OpenTTD Source 20250205-master-gfd85ab1e2c
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6 */
10#include "../newgrf_house.h"
11#include "../newgrf_engine.h"
12#include "../newgrf_roadtype.h"
13#include "../newgrf_roadstop.h"
15/* Helper for filling property tables */
16#define NIP(prop, base, variable, type, name) { name, [] (const void *b) -> const void * { return std::addressof(static_cast<const base *>(b)->variable); }, cpp_sizeof(base, variable), prop, type }
18/* Helper for filling callback tables */
19#define NIC(cb_id, base, variable, bit) { #cb_id, [] (const void *b) -> const void * { return std::addressof(static_cast<const base *>(b)->variable); }, cpp_sizeof(base, variable), bit, cb_id }
21/* Helper for filling variable tables */
22#define NIV(var, name) { name, var }
25/*** NewGRF Vehicles ***/
27#define NICV(cb_id, bit) NIC(cb_id, Engine, info.callback_mask, bit)
28static const NICallback _nic_vehicles[] = {
39 NICV(CBID_VEHICLE_32DAY_CALLBACK, std::monostate{}),
47static const NIVariable _niv_vehicles[] = {
48 NIV(0x40, "position in consist and length"),
49 NIV(0x41, "position and length of chain of same vehicles"),
50 NIV(0x42, "transported cargo types"),
51 NIV(0x43, "player info"),
52 NIV(0x44, "aircraft info"),
53 NIV(0x45, "curvature info"),
54 NIV(0x46, "motion counter"),
55 NIV(0x47, "vehicle cargo info"),
56 NIV(0x48, "vehicle type info"),
57 NIV(0x49, "year of construction"),
58 NIV(0x4A, "current rail/road type info"),
59 NIV(0x4B, "long date of last service"),
60 NIV(0x4C, "current max speed"),
61 NIV(0x4D, "position in articulated vehicle"),
62 NIV(0x60, "count vehicle id occurrences"),
63 // 0x61 not useful, since it requires register 0x10F
64 NIV(0x62, "curvature/position difference to other vehicle"),
65 NIV(0x63, "tile compatibility wrt. track-type"),
68class NIHVehicle : public NIHelper {
69 bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override { return Vehicle::Get(index)->GetGRF() != nullptr; }
70 uint GetParent(uint index) const override { const Vehicle *first = Vehicle::Get(index)->First(); return GetInspectWindowNumber(GetGrfSpecFeature(first->type), first->index); }
71 const void *GetInstance(uint index)const override { return Vehicle::Get(index); }
72 const void *GetSpec(uint index) const override { return Vehicle::Get(index)->GetEngine(); }
73 void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override { this->SetSimpleStringParameters(STR_VEHICLE_NAME, index); }
74 uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override { return Vehicle::Get(index)->GetGRFID(); }
76 uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
77 {
78 Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(index);
80 return ro.GetScope(VSG_SCOPE_SELF)->GetVariable(var, param, avail);
81 }
84static const NIFeature _nif_vehicle = {
85 {},
86 _nic_vehicles,
87 _niv_vehicles,
88 std::make_unique<NIHVehicle>(),
92/*** NewGRF station (tiles) ***/
94#define NICS(cb_id, bit) NIC(cb_id, StationSpec, callback_mask, bit)
95static const NICallback _nic_stations[] = {
99 NICS(CBID_STATION_ANIM_START_STOP, std::monostate{}),
105static const NIVariable _niv_stations[] = {
106 NIV(0x40, "platform info and relative position"),
107 NIV(0x41, "platform info and relative position for individually built sections"),
108 NIV(0x42, "terrain and track type"),
109 NIV(0x43, "player info"),
110 NIV(0x44, "path signalling info"),
111 NIV(0x45, "rail continuation info"),
112 NIV(0x46, "platform info and relative position from middle"),
113 NIV(0x47, "platform info and relative position from middle for individually built sections"),
114 NIV(0x48, "bitmask of accepted cargoes"),
115 NIV(0x49, "platform info and relative position of same-direction section"),
116 NIV(0x4A, "current animation frame"),
117 NIV(0x60, "amount of cargo waiting"),
118 NIV(0x61, "time since last cargo pickup"),
119 NIV(0x62, "rating of cargo"),
120 NIV(0x63, "time spent on route"),
121 NIV(0x64, "information about last vehicle picking cargo up"),
122 NIV(0x65, "amount of cargo acceptance"),
123 NIV(0x66, "animation frame of nearby tile"),
124 NIV(0x67, "land info of nearby tiles"),
125 NIV(0x68, "station info of nearby tiles"),
126 NIV(0x69, "information about cargo accepted in the past"),
127 NIV(0x6A, "GRFID of nearby station tiles"),
128 NIV(0x6B, "station ID of nearby tiles"),
131class NIHStation : public NIHelper {
132 bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override { return GetStationSpec(TileIndex{index}) != nullptr; }
133 uint GetParent(uint index) const override { return GetInspectWindowNumber(GSF_FAKE_TOWNS, Station::GetByTile(TileIndex{index})->town->index); }
134 const void *GetInstance(uint ) const override { return nullptr; }
135 const void *GetSpec(uint index) const override { return GetStationSpec(TileIndex{index}); }
136 void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override { this->SetObjectAtStringParameters(STR_STATION_NAME, GetStationIndex(index), TileIndex{index}); }
137 uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override { return (this->IsInspectable(index)) ? GetStationSpec(TileIndex{index})->grf_prop.grfid : 0; }
139 uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
140 {
141 TileIndex tile{index};
142 StationResolverObject ro(GetStationSpec(tile), Station::GetByTile(tile), tile);
143 return ro.GetScope(VSG_SCOPE_SELF)->GetVariable(var, param, avail);
144 }
147static const NIFeature _nif_station = {
148 {},
149 _nic_stations,
150 _niv_stations,
151 std::make_unique<NIHStation>(),
155/*** NewGRF house tiles ***/
157#define NICH(cb_id, bit) NIC(cb_id, HouseSpec, callback_mask, bit)
158static const NICallback _nic_house[] = {
171 NICH(CBID_HOUSE_CUSTOM_NAME, std::monostate{}),
176static const NIVariable _niv_house[] = {
177 NIV(0x40, "construction state of tile and pseudo-random value"),
178 NIV(0x41, "age of building in years"),
179 NIV(0x42, "town zone"),
180 NIV(0x43, "terrain type"),
181 NIV(0x44, "building counts"),
182 NIV(0x45, "town expansion bits"),
183 NIV(0x46, "current animation frame"),
184 NIV(0x47, "xy coordinate of the building"),
185 NIV(0x60, "other building counts (old house type)"),
186 NIV(0x61, "other building counts (new house type)"),
187 NIV(0x62, "land info of nearby tiles"),
188 NIV(0x63, "current animation frame of nearby house tile"),
189 NIV(0x64, "cargo acceptance history of nearby stations"),
190 NIV(0x65, "distance of nearest house matching a given criterion"),
191 NIV(0x66, "class and ID of nearby house tile"),
192 NIV(0x67, "GRFID of nearby house tile"),
