34 uint32_t
GetVariable(uint8_t variable, [[maybe_unused]] uint32_t parameter,
bool &available)
const override;
61uint16_t GetIndustryTileCallback(
CallbackID callback, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2, IndustryGfx gfx_id,
Industry *industry,
TileIndex tile);
64void AnimateNewIndustryTile(
TileIndex tile);
Common return value for all commands.
@ Random
Randomise borders.
Definitions related to NewGRF animation.
Animation triggers of the industries.
List of implemented NewGRF callbacks.
Set when using the callback resolve system, but not to resolve a callback.
Functions for NewGRF industries.
From where has callback CBID_INDUSTRY_PROBABILITY been called.
void TriggerIndustry(Industry *ind, IndustryTileTrigger trigger)
Trigger a random trigger for all industry tiles.
Available industry tile triggers.
The tile of the industry has been triggered during the tileloop.
The industry has been triggered via its tick.
Cargo has been delivered.
CommandCost PerformIndustryTileSlopeCheck(TileIndex ind_base_tile, TileIndex ind_tile, const IndustryTileSpec *its, IndustryType type, IndustryGfx gfx, size_t layout_index, uint16_t initial_random_bits, Owner founder, IndustryAvailabilityCallType creation_type)
Check the slope of a tile of a new industry.
void TriggerIndustryTile(TileIndex t, IndustryTileTrigger trigger)
Trigger a random trigger for a single industry tile.
Resolved object itself.
Related object of the resolved one.
Pseudo random number generator.
Resolver for industry scopes.
Resolver for industry tiles.
GrfSpecFeature GetFeature() const override
Get the feature number being resolved for.
IndustriesScopeResolver ind_scope
Scope resolver for the industry owning the tile.
uint32_t GetDebugID() const override
Get an identifier for the item being resolved.
IndustryTileScopeResolver indtile_scope
Scope resolver for the industry tile.
ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0) override
Get a resolver for the scope.
Resolver for the industry tiles scope.
IndustryTileScopeResolver(ResolverObject &ro, Industry *industry, TileIndex tile)
Constructor of the scope resolver for the industry tile.
uint32_t GetTriggers() const override
Get the triggers.
uint32_t GetRandomBits() const override
Get a few random bits.
Industry * industry
Industry owning the tiles.
uint32_t GetVariable(uint8_t variable, uint32_t parameter, bool &available) const override
Get a variable value.
TileIndex tile
Tile being resolved.
Defines the data structure of each individual tile of an industry.
Defines the internal data of a functional industry.
Interface for SpriteGroup-s to access the gamestate.
uint32_t callback_param2
Second parameter (var 18) of the callback.
CallbackID callback
Callback being resolved.
uint32_t callback_param1
First parameter (var 10) of the callback.
virtual ScopeResolver * GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope=VSG_SCOPE_SELF, uint8_t relative=0)
Get a resolver for the scope.
Interface to query and set values specific to a single VarSpriteGroupScope (action 2 scope).
ResolverObject & ro
Surrounding resolver object.
Tile information, used while rendering the tile.