OpenTTD Source  20241120-master-g6d3adc6169
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3  * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4  * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5  * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6  */
10 #include "../../stdafx.h"
11 #include "../../ship.h"
12 #include "../../vehicle_func.h"
14 #include "yapf.hpp"
15 #include "yapf_node_ship.hpp"
16 #include "yapf_ship_regions.h"
17 #include "../water_regions.h"
19 #include "../../safeguards.h"
22 constexpr int MAX_SHIP_PF_NODES = (NUMBER_OR_WATER_REGIONS_LOOKAHEAD + 1) * WATER_REGION_NUMBER_OF_TILES * 4; // 4 possible exit dirs per tile.
24 constexpr int SHIP_LOST_PATH_LENGTH = 8; // The length of the (aimless) path assigned when a ship is lost.
26 template <class Types>
28 {
29 public:
30  typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;
31  typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
32  typedef typename Types::NodeList::Item Node;
33  typedef typename Node::Key Key;
35 protected:
36  TileIndex dest_tile;
37  TrackdirBits dest_trackdirs;
38  StationID dest_station;
40  bool has_intermediate_dest = false;
41  TileIndex intermediate_dest_tile;
42  WaterRegionPatchDesc intermediate_dest_region_patch;
44 public:
45  void SetDestination(const Ship *v)
46  {
47  if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION)) {
48  this->dest_station = v->current_order.GetDestination();
49  this->dest_tile = CalcClosestStationTile(this->dest_station, v->tile, STATION_DOCK);
50  this->dest_trackdirs = INVALID_TRACKDIR_BIT;
51  } else {
52  this->dest_station = INVALID_STATION;
53  this->dest_tile = v->dest_tile;
55  }
56  }
58  void SetIntermediateDestination(const WaterRegionPatchDesc &water_region_patch)
59  {
60  this->has_intermediate_dest = true;
61  this->intermediate_dest_tile = GetWaterRegionCenterTile(water_region_patch);
62  this->intermediate_dest_region_patch = water_region_patch;
63  }
65 protected:
67  inline Tpf& Yapf()
68  {
69  return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);
70  }
72 public:
74  inline bool PfDetectDestination(Node &n)
75  {
76  return this->PfDetectDestinationTile(n.segment_last_tile, n.segment_last_td);
77  }
79  inline bool PfDetectDestinationTile(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
80  {
81  if (this->has_intermediate_dest) {
82  /* GetWaterRegionInfo is much faster than GetWaterRegionPatchInfo so we try that first. */
83  if (GetWaterRegionInfo(tile) != this->intermediate_dest_region_patch) return false;
84  return GetWaterRegionPatchInfo(tile) == this->intermediate_dest_region_patch;
85  }
87  if (this->dest_station != INVALID_STATION) return IsDockingTile(tile) && IsShipDestinationTile(tile, this->dest_station);
89  return tile == this->dest_tile && ((this->dest_trackdirs & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(trackdir)) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
90  }
96  inline bool PfCalcEstimate(Node &n)
97  {
98  const TileIndex destination_tile = this->has_intermediate_dest ? this->intermediate_dest_tile : this->dest_tile;
100  static const int dg_dir_to_x_offs[] = { -1, 0, 1, 0 };
101  static const int dg_dir_to_y_offs[] = { 0, 1, 0, -1 };
102  if (this->PfDetectDestination(n)) {
103  n.estimate = n.cost;
104  return true;
105  }
107  TileIndex tile = n.segment_last_tile;
108  DiagDirection exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(n.segment_last_td);
109  int x1 = 2 * TileX(tile) + dg_dir_to_x_offs[(int)exitdir];
110  int y1 = 2 * TileY(tile) + dg_dir_to_y_offs[(int)exitdir];
111  int x2 = 2 * TileX(destination_tile);
112  int y2 = 2 * TileY(destination_tile);
113  int dx = abs(x1 - x2);
114  int dy = abs(y1 - y2);
115  int dmin = std::min(dx, dy);
116  int dxy = abs(dx - dy);
117  int d = dmin * YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH + (dxy - 1) * (YAPF_TILE_LENGTH / 2);
118  n.estimate = n.cost + d;
119  assert(n.estimate >= n.parent->estimate);
120  return true;
121  }
122 };
125 template <class Types>
127 {
128 public:
129  typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;
130  typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
131  typedef typename Types::NodeList::Item Node;
132  typedef typename Node::Key Key;
134 protected:
136  inline Tpf &Yapf()
137  {
138  return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);
139  }
141  std::vector<WaterRegionDesc> water_region_corridor;
143 public:
149  inline void PfFollowNode(Node &old_node)
150  {
151  TrackFollower F(Yapf().GetVehicle());
152  if (F.Follow(old_node.key.tile, {
153  if (this->water_region_corridor.empty()
154  || std::find(this->water_region_corridor.begin(), this->water_region_corridor.end(),
155  GetWaterRegionInfo(F.new_tile)) != this->water_region_corridor.end()) {
156  Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);
157  }
158  }
159  }
162  inline void RestrictSearch(const std::vector<WaterRegionPatchDesc> &path)
163  {
164  this->water_region_corridor.clear();
165  for (const WaterRegionPatchDesc &path_entry : path) this->water_region_corridor.push_back(path_entry);
166  }
169  inline char TransportTypeChar() const
170  {
171  return 'w';
172  }
176  {
177  const int strip_amount = RandomRange(CountBits(trackdirs));
178  for (int s = 0; s < strip_amount; ++s) RemoveFirstTrackdir(&trackdirs);
179  return FindFirstTrackdir(trackdirs);
180  }
183  static std::pair<TileIndex, Trackdir> GetRandomFollowUpTileTrackdir(const Ship *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir dir)
184  {
185  TrackFollower follower(v);
186  if (follower.Follow(tile, dir)) {
187  TrackdirBits dirs = follower.new_td_bits;
188  const TrackdirBits dirs_without_90_degree = dirs & ~TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(dir);
189  if (dirs_without_90_degree != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) dirs = dirs_without_90_degree;
190  return { follower.new_tile, GetRandomTrackdir(dirs) };
191  }
192  return { follower.new_tile, INVALID_TRACKDIR };
193  }
196  static Trackdir CreateRandomPath(const Ship *v, ShipPathCache &path_cache, int path_length)
197  {
198  std::pair<TileIndex, Trackdir> tile_dir = { v->tile, v->GetVehicleTrackdir()};
199  for (int i = 0; i < path_length; ++i) {
200  tile_dir = GetRandomFollowUpTileTrackdir(v, tile_dir.first, tile_dir.second);
201  if (tile_dir.second == INVALID_TRACKDIR) break;
202  path_cache.push_back(tile_dir.second);
203  }
205  if (path_cache.empty()) return INVALID_TRACKDIR;
207  /* Reverse the path so we can take from the end. */
208  std::reverse(std::begin(path_cache), std::end(path_cache));
210  const Trackdir result = path_cache.back().trackdir;
211  path_cache.pop_back();
212  return result;
213  }
215  static Trackdir ChooseShipTrack(const Ship *v, TileIndex tile, TrackdirBits forward_dirs, TrackdirBits reverse_dirs,
216  bool &path_found, ShipPathCache &path_cache, Trackdir &best_origin_dir)
217  {
218  const std::vector<WaterRegionPatchDesc> high_level_path = YapfShipFindWaterRegionPath(v, tile, NUMBER_OR_WATER_REGIONS_LOOKAHEAD + 1);
219  if (high_level_path.empty()) {
220  path_found = false;
221  /* Make the ship move around aimlessly. This prevents repeated pathfinder calls and clearly indicates that the ship is lost. */
222  return CreateRandomPath(v, path_cache, SHIP_LOST_PATH_LENGTH);
223  }
225  /* Try one time without restricting the search area, which generally results in better and more natural looking paths.
