OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6 */
10#include "stdafx.h"
11#include "company_func.h"
12#include "industry.h"
13#include "town.h"
14#include "news_func.h"
15#include "ai/ai.hpp"
16#include "station_base.h"
17#include "strings_func.h"
18#include "window_func.h"
19#include "subsidy_base.h"
20#include "subsidy_func.h"
21#include "core/pool_func.hpp"
22#include "core/random_func.hpp"
24#include "game/game.hpp"
25#include "command_func.h"
26#include "string_func.h"
27#include "tile_cmd.h"
28#include "subsidy_cmd.h"
29#include "timer/timer.h"
32#include "table/strings.h"
34#include "safeguards.h"
43NewsReference Source::GetNewsReference() const
45 switch (this->type) {
46 case SourceType::Industry: return static_cast<IndustryID>(this->id);
47 case SourceType::Town: return static_cast<TownID>(this->id);
48 default: NOT_REACHED();
49 }
58 switch (this->type) {
59 case SourceType::Industry: return STR_INDUSTRY_NAME;
60 case SourceType::Town: return STR_TOWN_NAME;
61 default: NOT_REACHED();
62 }
71 assert(!this->IsAwarded());
73 this->awarded = company;
76 std::string company_name = GetString(STR_COMPANY_NAME, company);
78 /* Add a news item */
79 const CargoSpec *cs = CargoSpec::Get(this->cargo_type);
80 EncodedString headline = GetEncodedString(STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED_HALF + _settings_game.difficulty.subsidy_multiplier, std::move(company_name), cs->name, this->src.GetFormat(), this->, this->dst.GetFormat(), this->, _settings_game.difficulty.subsidy_duration);
82 AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyAwarded(this->index));
83 Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyAwarded(this->index));
93static inline void SetPartOfSubsidyFlag(Source source, PartOfSubsidy flag)
95 switch (source.type) {
96 case SourceType::Industry: Industry::Get(source.ToIndustryID())->part_of_subsidy.Set(flag); return;
97 case SourceType::Town: Town::Get(source.ToTownID())->cache.part_of_subsidy.Set(flag); return;
98 default: NOT_REACHED();
99 }
105 for (Town *t : Town::Iterate()) t->cache.part_of_subsidy = {};
107 for (Industry *i : Industry::Iterate()) i->part_of_subsidy = {};
109 for (const Subsidy *s : Subsidy::Iterate()) {
112 }
121 bool dirty = false;
123 for (Subsidy *s : Subsidy::Iterate()) {
124 if (s->src == source || s->dst == source) {
125 delete s;
126 dirty = true;
127 }
128 }
130 if (dirty) {
133 }
143static bool CheckSubsidyDuplicate(CargoType cargo, Source src, Source dst)
145 for (const Subsidy *s : Subsidy::Iterate()) {
146 if (s->cargo_type == cargo && s->src == src && s->dst == dst) {
147 return true;
148 }
149 }
150 return false;
159static bool CheckSubsidyDistance(Source src, Source dst)
161 TileIndex tile_src = (src.type == SourceType::Town) ? Town::Get(src.ToTownID())->xy : Industry::Get(src.ToIndustryID())->location.tile;
162 TileIndex tile_dst = (dst.type == SourceType::Town) ? Town::Get(dst.ToTownID())->xy : Industry::Get(dst.ToIndustryID())->location.tile;
164 return (DistanceManhattan(tile_src, tile_dst) <= SUBSIDY_MAX_DISTANCE);
173void CreateSubsidy(CargoType cargo_type, Source src, Source dst)
175 Subsidy *s = new Subsidy(cargo_type, src, dst, SUBSIDY_OFFER_MONTHS);
177 const CargoSpec *cs = CargoSpec::Get(s->cargo_type);
178 EncodedString headline = GetEncodedString(STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_OFFERED, cs->name, s->src.GetFormat(), s->, s->dst.GetFormat(), s->, _settings_game.difficulty.subsidy_duration);
182 AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyOffer(s->index));
183 Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyOffer(s->index));
198 if (!Subsidy::CanAllocateItem()) return CMD_ERROR;
202 if (cargo_type >= NUM_CARGO || !::CargoSpec::Get(cargo_type)->IsValid()) return CMD_ERROR;
