OpenTTD Source  20240919-master-gdf0233f4c2
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3  * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4  * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5  * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6  */
10 #ifdef WITH_SSE
12 #include "../stdafx.h"
13 #include "../palette_func.h"
14 #include "../video/video_driver.hpp"
15 #include "../table/sprites.h"
16 #include "32bpp_anim_sse4.hpp"
17 #include "32bpp_sse_func.hpp"
19 #include "../safeguards.h"
22 static FBlitter_32bppSSE4_Anim iFBlitter_32bppSSE4_Anim;
32 template <BlitterMode mode, Blitter_32bppSSE2::ReadMode read_mode, Blitter_32bppSSE2::BlockType bt_last, bool translucent, bool animated>
33 GNU_TARGET("sse4.1")
34 inline void Blitter_32bppSSE4_Anim::Draw(const BlitterParams *bp, ZoomLevel zoom)
35 {
36  const uint8_t * const remap = bp->remap;
37  Colour *dst_line = (Colour *) bp->dst + bp->top * bp->pitch + bp->left;
38  uint16_t *anim_line = this->anim_buf + this->ScreenToAnimOffset((uint32_t *)bp->dst) + bp->top * this->anim_buf_pitch + bp->left;
39  int effective_width = bp->width;
41  /* Find where to start reading in the source sprite. */
42  const Blitter_32bppSSE_Base::SpriteData * const sd = (const Blitter_32bppSSE_Base::SpriteData *) bp->sprite;
43  const SpriteInfo * const si = &sd->infos[zoom];
44  const MapValue *src_mv_line = (const MapValue *) &sd->data[si->mv_offset] + bp->skip_top * si->sprite_width;
45  const Colour *src_rgba_line = (const Colour *) ((const uint8_t *) &sd->data[si->sprite_offset] + bp->skip_top * si->sprite_line_size);
47  if (read_mode != RM_WITH_MARGIN) {
48  src_rgba_line += bp->skip_left;
49  src_mv_line += bp->skip_left;
50  }
51  const MapValue *src_mv = src_mv_line;
53  /* Load these variables into register before loop. */
54  const __m128i a_cm = ALPHA_CONTROL_MASK;
55  const __m128i pack_low_cm = PACK_LOW_CONTROL_MASK;
56  const __m128i tr_nom_base = TRANSPARENT_NOM_BASE;
57  const __m128i a_am = ALPHA_AND_MASK;
59  for (int y = bp->height; y != 0; y--) {
60  Colour *dst = dst_line;
61  const Colour *src = src_rgba_line + META_LENGTH;
62  if (mode != BM_TRANSPARENT) src_mv = src_mv_line;
63  uint16_t *anim = anim_line;
65  if (read_mode == RM_WITH_MARGIN) {
66  assert(bt_last == BT_NONE); // or you must ensure block type is preserved
67  anim += src_rgba_line[0].data;
68  src += src_rgba_line[0].data;
69  dst += src_rgba_line[0].data;
70  if (mode != BM_TRANSPARENT) src_mv += src_rgba_line[0].data;
71  const int width_diff = si->sprite_width - bp->width;
72  effective_width = bp->width - (int) src_rgba_line[0].data;
73  const int delta_diff = (int) src_rgba_line[1].data - width_diff;
74  const int new_width = effective_width - delta_diff;
75  effective_width = delta_diff > 0 ? new_width : effective_width;
76  if (effective_width <= 0) goto next_line;
77  }
79  switch (mode) {
80  default:
81  if (!translucent) {
82  for (uint x = (uint) effective_width; x > 0; x--) {
83  if (src->a) {
84  if (animated) {
85  *anim = *(const uint16_t*) src_mv;
86  *dst = (src_mv->m >= PALETTE_ANIM_START) ? AdjustBrightneSSE(this->LookupColourInPalette(src_mv->m), src_mv->v) : src->data;
87  } else {
88  *anim = 0;
89  *dst = *src;
90  }
91  }
92  if (animated) src_mv++;
93  anim++;
94  src++;
95  dst++;
96  }
97  break;
98  }
100  for (uint x = (uint) effective_width/2; x != 0; x--) {
101  uint32_t mvX2 = *((uint32_t *) const_cast<MapValue *>(src_mv));
102  __m128i srcABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*) src);
103  __m128i dstABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*) dst);
105  if (animated) {
106  /* Remap colours. */
107  const uint8_t m0 = mvX2;
108  if (m0 >= PALETTE_ANIM_START) {
109  const Colour c0 = (this->LookupColourInPalette(m0).data & 0x00FFFFFF) | (src[0].data & 0xFF000000);
110  InsertFirstUint32(AdjustBrightneSSE(c0, (uint8_t) (mvX2 >> 8)).data, srcABCD);
111  }
112  const uint8_t m1 = mvX2 >> 16;
113  if (m1 >= PALETTE_ANIM_START) {
114  const Colour c1 = (this->LookupColourInPalette(m1).data & 0x00FFFFFF) | (src[1].data & 0xFF000000);
115  InsertSecondUint32(AdjustBrightneSSE(c1, (uint8_t) (mvX2 >> 24)).data, srcABCD);
116  }
118  /* Update anim buffer. */
119  const uint8_t a0 = src[0].a;
120  const uint8_t a1 = src[1].a;
121  uint32_t anim01 = 0;
122  if (a0 == 255) {
123  if (a1 == 255) {
124  *(uint32_t*) anim = mvX2;
125  goto bmno_full_opacity;
126  }
127  anim01 = (uint16_t) mvX2;
128  } else if (a0 == 0) {
129  if (a1 == 0) {
130  goto bmno_full_transparency;
131  } else {
132  if (a1 == 255) anim[1] = (uint16_t) (mvX2 >> 16);
133  goto bmno_alpha_blend;
134  }
135  }
136  if (a1 > 0) {
137  if (a1 == 255) anim01 |= mvX2 & 0xFFFF0000;
138  *(uint32_t*) anim = anim01;
139  } else {
140  anim[0] = (uint16_t) anim01;
141  }
142  } else {
143  if (src[0].a) anim[0] = 0;
144  if (src[1].a) anim[1] = 0;
145  }
147  /* Blend colours. */
148 bmno_alpha_blend:
149  srcABCD = AlphaBlendTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, a_cm, pack_low_cm, a_am);
150 bmno_full_opacity:
151  _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *) dst, srcABCD);
152 bmno_full_transparency:
153  src_mv += 2;
154  src += 2;
155  anim += 2;
156  dst += 2;
157  }
159  if ((bt_last == BT_NONE && effective_width & 1) || bt_last == BT_ODD) {
160  if (src->a == 0) {
161  /* Complete transparency. */
162  } else if (src->a == 255) {
163  *anim = *(const uint16_t*) src_mv;
164  *dst = (src_mv->m >= PALETTE_ANIM_START) ? AdjustBrightneSSE(LookupColourInPalette(src_mv->m), src_mv->v) : *src;
165  } else {
166  *anim = 0;
167  __m128i srcABCD;
168  __m128i dstABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst->data);
169  if (src_mv->m >= PALETTE_ANIM_START) {
170  Colour colour = AdjustBrightneSSE(LookupColourInPalette(src_mv->m), src_mv->v);
171  colour.a = src->a;
172  srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(;
173  } else {
174  srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(src->data);
175  }
176  dst->data = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(AlphaBlendTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, a_cm, pack_low_cm, a_am));
177  }
178  }
179  break;
181  case BM_COLOUR_REMAP:
182  for (uint x = (uint) effective_width / 2; x != 0; x--) {
183  uint32_t mvX2 = *((uint32_t *) const_cast<MapValue *>(src_mv));
184  __m128i srcABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*) src);
185  __m128i dstABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*) dst);
187  /* Remap colours. */
188  const uint m0 = (uint8_t) mvX2;
189  const uint r0 = remap[m0];
190  const uint m1 = (uint8_t) (mvX2 >> 16);
191  const uint r1 = remap[m1];
192  if (mvX2 & 0x00FF00FF) {
