OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6 */
10#include "../../stdafx.h"
11#include "../../debug.h"
12#include "font_osx.h"
13#include "../../core/math_func.hpp"
14#include "../../blitter/factory.hpp"
15#include "../../error_func.h"
16#include "../../fileio_func.h"
17#include "../../fontdetection.h"
18#include "../../string_func.h"
19#include "../../strings_func.h"
20#include "../../zoom_func.h"
21#include "macos.h"
23#include "../../table/control_codes.h"
25#include "../../safeguards.h"
27bool SetFallbackFont(FontCacheSettings *settings, const std::string &language_isocode, MissingGlyphSearcher *callback)
29 /* Determine fallback font using CoreText. This uses the language isocode
30 * to find a suitable font. CoreText is available from 10.5 onwards. */
31 std::string lang;
32 if (language_isocode == "zh_TW") {
33 /* Traditional Chinese */
34 lang = "zh-Hant";
35 } else if (language_isocode == "zh_CN") {
36 /* Simplified Chinese */
37 lang = "zh-Hans";
38 } else {
39 /* Just copy the first part of the isocode. */
40 lang = language_isocode.substr(0, language_isocode.find('_'));
41 }
43 /* Create a font descriptor matching the wanted language and latin (english) glyphs.
44 * Can't use CFAutoRelease here for everything due to the way the dictionary has to be created. */
45 CFStringRef lang_codes[2];
46 lang_codes[0] = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, lang.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
47 lang_codes[1] = CFSTR("en");
48 CFArrayRef lang_arr = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)lang_codes, lengthof(lang_codes), &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
49 CFAutoRelease<CFDictionaryRef> lang_attribs(CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, const_cast<const void **>(reinterpret_cast<const void *const *>(&kCTFontLanguagesAttribute)), (const void **)&lang_arr, 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));
50 CFAutoRelease<CTFontDescriptorRef> lang_desc(CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes(lang_attribs.get()));
51 CFRelease(lang_arr);
52 CFRelease(lang_codes[0]);
54 /* Get array of all font descriptors for the wanted language. */
55 CFAutoRelease<CFSetRef> mandatory_attribs(CFSetCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, const_cast<const void **>(reinterpret_cast<const void *const *>(&kCTFontLanguagesAttribute)), 1, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks));
56 CFAutoRelease<CFArrayRef> descs(CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptors(lang_desc.get(), mandatory_attribs.get()));
58 bool result = false;
59 for (int tries = 0; tries < 2; tries++) {
60 for (CFIndex i = 0; descs.get() != nullptr && i < CFArrayGetCount(descs.get()); i++) {
61 CTFontDescriptorRef font = (CTFontDescriptorRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(descs.get(), i);
63 /* Get font traits. */
64 CFAutoRelease<CFDictionaryRef> traits((CFDictionaryRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(font, kCTFontTraitsAttribute));
65 CTFontSymbolicTraits symbolic_traits;
66 CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(traits.get(), kCTFontSymbolicTrait), kCFNumberIntType, &symbolic_traits);
68 /* Skip symbol fonts and vertical fonts. */
69 if ((symbolic_traits & kCTFontClassMaskTrait) == (CTFontStylisticClass)kCTFontSymbolicClass || (symbolic_traits & kCTFontVerticalTrait)) continue;
70 /* Skip bold fonts (especially Arial Bold, which looks worse than regular Arial). */
71 if (symbolic_traits & kCTFontBoldTrait) continue;
72 /* Select monospaced fonts if asked for. */
73 if (((symbolic_traits & kCTFontMonoSpaceTrait) == kCTFontMonoSpaceTrait) != callback->Monospace()) continue;
75 /* Get font name. */
76 char name[128];
77 CFAutoRelease<CFStringRef> font_name((CFStringRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(font, kCTFontDisplayNameAttribute));
78 CFStringGetCString(font_name.get(), name, lengthof(name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
80 /* Serif fonts usually look worse on-screen with only small
81 * font sizes. As such, we try for a sans-serif font first.