226  * However the pathfinder can hit the node limit in certain situations such as long aqueducts or maze-like terrain.
227  * If that happens we run the pathfinder again, but restricted only to the regions provided by the region pathfinder. */
228  for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 2; ++attempt) {
229  Tpf pf(MAX_SHIP_PF_NODES);
231  /* Set origin and destination nodes */
232  pf.SetOrigin(v->tile, forward_dirs | reverse_dirs);
233  pf.SetDestination(v);
234  const bool is_intermediate_destination = static_cast<int>(high_level_path.size()) >= NUMBER_OR_WATER_REGIONS_LOOKAHEAD + 1;
235  if (is_intermediate_destination) pf.SetIntermediateDestination(high_level_path.back());
237  /* Restrict the search area to prevent the low level pathfinder from expanding too many nodes. This can happen
238  * when the terrain is very "maze-like" or when the high level path "teleports" via a very long aqueduct. */
239  if (attempt > 0) pf.RestrictSearch(high_level_path);
241  /* Find best path. */
242  path_found = pf.FindPath(v);
243  Node *node = pf.GetBestNode();
244  if (attempt == 0 && !path_found) continue; // Try again with restricted search area.
246  /* Make the ship move around aimlessly. This prevents repeated pathfinder calls and clearly indicates that the ship is lost. */
247  if (!path_found) return CreateRandomPath(v, path_cache, SHIP_LOST_PATH_LENGTH);
249  /* Return only the path within the current water region if an intermediate destination was returned. If not, cache the entire path
250  * to the final destination tile. The low-level pathfinder might actually prefer a different docking tile in a nearby region. Without
251  * caching the full path the ship can get stuck in a loop. */
252  const WaterRegionPatchDesc end_water_patch = GetWaterRegionPatchInfo(node->GetTile());
253  assert(GetWaterRegionPatchInfo(tile) == high_level_path.front());
254  const WaterRegionPatchDesc start_water_patch = high_level_path.front();
255  while (node->parent) {
256  const WaterRegionPatchDesc node_water_patch = GetWaterRegionPatchInfo(node->GetTile());
258  const bool node_water_patch_on_high_level_path = std::find(high_level_path.begin(), high_level_path.end(), node_water_patch) != high_level_path.end();
259  const bool add_full_path = !is_intermediate_destination && node_water_patch != end_water_patch;
261  /* The cached path must always lead to a region patch that's on the high level path.
262  * This is what can happen when that's not the case */
263  if (add_full_path || !node_water_patch_on_high_level_path || node_water_patch == start_water_patch) {
264  path_cache.push_back(node->GetTrackdir());
265  } else {
266  path_cache.clear();
267  }
268  node = node->parent;
269  }
270  assert(node->GetTile() == v->tile);
272  /* Return INVALID_TRACKDIR to trigger a ship reversal if that is the best option. */
273  best_origin_dir = node->GetTrackdir();
274  if ((TrackdirToTrackdirBits(best_origin_dir) & forward_dirs) == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) {
275  path_cache.clear();
277  }
279  /* A empty path means we are already at the destination. The pathfinder shouldn't have been called at all.
280  * Return a random reachable trackdir to hopefully nudge the ship out of this strange situation. */
281  if (path_cache.empty()) return CreateRandomPath(v, path_cache, 1);
283  /* Take out the last trackdir as the result. */
284  const Trackdir result = path_cache.back().trackdir;
285  path_cache.pop_back();
287  /* Clear path cache when in final water region patch. This is to allow ships to spread over different docking tiles dynamically. */
288  if (start_water_patch == end_water_patch) path_cache.clear();
290  return result;
291  }
294  }
303  static bool CheckShipReverse(const Ship *v, Trackdir *trackdir)
304  {
305  bool path_found = false;
306  ShipPathCache dummy_cache;
307  Trackdir best_origin_dir = INVALID_TRACKDIR;
309  if (trackdir == nullptr) {
310  /* The normal case, typically called when ships leave a dock. */
311  const Trackdir reverse_dir = ReverseTrackdir(v->GetVehicleTrackdir());
312  const TrackdirBits forward_dirs = TrackdirToTrackdirBits(v->GetVehicleTrackdir());
313  const TrackdirBits reverse_dirs = TrackdirToTrackdirBits(reverse_dir);
314  (void)ChooseShipTrack(v, v->tile, forward_dirs, reverse_dirs, path_found, dummy_cache, best_origin_dir);
315  return path_found && best_origin_dir == reverse_dir;
316  } else {
317  /* This gets called when a ship suddenly can't move forward, e.g. due to terraforming. */
320  (void)ChooseShipTrack(v, v->tile, TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE, reverse_dirs, path_found, dummy_cache, best_origin_dir);
321  *trackdir = path_found && best_origin_dir != INVALID_TRACKDIR ? best_origin_dir : GetRandomTrackdir(reverse_dirs);
322  return true;
323  }
324  }
325 };
328 template <class Types>
330 {
331 public:
332  typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;
333  typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
334  typedef typename Types::NodeList::Item Node;
335  typedef typename Node::Key Key;
339  {
340  return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);
341  }
343 public:
344  inline int CurveCost(Trackdir td1, Trackdir td2)
345  {
346  assert(IsValidTrackdir(td1));
347  assert(IsValidTrackdir(td2));
349  if (HasTrackdir(TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(td1), td2)) {
350  /* 90-deg curve penalty. */
351  return Yapf().PfGetSettings().ship_curve90_penalty;
352  } else if (td2 != NextTrackdir(td1)) {
353  /* 45-deg curve penalty. */
354  return Yapf().PfGetSettings().ship_curve45_penalty;
355  }
356  return 0;
357  }
359  static Vehicle *CountShipProc(Vehicle *v, void *data)
360  {
361  uint *count = (uint*)data;
362  /* Ignore other vehicles (aircraft) and ships inside depot. */
363  if (v->type == VEH_SHIP && (v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN) == 0) (*count)++;
365  return nullptr;
366  }
373  inline bool PfCalcCost(Node &n, const TrackFollower *tf)
374  {
375  /* Base tile cost depending on distance. */
376  int c = IsDiagonalTrackdir(n.GetTrackdir()) ? YAPF_TILE_LENGTH : YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH;
377  /* Additional penalty for curves. */
378  c += this->CurveCost(n.parent->GetTrackdir(), n.GetTrackdir());
380  if (IsDockingTile(n.GetTile())) {
381  /* Check docking tile for occupancy. */
382  uint count = 0;
383  HasVehicleOnPos(n.GetTile(), &count, &CountShipProc);
384  c += count * 3 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
385  }
387  /* Skipped tile cost for aqueducts. */
388  c += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH * tf->tiles_skipped;
390  /* Ocean/canal speed penalty. */
391  const ShipVehicleInfo *svi = ShipVehInfo(Yapf().GetVehicle()->engine_type);
392  uint8_t speed_frac = (GetEffectiveWaterClass(n.GetTile()) == WATER_CLASS_SEA) ? svi->ocean_speed_frac : svi->canal_speed_frac;
393  if (speed_frac > 0) c += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH * (1 + tf->tiles_skipped) * speed_frac / (256 - speed_frac);
395  /* Apply it. */
396  n.cost = n.parent->cost + c;
397  return true;
398  }
399 };
405 template <class Tpf_, class Ttrack_follower, class Tnode_list>
407 {
409  typedef Tpf_ Tpf;
410  typedef Ttrack_follower TrackFollower;
411  typedef Tnode_list NodeList;
412  typedef Ship VehicleType;
421 };
423 struct CYapfShip : CYapfT<CYapfShip_TypesT<CYapfShip, CFollowTrackWater, CShipNodeListExitDir > >
424 {
425  explicit CYapfShip(int max_nodes) { this->max_search_nodes = max_nodes; }
426 };
429 Track YapfShipChooseTrack(const Ship *v, TileIndex tile, bool &path_found, ShipPathCache &path_cache)
430 {
431  Trackdir best_origin_dir = INVALID_TRACKDIR;
432  const TrackdirBits origin_dirs = TrackdirToTrackdirBits(v->GetVehicleTrackdir());
433  const Trackdir td_ret = CYapfShip::ChooseShipTrack(v, tile, origin_dirs, TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE, path_found, path_cache, best_origin_dir);
434  return (td_ret != INVALID_TRACKDIR) ? TrackdirToTrack(td_ret) : INVALID_TRACK;
435 }
437 bool YapfShipCheckReverse(const Ship *v, Trackdir *trackdir)
438 {
439  return CYapfShip::CheckShipReverse(v, trackdir);
440 }
constexpr uint CountBits(T value)
Counts the number of set bits in a variable.
