OpenTTD Source  20240917-master-g9ab0a47812
terraform_cmd.h File Reference
#include "command_type.h"
#include "map_type.h"
#include "slope_type.h"

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std::tuple< CommandCost, Money, TileIndexCmdTerraformLand (DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, Slope slope, bool dir_up)
 Terraform land. More...
std::tuple< CommandCost, Money, TileIndexCmdLevelLand (DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, TileIndex start_tile, bool diagonal, LevelMode lm)
 Levels a selected (rectangle) area of land. More...
void CcTerraform (Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, Money, TileIndex tile)

Detailed Description

Command definitions related to terraforming.

Definition in file terraform_cmd.h.

Function Documentation

◆ CmdLevelLand()

std::tuple<CommandCost, Money, TileIndex> CmdLevelLand ( DoCommandFlag  flags,
TileIndex  tile,
TileIndex  start_tile,
bool  diagonal,
LevelMode  lm 

Levels a selected (rectangle) area of land.

flagsfor this command type
tileend tile of area-drag
start_tilestart tile of area drag
diagonalWhether to use the Orthogonal (false) or Diagonal (true) iterator.
LevelModeMode of leveling LevelMode.
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 327 of file terraform_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, _settings_game, CommandCost::AddCost(), CMD_ERROR, GameSettings::construction, TileIterator::Create(), DC_EXEC, EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, CommandCost::Failed(), GB(), GetAvailableMoneyForCommand(), CommandCost::GetCost(), CommandCost::GetErrorMessage(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::GetIfValid(), INVALID_STRING_ID, INVALID_TILE, LM_LEVEL, LM_LOWER, LM_RAISE, ConstructionSettings::map_height_limit, Map::Size(), SLOPE_N, CommandCost::Succeeded(), CompanyProperties::terraform_limit, and TileHeight().

◆ CmdTerraformLand()

std::tuple<CommandCost, Money, TileIndex> CmdTerraformLand ( DoCommandFlag  flags,
TileIndex  tile,
Slope  slope,
bool  dir_up 

Terraform land.

flagsfor this command type
tiletile to terraform
slopecorners to terraform (SLOPE_xxx)
dir_updirection; eg up (true) or down (false)
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 181 of file terraform_cmd.cpp.

References _generating_world, _settings_game, CommandCost::AddCost(), GameSettings::construction, TerraformerState::dirty_tiles, EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, FindClearedObject(), ClearedObjectArea::first_tile, GetBridgeHeight(), GetSouthernBridgeEnd(), IsBridgeAbove(), IsTileType(), IsTunnelInWay(), ConstructionSettings::max_bridge_height, MP_VOID, Map::Size(), SLOPE_E, SLOPE_FLAT, SLOPE_N, SLOPE_S, SLOPE_STEEP, SLOPE_W, TerraformGetHeightOfTile(), TerraformTileHeight(), TileDiffXY(), and TileHeight().