195class NIHHouse : public NIHelper {
196 bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override { return HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(index))->grf_prop.HasGrfFile(); }
197 uint GetParent(uint index) const override { return GetInspectWindowNumber(GSF_FAKE_TOWNS, GetTownIndex(index)); }
198 const void *GetInstance(uint)const override { return nullptr; }
199 const void *GetSpec(uint index) const override { return HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(index)); }
200 void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override { this->SetObjectAtStringParameters(STR_TOWN_NAME, GetTownIndex(index), TileIndex{index}); }
201 uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override { return (this->IsInspectable(index)) ? HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(index))->grf_prop.grfid : 0; }
203 uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
204 {
205 TileIndex tile{index};
206 HouseResolverObject ro(GetHouseType(tile), tile, Town::GetByTile(tile));
207 return ro.GetScope(VSG_SCOPE_SELF)->GetVariable(var, param, avail);
208 }
211static const NIFeature _nif_house = {
212 {},
213 _nic_house,
214 _niv_house,
215 std::make_unique<NIHHouse>(),
219/*** NewGRF industry tiles ***/
221#define NICIT(cb_id, bit) NIC(cb_id, IndustryTileSpec, callback_mask, bit)
222static const NICallback _nic_industrytiles[] = {
223 NICIT(CBID_INDTILE_ANIM_START_STOP, std::monostate{}),
233static const NIVariable _niv_industrytiles[] = {
234 NIV(0x40, "construction state of tile"),
235 NIV(0x41, "ground type"),
236 NIV(0x42, "current town zone in nearest town"),
237 NIV(0x43, "relative position"),
238 NIV(0x44, "animation frame"),
239 NIV(0x60, "land info of nearby tiles"),
240 NIV(0x61, "animation stage of nearby tiles"),
241 NIV(0x62, "get industry or airport tile ID at offset"),
244class NIHIndustryTile : public NIHelper {
245 bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override { return GetIndustryTileSpec(GetIndustryGfx(index))->grf_prop.HasGrfFile(); }
246 uint GetParent(uint index) const override { return GetInspectWindowNumber(GSF_INDUSTRIES, GetIndustryIndex(index)); }
247 const void *GetInstance(uint)const override { return nullptr; }
248 const void *GetSpec(uint index) const override { return GetIndustryTileSpec(GetIndustryGfx(index)); }
249 void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override { this->SetObjectAtStringParameters(STR_INDUSTRY_NAME, GetIndustryIndex(index), TileIndex{index}); }
250 uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override { return (this->IsInspectable(index)) ? GetIndustryTileSpec(GetIndustryGfx(index))->grf_prop.grfid : 0; }
252 uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
253 {
254 TileIndex tile{index};
256 return ro.GetScope(VSG_SCOPE_SELF)->GetVariable(var, param, avail);
257 }
260static const NIFeature _nif_industrytile = {
261 {},
262 _nic_industrytiles,
263 _niv_industrytiles,
264 std::make_unique<NIHIndustryTile>(),
268/*** NewGRF industries ***/
269#define NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(prop, base, slot, type, name) { name, [] (const void *b) -> const void * { return std::addressof(static_cast<const base *>(b)->GetProduced(slot).cargo); }, sizeof(CargoType), prop, type }
270#define NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(prop, base, slot, type, name) { name, [] (const void *b) -> const void * { return std::addressof(static_cast<const base *>(b)->GetAccepted(slot).cargo); }, sizeof(CargoType), prop, type }
272static const NIProperty _nip_industries[] = {
273 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 0, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 0"),
274 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 1, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 1"),
275 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 2, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 2"),
276 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 3, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 3"),
277 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 4, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 4"),
278 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 5, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 5"),
279 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 6, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 6"),
280 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 7, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 7"),
281 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 8, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 8"),
282 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 9, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 9"),
283 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 10, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 10"),
284 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 11, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 11"),
285 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 12, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 12"),
286 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 13, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 13"),
287 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 14, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 14"),
288 NIP_PRODUCED_CARGO(0x25, Industry, 15, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 15"),
289 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 0, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 0"),
290 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 1, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 1"),
291 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 2, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 2"),
292 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 3, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 3"),
293 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 4, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 4"),
294 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 5, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 5"),
295 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 6, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 6"),
296 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 7, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 7"),
297 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 8, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 8"),
