All geometry types in OpenTTD.
void ShowSmallMap()
Show the smallmap window.
void BuildLandLegend()
(Re)build the colour tables for the legends.
void BuildOwnerLegend()
Completes the array for the owned property legend.
uint32_t GetSmallMapOwnerPixels(TileIndex tile, TileType t, IncludeHeightmap include_heightmap)
Return the colour a tile would be displayed with in the small map in mode "Owner".
void BuildLinkStatsLegend()
Populate legend table for the link stat view.
Enum for how to include the heightmap pixels/colours in small map related functions.
@ Always
Always include the heightmap.
@ Never
Never include the heightmap.
@ IfEnabled
Only include the heightmap if its enabled in the gui by the player.
void BuildIndustriesLegend()
Fills an array for the industries legends.
Point GetSmallMapStationMiddle(const Window *w, const Station *st)
Determine the middle of a station in the smallmap window.
Types related to stations.
Coordinates of a point in 2D.
Data structure for an opened window.
The different types of tiles.
Types related to windows.