OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6 */
10#ifndef AUTOSLOPE_H
11#define AUTOSLOPE_H
13#include "company_func.h"
14#include "depot_func.h"
15#include "tile_map.h"
31inline bool AutoslopeCheckForEntranceEdge(TileIndex tile, int z_new, Slope tileh_new, DiagDirection entrance)
33 if (GetTileMaxZ(tile) != z_new + GetSlopeMaxZ(tileh_new)) return false;
34 return ((tileh_new == SLOPE_FLAT) || CanBuildDepotByTileh(entrance, tileh_new));
51inline bool AutoslopeCheckForAxis(TileIndex tile, int z_new, Slope tileh_new, Axis axis)
53 DiagDirection direction = AxisToDiagDir(axis);
54 return AutoslopeCheckForEntranceEdge(tile, z_new, tileh_new, direction) &&
55 AutoslopeCheckForEntranceEdge(tile, z_new, tileh_new, ReverseDiagDir(direction));
65inline bool AutoslopeEnabled()
68 (_current_company < MAX_COMPANIES ||
69 (_current_company == OWNER_NONE && _game_mode == GM_EDITOR)));
72#endif /* AUTOSLOPE_H */
bool AutoslopeCheckForAxis(TileIndex tile, int z_new, Slope tileh_new, Axis axis)
Autoslope check for tiles with something built along an axis.
Definition autoslope.h:51
bool AutoslopeCheckForEntranceEdge(TileIndex tile, int z_new, Slope tileh_new, DiagDirection entrance)
Autoslope check for tiles with an entrance on an edge.
Definition autoslope.h:31
bool AutoslopeEnabled()
Tests if autoslope is enabled for _current_company.
Definition autoslope.h:65
CompanyID _current_company
Company currently doing an action.
Functions related to companies.
static constexpr Owner OWNER_NONE
The tile has no ownership.
Functions related to depots.
bool CanBuildDepotByTileh(DiagDirection direction, Slope tileh)
Find out if the slope of the tile is suitable to build a depot of given direction.
Definition depot_func.h:27
DiagDirection ReverseDiagDir(DiagDirection d)
Returns the reverse direction of the given DiagDirection.
DiagDirection AxisToDiagDir(Axis a)
Converts an Axis to a DiagDirection.
Allow incrementing of DiagDirDiff variables.
Enumeration for diagonal directions.
GameSettings _settings_game
Game settings of a running game or the scenario editor.
Definition settings.cpp:58
static constexpr int GetSlopeMaxZ(Slope s)
Returns the height of the highest corner of a slope relative to TileZ (= minimal height)
Definition slope_func.h:160
Enumeration for the slope-type.
Definition slope_type.h:48
a flat tile
Definition slope_type.h:49
bool autoslope
allow terraforming under things
ConstructionSettings construction
construction of things in-game
int GetTileMaxZ(TileIndex t)
Get top height of the tile inside the map.
Definition tile_map.cpp:136
Map writing/reading functions for tiles.