11#include "../strings_func.h"
12#include "../gfx_func.h"
13#include "../window_func.h"
15#include "../ai/ai.hpp"
16#include "../game/game.hpp"
17#include "../base_media_base.h"
18#include "../openttd.h"
19#include "../sortlist_type.h"
20#include "../stringfilter_type.h"
21#include "../querystring_gui.h"
22#include "../core/geometry_func.hpp"
23#include "../textfile_gui.h"
28#include "table/strings.h"
29#include "../table/sprites.h"
33#include "../safeguards.h"
46 this->ConstructWindow();
54 switch (this->ci->
type) {
65 default: NOT_REACHED();
72 return GetString(stringid, this->GetTypeString(), this->ci->
154 }
else if (!this->
name.empty()) {
167 if (ci->
id !=
this->cur_id) {
313 std::bitset<CONTENT_TYPE_END>
331 static const std::initializer_list<GUIContentList::SortFunction * const>
332 static const std::initializer_list<GUIContentList::FilterFunction * const>
352 url +=
354 if (this->auto_select) {
355 url +=
361 if (!first) url.push_back(
367 url +=
376 fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(url),
"%{:02X}", *
456 if (
idx >= 0) this->list_pos =
474 if (filter.
return true;
475 if (filter.
return true;
492 if (!changed)
497 this->list_pos =
502 this->selected =
523 if (this->selected ==
591 size.width =
d.width + padding.width;
597 size.height = 10 *
662 default: NOT_REACHED();
670 mr =
mr.Translate(0, step_height);
694 if (this->selected ==
709 if (!this->selected->
version.empty()) {
717 if (!this->selected->
url.empty()) {
735 if (ci->
id !=
737 if (!buf.empty()) buf += list_separator;
738 buf += (*iter)->
745 if (!this->selected->
tags.empty()) {
748 for (
auto &tag : this->selected->
tags) {
749 if (!buf.empty()) buf += list_separator;
764 if (!buf.empty()) buf += list_separator;
785 if (it == this->
787 this->selected = *it;
788 this->list_pos = it - this->
810 if (!this->
content.empty()) this->list_pos = (
content.size() - this->list_pos - 1;
840 if (this->selected !=
nullptr) {
841 OpenBrowser(this->selected->
869 if (this->selected !=
nullptr) {
960 this->filesize_sum = 0;
1005 &TypeOrSelectedFilter,
1048 NWidget(
SetResize(1, 1),
SetFill(1, 1),
1116#if defined(WITH_ZLIB)
1117 std::bitset<CONTENT_TYPE_END> types;
1119 if (cv ==
nullptr) {
1139 if (cv !=
nullptr) {
static void Rescan()
Rescans all searchpaths for available AIs.
constexpr Timpl & Set()
Set all bits.
Base window for showing the download status of content.
uint32_t cur_id
The current ID of the downloaded file.
BaseNetworkContentDownloadStatusWindow(WindowDesc &desc)
Create the window with the given description.
void OnDownloadProgress(const ContentInfo *ci, int bytes) override
We have progress in the download of a file.
uint downloaded_bytes
Number of bytes downloaded.
uint total_files
Number of files to download.
void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override
Draw the contents of a nested widget.
void Close(int data=0) override
Hide the window and all its child windows, and mark them for a later deletion.
std::string name
The current name of the downloaded file.
void UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension &size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension &fill, Dimension &resize) override
Update size and resize step of a widget in the window.
uint downloaded_files
Number of files downloaded.
uint total_bytes
Number of bytes to download.
ConstContentIterator Begin() const
Get the begin of the content inf iterator.
void SelectUpgrade()
Select everything that's an update for something we've got.
void DownloadSelectedContent(uint &files, uint &bytes, bool fallback=false)
Actually begin downloading the content we selected.
void ToggleSelectedState(const ContentInfo *ci)
Toggle the state of a content info and check its dependencies.
void RemoveCallback(ContentCallback *cb)
Remove a callback.
void UnselectAll()
Unselect everything that we've not downloaded so far.
void RequestContentList(ContentType type)
Request the content list for the given type.
void ReverseLookupTreeDependency(ConstContentVector &tree, const ContentInfo *child) const
Reverse lookup the dependencies of all parents over a given child.
void AddCallback(ContentCallback *cb)
Add a callback to this class.
void Clear()
Clear all downloaded content information.
ConstContentIterator End() const
Get the end of the content inf iterator.
void Cancel()
Cancel the current download.
void SelectAll()
Select everything we can select.
List template of 'things' T to sort in a GUI.
bool Filter(FilterFunction *decide, F filter_data)
Filter the list.
void RebuildDone()
Notify the sortlist that the rebuild is done.
void SetFiltering(Filtering f)
Import filter conditions.
void SetListing(Listing l)
Import sort conditions.
void SetFilterState(bool state)
Enable or disable the filter.
bool IsDescSortOrder() const
Check if the sort order is descending.
void ToggleSortOrder()
Toggle the sort order Since that is the worst condition for the sort function reverse the list here.
void SetFilterFuncs(std::span< FilterFunction *const > n_funcs)
Hand the filter function pointers to the GUIList.
Filtering GetFiltering() const
Export current filter conditions.
bool NeedRebuild() const
Check if a rebuild is needed.
void SetFilterType(uint8_t n_type)
Set the filtertype of the list.
void ForceRebuild()
Force that a rebuild is needed.
bool Sort(Comp compare)
Sort the list.
void ForceResort()
Force a resort next Sort call Reset the resort timer if used too.
uint8_t SortType() const
Get the sorttype of the list.
void SetSortFuncs(std::span< SortFunction *const > n_funcs)
Hand the sort function pointers to the GUIList.
void SetSortType(uint8_t n_type)
Set the sorttype of the list.
Window that lists the content that's at the content server.
EventState OnKeyPress(char32_t key, uint16_t keycode) override
A key has been pressed.
static bool NameSorter(const ContentInfo *const &a, const ContentInfo *const &b)
Sort content by name.
void OnReceiveContentInfo(const ContentInfo *rci) override
We received a content info.
void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override
Draw the contents of a nested widget.
void DrawDetails(const Rect &r) const
Helper function to draw the details part of this window.
void OpenExternalSearch()
Search external websites for content.
void DrawMatrix(const Rect &r) const
Draw/fill the matrix with the list of content to download.
void OnResize() override
Called after the window got resized.
void Close(int data=0) override
Hide the window and all its child windows, and mark them for a later deletion.
static std::string content_type_strs[CONTENT_TYPE_END]
Cached strings for all content types.
GUIContentList content
List with content.
uint filesize_sum
The sum of all selected file sizes.
bool auto_select
Automatically select all content when the meta-data becomes available.
ContentListFilterData filter_data
Filter for content list.
void UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension &size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension &fill, Dimension &resize) override
Update size and resize step of a widget in the window.
static Filtering last_filtering
The last filtering setting.
QueryString filter_editbox
Filter editbox;.
static const std::initializer_list< GUIContentList::SortFunction *const > sorter_funcs
Sorter functions.
static Listing last_sorting
The last sorting setting.
static bool TagNameFilter(const ContentInfo *const *a, ContentListFilterData &filter)
Filter content by tags/name.
int list_pos
Our position in the list.
static bool TypeOrSelectedFilter(const ContentInfo *const *a, ContentListFilterData &filter)
Filter content by type, but still show content selected for download.
const ContentInfo * selected
The selected content info.
void OnInit() override
Notification that the nested widget tree gets initialized.
static const std::initializer_list< GUIContentList::FilterFunction *const > filter_funcs
Filter functions.
static bool TypeSorter(const ContentInfo *const &a, const ContentInfo *const &b)
Sort content by type.
void SortContentList()
Sort the content list.
static void ExternalSearchDisclaimerCallback(Window *w, bool accepted)
Callback function for disclaimer about entering external websites.
bool UpdateFilterState()
Update filter state based on current window state.
void OnPaint() override
The window must be repainted.
GUIList< const ContentInfo *, std::nullptr_t, ContentListFilterData & > GUIContentList
List with content infos.
static const uint EDITBOX_MAX_SIZE
Maximum size of the editbox in characters.
void OnEditboxChanged(WidgetID wid) override
The text in an editbox has been edited.
void OnDownloadComplete(ContentID) override
We have finished downloading a file.
void BuildContentList()
(Re)build the network game list as its amount has changed because an item has been added or deleted f...
void OnConnect(bool success) override
Callback for when the connection has finished.
NetworkContentListWindow(WindowDesc &desc, bool select_all, const std::bitset< CONTENT_TYPE_END > &types)
Create the content list window.
void OnInvalidateData(int data=0, bool gui_scope=true) override
Some data on this window has become invalid.
Scrollbar * vscroll
Cache of the vertical scrollbar.
void OnClick(Point pt, WidgetID widget, int click_count) override
A click with the left mouse button has been made on the window.
friend void BuildContentTypeStringList()
Build array of all strings corresponding to the content types.
void FilterContentList()
Filter the content list.
Dimension checkbox_size
Size of checkbox/"blot" sprite.
void ScrollToSelected()
Make sure that the currently selected content info is within the visible part of the matrix.
static bool StateSorter(const ContentInfo *const &a, const ContentInfo *const &b)
Sort content by state.
@ Scenario
Scan for scenarios and heightmaps.
@ Baseset
Scan for base sets.
uint DoScan(Subdirectory sd)
Perform the scanning of a particular subdirectory.
bool include(Container &container, typename Container::const_reference &item)
Helper function to append an item to a container if it is not already contained.
int find_index(Container const &container, typename Container::const_reference item)
Helper function to get the index of an item Consider using std::set, std::unordered_set or std::flat_...
Errors (eg. saving/loading failed)
void ShowErrorMessage(EncodedString &&summary_msg, int x, int y, const CommandCost &cc)
Display an error message in a window.
void ScanScenarios()
Force a (re)scan of the scenarios.
int GetCharacterHeight(FontSize size)
Get height of a character for a given font size.
Dimension maxdim(const Dimension &d1, const Dimension &d2)
Compute bounding box of both dimensions.
Dimension GetStringBoundingBox(std::string_view str, FontSize start_fontsize)
Return the string dimension in pixels.
int DrawString(int left, int right, int top, std::string_view str, TextColour colour, StringAlignment align, bool underline, FontSize fontsize)
Draw string, possibly truncated to make it fit in its allocated space.
void GfxFillRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int colour, FillRectMode mode)
Applies a certain FillRectMode-operation to a rectangle [left, right] x [top, bottom] on the screen.
int DrawStringMultiLine(int left, int right, int top, int bottom, std::string_view str, TextColour colour, StringAlignment align, bool underline, FontSize fontsize)
Draw string, possibly over multiple lines.
Dimension GetScaledSpriteSize(SpriteID sprid)
Scale sprite size for GUI.
int CenterBounds(int min, int max, int size)
Determine where to draw a centred object inside a widget.
uint32_t SpriteID
The number of a sprite, without mapping bits and colourtables.
Index of the normal font in the font tables.
Right align the text (must be a single bit).
Horizontally center the text.
Center both horizontally and vertically.
Vertically center the text.
void SetDirty() const
Mark entire window as dirty (in need of re-paint)
constexpr bool IsInsideBS(const T x, const size_t base, const size_t size)
Checks if a value is between a window started at some base point.
void ShowQuery(EncodedString &&caption, EncodedString &&message, Window *parent, QueryCallbackProc *callback, bool focus)
Show a confirmation window with standard 'yes' and 'no' buttons The window is aligned to the centre o...
ClientNetworkContentSocketHandler _network_content_client
The client we use to connect to the server.
std::vector< const ContentInfo * > ConstContentVector
Vector with constant content info.
std::vector< ContentInfo * > ContentVector
Vector with content info.
const ContentInfo *const * ConstContentIterator
Iterator for the constant content vector.
static bool _accepted_external_search
Whether the user accepted to enter external websites during this session.
static constexpr NWidgetPart _nested_network_content_list_widgets[]
The widgets for the content list.
static WindowDesc _network_content_download_status_window_desc(WDP_CENTER, nullptr, 0, 0, WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, WC_NONE, WindowDefaultFlag::Modal, _nested_network_content_download_status_window_widgets)
Window description for the download window.
static constexpr NWidgetPart _nested_network_content_download_status_window_widgets[]
Nested widgets for the download window.
void ShowNetworkContentListWindow(ContentVector *cv, ContentType type1, ContentType type2)
Show the content list window with a given set of content.
Filter criteria for NetworkContentListWindow.
Filter by being of displayed type or selected for download.
Filter by query string.
static WindowDesc _network_content_list_desc(WDP_CENTER, "list_content", 630, 460, WC_NETWORK_WINDOW, WC_NONE, {}, _nested_network_content_list_widgets)
Window description of the content list.
void BuildContentTypeStringList()
Build array of all strings corresponding to the content types.
User interface for downloading files.
Button above checkboxes.
'Name' button.
'Type' button.
Search external sites for missing NewGRF.
'Cancel' button.
Panel with content details.
NWID_SELECTION widget for select all/update buttons..
'Select all' button.
Filter editbox.
Caption for the filter editbox.
'Download' button.
Scrollbar of matrix.
'Select updates' button.
Open readme, changelog (+1) or license (+2) of a file in the content window.
Panel with list of content.
Resize button.
'Unselect all' button.
'Open url' button.
(Optional) Cancel/OK button.
Text explaining what is happening.
Simple progress bar.
bool RequestNewGRFScan(NewGRFScanCallback *callback)
Request a new NewGRF scan.
static const uint8_t PC_GREY
Grey palette colour.
static const uint8_t PC_DARK_BLUE
Dark blue palette colour.
std::string FormatArrayAsHex(std::span< const uint8_t > data)
Format a byte array into a continuous hex string.
int StrNaturalCompare(std::string_view s1, std::string_view s2, bool ignore_garbage_at_front)
Compares two strings using case insensitive natural sort.
std::string_view GetListSeparator()
Get the list separator string for the current language.
EncodedString GetEncodedString(StringID str)
Encode a string with no parameters into an encoded string.
std::string GetString(StringID string)
Resolve the given StringID into a std::string with formatting but no parameters.
TextDirection _current_text_dir
Text direction of the currently selected language.
uint64_t GetParamMaxDigits(uint count, FontSize size)
Get some number that is suitable for string size computations.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
Text is written right-to-left by default.
Callbacks for notifying others about incoming data.
Container for all important information about a piece of content.
uint32_t unique_id
Unique ID; either GRF ID or shortname.
uint32_t filesize
Size of the file.
MD5Hash md5sum
The MD5 checksum.
std::string url
URL related to the content.
State state
Whether the content info is selected (for download)
std::string name
Name of the content.
std::string description
Description of the content.
std::optional< std::string > GetTextfile(TextfileType type) const
Search a textfile file next to this file in the content list.
std::string version
Version of the content.
ContentID id
Unique (server side) ID for the content.
std::string filename
Filename (for the .tar.gz; only valid on download)
bool IsSelected() const
Is the state either selected or autoselected?
ContentType type
Type of content.
std::vector< ContentID > dependencies
The dependencies (unique server side ids)
The content does not exist in the content system.
The content is already at the client side.
The content has been selected as dependency.
The content has not been selected.
The content has been manually selected.
StringList tags
Tags associated with the content.
bool upgrade
This item is an upgrade.
Filter data for NetworkContentListWindow.
std::bitset< CONTENT_TYPE_END > types
Content types displayed.
StringFilter string_filter
Text filter of content list.
Window for displaying the textfile of an item in the content list.
const ContentInfo * ci
View the textfile of this ContentInfo.
std::string GetWidgetString(WidgetID widget, StringID stringid) const override
Get the raw string for a widget.
Dimensions (a width and height) of a rectangle in 2D.
Data structure describing what to show in the list (filter criteria).
Data structure describing how to show the list (what sort direction and criteria).
Window for showing the download status of content.
std::vector< ContentType > receivedTypes
Types we received so we can update their cache.
void OnDownloadProgress(const ContentInfo *ci, int bytes) override
We have progress in the download of a file.
Create a new download window based on a list of content information with flags whether to download th...
void OnClick(Point pt, WidgetID widget, int click_count) override
A click with the left mouse button has been made on the window.
void Close(int data=0) override
Hide the window and all its child windows, and mark them for a later deletion.
Coordinates of a point in 2D.
Data stored about a string that can be modified in the GUI.
int cancel_button
Widget button of parent window to simulate when pressing CANCEL in OSK.
static const int ACTION_CLEAR
Clear editbox.
constexpr uint Horizontal() const
Get total horizontal padding of RectPadding.
constexpr uint Vertical() const
Get total vertical padding of RectPadding.
Specification of a rectangle with absolute coordinates of all edges.
Rect Shrink(int s) const
Copy and shrink Rect by s pixels.
Rect WithHeight(int height, bool end=false) const
Copy Rect and set its height.
bool IsEmpty() const
Check whether any filter words were entered.
void SetFilterTerm(std::string_view str)
Set the term to filter on.
void ResetState()
Reset the matching state to process a new item.
void AddLine(const char *str)
Pass another text line from the current item to the filter.
bool GetState() const
Get the matching state of the current item.
const char * GetText() const
Get the current text.
Window for displaying a textfile.
TextfileType file_type
Type of textfile to view.
virtual void LoadTextfile(const std::string &textfile, Subdirectory dir)
Loads the textfile text from file and setup lines.
High level window description.
Data structure for an opened window.
virtual void Close(int data=0)
Hide the window and all its child windows, and mark them for a later deletion.
void FinishInitNested(WindowNumber window_number=0)
Perform the second part of the initialization of a nested widget tree.
std::map< WidgetID, QueryString * > querystrings
QueryString associated to WWT_EDITBOX widgets.
void DrawWidgets() const
Paint all widgets of a window.
void InvalidateData(int data=0, bool gui_scope=true)
Mark this window's data as invalid (in need of re-computing)
Window * parent
Parent window.
virtual std::string GetWidgetString(WidgetID widget, StringID stringid) const
Get the raw string for a widget.
void DrawSortButtonState(WidgetID widget, SortButtonState state) const
Draw a sort button's up or down arrow symbol.
ResizeInfo resize
Resize information.
bool IsWidgetFocused(WidgetID widget_index) const
Check if given widget is focused within this window.
void CreateNestedTree()
Perform the first part of the initialization of a nested widget tree.
bool SetFocusedWidget(WidgetID widget_index)
Set focus within this window to the given widget.
const NWID * GetWidget(WidgetID widnum) const
Get the nested widget with number widnum from the nested widget tree.
void InitNested(WindowNumber number=0)
Perform complete initialization of the Window with nested widgets, to allow use.
const Scrollbar * GetScrollbar(WidgetID widnum) const
Return the Scrollbar to a widget index.
void SetWidgetDisabledState(WidgetID widget_index, bool disab_stat)
Sets the enabled/disabled status of a widget.
Subdirectory GetContentInfoSubDir(ContentType type)
Helper to get the subdirectory a ContentInfo is located in.
uint32_t ContentID
Unique identifier for the content.
The values in the enum are important; they are used as database 'keys'.
The content consists of an AI library.
The content consists of base sounds.
The content consists of a GS library.
The content consists of base graphics.
The content consists of an AI.
The content consists of a scenario.
The content consists of a NewGRF.
Helper to mark the begin of the types.
The content consists of base music.
The content consists of a game script.
Helper to mark the end of the types.
The content consists of a heightmap.
Additional text files accompanying Tar archives.
Content license.
Content readme.
Content changelog.
void CloseWindowById(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number, bool force, int data)
Close a window by its class and window number (if it is open).
void InvalidateWindowData(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number, int data, bool gui_scope)
Mark window data of the window of a given class and specific window number as invalid (in need of re-...
Window * BringWindowToFrontById(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number)
Find a window and make it the relative top-window on the screen.
Window * FindWindowById(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number)
Find a window by its class and window number.
void SetWindowDirty(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number)
Mark window as dirty (in need of repainting)
@ Modal
The window is a modal child of some other window, meaning the parent is 'inactive'.
@ BorderOnly
Draw border only, no background.
@ Lowered
If set the frame is lowered and the background colour brighter (ie. buttons when pressed)
State of a sort direction button.
Sort ascending.
Center the window.
Network content list.
Network content download status.
Game options.
State of handling an event.
The passed event is handled.
The passed event is not handled.
No window, redirects to WC_MAIN_WINDOW.
Game options window; Window numbers:
Network window; Window numbers:
textfile; Window numbers:
Saveload window; Window numbers:
Network status window; Window numbers: