OpenTTD Source  20240915-master-g3784a3d3d6
Hierarchical widget parts

To make nested widgets easier to enter, nested widget parts have been created. They allow the tree to be defined in a flat array of parts. More...

Data Structures

struct  NWidgetPartDataTip
 Widget part for storing data and tooltip information. More...
struct  NWidgetPartWidget
 Widget part for storing basic widget information. More...
struct  NWidgetPartPaddings
 Widget part for storing padding. More...
struct  NWidgetPartPIP
 Widget part for storing pre/inter/post spaces. More...
struct  NWidgetPartTextLines
 Widget part for storing minimal text line data. More...
struct  NWidgetPartTextStyle
 Widget part for storing text colour. More...
struct  NWidgetPartAlignment
 Widget part for setting text/image alignment within a widget. More...
struct  NWidgetPart
 Partial widget specification to allow NWidgets to be written nested. More...


std::unique_ptr< NWidgetBaseMakeNWidgets (std::span< const NWidgetPart > nwid_parts, std::unique_ptr< NWidgetBase > &&container)
 Construct a nested widget tree from an array of parts. More...
std::unique_ptr< NWidgetBaseMakeWindowNWidgetTree (std::span< const NWidgetPart > nwid_parts, NWidgetStacked **shade_select)
 Make a nested widget tree for a window from a parts array. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetResize (int16_t dx, int16_t dy)
 Widget part function for setting the resize step. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetMinimalSize (int16_t x, int16_t y)
 Widget part function for setting the minimal size. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetMinimalTextLines (uint8_t lines, uint8_t spacing, FontSize size=FS_NORMAL)
 Widget part function for setting the minimal text lines. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetTextStyle (TextColour colour, FontSize size=FS_NORMAL)
 Widget part function for setting the text style. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetAlignment (StringAlignment align)
 Widget part function for setting the alignment of text/images. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetFill (uint16_t fill_x, uint16_t fill_y)
 Widget part function for setting filling. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart EndContainer ()
 Widget part function for denoting the end of a container (horizontal, vertical, WWT_FRAME, WWT_INSET, or WWT_PANEL).
constexpr NWidgetPart SetDataTip (uint32_t data, StringID tip)
 Widget part function for setting the data and tooltip. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetMatrixDataTip (uint8_t cols, uint8_t rows, StringID tip)
 Widget part function for setting the data and tooltip of WWT_MATRIX widgets. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetPadding (uint8_t top, uint8_t right, uint8_t bottom, uint8_t left)
 Widget part function for setting additional space around a widget. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetPadding (const RectPadding &padding)
 Widget part function for setting additional space around a widget. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetPadding (uint8_t padding)
 Widget part function for setting a padding. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetPIP (uint8_t pre, uint8_t inter, uint8_t post)
 Widget part function for setting a pre/inter/post spaces. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetPIPRatio (uint8_t ratio_pre, uint8_t ratio_inter, uint8_t ratio_post)
 Widget part function for setting a pre/inter/post ratio. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetScrollbar (WidgetID index)
 Attach a scrollbar to a widget. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart SetAspect (float ratio, AspectFlags flags=AspectFlags::ResizeX)
 Widget part function for setting the aspect ratio. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart NWidget (WidgetType tp, Colours col, WidgetID idx=-1)
 Widget part function for starting a new 'real' widget. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart NWidget (WidgetType tp, NWidContainerFlags cont_flags=NC_NONE)
 Widget part function for starting a new horizontal container, vertical container, or spacer widget. More...
constexpr NWidgetPart NWidgetFunction (NWidgetFunctionType *func_ptr)
 Obtain a nested widget (sub)tree from an external source. More...

Detailed Description

To make nested widgets easier to enter, nested widget parts have been created. They allow the tree to be defined in a flat array of parts.

See also
Hierarchical widgets

Function Documentation

◆ MakeNWidgets()

std::unique_ptr<NWidgetBase> MakeNWidgets ( std::span< const NWidgetPart nwid_parts,
std::unique_ptr< NWidgetBase > &&  container 

Construct a nested widget tree from an array of parts.

nwid_partsSpan of nested widget parts.
containerContainer to add the nested widgets to. In case it is nullptr a vertical container is used.
Root of the nested widget tree, a vertical container containing the entire GUI.

Definition at line 3210 of file widget.cpp.

References MakeWidgetTree().

Referenced by MakeWindowNWidgetTree(), and NewGRFDisplay().

◆ MakeWindowNWidgetTree()

std::unique_ptr<NWidgetBase> MakeWindowNWidgetTree ( std::span< const NWidgetPart nwid_parts,
NWidgetStacked **  shade_select 

Make a nested widget tree for a window from a parts array.

Besides loading, it inserts a shading selection widget between the title bar and the window body if the first widget in the parts array looks like a title bar (it is a horizontal container with a caption widget) and has a shade box widget.

nwid_partsSpan of nested widget parts.
[out]shade_selectPointer to the inserted shade selection widget (nullptr if not unserted).
Root of the nested widget tree, a vertical container containing the entire GUI.

Definition at line 3229 of file widget.cpp.

References NWidgetContainer::Add(), NWidgetContainer::GetWidgetOfType(), MakeNWidgets(), MakeWidgetTree(), WWT_CAPTION, and WWT_SHADEBOX.

Referenced by Window::CreateNestedTree().

◆ NWidget() [1/2]

constexpr NWidgetPart NWidget ( WidgetType  tp,
Colours  col,
WidgetID  idx = -1 

Widget part function for starting a new 'real' widget.

tpType of the new nested widget.
colColour of the new widget.
idxIndex of the widget.
with WWT_PANEL, WWT_FRAME, WWT_INSET, a new container is started. Child widgets must have a index bigger than the parent index.

Definition at line 1311 of file widget_type.h.

Referenced by MakePickerClassWidgets(), and MakePickerTypeWidgets().

◆ NWidget() [2/2]

constexpr NWidgetPart NWidget ( WidgetType  tp,
NWidContainerFlags  cont_flags = NC_NONE 

Widget part function for starting a new horizontal container, vertical container, or spacer widget.

cont_flagsFlags for the containers (NWID_HORIZONTAL and NWID_VERTICAL).

Definition at line 1322 of file widget_type.h.

◆ NWidgetFunction()

constexpr NWidgetPart NWidgetFunction ( NWidgetFunctionType func_ptr)

Obtain a nested widget (sub)tree from an external source.

func_ptrPointer to function that returns the tree.

Definition at line 1332 of file widget_type.h.

References WPT_FUNCTION.

◆ SetAlignment()

constexpr NWidgetPart SetAlignment ( StringAlignment  align)

Widget part function for setting the alignment of text/images.

alignAlignment of text/image within widget.

Definition at line 1172 of file widget_type.h.


◆ SetAspect()

constexpr NWidgetPart SetAspect ( float  ratio,
AspectFlags  flags = AspectFlags::ResizeX 

Widget part function for setting the aspect ratio.

ratioDesired aspect ratio, or 0 for none.
flagsDimensions which should be resized.

Definition at line 1297 of file widget_type.h.

◆ SetDataTip()

constexpr NWidgetPart SetDataTip ( uint32_t  data,
StringID  tip 

Widget part function for setting the data and tooltip.

dataData of the widget.
tipTooltip of the widget.

Definition at line 1204 of file widget_type.h.

References WPT_DATATIP.

Referenced by SetMatrixDataTip().

◆ SetFill()

constexpr NWidgetPart SetFill ( uint16_t  fill_x,
uint16_t  fill_y 

Widget part function for setting filling.

fill_xHorizontal filling step from minimal size.
fill_yVertical filling step from minimal size.

Definition at line 1183 of file widget_type.h.

◆ SetMatrixDataTip()

constexpr NWidgetPart SetMatrixDataTip ( uint8_t  cols,
uint8_t  rows,
StringID  tip 

Widget part function for setting the data and tooltip of WWT_MATRIX widgets.

colsNumber of columns. 0 means to use draw columns with width according to the resize step size.
rowsNumber of rows. 0 means to use draw rows with height according to the resize step size.
tipTooltip of the widget.

Definition at line 1216 of file widget_type.h.

References MAT_COL_START, MAT_ROW_START, and SetDataTip().

◆ SetMinimalSize()

constexpr NWidgetPart SetMinimalSize ( int16_t  x,
int16_t  y 

Widget part function for setting the minimal size.

xHorizontal minimal size.
yVertical minimal size.

Definition at line 1139 of file widget_type.h.

◆ SetMinimalTextLines()

constexpr NWidgetPart SetMinimalTextLines ( uint8_t  lines,
uint8_t  spacing,
FontSize  size = FS_NORMAL 

Widget part function for setting the minimal text lines.

linesNumber of text lines.
spacingExtra spacing required.
sizeFont size of text.

Definition at line 1151 of file widget_type.h.


◆ SetPadding() [1/3]

constexpr NWidgetPart SetPadding ( const RectPadding padding)

Widget part function for setting additional space around a widget.

rThe padding around the widget.

Definition at line 1240 of file widget_type.h.

References WPT_PADDING.

◆ SetPadding() [2/3]

constexpr NWidgetPart SetPadding ( uint8_t  padding)

Widget part function for setting a padding.

paddingThe padding to use for all directions.

Definition at line 1250 of file widget_type.h.

References SetPadding().

◆ SetPadding() [3/3]

constexpr NWidgetPart SetPadding ( uint8_t  top,
uint8_t  right,
uint8_t  bottom,
uint8_t  left 

Widget part function for setting additional space around a widget.

Parameters start above the widget, and are specified in clock-wise direction.

topThe padding above the widget.
rightThe padding right of the widget.
bottomThe padding below the widget.
leftThe padding left of the widget.

Definition at line 1230 of file widget_type.h.

References WPT_PADDING.

Referenced by SetPadding().

◆ SetPIP()

constexpr NWidgetPart SetPIP ( uint8_t  pre,
uint8_t  inter,
uint8_t  post 

Widget part function for setting a pre/inter/post spaces.

preThe amount of space before the first widget.
interThe amount of space between widgets.
postThe amount of space after the last widget.

Definition at line 1262 of file widget_type.h.

References WPT_PIPSPACE.

◆ SetPIPRatio()

constexpr NWidgetPart SetPIPRatio ( uint8_t  ratio_pre,
uint8_t  ratio_inter,
uint8_t  ratio_post 

Widget part function for setting a pre/inter/post ratio.

preThe ratio of space before the first widget.
interThe ratio of space between widgets.
postThe ratio of space after the last widget.

Definition at line 1274 of file widget_type.h.

References WPT_PIPRATIO.

◆ SetResize()

constexpr NWidgetPart SetResize ( int16_t  dx,
int16_t  dy 

Widget part function for setting the resize step.

dxHorizontal resize step. 0 means no horizontal resizing.
dyVertical resize step. 0 means no vertical resizing.

Definition at line 1128 of file widget_type.h.

References WPT_RESIZE.

◆ SetScrollbar()

constexpr NWidgetPart SetScrollbar ( WidgetID  index)

Attach a scrollbar to a widget.

The scrollbar is controlled when using the mousewheel on the widget. Multiple widgets can refer to the same scrollbar to make the mousewheel work in all of them.

indexWidget index of the scrollbar.

Definition at line 1286 of file widget_type.h.


◆ SetTextStyle()

constexpr NWidgetPart SetTextStyle ( TextColour  colour,
FontSize  size = FS_NORMAL 

Widget part function for setting the text style.

colourColour to draw string within widget.
sizeFont size to draw string within widget.

Definition at line 1162 of file widget_type.h.