30 std::optional<std::string> orig{};
38 QueryString(uint16_t size, uint16_t chars = UINT16_MAX) : text(size, chars)
void ShowOnScreenKeyboard(Window *parent, WidgetID button)
Show the on-screen keyboard (osk) associated with a given textbox.
bool IsOSKOpenedFor(const Window *w, WidgetID button)
Check whether the OSK is opened for a specific editbox.
void UpdateOSKOriginalText(const Window *parent, WidgetID button)
Updates the original text of the OSK so when the 'parent' changes the original and you press on cance...
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
Coordinates of a point in 2D.
Data stored about a string that can be modified in the GUI.
QueryString(uint16_t size, uint16_t chars=UINT16_MAX)
Initialize string.
int ok_button
Widget button of parent window to simulate when pressing OK in OSK.
static const int ACTION_DESELECT
Deselect editbox.
int cancel_button
Widget button of parent window to simulate when pressing CANCEL in OSK.
ptrdiff_t GetCharAtPosition(const Window *w, WidgetID wid, const Point &pt) const
Get the character that is rendered at a position.
Rect GetBoundingRect(const Window *w, WidgetID wid, const char *from, const char *to) const
Get the bounding rectangle for a range of the query string.
static const int ACTION_NOTHING
static const int ACTION_CLEAR
Clear editbox.
Specification of a rectangle with absolute coordinates of all edges.
Helper/buffer for input fields.
Data structure for an opened window.
Stuff related to the text buffer GUI.
Stuff related to text buffers.
Functions, definitions and such used only by the GUI.