CFAutoRelease< CTFontDescriptorRef > font_desc
Font descriptor excluding font size.
bool IsBuiltInFont() override
Is this a built-in sprite font?
const void * GetOSHandle() override
Get the native OS font handle, if there is one.
CFAutoRelease< CTFontRef > font
CoreText font handle.
void ClearFontCache() override
Reset cached glyphs.
std::string GetFontName() override
Get the name of this font.
GlyphID MapCharToGlyph(char32_t key, bool allow_fallback=true) override
Map a character into a glyph.
std::unique_ptr< typename std::remove_pointer< T >::type, CFDeleter< typename std::remove_pointer< T >::type > > CFAutoRelease
Specialisation of std::unique_ptr for CoreFoundation objects.