CYapfBaseT - A-star type path finder base class.
Definition: yapf_base.hpp:49
Cost Provider module of YAPF for ships.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:330
Node::Key Key
key to hash tables.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:335
bool PfCalcCost(Node &n, const TrackFollower *tf)
Called by YAPF to calculate the cost from the origin to the given node.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:373
Types::NodeList::Item Node
this will be our node type.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:334
Tpf & Yapf()
to access inherited path finder
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:338
Types::Tpf Tpf
the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class).
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:332
Types::Tpf Tpf
the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class).
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:30
bool PfCalcEstimate(Node &n)
Called by YAPF to calculate cost estimate.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:96
Types::NodeList::Item Node
this will be our node type.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:32
Tpf & Yapf()
To access inherited path finder.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:67
bool PfDetectDestination(Node &n)
Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:74
Node::Key Key
key to hash tables.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:33
Node Follower module of YAPF for ships.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:127
static std::pair< TileIndex, Trackdir > GetRandomFollowUpTileTrackdir(const Ship *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir dir)
Returns a random tile/trackdir that can be reached from the current tile/trackdir,...
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:183
char TransportTypeChar() const
Return debug report character to identify the transportation type.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:169
void PfFollowNode(Node &old_node)
Called by YAPF to move from the given node to the next tile.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:149
static Trackdir GetRandomTrackdir(TrackdirBits trackdirs)
Returns a random trackdir out of a set of trackdirs.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:175
Node::Key Key
key to hash tables.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:132
static Trackdir CreateRandomPath(const Ship *v, ShipPathCache &path_cache, int path_length)
Creates a random path, avoids 90 degree turns.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:196
Tpf & Yapf()
to access inherited path finder
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:136
Types::NodeList::Item Node
this will be our node type.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:131
Types::Tpf Tpf
the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class).
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:129
void RestrictSearch(const std::vector< WaterRegionPatchDesc > &path)
Restricts the search by creating corridor or water regions through which the ship is allowed to trave...
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:162
static bool CheckShipReverse(const Ship *v, Trackdir *trackdir)
Check whether a ship should reverse to reach its destination.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:303
YAPF origin provider base class - used when origin is one tile / multiple trackdirs.
Definition: yapf_common.hpp:20
CYapfSegmentCostCacheNoneT - the formal only yapf cost cache provider that implements PfNodeCacheFetc...
YAPF template that uses Ttypes template argument to determine all YAPF components (base classes) from...
Hash table based node list multi-container class.
Definition: nodelist.hpp:21
DiagDirection ReverseDiagDir(DiagDirection d)
Returns the reverse direction of the given DiagDirection.
Enumeration for diagonal directions.
TrackStatus GetTileTrackStatus(TileIndex tile, TransportType mode, uint sub_mode, DiagDirection side)
Returns information about trackdirs and signal states.
