11#include "../strings_func.h"
12#include "../timer/timer_game_calendar.h"
13#include "../timer/timer_game_calendar.h"
14#include "core/network_game_info.h"
18#include "../command_func.h"
19#include "../company_base.h"
20#include "../console_func.h"
21#include "../core/pool_func.hpp"
22#include "../map_func.h"
24#include "../game/game.hpp"
26#include "../safeguards.h"
77 if (_redirect_console_to_admin == this->
index) _redirect_console_to_admin = AdminID::Invalid();
99 Debug(net, 2,
"[admin] Admin did not send its authorisation within {} seconds", std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(
100 as->CloseConnection(
135 p->Send_uint8(error);
140 Debug(net, 1,
"[admin] The admin '{}' ({}) made an error and has been disconnected: '{}'", this->
admin_name, this->
admin_version, error_message);
173 p->Send_string(GetNetworkRevisionString());
223 p->Send_uint32(client_id);
242 p->Send_string(cs ==
nullptr ?
"" :
const_cast<NetworkAddress &
279 p->Send_uint32(client_id);
294 p->Send_uint32(client_id);
295 p->Send_uint8 (error);
308 p->Send_uint8(company_id);
323 p->Send_uint8 (c->
326 p->Send_uint8 (c->
329 p->Send_bool (c->
346 p->Send_uint8 (c->
349 p->Send_uint8 (c->
367 p->Send_uint8(company_id);
380 Money income = -std::reduce(std::begin(company->yearly_expenses[0]), std::end(company->yearly_expenses[0]));
384 p->Send_uint8(company->index);
387 p->Send_uint64(company->money);
388 p->Send_uint64(company->current_loan);
389 p->Send_uint64(income);
390 p->Send_uint16(
>(std::min<uint64_t>(UINT16_MAX, company->cur_economy.delivered_cargo.GetSum<
393 for (uint i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
394 p->Send_uint64(company->old_economy[i].company_value);
395 p->Send_uint16(company->old_economy[i].performance_history);
396 p->Send_uint16(
>(std::min<uint64_t>(UINT16_MAX, company->old_economy[i].delivered_cargo.GetSum<
417 p->Send_uint8(company->index);
419 for (uint i = 0; i < NETWORK_VEH_END; i++) {
420 p->Send_uint16(company_stats[company->index].num_vehicle[i]);
423 for (uint i = 0; i < NETWORK_VEH_END; i++) {
424 p->Send_uint16(company_stats[company->index].num_station[i]);
445 p->Send_uint8 (action);
446 p->Send_uint8 (desttype);
447 p->Send_uint32(client_id);
449 p->Send_uint64(data);
463 p->Send_string(command);
478 p->Send_uint16(colour);
479 p->Send_string(result);
537 p->Send_string(origin);
538 p->Send_string(
552 p->Send_string(json);
574 for (uint16_t i = 0; i <
CMD_END; i++) {
580 if (!p->CanWriteToPacket(strlen(cmdname) + 5)) {
589 p->Send_string(cmdname);
608 p->Send_uint32(client_id);
610 p->Send_uint16(cp.
611 p->Send_buffer(cp.
612 p->Send_uint32(cp.
629 return this->
637 return this->
643 if (this->
admin_name.empty() || this->admin_version.empty()) {
645 return this->
669 return this->
694 if (d1 == UINT32_MAX) {
696 for (
const NetworkClientSocket *cs : NetworkClientSocket::Iterate()) {
703 const NetworkClientSocket *cs = NetworkClientSocket::GetByClientID((
711 if (d1 == UINT32_MAX) {
739 return this->
765 return this->
781 Debug(net, 1,
"[admin] Not supported chat colour {} ({}, {}, {}) from '{}' ({}).", (uint16_t)colour, source, user, msg, this->
admin_name, this->
782 return this->
805 if (this->
admin_name.empty() || this->admin_version.empty()) {
807 return this->
811 if (!handler->CanBeUsed())
return this->
816 return this->SendAuthRequest();
852 this->SendEnableEncryption();
861 return this->SendAuthRequest();
866 return this->
883 as->SendClientInfo(cs, cs->GetInfo());
885 as->SendClientJoin(cs->client_id);
899 as->SendClientUpdate(ci);
912 as->SendClientQuit(client_id);
926 as->SendClientError(client_id, error_code);
937 if (company ==
nullptr) {
938 Debug(net, 1,
"[admin] Empty company given for update");
945 as->SendCompanyNew(company->
946 as->SendCompanyInfo(company);
956 if (company ==
961 as->SendCompanyUpdate(company);
973 as->SendCompanyRemove(company_id, bcrr);
983 if (from_admin)
987 as->SendChat(action, desttype, client_id, msg, data);
1012 as->SendConsole(origin,
1025 as->SendGameScript(json);
1041 as->SendCmdLogging(client_id, cp);
1064 if (as->update_frequency[i] & freq) {
1072 as->SendCompanyEconomy();
1076 as->SendCompanyStats();
1079 default: NOT_REACHED();
static void NewEvent(class ScriptEvent *event)
Queue a new event for a Game Script.
Wrapper for (un)resolved network addresses; there's no reason to transform a numeric IP to a string a...
Main socket handler for admin related connections.
NetworkRecvStatus CloseConnection(bool error=true) override
This will put this socket handler in a close state.
AdminStatus status
Status of this admin.
std::string admin_version
Version string of the admin.
std::string admin_name
Name of the admin.
Default implementation for the authorized key handler.
Default implementation of the password provider.
static std::unique_ptr< NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler > Create(const NetworkAuthenticationPasswordProvider *password_provider, const NetworkAuthenticationAuthorizedKeyHandler *authorized_key_handler, NetworkAuthenticationMethodMask client_supported_method_mask={NetworkAuthenticationMethod::X25519_KeyExchangeOnly, NetworkAuthenticationMethod::X25519_PAKE, NetworkAuthenticationMethod::X25519_AuthorizedKey})
Create a NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler.
@ RetryNextMethod
The client failed to authenticate, but there is another method to try.
@ NotAuthenticated
All authentications for this handler have been exhausted.
@ Authenticated
The client was authenticated successfully.
std::unique_ptr< class NetworkEncryptionHandler > send_encryption_handler
The handler for encrypting sent packets.
std::unique_ptr< class NetworkEncryptionHandler > receive_encryption_handler
The handler for decrypting received packets.
virtual void SendPacket(std::unique_ptr< Packet > &&packet)
This function puts the packet in the send-queue and it is send as soon as possible.
A sort-of mixin that adds 'at(pos)' and 'operator[](pos)' implementations for 'ConvertibleThroughBase...
Class for handling the server side of the game connection.
static void Send()
Send the packets for the server sockets.
NetworkRecvStatus SendPong(uint32_t d1)
Send ping-reply (pong) to admin.
NetworkRecvStatus SendDate()
Tell the admin the date.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_JOIN_SECURE(Packet &p) override
Join the admin network using a secure authentication method: string Name of the application being use...
NetworkRecvStatus SendClientUpdate(const NetworkClientInfo *ci)
Send an update for some client's information.
NetworkRecvStatus SendGameScript(const std::string_view json)
Send GameScript JSON output.
NetworkRecvStatus SendClientInfo(const NetworkClientSocket *cs, const NetworkClientInfo *ci)
Send an initial set of data from some client's information.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_UPDATE_FREQUENCY(Packet &p) override
Register updates to be sent at certain frequencies (as announced in the PROTOCOL packet): uint16_t Up...
NetworkRecvStatus SendNewGame()
Tell the admin we started a new game.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCompanyRemove(CompanyID company_id, AdminCompanyRemoveReason bcrr)
Tell the admin that a company got removed.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_RCON(Packet &p) override
Execute a command on the servers console: string Command to be executed.
NetworkRecvStatus SendClientError(ClientID client_id, NetworkErrorCode error)
Tell the admin that a client made an error.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCmdNames()
Send the names of the commands.
std::array< AdminUpdateFrequency, ADMIN_UPDATE_END > update_frequency
Admin requested update intervals.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_POLL(Packet &p) override
Poll the server for certain updates, an invalid poll (e.g.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_JOIN(Packet &p) override
Join the admin network using an unsecured password exchange: string Unsecured password the server is ...
NetworkRecvStatus SendRconEnd(const std::string_view command)
Send a notification indicating the rcon command has completed.
NetworkRecvStatus SendConsole(const std::string_view origin, const std::string_view command)
Send console output of other clients.
NetworkRecvStatus SendChat(NetworkAction action, DestType desttype, ClientID client_id, const std::string &msg, int64_t data)
Send a chat message.
NetworkRecvStatus SendShutdown()
Tell the admin we're shutting down.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCompanyStats()
Send statistics about the companies.
NetworkRecvStatus SendWelcome()
Send a welcome message to the admin.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCompanyInfo(const Company *c)
Send the admin some information about a company.
static void WelcomeAll()
Send a Welcome packet to all connected admins.
static void AcceptConnection(SOCKET s, const NetworkAddress &address)
Handle the acception of a connection.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCmdLogging(ClientID client_id, const CommandPacket &cp)
Send a command for logging purposes.
std::unique_ptr< NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler > authentication_handler
The handler for the authentication.
static bool AllowConnection()
Whether a connection is allowed or not at this moment.
NetworkRecvStatus SendRcon(uint16_t colour, const std::string_view command)
Send the reply of an rcon command.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_CHAT(Packet &p) override
Send chat as the server: uint8_t Action such as NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT_CLIENT (see NetworkAction).
static Pool::IterateWrapperFiltered< ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler, ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandlerFilter > IterateActive(size_t from=0)
Returns an iterable ensemble of all active admin sockets.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCompanyEconomy()
Send economic information of all companies.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_AUTH_RESPONSE(Packet &p) override
Admin responds to ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_AUTH_REQUEST with the appropriate data given the agreed upon Ne...
NetworkRecvStatus SendCompanyUpdate(const Company *c)
Send an update about a company.
NetworkAddress address
Address of the admin.
NetworkRecvStatus SendClientQuit(ClientID client_id)
Tell the admin that a client quit.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCompanyNew(CompanyID company_id)
Tell the admin that a new company was founded.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_GAMESCRIPT(Packet &p) override
Send a JSON string to the current active GameScript.
NetworkRecvStatus SendProtocol()
Send the protocol version to the admin.
NetworkRecvStatus SendClientJoin(ClientID client_id)
Tell the admin that a client joined.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point connect_time
Time of connection.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_PING(Packet &p) override
Ping the server, requiring the server to reply with a pong packet.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_EXTERNAL_CHAT(Packet &p) override
Send chat from the external source: string Name of the source this message came from.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_QUIT(Packet &p) override
Notification to the server that this admin is quitting.
Clear everything related to this admin.
ServerNetworkAdminSocketHandler(SOCKET s)
Sanity check.
NetworkRecvStatus SendError(NetworkErrorCode error)
Send an error to the admin.
static Date ConvertYMDToDate(Year year, Month month, Day day)
Converts a tuple of Year, Month and Day to a Date.
static Date date
Current date in days (day counter).
const char * GetCommandName(Commands cmd)
This function mask the parameter with CMD_ID_MASK and returns the name which belongs to the given com...
List of commands.
Must ALWAYS be on the end of this list!! (period)
The maximum length of a receiving gamescript json string, in bytes including '\0'.
The maximum length of a client's name, in bytes including '\0'.
static const uint NETWORK_CHAT_LENGTH
The maximum length of a chat message, in bytes including '\0'.
static const size_t COMPAT_MTU
Number of bytes we can pack in a single packet for backward compatibility.
The maximum length of the revision, in bytes including '\0'.
The maximum length of a rconsole command, in bytes including '\0'.
The maximum length of the password, in bytes including '\0'.
static const uint8_t NETWORK_GAME_ADMIN_VERSION
What version of the admin network do we use?
void IConsoleCmdExec(const std::string &command_string, const uint recurse_count)
Execute a given command passed to us.
bool IsValidConsoleColour(TextColour c)
Check whether the given TextColour is valid for console usage.
Status of a network client; reasons why a client has quit.
Everything is okay.
void DebugReconsiderSendRemoteMessages()
Reconsider whether we need to send debug messages to either NetworkAdminConsole or IConsolePrint.
#define Debug(category, level, format_string,...)
Output a line of debugging information.
constexpr std::underlying_type_t< enum_type > to_underlying(enum_type e)
Implementation of std::to_underlying (from C++23)
Colour of the strings, see _string_colourmap in table/string_colours.h or docs/ottd-colourtext-palett...
constexpr uint CeilDiv(uint a, uint b)
Computes ceil(a / b) for non-negative a and b.
StringID GetNetworkErrorMsg(NetworkErrorCode err)
Retrieve the string id of an internal error number.
bool _network_dedicated
are we a dedicated server?
ClientID _network_own_client_id
Our client identifier.
void NetworkAdminClientUpdate(const NetworkClientInfo *ci)
Notify the admin network of a client update (if they did opt in for the respective update).
void NetworkAdminChat(NetworkAction action, DestType desttype, ClientID client_id, const std::string &msg, int64_t data, bool from_admin)
Send chat to the admin network (if they did opt in for the respective update).
void NetworkAdminClientQuit(ClientID client_id)
Notify the admin network that a client quit (if they have opt in for the respective update).
void NetworkAdminCompanyUpdate(const Company *company)
Notify the admin network of company updates.
void NetworkAdminUpdate(AdminUpdateFrequency freq)
Send (push) updates to the admin network as they have registered for these updates.
void NetworkAdminClientInfo(const NetworkClientSocket *cs, bool new_client)
Notify the admin network of a new client (if they did opt in for the respective update).
void NetworkAdminGameScript(const std::string_view json)
Send GameScript JSON to the admin network (if they did opt in for the respective update).
void NetworkAdminCmdLogging(const NetworkClientSocket *owner, const CommandPacket &cp)
Distribute CommandPacket details over the admin network for logging purposes.
void NetworkServerSendAdminRcon(AdminID admin_index, TextColour colour_code, const std::string_view string)
Pass the rcon reply to the admin.
static const AdminUpdateFrequency _admin_update_type_frequencies[]
Frequencies, which may be registered for a certain update type.
void NetworkAdminClientError(ClientID client_id, NetworkErrorCode error_code)
Notify the admin network of a client error (if they have opt in for the respective update).
void NetworkAdminConsole(const std::string_view origin, const std::string_view string)
Send console to the admin network (if they did opt in for the respective update).
void NetworkAdminCompanyNew(const Company *company)
Notify the admin network of a new company.
static NetworkAuthenticationDefaultAuthorizedKeyHandler _admin_authorized_key_handler(_settings_client.network.admin_authorized_keys)
Provides the authorized key handling for the game authentication.
static NetworkAuthenticationDefaultPasswordProvider _admin_password_provider(_settings_client.network.admin_password)
Provides the password validation for the game's password.
NetworkAdminSocketPool _networkadminsocket_pool("NetworkAdminSocket")
The pool with sockets/clients.
void NetworkAdminCompanyRemove(CompanyID company_id, AdminCompanyRemoveReason bcrr)
Notify the admin network of a company to be removed (including the reason why).
AdminID _redirect_console_to_admin
Redirection of the (remote) console to the admin.
static const std::chrono::seconds ADMIN_AUTHORISATION_TIMEOUT(10)
The timeout for authorisation of the client.
Server part of the admin network protocol.
AdminID _redirect_console_to_admin
Redirection of the (remote) console to the admin.
Base core network types and some helper functions to access them.
@ X25519_KeyExchangeOnly
No actual authentication is taking place, just perform a x25519 key exchange. This method is not supp...
void NetworkServerSendChat(NetworkAction action, DestType type, int dest, const std::string &msg, ClientID from_id, int64_t data=0, bool from_admin=false)
Send an actual chat message.
NetworkCompanyStatsArray NetworkGetCompanyStats()
Get the company stats.
void NetworkServerSendExternalChat(const std::string &source, TextColour colour, const std::string &user, const std::string &msg)
Send a chat message from external source.
Server part of the network protocol.
Destination of our chat messages.
The error codes we send around in the protocols.
Actions that can be used for NetworkTextMessage.
'Unique' identifier to be given to clients
Servers always have this ID.
Force instantiation of pool methods so we don't get linker errors.
GameSettings _settings_game
Game settings of a running game or the scenario editor.
ClientSettings _settings_client
The current settings for this game.
#define lengthof(array)
Return the length of an fixed size array.
std::string GetString(StringID string)
Resolve the given StringID into a std::string with formatting but no parameters.
NetworkSettings network
settings related to the network
Everything we need to know about a command to be able to execute it.
CommandDataBuffer data
command parameters.
uint32_t frame
the frame in which this packet is executed
CompanyID company
company that is executing the command
Commands cmd
command being executed.
uint8_t months_of_bankruptcy
Number of months that the company is unable to pay its debts.
bool is_ai
If true, the company is (also) controlled by the computer (a NoAI program).
TimerGameEconomy::Year inaugurated_year
Economy year of starting the company.
Colours colour
Company colour.
LandscapeType landscape
the landscape we're currently in
TimerGameCalendar::Year starting_year
starting date
uint32_t generation_seed
noise seed for world generation
GameCreationSettings game_creation
settings used during the creation of a game (map)
static uint SizeY()
Get the size of the map along the Y.
static debug_inline uint SizeX()
Get the size of the map along the X.
Container for all information known about a client.
static NetworkClientInfo * GetByClientID(ClientID client_id)
Return the CI given it's client-identifier.
TimerGameEconomy::Date join_date
Gamedate the client has joined.
CompanyID client_playas
As which company is this client playing (CompanyID)
ClientID client_id
Client identifier (same as ClientState->client_id)
std::string client_name
Name of the client.
bool allow_insecure_admin_login
Whether to allow logging in as admin using the insecure old JOIN packet.
std::string admin_password
password for the admin network
std::string server_name
name of the server
Internal entity of a packet.
uint16_t Recv_uint16()
Read a 16 bits integer from the packet.
uint32_t Recv_uint32()
Read a 32 bits integer from the packet.
uint8_t Recv_uint8()
Read a 8 bits integer from the packet.
std::string Recv_string(size_t length, StringValidationSettings settings=SVS_REPLACE_WITH_QUESTION_MARK)
Reads characters (bytes) from the packet until it finds a '\0', or reaches a maximum of length charac...
Templated helper to make a PoolID a single POD value.
static Pool::IterateWrapper< Titem > Iterate(size_t from=0)
Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid Titem.
static Titem * Get(auto index)
Returns Titem with given index.
Tindex index
Index of this pool item.
static bool CanAllocateItem(size_t n=1)
Helper functions so we can use PoolItem::Function() instead of _poolitem_pool.Function()
static Titem * GetIfValid(auto index)
Returns Titem with given index.
Base class for all pools.
The server gives the admin the data that got printed to its console.
The server tells that authentication has completed and requests to enable encryption with the keys of...
The server gives the admin an information update on a client.
The server gives the admin some statistics about a company.
The server gives the admin some economy related company information.
The server gives the admin information from the GameScript in JSON.
The server gives the admin information about a client.
The server tells the admin that a client caused an error.
The server gives the admin the used authentication method and required parameters.
The server received a chat message and relays it.
The server tells the admin its shutting down.
The server indicates that the remote console command has completed.
The server welcomes the admin to a game.
The server tells the admin that a company was removed.
The server tells the admin an error has occurred.
The server tells the admin its going to start a new game.
The server gives the admin an information update on a company.
The server replies to a ping request from the admin.
The server tells the admin that a client has joined.
The server gives the admin copies of incoming command packets.
The server tells the admin its protocol version.
The server tells the admin that a client quit.
The server gives the admin information about a company.
The server sends out the names of the DoCommands to the admins.
The server tells the admin what the current game date is.
The server tells the admin that a new company has started.
The server's reply to a remove console command.
Update types an admin can register a frequency for.
Updates about the date of the game.
The admin would like to have gamescript messages.
Updates about the generic information of companies.
The admin would like to have console messages.
The admin would like to have chat messages.
Updates about the statistics of companies.
Updates about the economy of companies.
Must ALWAYS be on the end of this list!! (period)
Updates about the information of clients.
The admin would like a list of all DoCommand names.
The admin would like to have DoCommand information.
Reasons for removing a company - communicated to admins.
Update frequencies an admin can register.
The admin gets information about this on a monthly basis.
The admin gets information about this on a quarterly basis.
The admin gets information about this when it changes.
The admin gets information about this on a yearly basis.
The admin gets information about this on a weekly basis.
The admin gets information about this on a daily basis.
The admin can poll this.
The admin is not connected nor active.
The admin is active.
The admin is connected and working on authentication.