193  #define CMOV_REMAP(m_colour, m_colour_init, m_src, m_m) \
194  /* Written so the compiler uses CMOV. */ \
195  Colour m_colour = m_colour_init; \
196  { \
197  const Colour srcm = (Colour) (m_src); \
198  const uint m = (uint8_t) (m_m); \
199  const uint r = remap[m]; \
200  const Colour cmap = (this->LookupColourInPalette(r).data & 0x00FFFFFF) | ( & 0xFF000000); \
201  m_colour = r == 0 ? m_colour : cmap; \
202  m_colour = m != 0 ? m_colour : srcm; \
203  }
204 #ifdef POINTER_IS_64BIT
205  uint64_t srcs = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(srcABCD);
206  uint64_t dsts;
207  if (animated) dsts = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(dstABCD);
208  uint64_t remapped_src = 0;
209  CMOV_REMAP(c0, animated ? dsts : 0, srcs, mvX2);
210  remapped_src =;
211  CMOV_REMAP(c1, animated ? dsts >> 32 : 0, srcs >> 32, mvX2 >> 16);
212  remapped_src |= (uint64_t) << 32;
213  srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(remapped_src);
214 #else
215  Colour remapped_src[2];
216  CMOV_REMAP(c0, animated ? _mm_cvtsi128_si32(dstABCD) : 0, _mm_cvtsi128_si32(srcABCD), mvX2);
217  remapped_src[0] =;
218  CMOV_REMAP(c1, animated ? dst[1] : 0, src[1], mvX2 >> 16);
219  remapped_src[1] =;
220  srcABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*) &remapped_src);
221 #endif
223  if ((mvX2 & 0xFF00FF00) != 0x80008000) srcABCD = AdjustBrightnessOfTwoPixels(srcABCD, mvX2);
224  }
226  /* Update anim buffer. */
227  if (animated) {
228  const uint8_t a0 = src[0].a;
229  const uint8_t a1 = src[1].a;
230  uint32_t anim01 = mvX2 & 0xFF00FF00;
231  if (a0 == 255) {
232  anim01 |= r0;
233  if (a1 == 255) {
234  *(uint32_t*) anim = anim01 | (r1 << 16);
235  goto bmcr_full_opacity;
236  }
237  } else if (a0 == 0) {
238  if (a1 == 0) {
239  goto bmcr_full_transparency;
240  } else {
241  if (a1 == 255) {
242  anim[1] = r1 | (anim01 >> 16);
243  }
244  goto bmcr_alpha_blend;
245  }
246  }
247  if (a1 > 0) {
248  if (a1 == 255) anim01 |= r1 << 16;
249  *(uint32_t*) anim = anim01;
250  } else {
251  anim[0] = (uint16_t) anim01;
252  }
253  } else {
254  if (src[0].a) anim[0] = 0;
255  if (src[1].a) anim[1] = 0;
256  }
258  /* Blend colours. */
259 bmcr_alpha_blend:
260  srcABCD = AlphaBlendTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, a_cm, pack_low_cm, a_am);
261 bmcr_full_opacity:
262  _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *) dst, srcABCD);
263 bmcr_full_transparency:
264  src_mv += 2;
265  dst += 2;
266  src += 2;
267  anim += 2;
268  }
270  if ((bt_last == BT_NONE && effective_width & 1) || bt_last == BT_ODD) {
271  /* In case the m-channel is zero, do not remap this pixel in any way. */
272  __m128i srcABCD;
273  if (src->a == 0) break;
274  if (src_mv->m) {
275  const uint r = remap[src_mv->m];
276  *anim = (animated && src->a == 255) ? r | ((uint16_t) src_mv->v << 8 ) : 0;
277  if (r != 0) {
278  Colour remapped_colour = AdjustBrightneSSE(this->LookupColourInPalette(r), src_mv->v);
279  if (src->a == 255) {
280  *dst = remapped_colour;
281  } else {
282  remapped_colour.a = src->a;
283  srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(;
284  goto bmcr_alpha_blend_single;
285  }
286  }
287  } else {
288  *anim = 0;
289  srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(src->data);
290  if (src->a < 255) {
291 bmcr_alpha_blend_single:
292  __m128i dstABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst->data);