298 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 9, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 9"),
299 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 10, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 10"),
300 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 11, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 11"),
301 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 12, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 12"),
302 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 13, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 13"),
303 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 14, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 14"),
304 NIP_ACCEPTED_CARGO(0x26, Industry, 15, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 15"),
310#define NICI(cb_id, bit) NIC(cb_id, IndustrySpec, callback_mask, bit)
311static const NICallback _nic_industries[] = {
327static const NIVariable _niv_industries[] = {
328 NIV(0x40, "waiting cargo 0"),
329 NIV(0x41, "waiting cargo 1"),
330 NIV(0x42, "waiting cargo 2"),
331 NIV(0x43, "distance to closest dry/land tile"),
332 NIV(0x44, "layout number"),
333 NIV(0x45, "player info"),
334 NIV(0x46, "industry construction date"),
335 NIV(0x60, "get industry tile ID at offset"),
336 NIV(0x61, "get random tile bits at offset"),
337 NIV(0x62, "land info of nearby tiles"),
338 NIV(0x63, "animation stage of nearby tiles"),
339 NIV(0x64, "distance on nearest industry with given type"),
340 NIV(0x65, "get town zone and Manhattan distance of closest town"),
341 NIV(0x66, "get square of Euclidean distance of closes town"),
342 NIV(0x67, "count of industry and distance of closest instance"),
343 NIV(0x68, "count of industry and distance of closest instance with layout filter"),
344 NIV(0x69, "produced cargo waiting"),
345 NIV(0x6A, "cargo produced this month"),
346 NIV(0x6B, "cargo transported this month"),
347 NIV(0x6C, "cargo produced last month"),
348 NIV(0x6D, "cargo transported last month"),
349 NIV(0x6E, "date since cargo was delivered"),
350 NIV(0x6F, "waiting input cargo"),
351 NIV(0x70, "production rate"),
352 NIV(0x71, "percentage of cargo transported last month"),
355class NIHIndustry : public NIHelper {
356 bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override { return GetIndustrySpec(Industry::Get(index)->type)->grf_prop.HasGrfFile(); }
357 uint GetParent(uint index) const override { return GetInspectWindowNumber(GSF_FAKE_TOWNS, Industry::Get(index)->town->index); }
358 const void *GetInstance(uint index)const override { return Industry::Get(index); }
359 const void *GetSpec(uint index) const override { return GetIndustrySpec(Industry::Get(index)->type); }
360 void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override { this->SetSimpleStringParameters(STR_INDUSTRY_NAME, index); }
361 uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override { return (this->IsInspectable(index)) ? GetIndustrySpec(Industry::Get(index)->type)->grf_prop.grfid : 0; }
363 uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
364 {
365 Industry *i = Industry::Get(index);
367 return ro.GetScope(VSG_SCOPE_SELF)->GetVariable(var, param, avail);
368 }
370 const std::span<int32_t> GetPSA(uint index, uint32_t) const override
371 {
372 const Industry *i = (const Industry *)this->GetInstance(index);
373 if (i->psa == nullptr) return {};
374 return i->psa->storage;
375 }
378static const NIFeature _nif_industry = {
379 _nip_industries,
380 _nic_industries,
381 _niv_industries,
382 std::make_unique<NIHIndustry>(),
386/*** NewGRF objects ***/
388#define NICO(cb_id, bit) NIC(cb_id, ObjectSpec, callback_mask, bit)
389static const NICallback _nic_objects[] = {
399static const NIVariable _niv_objects[] = {
400 NIV(0x40, "relative position"),
401 NIV(0x41, "tile information"),
402 NIV(0x42, "construction date"),
403 NIV(0x43, "animation counter"),
404 NIV(0x44, "object founder"),
405 NIV(0x45, "get town zone and Manhattan distance of closest town"),
406 NIV(0x46, "get square of Euclidean distance of closes town"),
407 NIV(0x47, "colour"),
408 NIV(0x48, "view"),
409 NIV(0x60, "get object ID at offset"),
410 NIV(0x61, "get random tile bits at offset"),
411 NIV(0x62, "land info of nearby tiles"),
412 NIV(0x63, "animation stage of nearby tiles"),
413 NIV(0x64, "distance on nearest object with given type"),
416class NIHObject : public NIHelper {
417 bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override { return ObjectSpec::GetByTile(TileIndex{index})->grf_prop.HasGrfFile(); }
418 uint GetParent(uint index) const override { return GetInspectWindowNumber(GSF_FAKE_TOWNS, Object::GetByTile(TileIndex{index})->town->index); }
419 const void *GetInstance(uint index)const override { return Object::GetByTile(TileIndex{index}); }
420 const void *GetSpec(uint index) const override { return ObjectSpec::GetByTile(TileIndex{index}); }
421 void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override { this->SetObjectAtStringParameters(STR_NEWGRF_INSPECT_CAPTION_OBJECT_AT_OBJECT, INVALID_STRING_ID, TileIndex{index}); }
422 uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override { return (this->IsInspectable(index)) ? ObjectSpec::GetByTile(TileIndex{index})->grf_prop.grfid : 0; }
424 uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
425 {
426 TileIndex tile{index};
428 return ro.GetScope(VSG_SCOPE_SELF)->GetVariable(var, param, avail);
429 }
432static const NIFeature _nif_object = {
433 {},
434 _nic_objects,
435 _niv_objects,
436 std::make_unique<NIHObject>(),
440/*** NewGRF rail types ***/
442static const NIVariable _niv_railtypes[] = {
443 NIV(0x40, "terrain type"),
444 NIV(0x41, "enhanced tunnels"),
445 NIV(0x42, "level crossing status"),
446 NIV(0x43, "construction date"),
447 NIV(0x44, "town zone"),
450class NIHRailType : public NIHelper {
451 bool IsInspectable(uint) const override { return true; }
452 uint GetParent(uint) const override { return UINT32_MAX; }
453 const void *GetInstance(uint) const override { return nullptr; }
454 const void *GetSpec(uint) const override { return nullptr; }
455 void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override { this->SetObjectAtStringParameters(STR_NEWGRF_INSPECT_CAPTION_OBJECT_AT_RAIL_TYPE, INVALID_STRING_ID, TileIndex{index}); }
456 uint32_t GetGRFID(uint) const override { return 0; }
458 uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
459 {
460 /* There is no unique GRFFile for the tile. Multiple GRFs can define different parts of the railtype.
461 * However, currently the NewGRF Debug GUI does not display variables depending on the GRF (like 0x7F) anyway. */
462 RailTypeResolverObject ro(nullptr, TileIndex{index}, TCX_NORMAL, RTSG_END);
463 return ro.GetScope(VSG_SCOPE_SELF)->GetVariable(var, param, avail);
464 }
467static const NIFeature _nif_railtype = {
468 {},
469 {},
470 _niv_railtypes,
471 std::make_unique<NIHRailType>(),
475/*** NewGRF airport tiles ***/
477#define NICAT(cb_id, bit) NIC(cb_id, AirportTileSpec, callback_mask, bit)
478static const NICallback _nic_airporttiles[] = {
485class NIHAirportTile : public NIHelper {
486 bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override { return AirportTileSpec::Get(GetAirportGfx(index))->grf_prop.HasGrfFile(); }
487 uint GetParent(uint index) const override { return GetInspectWindowNumber(GSF_AIRPORTS, GetStationIndex(index)); }
488 const void *GetInstance(uint)const override { return nullptr; }
489 const void *GetSpec(uint index) const override { return AirportTileSpec::Get(GetAirportGfx(index)); }
490 void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override { this->SetObjectAtStringParameters(STR_STATION_NAME, GetStationIndex(index), TileIndex{index}); }
491 uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override { return (this->IsInspectable(index)) ? AirportTileSpec::Get(GetAirportGfx(index))->grf_prop.grfid : 0; }
493 uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
494 {
495 TileIndex tile{index};
497 return ro.GetScope(VSG_SCOPE_SELF)->GetVariable(var, param, avail);
498 }
501static const NIFeature _nif_airporttile = {
502 {},
503 _nic_airporttiles,
504 _niv_industrytiles, // Yes, they share this (at least now)
505 std::make_unique<NIHAirportTile>(),
509/*** NewGRF airports ***/
511static const NIVariable _niv_airports[] = {
512 NIV(0x40, "Layout number"),
513 NIV(0x48, "bitmask of accepted cargoes"),
514 NIV(0x60, "amount of cargo waiting"),
515 NIV(0x61, "time since last cargo pickup"),
516 NIV(0x62, "rating of cargo"),
517 NIV(0x63, "time spent on route"),
518 NIV(0x64, "information about last vehicle picking cargo up"),
519 NIV(0x65, "amount of cargo acceptance"),
520 NIV(0x69, "information about cargo accepted in the past"),
521 NIV(0xF1, "type of the airport"),
522 NIV(0xF6, "airport block status"),
523 NIV(0xFA, "built date"),
526class NIHAirport : public NIHelper {
527 bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override { return AirportSpec::Get(Station::Get(index)->airport.type)->grf_prop.HasGrfFile(); }
528 uint GetParent(uint index) const override { return GetInspectWindowNumber(GSF_FAKE_TOWNS, Station::Get(index)->town->index); }
529 const void *GetInstance(uint index)const override { return Station::Get(index); }
530 const void *GetSpec(uint index) const override { return AirportSpec::Get(Station::Get(index)->airport.type); }
531 void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override { this->SetObjectAtStringParameters(STR_STATION_NAME, index, Station::Get(index)->airport.tile); }
532 uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override { return (this->IsInspectable(index)) ? AirportSpec::Get(Station::Get(index)->airport.type)->grf_prop.grfid : 0; }
534 uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
535 {
536 Station *st = Station::Get(index);
538 return ro.GetScope(VSG_SCOPE_SELF)->GetVariable(var, param, avail);
539 }
541 const std::span<int32_t> GetPSA(uint index, uint32_t) const override
542 {
543 const Station *st = (const Station *)this->GetInstance(index);
544 if (st->airport.psa == nullptr) return {};
545 return st->airport.psa->storage;
546 }
549static const NIFeature _nif_airport = {
550 {},
551 {},
552 _niv_airports,
553 std::make_unique<NIHAirport>(),
557/*** NewGRF towns ***/
559static const NIVariable _niv_towns[] = {
560 NIV(0x40, "larger town effect on this town"),
561 NIV(0x41, "town index"),
562 NIV(0x82, "population"),
563 NIV(0x94, "zone radius 0"),
564 NIV(0x96, "zone radius 1"),
565 NIV(0x98, "zone radius 2"),
566 NIV(0x9A, "zone radius 3"),
567 NIV(0x9C, "zone radius 4"),
568 NIV(0xB6, "number of buildings"),
571class NIHTown : public NIHelper {
572 bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override { return Town::IsValidID(index); }
573 uint GetParent(uint) const override { return UINT32_MAX; }
574 const void *GetInstance(uint index)const override { return Town::Get(index); }
575 const void *GetSpec(uint) const override { return nullptr; }
576 void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override { this->SetSimpleStringParameters(STR_TOWN_NAME, index); }
577 uint32_t GetGRFID(uint) const override { return 0; }
578 bool PSAWithParameter() const override { return true; }
580 uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
581 {
582 TownResolverObject ro(nullptr, Town::Get(index), true);
583 return ro.GetScope(VSG_SCOPE_SELF)->GetVariable(var, param, avail);
584 }
586 const std::span<int32_t> GetPSA(uint index, uint32_t grfid) const override
587 {
588 Town *t = Town::Get(index);
590 for (const auto &it : t->psa_list) {
591 if (it->grfid == grfid) return it->storage;
592 }
594 return {};
595 }
598static const NIFeature _nif_town = {
599 {},
600 {},
601 _niv_towns,
602 std::make_unique<NIHTown>(),
605/*** NewGRF road types ***/
607static const NIVariable _niv_roadtypes[] = {
608 NIV(0x40, "terrain type"),
609 NIV(0x41, "enhanced tunnels"),
610 NIV(0x42, "level crossing status"),
611 NIV(0x43, "construction date"),
612 NIV(0x44, "town zone"),
615class NIHRoadType : public NIHelper {
616 bool IsInspectable(uint) const override { return true; }
617 uint GetParent(uint) const override { return UINT32_MAX; }
618 const void *GetInstance(uint) const override { return nullptr; }
619 const void *GetSpec(uint) const override { return nullptr; }
620 void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override { this->SetObjectAtStringParameters(STR_NEWGRF_INSPECT_CAPTION_OBJECT_AT_ROAD_TYPE, INVALID_STRING_ID, TileIndex{index}); }
621 uint32_t GetGRFID(uint) const override { return 0; }
623 uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
624 {
625 /* There is no unique GRFFile for the tile. Multiple GRFs can define different parts of the railtype.
626 * However, currently the NewGRF Debug GUI does not display variables depending on the GRF (like 0x7F) anyway. */
627 RoadTypeResolverObject ro(nullptr, TileIndex{index}, TCX_NORMAL, ROTSG_END);
628 return ro.GetScope(VSG_SCOPE_SELF)->GetVariable(var, param, avail);
629 }
632static const NIFeature _nif_roadtype = {
633 {},
634 {},
635 _niv_roadtypes,
636 std::make_unique<NIHRoadType>(),
639static const NIFeature _nif_tramtype = {
640 {},
641 {},
642 _niv_roadtypes,
643 std::make_unique<NIHRoadType>(),
646#define NICRS(cb_id, bit) NIC(cb_id, RoadStopSpec, callback_mask, bit)
647static const NICallback _nic_roadstops[] = {
649 NICRS(CBID_STATION_ANIM_START_STOP, std::monostate{}),
654static const NIVariable _nif_roadstops[] = {
655 NIV(0x40, "view/rotation"),
656 NIV(0x41, "stop type"),
657 NIV(0x42, "terrain type"),
658 NIV(0x43, "road type"),
659 NIV(0x44, "tram type"),
660 NIV(0x45, "town zone and Manhattan distance of town"),
661 NIV(0x46, "square of Euclidean distance of town"),
662 NIV(0x47, "player info"),
663 NIV(0x48, "bitmask of accepted cargoes"),
664 NIV(0x49, "current animation frame"),
665 NIV(0x60, "amount of cargo waiting"),
666 NIV(0x61, "time since last cargo pickup"),
667 NIV(0x62, "rating of cargo"),
668 NIV(0x63, "time spent on route"),
669 NIV(0x64, "information about last vehicle picking cargo up"),
670 NIV(0x65, "amount of cargo acceptance"),
671 NIV(0x66, "animation frame of nearby tile"),
672 NIV(0x67, "land info of nearby tiles"),
673 NIV(0x68, "road stop info of nearby tiles"),
674 NIV(0x69, "information about cargo accepted in the past"),
675 NIV(0x6A, "GRFID of nearby road stop tiles"),
676 NIV(0x6B, "road stop ID of nearby tiles"),
679class NIHRoadStop : public NIHelper {
680 bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override { return GetRoadStopSpec(TileIndex{index}) != nullptr; }
681 uint GetParent(uint index) const override { return GetInspectWindowNumber(GSF_FAKE_TOWNS, BaseStation::GetByTile(TileIndex{index})->town->index); }
682 const void *GetInstance(uint)const override { return nullptr; }
683 const void *GetSpec(uint index) const override { return GetRoadStopSpec(TileIndex{index}); }
684 void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override { this->SetObjectAtStringParameters(STR_STATION_NAME, GetStationIndex(index), TileIndex{index}); }
685 uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override { return (this->IsInspectable(index)) ? GetRoadStopSpec(TileIndex{index})->grf_prop.grfid : 0; }
687 uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint32_t param, bool &avail) const override
688 {
689 TileIndex tile{index};
690 StationGfx view = GetStationGfx(tile);
691 RoadStopResolverObject ro(GetRoadStopSpec(tile), BaseStation::GetByTile(tile), tile, INVALID_ROADTYPE, GetStationType(tile), view);
692 return ro.GetScope(VSG_SCOPE_SELF)->GetVariable(var, param, avail);
693 }
696static const NIFeature _nif_roadstop = {
697 {},
698 _nic_roadstops,
699 _nif_roadstops,
700 std::make_unique<NIHRoadStop>(),
704static const NIFeature * const _nifeatures[] = {
705 &_nif_vehicle, // GSF_TRAINS
706 &_nif_vehicle, // GSF_ROADVEHICLES
707 &_nif_vehicle, // GSF_SHIPS
708 &_nif_vehicle, // GSF_AIRCRAFT
709 &_nif_station, // GSF_STATIONS
710 nullptr, // GSF_CANALS (no callbacks/action2 implemented)
711 nullptr, // GSF_BRIDGES (no callbacks/action2)
712 &_nif_house, // GSF_HOUSES
713 nullptr, // GSF_GLOBALVAR (has no "physical" objects)
714 &_nif_industrytile, // GSF_INDUSTRYTILES
715 &_nif_industry, // GSF_INDUSTRIES
716 nullptr, // GSF_CARGOES (has no "physical" objects)
717 nullptr, // GSF_SOUNDFX (has no "physical" objects)
718 &_nif_airport, // GSF_AIRPORTS
719 nullptr, // GSF_SIGNALS (feature not implemented)
720 &_nif_object, // GSF_OBJECTS
721 &_nif_railtype, // GSF_RAILTYPES
722 &_nif_airporttile, // GSF_AIRPORTTILES
723 &_nif_roadtype, // GSF_ROADTYPES
724 &_nif_tramtype, // GSF_TRAMTYPES
725 &_nif_roadstop, // GSF_ROADSTOPS
726 &_nif_town, // GSF_FAKE_TOWNS
728static_assert(lengthof(_nifeatures) == GSF_FAKE_END);
uint GetParent(uint index) const override
Get the parent "window_number" of a given instance.
const void * GetInstance(uint) const override
Get the instance given an index.
uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
Resolve (action2) variable for a given index.
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override
Get the GRFID of the file that includes this item.
const void * GetSpec(uint index) const override
Get (NewGRF) specs given an index.
bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override
Is the item with the given index inspectable?
void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override
Set the string parameters to write the right data for a STRINGn.
void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override
Set the string parameters to write the right data for a STRINGn.
uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
Resolve (action2) variable for a given index.
const void * GetInstance(uint index) const override
Get the instance given an index.
bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override
Is the item with the given index inspectable?
uint GetParent(uint index) const override
Get the parent "window_number" of a given instance.
const void * GetSpec(uint index) const override
Get (NewGRF) specs given an index.
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override
Get the GRFID of the file that includes this item.
const std::span< int32_t > GetPSA(uint index, uint32_t) const override
Gets the span containing the persistent storage.
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override
Get the GRFID of the file that includes this item.
uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
Resolve (action2) variable for a given index.
const void * GetSpec(uint index) const override
Get (NewGRF) specs given an index.
void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override
Set the string parameters to write the right data for a STRINGn.
uint GetParent(uint index) const override
Get the parent "window_number" of a given instance.
const void * GetInstance(uint) const override
Get the instance given an index.
bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override
Is the item with the given index inspectable?
const void * GetSpec(uint index) const override
Get (NewGRF) specs given an index.
void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override
Set the string parameters to write the right data for a STRINGn.
bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override
Is the item with the given index inspectable?
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override
Get the GRFID of the file that includes this item.
uint GetParent(uint index) const override
Get the parent "window_number" of a given instance.
const void * GetInstance(uint) const override
Get the instance given an index.
uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
Resolve (action2) variable for a given index.
uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
Resolve (action2) variable for a given index.
const void * GetSpec(uint index) const override
Get (NewGRF) specs given an index.
uint GetParent(uint index) const override
Get the parent "window_number" of a given instance.
bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override
Is the item with the given index inspectable?
const std::span< int32_t > GetPSA(uint index, uint32_t) const override
Gets the span containing the persistent storage.
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override
Get the GRFID of the file that includes this item.
void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override
Set the string parameters to write the right data for a STRINGn.
const void * GetInstance(uint index) const override
Get the instance given an index.
const void * GetSpec(uint index) const override
Get (NewGRF) specs given an index.
bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override
Is the item with the given index inspectable?
void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override
Set the string parameters to write the right data for a STRINGn.
const void * GetInstance(uint index) const override
Get the instance given an index.
uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
Resolve (action2) variable for a given index.
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override
Get the GRFID of the file that includes this item.
uint GetParent(uint index) const override
Get the parent "window_number" of a given instance.
bool IsInspectable(uint) const override
Is the item with the given index inspectable?
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint) const override
Get the GRFID of the file that includes this item.
uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
Resolve (action2) variable for a given index.
const void * GetInstance(uint) const override
Get the instance given an index.
void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override
Set the string parameters to write the right data for a STRINGn.
uint GetParent(uint) const override
Get the parent "window_number" of a given instance.
const void * GetSpec(uint) const override
Get (NewGRF) specs given an index.
uint GetParent(uint index) const override
Get the parent "window_number" of a given instance.
void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override
Set the string parameters to write the right data for a STRINGn.
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override
Get the GRFID of the file that includes this item.
bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override
Is the item with the given index inspectable?
const void * GetSpec(uint index) const override
Get (NewGRF) specs given an index.
const void * GetInstance(uint) const override
Get the instance given an index.
const void * GetSpec(uint) const override
Get (NewGRF) specs given an index.
uint GetParent(uint) const override
Get the parent "window_number" of a given instance.
const void * GetInstance(uint) const override
Get the instance given an index.
bool IsInspectable(uint) const override
Is the item with the given index inspectable?
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint) const override
Get the GRFID of the file that includes this item.
uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
Resolve (action2) variable for a given index.
void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override
Set the string parameters to write the right data for a STRINGn.
void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override
Set the string parameters to write the right data for a STRINGn.
const void * GetSpec(uint index) const override
Get (NewGRF) specs given an index.
const void * GetInstance(uint) const override
Get the instance given an index.
uint GetParent(uint index) const override
Get the parent "window_number" of a given instance.
bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override
Is the item with the given index inspectable?
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override
Get the GRFID of the file that includes this item.
uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
Resolve (action2) variable for a given index.
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint) const override
Get the GRFID of the file that includes this item.
uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
Resolve (action2) variable for a given index.
bool PSAWithParameter() const override
Used to decide if the PSA needs a parameter or not.
const void * GetSpec(uint) const override
Get (NewGRF) specs given an index.
const void * GetInstance(uint index) const override
Get the instance given an index.
void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override
Set the string parameters to write the right data for a STRINGn.
uint GetParent(uint) const override
Get the parent "window_number" of a given instance.
const std::span< int32_t > GetPSA(uint index, uint32_t grfid) const override
Gets the span containing the persistent storage.
bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override
Is the item with the given index inspectable?
uint GetParent(uint index) const override
Get the parent "window_number" of a given instance.
void SetStringParameters(uint index) const override
Set the string parameters to write the right data for a STRINGn.
const void * GetSpec(uint index) const override
Get (NewGRF) specs given an index.
uint32_t GetGRFID(uint index) const override
Get the GRFID of the file that includes this item.
bool IsInspectable(uint index) const override
Is the item with the given index inspectable?
const void * GetInstance(uint index) const override
Get the instance given an index.
uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool &avail) const override
Resolve (action2) variable for a given index.
