15#include "../core/pool_type.hpp"
16#include "../company_type.h"
17#include "../timer/timer_game_economy.h"
Wrapper for network addresses.
NetworkClientInfoPool _networkclientinfo_pool("NetworkClientInfo")
Make sure both pools have the same size.
Types used for networking.
'Unique' identifier to be given to clients
Client is not part of anything.
Container for all information known about a client.
static NetworkClientInfo * GetByClientID(ClientID client_id)
Return the CI given it's client-identifier.
TimerGameEconomy::Date join_date
Gamedate the client has joined.
Basically a client is leaving us right now.
bool CanJoinCompany(CompanyID company_id) const
Returns whether the given company can be joined by this client.
CompanyID client_playas
As which company is this client playing (CompanyID)
ClientID client_id
Client identifier (same as ClientState->client_id)
std::string client_name
Name of the client.
std::string public_key
The public key of the client.
NetworkClientInfo(ClientID client_id=INVALID_CLIENT_ID)
Create a new client.
Base class for all PoolItems.
Base class for all pools.
Templated helper to make a type-safe 'typedef' representing a single POD value.