build a industry on the map.
static CommandCost CheckNewIndustry_BubbleGen(TileIndex tile)
Check the conditions of CHECK_BUBBLEGEN (Industry should be in low land).
static CommandCost CheckNewIndustry_Farm(TileIndex tile)
Check the conditions of CHECK_FARM (Industry should be below snow-line in arctic).
static void AdvertiseIndustryOpening(const Industry *ind)
Advertise about a new industry opening.
static void ChopLumberMillTrees(Industry *i)
Perform a circular search around the Lumber Mill in order to find trees to cut.
static bool CheckScaledDistanceFromEdge(TileIndex tile, uint maxdist)
Check if a tile is within a distance from map edges, scaled by map dimensions independently.
static bool SearchLumberMillTrees(TileIndex tile, void *)
Search callback function for ChopLumberMillTrees.
bool IsTileForestIndustry(TileIndex tile)
Check whether the tile is a forest.
const IndustryTileSpec * GetIndustryTileSpec(IndustryGfx gfx)
Accessor for array _industry_tile_specs.
static void CanCargoServiceIndustry(CargoType cargo, Industry *ind, bool *c_accepts, bool *c_produces)
Can given cargo type be accepted or produced by the industry?
void GenerateIndustries()
This function will create random industries during game creation.
static void ProduceIndustryGoodsHelper(Industry *i, bool scale)
Helper for ProduceIndustryGoods that scales and produces cargos.
static void ReportNewsProductionChangeIndustry(Industry *ind, CargoType type, int percent)
Report news that industry production has changed significantly.
IndustryBuildData _industry_builder
In-game manager of industries.
static Industry * PlaceIndustry(IndustryType type, IndustryAvailabilityCallType creation_type, bool try_hard)
Try to place the industry in the game.
static CommandCost CheckNewIndustry_Plantation(TileIndex tile)
Check the conditions of CHECK_PLANTATION (Industry should NOT be in the desert).
void CheckIndustries()
Verify whether the generated industries are complete, and warn the user if not.
static void PopulateStationsNearby(Industry *ind)
Populate an industry's list of nearby stations, and if it accepts any cargo, also add the industry to...
static CommandCost CheckNewIndustry_Forest(TileIndex tile)
Check the conditions of CHECK_FOREST (Industry should be build above snow-line in arctic climate).
static void DoCreateNewIndustry(Industry *i, TileIndex tile, IndustryType type, const IndustryTileLayout &layout, size_t layout_index, Town *t, Owner founder, uint16_t initial_random_bits)
Put an industry on the map.
CommandCost CheckNewIndustryProc(TileIndex tile)
Industrytype check function signature.
static CommandCost CreateNewIndustryHelper(TileIndex tile, IndustryType type, DoCommandFlags flags, const IndustrySpec *indspec, size_t layout_index, uint32_t random_var8f, uint16_t random_initial_bits, Owner founder, IndustryAvailabilityCallType creation_type, Industry **ip)
Helper function for Build/Fund an industry.
static int WhoCanServiceIndustry(Industry *ind)
Compute who can service the industry.
void ResetIndustries()
This function initialize the spec arrays of both industry and industry tiles.
static CommandCost CheckIfFarEnoughFromConflictingIndustry(TileIndex tile, IndustryType type)
Check that the new industry is far enough from conflicting industries.
static bool IsSuitableForFarmField(TileIndex tile, bool allow_fields)
Check whether the tile can be replaced by a farm field.
static CommandCost CheckNewIndustry_OilRig(TileIndex tile)
Check the conditions of CHECK_OIL_RIG (Industries at sea should be positioned near edge of the map).
void TrimIndustryAcceptedProduced(Industry *ind)
Remove unused industry accepted/produced slots – entries after the last slot with valid cargo.
static uint GetNumberOfIndustries()
Get wanted number of industries on the map.
CommandCost CmdBuildIndustry(DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, IndustryType it, uint32_t first_layout, bool fund, uint32_t seed)
Build/Fund an industry.
static bool CheckIndustryCloseDownProtection(IndustryType type)
Protects an industry from closure if the appropriate flags and conditions are met CanCloseLastInstanc...
static void SetupFarmFieldFence(TileIndex tile, int size, uint8_t type, DiagDirection side)
Build farm field fence.
