80 new_value += change_direction;
119 TimerGameEconomy::Date new_economy_date{new_calendar_date.base()};
238 int clicked_cheat = 0;
239 uint line_height = 0;
242 std::vector<const SettingDesc *> sandbox_settings{};
266 void DrawCheatWidget(
const Rect &r)
286 bool on = (*(
323 y += this->line_height;
327 void DrawSettingsWidget(
const Rect &r)
331 for (
const auto &desc :
this->sandbox_settings) {
332 DrawSetting(
ir, desc);
333 ir =
ir.Translate(0, this->line_height);
340 int state = this->clicked_setting ==
sd ? this->clicked : 0;
350 bool editable =
354 if (
sd->IsBoolSetting()) {
372 case WID_C_PANEL: UpdateCheatPanelSize(size);
377 void UpdateCheatPanelSize(
Dimension &size)
414 void UpdateSettingsPanelSize(
Dimension &size)
417 for (
const auto &desc :
this->sandbox_settings) {
425 size.height = this->line_height *
439 uint
btn = (
pt.y - r.top) / this->line_height;
440 int x =
pt.x - r.left;
464 this->clicked_setting =
465 *
ce->been_used =
470 if (
ce->proc !=
ce->proc(value, 0);
489 void SettingsPanelClick(
Point pt)
497 if (!
500 int x =
pt.x - r.left;
505 ChangeSettingValue(
sd, x);
517 this->valuewindow_entry =
523 this->clicked_setting =
531 if (
sd->IsBoolSetting()) {
564 this->last_clicked_setting =
565 this->clicked_setting =
594 this->clicked_setting =
602 if (!str.has_value() || str->empty())
604 if (this->valuewindow_entry !=
nullptr) {
616 value =
623 int value =
624 *
ce->been_used =
630 this->valuewindow_entry =
Cheats _cheats
All the cheats.
Available cheats.
Disable jet-airplane crashes.
Do time traveling.
Allow tunnels to cross each other.
Allow manually editing of industry production.
Switch company.
Number of cheats.
Dynamite anything.
Change amount of money.
Fix station ratings at 100%.
Edit maximum allowed heightlevel.
static int32_t _money_cheat_amount
The 'amount' to cheat with.
static int32_t ClickChangeMaxHlCheat(int32_t new_value, int32_t)
Allow (or disallow) a change of the maximum allowed heightlevel.
void CalendarEnginesMonthlyLoop()
Monthly update of the availability, reliability, and preview offers of the engines.
static int32_t ClickMoneyCheat(int32_t, int32_t change_direction)
Handle cheating of money.
static int32_t ClickSetProdCheat(int32_t new_value, int32_t)
Allow (or disallow) changing production of all industries.
static int32_t ClickChangeDateCheat(int32_t new_value, int32_t)
Handle changing of the current year.
static constexpr NWidgetPart _nested_cheat_widgets[]
Widget definitions of the cheat GUI.
static int32_t ClickChangeCompanyCheat(int32_t new_value, int32_t change_direction)
Handle changing of company.
static WindowDesc _cheats_desc(WDP_AUTO, "cheats", 0, 0, WC_CHEATS, WC_NONE, {}, _nested_cheat_widgets)
Window description of the cheats GUI.
int32_t CheckButtonClick(int32_t new_value, int32_t change_direction)
Signature of handler function when user clicks at a cheat.
void ShowCheatWindow()
Open cheat window.
static const CheatEntry _cheats_ui[]
The available cheats.
Types related to cheating.
constexpr bool Test(Tvalue_type value) const
Test if the value-th bit is set.
An interval timer will fire every interval, and will continue to fire until it is deleted.
static LinkGraphSchedule instance
Static instance of LinkGraphSchedule.
void ShiftDates(TimerGameEconomy::Date interval)
Shift all dates (join dates and edge annotations) of link graphs and link graph jobs by the number of...
static Date ConvertYMDToDate(Year year, Month month, Day day)
Converts a tuple of Year, Month and Day to a Date.
static YearMonthDay ConvertDateToYMD(Date date)
Converts a Date to a Year, Month & Day.
static void SetDate(Date date, DateFract fract)
Set the date.
static Date date
Current date in days (day counter).
static Year year
Current year, starting at 0.
static DateFract date_fract
Fractional part of the day.
static constexpr TimerGame< struct Calendar >::Year MIN_YEAR
The absolute minimum year in OTTD.
static constexpr TimerGame< struct Calendar >::Year MAX_YEAR
MAX_YEAR, nicely rounded value of the number of years that can be encoded in a single 32 bits date,...
static Date date
Current date in days (day counter).
static bool UsingWallclockUnits(bool newgame=false)
Check if we are using wallclock units.
static DateFract date_fract
Fractional part of the day.
static void SetDate(Date date, DateFract fract)
Set the date.
Functions related to commands.
Definition of stuff that is very close to a company, like the company struct itself.
void DrawCompanyIcon(CompanyID c, int x, int y)
Draw the icon of a company.
CompanyID _local_company
Company controlled by the human player at this client. Can also be COMPANY_SPECTATOR.
void SetLocalCompany(CompanyID new_company)
Sets the local company and updates the settings that are set on a per-company basis to reflect the co...
Functions related to companies.
GUI Functions related to companies.
Functions to handle different currencies.
const CurrencySpec & GetCurrency()
Get the currently selected currency.
Functions related to errors.
Errors (eg. saving/loading failed)
void ShowErrorMessage(EncodedString &&summary_msg, int x, int y, const CommandCost &cc)
Display an error message in a window.
int GetCharacterHeight(FontSize size)
Get height of a character for a given font size.
Dimension GetSpriteSize(SpriteID sprid, Point *offset, ZoomLevel zoom)
Get the size of a sprite.
Dimension GetStringBoundingBox(std::string_view str, FontSize start_fontsize)
Return the string dimension in pixels.
int DrawString(int left, int right, int top, std::string_view str, TextColour colour, StringAlignment align, bool underline, FontSize fontsize)
Draw string, possibly truncated to make it fit in its allocated space.
bool _left_button_clicked
Is left mouse button clicked?
Index of the normal font in the font tables.
void SetDirty() const
Mark entire window as dirty (in need of re-paint)
Declaration of link graph schedule used for cargo distribution.
Functions related to maps.
constexpr bool IsInsideMM(const size_t x, const size_t min, const size_t max) noexcept
Checks if a value is in an interval.
constexpr T Clamp(const T a, const T min, const T max)
Clamp a value between an interval.
Miscellaneous command definitions.
void GuiShowTooltips(Window *parent, EncodedString &&text, TooltipCloseCondition close_tooltip)
Shows a tooltip.
void ShowQueryString(std::string_view str, StringID caption, uint maxsize, Window *parent, CharSetFilter afilter, QueryStringFlags flags)
Show a query popup window with a textbox in it.
Base for the NewGRF implementation.
void ReloadNewGRFData()
Reload all NewGRF files during a running game.
void ResetSignalVariant(int32_t)
Updates the current signal variant used in the signal GUI to the one adequate to current year.
A number of safeguards to prevent using unsafe methods.
void WriteValue(void *ptr, VarType conv, int64_t val)
Write the value of a setting.
int64_t ReadValue(const void *ptr, VarType conv)
Return a signed-long version of the value of a setting.
Functions/types related to saving and loading games.
std::vector< const SettingDesc * > GetFilteredSettingCollection(std::function< bool(const SettingDesc &desc)> func)
Get a collection of settings matching a custom filter.
bool SetSettingValue(const IntSettingDesc *sd, int32_t value, bool force_newgame)
Top function to save the new value of an element of the Settings struct.
GameSettings _settings_game
Game settings of a running game or the scenario editor.
void DrawArrowButtons(int x, int y, Colours button_colour, uint8_t state, bool clickable_left, bool clickable_right)
Draw [<][>] boxes.
void DrawDropDownButton(int x, int y, Colours button_colour, bool state, bool clickable)
Draw a dropdown button.
void DrawBoolButton(int x, int y, bool state, bool clickable)
Draw a toggle button.
Functions for setting GUIs.
Width of setting buttons.
Height of setting buttons.
Functions and types used internally for the settings configurations.
@ GuiCurrency
The number represents money, so when reading value multiply by exchange rate.
@ Sandbox
This setting is a sandbox setting.
@ GuiZeroIsSpecial
A value of zero is possible and has a custom string (the one after "strval").
@ GuiDropdown
The value represents a limited number of string-options (internally integer) presented as dropdown.
Types related to global configuration settings.
GameSettings & GetGameSettings()
Get the settings-object applicable for the current situation: the newgame settings when we're in the ...
This file contains all sprite-related enums and defines.
Definition of base types and functions in a cross-platform compatible way.
#define lengthof(array)
Return the length of an fixed size array.
Functions related to low-level strings.
Valid filter types for IsValidChar.
Only numeric ones.
Only numbers and '-' for negative values.
EncodedString GetEncodedString(StringID str)
Encode a string with no parameters into an encoded string.
std::string GetString(StringID string)
Resolve the given StringID into a std::string with formatting but no parameters.
TextDirection _current_text_dir
Text direction of the currently selected language.
Functions related to OTTD's strings.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
Text is written right-to-left by default.
VarType type
type of selector
void * variable
pointer to the variable
StringID str
string with descriptive text
CheckButtonClick * proc
bool * been_used
has this cheat been used before?
void OnTimeout() override
Called when this window's timeout has been reached.
Dimension icon
Dimension of company icon sprite.
void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override
Draw the contents of a nested widget.
void OnInit() override
Notification that the nested widget tree gets initialized.
void UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension &size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension &fill, Dimension &resize) override
Update size and resize step of a widget in the window.
void OnQueryTextFinished(std::optional< std::string > str) override
The query window opened from this window has closed.
bool OnTooltip(Point pt, WidgetID widget, TooltipCloseCondition close_cond) override
Event to display a custom tooltip.
void OnClick(Point pt, WidgetID widget, int click_count) override
A click with the left mouse button has been made on the window.
bool value
tells if the bool cheat is active or not
bool been_used
has this cheat been used before?
Cheat crossing_tunnels
allow tunnels that cross each other
Cheat no_jetcrash
no jet will crash on small airports anymore
Cheat change_date
changes date ingame
Cheat station_rating
Fix station ratings at 100%.
Cheat money
get rich or poor
Cheat setup_prod
setup raw-material production in game
Cheat switch_company
change to another company
Cheat magic_bulldozer
dynamite industries, objects
Cheat edit_max_hl
edit the maximum heightlevel; this is a cheat because of the fact that it needs to reset NewGRF game ...
uint8_t map_height_limit
the maximum allowed heightlevel
uint16_t rate
The conversion rate compared to the base currency.
Dimensions (a width and height) of a rectangle in 2D.
ConstructionSettings construction
construction of things in-game
Base integer type, including boolean, settings.
std::pair< StringParameter, StringParameter > GetValueParams(int32_t value) const
Get parameters for drawing the value of the setting.
int32_t interval
the interval to use between settings in the 'settings' window. If interval is '0' the interval is dyn...
static IterateWrapper Iterate()
Returns an iterable ensemble of all Tiles.
Coordinates of a point in 2D.
static Pool::IterateWrapper< Titem > Iterate(size_t from=0)
Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid Titem.
static size_t GetPoolSize()
Returns first unused index.
static bool IsValidID(auto index)
Tests whether given index can be used to get valid (non-nullptr) Titem.
constexpr uint Vertical() const
Get total vertical padding of RectPadding.
Specification of a rectangle with absolute coordinates of all edges.
Rect WithWidth(int width, bool end) const
Copy Rect and set its width.
int Width() const
Get width of Rect.
Rect Shrink(int s) const
Copy and shrink Rect by s pixels.
Rect WithHeight(int height, bool end=false) const
Copy Rect and set its height.
Rect Indent(int indent, bool end) const
Copy Rect and indent it from its position.
int Height() const
Get height of Rect.
Properties of config file settings.
SettingFlags flags
Handles how a setting would show up in the GUI (text/currency, etc.).
const struct IntSettingDesc * AsIntSetting() const
Get the setting description of this setting as an integer setting.
Templated helper to make a type-safe 'typedef' representing a single POD value.
High level window description.
Data structure for an opened window.
ResizeInfo resize
Resize information.
void SetTimeout()
Set the timeout flag of the window and initiate the timer.
int GetRowFromWidget(int clickpos, WidgetID widget, int padding, int line_height=-1) const
Compute the row of a widget that a user clicked in.
const NWID * GetWidget(WidgetID widnum) const
Get the nested widget with number widnum from the nested widget tree.
void InitNested(WindowNumber number=0)
Perform complete initialization of the Window with nested widgets, to allow use.
WindowFlags flags
Window flags.
int width
width of the window (number of pixels to the right in x direction)
Stuff related to the text buffer GUI.
@ AcceptUnchanged
return success even when the text didn't change
@ EnableDefault
enable the 'Default' button ("\0" is returned)
Map writing/reading functions for tiles.
static debug_inline uint TileHeight(Tile tile)
Returns the height of a tile.
static const uint MIN_MAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT
Lower bound of maximum allowed heightlevel (in the construction settings)
static const uint MAX_MAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT
Upper bound of maximum allowed heightlevel (in the construction settings)
Definition of Interval and OneShot timers.
Definition of the game-calendar-timer.
Definition of the game-economy-timer.
Base class for all vehicles.
void CloseWindowById(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number, bool force, int data)
Close a window by its class and window number (if it is open).
void SetWindowDirty(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number)
Mark window as dirty (in need of repainting)
void InvalidateWindowClassesData(WindowClass cls, int data, bool gui_scope)
Mark window data of all windows of a given class as invalid (in need of re-computing) Note that by de...
Window functions not directly related to making/drawing windows.
Functions, definitions and such used only by the GUI.
@ Timeout
Window timeout counter.
Find a place automatically.
Build station; Window numbers:
Build object; Window numbers:
Statusbar (at the bottom of your screen); Window numbers:
No window, redirects to WC_MAIN_WINDOW.
Cheat window; Window numbers:
Build truck station; Window numbers:
Industry view; Window numbers:
Finances of a company; Window numbers:
Build bus station; Window numbers:
Small map; Window numbers: