OpenTTD Source  20240915-master-g3784a3d3d6
strings.cpp File Reference
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "currency.h"
#include "station_base.h"
#include "town.h"
#include "waypoint_base.h"
#include "depot_base.h"
#include "industry.h"
#include "newgrf_text.h"
#include "fileio_func.h"
#include "signs_base.h"
#include "fontdetection.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "error_func.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "rev.h"
#include "core/endian_func.hpp"
#include "timer/timer_game_calendar.h"
#include "vehicle_base.h"
#include "engine_base.h"
#include "language.h"
#include "townname_func.h"
#include "string_func.h"
#include "company_base.h"
#include "smallmap_gui.h"
#include "window_func.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "game/game_text.hpp"
#include "network/network_content_gui.h"
#include "newgrf_engine.h"
#include "core/backup_type.hpp"
#include "gfx_layout.h"
#include <stack>
#include <charconv>
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "table/control_codes.h"
#include "3rdparty/fmt/std.h"
#include "strings_internal.h"
#include "safeguards.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  LanguagePack
struct  LanguagePackDeleter
struct  LoadedLanguagePack
struct  UnitConversion
 Helper for unit conversion. More...
struct  Units
 Information about a specific unit system. More...
struct  UnitsLong
 Information about a specific unit system with a long variant. More...
class  LanguagePackGlyphSearcher
 Helper for searching through the language pack. More...


void SetDParam (size_t n, uint64_t v)
 Set a string parameter v at index n in the global string parameter array. More...
uint64_t GetDParam (size_t n)
 Get the current string parameter at index n from the global string parameter array. More...
void SetDParamMaxValue (size_t n, uint64_t max_value, uint min_count, FontSize size)
 Set DParam n to some number that is suitable for string size computations. More...
void SetDParamMaxDigits (size_t n, uint count, FontSize size)
 Set DParam n to some number that is suitable for string size computations. More...
void CopyInDParam (const std::span< const StringParameterData > backup)
 Copy the parameters from the backup into the global string parameter array. More...
void CopyOutDParam (std::vector< StringParameterData > &backup, size_t num)
 Copy num string parameters from the global string parameter array to the backup. More...
bool HaveDParamChanged (const std::span< const StringParameterData > backup)
 Checks whether the global string parameters have changed compared to the given backup. More...
static void StationGetSpecialString (StringBuilder &builder, StationFacility x)
static void GetSpecialTownNameString (StringBuilder &builder, int ind, uint32_t seed)
static void GetSpecialNameString (StringBuilder &builder, int ind, StringParameters &args)
static void FormatString (StringBuilder &builder, const char *str_arg, StringParameters &args, uint case_index, bool game_script, bool dry_run)
 Parse most format codes within a string and write the result to a buffer. More...
const char * GetStringPtr (StringID string)
void GetStringWithArgs (StringBuilder &builder, StringID string, StringParameters &args, uint case_index, bool game_script)
 Get a parsed string with most special stringcodes replaced by the string parameters. More...
std::string GetString (StringID string)
 Resolve the given StringID into a std::string with all the associated DParam lookups and formatting. More...
std::string GetStringWithArgs (StringID string, StringParameters &args)
 Get a parsed string with most special stringcodes replaced by the string parameters. More...
void SetDParamStr (size_t n, const char *str)
 This function is used to "bind" a C string to a OpenTTD dparam slot. More...
void SetDParamStr (size_t n, const std::string &str)
 This function is used to "bind" the C string of a std::string to a OpenTTD dparam slot. More...
void SetDParamStr (size_t n, std::string &&str)
 This function is used to "bind" the std::string to a OpenTTD dparam slot. More...
static const char * GetDecimalSeparator ()
static void FormatNumber (StringBuilder &builder, int64_t number, const char *separator)
 Format a number into a string. More...
static void FormatCommaNumber (StringBuilder &builder, int64_t number)
static void FormatNoCommaNumber (StringBuilder &builder, int64_t number)
static void FormatZerofillNumber (StringBuilder &builder, int64_t number, int count)
static void FormatHexNumber (StringBuilder &builder, uint64_t number)
static void FormatBytes (StringBuilder &builder, int64_t number)
 Format a given number as a number of bytes with the SI prefix. More...
static void FormatYmdString (StringBuilder &builder, TimerGameCalendar::Date date, uint case_index)
static void FormatMonthAndYear (StringBuilder &builder, TimerGameCalendar::Date date, uint case_index)
static void FormatTinyOrISODate (StringBuilder &builder, TimerGameCalendar::Date date, StringID str)
static void FormatGenericCurrency (StringBuilder &builder, const CurrencySpec *spec, Money number, bool compact)
static int DeterminePluralForm (int64_t count, int plural_form)
 Determine the "plural" index given a plural form and a number. More...
static const char * ParseStringChoice (const char *b, uint form, StringBuilder &builder)
static const Units GetVelocityUnits (VehicleType type)
 Get the correct velocity units depending on the vehicle type and whether we're using real-time units. More...
uint ConvertSpeedToDisplaySpeed (uint speed, VehicleType type)
 Convert the given (internal) speed to the display speed. More...
uint ConvertDisplaySpeedToSpeed (uint speed, VehicleType type)
 Convert the given display speed to the (internal) speed. More...
uint ConvertKmhishSpeedToDisplaySpeed (uint speed, VehicleType type)
 Convert the given km/h-ish speed to the display speed. More...
uint ConvertDisplaySpeedToKmhishSpeed (uint speed, VehicleType type)
 Convert the given display speed to the km/h-ish speed. More...
static std::span< const char *const > GetSurnameOptions ()
static const char * GetSurname (uint32_t seed)
 Get the surname of the president with the given seed. More...
static void GenAndCoName (StringBuilder &builder, uint32_t seed)
static void GenPresidentName (StringBuilder &builder, uint32_t seed)
bool ReadLanguagePack (const LanguageMetadata *lang)
 Read a particular language. More...
const char * GetCurrentLocale (const char *param)
 Determine the current charset based on the environment First check some default values, after this one we passed ourselves and if none exist return the value for $LANG. More...
const LanguageMetadataGetLanguage (uint8_t newgrflangid)
 Get the language with the given NewGRF language ID. More...
static bool GetLanguageFileHeader (const std::string &file, LanguagePackHeader *hdr)
 Reads the language file header and checks compatibility. More...
static void FillLanguageList (const std::string &path)
 Search for the languages in the given directory and add them to the _languages list. More...
void InitializeLanguagePacks ()
 Make a list of the available language packs. More...
const char * GetCurrentLanguageIsoCode ()
 Get the ISO language code of the currently loaded language. More...
void CheckForMissingGlyphs (bool base_font, MissingGlyphSearcher *searcher)
 Check whether the currently loaded language pack uses characters that the currently loaded font does not support. More...


std::string _config_language_file
 The file (name) stored in the configuration.
LanguageList _languages
 The actual list of language meta data.
const LanguageMetadata_current_language = nullptr
 The currently loaded language.
TextDirection _current_text_dir
 Text direction of the currently selected language.
std::unique_ptr< icu::Collator > _current_collator
 Collator for the language currently in use.
ArrayStringParameters< 20 > _global_string_params
static LoadedLanguagePack _langpack
static bool _scan_for_gender_data = false
 Are we scanning for the gender of the current string? (instead of formatting it)
static const Units _units_velocity_calendar []
 Unit conversions for velocity. More...
static const Units _units_velocity_realtime []
 Unit conversions for velocity. More...
static const Units _units_power []
 Unit conversions for power. More...
static const Units _units_power_to_weight []
 Unit conversions for power to weight. More...
static const UnitsLong _units_weight []
 Unit conversions for weight. More...
static const UnitsLong _units_volume []
 Unit conversions for volume. More...
static const Units _units_force []
 Unit conversions for force. More...
static const Units _units_height []
 Unit conversions for height. More...
static const Units _units_time_days_or_seconds []
 Unit conversions for time in calendar days or wallclock seconds. More...
static const Units _units_time_months_or_minutes []
 Unit conversions for time in calendar months or wallclock minutes. More...
static const Units _units_time_years_or_periods []
 Unit conversions for time in calendar years or economic periods. More...
static const Units _units_time_years_or_minutes []
 Unit conversions for time in calendar years or wallclock minutes. More...
static const char *const _silly_company_names []
static const char *const _surname_list []
static const char *const _silly_surname_list []
static const char _initial_name_letters []

Detailed Description

Handling of translated strings.

Definition in file strings.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ CheckForMissingGlyphs()

void CheckForMissingGlyphs ( bool  base_font,
MissingGlyphSearcher searcher 

Check whether the currently loaded language pack uses characters that the currently loaded font does not support.

If this is the case an error message will be shown in English. The error message will not be localized because that would mean it might use characters that are not in the font, which is the whole reason this check has been added.

base_fontWhether to look at the base font as well.
searcherThe methods to use to search for strings to check. If nullptr the loaded language pack searcher is used.

Definition at line 2249 of file strings.cpp.

References MissingGlyphSearcher::FindMissingGlyphs().

Referenced by TextfileWindow::LoadText().

◆ ConvertDisplaySpeedToKmhishSpeed()

uint ConvertDisplaySpeedToKmhishSpeed ( uint  speed,
VehicleType  type 

Convert the given display speed to the km/h-ish speed.

speedthe speed to convert
the converted speed.

Definition at line 889 of file strings.cpp.

References Units::c, UnitConversion::FromDisplay(), and GetVelocityUnits().

◆ ConvertDisplaySpeedToSpeed()

uint ConvertDisplaySpeedToSpeed ( uint  speed,
VehicleType  type 

Convert the given display speed to the (internal) speed.

speedthe speed to convert
the converted speed.

Definition at line 869 of file strings.cpp.

References Units::c, UnitConversion::FromDisplay(), and GetVelocityUnits().

◆ ConvertKmhishSpeedToDisplaySpeed()

uint ConvertKmhishSpeedToDisplaySpeed ( uint  speed,
VehicleType  type 

Convert the given km/h-ish speed to the display speed.

speedthe speed to convert
the converted speed.

Definition at line 879 of file strings.cpp.

References Units::c, GetVelocityUnits(), and UnitConversion::ToDisplay().

◆ ConvertSpeedToDisplaySpeed()

uint ConvertSpeedToDisplaySpeed ( uint  speed,
VehicleType  type 

Convert the given (internal) speed to the display speed.

speedthe speed to convert
the converted speed.

Definition at line 856 of file strings.cpp.

References Units::c, GetVelocityUnits(), and UnitConversion::ToDisplay().

◆ CopyInDParam()

void CopyInDParam ( const std::span< const StringParameterData >  backup)

Copy the parameters from the backup into the global string parameter array.

backupThe backup to copy from.

Definition at line 159 of file strings.cpp.

◆ CopyOutDParam()

void CopyOutDParam ( std::vector< StringParameterData > &  backup,
size_t  num 

Copy num string parameters from the global string parameter array to the backup.

backupThe backup to write to.
numNumber of string parameters to copy.

Definition at line 171 of file strings.cpp.

Referenced by NewsItem::NewsItem().

◆ DeterminePluralForm()

static int DeterminePluralForm ( int64_t  count,
int  plural_form 

Determine the "plural" index given a plural form and a number.

countThe number to get the plural index of.
plural_formThe plural form we want an index for.
The plural index for the given form.

Definition at line 560 of file strings.cpp.

◆ FillLanguageList()

static void FillLanguageList ( const std::string &  path)

Search for the languages in the given directory and add them to the _languages list.

paththe base directory to search in

Definition at line 2066 of file strings.cpp.

References _languages, Debug, LanguageMetadata::file, FS2OTTD(), GetLanguage(), GetLanguageFileHeader(), LanguagePackHeader::newgrflangid, and OTTD2FS().

◆ FormatBytes()

static void FormatBytes ( StringBuilder builder,
int64_t  number 

Format a given number as a number of bytes with the SI prefix.

builderthe string builder to write to
numberthe number of bytes to write down

Definition at line 440 of file strings.cpp.

◆ FormatNumber()

static void FormatNumber ( StringBuilder builder,
int64_t  number,
const char *  separator 

Format a number into a string.

builderthe string builder to write to
numberthe number to write down
separatorthe thousands-separator to use

Definition at line 385 of file strings.cpp.

◆ FormatString()

static void FormatString ( StringBuilder builder,
const char *  str_arg,
StringParameters args,
uint  case_index,
bool  game_script,
bool  dry_run 

Parse most format codes within a string and write the result to a buffer.

builderThe string builder to write the final string to.
str_argThe original string with format codes.
argsPointer to extra arguments used by various string codes.
dry_runTrue when the args' type data is not yet initialized.

Definition at line 901 of file strings.cpp.

References CreateTextRefStackBackup(), StringParameters::GetOffset(), RestoreTextRefStackBackup(), StringParameters::SetOffset(), and UsingNewGRFTextStack().

◆ GetCurrentLanguageIsoCode()

const char* GetCurrentLanguageIsoCode ( )

Get the ISO language code of the currently loaded language.

the ISO code.

Definition at line 2141 of file strings.cpp.

◆ GetCurrentLocale()

const char* GetCurrentLocale ( const char *  param)

Determine the current charset based on the environment First check some default values, after this one we passed ourselves and if none exist return the value for $LANG.

paramenvironment variable to check conditionally if default ones are not set. Pass nullptr if you don't want additional checks.
return string containing current charset, or nullptr if not-determinable

Definition at line 2003 of file strings.cpp.

◆ GetDParam()

uint64_t GetDParam ( size_t  n)

Get the current string parameter at index n from the global string parameter array.

nIndex of the string parameter.
Value of the requested string parameter.

Definition at line 114 of file strings.cpp.

◆ GetLanguage()

const LanguageMetadata* GetLanguage ( uint8_t  newgrflangid)

Get the language with the given NewGRF language ID.

newgrflangidNewGRF languages ID to check.
The language's metadata, or nullptr if it is not known.

Definition at line 2029 of file strings.cpp.

References _languages.

Referenced by FillLanguageList().

◆ GetLanguageFileHeader()

static bool GetLanguageFileHeader ( const std::string &  file,
LanguagePackHeader hdr 

Reads the language file header and checks compatibility.

filethe file to read
hdrthe place to write the header information to
true if and only if the language file is of a compatible version

Definition at line 2044 of file strings.cpp.

References LanguagePackHeader::IsValid(), and LanguagePackHeader::missing.

Referenced by FillLanguageList().

◆ GetString()

◆ GetStringWithArgs() [1/2]

void GetStringWithArgs ( StringBuilder builder,
StringID  string,
StringParameters args,
uint  case_index,
bool  game_script 

Get a parsed string with most special stringcodes replaced by the string parameters.

builderThe builder of the string.
stringThe ID of the string to parse.
argsArguments for the string.
case_indexThe "case index". This will only be set when FormatString wants to print the string in a different case.
game_scriptThe string is coming directly from a game script.

Definition at line 243 of file strings.cpp.

References GetStringIndex(), and GetStringTab().

Referenced by GetTownName().

◆ GetStringWithArgs() [2/2]

std::string GetStringWithArgs ( StringID  string,
StringParameters args 

Get a parsed string with most special stringcodes replaced by the string parameters.

stringThe ID of the string to parse.
argsArguments for the string.
The parsed string.

Definition at line 331 of file strings.cpp.

◆ GetSurname()

static const char* GetSurname ( uint32_t  seed)

Get the surname of the president with the given seed.

seedThe seed the surname was generated from.
The surname.

Definition at line 1807 of file strings.cpp.

◆ GetVelocityUnits()

static const Units GetVelocityUnits ( VehicleType  type)

Get the correct velocity units depending on the vehicle type and whether we're using real-time units.

typeVehicleType to convert velocity for.
The Units for the proper vehicle and time mode.

Definition at line 839 of file strings.cpp.

References _settings_game, _units_velocity_calendar, _units_velocity_realtime, lengthof, GameSettings::locale, LocaleSettings::units_velocity, LocaleSettings::units_velocity_nautical, TimerGameEconomy::UsingWallclockUnits(), VEH_AIRCRAFT, and VEH_SHIP.

Referenced by ConvertDisplaySpeedToKmhishSpeed(), ConvertDisplaySpeedToSpeed(), ConvertKmhishSpeedToDisplaySpeed(), and ConvertSpeedToDisplaySpeed().

◆ HaveDParamChanged()

bool HaveDParamChanged ( const std::span< const StringParameterData >  backup)

Checks whether the global string parameters have changed compared to the given backup.

backupThe backup to check against.
True when the parameters have changed, otherwise false.

Definition at line 184 of file strings.cpp.

◆ InitializeLanguagePacks()

void InitializeLanguagePacks ( )

Make a list of the available language packs.

Put the data in _languages list.

< Matching the language in the configuration file or the current locale

< Using pt_PT for pt_BR locale when pt_BR is not available

< Fallback when no locale-matching language has been found

Definition at line 2094 of file strings.cpp.

◆ ReadLanguagePack()

bool ReadLanguagePack ( const LanguageMetadata lang)

Read a particular language.

langThe metadata about the language.
Whether the loading went okay or not.

Definition at line 1895 of file strings.cpp.

References LanguageMetadata::file, FS2OTTD(), ReadFileToMem(), and TEXT_TAB_END.

◆ SetDParam()

void SetDParam ( size_t  n,
uint64_t  v 

Set a string parameter v at index n in the global string parameter array.

nIndex of the string parameter.
vValue of the string parameter.

Definition at line 104 of file strings.cpp.

Referenced by AdvertiseIndustryOpening(), AgeVehicle(), AircraftHandleDestTooFar(), Subsidy::AwardTo(), BuildReplacementVehicle(), CheckCompanyHasMoney(), ClientNetworkGameSocketHandler::CheckConnection(), CheckEngines(), CheckforTownRating(), CheckIndustries(), CheckTownRoadTypes(), CheckTrainCollision(), CheckTrainsLengths(), CmdCompanyCtrl(), CmdGiveMoney(), CmdIncreaseLoan(), CompanyCheckBankrupt(), CompanyNewsInformation::CompanyNewsInformation(), CrashAirplane(), StationViewWindow::DrawAcceptedCargo(), TimetableWindow::DrawArrivalDeparturePanel(), StationViewWindow::DrawCargoRatings(), DrawPrice(), TownAuthorityWindow::DrawRatings(), BuildVehicleWindow::FilterByText(), FloodVehicle(), GenerateDefaultSaveName(), BuildBridgeWindow::GetBridgeSelectString(), RefitWindow::GetCapacityString(), IndustryDirectoryWindow::GetIndustryString(), BaseSet< GraphicsSet, MAX_GFT, true >::GetListLabel(), BaseGraphWindow::GetYLabelWidth(), GRFLoadConfig(), Vehicle::HandlePathfindingResult(), CommandHelperBase::InternalExecuteProcessResult(), BuildIndustryWindow::MakeCargoListString(), MakeScreenshotWithConfirm(), NetworkHandlePauseChange(), NewVehicleAvailable(), SelectCompanyManagerFaceWindow::OnInit(), GameSettingsWindow::OnPaint(), SelectGameWindow::OnResize(), CompanyWindow::OnResize(), StoryBookWindow::RefreshSelectedPage(), RoadVehArrivesAt(), SaveHighScoreValueNetwork(), ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendCompanyInfo(), ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler::SendCompanyUpdate(), SetDParamMaxDigits(), SetDParamsForOwnedBy(), SelectCompanyManagerFaceWindow::SetFaceStringParameters(), NIHelper::SetObjectAtStringParameters(), NIHelper::SetSimpleStringParameters(), SettingsValueAbsolute(), SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(), IntSettingDesc::SetValueDParams(), ShipArrivesAt(), ShowNewGrfVehicleError(), ShowRejectOrAcceptNews(), ToolbarScenDatePanel(), TownActionRoadRebuild(), TrainEnterStation(), UpdateFillingPercent(), SettingEntry::UpdateFilterState(), Sign::UpdateVirtCoord(), Waypoint::UpdateVirtCoord(), and Town::UpdateVirtCoord().

◆ SetDParamMaxDigits()

void SetDParamMaxDigits ( size_t  n,
uint  count,
FontSize  size 

Set DParam n to some number that is suitable for string size computations.

nIndex of the string parameter.
countNumber of digits which shall be displayable.
sizeFont of the number

Definition at line 143 of file strings.cpp.

References GetBroadestDigit(), and SetDParam().

Referenced by GetUnitNumberWidth(), and SetDParamMaxValue().

◆ SetDParamMaxValue()

void SetDParamMaxValue ( size_t  n,
uint64_t  max_value,
uint  min_count,
FontSize  size 

Set DParam n to some number that is suitable for string size computations.

nIndex of the string parameter.
max_valueThe biggest value which shall be displayed. For the result only the number of digits of max_value matter.
min_countMinimum number of digits independent of max.
sizeFont of the number

Definition at line 127 of file strings.cpp.

References SetDParamMaxDigits().

Referenced by TimetableWindow::DrawTimetablePanel().

◆ SetDParamStr() [1/3]

◆ SetDParamStr() [2/3]

void SetDParamStr ( size_t  n,
const std::string &  str 

This function is used to "bind" the C string of a std::string to a OpenTTD dparam slot.

The caller has to ensure that the std::string reference remains valid while the string is shown.

nslot of the string
strstring to bind

Definition at line 355 of file strings.cpp.

◆ SetDParamStr() [3/3]

void SetDParamStr ( size_t  n,
std::string &&  str 

This function is used to "bind" the std::string to a OpenTTD dparam slot.

Contrary to the other SetDParamStr functions, this moves the string into the parameter slot.

nslot of the string
strstring to bind

Definition at line 367 of file strings.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ _initial_name_letters

const char _initial_name_letters[]
Initial value:
= {
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J',
'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'W',

Definition at line 1791 of file strings.cpp.

◆ _silly_company_names

const char* const _silly_company_names[]
Initial value:
= {
"Bloggs Brothers",
"Tiny Transport Ltd.",
"Express Travel",
"Comfy-Coach & Co.",
"Crush & Bump Ltd.",
"Broken & Late Ltd.",
"Sam Speedy & Son",
"Supersonic Travel",
"Mike's Motors",
"Lightning International",
"Pannik & Loozit Ltd.",
"Inter-City Transport",
"Getout & Pushit Ltd."

Definition at line 1728 of file strings.cpp.

◆ _silly_surname_list

const char* const _silly_surname_list[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 1776 of file strings.cpp.

◆ _units_force

const Units _units_force[]
Initial value:
= {
{ { 0.224809 }, STR_UNITS_FORCE_IMPERIAL, 0 },
{ { 0.101972 }, STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC, 0 },
{ { 0.001 }, STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI, 0 },

Unit conversions for force.

Definition at line 797 of file strings.cpp.

◆ _units_height

const Units _units_height[]
Initial value:
= {
{ { 1.0 }, STR_UNITS_HEIGHT_METRIC, 0 },
{ { 1.0 }, STR_UNITS_HEIGHT_SI, 0 },

Unit conversions for height.

Definition at line 804 of file strings.cpp.

◆ _units_power

const Units _units_power[]
Initial value:
= {
{ { 1.01387 }, STR_UNITS_POWER_METRIC, 0 },
{ { 0.745699 }, STR_UNITS_POWER_SI, 0 },

Unit conversions for power.

Definition at line 763 of file strings.cpp.

◆ _units_power_to_weight

const Units _units_power_to_weight[]
Initial value:
= {
{ { 0.745699 }, STR_UNITS_POWER_SI_TO_WEIGHT_SI, 1 },

Unit conversions for power to weight.

Definition at line 770 of file strings.cpp.

◆ _units_time_days_or_seconds

const Units _units_time_days_or_seconds[]
Initial value:
= {
{ { 1 }, STR_UNITS_DAYS, 0 },
{ { 2 }, STR_UNITS_SECONDS, 0 },

Unit conversions for time in calendar days or wallclock seconds.

Definition at line 811 of file strings.cpp.

◆ _units_time_months_or_minutes

const Units _units_time_months_or_minutes[]
Initial value:
= {
{ { 1 }, STR_UNITS_MONTHS, 0 },
{ { 1 }, STR_UNITS_MINUTES, 0 },

Unit conversions for time in calendar months or wallclock minutes.

Definition at line 817 of file strings.cpp.

◆ _units_time_years_or_minutes

const Units _units_time_years_or_minutes[]
Initial value:
= {
{ { 1 }, STR_UNITS_YEARS, 0 },
{ { 12 }, STR_UNITS_MINUTES, 0 },

Unit conversions for time in calendar years or wallclock minutes.

Definition at line 829 of file strings.cpp.

◆ _units_time_years_or_periods

const Units _units_time_years_or_periods[]
Initial value:
= {
{ { 1 }, STR_UNITS_YEARS, 0 },
{ { 1 }, STR_UNITS_PERIODS, 0 },

Unit conversions for time in calendar years or economic periods.

Definition at line 823 of file strings.cpp.

◆ _units_velocity_calendar

const Units _units_velocity_calendar[]
Initial value:
= {
{ { 1.609344 }, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_METRIC, 0 },
{ { 0.44704 }, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_SI, 0 },
{ { 0.868976 }, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_KNOTS, 0 },

Unit conversions for velocity.

Definition at line 745 of file strings.cpp.

Referenced by GetVelocityUnits().

◆ _units_velocity_realtime

const Units _units_velocity_realtime[]
Initial value:
= {
{ { 1.609344 }, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_METRIC, 0 },
{ { 0.44704 }, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_SI, 0 },
{ { 0.868976 }, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_KNOTS, 0 },

Unit conversions for velocity.

Definition at line 754 of file strings.cpp.

Referenced by GetVelocityUnits().

◆ _units_volume

const UnitsLong _units_volume[]
Initial value:
= {

Unit conversions for volume.

Definition at line 790 of file strings.cpp.

◆ _units_weight

const UnitsLong _units_weight[]
Initial value:
= {

Unit conversions for weight.

Definition at line 783 of file strings.cpp.