204 switch (src.type) {
205 case SourceType::Town:
206 if (!Town::IsValidID(src.ToTownID())) return CMD_ERROR;
207 break;
209 if (!Industry::IsValidID(src.ToIndustryID())) return CMD_ERROR;
210 break;
211 default:
212 return CMD_ERROR;
213 }
214 switch (dst.type) {
215 case SourceType::Town:
216 if (!Town::IsValidID(dst.ToTownID())) return CMD_ERROR;
217 break;
219 if (!Industry::IsValidID(dst.ToIndustryID())) return CMD_ERROR;
220 break;
221 default:
222 return CMD_ERROR;
223 }
225 if (flags.Test(DoCommandFlag::Execute)) {
226 CreateSubsidy(cargo_type, src, dst);
227 }
229 return CommandCost();
238 if (!Subsidy::CanAllocateItem()) return false;
240 /* Pick a random TPE_PASSENGER type */
241 uint32_t r = RandomRange(static_cast<uint>(CargoSpec::town_production_cargoes[TPE_PASSENGERS].size()));
244 const Town *src = Town::GetRandom();
246 src->GetPercentTransported(cargo_type) > SUBSIDY_MAX_PCT_TRANSPORTED) {
247 return false;
248 }
250 const Town *dst = Town::GetRandom();
251 if (dst->cache.population < SUBSIDY_PAX_MIN_POPULATION || src == dst) {
252 return false;
253 }
255 if (DistanceManhattan(src->xy, dst->xy) > SUBSIDY_MAX_DISTANCE) return false;
256 if (CheckSubsidyDuplicate(cargo_type, {src->index, SourceType::Town}, {dst->index, SourceType::Town})) return false;
258 CreateSubsidy(cargo_type, {src->index, SourceType::Town}, {dst->index, SourceType::Town});
260 return true;
263bool FindSubsidyCargoDestination(CargoType cargo_type, Source src);
272 if (!Subsidy::CanAllocateItem()) return false;
274 /* Select a random town. */
275 const Town *src_town = Town::GetRandom();
276 if (src_town->cache.population < SUBSIDY_CARGO_MIN_POPULATION) return false;
278 /* Calculate the produced cargo of houses around town center. */
279 CargoArray town_cargo_produced{};
280 TileArea ta = TileArea(src_town->xy, 1, 1).Expand(SUBSIDY_TOWN_CARGO_RADIUS);
281 for (TileIndex tile : ta) {
282 if (IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE)) {
283 AddProducedCargo(tile, town_cargo_produced);
284 }
285 }
287 /* Passenger subsidies are not handled here. */
289 town_cargo_produced[cs->Index()] = 0;
290 }
292 uint8_t cargo_count = town_cargo_produced.GetCount();
294 /* No cargo produced at all? */
295 if (cargo_count == 0) return false;
297 /* Choose a random cargo that is produced in the town. */
298 uint8_t cargo_number = RandomRange(cargo_count);
299 CargoType cargo_type;
300 for (cargo_type = 0; cargo_type < NUM_CARGO; cargo_type++) {
301 if (town_cargo_produced[cargo_type] > 0) {
302 if (cargo_number == 0) break;
303 cargo_number--;
304 }
305 }
307 /* Avoid using invalid NewGRF cargoes. */
308 if (!CargoSpec::Get(cargo_type)->IsValid() ||
309 _settings_game.linkgraph.GetDistributionType(cargo_type) != DT_MANUAL) {
310 return false;
311 }
313 /* Quit if the percentage transported is large enough. */
314 if (src_town->GetPercentTransported(cargo_type) > SUBSIDY_MAX_PCT_TRANSPORTED) return false;
316 return FindSubsidyCargoDestination(cargo_type, {src_town->index, SourceType::Town});
325 if (!Subsidy::CanAllocateItem()) return false;
327 /* Select a random industry. */
328 const Industry *src_ind = Industry::GetRandom();
329 if (src_ind == nullptr) return false;
331 uint trans, total;
333 CargoType cargo_type;
335 /* Randomize cargo type */
336 int num_cargos = std::ranges::count_if(src_ind->produced, [](const auto &p) { return IsValidCargoType(p.cargo); });
337 if (num_cargos == 0) return false; // industry produces nothing
338 int cargo_num = RandomRange(num_cargos) + 1;
340 auto it = std::begin(src_ind->produced);
341 for (/* nothing */; it != std::end(src_ind->produced); ++it) {
342 if (IsValidCargoType(it->cargo)) cargo_num--;
343 if (cargo_num == 0) break;
344 }