Definition: landscape.cpp:554
static debug_inline uint TileY(TileIndex tile)
Get the Y component of a tile.
Definition: map_func.h:425
static debug_inline uint TileX(TileIndex tile)
Get the X component of a tile.
Definition: map_func.h:415
constexpr T abs(const T a)
Returns the absolute value of (scalar) variable.
Definition: math_func.hpp:23
TileIndex CalcClosestStationTile(StationID station, TileIndex tile, StationType station_type)
Calculates the tile of given station that is closest to a given tile for this we assume the station i...
static const int YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH
Length (penalty) of a corner with YAPF.
static const int YAPF_TILE_LENGTH
Length (penalty) of one tile with YAPF.
uint32_t RandomRange(uint32_t limit, const std::source_location location=std::source_location::current())
Pick a random number between 0 and limit - 1, inclusive.
Definition: random_func.hpp:88
bool IsShipDestinationTile(TileIndex tile, StationID station)
Test if a tile is a docking tile for the given station.
Definition: ship_cmd.cpp:647
WaterClass GetEffectiveWaterClass(TileIndex tile)
Determine the effective WaterClass for a ship travelling on a tile.
Definition: ship_cmd.cpp:54
static Track ChooseShipTrack(Ship *v, TileIndex tile, TrackBits tracks)
Runs the pathfinder to choose a track to continue along.
Definition: ship_cmd.cpp:495
VehicleType type
Type of vehicle.
Definition: vehicle_type.h:51
Config struct of YAPF for ships.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:407
CYapfSegmentCostCacheNoneT< Types > PfCache
Segment cost cache provider.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:419
CYapfShip_TypesT< Tpf_, Ttrack_follower, Tnode_list > Types
Shortcut for this struct type.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:408
CYapfFollowShipT< Types > PfFollow
Node follower.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:416
CYapfBaseT< Types > PfBase
Pathfinder components (modules).
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:415
CYapfOriginTileT< Types > PfOrigin
Origin provider.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:417
Ttrack_follower TrackFollower
Track follower helper class.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:410
CYapfDestinationTileWaterT< Types > PfDestination
Destination/distance provider.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:418
Tpf_ Tpf
Pathfinder type.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:409
CYapfCostShipT< Types > PfCost
Cost provider.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:420
Node of the link graph.
Definition: linkgraph.h:90
DestinationID GetDestination() const
Gets the destination of this order.
Definition: order_base.h:103
bool IsType(OrderType type) const
Check whether this order is of the given type.
Definition: order_base.h:70
Information about a ship vehicle.
Definition: engine_type.h:67
uint8_t ocean_speed_frac
Fraction of maximum speed for ocean tiles.
Definition: engine_type.h:77
uint8_t canal_speed_frac
Fraction of maximum speed for canal/river tiles.
Definition: engine_type.h:78
All ships have this type.
Definition: ship.h:32
TrackBits state
The "track" the ship is following.
Definition: ship.h:34
Trackdir GetVehicleTrackdir() const override
Returns the Trackdir on which the vehicle is currently located.
Definition: ship_cmd.cpp:288
Vehicle data structure.
Definition: vehicle_base.h:244
Direction direction
Definition: vehicle_base.h:307
Vehicle * first
NOSAVE: pointer to the first vehicle in the chain.
Definition: vehicle_base.h:250
Order current_order
The current order (+ status, like: loading)
Definition: vehicle_base.h:356
uint8_t vehstatus
Definition: vehicle_base.h:354
TileIndex tile
Current tile index.
Definition: vehicle_base.h:264
TileIndex dest_tile
Heading for this tile.
Definition: vehicle_base.h:271
Describes a single interconnected patch of water within a particular water region.
Definition: water_regions.h:27
Trackdir RemoveFirstTrackdir(TrackdirBits *trackdirs)
Removes first Trackdir from TrackdirBits and returns it.
