27static const uint32_t ROADSTOP_CLASS_LABEL_DEFAULT =
28static const uint32_t ROADSTOP_CLASS_LABEL_WAYPOINT =
108 uint32_t
GetVariable(uint8_t variable, [[maybe_unused]] uint32_t parameter,
bool &available)
const override;
124 if (tsr !=
return tsr;
162 std::vector<BadgeID> badges;
186uint8_t GetRoadStopTileAnimationSpeed(
TileIndex tile);
196void DeallocateSpecFromRoadStop(
BaseStation *st, uint8_t specindex);
debug_inline static constexpr uint GB(const T x, const uint8_t s, const uint8_t n)
Fetch n bits from x, started at bit s.
uint8_t CargoType
Cargo slots to indicate a cargo type within a game.
Struct containing information relating to NewGRF classes for stations and airports.
uint32_t global_id
Global ID for class, e.g. 'DFLT', 'WAYP', etc.
Money GetPrice(Price index, uint cost_factor, const GRFFile *grf_file, int shift)
Determine a certain price.
Enumeration of all base prices for use with Prices.
For some enums it is useful to have pre/post increment/decrement operators.
Definitions related to NewGRF animation.
Animation triggers for station.
Types related to NewGRF badges.
Callbacks that NewGRFs could implement.
List of implemented NewGRF callbacks.
Set when using the callback resolve system, but not to resolve a callback.
Header file for classes to be used by e.g.
This file simplyfies and embeds a common mechanism of loading/saving and mapping of grf entities.
Different draw modes to disallow rendering of some parts of the stop or road.
@ Overlay
Drive-through stops: Draw the road overlay, e.g. pavement.
@ WaypGround
Waypoints: Draw the sprite layout ground tile (on top of the road)
@ Road
Bay stops: Draw the road itself.
bool IsWaypointClass(const RoadStopClass &cls)
Test if a RoadStopClass is the waypoint class.
Trigger roadstop when road vehicle arrives.
Trigger roadstop when cargo is completely taken.
Trigger roadstop on arrival of new cargo.
Trigger roadstop when road vehicle leaves.
Trigger roadstop when road vehicle loads.
The lowest valid value.
Default road stop class.
Maximum number of classes.
Waypoint class.
void RoadStopUpdateCachedTriggers(BaseStation *st)
Update the cached animation trigger bitmask for a station.
void TriggerRoadStopRandomisation(Station *st, TileIndex tile, RoadStopRandomTrigger trigger, CargoType cargo_type=INVALID_CARGO)
Trigger road stop randomisation.
Various different options for availability, restricting the roadstop to be only for busses or for tru...
This RoadStop is for freight (truck) stops.
This RoadStop is for both types of station road stops.
This RoadStop is for passenger (bus) stops.
bool GetIfClassHasNewStopsByType(const RoadStopClass *roadstopclass, RoadStopType rs, RoadType roadtype)
Checks if the given RoadStopClass has any specs assigned to it, compatible with the given RoadStopTyp...
void DrawRoadStopTile(int x, int y, RoadType roadtype, const RoadStopSpec *spec, StationType type, int view)
Draw representation of a road stop tile for GUI purposes.
bool GetIfNewStopsByType(RoadStopType rs, RoadType roadtype)
Checks if there's any new stations by a specific RoadStopType.
static const int NUM_ROADSTOPS_PER_GRF
The maximum amount of roadstops a single GRF is allowed to add.
Bay road stop, facing Northwest.
Bay road stop, facing Southwest.
Bay road stop, facing Southeast.
Bay road stop, facing Northeast.
Drive through road stop, X axis.
Drive through road stop, Y axis.
@ NoCatenary
Do not show catenary.
@ NoAutoRoadConnection
No auto road connection.
@ RoadOnly
Only show in the road build menu (not tram).
@ Cb141RandomBits
Callback 141 needs random bits.
@ TramOnly
Only show in the tram build menu (not road).
@ DriveThroughOnly
Stop is drive-through only.
@ DrawModeRegister
Read draw mode from register 0x100.
bool GetIfStopIsForType(const RoadStopSpec *roadstopspec, RoadStopType rs, RoadType roadtype)
Checks if the given RoadStopSpec is compatible with the given RoadStopType.
Resolved object itself.
Related object of the resolved one.
Functions to handle the town part of NewGRF towns.
The different roadtypes we support.
Types of RoadStops.
Station types.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
Information about animation.
Base class for all station-ish types.
const struct GRFFile * grffile
grf file that introduced this entity
uint16_t index
Index within class of this spec, invalid until inserted into class.
Interface for SpriteGroup-s to access the gamestate.
CallbackID callback
Callback being resolved.
virtual ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0)
Get a resolver for the scope.
const SpriteGroup * ResolveReal(const RealSpriteGroup *group) const override
Get the real sprites of the grf.
std::optional< TownScopeResolver > town_scope
The town scope resolver (created on the first call).
RoadStopScopeResolver roadstop_scope
The stop scope resolver.
ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0) override
Get a resolver for the scope.
Scope resolver for road stops.
uint8_t view
Station axis.
uint32_t GetTriggers() const override
Get the triggers.
RoadType roadtype
Road type (used when no tile)
uint32_t GetVariable(uint8_t variable, uint32_t parameter, bool &available) const override
Get a variable value.
StationType type
Station type.
const struct RoadStopSpec * roadstopspec
Station (type) specification.
struct BaseStation * st
Instance of the station.
CargoType cargo_type
Type of cargo of the station.
TileIndex tile
Tile of the station.
uint32_t GetRandomBits() const override
Get a few random bits.
StringID name
Name of this stop.
uint8_t bridge_height[6]
Minimum height for a bridge above, 0 for none.
uint8_t clear_cost_multiplier
Clear cost multiplier per tile.
Money GetBuildCost(Price category) const
Get the cost for building a road stop of this type.
uint8_t build_cost_multiplier
Build cost multiplier per tile.
CargoTypes cargo_triggers
Bitmask of cargo types which cause trigger re-randomizing.
VariableGRFFileProps grf_prop
Properties related the the grf file.
uint8_t bridge_disallowed_pillars[6]
Disallowed pillar flags for a bridge above.
Money GetClearCost(Price category) const
Get the cost for clearing a road stop of this type.
Interface to query and set values specific to a single VarSpriteGroupScope (action 2 scope).
ResolverObject & ro
Surrounding resolver object.
Scope resolver for a town.
Variable-length list of sprite groups for an entity.