345 assert(it != std::end(src_ind->produced)); // indicates loop didn't end as intended
347 cargo_type = it->cargo;
348 trans = it->history[LAST_MONTH].PctTransported();
349 total = it->history[LAST_MONTH].production;
351 /* Quit if no production in this industry
352 * or if the pct transported is already large enough
353 * or if the cargo is automatically distributed */
354 if (total == 0 || trans > SUBSIDY_MAX_PCT_TRANSPORTED ||
355 !IsValidCargoType(cargo_type) ||
356 _settings_game.linkgraph.GetDistributionType(cargo_type) != DT_MANUAL) {
357 return false;
358 }
360 return FindSubsidyCargoDestination(cargo_type, {src_ind->index, SourceType::Industry});
371 /* Choose a random destination. */
374 switch (dst.type) {
375 case SourceType::Town: {
376 /* Select a random town. */
377 const Town *dst_town = Town::GetRandom();
379 /* Calculate cargo acceptance of houses around town center. */
380 CargoArray town_cargo_accepted{};
381 TileArea ta = TileArea(dst_town->xy, 1, 1).Expand(SUBSIDY_TOWN_CARGO_RADIUS);
382 for (TileIndex tile : ta) {
383 if (IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE)) {
384 AddAcceptedCargo(tile, town_cargo_accepted, nullptr);
385 }
386 }
388 /* Check if the town can accept this cargo. */
389 if (town_cargo_accepted[cargo_type] < 8) return false;
391 dst.SetIndex(dst_town->index);
392 break;
393 }
396 /* Select a random industry. */
397 const Industry *dst_ind = Industry::GetRandom();
398 if (dst_ind == nullptr) return false;
400 /* The industry must accept the cargo */
401 if (!dst_ind->IsCargoAccepted(cargo_type)) return false;
403 dst.SetIndex(dst_ind->index);
404 break;
405 }
407 default: NOT_REACHED();
408 }
410 /* Check that the source and the destination are not the same. */
411 if (src == dst) return false;
413 /* Check distance between source and destination. */
414 if (!CheckSubsidyDistance(src, dst)) return false;
416 /* Avoid duplicate subsidies. */
417 if (CheckSubsidyDuplicate(cargo_type, src, dst)) return false;
419 CreateSubsidy(cargo_type, src, dst);
421 return true;
425static IntervalTimer<TimerGameEconomy> _economy_subsidies_monthly({TimerGameEconomy::MONTH, TimerGameEconomy::Priority::SUBSIDY}, [](auto)
427 bool modified = false;
429 for (Subsidy *s : Subsidy::Iterate()) {
430 if (--s->remaining == 0) {
431 if (!s->IsAwarded()) {
432 const CargoSpec *cs = CargoSpec::Get(s->cargo_type);
433 EncodedString headline = GetEncodedString(STR_NEWS_OFFER_OF_SUBSIDY_EXPIRED, cs->name, s->src.GetFormat(), s->, s->dst.GetFormat(), s->;
434 AddNewsItem(std::move(headline), NewsType::Subsidies, NewsStyle::Normal, {}, s->src.GetNewsReference(), s->dst.GetNewsReference());
435 AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyOfferExpired(s->index));
436 Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyOfferExpired(s->index));
437 } else {
438 if (s->awarded == _local_company) {
439 const CargoSpec *cs = CargoSpec::Get(s->cargo_type);
440 EncodedString headline = GetEncodedString(STR_NEWS_SUBSIDY_WITHDRAWN_SERVICE, cs->name, s->src.GetFormat(), s->, s->dst.GetFormat(), s->;
441 AddNewsItem(std::move(headline), NewsType::Subsidies, NewsStyle::Normal, {}, s->src.GetNewsReference(), s->dst.GetNewsReference());
442 }
443 AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyExpired(s->index));
444 Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyExpired(s->index));
445 }
446 delete s;
447 modified = true;
448 }
449 }
451 if (modified) {
454 /* If subsidy duration is set to 0, subsidies are disabled, so bail out. */
455 return;
460 /* Return early if there are no manually distributed cargoes and if we
461 * don't need to invalidate the subsidies window. */
462 return;
463 }
465 bool passenger_subsidy = false;
466 bool town_subsidy = false;
467 bool industry_subsidy = false;