Definition: track_func.h:156
Track TrackdirToTrack(Trackdir trackdir)
Returns the Track that a given Trackdir represents.
Definition: track_func.h:262
DiagDirection VehicleExitDir(Direction direction, TrackBits track)
Determine the side in which the vehicle will leave the tile.
Definition: track_func.h:714
TrackdirBits TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(TrackStatus ts)
Returns the present-trackdir-information of a TrackStatus.
Definition: track_func.h:352
Trackdir NextTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir)
Maps a trackdir to the trackdir that you will end up on if you go straight ahead.
Definition: track_func.h:403
Trackdir ReverseTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir)
Maps a trackdir to the reverse trackdir.
Definition: track_func.h:247
bool IsValidTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir)
Checks if a Trackdir is valid for non-road vehicles.
Definition: track_func.h:52
Trackdir FindFirstTrackdir(TrackdirBits trackdirs)
Returns first Trackdir from TrackdirBits or INVALID_TRACKDIR.
Definition: track_func.h:211
TrackdirBits TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(Trackdir trackdir)
Maps a trackdir to all trackdirs that make 90 deg turns with it.
Definition: track_func.h:606
TrackdirBits DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(DiagDirection diagdir)
Returns all trackdirs that can be reached when entering a tile from a given (diagonal) direction.
Definition: track_func.h:555
bool IsDiagonalTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir)
Checks if a given Trackdir is diagonal.
Definition: track_func.h:631
bool HasTrackdir(TrackdirBits trackdirs, Trackdir trackdir)
Checks whether a TrackdirBits has a given Trackdir.
Definition: track_func.h:340
TrackdirBits TrackdirToTrackdirBits(Trackdir trackdir)
Maps a Trackdir to the corresponding TrackdirBits value.
Definition: track_func.h:111
DiagDirection TrackdirToExitdir(Trackdir trackdir)
Maps a trackdir to the (4-way) direction the tile is exited when following that trackdir.
Definition: track_func.h:439
Enumeration for tracks and directions.
Definition: track_type.h:67
Flag for an invalid trackdir.
Definition: track_type.h:86
Allow incrementing of Trackdir variables.
Definition: track_type.h:98
No track build.
Definition: track_type.h:99
Flag for an invalid trackdirbit value.
Definition: track_type.h:114
These are used to specify a single track.
Definition: track_type.h:19
Flag for an invalid track.
Definition: track_type.h:28
Transport over water.
bool HasVehicleOnPos(TileIndex tile, void *data, VehicleFromPosProc *proc)
Checks whether a vehicle is on a specific location.
Definition: vehicle.cpp:520
Vehicle is not visible.
Definition: vehicle_base.h:33
Ship vehicle type.
Definition: vehicle_type.h:26
Definition: water_map.h:40
bool IsDockingTile(Tile t)
Checks whether the tile is marked as a dockling tile.
Definition: water_map.h:371
WaterRegionDesc GetWaterRegionInfo(TileIndex tile)
Returns basic water region information for the provided tile.
WaterRegionPatchDesc GetWaterRegionPatchInfo(TileIndex tile)
Returns basic water region patch information for the provided tile.
TileIndex GetWaterRegionCenterTile(const WaterRegionDesc &water_region)
Returns the center tile of a particular water region.
Base includes/functions for YAPF.
Node tailored for ship pathfinding.
bool YapfShipCheckReverse(const Ship *v, Trackdir *trackdir)
Returns true if it is better to reverse the ship before leaving depot using YAPF.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:437
Track YapfShipChooseTrack(const Ship *v, TileIndex tile, bool &path_found, ShipPathCache &path_cache)
Ship controller helper - path finder invoker.
Definition: yapf_ship.cpp:429
std::vector< WaterRegionPatchDesc > YapfShipFindWaterRegionPath(const Ship *v, TileIndex start_tile, int max_returned_path_length)
Finds a path at the water region level.
Implementation of YAPF for water regions, which are used for finding intermediate ship destinations.