Helper class to wrap some functionality/queries in.
void SetSimpleStringParameters(StringID string, uint32_t index) const
Helper to make setting the strings easier.
void SetObjectAtStringParameters(StringID string, uint32_t index, TileIndex tile) const
Helper to make setting the strings easier for objects at a specific tile.
const IndustrySpec * GetIndustrySpec(IndustryType thistype)
Accessor for array _industry_specs.
const IndustryTileSpec * GetIndustryTileSpec(IndustryGfx gfx)
Accessor for array _industry_tile_specs.
IndustryGfx GetIndustryGfx(Tile t)
Get the industry graphics ID for the given industry tile.
IndustryID GetIndustryIndex(Tile t)
Get the industry ID of the given tile.
Fake town GrfSpecFeature for NewGRF debugging (parent scope)
Definition newgrf.h:92
End of the fake features.
Definition newgrf.h:93
uint8_t StationGfx
Copy from station_map.h.
@ DrawFoundations
decides if default foundations need to be drawn
@ AnimationNextFrame
decides next animation frame
@ AnimationSpeed
decides animation speed
@ DrawTileLayout
Use callback to select a tile layout to use when drawing.
@ Avail
Availability of station in construction window.
@ AnimationNextFrame
Use a custom next frame callback.
@ AnimationSpeed
Customize the animation speed of the station.
@ SlopeCheck
Check slope of new station tiles.
@ VisualEffect
Visual effects and wagon power (trains, road vehicles and ships)
@ SoundEffect
Vehicle uses custom sound effects.
@ Name
Engine name.
@ RefitCapacity
Cargo capacity after refit.
@ ArticEngine
Add articulated engines (trains and road vehicles)
@ Length
Vehicle length (trains and road vehicles)
@ ColourRemap
Change colour mapping of vehicle.
@ LoadAmount
Load amount.
@ CargoSuffix
Show suffix after cargo name.
@ Probability
industry availability/probability callback
@ WindowMoreText
additional text in industry window
@ FundMoreText
additional text in fund window
@ InputCargoTypes
customize the cargoes the industry requires
@ ProductionChange
controls random production change
@ DecideColour
give a custom colour to newly build industries
@ SpecialEffect
control special effects
@ ProdChangeBuild
initialise production level on construction
@ Location
check industry construction on given area
@ MonthlyProdChange
controls monthly random production change
@ CargoSuffix
cargo sub-type display
@ RefuseCargo
option out of accepting cargo
@ OutputCargoTypes
customize the cargoes the industry produces
Called for periodically starting or stopping the animation.
Customize the output cargo types of a newly build industry.
Called to play a special sound effect.
Called to indicate how long the current animation frame should last.
Called for periodically starting or stopping the animation.
Called to determine more text in the fund object window.
Called to determine industry special effects.
Called to determine industry tile next animation frame.
Called to determine if the given industry type is available.
Called to determine if the given industry tile can be built on specific tile.
Called to determine the type (if any) of foundation to draw for an airport tile.
Called to determine if industry can alter the ground below industry tile.
Return the vehicles this given vehicle can be "upgraded" to.
Called when building a station to customize the tile layout.
Called whenever the construction state of a house changes.
Called to determine if a specific colour map should be used for a vehicle instead of the default live...
Called to determine the colour of an industry.
Called to determine more text in the industry window.
Called for every vehicle every 32 days (not all on same date though).
Callback done for each tile of an object to check the slope.
Called to determine the engine name to show.
Choose a tile layout to draw, instead of the standard range.
Determine the cargo "suffixes" for each refit possibility of a cargo.
Called to determine the colour of a town building.
Called to determine the type (if any) of foundation to draw for house tile.
Called for periodically starting or stopping the animation.
Called to determine the type (if any) of foundation to draw for industry tile.
Called on production changes, so it can be adjusted.
Called to determine text to display after cargo name.
Called to determine if one can alter the ground below an object tile.
Called to decide how much cargo a town building can accept.
Vehicle length, returns the amount of 1/8's the vehicle is shorter for trains and RVs.
Called to indicate how long the current animation frame should last.
Called to determine if one can alter the ground below a house tile.
Called to indicate how long the current animation frame should last.
Called for periodically starting or stopping the animation.
Called to determine if the industry can still accept or refuse more cargo arrival.
Determine whether a newstation should be made available to build.
Determine the next animation frame for a house.
Called on the Get Tile Description for an house tile.
Called monthly on production changes, so it can be adjusted more frequently.
Called to determine whether a town building can be destroyed.
Called when the company (or AI) tries to start or stop a vehicle.
Called to indicate how long the current animation frame should last.
Determine whether the house can be built on the specified tile.
Called to determine more text in the fund industry window.
Called when a cargo type specified in property 20 is accepted.
Called to determine which cargoes a town building should accept.
Determine the next animation frame for a house.
Determine whether a wagon can be attached to an already existing train.
Called to determine how much cargo a town building produces.
Called to modify various vehicle properties.
Called to determine the colour of a town building.
Called for periodically starting or stopping the animation.
This callback is called from vehicle purchase lists.
Refit capacity, the passed vehicle needs to have its ->cargo_type set to the cargo we are refitting t...
Called to indicate how long the current animation frame should last.
Callback done for each tile of a station to check the slope.
Determine the amount of cargo to load per unit of time when using gradual loading.
Called periodically to determine if a house should be destroyed.
Visual effects and wagon power.
Called when industry is built to set initial production level.
Called to query the cargo acceptance of the industry tile.
Called to determine if the given industry can be built on specific area.
Called to determine which cargoes an industry should accept.
Called to determine station tile next animation frame.
Builds articulated engines for trains and RVs.
Called to determine airport tile next animation frame.
Customize the input cargo types of a newly build industry.
@ FundMoreText
additional text in fund window
@ Autoslope
decides allowance of autosloping
@ AnimationNextFrame
decides next animation frame
@ AnimationSpeed
decides animation speed
@ Colour
decide the colour of the building
@ SlopeCheck
decides slope suitability
@ Avail
Availability of road stop in construction window.
@ AnimationNextFrame
Use a custom next frame callback.
@ AnimationSpeed
Customize the animation speed of the road stop.
@ ShapeCheck
decides slope suitability
@ AcceptCargo
decides accepted types
@ CargoAcceptance
decides amount of cargo acceptance
@ DrawFoundations
decides if default foundations need to be drawn
@ Autoslope
decides allowance of autosloping
@ AnimationNextFrame
decides next animation frame
@ AnimationSpeed
decides animation speed
@ AllowConstruction
decide whether the house can be built on a given tile
@ AcceptCargo
decides accepted types
@ Destruction
trigger destruction of building
@ AnimationStartStop
periodically start/stop the animation
@ CargoAcceptance
decides amount of cargo acceptance
@ DrawFoundations
decides if default foundations need to be drawn
@ ProduceCargo
custom cargo production
@ Autoslope
decides allowance of autosloping
@ AnimationNextFrame
decides next animation frame
@ DenyDestruction
conditional protection
@ AnimationSpeed
decides animation speed
@ ConstructionStateChange
change animation when construction state changes
@ Colour
decide the colour of the building
Nothing special.
GrfSpecFeature GetGrfSpecFeature(TileIndex tile)
Get the GrfSpecFeature associated with the tile.
static const NIFeature *const _nifeatures[]
Table with all NIFeatures.
static uint GetInspectWindowNumber(GrfSpecFeature feature, uint index)
Get the window number for the inspect window given a feature and index.
The property is a cargo.
Resolved object itself.
flag for invalid roadtype
Definition road_type.h:30
StationType GetStationType(Tile t)
Get the station type of this tile.
Definition station_map.h:44
StationGfx GetStationGfx(Tile t)
Get the station graphics of this tile.
Definition station_map.h:68
StationID GetStationIndex(Tile t)
Get StationID from a tile.
Definition station_map.h:28
StationGfx GetAirportGfx(Tile t)
Get the station graphics of this airport tile.
#define lengthof(array)
Return the length of an fixed size array.
Definition stdafx.h:277
static const StringID INVALID_STRING_ID
Constant representing an invalid string (16bit in case it is used in savegames)
Resolver object for airports.
ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0) override
Get a resolver for the scope.
struct GRFFileProps grf_prop
Properties related to the grf file.
static const AirportSpec * Get(uint8_t type)
Retrieve airport spec for the given airport.
Resolver for tiles of an airport.
ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0) override
Get a resolver for the scope.
static const AirportTileSpec * Get(StationGfx gfx)
Retrieve airport tile spec for the given airport tile.
static const AirportTileSpec * GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
Retrieve airport tile spec for the given airport tile.
GRFFileProps grf_prop
properties related the the grf file
uint8_t type
Type of this airport,.
PersistentStorage * psa
Persistent storage for NewGRF airports.
uint8_t layout
Airport layout number.
static BaseStation * GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
Get the base station belonging to a specific tile.
VehicleType type
Type of vehicle.
bool HasGrfFile() const
Test if this entity was introduced by NewGRF.
uint32_t grfid
grfid that introduced this entity.
Resolver object to be used for houses (feature 07 spritegroups).
ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0) override
Get a resolver for the scope.
static HouseSpec * Get(size_t house_id)
Get the spec for a house ID.
GRFFileProps grf_prop
Properties related the the grf file.
Definition house.h:108
Resolver for industries.
ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0) override
Get a resolver for the scope.
GRFFileProps grf_prop
properties related to the grf file
Resolver for industry tiles.
ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0) override
Get a resolver for the scope.
GRFFileProps grf_prop
properties related to the grf file
Defines the internal data of a functional industry.
Definition industry.h:66
IndustryType type
type of industry.
Definition industry.h:102
PersistentStorage * psa
Persistent storage for NewGRF industries.
Definition industry.h:123
static Industry * GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
Get the industry of the given tile.
Definition industry.h:238
TileArea location
Location of the industry.
Definition industry.h:94
Representation of the available callbacks with information on when they actually apply.
Container for all information for a given feature.
Representation of the data from a NewGRF property.
Representation on the NewGRF variables.
A resolver object to be used with feature 0F spritegroups.
ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0) override
Get a resolver for the scope.
static const ObjectSpec * GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
Get the specification associated with a tile.
static Object * GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
Get the object associated with a tile.
TileIndex tile
The base tile of the area.
StorageType storage
Memory for the storage array.
Tindex index
Index of this pool item.
static bool IsValidID(size_t index)
Tests whether given index can be used to get valid (non-nullptr) Titem.
static Titem * Get(size_t index)
Returns Titem with given index.
Resolver object for rail types.
ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0) override
Get a resolver for the scope.
Road stop resolver.
Resolver object for road types.
ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0) override
Get a resolver for the scope.
virtual uint32_t GetVariable(uint8_t variable, uint32_t parameter, bool &available) const
Get a variable value.
static Station * Get(size_t index)
Gets station with given index.
Station resolver.
ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0) override
Get a resolver for the scope.
Station data structure.
Airport airport
Tile area the airport covers.
Resolver of town properties.
Definition newgrf_town.h:42
ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0) override
Get a resolver for the scope.
Definition newgrf_town.h:47
Town data structure.
Definition town.h:52
Resolver for a vehicle (chain)
ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0) override
Get a resolver for the scope.
Resolve wagon overrides using TrainCache::cached_override.
Vehicle data structure.
EngineID engine_type
The type of engine used for this vehicle.
Vehicle * First() const
Get the first vehicle of this vehicle chain.
HouseID GetHouseType(Tile t)
Get the type of this house, which is an index into the house spec array.
Definition town_map.h:60
TownID GetTownIndex(Tile t)
Get the index of which town this house/street is attached to.
Definition town_map.h:23