OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Handling of companies. More...
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "company_base.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "company_gui.h"
#include "core/backup_type.hpp"
#include "town.h"
#include "news_func.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "network/network.h"
#include "network/network_func.h"
#include "network/network_base.h"
#include "network/network_admin.h"
#include "ai/ai.hpp"
#include "ai/ai_instance.hpp"
#include "ai/ai_config.hpp"
#include "company_manager_face.h"
#include "window_func.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "sound_func.h"
#include "rail.h"
#include "core/pool_func.hpp"
#include "settings_func.h"
#include "vehicle_base.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "smallmap_gui.h"
#include "game/game.hpp"
#include "goal_base.h"
#include "story_base.h"
#include "company_cmd.h"
#include "timer/timer.h"
#include "timer/timer_game_economy.h"
#include "timer/timer_game_tick.h"
#include "widgets/statusbar_widget.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "safeguards.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
void | ClearEnginesHiddenFlagOfCompany (CompanyID cid) |
Clear the 'hidden' flag for all engines of a new company. | |
void | UpdateObjectColours (const Company *c) |
Updates the colour of the object whenever a company changes. | |
void | SetLocalCompany (CompanyID new_company) |
Sets the local company and updates the settings that are set on a per-company basis to reflect the core's state in the GUI. | |
TextColour | GetDrawStringCompanyColour (CompanyID company) |
Get the colour for DrawString-subroutines which matches the colour of the company. | |
void | DrawCompanyIcon (CompanyID c, int x, int y) |
Draw the icon of a company. | |
static bool | IsValidCompanyManagerFace (CompanyManagerFace cmf) |
Checks whether a company manager's face is a valid encoding. | |
void | InvalidateCompanyWindows (const Company *company) |
Refresh all windows owned by a company. | |
Money | GetAvailableMoney (CompanyID company) |
Get the amount of money that a company has available, or INT64_MAX if there is no such valid company. | |
Money | GetAvailableMoneyForCommand () |
This functions returns the money which can be used to execute a command. | |
bool | CheckCompanyHasMoney (CommandCost &cost) |
Verify whether the company can pay the bill. | |
static void | SubtractMoneyFromAnyCompany (Company *c, const CommandCost &cost) |
Deduct costs of a command from the money of a company. | |
void | SubtractMoneyFromCompany (const CommandCost &cost) |
Subtract money from the _current_company, if the company is valid. | |
void | SubtractMoneyFromCompanyFract (CompanyID company, const CommandCost &cst) |
Subtract money from a company, including the money fraction. | |
static constexpr void | UpdateLandscapingLimit (uint32_t &limit, uint64_t per_64k_frames, uint64_t burst) |
void | UpdateLandscapingLimits () |
Update the landscaping limits per company. | |
std::array< StringParameter, 2 > | GetParamsForOwnedBy (Owner owner, TileIndex tile) |
Set the right DParams for STR_ERROR_OWNED_BY. | |
CommandCost | CheckOwnership (Owner owner, TileIndex tile) |
Check whether the current owner owns something. | |
CommandCost | CheckTileOwnership (TileIndex tile) |
Check whether the current owner owns the stuff on the given tile. | |
static void | GenerateCompanyName (Company *c) |
Generate the name of a company from the last build coordinate. | |
static Colours | GenerateCompanyColour () |
Generate a company colour. | |
static void | GeneratePresidentName (Company *c) |
Generate a random president name of a company. | |
void | ResetCompanyLivery (Company *c) |
Reset the livery schemes to the company's primary colour. | |
Company * | DoStartupNewCompany (bool is_ai, CompanyID company=CompanyID::Invalid()) |
Create a new company and sets all company variables default values. | |
void | StartupCompanies () |
Start of a new game. | |
void | InitializeCompanies () |
Initialize the pool of companies. | |
bool | CheckTakeoverVehicleLimit (CompanyID cbig, CompanyID csmall) |
Can company cbig buy company csmall without exceeding vehicle limits? | |
static void | HandleBankruptcyTakeover (Company *c) |
Handle the bankruptcy take over of a company. | |
void | OnTick_Companies () |
Called every tick for updating some company info. | |
void | CompanyAdminUpdate (const Company *company) |
Called whenever company related information changes in order to notify admins. | |
void | CompanyAdminRemove (CompanyID company_id, CompanyRemoveReason reason) |
Called whenever a company is removed in order to notify admins. | |
CommandCost | CmdCompanyCtrl (DoCommandFlags flags, CompanyCtrlAction cca, CompanyID company_id, CompanyRemoveReason reason, ClientID client_id) |
Control the companies: add, delete, etc. | |
static bool | ExecuteAllowListCtrlAction (CompanyAllowListCtrlAction action, Company *c, const std::string &public_key) |
CommandCost | CmdCompanyAllowListCtrl (DoCommandFlags flags, CompanyAllowListCtrlAction action, const std::string &public_key) |
Add or remove the given public key to the allow list of this company. | |
CommandCost | CmdSetCompanyManagerFace (DoCommandFlags flags, CompanyManagerFace cmf) |
Change the company manager's face. | |
void | UpdateCompanyLiveries (Company *c) |
Update liveries for a company. | |
CommandCost | CmdSetCompanyColour (DoCommandFlags flags, LiveryScheme scheme, bool primary, Colours colour) |
Change the company's company-colour. | |
static bool | IsUniqueCompanyName (const std::string &name) |
Is the given name in use as name of a company? | |
CommandCost | CmdRenameCompany (DoCommandFlags flags, const std::string &text) |
Change the name of the company. | |
static bool | IsUniquePresidentName (const std::string &name) |
Is the given name in use as president name of a company? | |
CommandCost | CmdRenamePresident (DoCommandFlags flags, const std::string &text) |
Change the name of the president. | |
int | CompanyServiceInterval (const Company *c, VehicleType type) |
Get the service interval for the given company and vehicle type. | |
CommandCost | CmdGiveMoney (DoCommandFlags flags, Money money, CompanyID dest_company) |
Transfer funds (money) from one company to another. | |
CompanyID | GetFirstPlayableCompanyID () |
Get the index of the first available company. | |
Variables | |
CompanyID | _local_company |
Company controlled by the human player at this client. Can also be COMPANY_SPECTATOR. | |
CompanyID | _current_company |
Company currently doing an action. | |
ReferenceThroughBaseContainer< std::array< Colours, MAX_COMPANIES > > | _company_colours |
NOSAVE: can be determined from company structs. | |
CompanyManagerFace | _company_manager_face |
for company manager face storage in openttd.cfg | |
uint | _cur_company_tick_index |
used to generate a name for one company that doesn't have a name yet per tick | |
CompanyPool | _company_pool ("Company") |
Pool of companies. | |
static const uint8_t | _colour_sort [COLOUR_END] = {2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1} |
Sorting weights for the company colours. | |
static const Colours | _similar_colour [COLOUR_END][2] |
Similar colours, so we can try to prevent same coloured companies. | |
TimeoutTimer< TimerGameTick > | _new_competitor_timeout ({ TimerGameTick::Priority::COMPETITOR_TIMEOUT, 0 }, []() { if(_game_mode==GM_MENU||!AI::CanStartNew()) return;if(_networking &&Company::GetNumItems() > return;if(_settings_game.difficulty.competitors_interval==0) return;uint8_t n=0;for(const Company *c :Company::Iterate()) { if(c->is_ai) n++;} if(n >=_settings_game.difficulty.max_no_competitors) return;Command< CMD_COMPANY_CTRL >::Post(CCA_NEW_AI, CompanyID::Invalid(), CRR_NONE, INVALID_CLIENT_ID);}) |
Start a new competitor company if possible. | |
static IntervalTimer< TimerGameEconomy > | _economy_companies_yearly ({TimerGameEconomy::YEAR, TimerGameEconomy::Priority::COMPANY}, [](auto) { for(Company *c :Company::Iterate()) { std::rotate(std::rbegin(c->yearly_expenses), std::rbegin(c->yearly_expenses)+1, std::rend(c->yearly_expenses));c->yearly_expenses[0]={};InvalidateWindowData(WC_FINANCES, c->index);} if(_settings_client.gui.show_finances &&_local_company !=COMPANY_SPECTATOR) { ShowCompanyFinances(_local_company);Company *c=Company::Get(_local_company);if(c->num_valid_stat_ent > 5 &&c->old_economy[0].performance_history< c->old_economy[4].performance_history) { if(_settings_client.sound.new_year) SndPlayFx(SND_01_BAD_YEAR);} else { if(_settings_client.sound.new_year) SndPlayFx(SND_00_GOOD_YEAR);} } }) |
A year has passed, update the economic data of all companies, and perhaps show the financial overview window of the local company. | |
Handling of companies.
Definition in file company_cmd.cpp.
bool CheckCompanyHasMoney | ( | CommandCost & | cost | ) |
Verify whether the company can pay the bill.
[in,out] | cost | Money to pay, is changed to an error if the company does not have enough money. |
if the company has enough money or infinite money is enabled, else it returns false
. Definition at line 240 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _current_company, _settings_game, GameSettings::difficulty, CommandCost::GetCost(), GetEncodedString(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::GetIfValid(), DifficultySettings::infinite_money, IsLocalCompany(), CommandCost::MakeError(), CompanyProperties::money, and CommandCost::SetEncodedMessage().
Referenced by CmdCloneVehicle(), CommandHelperBase::InternalDoAfter(), and CommandHelperBase::InternalExecuteValidateTestAndPrepExec().
CommandCost CheckOwnership | ( | Owner | owner, |
TileIndex | tile | ||
) |
Check whether the current owner owns something.
If that isn't the case an appropriate error will be given.
owner | the owner of the thing to check. |
tile | optional tile to get the right town. |
Definition at line 358 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _current_company, GetEncodedStringWithArgs(), GetParamsForOwnedBy(), IsLocalCompany(), OWNER_END, and OWNER_TOWN.
Referenced by CanRemoveRoadWithStop(), CheckAllowRemoveRoad(), CheckAllowRemoveTunnelBridge(), CheckFlatLandRoadStop(), CheckTileOwnership(), CmdAutofillTimetable(), CmdAutoreplaceVehicle(), CmdBuildObject(), CmdBuildRoad(), CmdBuildSingleRail(), CmdBulkChangeTimetable(), CmdChangeServiceInt(), CmdChangeTimetable(), CmdCloneOrder(), CmdCloneVehicle(), CmdConvertRoad(), CmdDeleteOrder(), CmdForceTrainProceed(), CmdInsertOrder(), CmdModifyOrder(), CmdMoveOrder(), CmdMoveRailVehicle(), CmdOpenCloseAirport(), CmdOrderRefit(), CmdRefitVehicle(), CmdRenameStation(), CmdRenameVehicle(), CmdRenameWaypoint(), CmdReverseTrainDirection(), CmdSellVehicle(), CmdSetTimetableStart(), CmdSetVehicleOnTime(), CmdSkipToOrder(), CmdStartStopVehicle(), CmdTurnRoadVeh(), IsValidTileForWaypoint(), RemoveAirport(), RemoveDock(), RemoveFromRailBaseStation(), RemoveRailStation(), RemoveRoadStop(), RemoveRoadWaypointStop(), and Vehicle::SendToDepot().
Can company cbig buy company csmall without exceeding vehicle limits?
if it is allowed. Definition at line 667 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _settings_game, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Get(), Company::group_all, VehicleSettings::max_aircraft, VehicleSettings::max_roadveh, VehicleSettings::max_ships, VehicleSettings::max_trains, VEH_AIRCRAFT, VEH_ROAD, VEH_SHIP, VEH_TRAIN, and GameSettings::vehicle.
Referenced by CmdBuyCompany(), and HandleBankruptcyTakeover().
CommandCost CheckTileOwnership | ( | TileIndex | tile | ) |
Check whether the current owner owns the stuff on the given tile.
If that isn't the case an appropriate error will be given.
tile | the tile to check. |
Definition at line 381 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References CheckOwnership(), and GetTileOwner().
Referenced by CheckAllowRemoveTunnelBridge(), CmdBuildRoad(), CmdBuildRoadDepot(), CmdBuildSingleRail(), CmdBuildSingleSignal(), CmdBuildTrainDepot(), CmdConvertRail(), CmdRemoveSingleRail(), CmdRemoveSingleSignal(), CmdRenameDepot(), and RemoveLock().
void ClearEnginesHiddenFlagOfCompany | ( | CompanyID | cid | ) |
Clear the 'hidden' flag for all engines of a new company.
cid | Company being created. |
Definition at line 1005 of file engine.cpp.
References Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_engine_pool >::Iterate().
Referenced by DoStartupNewCompany().
CommandCost CmdCompanyAllowListCtrl | ( | DoCommandFlags | flags, |
CompanyAllowListCtrlAction | action, | ||
const std::string & | public_key | ||
) |
Add or remove the given public key to the allow list of this company.
flags | Operation to perform. |
action | The action to perform. |
public_key | The public key of the client to add or remove. |
Definition at line 990 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _current_company, CALCA_ADD, CALCA_REMOVE, CMD_ERROR, Execute, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::GetIfValid(), InvalidateWindowData(), NETWORK_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH, SetWindowDirty(), BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), WC_CLIENT_LIST, and WC_COMPANY.
CommandCost CmdCompanyCtrl | ( | DoCommandFlags | flags, |
CompanyCtrlAction | cca, | ||
CompanyID | company_id, | ||
CompanyRemoveReason | reason, | ||
ClientID | client_id | ||
) |
Control the companies: add, delete, etc.
flags | operation to perform |
cca | action to perform |
company_id | company to perform the action on |
client_id | ClientID |
Definition at line 853 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _company_manager_face, _local_company, _network_own_client_id, _network_server, _networking, AI::BroadcastNewEvent(), CCA_DELETE, CCA_NEW, CCA_NEW_AI, ChangeOwnershipOfCompanyItems(), NetworkClientInfo::client_id, NetworkClientInfo::client_playas, CloseWindowById(), CMD_ERROR, COMPANY_SPECTATOR, CompanyAdminRemove(), CRR_END, DoStartupNewCompany(), Execute, NetworkClientInfo::GetByClientID(), GetEncodedString(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::GetIfValid(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::GetNumItems(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_story_page_pool >::GetNumItems(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_goal_pool >::GetNumItems(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, INVALID_OWNER, InvalidateWindowClassesData(), InvalidateWindowData(), CompanyProperties::is_ai, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::IsValidID(), MarkWholeScreenDirty(), NetworkAdminCompanyNew(), NetworkServerNewCompany(), NetworkUpdateClientInfo(), Game::NewEvent(), SetLocalCompany(), AI::Stop(), SyncCompanySettings(), BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), WC_CLIENT_LIST, WC_COMPANY_LEAGUE, WC_GAME_OPTIONS, WC_MAIN_TOOLBAR, WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, WC_SCRIPT_LIST, WC_SCRIPT_SETTINGS, and WN_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW_JOIN.
CommandCost CmdGiveMoney | ( | DoCommandFlags | flags, |
Money | money, | ||
CompanyID | dest_company | ||
) |
Transfer funds (money) from one company to another.
To prevent abuse in multiplayer games you can only send money to other companies if you have paid off your loan (either explicitly, or implicitly given the fact that you have more money than loan).
flags | operation to perform |
money | the amount of money to transfer; max 20.000.000 |
dest_company | the company to transfer the money to |
Definition at line 1290 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _current_company, _networking, _settings_game, CMD_ERROR, CompanyProperties::current_loan, GameSettings::economy, Execute, EXPENSES_OTHER, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Get(), CommandCost::GetCost(), GetDrawStringCompanyColour(), GetString(), EconomySettings::give_money, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::IsValidID(), CompanyProperties::money, Backup< T >::Restore(), SubtractMoneyFromCompany(), and BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test().
CommandCost CmdRenameCompany | ( | DoCommandFlags | flags, |
const std::string & | text | ||
) |
Change the name of the company.
flags | operation to perform |
text | the new name or an empty string when resetting to the default |
Definition at line 1155 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _current_company, AI::BroadcastNewEvent(), CMD_ERROR, CompanyAdminUpdate(), Execute, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Get(), GetString(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, IsUniqueCompanyName(), MarkWholeScreenDirty(), MAX_LENGTH_COMPANY_NAME_CHARS, CompanyProperties::name, Game::NewEvent(), BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), and Utf8StringLength().
CommandCost CmdRenamePresident | ( | DoCommandFlags | flags, |
const std::string & | text | ||
) |
Change the name of the president.
flags | operation to perform |
text | the new name or an empty string when resetting to the default |
Definition at line 1202 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _current_company, AI::BroadcastNewEvent(), CMD_ERROR, CompanyAdminUpdate(), Execute, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Get(), GetString(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, InvalidateWindowClassesData(), IsUniquePresidentName(), MarkWholeScreenDirty(), MAX_LENGTH_PRESIDENT_NAME_CHARS, CompanyProperties::name, CompanyProperties::name_1, Game::NewEvent(), CompanyProperties::president_name, BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), Utf8StringLength(), and WC_COMPANY.
CommandCost CmdSetCompanyColour | ( | DoCommandFlags | flags, |
LiveryScheme | scheme, | ||
bool | primary, | ||
Colours | colour | ||
) |
Change the company's company-colour.
flags | operation to perform |
scheme | scheme to set |
primary | set first/second colour |
colour | new colour for vehicles, property, etc. |
Definition at line 1056 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _company_colours, _current_company, AssignBit(), BuildOwnerLegend(), CMD_ERROR, CompanyProperties::colour, CompanyAdminUpdate(), Execute, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Get(), InvalidateWindowData(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Iterate(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_vehicle_pool >::Iterate(), MarkWholeScreenDirty(), BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), UpdateCompanyLiveries(), UpdateObjectColours(), WC_COMPANY_VALUE, WC_DELIVERED_CARGO, WC_INCOME_GRAPH, WC_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND, WC_OPERATING_PROFIT, WC_PERFORMANCE_HISTORY, and WC_SMALLMAP.
CommandCost CmdSetCompanyManagerFace | ( | DoCommandFlags | flags, |
CompanyManagerFace | cmf | ||
) |
Change the company manager's face.
flags | operation to perform |
cmf | face bitmasked |
Definition at line 1023 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _current_company, CMD_ERROR, Execute, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Get(), IsValidCompanyManagerFace(), MarkWholeScreenDirty(), and BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test().
void CompanyAdminRemove | ( | CompanyID | company_id, |
CompanyRemoveReason | reason | ||
) |
Called whenever a company is removed in order to notify admins.
company_id | The company that was removed. |
reason | The reason the company was removed. |
Definition at line 840 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _network_server, and NetworkAdminCompanyRemove().
Referenced by CmdCompanyCtrl().
void CompanyAdminUpdate | ( | const Company * | company | ) |
Called whenever company related information changes in order to notify admins.
company | The company data changed of. |
Definition at line 830 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _network_server, and NetworkAdminCompanyUpdate().
Referenced by CmdRenameCompany(), CmdRenamePresident(), CmdSetCompanyColour(), and CompanyCheckBankrupt().
int CompanyServiceInterval | ( | const Company * | c, |
VehicleType | type | ||
) |
Get the service interval for the given company and vehicle type.
c | The company, or nullptr for client-default settings. |
type | The vehicle type to get the interval for. |
Definition at line 1242 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _settings_client, ClientSettings::company, VehicleDefaultSettings::servint_aircraft, VehicleDefaultSettings::servint_roadveh, VehicleDefaultSettings::servint_ships, VehicleDefaultSettings::servint_trains, CompanyProperties::settings, VEH_AIRCRAFT, VEH_ROAD, VEH_SHIP, VEH_TRAIN, and CompanySettings::vehicle.
Referenced by ChangeOwnershipOfCompanyItems(), CmdChangeServiceInt(), and UpdateAllServiceInterval().
Company * DoStartupNewCompany | ( | bool | is_ai, |
CompanyID | company = CompanyID::Invalid() |
) |
Create a new company and sets all company variables default values.
is_ai | is an AI company? |
company | CompanyID to use for the new company |
Definition at line 574 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _company_colours, _company_manager_face, _network_server, _networking, _random, Company::avail_railtypes, Company::avail_roadtypes, AI::BroadcastNewEvent(), BuildOwnerLegend(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::CanAllocateItem(), ClearEnginesHiddenFlagOfCompany(), CompanyProperties::colour, CompanyProperties::current_loan, CompanyProperties::face, GenerateCompanyColour(), GeneratePresidentName(), GetCompanyRailTypes(), GetCompanyRoadTypes(), CompanyProperties::inaugurated_year, CompanyProperties::inaugurated_year_calendar, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, Economy::inflation_prices, INITIAL_LOAN, InvalidateWindowData(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::IsValidID(), LOAN_INTERVAL, Economy::max_loan, CompanyProperties::money, Game::NewEvent(), Random, RandomCompanyManagerFaceBits(), ResetCompanyLivery(), SetDefaultCompanySettings(), SetWindowDirty(), AI::StartNew(), WC_CLIENT_LIST, WC_GRAPH_LEGEND, WC_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND, WC_SMALLMAP, TimerGameCalendar::year, and TimerGameEconomy::year.
Referenced by AfterLoadGame(), and CmdCompanyCtrl().
void DrawCompanyIcon | ( | CompanyID | c, |
int | x, | ||
int | y | ||
) |
Draw the icon of a company.
c | Company that needs its icon drawn. |
x | Horizontal coordinate of the icon. |
y | Vertical coordinate of the icon. |
Definition at line 160 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References DrawSprite().
Referenced by NetworkClientListWindow::DrawCompany(), TownAuthorityWindow::DrawRatings(), GraphLegendWindow::DrawWidget(), PerformanceRatingDetailWindow::DrawWidget(), PerformanceLeagueWindow::DrawWidget(), ScriptLeagueWindow::DrawWidget(), LinkGraphLegendWindow::DrawWidget(), SignListWindow::DrawWidget(), and ScriptDebugWindow::DrawWidgetCompanyButton().
static |
Definition at line 969 of file company_cmd.cpp.
static |
Generate a company colour.
Definition at line 468 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _colour_sort, _similar_colour, GB(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Iterate(), Random, and Swap().
Referenced by DoStartupNewCompany().
static |
Generate the name of a company from the last build coordinate.
c | Company to give a name. |
Definition at line 390 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References AddNewsItem(), AI::BroadcastNewEvent(), ClosestTownFromTile(), Company, CompanyInfo, GetEncodedString(), GetString(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, CompanyProperties::is_ai, IsInsideMM(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Iterate(), CompanyProperties::last_build_coordinate, MarkWholeScreenDirty(), MAX_LENGTH_COMPANY_NAME_CHARS, Town::name, CompanyProperties::name_1, CompanyProperties::name_2, Game::NewEvent(), CompanyProperties::president_name_1, CompanyProperties::president_name_2, Random, SPECSTR_ANDCO_NAME, SPECSTR_COMPANY_NAME_START, SPECSTR_PRESIDENT_NAME, SPECSTR_TOWNNAME_START, and Utf8StringLength().
Referenced by OnTick_Companies().
static |
Generate a random president name of a company.
c | Company that needs a new president name. |
Definition at line 523 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References GetString(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Iterate(), MAX_LENGTH_PRESIDENT_NAME_CHARS, CompanyProperties::president_name_1, CompanyProperties::president_name_2, Random, SPECSTR_PRESIDENT_NAME, and Utf8StringLength().
Referenced by DoStartupNewCompany().
Get the amount of money that a company has available, or INT64_MAX if there is no such valid company.
company | Company to check |
Definition at line 215 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _settings_game, GameSettings::difficulty, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Get(), DifficultySettings::infinite_money, and Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::IsValidID().
Referenced by CompaniesPayInterest(), TownAuthorityWindow::DrawWidget(), GetAvailableMoneyForCommand(), GetMaskOfTownActions(), and Vehicle::NeedsServicing().
Money GetAvailableMoneyForCommand | ( | ) |
This functions returns the money which can be used to execute a command.
This is either the money of the current company, or INT64_MAX if infinite money is enabled or there is no such a company "at the moment" like the server itself.
Definition at line 229 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _current_company, and GetAvailableMoney().
Referenced by CmdBuildObjectArea(), CmdClearArea(), CmdDecreaseLoan(), CmdFoundTown(), CmdLevelLand(), and CmdRemoveLongRoad().
TextColour GetDrawStringCompanyColour | ( | CompanyID | company | ) |
Get the colour for DrawString-subroutines which matches the colour of the company.
company | Company to get the colour of. |
Definition at line 148 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _company_colours, GetColourGradient(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::IsValidID(), and TC_IS_PALETTE_COLOUR.
Referenced by CmdGiveMoney(), NetworkServerSendChat(), and ClientNetworkGameSocketHandler::Receive_SERVER_CHAT().
CompanyID GetFirstPlayableCompanyID | ( | ) |
Get the index of the first available company.
It attempts, from first to last, and as soon as the attempt succeeds, to get the index of the company: 1st - get the first existing human company. 2nd - get the first non-existing company. 3rd - get CompanyID::Begin().
Definition at line 1328 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::CanAllocateItem(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, Company::IsHumanID(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::IsValidID(), and Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Iterate().
Referenced by AfterLoadGame(), NetworkOnGameStart(), and OnStartGame().
std::array< StringParameter, 2 > GetParamsForOwnedBy | ( | Owner | owner, |
TileIndex | tile | ||
) |
Set the right DParams for STR_ERROR_OWNED_BY.
owner | the owner to get the name of. |
tile | optional tile to get the right town. |
Definition at line 335 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References ClosestTownFromTile(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::IsValidID(), and OWNER_TOWN.
Referenced by CheckOwnership(), CmdConvertRoad(), and LandInfoWindow::OnInit().
static |
Handle the bankruptcy take over of a company.
Companies going bankrupt will ask the other companies in order of their performance rating, so better performing companies get the 'do you want to merge with Y' question earlier. The question will then stay till either the company has gone bankrupt or got merged with a company.
c | the company that is going bankrupt. |
Definition at line 688 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::All(), BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Any(), CompanyProperties::bankrupt_asked, CompanyProperties::bankrupt_timeout, CheckTakeoverVehicleLimit(), Ticks::DAY_TICKS, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, IsInteractiveCompany(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Iterate(), AI::NewEvent(), CompanyProperties::old_economy, BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Set(), ShowBuyCompanyDialog(), and BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test().
Referenced by OnTick_Companies().
void InitializeCompanies | ( | ) |
Initialize the pool of companies.
Definition at line 656 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _cur_company_tick_index.
void InvalidateCompanyWindows | ( | const Company * | company | ) |
Refresh all windows owned by a company.
company | Company that changed, and needs its windows refreshed. |
Definition at line 200 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _local_company, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, SetWindowDirty(), SetWindowWidgetDirty(), WC_FINANCES, WC_STATUS_BAR, and WID_S_RIGHT.
Referenced by CmdDecreaseLoan(), CmdIncreaseLoan(), CmdSetCompanyMaxLoan(), and SubtractMoneyFromAnyCompany().
static |
Is the given name in use as name of a company?
name | Name to search. |
if the name us unique (that is, not in use), else false
. Definition at line 1140 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Iterate(), and CompanyProperties::name.
Referenced by CmdRenameCompany().
static |
Is the given name in use as president name of a company?
name | Name to search. |
if the name us unique (that is, not in use), else false
. Definition at line 1187 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Iterate(), and CompanyProperties::president_name.
Referenced by CmdRenamePresident().
static |
Checks whether a company manager's face is a valid encoding.
Unused bits are not enforced to be 0.
cmf | the fact to check |
Definition at line 171 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References AreCompanyManagerFaceBitsValid(), GE_WM, GENDER_FEMALE, GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(), and HasBit().
Referenced by CmdSetCompanyManagerFace().
void OnTick_Companies | ( | ) |
Called every tick for updating some company info.
Definition at line 742 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _cur_company_tick_index, _networking, _new_competitor_timeout, _settings_client, _settings_game, BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Any(), CompanyProperties::bankrupt_asked, AI::CanStartNew(), CCA_NEW_AI, DifficultySettings::competitors_interval, CRR_NONE, GameSettings::difficulty, GenerateCompanyName(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::GetIfValid(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::GetNumItems(), HandleBankruptcyTakeover(), INVALID_CLIENT_ID, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Iterate(), NetworkSettings::max_companies, DifficultySettings::max_no_competitors, CompanyProperties::name_1, ClientSettings::network, OWNER_NONE, and Ticks::TICKS_PER_SECOND.
void ResetCompanyLivery | ( | Company * | c | ) |
Reset the livery schemes to the company's primary colour.
This is used on loading games without livery information and on new company start up.
c | Company to reset. |
Definition at line 550 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References CompanyProperties::colour, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, and Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_group_pool >::Iterate().
Referenced by AfterLoadGame(), and DoStartupNewCompany().
void SetLocalCompany | ( | CompanyID | new_company | ) |
Sets the local company and updates the settings that are set on a per-company basis to reflect the core's state in the GUI.
new_company | the new company |
Definition at line 116 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _current_company, _local_company, CloseConstructionWindows(), COMPANY_SPECTATOR, DESTTYPE_TEAM, InvalidateWindowClassesData(), InvalidateWindowData(), IsLocalCompany(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::IsValidID(), MarkWholeScreenDirty(), OWNER_NONE, WC_COMPANY, WC_GOALS_LIST, WC_SEND_NETWORK_MSG, and WC_SIGN_LIST.
Referenced by ChangeOwnershipOfCompanyItems(), ClickChangeCompanyCheat(), CmdCompanyCtrl(), GenerateWorld(), LoadIntroGame(), NetworkClientsToSpectators(), NetworkServerDoMove(), OnStartGame(), ClientNetworkGameSocketHandler::Receive_SERVER_CLIENT_INFO(), ClientNetworkGameSocketHandler::Receive_SERVER_MAP_DONE(), and ClientNetworkGameSocketHandler::Receive_SERVER_MOVE().
void StartupCompanies | ( | ) |
Start of a new game.
Definition at line 649 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _new_competitor_timeout, and TimeoutTimer< TTimerType >::Abort().
Referenced by _GenerateWorld().
static |
Deduct costs of a command from the money of a company.
c | Company to pay the bill. |
cost | Money to pay. |
Definition at line 261 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References CompanyProperties::cur_economy, CompanyEconomyEntry::expenses, EXPENSES_AIRCRAFT_REVENUE, EXPENSES_AIRCRAFT_RUN, EXPENSES_LOAN_INTEREST, EXPENSES_PROPERTY, EXPENSES_ROADVEH_REVENUE, EXPENSES_ROADVEH_RUN, EXPENSES_SHIP_REVENUE, EXPENSES_SHIP_RUN, EXPENSES_TRAIN_REVENUE, EXPENSES_TRAIN_RUN, CommandCost::GetCost(), CommandCost::GetExpensesType(), HasBit(), CompanyEconomyEntry::income, INVALID_EXPENSES, InvalidateCompanyWindows(), CompanyProperties::money, and CompanyProperties::yearly_expenses.
Referenced by SubtractMoneyFromCompany(), and SubtractMoneyFromCompanyFract().
void SubtractMoneyFromCompany | ( | const CommandCost & | cost | ) |
Subtract money from the _current_company, if the company is valid.
cost | Money to pay. |
Definition at line 290 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _current_company, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::GetIfValid(), and SubtractMoneyFromAnyCompany().
Referenced by CmdChangeBankBalance(), CmdGiveMoney(), CompaniesGenStatistics(), CompaniesPayInterest(), CommandHelperBase::InternalDoAfter(), and CommandHelperBase::InternalExecuteProcessResult().
void SubtractMoneyFromCompanyFract | ( | CompanyID | company, |
const CommandCost & | cst | ||
) |
Subtract money from a company, including the money fraction.
company | Company paying the bill. |
cst | Cost of a command. |
Definition at line 301 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Get(), CommandCost::GetCost(), CommandCost::GetExpensesType(), CompanyProperties::money_fraction, and SubtractMoneyFromAnyCompany().
Referenced by Aircraft::OnNewEconomyDay(), RoadVehicle::OnNewEconomyDay(), Ship::OnNewEconomyDay(), and Train::OnNewEconomyDay().
void UpdateCompanyLiveries | ( | Company * | c | ) |
Update liveries for a company.
This is called when the LS_DEFAULT scheme is changed, to update schemes with colours set to default.
c | Company to update. |
Definition at line 1039 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References HasBit(), and UpdateCompanyGroupLiveries().
Referenced by AfterLoadGame(), and CmdSetCompanyColour().
staticconstexpr |
Definition at line 313 of file company_cmd.cpp.
void UpdateLandscapingLimits | ( | ) |
Update the landscaping limits per company.
Definition at line 319 of file company_cmd.cpp.
References _settings_game, ConstructionSettings::build_object_frame_burst, ConstructionSettings::build_object_per_64k_frames, ConstructionSettings::clear_frame_burst, ConstructionSettings::clear_per_64k_frames, GameSettings::construction, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Iterate(), ConstructionSettings::terraform_frame_burst, ConstructionSettings::terraform_per_64k_frames, ConstructionSettings::tree_frame_burst, and ConstructionSettings::tree_per_64k_frames.
Referenced by StateGameLoop().
void UpdateObjectColours | ( | const Company * | c | ) |
Updates the colour of the object whenever a company changes.
c | The company the company colour changed of. |
Definition at line 178 of file object_cmd.cpp.
References ObjectSpec::callback_mask, Colour, Livery::colour1, Livery::colour2, ObjectSpec::flags, ObjectSpec::GetByTile(), GetTileOwner(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_object_pool >::Iterate(), BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), and Uses2CC.
Referenced by CmdSetCompanyColour().
static |
Sorting weights for the company colours.
Definition at line 443 of file company_cmd.cpp.
Referenced by GenerateCompanyColour().
ReferenceThroughBaseContainer<std::array<Colours, MAX_COMPANIES> > _company_colours |
NOSAVE: can be determined from company structs.
Definition at line 54 of file company_cmd.cpp.
Referenced by CmdSetCompanyColour(), DoStartupNewCompany(), DrawCaption(), GetDrawStringCompanyColour(), PLYRChunkHandler::Load(), ViewportAddSignStrings(), and ViewportAddStationStrings().
CompanyManagerFace _company_manager_face |
for company manager face storage in openttd.cfg
Definition at line 55 of file company_cmd.cpp.
Referenced by CmdCompanyCtrl(), DoStartupNewCompany(), and SelectCompanyManagerFaceWindow::OnClick().
uint _cur_company_tick_index |
used to generate a name for one company that doesn't have a name yet per tick
Definition at line 56 of file company_cmd.cpp.
Referenced by InitializeCompanies(), and OnTick_Companies().
CompanyID _current_company |
Company currently doing an action.
Definition at line 53 of file company_cmd.cpp.
Referenced by _GenerateWorld(), Station::AddFacility(), AfterLoadGame(), AutoslopeEnabled(), BuildReplacementVehicle(), BuildStationPart(), CanBuildTramTrackOnTile(), CanRemoveRoadWithStop(), CcAI(), CcCreateGroup(), ChangeOwnershipOfCompanyItems(), ChangeTownRating(), CheckAllowRemoveRoad(), CheckAllowRemoveTunnelBridge(), CheckClearTile(), CheckCompanyHasMoney(), CheckforTownRating(), CheckIfAuthorityAllowsNewStation(), CheckIfCanLevelIndustryPlatform(), CheckIfIndustryTilesAreFree(), CheckOwnership(), ClearTile_Town(), CmdAddSharedVehicleGroup(), CmdAddVehicleGroup(), CmdAlterGroup(), CmdAutoreplaceVehicle(), CmdBuildAircraft(), CmdBuildBridge(), CmdBuildCanal(), CmdBuildDock(), CmdBuildIndustry(), CmdBuildObject(), CmdBuildObjectArea(), CmdBuildRailStation(), CmdBuildRailVehicle(), CmdBuildRailWagon(), CmdBuildRailWaypoint(), CmdBuildRoad(), CmdBuildRoadDepot(), CmdBuildRoadStop(), CmdBuildRoadVehicle(), CmdBuildRoadWaypoint(), CmdBuildShip(), CmdBuildShipDepot(), CmdBuildSingleRail(), CmdBuildSingleSignal(), CmdBuildTrainDepot(), CmdBuildTunnel(), CmdBuildVehicle(), CmdBuyCompany(), CmdChangeBankBalance(), CmdChangeCompanySetting(), CmdClearArea(), CmdCompanyAllowListCtrl(), CmdConvertRoad(), CmdCreateGoal(), CmdCreateGroup(), CmdCreateLeagueTable(), CmdCreateLeagueTableElement(), CmdCreateStoryPage(), CmdCreateStoryPageElement(), CmdCreateSubsidy(), CmdCustomNewsItem(), CmdDecreaseLoan(), CmdDeleteGroup(), CmdDepotMassAutoReplace(), CmdDepotSellAllVehicles(), CmdDoTownAction(), CmdEngineCtrl(), CmdExpandTown(), CmdFoundTown(), CmdGiveMoney(), CmdGoalQuestion(), CmdGoalQuestionAnswer(), CmdIncreaseLoan(), CmdIndustrySetExclusivity(), CmdIndustrySetFlags(), CmdIndustrySetProduction(), CmdIndustrySetText(), CmdLandscapeClear(), CmdLevelLand(), CmdMassStartStopVehicle(), CmdMoveRailVehicle(), CmdPlaceSign(), CmdPlantTree(), CmdRemoveAllVehiclesGroup(), CmdRemoveGoal(), CmdRemoveLeagueTableElement(), CmdRemoveSingleRail(), CmdRemoveSingleSignal(), CmdRemoveStoryPage(), CmdRemoveStoryPageElement(), CmdRenameCompany(), CmdRenamePresident(), CmdRenameSign(), CmdScrollViewport(), CmdSetAutoReplace(), CmdSetCompanyColour(), CmdSetCompanyManagerFace(), CmdSetCompanyMaxLoan(), CmdSetGoalCompleted(), CmdSetGoalDestination(), CmdSetGoalProgress(), CmdSetGoalText(), CmdSetGroupFlag(), CmdSetGroupLivery(), CmdSetStoryPageDate(), CmdSetStoryPageTitle(), CmdSetVehicleVisibility(), CmdShowStoryPage(), CmdStoryPageButton(), CmdTerraformLand(), CmdTownCargoGoal(), CmdTownGrowthRate(), CmdTownRating(), CmdTownSetText(), CmdUpdateLeagueTableElementData(), CmdUpdateLeagueTableElementScore(), CmdUpdateStoryPageElement(), CmdWantEnginePreview(), CompaniesGenStatistics(), CompaniesPayInterest(), CompanyCanRenameSign(), ConvertRoadTypeOwner(), CountArticulatedParts(), CreateRandomTown(), AIInstance::Died(), DoBuildLock(), DoDryUp(), DoFloodTile(), CrashLog::FillCrashLog(), ObjectPickerCallbacks::FillUsedItems(), FindJoiningBaseStation(), FloodHalftile(), AI::GameLoop(), Game::GameLoop(), ScriptInstance::GameLoop(), GetAvailableMoneyForCommand(), RefitWindow::GetCapacityString(), GetClosestDeletedStation(), GetDefaultServiceInterval(), GetFreeUnitNumber(), GetMaskOfTownActions(), GetNewEngineType(), GetRating(), AIInstance::GetSetting(), GetTileHighlightType(), VehicleScopeResolver::GetVariable(), ObjectScopeResolver::GetVariable(), RoadStopScopeResolver::GetVariable(), StationScopeResolver::GetVariable(), GrowTown(), HandleStationRefit(), AIInstance::Initialize(), CommandHelperBase::InternalExecutePrepTest(), CommandHelperBase::InternalExecuteProcessResult(), CommandHelperBase::InternalExecuteValidateTestAndPrepExec(), IsLocalCompany(), AI::IsPaused(), LiveryHelper(), CommandHelperBase::LogCommandExecution(), VideoDriver_Dedicated::MainLoop(), NetworkClientsToSpectators(), Game::NewEvent(), AI::NewEvent(), BuildVehicleWindow::OnClick(), LandInfoWindow::OnInit(), BuildIndustryWindow::OnPlaceObject(), AI::Pause(), PlaceInitialIndustry(), RemoveAirport(), RemoveBuoy(), RemoveFromRailBaseStation(), RemoveGenericRoadStop(), RemoveRailStation(), RemoveRailStation(), RemoveRailWaypoint(), RemoveRoad(), RemoveRoadStop(), RemoveRoadWaypointStop(), Game::Save(), AI::Save(), SearchLumberMillTrees(), ServiceIntervalSettingsValueText(), SetDefaultCompanySettings(), SetLocalCompany(), Game::StartNew(), AI::StartNew(), StateGameLoop(), AI::Stop(), SubtractMoneyFromCompany(), SyncCompanySettings(), TileLoop_Town(), TownActionAdvertiseLarge(), TownActionAdvertiseMedium(), TownActionAdvertiseSmall(), TownActionBribe(), TownActionBuildStatue(), TownActionBuyRights(), TownActionRoadRebuild(), Game::Uninitialize(), AI::Unpause(), UpdateAllServiceInterval(), ValParamRailType(), ValParamRoadType(), and VehicleEnterDepot().
CompanyID _local_company |
Company controlled by the human player at this client. Can also be COMPANY_SPECTATOR.
Definition at line 52 of file company_cmd.cpp.
Referenced by _GenerateWorld(), AddNearbyStation(), AgeVehicle(), AircraftEntersTerminal(), AircraftHandleDestTooFar(), CanBuildVehicleInfrastructure(), CcStartStopVehicle(), ChangeOwnershipOfCompanyItems(), CheckOrders(), ClickChangeCompanyCheat(), CmdBuildBridge(), CmdBuyCompany(), CmdCompanyCtrl(), CmdCustomNewsItem(), CmdGoalQuestion(), CmdGoalQuestionAnswer(), CmdScrollViewport(), CmdShowStoryPage(), CompanyCheckBankrupt(), CrashAirplane(), DisableEngineForCompany(), DrawEngineList(), DrawNewObjectTileInGUI(), DrawRoadDepotSprite(), DrawRoadStopTile(), DrawStationTile(), BuildAirportWindow::DrawWidget(), ReplaceVehicleWindow::DrawWidget(), EnginePreviewWindow::DrawWidget(), NewsWindow::DrawWidget(), StatusBarWindow::DrawWidget(), TownAuthorityWindow::DrawWidget(), TownDirectoryWindow::DrawWidget(), EnableEngineForCompany(), CrashLog::FillCrashLog(), StationPickerCallbacks::FillUsedItems(), WaypointPickerCallbacks::FillUsedItems(), RoadStopPickerCallbacks< roadstoptype >::FillUsedItems(), RoadWaypointPickerCallbacks::FillUsedItems(), FindStationsAroundSelection(), FindStationsNearby(), GenerateDefaultSaveName(), ReplaceVehicleWindow::GenerateLists(), ReplaceVehicleWindow::GenerateReplaceVehList(), GenerateWorld(), RefitWindow::GetCapacityString(), GetEngineLivery(), GetOrderCmdFromTile(), SmallMapWindow::GetOverlayCompanyMask(), GetRailTypeDropDownList(), ReplaceVehicleWindow::GetWidgetString(), BuildVehicleWindow::GetWidgetString(), HandleClickOnSign(), Vehicle::HandlePathfindingResult(), CommandHelperBase::InternalExecuteProcessResult(), InvalidateAutoreplaceWindow(), InvalidateCompanyWindows(), IsInteractiveCompany(), IsLocalCompany(), VehicleDetailsWindow::IsVehicleServiceIntervalEnabled(), LoadUnloadVehicle(), VideoDriver_Dedicated::MainLoop(), MakeScreenshotName(), NetworkClientsToSpectators(), NetworkServerSendChat(), ReplaceVehicleWindow::OnClick(), CompanyWindow::OnClick(), GoalListWindow::OnClick(), OrdersWindow::OnClick(), StatusBarWindow::OnClick(), SelectCompanyLiveryWindow::OnDropdownSelect(), OrdersWindow::OnHotkey(), MainToolbarWindow::OnHotkey(), LandInfoWindow::OnInit(), SelectCompanyLiveryWindow::OnInvalidateData(), EnginePreviewWindow::OnInvalidateData(), GoalListWindow::OnInvalidateData(), ScriptDebugWindow::OnInvalidateData(), WaypointWindow::OnInvalidateData(), ReplaceVehicleWindow::OnPaint(), CompanyFinancesWindow::OnPaint(), SelectCompanyLiveryWindow::OnPaint(), CompanyWindow::OnPaint(), DepotWindow::OnPaint(), VehicleGroupWindow::OnPaint(), EndGameWindow::OnPaint(), OrdersWindow::OnPaint(), StationViewWindow::OnPaint(), TimetableWindow::OnPaint(), MainToolbarWindow::OnPaint(), TownAuthorityWindow::OnPaint(), VehicleListWindow::OnPaint(), VehicleDetailsWindow::OnPaint(), VehicleViewWindow::OnPaint(), SignList::OwnerVisibilityFilter(), Vehicle::PreDestructor(), RoadVehArrivesAt(), SaveHighScoreValueNetwork(), SetDefaultRailGui(), SetLocalCompany(), SetSettingValue(), CompanyFinancesWindow::SetupWidgets(), ShipArrivesAt(), ShowBuildAirToolbar(), ShowBuildDocksToolbar(), ShowBuildRailToolbar(), ShowBuildRoadToolbar(), ShowEndGameChart(), ShowTerraformToolbar(), SyncCompanySettings(), TownDirectoryWindow::TownRatingSorter(), TrainEnterStation(), UpdateStationAcceptance(), VehicleEnterDepot(), and WhoCanServiceIndustry().
static |
Similar colours, so we can try to prevent same coloured companies.
Definition at line 445 of file company_cmd.cpp.
Referenced by GenerateCompanyColour().