21 std::vector<EngineID> engines;
74 uint16_t list_position = 0;
84 std::vector<WagonOverride> overrides{};
85 std::vector<BadgeID> badges{};
104 return this->info.cargo_type;
153 if (this->display_last_variant == this->
index || this->display_last_variant == EngineID::Invalid())
return this;
207 inline uint64_t Key()
const {
return Key(this->grfid, this->internal_id); }
216 inline uint64_t operator()(
const EngineIDMapping &eid)
const {
return eid.Key(); }
229 void SetID(
VehicleType type, uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid, uint8_t substitute_id,
EngineID engine);
uint8_t CargoType
Cargo slots to indicate a cargo type within a game.
constexpr bool Test(Tvalue_type value) const
Test if the value-th bit is set.
Flags used client-side in the purchase/autorenew engine list.
@ HasVariants
Set if engine has variants.
@ IsFolded
Set if display of variants should be folded (hidden).
@ Shaded
Set if engine should be masked.
Types related to engines.
Type (helpers) for enums.
This file simplyfies and embeds a common mechanism of loading/saving and mapping of grf entities.
Definition of Pool, structure used to access PoolItems, and PoolItem, base structure for Vehicle,...
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
Information about a aircraft vehicle.
Projection to get a unique key of an EngineIDMapping, used for sorting in EngineOverrideManager.
VehicleType type
The engine type.
uint32_t grfid
The GRF ID of the file the entity belongs to.
uint8_t substitute_id
The (original) entity ID to use if this GRF is not available (currently not used)
uint16_t internal_id
The internal ID within the GRF file.
Information about a vehicle.
Stores the mapping of EngineID to the internal id of newgrfs.
static bool ResetToCurrentNewGRFConfig()
Tries to reset the engine mapping to match the current NewGRF configuration.
void ResetToDefaultMapping()
Initializes the EngineOverrideManager with the default engines.
EngineID UseUnreservedID(VehicleType type, uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid, bool static_access)
Look for an unreserved EngineID matching the local id, and reserve it if found.
EngineID GetID(VehicleType type, uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid)
Looks up an EngineID in the EngineOverrideManager.
StringID GetAircraftTypeText() const
Get the name of the aircraft type for display purposes.
uint GetPower() const
Returns the power of the engine for display and sorting purposes.
const Engine * GetDisplayVariant() const
Get the last display variant for an engine.
uint16_t GetRange() const
Get the range of an aircraft type.
uint32_t GetGRFID() const
Retrieve the GRF ID of the NewGRF the engine is tied to.
uint16_t reliability_spd_dec
Speed of reliability decay between services (per day).
Money GetCost() const
Return how much a new engine costs.
uint16_t reliability_start
Initial reliability of the engine.
TimerGameCalendar::Date intro_date
Date of introduction of the engine.
const GRFFile * GetGRF() const
Retrieve the NewGRF the engine is tied to.
static Pool::IterateWrapperFiltered< Engine, EngineTypeFilter > IterateType(VehicleType vt, size_t from=0)
Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid engines of the given type.
uint GetDisplayMaxSpeed() const
Returns max speed of the engine for display purposes.
uint DetermineCapacity(const Vehicle *v, uint16_t *mail_capacity=nullptr) const
Determines capacity of a given vehicle from scratch.
EngineDisplayFlags display_flags
NOSAVE client-side-only display flags for build engine list.
EngineFlags flags
Flags of the engine.
CompanyMask company_avail
Bit for each company whether the engine is available for that company.
uint16_t reliability_max
Maximal reliability of the engine.
uint GetDisplayWeight() const
Returns the weight of the engine for display purposes.
uint8_t original_image_index
Original vehicle image index, thus the image index of the overridden vehicle.
bool IsEnabled() const
Checks whether the engine is a valid (non-articulated part of an) engine.
VehicleType type
Vehicle type, ie VEH_ROAD, VEH_TRAIN, etc.
VariableGRFFileProps grf_prop
Properties related the the grf file.
bool IsVariantHidden(CompanyID c) const
Check whether the engine variant chain is hidden in the GUI for the given company.
uint16_t reliability_final
Final reliability of the engine.
CompanyID preview_company
Company which is currently being offered a preview CompanyID::Invalid() means no company.
TimerGameCalendar::Date GetLifeLengthInDays() const
Returns the vehicle's (not model's!) life length in days.
uint GetDisplayDefaultCapacity(uint16_t *mail_capacity=nullptr) const
Determines the default cargo capacity of an engine for display purposes.
uint16_t duration_phase_3
Third reliability phase in months, decaying to reliability_final.
uint16_t duration_phase_2
Second reliability phase in months, keeping reliability_max.
uint8_t preview_wait
Daily countdown timer for timeout of offering the engine to the preview_company company.
CargoType GetDefaultCargoType() const
Determines the default cargo type of an engine.
CompanyMask company_hidden
Bit for each company whether the engine is normally hidden in the build gui for that company.
Money GetRunningCost() const
Return how much the running costs of this engine are.
uint16_t reliability
Current reliability of the engine.
CompanyMask preview_asked
Bit for each company which has already been offered a preview.
uint GetDisplayMaxTractiveEffort() const
Returns the tractive effort of the engine for display purposes.
int32_t age
Age of the engine in months.
bool IsHidden(CompanyID c) const
Check whether the engine is hidden in the GUI for the given company.
bool CanCarryCargo() const
Determines whether an engine can carry something.
std::string name
Custom name of engine.
EngineID display_last_variant
NOSAVE client-side-only last variant selected.
uint16_t duration_phase_1
First reliability phase in months, increasing reliability from reliability_start to reliability_max.
bool IsGroundVehicle() const
Check if the engine is a ground vehicle.
const struct GRFFile * grffile
grf file that introduced this entity
Dynamic data of a loaded NewGRF.
Base class for all PoolItems.
static Titem * Get(auto index)
Returns Titem with given index.
Tindex index
Index of this pool item.
Base class for all pools.
Information about a rail vehicle.
Information about a road vehicle.
Information about a ship vehicle.
Templated helper to make a type-safe 'typedef' representing a single POD value.
Variable-length list of sprite groups for an entity.
Definition of the game-calendar-timer.
Types related to vehicles.
Available vehicle types.
Non-existing type of vehicle.
Road vehicle type.
Train vehicle type.
Last company-ownable type.