29bool CheckGrfLangID(uint8_t lang_id, uint8_t grf_version);
Control codes that are embedded in the translation strings.
List of string control codes used for string formatting, displaying, and by strgen to generate the la...
81: Read 2 bytes from the stack as String ID
std::vector< StringParameter > GetGRFSringTextStackParameters(const GRFFile *grffile, StringID stringid, uint8_t num_entries)
Process the text ref stack for a GRF String and return its parameters.
void AddGRFTextToList(GRFTextList &list, uint8_t langid, uint32_t grfid, bool allow_newlines, std::string_view text_to_add)
Add a string to a GRFText list.
void CleanUpStrings()
House cleaning.
const char * GetGRFStringPtr(StringIndexInTab stringid)
Get a C-string from a stringid set by a newgrf.
std::string TranslateTTDPatchCodes(uint32_t grfid, uint8_t language_id, bool allow_newlines, std::string_view str, StringControlCode byte80=SCC_NEWGRF_PRINT_WORD_STRING_ID)
Translate TTDPatch string codes into something OpenTTD can handle (better).
void SetCurrentGrfLangID(uint8_t language_id)
Equivalence Setter function between game and newgrf langID.
StringID AddGRFString(uint32_t grfid, GRFStringID stringid, uint8_t langid, bool new_scheme, bool allow_newlines, std::string_view text_to_add, StringID def_string)
Add the new read string into our structure.
StringID GetGRFStringID(uint32_t grfid, GRFStringID stringid)
Returns the index for this stringid associated with its grfID.
const char * GetGRFStringFromGRFText(const GRFTextList &text_list)
Get a C-string from a GRFText-list.
std::string GetGRFStringWithTextStack(const struct GRFFile *grffile, GRFStringID grfstringid, uint8_t num_entries)
Format a GRF string using the text ref stack for parameters.
Header of Action 04 "universal holder" structure.
std::shared_ptr< GRFTextList > GRFTextWrapper
Reference counted wrapper around a GRFText pointer.
std::vector< GRFText > GRFTextList
A GRF text with a list of translations.
Types related to strings.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
Dynamic data of a loaded NewGRF.