469 int random_chance = RandomRange(16);
471 if (random_chance < 2 && _settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_pax == DT_MANUAL) {
472 /* There is a 1/8 chance each month of generating a passenger subsidy. */
473 int n = 1000;
475 do {
476 passenger_subsidy = FindSubsidyPassengerRoute();
477 } while (!passenger_subsidy && n--);
478 } else if (random_chance == 2) {
479 /* Cargo subsidies with a town as a source have a 1/16 chance. */
480 int n = 1000;
482 do {
483 town_subsidy = FindSubsidyTownCargoRoute();
484 } while (!town_subsidy && n--);
485 } else if (random_chance == 3) {
486 /* Cargo subsidies with an industry as a source have a 1/16 chance. */
487 int n = 1000;
489 do {
490 industry_subsidy = FindSubsidyIndustryCargoRoute();
491 } while (!industry_subsidy && n--);
492 }
494 modified |= passenger_subsidy || town_subsidy || industry_subsidy;
496 if (modified) InvalidateWindowData(WC_SUBSIDIES_LIST, 0);
507bool CheckSubsidised(CargoType cargo_type, CompanyID company, Source src, const Station *st)
509 /* If the source isn't subsidised, don't continue */
510 if (!src.IsValid()) return false;
511 switch (src.type) {
513 if (!Industry::Get(src.ToIndustryID())->part_of_subsidy.Test(PartOfSubsidy::Source)) return false;
514 break;
515 case SourceType::Town:
516 if (!Town::Get(src.ToTownID())->cache.part_of_subsidy.Test(PartOfSubsidy::Source)) return false;
517 break;
518 default: return false;
519 }
521 /* Remember all towns near this station (at least one house in its catchment radius)
522 * which are destination of subsidised path. Do that only if needed */
523 std::vector<const Town *> towns_near;
524 if (!st->rect.IsEmpty()) {
525 for (const Subsidy *s : Subsidy::Iterate()) {
526 /* Don't create the cache if there is no applicable subsidy with town as destination */
527 if (s->dst.type != SourceType::Town) continue;
528 if (s->cargo_type != cargo_type || s->src != src) continue;
529 if (s->IsAwarded() && s->awarded != company) continue;
532 for (TileIndex tile = it; tile != INVALID_TILE; tile = ++it) {
533 if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE)) continue;
534 const Town *t = Town::GetByTile(tile);
536 }
537 break;
538 }
539 }
541 bool subsidised = false;
543 /* Check if there's a (new) subsidy that applies. There can be more subsidies triggered by this delivery!
544 * Think about the case that subsidies are A->B and A->C and station has both B and C in its catchment area */
545 for (Subsidy *s : Subsidy::Iterate()) {
546 if (s->cargo_type == cargo_type && s->src == src && (!s->IsAwarded() || s->awarded == company)) {
547 switch (s->dst.type) {
549 for (const auto &i : st->industries_near) {
550 if (s->dst.ToIndustryID() == i.industry->index) {
551 assert(i.industry->part_of_subsidy.Test(PartOfSubsidy::Destination));
552 subsidised = true;
553 if (!s->IsAwarded()) s->AwardTo(company);
554 }
555 }
556 break;
557 case SourceType::Town:
558 for (const Town *tp : towns_near) {
559 if (s->dst.ToTownID() == tp->index) {
560 assert(tp->cache.part_of_subsidy.Test(PartOfSubsidy::Destination));
561 subsidised = true;
562 if (!s->IsAwarded()) s->AwardTo(company);
563 }
564 }
565 break;
566 default:
568 }
569 }
570 }
572 return subsidised;
Base functions for all AIs.
uint8_t CargoType
Cargo slots to indicate a cargo type within a game.
Definition cargo_type.h:23
bool IsValidCargoType(CargoType t)
Test whether cargo type is not INVALID_CARGO.
Definition cargo_type.h:106
static const CargoType NUM_CARGO
Maximum number of cargo types in a game.
Definition cargo_type.h:75
Cargo behaves passenger-like for production.
Definition cargotype.h:37
static void BroadcastNewEvent(ScriptEvent *event, CompanyID skip_company=CompanyID::Invalid())
Broadcast a new event to all active AIs.
Definition ai_core.cpp:263
constexpr bool Test(Tvalue_type value) const
Test if the value-th bit is set.
Iterator to iterate over all tiles belonging to a bitmaptilearea.
Common return value for all commands.
Container for an encoded string, created by GetEncodedString.
Enum-as-bit-set wrapper.
static void NewEvent(class ScriptEvent *event)
Queue a new event for a Game Script.
An interval timer will fire every interval, and will continue to fire until it is deleted.
Definition timer.h:76
static constexpr int MONTHS_IN_YEAR
months per year
Functions related to commands.
static const CommandCost CMD_ERROR
Define a default return value for a failed command.
@ Execute
execute the given command
CompanyID _local_company
Company controlled by the human player at this client. Can also be COMPANY_SPECTATOR.
CompanyID _current_company
Company currently doing an action.
Functions related to companies.
static constexpr Owner OWNER_DEITY
The object is owned by a superuser / goal script.
Some simple functions to help with accessing containers.
bool include(Container &container, typename Container::const_reference &item)
Helper function to append an item to a container if it is not already contained.
Base functions for all Games.
Base of all industries.
Manual distribution. No link graph calculations are run.
uint DistanceManhattan(TileIndex t0, TileIndex t1)
Gets the Manhattan distance between the two given tiles.
Definition map.cpp:142
Functions related to news.
void AddNewsItem(EncodedString &&headline, NewsType type, NewsStyle style, NewsFlags flags, NewsReference ref1={}, NewsReference ref2={}, std::unique_ptr< NewsAllocatedData > &&data=nullptr, AdviceType advice_type=AdviceType::Invalid)
Add a new newsitem to be shown.
Definition news_gui.cpp:902
@ Subsidies
News about subsidies (announcements, expirations, acceptance)
@ Normal
Normal news item. (Newspaper with text only)
std::variant< std::monostate, TileIndex, VehicleID, StationID, IndustryID, TownID, EngineID > NewsReference
References to objects in news.
Definition news_type.h:73
Some methods of Pool are placed here in order to reduce compilation time and binary size.
Force instantiation of pool methods so we don't get linker errors.
Pseudo random number generator.
uint32_t RandomRange(uint32_t limit, const std::source_location location=std::source_location::current())
Pick a random number between 0 and limit - 1, inclusive.
bool Chance16(const uint32_t a, const uint32_t b, const std::source_location location=std::source_location::current())
Flips a coin with given probability.
A number of safeguards to prevent using unsafe methods.
GameSettings _settings_game
Game settings of a running game or the scenario editor.
Definition settings.cpp:58
@ Industry
Source/destination is an industry.
@ Town
Source/destination is a town.
Base classes/functions for stations.
Definition of base types and functions in a cross-platform compatible way.
Functions related to low-level strings.
EncodedString GetEncodedString(StringID str)
Encode a string with no parameters into an encoded string.
Definition strings.cpp:90
std::string GetString(StringID string)
Resolve the given StringID into a std::string with formatting but no parameters.
Definition strings.cpp:426
Functions related to OTTD's strings.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
StationRect rect
NOSAVE: Station spread out rectangle maintained by StationRect::xxx() functions.
Class for storing amounts of cargo.
Definition cargo_type.h:113
Specification of a cargo type.
Definition cargotype.h:74
static CargoSpec * Get(size_t index)
Retrieve cargo details for the given cargo type.
Definition cargotype.h:137
StringID name
Name of this type of cargo.
Definition cargotype.h:91
static std::array< std::vector< const CargoSpec * >, NUM_TPE > town_production_cargoes
List of cargo specs for each Town Product Effect.
Definition cargotype.h:27
uint16_t subsidy_duration
duration of subsidies
uint8_t subsidy_multiplier
payment multiplier for subsidized deliveries
DifficultySettings difficulty
settings related to the difficulty
LinkGraphSettings linkgraph
settings for link graph calculations
Defines the internal data of a functional industry.
Definition industry.h:63
static Industry * GetRandom()
Return a random valid industry.
bool IsCargoAccepted() const
Test if this industry accepts any cargo.
Definition industry.h:207
ProducedCargoes produced
produced cargo slots
Definition industry.h:94
DistributionType distribution_mail
distribution type for mail
DistributionType distribution_default
distribution type for all other goods
DistributionType distribution_pax
distribution type for passengers
DistributionType distribution_armoured
distribution type for armoured cargo class
Represents the covered area of e.g.
OrthogonalTileArea & Expand(int rad)
Expand a tile area by rad tiles in each direction, keeping within map bounds.
Definition tilearea.cpp:123
Templated helper to make a PoolID a single POD value.
Definition pool_type.hpp:43
static Pool::IterateWrapper< Titem > Iterate(size_t from=0)
Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid Titem.
static Titem * Get(auto index)
Returns Titem with given index.
Tindex index
Index of this pool item.
static bool CanAllocateItem(size_t n=1)
Helper functions so we can use PoolItem::Function() instead of _poolitem_pool.Function()
static bool IsValidID(auto index)
Tests whether given index can be used to get valid (non-nullptr) Titem.
Base class for all pools.
A location from where cargo can come from (or go to).
Definition source_type.h:32
static constexpr SourceID Invalid
Invalid/unknown index of source.
Definition source_type.h:34
SourceID id
Index of industry/town/HQ, Source::Invalid if unknown/invalid.
Definition source_type.h:36
StringID GetFormat() const
Get the format string for a subsidy Source.
Definition subsidy.cpp:56
NewsReference GetNewsReference() const
Get the NewsReference for a subsidy Source.
Definition subsidy.cpp:43
SourceType type
Type of source_id.
Definition source_type.h:37
Station data structure.
IndustryList industries_near
Cached list of industries near the station that can accept cargo,.
BitmapTileArea catchment_tiles
NOSAVE: Set of individual tiles covered by catchment area.
Struct about subsidies, offered and awarded.
bool IsAwarded() const
Tests whether this subsidy has been awarded to someone.
CargoType cargo_type
Cargo type involved in this subsidy, INVALID_CARGO for invalid subsidy.
CompanyID awarded
Subsidy is awarded to this company; CompanyID::Invalid() if it's not awarded to anyone.
void AwardTo(CompanyID company)
Marks subsidy as awarded, creates news and AI event.
Definition subsidy.cpp:69
Source dst
Destination of subsidised path.
Source src
Source of subsidised path.
uint16_t remaining
Remaining months when this subsidy is valid.
uint32_t population
Current population of people.
Definition town.h:42
PartsOfSubsidy part_of_subsidy
Is this town a source/destination of a subsidy?
Definition town.h:44
Town data structure.
Definition town.h:52
TileIndex xy
town center tile
Definition town.h:53
static Town * GetRandom()
Return a random valid town.
Definition town_cmd.cpp:197
TownCache cache
Container for all cacheable data.
Definition town.h:55
static bool CheckSubsidyDuplicate(CargoType cargo, Source src, Source dst)
Check whether a specific subsidy already exists.
Definition subsidy.cpp:143
CommandCost CmdCreateSubsidy(DoCommandFlags flags, CargoType cargo_type, Source src, Source dst)
Create a new subsidy.
Definition subsidy.cpp:196
static bool CheckSubsidyDistance(Source src, Source dst)
Checks if the source and destination of a subsidy are inside the distance limit.
Definition subsidy.cpp:159
static IntervalTimer< TimerGameEconomy > _economy_subsidies_monthly({TimerGameEconomy::MONTH, TimerGameEconomy::Priority::SUBSIDY}, [](auto) { bool modified=false;for(Subsidy *s :Subsidy::Iterate()) { if(--s->remaining==0) { if(!s->IsAwarded()) { const CargoSpec *cs=CargoSpec::Get(s->cargo_type);EncodedString headline=GetEncodedString(STR_NEWS_OFFER_OF_SUBSIDY_EXPIRED, cs->name, s->src.GetFormat(), s->, s->dst.GetFormat(), s->;AddNewsItem(std::move(headline), NewsType::Subsidies, NewsStyle::Normal, {}, s->src.GetNewsReference(), s->dst.GetNewsReference());AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyOfferExpired(s->index));Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyOfferExpired(s->index));} else { if(s->awarded==_local_company) { const CargoSpec *cs=CargoSpec::Get(s->cargo_type);EncodedString headline=GetEncodedString(STR_NEWS_SUBSIDY_WITHDRAWN_SERVICE, cs->name, s->src.GetFormat(), s->, s->dst.GetFormat(), s->;AddNewsItem(std::move(headline), NewsType::Subsidies, NewsStyle::Normal, {}, s->src.GetNewsReference(), s->dst.GetNewsReference());} AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyExpired(s->index));Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyExpired(s->index));} delete s;modified=true;} } if(modified) { RebuildSubsidisedSourceAndDestinationCache();} else if(_settings_game.difficulty.subsidy_duration==0) { return;} else if(_settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_pax !=DT_MANUAL &&_settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_mail !=DT_MANUAL &&_settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_armoured !=DT_MANUAL &&_settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_default !=DT_MANUAL) { return;} bool passenger_subsidy=false;bool town_subsidy=false;bool industry_subsidy=false;int random_chance=RandomRange(16);if(random_chance< 2 &&_settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_pax==DT_MANUAL) { int n=1000;do { passenger_subsidy=FindSubsidyPassengerRoute();} while(!passenger_subsidy &&n--);} else if(random_chance==2) { int n=1000;do { town_subsidy=FindSubsidyTownCargoRoute();} while(!town_subsidy &&n--);} else if(random_chance==3) { int n=1000;do { industry_subsidy=FindSubsidyIndustryCargoRoute();} while(!industry_subsidy &&n--);} modified|=passenger_subsidy||town_subsidy||industry_subsidy;if(modified) InvalidateWindowData(WC_SUBSIDIES_LIST, 0);})
Perform the economy monthly update of open subsidies, and try to create a new one.
static void SetPartOfSubsidyFlag(Source source, PartOfSubsidy flag)
Sets a flag indicating that given town/industry is part of subsidised route.
Definition subsidy.cpp:93
SubsidyPool _subsidy_pool("Subsidy")
Pool for the subsidies.
bool FindSubsidyIndustryCargoRoute()
Tries to create a cargo subsidy with an industry as source.
Definition subsidy.cpp:323
bool FindSubsidyPassengerRoute()
Tries to create a passenger subsidy between two towns.
Definition subsidy.cpp:236
void DeleteSubsidyWith(Source source)
Delete the subsidies associated with a given cargo source type and id.
Definition subsidy.cpp:119
bool FindSubsidyTownCargoRoute()
Tries to create a cargo subsidy with a town as source.
Definition subsidy.cpp:270
bool FindSubsidyCargoDestination(CargoType cargo_type, Source src)
Tries to find a suitable destination for the given source and cargo.
Definition subsidy.cpp:369
void RebuildSubsidisedSourceAndDestinationCache()
Perform a full rebuild of the subsidies cache.
Definition subsidy.cpp:103
bool CheckSubsidised(CargoType cargo_type, CompanyID company, Source src, const Station *st)
Tests whether given delivery is subsidised and possibly awards the subsidy to delivering company.
Definition subsidy.cpp:507
void CreateSubsidy(CargoType cargo_type, Source src, Source dst)
Creates a subsidy with the given parameters.
Definition subsidy.cpp:173
Subsidy base class.
static const uint SUBSIDY_MAX_DISTANCE
Max. length of subsidised route (DistanceManhattan)
Min. population of destination town for cargo route.
Extent of a tile area around town center when scanning for town cargo acceptance and production (6 ~=...
Min. population of towns for subsidised pax route.
Subsidy will be created only for towns/industries with less % transported.
static const uint SUBSIDY_OFFER_MONTHS
Constants related to subsidies.
Command definitions related to subsidies.
Functions related to subsidies.
What part of a subsidy is something?
@ Destination
town/industry is destination of subsidised path
@ Source
town/industry is source of subsidised path
Generic 'commands' that can be performed on all tiles.
static debug_inline bool IsTileType(Tile tile, TileType type)
Checks if a tile is a given tiletype.
Definition tile_map.h:150
constexpr TileIndex INVALID_TILE
The very nice invalid tile marker.
Definition tile_type.h:95
A house by a town.
Definition tile_type.h:51
OrthogonalTileArea TileArea
Shorthand for the much more common orthogonal tile area.
Definition of Interval and OneShot timers.
Definition of the game-economy-timer.
Base of the town class.
void InvalidateWindowData(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number, int data, bool gui_scope)
Mark window data of the window of a given class and specific window number as invalid (in need of re-...
Definition window.cpp:3224
Window functions not directly related to making/drawing windows.
Subsidies list; Window numbers: