OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6 */
13#include "core/tcp_content.h"
14#include "core/http.h"
15#include <unordered_map>
16#include "../core/container_func.hpp"
19typedef std::vector<ContentInfo *> ContentVector;
21typedef std::vector<const ContentInfo *> ConstContentVector;
26typedef const ContentInfo * const * ConstContentIterator;
34 virtual void OnConnect([[maybe_unused]] bool success) {}
39 virtual void OnDisconnect() {}
45 virtual void OnReceiveContentInfo([[maybe_unused]] const ContentInfo *ci) {}
52 virtual void OnDownloadProgress([[maybe_unused]] const ContentInfo *ci, [[maybe_unused]] int bytes) {}
58 virtual void OnDownloadComplete([[maybe_unused]] ContentID cid) {}
61 virtual ~ContentCallback() = default;
69 typedef std::vector<ContentID> ContentIDList;
70 std::vector<ContentCallback *> callbacks;
73 std::unordered_multimap<ContentID, ContentID> reverse_dependency_map;
74 std::vector<char> http_response;
77 std::optional<FileHandle> curFile;
81 std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point lastActivity;
83 friend class NetworkContentConnecter;
85 bool Receive_SERVER_INFO(Packet &p) override;
86 bool Receive_SERVER_CONTENT(Packet &p) override;
91 void OnConnect(bool success) override;
92 void OnDisconnect() override;
93 void OnReceiveContentInfo(const ContentInfo *ci) override;
94 void OnDownloadProgress(const ContentInfo *ci, int bytes) override;
95 void OnDownloadComplete(ContentID cid) override;
97 void OnFailure() override;
98 void OnReceiveData(std::unique_ptr<char[]> data, size_t length) override;
99 bool IsCancelled() const override;
101 bool BeforeDownload();
102 void AfterDownload();
104 void DownloadSelectedContentHTTP(const ContentIDList &content);
108 static constexpr std::chrono::seconds IDLE_TIMEOUT = std::chrono::seconds(60);
113 void Connect();
114 void SendReceive();
115 NetworkRecvStatus CloseConnection(bool error = true) override;
116 void Cancel();
119 void RequestContentList(uint count, const ContentID *content_ids);
120 void RequestContentList(ContentVector *cv, bool send_md5sum = true);
122 void DownloadSelectedContent(uint &files, uint &bytes, bool fallback = false);
124 void Select(ContentID cid);
125 void Unselect(ContentID cid);
126 void SelectAll();
127 void SelectUpgrade();
128 void UnselectAll();
129 void ToggleSelectedState(const ContentInfo *ci);
131 void ReverseLookupDependency(ConstContentVector &parents, const ContentInfo *child) const;
132 void ReverseLookupTreeDependency(ConstContentVector &tree, const ContentInfo *child) const;
133 void CheckDependencyState(const ContentInfo *ci);
136 uint Length() const { return (uint)this->infos.size(); }
138 ConstContentIterator Begin() const { return this->; }
140 ConstContentIterator Get(uint32_t index) const { return this-> + index; }
142 ConstContentIterator End() const { return this->Begin() + this->Length(); }
144 void Clear();
147 void AddCallback(ContentCallback *cb) { include(this->callbacks, cb); }
149 void RemoveCallback(ContentCallback *cb) { this->callbacks.erase(std::ranges::find(this->callbacks, cb)); }
156void ShowMissingContentWindow(const GRFConfigList &list);
158#endif /* NETWORK_CONTENT_H */
Socket handler for the content server connection.
ConstContentIterator Begin() const
Get the begin of the content inf iterator.
void SelectUpgrade()
Select everything that's an update for something we've got.
void OnConnect(bool success) override
Callback for when the connection has finished.
void DownloadSelectedContentHTTP(const ContentIDList &content)
Initiate downloading the content over HTTP.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point lastActivity
The last time there was network activity.
void DownloadSelectedContent(uint &files, uint &bytes, bool fallback=false)
Actually begin downloading the content we selected.
bool isCancelled
Whether the download has been cancelled.
void ToggleSelectedState(const ContentInfo *ci)
Toggle the state of a content info and check its dependencies.
Create a socket handler to handle the connection.
bool isConnecting
Whether we're connecting.
void OnDownloadProgress(const ContentInfo *ci, int bytes) override
We have progress in the download of a file.
void RemoveCallback(ContentCallback *cb)
Remove a callback.
void CheckDependencyState(const ContentInfo *ci)
Check the dependencies (recursively) of this content info.
static constexpr std::chrono::seconds IDLE_TIMEOUT
The idle timeout; when to close the connection because it's idle.
void OnReceiveData(std::unique_ptr< char[]> data, size_t length) override
We're receiving data.
void Select(ContentID cid)
Select a specific content id.
int http_response_index
Where we are, in the response, with handling it.
NetworkRecvStatus CloseConnection(bool error=true) override
Disconnect from the content server.
ContentIDList requested
ContentIDs we already requested (so we don't do it again)
void UnselectAll()
Unselect everything that we've not downloaded so far.
void RequestContentList(ContentType type)
Request the content list for the given type.
std::vector< char > http_response
The HTTP response to the requests we've been doing.
void ReverseLookupTreeDependency(ConstContentVector &tree, const ContentInfo *child) const
Reverse lookup the dependencies of all parents over a given child.
void DownloadContentInfo(ContentID cid)
Download information of a given Content ID if not already tried.
bool Receive_SERVER_INFO(Packet &p) override
Server sending list of content info: uint8_t type (invalid ID == does not exist) uint32_t id uint32_t...
void SendReceive()
Check whether we received/can send some data from/to the content server and when that's the case hand...
void OnDownloadComplete(ContentID cid) override
We have finished downloading a file.
ContentVector infos
All content info we received.
void OnFailure() override
An error has occurred and the connection has been closed.
ContentInfo * GetContent(ContentID cid) const
Get the content info based on a ContentID.
void AddCallback(ContentCallback *cb)
Add a callback to this class.
bool Receive_SERVER_CONTENT(Packet &p) override
Server sending list of content info: uint32_t unique id uint32_t file size (0 == does not exist) stri...
void Connect()
Connect with the content server.
std::unordered_multimap< ContentID, ContentID > reverse_dependency_map
Content reverse dependency map.
bool BeforeDownload()
Handle the opening of the file before downloading.
void Clear()
Clear all downloaded content information.
ContentInfo * curInfo
Information about the currently downloaded file.
std::optional< FileHandle > curFile
Currently downloaded file.
std::vector< ContentID > ContentIDList
List of content IDs to (possibly) select.
void AfterDownload()
Handle the closing and extracting of a file after downloading it has been done.
bool IsCancelled() const override
Check if there is a request to cancel the transfer.
std::vector< ContentCallback * > callbacks
Callbacks to notify "the world".
ConstContentIterator End() const
Get the end of the content inf iterator.
Clear up the mess ;)
void DownloadSelectedContentFallback(const ContentIDList &content)
Initiate downloading the content over the fallback protocol.
void Unselect(ContentID cid)
Unselect a specific content id.
void Cancel()
Cancel the current download.
void OnDisconnect() override
Callback for when the connection got disconnected.
ConstContentIterator Get(uint32_t index) const
Get the nth position of the content inf iterator.
void ReverseLookupDependency(ConstContentVector &parents, const ContentInfo *child) const
Reverse lookup the dependencies of (direct) parents over a given child.
void SelectAll()
Select everything we can select.
uint Length() const
Get the number of content items we know locally.
void OnReceiveContentInfo(const ContentInfo *ci) override
We received a content info.
Connect to the content server.
Base socket handler for all Content TCP sockets.
Definition tcp_content.h:22
bool include(Container &container, typename Container::const_reference &item)
Helper function to append an item to a container if it is not already contained.
Status of a network client; reasons why a client has quit.
Definition core.h:23
Basic functions to send and receive HTTP packets.
ClientNetworkContentSocketHandler _network_content_client
The client we use to connect to the server.
void ShowNetworkContentListWindow(ContentVector *cv=nullptr, ContentType type1=CONTENT_TYPE_END, ContentType type2=CONTENT_TYPE_END)
Show the content list window with a given set of content.
std::vector< const ContentInfo * > ConstContentVector
Vector with constant content info.
std::vector< ContentInfo * > ContentVector
Vector with content info.
const ContentInfo *const * ConstContentIterator
Iterator for the constant content vector.
ContentInfo ** ContentIterator
Iterator for the content vector.
void ShowMissingContentWindow(const GRFConfigList &list)
Show the content list window with all missing grfs from the given list.
Callbacks for notifying others about incoming data.
virtual void OnDownloadProgress(const ContentInfo *ci, int bytes)
We have progress in the download of a file.
virtual void OnDisconnect()
Callback for when the connection got disconnected.
virtual void OnDownloadComplete(ContentID cid)
We have finished downloading a file.
virtual void OnConnect(bool success)
Callback for when the connection has finished.
virtual void OnReceiveContentInfo(const ContentInfo *ci)
We received a content info.
virtual ~ContentCallback()=default
Container for all important information about a piece of content.
Callback for when the HTTP handler has something to tell us.
Definition http.h:20
Internal entity of a packet.
Definition packet.h:43
Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets to/from the content server.
uint32_t ContentID
Unique identifier for the content.
The values in the enum are important; they are used as database 'keys'.
Helper to mark the end of the types.