47 uint8_t image_index = 0;
57 Price running_cost_class{};
72 uint8_t image_index = 0;
73 uint8_t cost_factor = 0;
74 uint8_t running_cost = 0;
77 uint16_t capacity = 0;
105 uint8_t image_index = 0;
106 uint8_t cost_factor = 0;
107 uint8_t running_cost = 0;
111 uint8_t acceleration = 0;
119 uint8_t image_index = 0;
120 uint8_t cost_factor = 0;
121 uint8_t running_cost = 0;
122 Price running_cost_class{};
125 uint8_t capacity = 0;
174 uint8_t decay_speed = 0;
175 uint8_t load_amount = 0;
178 std::variant<CargoLabel, MixedCargoType> cargo_label{};
179 CargoTypes refit_mask{};
180 uint8_t refit_cost = 0;
213 return engine_id.base() | (
>(context) << 32) | (
>(extra_data) << 40);
Types related to cargoes...
uint8_t CargoType
Cargo slots to indicate a cargo type within a game.
Types related to the economy.
Enumeration of all base prices for use with Prices.
AircraftVehicleInfo subtypes, bitmask type.
Conventional Take Off and Landing, i.e. planes.
Extra engine flags for NewGRF features.
@ SyncReliability
Engine reliability will be synced with variant parent.
@ NoNews
No 'new vehicle' news will be generated.
@ JoinPreview
Engine will join exclusive preview with variant parent.
@ NoPreview
No exclusive preview will be offered.
EngineInfo.misc_flags is a bitmask, with the following values.
@ NoDefaultCargoMultiplier
Use the new capacity algorithm. The default cargotype of the vehicle does not affect capacity multipl...
@ RailFlips
Rail vehicle has old depot-flip handling.
@ RoadIsTram
Road vehicle is a tram/light rail vehicle.
@ RailTilts
Rail vehicle tilts in curves.
@ NoBreakdownSmoke
Do not show black smoke during a breakdown.
@ Uses2CC
Vehicle uses two company colours.
@ SpriteStack
Draw vehicle by stacking multiple sprites.
@ RailIsMU
Rail vehicle is a multiple-unit (DMU/EMU)
@ AutoRefit
Automatic refitting is allowed.
The maximum length of an engine name in characters including '\0'.
uint64_t PackEngineNameDParam(EngineID engine_id, EngineNameContext context, uint32_t extra_data=0)
Combine an engine ID and a name context to an engine name dparam.
Engine.flags is a bitmask, with the following values.
@ Available
This vehicle is available to everyone.
@ ExclusivePreview
This vehicle is in the exclusive preview stage, either being used or being offered to a company.
Type of rail engine.
Diesel rail engine.
Steam rail engine.
Maglev engine.
Electric rail engine.
Mono rail engine.
Contexts an engine name can be shown in.
@ VehicleDetails
Name is shown in the vehicle details GUI.
@ PurchaseList
Name is shown in the purchase list (including autoreplace window 'Available vehicles' panel).
@ Generic
No specific context available.
@ AutoreplaceVehicleInUse
Name is show in the autoreplace window 'Vehicles in use' panel.
@ PreviewNews
Name is shown in exclusive preview or newspaper.
Available types of rail vehicles.
indicates a "standalone" locomotive
simple wagon, not motorized
indicates a combination of two locomotives
Types related to the landscape.
Types related to NewGRF badges.
Callbacks that NewGRFs could implement.
The different types of rail.
Enumeration for all possible railtypes.
Enums and other types related to roads.
The different roadtypes we support.
Types related to strings.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
static const StringID INVALID_STRING_ID
Constant representing an invalid string (16bit in case it is used in savegames)
Information about a aircraft vehicle.
uint16_t max_speed
Maximum speed (1 unit = 8 mph = 12.8 km-ish/h)
uint8_t mail_capacity
Mail capacity (bags).
uint8_t subtype
Type of aircraft.
uint16_t passenger_capacity
Passenger capacity (persons).
uint16_t max_range
Maximum range of this aircraft.