CommandCost CmdIndustrySetFlags(DoCommandFlags flags, IndustryID ind_id, IndustryControlFlags ctlflags)
Set industry control flags.
static IntervalTimer< TimerGameEconomy > _economy_industries_daily({TimerGameEconomy::DAY, TimerGameEconomy::Priority::INDUSTRY}, [](auto) { _economy.industry_daily_change_counter+=_economy.industry_daily_increment;uint16_t change_loop=_economy.industry_daily_change_counter > > 16;_economy.industry_daily_change_counter &=0xFFFF;if(change_loop==0) { return;} Backup< CompanyID > cur_company(_current_company, OWNER_NONE);uint perc=3;if((_industry_builder.wanted_inds > > 16) > GetCurrentTotalNumberOfIndustries()) { perc=std::min(9u, perc+(_industry_builder.wanted_inds > > 16) - GetCurrentTotalNumberOfIndustries());} for(uint16_t j=0;j< change_loop;j++) { if(Chance16(perc, 100)) { _industry_builder.TryBuildNewIndustry();} else { Industry *i=Industry::GetRandom();if(i !=nullptr) { ChangeIndustryProduction(i, false);SetWindowDirty(WC_INDUSTRY_VIEW, i->index);} } } cur_company.Restore();InvalidateWindowData(WC_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY, 0, IDIWD_PRODUCTION_CHANGE);})
Every economy day handler for the industry changes Taking the original map size of 256*256,...
IndustryType GetIndustryType(Tile tile)
Retrieve the type for this industry.
static void UpdateIndustryStatistics(Industry *i)
Monthly update of industry statistics.
static CommandCost FindTownForIndustry(TileIndex tile, IndustryType type, Town **t)
Find a town for the industry, while checking for multiple industries in the same town.
static CommandCost CheckNewIndustry_NULL(TileIndex)
Check the conditions of CHECK_NOTHING (Always succeeds).
static Industry * CreateNewIndustry(TileIndex tile, IndustryType type, IndustryAvailabilityCallType creation_type)
Create a new industry of random layout.
static void ChangeIndustryProduction(Industry *i, bool monthly)
Change industry production or do closure.
static CommandCost CheckNewIndustry_Lumbermill(TileIndex tile)
Check the conditions of CHECK_LUMBERMILL (Industry should be in the rainforest).
CommandCost CmdIndustrySetText(DoCommandFlags flags, IndustryID ind_id, const EncodedString &text)
Change additional industry text.
Command definitions related to industries.
Information about the behaviour of the default industry tiles.
static const DrawIndustryCoordinates _coal_plant_sparks[]
Movement of the sparks , only used for Power Station.
static const DrawBuildingsTileStruct _industry_draw_tile_data[NEW_INDUSTRYTILEOFFSET *4]
Structure for industry tiles drawing.
void SetIndustryCompleted(Tile tile)
Set if the industry that owns the tile as under construction or not.
void SetIndustryGfx(Tile t, IndustryGfx gfx)
Set the industry graphics ID for the given industry tile.
void ResetIndustryConstructionStage(Tile tile)
Reset the construction stage counter of the industry, as well as the completion bit.
void SetIndustryConstructionCounter(Tile tile, uint8_t value)
Sets this industry tile's construction counter value.
IndustryGfx GetIndustryGfx(Tile t)
Get the industry graphics ID for the given industry tile.
bool IsIndustryCompleted(Tile t)
Is this industry tile fully built?
IndustryID GetIndustryIndex(Tile t)
Get the industry ID of the given tile.
uint8_t GetIndustryConstructionCounter(Tile tile)
Returns this industry tile's construction counter value.
void MakeIndustry(Tile t, IndustryID index, IndustryGfx gfx, uint8_t random, WaterClass wc)
Make the given tile an industry tile.
void SetIndustryAnimationLoop(Tile tile, uint8_t count)
Set the animation loop number.
not really a tile, but rather a very special check
void SetIndustryConstructionStage(Tile tile, uint8_t value)
Sets the industry construction stage of the specified tile.
uint8_t GetIndustryAnimationLoop(Tile tile)
Get the animation loop number.
uint8_t GetIndustryConstructionStage(Tile tile)
Returns the industry construction stage of the specified tile.
static const IndustryGfx NEW_INDUSTRYTILEOFFSET
original number of tiles
static const IndustryGfx INDUSTRYTILE_NOANIM
flag to mark industry tiles as having no animation
Original number of accepted cargo types.
static const int INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS
Number of cargo types an industry can produce.
static const int INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS
Number of cargo types an industry can accept.
static const IndustryType NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES
total number of industry types, new and old; limited to 240 because we need some special ids like IT_...
static const IndustryGfx INVALID_INDUSTRYTILE
one above amount is considered invalid
static const IndustryGfx NUM_INDUSTRYTILES
total number of industry tiles, new and old
static const int INDUSTRY_COMPLETED
final stage of industry construction.
@ NoBuildMapCreation
Do not force one instance of this type to appear on map generation.
@ CutTrees
cuts trees and produce first output cargo from them (lumber mill)
@ PlantOnBuild
Fields are planted around when built (all farms)
@ Before1950
can only be built before 1950 (oil wells)
@ BuiltOnWater
is built on water (oil rig)
@ DontIncrProd
do not increase production (oil wells) in the temperate climate
@ CargoTypesUnlimited
Allow produced/accepted cargoes callbacks to supply more than 2 and 3 types.
@ After1960
can only be built after 1960 (oil rigs)
@ PlantFields
periodically plants fields around itself (temp and arctic farms)
@ Town1200More
can only be built in towns larger than 1200 inhabitants (temperate bank)
@ NoPaxProdClamp
Do not clamp production of passengers. (smooth economy only)
@ CanCloseLastInstance
Allow closing down the last instance of this type.
@ OnlyNearTown
is always built near towns (toy shop)
@ AcceptsAllCargo
Tile always accepts all cargoes the associated industry accepts.
@ Processing
Like factories.
IndustryGfx GetTranslatedIndustryTileID(IndustryGfx gfx)
Do industry gfx ID translation for NewGRFs.
std::vector< IndustryTileLayoutTile > IndustryTileLayout
A complete tile layout for an industry is a list of tiles.
Industry should be positioned near edge of the map.
End marker of the industry check procedures.
Industries at sea should be positioned near edge of the map.
during random map creation
either by user or random creation process
while editing a scenario
static constexpr IndustryLifeTypes INDUSTRYLIFE_BLACK_HOLE
Like power plants and banks.
void DrawFoundation(TileInfo *ti, Foundation f)
Draw foundation f at tile ti.
Functions related to OTTD's landscape.
Command definitions related to landscape (slopes etc.).
@ Random
Randomise borders.
bool CircularTileSearch(TileIndex *tile, uint size, TestTileOnSearchProc proc, void *user_data)
Function performing a search around a center tile and going outward, thus in circle.
uint DistanceMax(TileIndex t0, TileIndex t1)
Gets the biggest distance component (x or y) between the two given tiles.
uint DistanceFromEdgeDir(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir)
Gets the distance to the edge of the map in given direction.
TileIndex TileAddWrap(TileIndex tile, int addx, int addy)
This function checks if we add addx/addy to tile, if we do wrap around the edges.
TileIndex TileAddXY(TileIndex tile, int x, int y)
Adds a given offset to a tile.
TileIndexDiff ToTileIndexDiff(TileIndexDiffC tidc)
Return the offset between two tiles from a TileIndexDiffC struct.
TileIndexDiff TileDiffXY(int x, int y)
Calculates an offset for the given coordinate(-offset).
TileIndexDiff TileOffsByAxis(Axis axis)
Convert an Axis to a TileIndexDiff.
#define RandomTile()
Get a valid random tile.
static debug_inline uint TileY(TileIndex tile)
Get the Y component of a tile.
static debug_inline uint TileX(TileIndex tile)
Get the X component of a tile.
TileIndexDiff TileOffsByDiagDir(DiagDirection dir)
Convert a DiagDirection to a TileIndexDiff.
int32_t TileIndexDiff
An offset value between two tiles.
constexpr T abs(const T a)
Returns the absolute value of (scalar) variable.
constexpr uint CeilDiv(uint a, uint b)
Computes ceil(a / b) for non-negative a and b.
constexpr T Delta(const T a, const T b)
Returns the (absolute) difference between two (scalar) variables.
constexpr T Clamp(const T a, const T min, const T max)
Clamp a value between an interval.
constexpr uint ClampU(const uint a, const uint min, const uint max)
Clamp an unsigned integer between an interval.
StringID MapGRFStringID(uint32_t grfid, GRFStringID str)
Used when setting an object's property to map to the GRF's strings while taking in consideration the ...
Trigger in the periodic tile loop.
Trigger whenever the construction state changes.
Trigger when cargo is distributed.
Trigger every tick.
static const uint8_t ANIM_STATUS_NO_ANIMATION
There is no animation.
@ InputCargoTypes
customize the cargoes the industry requires
@ ProductionChange
controls random production change
@ DecideColour
give a custom colour to newly build industries
@ SpecialEffect
control special effects
@ ProdChangeBuild
initialise production level on construction
@ Production256Ticks
call production callback every 256 ticks
@ Location
check industry construction on given area
@ MonthlyProdChange
controls monthly random production change
@ ProductionCargoArrival
call production callback when cargo arrives at the industry
@ OutputCargoTypes
customize the cargoes the industry produces
Customize the output cargo types of a newly build industry.
Called to determine industry special effects.
Called to determine if industry can alter the ground below industry tile.
Called to determine the colour of an industry.
Called to determine the type (if any) of foundation to draw for industry tile.
Called on production changes, so it can be adjusted.
Called monthly on production changes, so it can be adjusted more frequently.
Called when industry is built to set initial production level.
Called to query the cargo acceptance of the industry tile.
Called to determine which cargoes an industry should accept.
Customize the input cargo types of a newly build industry.
static const uint CALLBACK_FAILED
Different values for Callback result evaluations.