293  srcABCD = AlphaBlendTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, a_cm, pack_low_cm, a_am);
294  }
295  dst->data = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(srcABCD);
296  }
297  }
298  break;
301  /* Make the current colour a bit more black, so it looks like this image is transparent. */
302  for (uint x = (uint) bp->width / 2; x > 0; x--) {
303  __m128i srcABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*) src);
304  __m128i dstABCD = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*) dst);
305  _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *) dst, DarkenTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, a_cm, tr_nom_base));
306  src += 2;
307  dst += 2;
308  anim += 2;
309  if (src[-2].a) anim[-2] = 0;
310  if (src[-1].a) anim[-1] = 0;
311  }
313  if ((bt_last == BT_NONE && bp->width & 1) || bt_last == BT_ODD) {
314  __m128i srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(src->data);
315  __m128i dstABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst->data);
316  dst->data = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(DarkenTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, a_cm, tr_nom_base));
317  if (src[0].a) anim[0] = 0;
318  }
319  break;
322  /* Apply custom transparency remap. */
323  for (uint x = (uint) bp->width; x > 0; x--) {
324  if (src->a != 0) {
325  *dst = this->LookupColourInPalette(remap[GetNearestColourIndex(*dst)]);
326  *anim = 0;
327  }
328  src_mv++;
329  dst++;
330  src++;
331  anim++;
332  }
333  break;
336  case BM_CRASH_REMAP:
337  for (uint x = (uint) bp->width; x > 0; x--) {
338  if (src_mv->m == 0) {
339  if (src->a != 0) {
340  uint8_t g = MakeDark(src->r, src->g, src->b);
341  *dst = ComposeColourRGBA(g, g, g, src->a, *dst);
342  *anim = 0;
343  }
344  } else {
345  uint r = remap[src_mv->m];
346  if (r != 0) *dst = ComposeColourPANoCheck(this->AdjustBrightness(this->LookupColourInPalette(r), src_mv->v), src->a, *dst);
347  }
348  src_mv++;
349  dst++;
350  src++;
351  anim++;
352  }
353  break;
355  case BM_BLACK_REMAP:
356  for (uint x = (uint) bp->width; x > 0; x--) {
357  if (src->a != 0) {
358  *dst = Colour(0, 0, 0);
359  *anim = 0;
360  }
361  src_mv++;
362  dst++;
363  src++;
364  anim++;
365  }
366  break;
367  }
369 next_line:
370  if (mode != BM_TRANSPARENT && mode != BM_TRANSPARENT_REMAP) src_mv_line += si->sprite_width;
371  src_rgba_line = (const Colour*) ((const uint8_t*) src_rgba_line + si->sprite_line_size);
372  dst_line += bp->pitch;
373  anim_line += this->anim_buf_pitch;
374  }
375 }
385 void Blitter_32bppSSE4_Anim::Draw(Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, BlitterMode mode, ZoomLevel zoom)
386 {
387  if (_screen_disable_anim) {
388  /* This means our output is not to the screen, so we can't be doing any animation stuff, so use our parent Draw() */
389  Blitter_32bppSSE4::Draw(bp, mode, zoom);
390  return;
391  }
393  const Blitter_32bppSSE_Base::SpriteFlags sprite_flags = ((const Blitter_32bppSSE_Base::SpriteData *) bp->sprite)->flags;
394  switch (mode) {
395  default: {
396 bm_normal:
397  if (bp->skip_left != 0 || bp->width <= MARGIN_NORMAL_THRESHOLD) {
398  const BlockType bt_last = (BlockType) (bp->width & 1);
399  if (bt_last == BT_EVEN) {
400  if (sprite_flags & SF_NO_ANIM) Draw<BM_NORMAL, RM_WITH_SKIP, BT_EVEN, true, false>(bp, zoom);
401  else Draw<BM_NORMAL, RM_WITH_SKIP, BT_EVEN, true, true>(bp, zoom);
402  } else {
403  if (sprite_flags & SF_NO_ANIM) Draw<BM_NORMAL, RM_WITH_SKIP, BT_ODD, true, false>(bp, zoom);
404  else Draw<BM_NORMAL, RM_WITH_SKIP, BT_ODD, true, true>(bp, zoom);
405  }
406  } else {
407 #ifdef POINTER_IS_64BIT
408  if (sprite_flags & SF_TRANSLUCENT) {
409  if (sprite_flags & SF_NO_ANIM) Draw<BM_NORMAL, RM_WITH_MARGIN, BT_NONE, true, false>(bp, zoom);
410  else Draw<BM_NORMAL, RM_WITH_MARGIN, BT_NONE, true, true>(bp, zoom);
411  } else {
412  if (sprite_flags & SF_NO_ANIM) Draw<BM_NORMAL, RM_WITH_MARGIN, BT_NONE, false, false>(bp, zoom);
413  else Draw<BM_NORMAL, RM_WITH_MARGIN, BT_NONE, false, true>(bp, zoom);
414  }
415 #else
416  if (sprite_flags & SF_NO_ANIM) Draw<BM_NORMAL, RM_WITH_MARGIN, BT_NONE, true, false>(bp, zoom);
417  else Draw<BM_NORMAL, RM_WITH_MARGIN, BT_NONE, true, true>(bp, zoom);
418 #endif
419  }
420  break;
421  }
422  case BM_COLOUR_REMAP:
423  if (sprite_flags & SF_NO_REMAP) goto bm_normal;
424  if (bp->skip_left != 0 || bp->width <= MARGIN_REMAP_THRESHOLD) {
425  if (sprite_flags & SF_NO_ANIM) Draw<BM_COLOUR_REMAP, RM_WITH_SKIP, BT_NONE, true, false>(bp, zoom);
426  else Draw<BM_COLOUR_REMAP, RM_WITH_SKIP, BT_NONE, true, true>(bp, zoom);
427  } else {
428  if (sprite_flags & SF_NO_ANIM) Draw<BM_COLOUR_REMAP, RM_WITH_MARGIN, BT_NONE, true, false>(bp, zoom);
429  else Draw<BM_COLOUR_REMAP, RM_WITH_MARGIN, BT_NONE, true, true>(bp, zoom);
430  }
431  break;
432  case BM_TRANSPARENT: Draw<BM_TRANSPARENT, RM_NONE, BT_NONE, true, true>(bp, zoom); return;
433  case BM_TRANSPARENT_REMAP: Draw<BM_TRANSPARENT_REMAP, RM_NONE, BT_NONE, true, true>(bp, zoom); return;
434  case BM_CRASH_REMAP: Draw<BM_CRASH_REMAP, RM_NONE, BT_NONE, true, true>(bp, zoom); return;
435  case BM_BLACK_REMAP: Draw<BM_BLACK_REMAP, RM_NONE, BT_NONE, true, true>(bp, zoom); return;
436  }
437 }
439 #endif /* WITH_SSE */
Perform transparency darkening remapping.
Definition: base.hpp:20
int skip_left
How much pixels of the source to skip on the left (based on zoom of dst)
Definition: base.hpp:36
The modes of blitting we can do.
Definition: base.hpp:17
int width
The width in pixels that needs to be drawn to dst.
Definition: base.hpp:38
const void * sprite
Pointer to the sprite how ever the encoder stored it.
Definition: base.hpp:33
bool _screen_disable_anim
Disable palette animation (important for 32bpp-anim blitter during giant screenshot)
Definition: gfx.cpp:46
Perform a colour remapping.
Definition: base.hpp:19
Perform a crash remapping.
Definition: base.hpp:22
Perform remapping to a completely blackened sprite.
Definition: base.hpp:23
Index in the _palettes array from which all animations are taking places (table/palettes....
Definition: gfx_type.h:295
uint32_t data
Conversion of the channel information to a 32 bit number.
Definition: gfx_type.h:166
Structure to access the alpha, red, green, and blue channels from a 32 bit number.
Definition: gfx_type.h:165
uint8_t GetNearestColourIndex(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
Get nearest colour palette index from an RGB colour.
Definition: palette.cpp:127
Parameters related to blitting.
Definition: base.hpp:32
Perform transparency colour remapping.
Definition: base.hpp:21
uint8_t a
colour channels in LE order
Definition: gfx_type.h:173
All zoom levels we know.
Definition: zoom_type.h:16