Information about a vehicle.
uint16_t cargo_age_period
Number of ticks before carried cargo is aged.
TimerGameCalendar::Year base_life
Basic duration of engine availability (without random parts). 0xFF means infinite life.
LandscapeTypes climates
Climates supported by the engine.
EngineMiscFlags misc_flags
Miscellaneous flags.
EngineID variant_id
Engine variant ID. If set, will be treated specially in purchase lists.
StringID string_id
Default name of engine.
VehicleCallbackMasks callback_mask
Bitmask of vehicle callbacks that have to be called.
TimerGameCalendar::Date base_intro
Basic date of engine introduction (without random parts).
int8_t retire_early
Number of years early to retire vehicle.
TimerGameCalendar::Year lifelength
Lifetime of a single vehicle.
Information about a rail vehicle.
uint16_t power
Power of engine (hp); For multiheaded engines the sum of both engine powers.
uint8_t user_def_data
Property 0x25: "User-defined bit mask" Used only for (very few) NewGRF vehicles.
uint8_t running_cost
Running cost of engine; For multiheaded engines the sum of both running costs.
uint8_t cost_factor
Purchase cost factor; For multiheaded engines the sum of both engine prices.
uint8_t shorten_factor
length on main map for this type is 8 - shorten_factor
RailType intended_railtype
Intended railtype, regardless of elrail being enabled or disabled.
uint16_t pow_wag_power
Extra power applied to consist if wagon should be powered.
uint16_t max_speed
Maximum speed (1 unit = 1/1.6 mph = 1 km-ish/h)
int16_t curve_speed_mod
Modifier to maximum speed in curves (fixed-point binary with 8 fractional bits)
uint16_t weight
Weight of vehicle (tons); For multiheaded engines the weight of each single engine.
uint8_t capacity
Cargo capacity of vehicle; For multiheaded engines the capacity of each single engine.
uint8_t visual_effect
Bitstuffed NewGRF visual effect data.
uint8_t air_drag
Coefficient of air drag.
EngineClass engclass
Class of engine for this vehicle.
uint8_t ai_passenger_only
Bit value to tell AI that this engine is for passenger use only.
RailType railtype
Railtype, mangled if elrail is disabled.
uint8_t tractive_effort
Tractive effort coefficient.
uint8_t pow_wag_weight
Extra weight applied to consist if wagon should be powered.
Information about a road vehicle.
uint8_t tractive_effort
Coefficient of tractive effort.
uint16_t max_speed
Maximum speed (1 unit = 1/3.2 mph = 0.5 km-ish/h)
uint8_t air_drag
Coefficient of air drag.
uint8_t power
Power in 10hp units.
RoadType roadtype
Road type.
uint8_t weight
Weight in 1/4t units.
uint8_t shorten_factor
length on main map for this type is 8 - shorten_factor
uint8_t visual_effect
Bitstuffed NewGRF visual effect data.
Information about a ship vehicle.
bool old_refittable
Is ship refittable; only used during initialisation. Later use EngineInfo::refit_mask.
uint8_t ocean_speed_frac
Fraction of maximum speed for ocean tiles.
uint ApplyWaterClassSpeedFrac(uint raw_speed, bool is_ocean) const
Apply ocean/canal speed fraction to a velocity.
uint8_t visual_effect
Bitstuffed NewGRF visual effect data.
uint16_t max_speed
Maximum speed (1 unit = 1/3.2 mph = 0.5 km-ish/h)
uint8_t acceleration
Acceleration (1 unit = 1/3.2 mph per tick = 0.5 km-ish/h per tick)
uint8_t canal_speed_frac
Fraction of maximum speed for canal/river tiles.
Templated helper to make a type-safe 'typedef' representing a single POD value.
Definition of the game-calendar-timer.