@ ShapeCheck
decides slope suitability
@ AcceptCargo
decides accepted types
@ CargoAcceptance
decides amount of cargo acceptance
@ DrawFoundations
decides if default foundations need to be drawn
@ Autoslope
decides allowance of autosloping
CargoType GetCargoTranslation(uint8_t cargo, const GRFFile *grffile, bool usebit)
Translate a GRF-local cargo slot/bitnum into a CargoType.
Cargo support for NewGRFs.
void ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(uint32_t grfid, uint16_t cbid, uint16_t cb_res)
Record that a NewGRF returned an unknown/invalid callback result.
bool ConvertBooleanCallback(const GRFFile *grffile, uint16_t cbid, uint16_t cb_res)
Converts a callback result into a boolean.
GRFConfig * GetGRFConfig(uint32_t grfid, uint32_t mask)
Retrieve a NewGRF from the current config by its grfid.
Functions/types related to NewGRF debugging.
void DeleteNewGRFInspectWindow(GrfSpecFeature feature, uint index)
Delete inspect window for a given feature and index.
CommandCost CheckIfCallBackAllowsCreation(TileIndex tile, IndustryType type, size_t layout, uint32_t seed, uint16_t initial_random_bits, Owner founder, IndustryAvailabilityCallType creation_type)
Check that the industry callback allows creation of the industry.
void IndustryProductionCallback(Industry *ind, int reason)
Get the industry production callback and apply it to the industry.
uint32_t GetIndustryProbabilityCallback(IndustryType type, IndustryAvailabilityCallType creation_type, uint32_t default_prob)
Check with callback CBID_INDUSTRY_PROBABILITY whether the industry can be built.
uint16_t GetIndustryCallback(CallbackID callback, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2, Industry *industry, IndustryType type, TileIndex tile)
Perform an industry callback.
bool IndustryTemporarilyRefusesCargo(Industry *ind, CargoType cargo_type)
Check whether an industry temporarily refuses to accept a certain cargo.
From where has callback CBID_INDUSTRY_PROBABILITY been called.
from the Fund/build window
during creation of random ingame industry
during random map generation
from the Fund/build using prospecting
void TriggerIndustry(Industry *ind, IndustryTileTrigger trigger)
Trigger a random trigger for all industry tiles.
CommandCost PerformIndustryTileSlopeCheck(TileIndex ind_base_tile, TileIndex ind_tile, const IndustryTileSpec *its, IndustryType type, IndustryGfx gfx, size_t layout_index, uint16_t initial_random_bits, Owner founder, IndustryAvailabilityCallType creation_type)
Check the slope of a tile of a new industry.
void TriggerIndustryTile(TileIndex tile, IndustryTileTrigger trigger)
Trigger a random trigger for a single industry tile.
NewGRF handling of industry tiles.
The tile of the industry has been triggered during the tileloop.
The industry has been triggered via its tick.
uint32_t GetRegister(uint i)
Gets the value of a so-called newgrf "register".
Functions related to news.
void DeleteIndustryNews(IndustryID iid)
Remove news regarding given industry.
@ IndustryCompany
Production changes of industry serviced by local company.
@ IndustryClose
Closing of industries.
@ IndustryOpen
Opening of industries.
@ IndustryNobody
Other industry production changes.
@ IndustryOther
Production changes of industry serviced by competitor(s)
Transfer all cargo onto the platform.
Force unloading all cargo onto the platform, possibly not getting paid.
Some methods of Pool are placed here in order to reduce compilation time and binary size.
Force instantiation of pool methods so we don't get linker errors.
uint32_t RandomRange(uint32_t limit, const std::source_location location=std::source_location::current())
Pick a random number between 0 and limit - 1, inclusive.
bool Chance16I(const uint32_t a, const uint32_t b, const uint32_t r)
Checks if a given randomize-number is below a given probability.
bool Chance16(const uint32_t a, const uint32_t b, const std::source_location location=std::source_location::current())
Flips a coin with given probability.
bool Chance16R(const uint32_t a, const uint32_t b, uint32_t &r, const std::source_location location=std::source_location::current())
Flips a coin with a given probability and saves the randomize-number in a variable.
A number of safeguards to prevent using unsafe methods.
GameSettings _settings_game
Game settings of a running game or the scenario editor.
ClientSettings _settings_client
The current settings for this game.
Custom number of industries.
Very few industries at game start.
Number of industry density settings.
The game does not build industries.
static constexpr int GetSlopeMaxZ(Slope s)
Returns the height of the highest corner of a slope relative to TileZ (= minimal height)
static constexpr bool IsSteepSlope(Slope s)
Checks if a slope is steep.
Foundation FlatteningFoundation(Slope s)
Returns the foundation needed to flatten a slope.
Slope ComplementSlope(Slope s)
Return the complement of a slope.
Enumeration for the slope-type.
the west corner of the tile is raised
the east corner of the tile is raised
the south corner of the tile is raised
the north corner of the tile is raised
south and west corner are raised
north and east corner are raised
south and east corner are raised
north and west corner are raised
Enumeration for Foundations.
The tile is leveled up to a flat slope.
The tile has no foundation, the slope remains unchanged.
Functions related to sound.
Sound effects from baseset.
48 == 0x30 Industry animation: toffee quarry: drill
46 == 0x2E Industry animation: bubble generator (1): generate bubble
45 == 0x2D Industry animation: sugar mine (1): shaking sieve
43 == 0x2B Industry animation: toy factory (2): stamp product
56 == 0x38 Industry animation: lumber mill (1): chainsaw
41 == 0x29 Industry animation: sugar mine (2): shaking sieve
44 == 0x2C Industry animation: toy factory (1): conveyor belt
55 == 0x37 Industry animation: lumber mill (2): falling tree
10 == 0x0A Industry animation: power station: spark
9 == 0x09 Industry animation: coal/copper/gold mine: headgear
54 == 0x36 Industry animation: lumber mill (3): crashing tree
42 == 0x2A Industry animation: toy factory (3): eject product
@ Industry
Source/destination is an industry.
PaletteID SpriteLayoutPaletteTransform(SpriteID image, PaletteID pal, PaletteID default_pal)
Applies PALETTE_MODIFIER_TRANSPARENT and PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR to a palette entry of a sprite layou...
PaletteID GroundSpritePaletteTransform(SpriteID image, PaletteID pal, PaletteID default_pal)
Applies PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR to a palette entry of a ground sprite.
Base classes/functions for stations.
void ForAllStationsAroundTiles(const TileArea &ta, Func func)
Call a function on all stations that have any part of the requested area within their catchment.
void ClearDockingTilesCheckingNeighbours(TileIndex tile)
Clear docking tile status from tiles around a removed dock, if the tile has no neighbours which would...
bool IsOilRig(Tile t)
Is tile t part of an oilrig?
Definition of base types and functions in a cross-platform compatible way.
#define lengthof(array)
Return the length of an fixed size array.
Functions related to low-level strings.
void GetStringWithArgs(StringBuilder &builder, StringID string, StringParameters &args, uint case_index, bool game_script)
Get a parsed string with most special stringcodes replaced by the string parameters.
EncodedString GetEncodedString(StringID str)
Encode a string with no parameters into an encoded string.
Functions related to OTTD's strings.
auto MakeParameters(Args &&... args)
Helper to create the StringParameters with its own buffer with the given parameter values.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
static const StringID INVALID_STRING_ID
Constant representing an invalid string (16bit in case it is used in savegames)
uint8_t status
Status; 0: no looping, 1: looping, 0xFF: no animation.
Class to backup a specific variable and restore it later.
const T & GetOriginalValue() const
Returns the backupped value.
void Restore()
Restore the variable.
VehicleType type
Type of vehicle.
Class for storing amounts of cargo.
static void InvalidateAllFrom(Source src)
Invalidates (sets source_id to INVALID_SOURCE) all cargo packets from given source.
static CargoSpec * Get(size_t index)
Retrieve cargo details for the given cargo type.
StringID name
Name of this type of cargo.
bool value
tells if the bool cheat is active or not
Cheat magic_bulldozer
dynamite industries, objects
SoundSettings sound
sound effect settings
uint8_t raw_industry_construction
type of (raw) industry construction (none, "normal", prospecting)
uint8_t industry_platform
the amount of flat land around an industry
uint8_t industry_density
The industry density.
This structure is the same for both Industries and Houses.
This is used to gather some data about animation drawing in the industry code Image_1-2-3 are in fact...
uint8_t image_1
image offset 1
uint8_t image_3
image offset 3
uint8_t image_2
image offset 2
int x
coordinate x of the first image offset
EconomyType type
economy type (original/smooth/frozen)
bool multiple_industry_per_town
allow many industries of the same type per town
uint32_t industry_daily_change_counter
Bits 31-16 are number of industry to be performed, 15-0 are fractional collected daily.
uint32_t industry_daily_increment
The value which will increment industry_daily_change_counter. Computed value. NOSAVE.
A special vehicle is one of the following:
uint8_t animation_substate
Sub state to time the change of the graphics/behaviour.
const struct SpriteGroup * GetSpriteGroup(size_t index=0) const
Get the SpriteGroup at the specified index.
const char * GetName() const
Get the name of this grf.
const struct GRFFile * grffile
grf file that introduced this entity
uint32_t grfid
grfid that introduced this entity.
bool HasGrfFile() const
Test if this entity was introduced by NewGRF.
uint16_t custom_industry_number
manually entered number of industries
LandscapeType landscape
the landscape we're currently in
uint8_t oil_refinery_limit
distance oil refineries allowed from map edge
uint8_t land_generator
the landscape generator
EconomySettings economy
settings to change the economy
ConstructionSettings construction
construction of things in-game
DifficultySettings difficulty
settings related to the difficulty
GameCreationSettings game_creation
settings used during the creation of a game (map)
StationSettings station
settings related to station management
Data for managing the number and type of industries in the game.
void Reset()
Completely reset the industry build data.
void EconomyMonthlyLoop()
Monthly update of industry build data.
uint32_t wanted_inds
Number of wanted industries (bits 31-16), and a fraction (bits 15-0).
void SetupTargetCount()
Decide how many industries of each type are needed.
void TryBuildNewIndustry()
Try to create a random industry, during gameplay.
IndustryTypeBuildData builddata[NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES]
Industry build data for every industry type.
Defines the data structure for constructing industry.
IndustryCallbackMasks callback_mask
Bitmask of industry callbacks that have to be called.
bool IsProcessingIndustry() const
Is an industry with the spec a processing industry?
std::vector< uint8_t > random_sounds
Random sounds;.
Money GetRemovalCost() const
Get the cost for removing this industry Take note that the cost will always be zero for non-grf indus...
std::array< CargoType, INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS > accepts_cargo
16 accepted cargoes.
uint8_t appear_creation[NUM_LANDSCAPE]
Probability of appearance during map creation.
bool UsesOriginalEconomy() const
Determines whether this industrytype uses standard/newgrf production changes.
uint8_t minimal_cargo
minimum amount of cargo transported to the stations.
uint32_t removal_cost_multiplier
Base removal cost multiplier.
uint32_t prospecting_chance
Chance prospecting succeeds.
StringID production_up_text
Message appearing when the industry's production is increasing.
StringID name
Displayed name of the industry.
uint8_t cost_multiplier
Base construction cost multiplier.
bool IsRawIndustry() const
Is an industry with the spec a raw industry?
IndustryType conflicting[3]
Industries this industry cannot be close to.
uint8_t appear_ingame[NUM_LANDSCAPE]
Probability of appearance in game.
GRFFileProps grf_prop
properties related to the grf file
StringID production_down_text
Message appearing when the industry's production is decreasing.
IndustryBehaviours behaviour
How this industry will behave, and how others entities can use it.
StringID closure_text
Message appearing when the industry closes.
StringID new_industry_text
Message appearing when the industry is built.
std::vector< IndustryTileLayout > layouts
List of possible tile layouts for the industry.
bool enabled
entity still available (by default true).newgrf can disable it, though
Money GetConstructionCost() const
Get the cost for constructing this industry.
IndustryLifeTypes life_type
This is also known as Industry production flag, in newgrf specs.
uint8_t check_proc
Index to a procedure to check for conflicting circumstances.
Definition of one tile in an industry tile layout.
Defines the data structure of each individual tile of an industry.
uint8_t anim_next
Next frame in an animation.
IndustryTileSpecialFlags special_flags
Bitmask of extra flags used by the tile.
GRFFileProps grf_prop
properties related to the grf file
Slope slopes_refused
slope pattern on which this tile cannot be built
AnimationInfo animation
Information about the animation (is it looping, how many loops etc)
std::array< int8_t, INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS > acceptance
Level of acceptance per cargo type (signed, may be negative!)
bool anim_state
When true, the tile has to be drawn using the animation state instead of the construction state.
IndustryTileCallbackMasks callback_mask
Bitmask of industry tile callbacks that have to be called.
std::array< CargoType, INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS > accepts_cargo
Cargo accepted by this tile.
uint8_t anim_production
Animation frame to start when goods are produced.
Data for managing the number of industries of a single industry type.
uint32_t probability
Relative probability of building this industry.
uint16_t target_count
Desired number of industries of this type.
uint8_t min_number
Smallest number of industries that should exist (either 0 or 1).
void Reset()
Reset the entry.
bool GetIndustryTypeData(IndustryType it)
Set the probability and min_number fields for the industry type it for a running game.
uint16_t wait_count
Number of turns to wait before trying to build again.
uint16_t max_wait
Starting number of turns to wait (copied to wait_count).
CargoType cargo
Cargo type.
std::array< ProducedHistory, 25 > history
History of cargo produced and transported for this month and 24 previous months.
CargoType cargo
Cargo type.
uint8_t rate
Production rate.
Defines the internal data of a functional industry.
static Industry * GetRandom()
Return a random valid industry.
IndustryType type
type of industry.
Owner exclusive_supplier
Which company has exclusive rights to deliver cargo (INVALID_OWNER = anyone)
TimerGameCalendar::Date construction_date
Date of the construction of the industry.
IndustryControlFlags ctlflags
flags overriding standard behaviours
bool IsCargoAccepted() const
Test if this industry accepts any cargo.
PersistentStorage * psa
Persistent storage for NewGRF industries.
uint8_t prod_level
general production level
Colours random_colour
randomized colour of the industry, for display purpose
void RecomputeProductionMultipliers()
Recompute #production_rate for current prod_level.
EncodedString text
General text with additional information.
uint8_t construction_type
Way the industry was constructed (.
std::string cached_name
NOSAVE: Cache of the resolved name of the industry.
const ProducedCargo & GetProduced(size_t slot) const
Safely get a produced cargo slot, or an empty data if the slot does not exist.
TimerGameEconomy::Year last_prod_year
last economy year of production
ProducedCargoes produced
produced cargo slots
uint16_t random
Random value used for randomisation of all kinds of things.
static void PostDestructor(size_t index)
Invalidating some stuff after removing item from the pool.
Owner founder
Founder of the industry.
uint8_t selected_layout
Which tile layout was used when creating the industry.
AcceptedCargoes accepted
accepted cargo slots
static uint16_t GetIndustryTypeCount(IndustryType type)
Get the count of industries for this type.
Owner owner
owner of the industry. Which SHOULD always be (imho) OWNER_NONE
static Industry * GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
Get the industry of the given tile.
static std::array< std::vector< IndustryID >, NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES > industries
List of industries of each type.
TileArea location
Location of the industry.
Station * neutral_station
Associated neutral station.
StationList stations_near
NOSAVE: List of nearby stations.
bool IsCargoProduced() const
Test if this industry produces any cargo.
Owner exclusive_consumer
Which company has exclusive rights to take cargo (INVALID_OWNER = anyone)
uint16_t counter
used for animation and/or production (if available cargo)
uint8_t was_cargo_delivered
flag that indicate this has been the closest industry chosen for cargo delivery by a station....
bool TileBelongsToIndustry(TileIndex tile) const
Check if a given tile belongs to this industry.
static TileIndex WrapToMap(TileIndex tile)
'Wraps' the given "tile" so it is within the map.
static uint ScaleBySize(uint n)
Scales the given value by the map size, where the given value is for a 256 by 256 map.
static uint SizeY()
Get the size of the map along the Y.
static debug_inline uint SizeX()
Get the size of the map along the X.
static uint ScaleBySize1D(uint n)
Scales the given value by the maps circumference, where the given value is for a 256 by 256 map.
static uint MaxY()
Gets the maximum Y coordinate within the map, including MP_VOID.
static debug_inline uint Size()
Get the size of the map.
static debug_inline uint MaxX()
Gets the maximum X coordinate within the map, including MP_VOID.
Represents the covered area of e.g.
void ClampToMap()
Clamp the tile area to map borders.
uint16_t w
The width of the area.
void Add(TileIndex to_add)
Add a single tile to a tile area; enlarge if needed.
TileIndex tile
The base tile of the area.
uint16_t h
The height of the area.
OrthogonalTileArea & Expand(int rad)
Expand a tile area by rad tiles in each direction, keeping within map bounds.
SpriteID sprite
The 'real' sprite.
PaletteID pal
The palette (use PAL_NONE) if not needed)
Templated helper to make a PoolID a single POD value.
static Pool::IterateWrapper< Titem > Iterate(size_t from=0)
Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid Titem.
static size_t GetPoolSize()
Returns first unused index.
static Titem * Get(auto index)
Returns Titem with given index.
static size_t GetNumItems()
Returns number of valid items in the pool.
Tindex index
Index of this pool item.
static bool CanAllocateItem(size_t n=1)
Helper functions so we can use PoolItem::Function() instead of _poolitem_pool.Function()
static bool IsValidID(auto index)
Tests whether given index can be used to get valid (non-nullptr) Titem.
static bool CleaningPool()
Returns current state of pool cleaning - yes or no.
static Titem * GetIfValid(auto index)
Returns Titem with given index.
Base class for all pools.
static constexpr size_t MAX_SIZE
Make template parameter accessible from outside.
Structure to encapsulate the pseudo random number generators.
void SetSeed(uint32_t seed)
(Re)set the state of the random number generator.
uint32_t Next()
Generate the next pseudo random number.
bool ambient
Play ambient, industry and town sounds.
A location from where cargo can come from (or go to).
static Station * Get(auto index)
Gets station with given index.
T * Next() const
Get next vehicle in the chain.
bool serve_neutral_industries
company stations can serve industries with attached neutral stations
IndustryList industries_near
Cached list of industries near the station that can accept cargo,.
Tile description for the 'land area information' tool.
StringID str
Description of the tile.
std::array< Owner, 4 > owner
Name of the owner(s)
uint64_t dparam
Parameter of the str string.
const char * grf
newGRF used for the tile contents
Tile information, used while rendering the tile.
int x
X position of the tile in unit coordinates.
Slope tileh
Slope of the tile.
TileIndex tile
Tile index.
int y
Y position of the tile in unit coordinates.
Set of callback functions for performing tile operations of a given tile type.
uint32_t population
Current population of people.
TileIndex xy
town center tile
TownCache cache
Container for all cacheable data.
CargoType cargo_type
type of cargo this vehicle is carrying
debug_inline bool IsFrontEngine() const
Check if the vehicle is a front engine.
IterateWrapper Orders() const
Returns an iterable ensemble of orders of a vehicle.
Owner owner
Which company owns the vehicle?
void DeleteSubsidyWith(Source source)
Delete the subsidies associated with a given cargo source type and id.
Functions related to subsidies.
bool IsTileFlat(TileIndex tile, int *h)
Check if a given tile is flat.
int GetTileMaxZ(TileIndex t)
Get top height of the tile inside the map.
int GetTileZ(TileIndex tile)
Get bottom height of the tile.
int GetTileMaxPixelZ(TileIndex tile)
Get top height of the tile.
static debug_inline TileType GetTileType(Tile tile)
Get the tiletype of a given tile.
uint8_t GetAnimationFrame(Tile t)
Get the current animation frame.
bool IsValidTile(Tile tile)
Checks if a tile is valid.
TropicZone GetTropicZone(Tile tile)
Get the tropic zone.
void SetAnimationFrame(Tile t, uint8_t frame)
Set a new animation frame.
static debug_inline bool IsTileType(Tile tile, TileType type)
Checks if a tile is a given tiletype.
Slope GetTileSlope(TileIndex tile)
Return the slope of a given tile inside the map.
static debug_inline uint TileHeight(Tile tile)
Returns the height of a tile.
static const uint TILE_SIZE
Tile size in world coordinates.
Rainforest tile.
Tile is desert.
constexpr TileIndex INVALID_TILE
The very nice invalid tile marker.
Tile got trees.
A tile of a station.
A tile without any structures, i.e. grass, rocks, farm fields etc.
A house by a town.
Part of an industry.
Invisible tiles at the SW and SE border.
OrthogonalTileArea TileArea
Shorthand for the much more common orthogonal tile area.
Definition of Interval and OneShot timers.
Definition of the game-calendar-timer.
Definition of the game-economy-timer.
Definition of the tick-based game-timer.
Town * ClosestTownFromTile(TileIndex tile, uint threshold)
Return the town closest (in distance or ownership) to a given tile, within a given threshold.
bool IsTransparencySet(TransparencyOption to)
Check if the transparency option bit is set and if we aren't in the game menu (there's never transpar...
bool IsInvisibilitySet(TransparencyOption to)
Check if the invisibility option bit is set and if we aren't in the game menu (there's never transpar...
Available types of transport.
Map accessors for tree tiles.
TreeGrowthStage GetTreeGrowth(Tile t)
Returns the tree growth stage.
TreeGround GetTreeGround(Tile t)
Returns the groundtype for tree tiles.
CommandCost EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(TileIndex tile)
Ensure there is no vehicle at the ground at the given position.
Functions related to vehicles.
Road vehicle type.
Aircraft vehicle type.
Ship vehicle type.
Train vehicle type.
void AddSortableSpriteToDraw(SpriteID image, PaletteID pal, int x, int y, int w, int h, int dz, int z, bool transparent, int bb_offset_x, int bb_offset_y, int bb_offset_z, const SubSprite *sub)
Draw a (transparent) sprite at given coordinates with a given bounding box.
void AddChildSpriteScreen(SpriteID image, PaletteID pal, int x, int y, bool transparent, const SubSprite *sub, bool scale, bool relative)
Add a child sprite to a parent sprite.
void DrawGroundSprite(SpriteID image, PaletteID pal, const SubSprite *sub, int extra_offs_x, int extra_offs_y)
Draws a ground sprite for the current tile.
Functions related to (drawing on) viewports.
Functions related to water (management)
void TileLoop_Water(TileIndex tile)
Let a water tile floods its diagonal adjoining tiles called from tunnelbridge_cmd,...
bool IsTileOnWater(Tile t)
Tests if the tile was built on water.
classes of water (for WATER_TILE_CLEAR water tile type).
Used for industry tiles on land (also for oilrig if newgrf says so).
bool HasTileWaterClass(Tile t)
Checks whether the tile has an waterclass associated.
WaterClass GetWaterClass(Tile t)
Get the water class at a tile.
bool IsWaterTile(Tile t)
Is it a water tile with plain water?
void CloseWindowById(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number, bool force, int data)
Close a window by its class and window number (if it is open).
void InvalidateWindowData(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number, int data, bool gui_scope)
Mark window data of the window of a given class and specific window number as invalid (in need of re-...
void SetWindowDirty(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number)
Mark window as dirty (in need of repainting)
Window functions not directly related to making/drawing windows.
Industry directory; Window numbers:
Industry view; Window numbers:
Build industry; Window numbers: