OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6 */
10#include "stdafx.h"
11#include "dropdown_type.h"
12#include "dropdown_func.h"
14#include "strings_func.h"
15#include "timer/timer.h"
16#include "timer/timer_window.h"
17#include "window_gui.h"
18#include "window_func.h"
19#include "zoom_func.h"
23#include "safeguards.h"
25std::unique_ptr<DropDownListItem> MakeDropDownListDividerItem()
27 return std::make_unique<DropDownListDividerItem>(-1);
30std::unique_ptr<DropDownListItem> MakeDropDownListStringItem(StringID str, int value, bool masked, bool shaded)
32 return MakeDropDownListStringItem(GetString(str), value, masked, shaded);
35std::unique_ptr<DropDownListItem> MakeDropDownListStringItem(std::string &&str, int value, bool masked, bool shaded)
37 return std::make_unique<DropDownListStringItem>(std::move(str), value, masked, shaded);
40std::unique_ptr<DropDownListItem> MakeDropDownListIconItem(SpriteID sprite, PaletteID palette, StringID str, int value, bool masked, bool shaded)
42 return std::make_unique<DropDownListIconItem>(sprite, palette, GetString(str), value, masked, shaded);
45std::unique_ptr<DropDownListItem> MakeDropDownListIconItem(const Dimension &dim, SpriteID sprite, PaletteID palette, StringID str, int value, bool masked, bool shaded)
47 return std::make_unique<DropDownListIconItem>(dim, sprite, palette, GetString(str), value, masked, shaded);
50std::unique_ptr<DropDownListItem> MakeDropDownListCheckedItem(bool checked, StringID str, int value, bool masked, bool shaded, uint indent)
52 return std::make_unique<DropDownListCheckedItem>(indent, checked, GetString(str), value, masked, shaded);
55static constexpr NWidgetPart _nested_dropdown_menu_widgets[] = {
64static WindowDesc _dropdown_desc(
65 WDP_MANUAL, nullptr, 0, 0,
68 _nested_dropdown_menu_widgets
78 bool drag_mode = true;
79 bool instant_close = false;
80 bool persist = false;
81 int scrolling = 0;
83 Scrollbar *vscroll = nullptr;
98 DropdownWindow(Window *parent, DropDownList &&list, int selected, WidgetID button, const Rect wi_rect, bool instant_close, Colours wi_colour, bool persist)
99 : Window(_dropdown_desc)
100 , parent_button(button)
102 , list(std::move(list))
103 , selected_result(selected)
106 {
107 assert(!this->list.empty());
109 this->parent = parent;
111 this->CreateNestedTree();
115 this->vscroll = this->GetScrollbar(WID_DM_SCROLL);
116 this->UpdateSizeAndPosition();
118 this->FinishInitNested(0);
120 }
122 void Close([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0) override
123 {
124 /* Finish closing the dropdown, so it doesn't affect new window placement.
125 * Also mark it dirty in case the callback deals with the screen. (e.g. screenshots). */
126 this->Window::Close();
128 Point pt = _cursor.pos;
129 pt.x -= this->parent->left;
130 pt.y -= this->parent->top;
131 this->parent->OnDropdownClose(pt, this->parent_button, this->selected_result, this->instant_close);
133 /* Set flag on parent widget to indicate that we have just closed. */
136 }
138 void OnFocusLost(bool closing) override
139 {
140 if (!closing) {
141 this->instant_close = false;
142 this->Close();
143 }
144 }
153 {
154 if (desired.height < available_height) return;
156 /* If the dropdown doesn't fully fit, we a need a dropdown. */
157 uint avg_height = list.height / (uint)this->list.size();
158 uint rows = std::max((available_height - WidgetDimensions::scaled.dropdownlist.Vertical()) / avg_height, 1U);
160 desired.width = std::max(list.width, desired.width - NWidgetScrollbar::GetVerticalDimension().width);
162 }
168 {
169 Rect button_rect = this->wi_rect.Translate(this->parent->left, this->parent->top);
171 /* Get the dimensions required for the list. */
174 /* Set up dimensions for the items widget. */
179 /* Width should match at least the width of the parent widget. */
180 widget_dim.width = std::max<uint>(widget_dim.width, button_rect.Width());
182 /* Available height below (or above, if the dropdown is placed above the widget). */
183 uint available_height_below = std::max(GetMainViewBottom() - button_rect.bottom - 1, 0);
184 uint available_height_above = std::max( - 1 - GetMainViewTop(), 0);
186 /* Is it better to place the dropdown above the widget? */
189 this->position.y = - widget_dim.height;
190 } else {
192 this->position.y = button_rect.bottom + 1;
193 }
195 if (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) {
196 /* In case the list is wider than the parent button, the list should be right aligned to the button and overflow to the left. */
197 this->position.x = button_rect.right + 1 - (int)(widget_dim.width + (list_dim.height > widget_dim.height ? NWidgetScrollbar::GetVerticalDimension().width : 0));
198 } else {
199 this->position.x = button_rect.left;
200 }
202 this->items_dim = widget_dim;
203 this->GetWidget<NWidgetStacked>(WID_DM_SHOW_SCROLL)->SetDisplayedPlane(list_dim.height > widget_dim.height ? 0 : SZSP_NONE);
205 /* Capacity is the average number of items visible */
206 this->vscroll->SetCapacity((widget_dim.height - WidgetDimensions::scaled.dropdownlist.Vertical()) * this->list.size() / list_dim.height);
207 this->vscroll->SetCount(this->list.size());
209 /* If the dropdown is positioned above the parent widget, start selection at the bottom. */
210 if (this->position.y < && list_dim.height > widget_dim.height) this->vscroll->UpdatePosition(INT_MAX);
211 }
214 {
215 if (widget == WID_DM_ITEMS) size = this->items_dim;
216 }
228 bool GetDropDownItem(int &value)
229 {
230 if (GetWidgetFromPos(this, _cursor.pos.x - this->left, _cursor.pos.y - this->top) < 0) return false;
232 const Rect &r = this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(WID_DM_ITEMS)->GetCurrentRect().Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.dropdownlist);
233 int y = _cursor.pos.y - this->top -;
234 int pos = this->vscroll->GetPosition();
236 for (const auto &item : this->list) {
237 /* Skip items that are scrolled up */
238 if (--pos >= 0) continue;
240 int item_height = item->Height();
242 if (y < item_height) {
243 if (item->masked || !item->Selectable()) return false;
244 value = item->result;
245 return true;
246 }
248 y -= item_height;
249 }
251 return false;
252 }
254 void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override
255 {
256 if (widget != WID_DM_ITEMS) return;
258 Colours colour = this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(widget)->colour;
260 Rect ir = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.dropdownlist);
261 int y =;
262 int pos = this->vscroll->GetPosition();
263 for (const auto &item : this->list) {
264 int item_height = item->Height();
266 /* Skip items that are scrolled up */
267 if (--pos >= 0) continue;
269 if (y + item_height - 1 <= ir.bottom) {
270 Rect full{ir.left, y, ir.right, y + item_height - 1};
272 bool selected = (this->selected_result == item->result) && item->Selectable();
273 if (selected) GfxFillRect(full, PC_BLACK);
275 item->Draw(full, full.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.dropdowntext, RectPadding::zero), selected, colour);
276 }
277 y += item_height;
278 }
279 }
281 void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, WidgetID widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override
282 {
283 if (widget != WID_DM_ITEMS) return;
284 int item;
285 if (this->GetDropDownItem(item)) {
286 this->click_delay = 4;
287 this->selected_result = item;
288 this->SetDirty();
289 }
290 }
293 IntervalTimer<TimerWindow> scroll_interval = {std::chrono::milliseconds(30), [this](auto) {
294 if (this->scrolling == 0) return;
296 if (this->vscroll->UpdatePosition(this->scrolling)) this->SetDirty();
298 this->scrolling = 0;
299 }};
301 void OnMouseLoop() override
302 {
303 if (this->click_delay != 0 && --this->click_delay == 0) {
304 /* Close the dropdown, so it doesn't affect new window placement.
305 * Also mark it dirty in case the callback deals with the screen. (e.g. screenshots). */
306 if (!this->persist) this->Close();
307 this->parent->OnDropdownSelect(this->parent_button, this->selected_result);
308 return;
309 }
311 if (this->drag_mode) {
312 int item;
315 this->drag_mode = false;
316 if (!this->GetDropDownItem(item)) {
317 if (this->instant_close) this->Close();
318 return;
319 }
320 this->click_delay = 2;
321 } else {
322 if (_cursor.pos.y <= this->top + {
323 /* Cursor is above the list, set scroll up */
324 this->scrolling = -1;
325 return;
326 } else if (_cursor.pos.y >= this->top + this->height - WidgetDimensions::scaled.dropdownlist.bottom) {
327 /* Cursor is below list, set scroll down */
328 this->scrolling = 1;
329 return;
330 }
332 if (!this->GetDropDownItem(item)) return;
333 }
335 if (this->selected_result != item) {
336 this->selected_result = item;
337 this->SetDirty();
338 }
339 }
340 }
342 void ReplaceList(DropDownList &&list)
343 {
344 this->list = std::move(list);
345 this->UpdateSizeAndPosition();
346 this->ReInit(0, 0);
347 this->InitializePositionSize(this->position.x, this->position.y, this->nested_root->smallest_x, this->nested_root->smallest_y);
348 this->SetDirty();
349 }
352void ReplaceDropDownList(Window *parent, DropDownList &&list)
354 DropdownWindow *ddw = dynamic_cast<DropdownWindow *>(parent->FindChildWindow(WC_DROPDOWN_MENU));
355 if (ddw != nullptr) ddw->ReplaceList(std::move(list));
365 Dimension dim{};
366 for (const auto &item : list) {
367 dim.height += item->Height();
368 dim.width = std::max(dim.width, item->Width());
369 }
371 return dim;
386void ShowDropDownListAt(Window *w, DropDownList &&list, int selected, WidgetID button, Rect wi_rect, Colours wi_colour, bool instant_close, bool persist)
389 new DropdownWindow(w, std::move(list), selected, button, wi_rect, instant_close, wi_colour, persist);
404void ShowDropDownList(Window *w, DropDownList &&list, int selected, WidgetID button, uint width, bool instant_close, bool persist)
406 /* Our parent's button widget is used to determine where to place the drop
407 * down list window. */
408 NWidgetCore *nwi = w->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(button);
409 Rect wi_rect = nwi->GetCurrentRect();
410 Colours wi_colour = nwi->colour;
412 if ((nwi->type & WWT_MASK) == NWID_BUTTON_DROPDOWN) {
414 } else {
415 nwi->SetLowered(true);
416 }
417 nwi->SetDirty(w);
419 if (width != 0) {
420 if (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) {
421 wi_rect.left = wi_rect.right + 1 - ScaleGUITrad(width);
422 } else {
423 wi_rect.right = wi_rect.left + ScaleGUITrad(width) - 1;
424 }
425 }
427 ShowDropDownListAt(w, std::move(list), selected, button, wi_rect, wi_colour, instant_close, persist);
441void ShowDropDownMenu(Window *w, std::span<const StringID> strings, int selected, WidgetID button, uint32_t disabled_mask, uint32_t hidden_mask, uint width)
443 DropDownList list;
445 uint i = 0;
446 for (auto string : strings) {
447 if (!HasBit(hidden_mask, i)) {
448 list.push_back(MakeDropDownListStringItem(string, i, HasBit(disabled_mask, i)));
449 }
450 ++i;
451 }
453 if (!list.empty()) ShowDropDownList(w, std::move(list), selected, button, width);
debug_inline constexpr bool HasBit(const T x, const uint8_t y)
Checks if a bit in a value is set.
constexpr Timpl & Set()
Set all bits.
constexpr Timpl & Reset(Tvalue_type value)
Reset the value-th bit.
An interval timer will fire every interval, and will continue to fire until it is deleted.
Definition timer.h:76
virtual void SetDirty(const Window *w) const
Mark the widget as 'dirty' (in need of repaint).
Definition widget.cpp:905
WidgetType type
Type of the widget / nested widget.
Base class for a 'real' widget.
NWidgetDisplayFlags disp_flags
Flags that affect display and interaction with the widget.
Colours colour
Colour of this widget.
void SetLowered(bool lowered)
Lower or raise the widget.
Scrollbar data structure.
void SetCount(size_t num)
Sets the number of elements in the list.
bool UpdatePosition(int difference, ScrollbarStepping unit=SS_SMALL)
Updates the position of the first visible element by the given amount.
void SetCapacity(size_t capacity)
Set the capacity of visible elements.
size_type GetPosition() const
Gets the position of the first visible element in the list.
static WidgetDimensions scaled
Widget dimensions scaled for current zoom level.
Definition window_gui.h:29
RectPadding dropdownlist
Padding of complete drop down list.
Definition window_gui.h:51
RectPadding dropdowntext
Padding of drop down list item.
Definition window_gui.h:50
void ShowDropDownMenu(Window *w, std::span< const StringID > strings, int selected, WidgetID button, uint32_t disabled_mask, uint32_t hidden_mask, uint width)
Show a dropdown menu window near a widget of the parent window.
Definition dropdown.cpp:441
void ShowDropDownList(Window *w, DropDownList &&list, int selected, WidgetID button, uint width, bool instant_close, bool persist)
Show a drop down list.
Definition dropdown.cpp:404
Dimension GetDropDownListDimension(const DropDownList &list)
Determine width and height required to fully display a DropDownList.
Definition dropdown.cpp:363
void ShowDropDownListAt(Window *w, DropDownList &&list, int selected, WidgetID button, Rect wi_rect, Colours wi_colour, bool instant_close, bool persist)
Show a drop down list.
Definition dropdown.cpp:386
Common drop down list components.
Functions related to the drop down widget.
Types related to the drop down widget.
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< const DropDownListItem > > DropDownList
A drop down list is a collection of drop down list items.
Types related to the dropdown widgets.
Panel showing the dropdown items.
Hide scrollbar if too few items.
bool _left_button_clicked
Is left mouse button clicked?
Definition gfx.cpp:42
void GfxFillRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int colour, FillRectMode mode)
Applies a certain FillRectMode-operation to a rectangle [left, right] x [top, bottom] on the screen.
Definition gfx.cpp:115
uint32_t SpriteID
The number of a sprite, without mapping bits and colourtables.
Definition gfx_type.h:17
uint32_t PaletteID
The number of the palette.
Definition gfx_type.h:18
constexpr NWidgetPart SetScrollbar(WidgetID index)
Attach a scrollbar to a widget.
constexpr NWidgetPart NWidget(WidgetType tp, Colours col, WidgetID idx=-1)
Widget part function for starting a new 'real' widget.
constexpr NWidgetPart EndContainer()
Widget part function for denoting the end of a container (horizontal, vertical, WWT_FRAME,...
void SetDirty() const
Mark entire window as dirty (in need of re-paint)
Definition window.cpp:943
static const uint8_t PC_BLACK
Black palette colour.
A number of safeguards to prevent using unsafe methods.
Definition of base types and functions in a cross-platform compatible way.
std::string GetString(StringID string)
Resolve the given StringID into a std::string with formatting but no parameters.
Definition strings.cpp:426
TextDirection _current_text_dir
Text direction of the currently selected language.
Definition strings.cpp:56
Functions related to OTTD's strings.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
Text is written right-to-left by default.
Point pos
logical mouse position
Definition gfx_type.h:124
Dimensions (a width and height) of a rectangle in 2D.
Drop-down menu window.
Definition dropdown.cpp:72
Point OnInitialPosition(int16_t sm_width, int16_t sm_height, int window_number) override
Compute the initial position of the window.
Definition dropdown.cpp:218
WidgetID parent_button
Parent widget number where the window is dropped from.
Definition dropdown.cpp:73
void OnMouseLoop() override
Called for every mouse loop run, which is at least once per (game) tick.
Definition dropdown.cpp:301
bool persist
Persist dropdown menu.
Definition dropdown.cpp:80
DropdownWindow(Window *parent, DropDownList &&list, int selected, WidgetID button, const Rect wi_rect, bool instant_close, Colours wi_colour, bool persist)
Create a dropdown menu.
Definition dropdown.cpp:98
IntervalTimer< TimerWindow > scroll_interval
Rate limit how fast scrolling happens.
Definition dropdown.cpp:293
void UpdateSizeAndPosition()
Update size and position of window to fit dropdown list into available space.
Definition dropdown.cpp:167
Rect wi_rect
Rect of the button that opened the dropdown.
Definition dropdown.cpp:74
void OnClick(Point pt, WidgetID widget, int click_count) override
A click with the left mouse button has been made on the window.
Definition dropdown.cpp:281
bool instant_close
Close the window when the mouse button is raised.
Definition dropdown.cpp:79
Dimension items_dim
Calculated cropped and padded dimension for the items widget.
Definition dropdown.cpp:85
void UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension &size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension &fill, Dimension &resize) override
Update size and resize step of a widget in the window.
Definition dropdown.cpp:213
uint8_t click_delay
Timer to delay selection.
Definition dropdown.cpp:77
int selected_result
Result value of the selected item in the list.
Definition dropdown.cpp:76
void Close(int data=0) override
Hide the window and all its child windows, and mark them for a later deletion.
Definition dropdown.cpp:122
void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override
Draw the contents of a nested widget.
Definition dropdown.cpp:254
bool GetDropDownItem(int &value)
Find the dropdown item under the cursor.
Definition dropdown.cpp:228
DropDownList list
List with dropdown menu items.
Definition dropdown.cpp:75
void FitAvailableHeight(Dimension &desired, const Dimension &list, uint available_height)
Fit dropdown list into available height, rounding to average item size.
Definition dropdown.cpp:152
Point position
Position of the topleft corner of the window.
Definition dropdown.cpp:82
int scrolling
If non-zero, auto-scroll the item list (one time).
Definition dropdown.cpp:81
void OnFocusLost(bool closing) override
The window has lost focus.
Definition dropdown.cpp:138
Partial widget specification to allow NWidgets to be written nested.
Coordinates of a point in 2D.
constexpr uint Horizontal() const
Get total horizontal padding of RectPadding.
constexpr uint Vertical() const
Get total vertical padding of RectPadding.
Specification of a rectangle with absolute coordinates of all edges.
Rect Shrink(int s) const
Copy and shrink Rect by s pixels.
Rect Translate(int x, int y) const
Copy and translate Rect by x,y pixels.
High level window description.
Definition window_gui.h:168
Data structure for an opened window.
Definition window_gui.h:274
void ReInit(int rx=0, int ry=0, bool reposition=false)
Re-initialize a window, and optionally change its size.
Definition window.cpp:955
virtual void Close(int data=0)
Hide the window and all its child windows, and mark them for a later deletion.
Definition window.cpp:1050
void FinishInitNested(WindowNumber window_number=0)
Perform the second part of the initialization of a nested widget tree.
Definition window.cpp:1736
void InitializePositionSize(int x, int y, int min_width, int min_height)
Set the position and smallest size of the window.
Definition window.cpp:1405
Window * parent
Parent window.
Definition window_gui.h:329
ResizeInfo resize
Resize information.
Definition window_gui.h:315
void CreateNestedTree()
Perform the first part of the initialization of a nested widget tree.
Definition window.cpp:1726
virtual void OnDropdownClose(Point pt, WidgetID widget, int index, bool instant_close)
A dropdown window associated to this window has been closed.
Definition window.cpp:284
virtual void OnDropdownSelect(WidgetID widget, int index)
A dropdown option associated to this window has been selected.
Definition window_gui.h:760
int left
x position of left edge of the window
Definition window_gui.h:310
Window * FindChildWindow(WindowClass wc=WC_INVALID) const
Find the Window whose parent pointer points to this window.
Definition window.cpp:1025
int top
y position of top edge of the window
Definition window_gui.h:311
const NWID * GetWidget(WidgetID widnum) const
Get the nested widget with number widnum from the nested widget tree.
Definition window_gui.h:973
WindowFlags flags
Window flags.
Definition window_gui.h:301
const Scrollbar * GetScrollbar(WidgetID widnum) const
Return the Scrollbar to a widget index.
Definition window.cpp:311
WindowNumber window_number
Window number within the window class.
Definition window_gui.h:303
Definition of Interval and OneShot timers.
Definition of the Window system.
WidgetID GetWidgetFromPos(const Window *w, int x, int y)
Returns the index for the widget located at the given position relative to the window.
Definition widget.cpp:281
static RectPadding ScaleGUITrad(const RectPadding &r)
Scale a RectPadding to GUI zoom level.
Definition widget.cpp:48
Button with a drop-down.
Definition widget_type.h:73
Horizontal container.
Definition widget_type.h:65
Simple depressed panel.
Definition widget_type.h:40
Vertical scrollbar.
Definition widget_type.h:75
Stacked widgets, only one visible at a time (eg in a panel with tabs).
Definition widget_type.h:70
@ DropdownClosed
Dropdown menu of the dropdown widget has closed.
@ DropdownActive
Dropdown menu of the button dropdown widget is active.
Display plane with zero size in both directions (none filling and resizing).
int GetMainViewTop()
Return the top of the main view available for general use.
Definition window.cpp:2065
void CloseWindowByClass(WindowClass cls, int data)
Close all windows of a given class.
Definition window.cpp:1155
int GetMainViewBottom()
Return the bottom of the main view available for general use.
Definition window.cpp:2076
Window functions not directly related to making/drawing windows.
Functions, definitions and such used only by the GUI.
@ NoFocus
This window won't get focus/make any other window lose focus when click.
@ WhiteBorder
Window white border counter bit mask.
Manually align the window (so no automatic location finding)
Definition window_gui.h:144
int WidgetID
Widget ID.
Definition window_type.h:20
No window, redirects to WC_MAIN_WINDOW.
Definition window_type.h:47
Drop down menu; Window numbers:
Functions related to zooming.