82 * If we can't find one in the first try, try all fonts. */
83 if (tries == 0 && (symbolic_traits & kCTFontClassMaskTrait) != (CTFontStylisticClass)kCTFontSansSerifClass) continue;
85 /* There are some special fonts starting with an '.' and the last
86 * resort font that aren't usable. Skip them. */
87 if (name[0] == '.' || strncmp(name, "LastResort", 10) == 0) continue;
89 /* Save result. */
90 callback->SetFontNames(settings, name);
91 if (!callback->FindMissingGlyphs()) {
92 Debug(fontcache, 2, "CT-Font for {}: {}", language_isocode, name);
93 result = true;
94 break;
95 }
96 }
97 }
99 if (!result) {
100 /* For some OS versions, the font 'Arial Unicode MS' does not report all languages it
101 * supports. If we didn't find any other font, just try it, maybe we get lucky. */
102 callback->SetFontNames(settings, "Arial Unicode MS");
103 result = !callback->FindMissingGlyphs();
104 }
106 callback->FindMissingGlyphs();
107 return result;
111CoreTextFontCache::CoreTextFontCache(FontSize fs, CFAutoRelease<CTFontDescriptorRef> &&font, int pixels) : TrueTypeFontCache(fs, pixels), font_desc(std::move(font))
113 this->SetFontSize(pixels);
121 /* GUI scaling might have changed, determine font size anew if it was automatically selected. */
122 if (this->font) this->SetFontSize(this->req_size);
127void CoreTextFontCache::SetFontSize(int pixels)
129 if (pixels == 0) {
130 /* Try to determine a good height based on the height recommended by the font. */
131 int scaled_height = ScaleGUITrad(FontCache::GetDefaultFontHeight(this->fs));
132 pixels = scaled_height;
134 CFAutoRelease<CTFontRef> font(CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(this->font_desc.get(), 0.0f, nullptr));
135 if (font) {
136 float min_size = 0.0f;
138 /* The 'head' TrueType table contains information about the
139 * 'smallest readable size in pixels'. Try to read it, if
140 * that doesn't work, we use the default OS font size instead.
141 *
142 * Reference: */
143 CFAutoRelease<CFDataRef> data(CTFontCopyTable(font.get(), kCTFontTableHead, kCTFontTableOptionNoOptions));
144 if (data) {
145 uint16_t lowestRecPPEM; // At offset 46 of the 'head' TrueType table.
146 CFDataGetBytes(data.get(), CFRangeMake(46, sizeof(lowestRecPPEM)), (UInt8 *)&lowestRecPPEM);
147 min_size = CFSwapInt16BigToHost(lowestRecPPEM); // TrueType data is always big-endian.
148 } else {
149 CFAutoRelease<CFNumberRef> size((CFNumberRef)CTFontCopyAttribute(font.get(), kCTFontSizeAttribute));
150 CFNumberGetValue(size.get(), kCFNumberFloatType, &min_size);
151 }
153 /* Font height is minimum height plus the difference between the default
154 * height for this font size and the small size. */
155 int diff = scaled_height - ScaleGUITrad(FontCache::GetDefaultFontHeight(FS_SMALL));
156 /* Clamp() is not used as scaled_height could be greater than MAX_FONT_SIZE, which is not permitted in Clamp(). */
157 pixels = std::min(std::max(std::min<int>(min_size, MAX_FONT_MIN_REC_SIZE) + diff, scaled_height), MAX_FONT_SIZE);
158 }
159 } else {
160 pixels = ScaleGUITrad(pixels);
161 }
162 this->used_size = pixels;
164 this->font.reset(CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(this->font_desc.get(), pixels, nullptr));
166 /* Query the font metrics we needed. We generally round all values up to
167 * make sure we don't inadvertently cut off a row or column of pixels,
168 * except when determining glyph to glyph advances. */
169 this->ascender = (int)std::ceil(CTFontGetAscent(this->font.get()));
170 this->descender = -(int)std::ceil(CTFontGetDescent(this->font.get()));
171 this->height = this->ascender - this->descender;
173 /* Get real font name. */
174 char name[128];
175 CFAutoRelease<CFStringRef> font_name((CFStringRef)CTFontCopyAttribute(this->font.get(), kCTFontDisplayNameAttribute));
176 CFStringGetCString(font_name.get(), name, lengthof(name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
177 this->font_name = name;
179 Debug(fontcache, 2, "Loaded font '{}' with size {}", this->font_name, pixels);
182GlyphID CoreTextFontCache::MapCharToGlyph(char32_t key, bool allow_fallback)
184 assert(IsPrintable(key));
186 /* Convert characters outside of the Basic Multilingual Plane into surrogate pairs. */
187 UniChar chars[2];
188 if (key >= 0x010000U) {
189 chars[0] = (UniChar)(((key - 0x010000U) >> 10) + 0xD800);
190 chars[1] = (UniChar)(((key - 0x010000U) & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00);
191 } else {
192 chars[0] = (UniChar)(key & 0xFFFF);
193 }
195 CGGlyph glyph[2] = {0, 0};
196 if (CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(this->font.get(), chars, glyph, key >= 0x010000U ? 2 : 1)) {
197 return glyph[0];
198 }
200 if (allow_fallback && key >= SCC_SPRITE_START && key <= SCC_SPRITE_END) {
201 return this->parent->MapCharToGlyph(key);
202 }
204 return 0;
207const Sprite *CoreTextFontCache::InternalGetGlyph(GlyphID key, bool use_aa)
209 /* Get glyph size. */
210 CGGlyph glyph = (CGGlyph)key;
211 CGRect bounds = CGRectNull;
212 if (MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 8, 0)) {
213 bounds = CTFontGetOpticalBoundsForGlyphs(this->font.get(), &glyph, nullptr, 1, 0);
214 } else {
215 bounds = CTFontGetBoundingRectsForGlyphs(this->font.get(), kCTFontOrientationDefault, &glyph, nullptr, 1);
216 }
217 if (CGRectIsNull(bounds)) UserError("Unable to render font glyph");
219 uint bb_width = (uint)std::ceil(bounds.size.width) + 1; // Sometimes the glyph bounds are too tight and cut of the last pixel after rounding.
220 uint bb_height = (uint)std::ceil(bounds.size.height);
222 /* Add 1 scaled pixel for the shadow on the medium font. Our sprite must be at least 1x1 pixel. */
223 uint shadow = (this->fs == FS_NORMAL) ? ScaleGUITrad(1) : 0;
224 uint width = std::max(1U, bb_width + shadow);
225 uint height = std::max(1U, bb_height + shadow);
227 /* Limit glyph size to prevent overflows later on. */
228 if (width > MAX_GLYPH_DIM || height > MAX_GLYPH_DIM) UserError("Font glyph is too large");
230 SpriteLoader::SpriteCollection spritecollection;
231 SpriteLoader::Sprite &sprite = spritecollection[ZOOM_LVL_MIN];
232 sprite.AllocateData(ZOOM_LVL_MIN, width * height);
233 sprite.type = SpriteType::Font;
235 if (use_aa) sprite.colours.Set(SpriteComponent::Alpha);
236 sprite.width = width;
237 sprite.height = height;
238 sprite.x_offs = (int16_t)std::round(CGRectGetMinX(bounds));
239 sprite.y_offs = this->ascender - (int16_t)std::ceil(CGRectGetMaxY(bounds));
241 if (bounds.size.width > 0) {
242 /* Glyph is not a white-space glyph. Render it to a bitmap context. */
244 /* We only need the alpha channel, as we apply our own colour constants to the sprite. */
245 int pitch = Align(bb_width, 16);
246 CFAutoRelease<CGContextRef> context(CGBitmapContextCreate(nullptr, bb_width, bb_height, 8, pitch, nullptr, kCGImageAlphaOnly));
247 const uint8_t *bmp = static_cast<uint8_t *>(CGBitmapContextGetData(context.get()));
248 /* Set antialias according to requirements. */
249 CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing(context.get(), use_aa);
250 CGContextSetAllowsFontSubpixelPositioning(context.get(), use_aa);
251 CGContextSetAllowsFontSubpixelQuantization(context.get(), !use_aa);
252 CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts(context.get(), false);
254 CGPoint pos{-bounds.origin.x, -bounds.origin.y};
255 CTFontDrawGlyphs(this->font.get(), &glyph, &pos, 1, context.get());
257 /* Draw shadow for medium size. */
258 if (this->fs == FS_NORMAL && !use_aa) {
259 for (uint y = 0; y < bb_height; y++) {
260 for (uint x = 0; x < bb_width; x++) {
261 if (bmp[y * pitch + x] > 0) {
262[shadow + x + (shadow + y) * sprite.width].m = SHADOW_COLOUR;
263[shadow + x + (shadow + y) * sprite.width].a = use_aa ? bmp[x + y * pitch] : 0xFF;
264 }
265 }
266 }
267 }
269 /* Extract pixel data. */
270 for (uint y = 0; y < bb_height; y++) {
271 for (uint x = 0; x < bb_width; x++) {
272 if (bmp[y * pitch + x] > 0) {
273[x + y * sprite.width].m = FACE_COLOUR;
274[x + y * sprite.width].a = use_aa ? bmp[x + y * pitch] : 0xFF;
275 }
276 }
277 }
278 }
280 UniquePtrSpriteAllocator allocator;
281 BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->Encode(spritecollection, allocator);
283 GlyphEntry new_glyph;
284 = std::move(;
285 new_glyph.width = (uint8_t)std::round(CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(this->font.get(), kCTFontOrientationDefault, &glyph, nullptr, 1));
287 return this->SetGlyphPtr(key, std::move(new_glyph)).GetSprite();
290static CTFontDescriptorRef LoadFontFromFile(const std::string &font_name)
292 if (!MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 6, 0)) return nullptr;
294 /* Might be a font file name, try load it. Direct font loading is
295 * only supported starting on OSX 10.6. */
298 /* See if this is an absolute path. */
299 if (FileExists(font_name)) {
300 path.reset(CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, font_name.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8));
301 } else {
302 /* Scan the search-paths to see if it can be found. */
303 std::string full_font = FioFindFullPath(BASE_DIR, font_name);
304 if (!full_font.empty()) {
305 path.reset(CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, full_font.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8));
306 }
307 }
309 if (path) {
310 /* Try getting a font descriptor to see if the system can use it. */
311 CFAutoRelease<CFURLRef> url(CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, path.get(), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false));
312 CFAutoRelease<CFArrayRef> descs(CTFontManagerCreateFontDescriptorsFromURL(url.get()));
314 if (descs && CFArrayGetCount(descs.get()) > 0) {
315 CTFontDescriptorRef font_ref = (CTFontDescriptorRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(descs.get(), 0);
316 CFRetain(font_ref);
317 return font_ref;
318 }
319 }
321 return nullptr;
334 std::string font = GetFontCacheFontName(fs);
335 if (font.empty()) return;
339 if (settings->os_handle != nullptr) {
340 font_ref.reset(static_cast<CTFontDescriptorRef>(const_cast<void *>(settings->os_handle)));
341 CFRetain(font_ref.get()); // Increase ref count to match a later release.
342 }
344 if (!font_ref && MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 6, 0)) {
345 /* Might be a font file name, try load it. */
346 font_ref.reset(LoadFontFromFile(font));
347 if (!font_ref) ShowInfo("Unable to load file '{}' for {} font, using default OS font selection instead", font, FontSizeToName(fs));
348 }
350 if (!font_ref) {
351 CFAutoRelease<CFStringRef> name(CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, font.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8));
353 /* Simply creating the font using CTFontCreateWithNameAndSize will *always* return
354 * something, no matter the name. As such, we can't use it to check for existence.
355 * We instead query the list of all font descriptors that match the given name which
356 * does not do this stupid name fallback. */
357 CFAutoRelease<CTFontDescriptorRef> name_desc(CTFontDescriptorCreateWithNameAndSize(name.get(), 0.0));
358 CFAutoRelease<CFSetRef> mandatory_attribs(CFSetCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, const_cast<const void **>(reinterpret_cast<const void * const *>(&kCTFontNameAttribute)), 1, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks));
359 CFAutoRelease<CFArrayRef> descs(CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptors(name_desc.get(), mandatory_attribs.get()));
361 /* Assume the first result is the one we want. */
362 if (descs && CFArrayGetCount(descs.get()) > 0) {
363 font_ref.reset((CTFontDescriptorRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(descs.get(), 0));
364 CFRetain(font_ref.get());
365 }
366 }
368 if (!font_ref) {
369 ShowInfo("Unable to use '{}' for {} font, using sprite font instead", font, FontSizeToName(fs));
370 return;
371 }
373 new CoreTextFontCache(fs, std::move(font_ref), GetFontCacheFontSize(fs));
constexpr Timpl & Set()
Set all bits.
static Blitter * GetCurrentBlitter()
Get the current active blitter (always set by calling SelectBlitter).
Definition factory.hpp:138
CFAutoRelease< CTFontDescriptorRef > font_desc
Font descriptor excluding font size.
Definition font_osx.h:19
std::string font_name
Cached font name.
Definition font_osx.h:22
CFAutoRelease< CTFontRef > font
CoreText font handle.
Definition font_osx.h:20
void ClearFontCache() override
Reset cached glyphs.
Definition font_osx.cpp:119
GlyphID MapCharToGlyph(char32_t key, bool allow_fallback=true) override
Map a character into a glyph.
Definition font_osx.cpp:182
int height
The height of the font.
Definition fontcache.h:26
FontCache * parent
The parent of this font cache.
Definition fontcache.h:24
virtual GlyphID MapCharToGlyph(char32_t key, bool fallback=true)=0
Map a character into a glyph.
const FontSize fs
The size of the font.
Definition fontcache.h:25
int descender
The descender value of the font.
Definition fontcache.h:28
int ascender
The ascender value of the font.
Definition fontcache.h:27
A searcher for missing glyphs.
virtual void SetFontNames(struct FontCacheSettings *settings, const char *font_name, const void *os_data=nullptr)=0
Set the right font names.
bool FindMissingGlyphs()
Check whether there are glyphs missing in the current language.
Definition strings.cpp:2239
virtual bool Monospace()=0
Whether to search for a monospace font or not.
virtual Sprite * Encode(const SpriteLoader::SpriteCollection &sprite, SpriteAllocator &allocator)=0
Convert a sprite from the loader to our own format.
std::array< Sprite, ZOOM_LVL_END > SpriteCollection
Type defining a collection of sprites, one for each zoom level.
Font cache for fonts that are based on a TrueType font.
static constexpr int MAX_GLYPH_DIM
Maximum glyph dimensions.
int used_size
Used font size.
int req_size
Requested font size.
void ClearFontCache() override
Reset cached glyphs.
static constexpr uint MAX_FONT_MIN_REC_SIZE
Upper limit for the recommended font size in case a font file contains nonsensical values.
SpriteAllocator that allocates memory via a unique_ptr array.
Definition spritecache.h:35
#define Debug(category, level, format_string,...)
Output a line of debugging information.
Definition debug.h:37
std::string FioFindFullPath(Subdirectory subdir, const std::string &filename)
Find a path to the filename in one of the search directories.
Definition fileio.cpp:145
bool FileExists(const std::string &filename)
Test whether the given filename exists.
Definition fileio.cpp:133
Base directory for all subdirectories.
fluid_settings_t * settings
FluidSynth settings handle.
void LoadCoreTextFont(FontSize fs)
Loads the TrueType font.
Definition font_osx.cpp:330
bool SetFallbackFont(FontCacheSettings *settings, const std::string &language_isocode, MissingGlyphSearcher *callback)
We would like to have a fallback font as the current one doesn't contain all characters we need.
Definition font_osx.cpp:27
Functions related to font handling on MacOS.
uint GetFontCacheFontSize(FontSize fs)
Get the scalable font size to use for a FontSize.
std::string GetFontCacheFontName(FontSize fs)
Get font to use for a given font size.
FontCacheSubSetting * GetFontCacheSubSetting(FontSize fs)
Get the settings of a given font size.
Definition fontcache.h:216
uint32_t GlyphID
Glyphs are characters from a font.
Definition fontcache.h:17
@ Font
A sprite used for fonts.
Available font sizes.
Definition gfx_type.h:242
Index of the small font in the font tables.
Definition gfx_type.h:244
Index of the normal font in the font tables.
Definition gfx_type.h:243
Functions related to MacOS support.
std::unique_ptr< typename std::remove_pointer< T >::type, CFDeleter< typename std::remove_pointer< T >::type > > CFAutoRelease
Specialisation of std::unique_ptr for CoreFoundation objects.
Definition macos.h:54
bool MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(long major, long minor, long bugfix)
Check if we are at least running on the specified version of Mac OS.
Definition macos.h:25
constexpr T Align(const T x, uint n)
Return the smallest multiple of n equal or greater than x.
Definition math_func.hpp:37
@ Palette
Sprite has palette data.
@ Alpha
Sprite has alpha.
#define lengthof(array)
Return the length of an fixed size array.
Definition stdafx.h:277
Settings for the four different fonts.
Definition fontcache.h:200
Settings for a single font.
Definition fontcache.h:192
uint8_t m
uint8_t a
Structure for passing information from the sprite loader to the blitter.
SpriteComponents colours
The colour components of the sprite with useful information.
void AllocateData(ZoomLevel zoom, size_t size)
Allocate the sprite data of this sprite.
uint16_t width
Width of the sprite.
int16_t x_offs
The x-offset of where the sprite will be drawn.
SpriteLoader::CommonPixel * data
The sprite itself.
uint16_t height
Height of the sprite.
SpriteType type
The sprite type.
int16_t y_offs
The y-offset of where the sprite will be drawn.
Data structure describing a sprite.
Definition spritecache.h:17
uint8_t data[]
Sprite data.
Definition spritecache.h:22
static const int MAX_FONT_SIZE
Maximum font size.
static RectPadding ScaleGUITrad(const RectPadding &r)
Scale a RectPadding to GUI zoom level.
Definition widget.cpp:48
Minimum zoom level.
Definition zoom_type.h:41