28#include "table/strings.h"
44 if (!this->wp->
return this->wp->
49 type = StationType::RailWaypoint;
53 type = StationType::RoadWaypoint;
57 type = StationType::Buoy;
65 return ta.GetCenterTile();
144 ShowVehicleListWindow(this->wp->
182 if (!str.has_value())
206 NWidget(
SetMinimalSize(50, 12),
SetResize(1, 0),
SetFill(1, 1),
"view_waypoint", 260, 118,
debug_inline constexpr bool HasBit(const T x, const uint8_t y)
Checks if a bit in a value is set.
constexpr Timpl & Set()
Set all bits.
Functions related to commands.
Definition of stuff that is very close to a company, like the company struct itself.
CompanyID _local_company
Company controlled by the human player at this client. Can also be COMPANY_SPECTATOR.
Functions related to companies.
static constexpr Owner OWNER_NONE
The tile has no ownership.
bool _ctrl_pressed
Is Ctrl pressed?
GUI functions that shouldn't be here.
void ShowExtraViewportWindow(TileIndex tile=INVALID_TILE)
Show a new Extra Viewport window.
void ShowQueryString(std::string_view str, StringID caption, uint maxsize, Window *parent, CharSetFilter afilter, QueryStringFlags flags)
Show a query popup window with a textbox in it.
A number of safeguards to prevent using unsafe methods.
Station types.
The maximum length of a station name in characters including '\0'.
Definition of base types and functions in a cross-platform compatible way.
Both numeric and alphabetic and spaces and stuff.
std::string GetString(StringID string)
Resolve the given StringID into a std::string with formatting but no parameters.
Functions related to OTTD's strings.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
StringID string_id
Default name (town area) of station.
TileIndex xy
Base tile of the station.
Owner owner
The owner of this station.
bool IsInUse() const
Check whether the base station currently is in use; in use means that it is not scheduled for deletio...
Represents the covered area of e.g.
Coordinates of a point in 2D.
Tindex index
Index of this pool item.
static Waypoint * Get(auto index)
Gets station with given index.
The information about a vehicle list.
GUI for accessing waypoints and buoys.
void OnQueryTextFinished(std::optional< std::string > str) override
The query window opened from this window has closed.
TileIndex GetCenterTile() const
Get the center tile of the waypoint.
VehicleType vt
Vehicle type using the waypoint.
Waypoint * wp
Waypoint displayed by the window.
WaypointWindow(WindowDesc &desc, WindowNumber window_number)
Construct the window.
void OnResize() override
Called after the window got resized.
void OnInvalidateData(int data=0, bool gui_scope=true) override
Some data on this window has become invalid.
std::string GetWidgetString(WidgetID widget, StringID stringid) const override
Get the raw string for a widget.
void OnClick(Point pt, WidgetID widget, int click_count) override
A click with the left mouse button has been made on the window.
void OnPaint() override
The window must be repainted.
void Close(int data=0) override
Hide the window and all its child windows, and mark them for a later deletion.
Representation of a waypoint.
uint16_t waypoint_flags
Waypoint flags, see WaypointFlags.
void GetTileArea(TileArea *ta, StationType type) const override
Get the tile area for a given station type.
void UpdateVirtCoord() override
Update the virtual coords needed to draw the waypoint sign.
High level window description.
Number to differentiate different windows of the same class.
Data structure for an opened window.
virtual void Close(int data=0)
Hide the window and all its child windows, and mark them for a later deletion.
void FinishInitNested(WindowNumber window_number=0)
Perform the second part of the initialization of a nested widget tree.
void DrawWidgets() const
Paint all widgets of a window.
virtual std::string GetWidgetString(WidgetID widget, StringID stringid) const
Get the raw string for a widget.
void CreateNestedTree()
Perform the first part of the initialization of a nested widget tree.
ViewportData * viewport
Pointer to viewport data, if present.
bool IsWidgetLowered(WidgetID widget_index) const
Gets the lowered state of a widget.
Owner owner
The owner of the content shown in this window. Company colour is acquired from this variable.
void SetWidgetLoweredState(WidgetID widget_index, bool lowered_stat)
Sets the lowered/raised status of a widget.
const NWID * GetWidget(WidgetID widnum) const
Get the nested widget with number widnum from the nested widget tree.
WindowFlags flags
Window flags.
void SetWidgetDisabledState(WidgetID widget_index, bool disab_stat)
Sets the enabled/disabled status of a widget.
WindowNumber window_number
Window number within the window class.
Stuff related to the text buffer GUI.
Functions related to the vehicle's GUIs.
WindowClass GetWindowClassForVehicleType(VehicleType vt)
Get WindowClass for vehicle list of given vehicle type.
Available vehicle types.
Non-existing type of vehicle.
Road vehicle type.
Ship vehicle type.
Train vehicle type.
Functions and type for generating vehicle lists.
Index is the station.
bool ScrollWindowToTile(TileIndex tile, Window *w, bool instant)
Scrolls the viewport in a window to a given location.
bool ScrollMainWindowToTile(TileIndex tile, bool instant)
Scrolls the viewport of the main window to a given location.
void SetViewportCatchmentWaypoint(const Waypoint *wp, bool sel)
Select or deselect waypoint for coverage area highlight.
const Waypoint * _viewport_highlight_waypoint
Currently selected waypoint for coverage area highlight.
Functions related to (drawing on) viewports.
This is a road waypoint.
Command definitions related to waypoints.
static constexpr NWidgetPart _nested_waypoint_view_widgets[]
The widgets of the waypoint view.
static WindowDesc _waypoint_view_desc(WDP_AUTO, "view_waypoint", 260, 118, WC_WAYPOINT_VIEW, WC_NONE, {}, _nested_waypoint_view_widgets)
The description of the waypoint view.
void ShowWaypointWindow(const Waypoint *wp)
Show the window for the given waypoint.
void CloseWindowById(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number, bool force, int data)
Close a window by its class and window number (if it is open).
Window functions not directly related to making/drawing windows.
Functions, definitions and such used only by the GUI.
@ DisableVpScroll
Window does not do autoscroll,.
Find a place automatically.
Waypoint view; Window numbers:
No window, redirects to WC_MAIN_WINDOW.
Functions related to zooming.
ZoomLevel ScaleZoomGUI(ZoomLevel value)
Scale zoom level relative to GUI zoom.
Default zoom level for viewports.